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Thread: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

  1. #1
    Gold ImaCannin's Avatar
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    Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    He makes some good points... what do you think?
    Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion--By Brigadier General Friend Retired

    July 20, 2012

    Hi Steve,

    By now you have heard the speculation regarding the possible false flag event at the London Olympics. You have also likely seen the Illuminati Card Game card referencing the attack.

    Most postulate that the attack is motivated by a desire to “clamp down on us further.” I'm not convinced about this though as the “clamping down” is occurring almost daily without any such draconian measures needed. Therefore, allow me to offer another possible motive….but to do so I need to remind you of a few pre-911 events.

    1. Gold and silver bullion were removed from the World Trade Center vaults prior to the 911 attack….although amounts, values, & ownership have never been confirmed as far as I can tell.

    2. Just weeks prior to the 911 attacks, Larry Silverstein took out $3.55 billion dollar insurance policy on the WTC which included terrorist attack provisions….although in fairness, not having sufficient insurance on such a large purchase, and not having “terrorist coverage” (after the 1993 WTC attacks) would have been imprudent and irresponsible.

    3. Irregular short selling of stocks (in particular airline stocks) took place prior to 911.

    The point of the above is to highlight that financial losses were minimized and some amazingly “prescient” speculative trades were rewarded as the result of 911.

    Moving forward to today….what do we know for certain?

    1. Last week the venerable 137-year-old London Metal Exchange was sold for $2.19 billion to the Chinese state-controlled Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx). The price was 134 times earnings (!)---a stunning number---but the purchase gives China insight into metals markets it never would have had otherwise.

    2. London is the center of the physical gold world (not New York). The London Bullion Market is the biggest over the counter wholesale physical gold market the world….by far.

    3. There are increasing complaints from investors that they cannot get their “allocated gold” delivered to them. (Remember, allocated gold is gold set aside by serial number, in a vault, in your name. It is not “unallocated” or “pooled” gold.)

    4. Those who have gotten delivery of their allocated gold…usually after threat of legal action…say the bars they are receiving are not the bars they were told they had.

    5. The LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offer Rate) scandal affected trillions of dollars in the financial markets. Manipulation meant winning trades became losers and vice versa. Legal recourse measures are just beginning.

    6. Stay with me on this one…..London Olympic Opening Ceremony Artistic Director Danny Boyle labeled the ceremony a reflection of “our green and pleasant land”---a reference to the song “Jerusalem” ----famously sung in the movies Chariots of Fire and also sung at Prince William's wedding. The song uses the words of William Blake's poem, which suggests the new Jerusalem would be in England. This fact will make sense in the bigger picture later in this email.

    What we can only speculate on:

    1. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that large amounts (i.e. tons) of gold have moved from London to China and other points east.

    2. There are rumors that “allocated gold” has been used to satisfy bigger (government) transfers and is therefore no longer available for delivery to the rightful owners.

    3. The LIBOR scandal is so far-reaching it is impossible to estimate the damages to the banks involved.

    What would a catastrophic “terrorist attack” (say a low-level nuclear blast in the London Underground (subway)) accomplish?

    1. The theft of the allocated gold would be covered up. “We're sorry, all that stored gold we had for you was destroyed in the blast.”

    2. The LIBOR scandal goes away (all records destroyed)…. along with the current London Banking system. A new system will arise with the same leadership at the top.

    3. The pound sterling would fall like a stone and the dollar would suffers collateral damage since the London-New York-Washington nexus is so tight. Worldwide markets would roil. Banks close. All economic woes would then be attributed to the attack and “devaluations and write-downs” would be “justifiable” emergency measures. The loss of wealth would be massive….especially to everyone except the uber-wealthy.

    4. British and US debt holders (Japan, China, Middle East) seem like the losers---except that they (minus japan) received the gold prior to the attack. Gold & silver would soar, blunting their financial pain, but not erasing it.

    5. “Lock down” would occur for citizens in the US (and many western nations). The legal framework is already in place. The power-elite would maintain (and tighten) their grip.

    6. Obama's election chances would soar as “why change leaders during a crisis” mentality would set in.

    7. War will likely follow…but not immediately. Do we use the attacks to strike Iran? Or, do other countries make the connections and realize the magnitude of the theft, deceit, aggression, evil of the false flag attack? Do they (China? Russia? Germany? Others?) decide to take a stand and attack the US? Dump the dollar? Isolate and contain us economically?

    What would expect prior to the attack?

    1. Gold would move down (!) or sideways…..movements up would bring too much later attention.

    2. The stock market would go up or sideways…..same reason.

    3. You might see big institutions going long and reducing their short precious metals positions….something that is happening now.

    4. The “safety” of bonds would be the prevailing thought.

    5. Rising tensions in “terrorist” countries would provide possible perpetrators/motives….something happening now.

    6. Many leaders would send surrogates to the ceremonies rather than attending personally….especially from important countries…or they would leave immediately following the ceremony.

    So why the reference to Jerusalem?

    1. The Olympic opening ceremonies begin on the evening of Friday, 27 July (right after the markets in the US close and with the European and Asian markets having closed hours earlier). The ceremonies end in the early morning of 28 July…or the 9th of Av in the Jewish calendar….although the 9th doesn't officially start until sundown.

    2. The 9th of Av (as you know) is the day Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 586 BC. It is the day the second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. It is also the day of the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492. It is a day of mourning.

    3. On the “illuminati card” the time on the clock that is falling is 11:11. 1-1-1-1. Day one, one hour, one minute, one second into the ceremony?

    4. Or, since the 9th of Av doesn't officially start until sundown on the 28th, does the attack come (in Blake's new Jerusalem) one day later when all the dignitaries are gone?

    Steve, I know this is “way out there.” I have had no visions from God. I'm just connecting dots and trying to recognize patterns from previous events. I have debated whether to send this to you. I don't even know what you would do with it. But I think you're supposed to have it.

    Your Brother in Christ,

    To control the opposition, one must start the opposition. Joseph Stalin
    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
    My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ImaCannin For This Useful Post:

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    Gold ImaCannin's Avatar
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    Re: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    By Salman An-Noor Hossain

    Former Israeli commando Frank Lowy, 81, recently opened the Mega Mall adjacent to Olympic Stadium and Stratford subway station.

    Frank Lowy was Larry Silverstein's partner in the World Trade Center on Sept 11. 2001.

    Over two-thirds of all those attending the Olympics stadium are expected to transit through Westfield's new "Stratford City Center."

    Lowy, a dual Australian and Israeli citizen, is co-founder of the Westfield Group, operator of over 100 shopping centers in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and UK. They also own Marriott Hotels.

    Both these companies have suffered a long list of "terrorist attacks" for which large insurance claims were made.

    A commercial promoting the London Underground as the main mode of transportation between different game sites in the Olympic village has marked the Stratford stadium with a red line connecting to it.

    The Stratford station is also a part of both the Jubilee Line and Jubilee Extension Line. Insider "Red Ox" said on this site (Comments) that either the Jubilee and/or Jubilee Extension had been targeted for terrorist bombing since 1989 (23 years ago)! This information was given to him by Stella Rimington, ex-head of the Mi-5.

    More ominous facts:

    1) Insurance Companies To Pay Out At Least $7 Billion In Vested Interests in Case of Terrorism

    This also happened prior to the 9-11 and 7-7 terrorist attacks. Certain companies and individuals are going to capitalize from the death and misery. Misery sure does love Insurance company!

    The state-backed British Insurance company Pool Re is covering up to $7 Billion on the Olympic terror threat. Pool Re Chief Executive Steve Atkins said his team had closely scrutinized its customers' exposure to the Olympic Games. to prepare itself for a potential attack during the event.

    Pool Re's biggest loss to date is the 260 million pounds it paid out after the Bishopsgate bomb in the City of London in 1993, and another 240 million pound plunge from the 1996 Manchester bombing. It is also expected to lose tens of millions from the July 7th 2005 terrorist attacks. It seems like Lowy is going to be just like his friend Lucky Larry (Silverstein) in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks!!!

    2) Mossad and Shin Beit Running "Anti-Terror" Security Drills

    According to a May 2011 news article from Ynet News, the Mossad is involved in Olympics security. A source at the British Olympic Association said that "certain Israeli elements are advising us on securing the Olympic games."

    In addition, the Sayeret Yahalom (Hebrew language: יהל"ם - יחידה הנדסית למשימות מיוחדות) is a special elite combat engineering unit of the Israeli Engineering Corps of the Israel Defense Forces. The name "Yahalom" (Diamond in Hebrew) is an abbreviation of "Special Operations Engineering Unit". They specialize in covert engineering missions that include everything from Commando and "Counter-Terrorism" missions, planting and defusing explosives (Explosive Ordinance Disposal), landmines, and unexploded ordinance both on land and at sea.

    3) "Spooks: Code 9" Series Pre-programming?

    The BBC-3 serial drama "Spooks: Code 9", leaked classified information about a terrorist atrocity on August 10th 2008.

    One of the MI-5 agents in the series explained the term "Code 9" - "A nuclear attack on London. In bomb terms, the blast was relatively small - but the death toll wasn't. Over one hundred thousand (100,000) incinerated and many more given a death sentence by radiation".

    Why did they call the series Spooks: Code 9? The original Spooks series was just called "Spooks".

    The word "Code" indicates that a coded message is being conveyed. Are the events the series fictionalizes being planned to happen in the real world?

    In episode one of the series, one of the characters strangely asks to have five and a half hours (or 330 minutes) to find the killer of a colleague. Why exactly five and a half hours on the dot?

    The one-eye symbolism is the same symbolism as the all-seeing eye on the back of the US dollar and is a favourite symbol of the "Illuminati". Underneath the One-eyed symbol, it says the word "WAR".

    The "Illuminati" are using this symbol to indicate that the events portrayed in the series, are planned to take place in the real world and in the foreseeable future.

    These clues and the many others in previous articles may be harbingers of what is to come after the Olympics open July 27.
    To control the opposition, one must start the opposition. Joseph Stalin
    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
    My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to ImaCannin For This Useful Post:

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    Unobtanium mick silver's Avatar
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    Re: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    look like all the same players are lining up again . at this point all i care about is how i can help my family live in this f up world were a few make all the rules for us all to play by. there also a lot of paper money in play here with Insurance Companies that they own i would guess . glad to see you posting again how every thing going in your part of the world missed your posting about canning
    “Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” ~ Outlaw Josey Wales…


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  7. #4
    Great Value Carrots JDRock's Avatar
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    Re: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    ahh yes, the usual suspects for the tribe all in place....i see opportunity, motive.....what else do they need?

  8. #5
    Gold Canadian-guerilla's Avatar
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    Re: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    they need something BIGGER than 9/11 for the final push into SHTF times

    and THE WORLD will be watching

    i'm using these next 6 days to go over all my prep supplies / plans
    SHELTER ( includes fire/heat )

    TSHTF does not mean you stop living
    you just change your definition of a " good life "
    - Kyratshooter

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Canadian-guerilla For This Useful Post:

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  10. #6
    Gold ImaCannin's Avatar
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    Re: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    Here is some more weird stuff to think about...

    http ://

    To control the opposition, one must start the opposition. Joseph Stalin
    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
    My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.

  11. #7
    Unobtanium singular_me's Avatar
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    London Masonic Olympics 2012 Presentation

    Its more like an audio file with pictures, but surely well worth your time. The London segment starts a little bit after the first half.

    A Very Well Documented Presentation by the Late Rik Clay REST IN PARADISE.

    This discussion covers a wide variety of interconnected subjects which all correspond with the "NWO Conspiracy"... Scary thing is.... Rik Clay Supposedly Commited Suicide shortly after the release of this content.....

    All the money that exists cannot buy Earth, and the evidence is that we destroy our habitat as a result, thinking that we can just seize and pillage as we see fit. If crowds endorse the pursuit of wealth at their own level, they cannot prevent multinationals from doing exactly the same. The “dystopian endless growth paradigm” is going to end with a bang but will open the door to a premise endorsing that Earth is the only wealth we truly have while journeying through life.

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    Unobtanium singular_me's Avatar
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    Re: Olympic False Flag Or Total Diversion

    oops, hadnt seen this thread before posting....

    London Masonic Olympics 2012 Presentation
    All the money that exists cannot buy Earth, and the evidence is that we destroy our habitat as a result, thinking that we can just seize and pillage as we see fit. If crowds endorse the pursuit of wealth at their own level, they cannot prevent multinationals from doing exactly the same. The “dystopian endless growth paradigm” is going to end with a bang but will open the door to a premise endorsing that Earth is the only wealth we truly have while journeying through life.

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