[Standard Claims- JQP]
What are multipoles? Multipole vectors are a mathematical representation of the Cosmic Microwave Background sky in expanded spherical harmonic coordinates yielding evidence for statistical correlation of multipoles with spatial anisotropy (preferred cosmic directions). Note that the origin of the spherical expansion is the Earth. This is the tool chosen to analyze the Cosmic Microwave Background spectrum...
...The multipole vector framework was applied to full-sky maps derived from the first year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe appears to show something amiss with the standard model of cosmology, as it takes the sky temperature from 1.5 million kilometers in space...
...In 2005, Magueijo and Land found an alignment in the cosmic microwave background. The largeangle (low-) correlations of the Cosmic Microwave Background exhibit several statistically significant anomalies compared to the standard inflationary cosmology. The quadrupole plane and three of the octopole planes are very closely aligned. Three of these planes are orthogonal to the ecliptic, and the normals to these planes are aligned with the direction of the Cosmic Microwave Background dipole and with the two equinoxes. The remaining octopole plane is orthogonal to the supergalactic plane. All these alignments have confidence levels > 99%. In fact a comparison with 100,000 random skies populated by Monte Carlo methods shows each correlation is unlikely with 99% confidence. The hot/cold spots in each pattern seemed to line up along the same direction, contrary to the random distribution assumption. Magueijo called this alignment “the axis of evil.”...
1. The near vanishing of the two-point angular correlation function at angular separations greater than about 60 degrees, related to the low amplitude of the quadrupole contribution (l = 2 spherical harmonic) in a spherical harmonic expansion of the Cosmic Microwave Background sky. The real significance of this low value compared to the predictions of the Big Bang is now contested by mainstream scientists.
2. The ecliptic line moves between hot spots and cold spots over a third of the sky, avoiding the octupole extrema over the rest.
3. Deviation from the predicted bell-curve distribution. The quadrupole-octopole correlation is statistically excluded from being possible in a Gaussian random isotropic sky.
4. The quadrupole spectrum is almost the same as the dipole spectrum.
5. The quadrupole and octopole are aligned.
6. The octopole is unusually planar - the hot and cold spots of the octopolar anisotropies lie nearly in a plane.
7. The quadrupole-octopole correlation is excluded
rom being a chance occurrence in a Gaussian random statistically isotropic sky with high confidence.
8. Three of the four octopole normals lie near the ecliptic plane.
9. Three of the four planes defined by the quadrupole and octopole are nearly orthogonal to the ecliptic.
10. A chance alignment of the normals with the ecliptic plane is excluded at > 99% copn.
11. The three normals near the ecliptic also lie very near the axis of the dipole.
12. The dipole axis lies close to the equinoxes.
13. Three of the normals align with the equinoxes.
14. Four of the normals are orthogonal to the ecliptic poles.
15. Three of the four planes defined by the quadrupole and octopole are nearly orthogonal to the ecliptic.
16. A north-south ecliptic asymmetry – the three extrema in the north are visibly weaker than those in the south.
17. Planarity of the quadrupole-plus-octopole.
18. The planes defined by the octopole are nearly aligned with the plane of the Doppler-subtracted quadrupole.
19. Three of these planes are orthogonal to the ecliptic plane, with normals aligned with the dipole (or the equinoxes).
20. The fourth octupole plane is perpendicular to the supergalactic plane.
21. The ecliptic threads between a hot and a cold spot of the combined Doppler-subtracted-quadrupole and octopole map.
22. The ecliptic separates the three strong extrema from the three weak extrema of the map.
23. A deficit in large-scale multipole power exists between the north and south ecliptic hemispheres.
24. The l = 4 to 8 multipoles are very unlikely to be correlated (< 1%) with l = 2 and 3.
25. Most low multipoles of the near Galaxy are far from the Cosmic Microwave Background multipoles, removing the Milky Way structure as a reasonable cause of the observed Cosmic Microwave Background correlations.
26. The presence of preferred directions in the multipoles seems to extend beyond the octopole to higher multipoles, with an associated mirror symmetry.
All 26 of these anomalies contradict the standard picture of the universe and have no explanation.
...The cosmological principle assumes that the universe is the same in all places and directions; otherwise, it would be impossible to solve Einstein’s equations. If this assumption is wrong, the standard Big Bang model of cosmology would be unusable.
The Cosmic Microwave Background octupole and quadrupole components were expected to form no pattern at all, but the results were anything but random. If the multipole vectors of the quadrupole and the octopole are correlated with the ecliptic poles, the axis at 90° to the solar system plane and with the dipole direction, then this suggests that the large wavelengths/low frequencies are missing because we are seeing the influence of the solar system environment, not the global properties of space. And we see these missing features because of our privileged position in the center of space. As might be expected from past history, despite these totally unpredicted and unexplained anomalies, the Cosmic Microwave Background data is regarded as a dramatic confirmation of standard inflationary cosmology! In fact, the axial correlation between multipole harmonics has been dubbed the “Axis of Evil.” The combination of a complete lack of any known systematic error, and long odds against random alignment that has earned the low-alignment anomaly this nickname. Why is the axis called “evil”? Because it represents a return to the forbidden days of five centuries ago, when all science was geocentric/geostatic. It is the plain indication of an inherently inhomogeneous and anisotropic universe.
If its causes are of both deep space and local origin, the explanation might be found in an interaction of local structures with the deep space source(s) of the ether. Conventional physicists assume the dipole comes from the solar system motion through the Cosmic Microwave Background rest frame. Not being of cosmic origin, they subtract the Cosmic Microwave Background dipole moment from computations of all other multipoles. This throws the baby out with the bathwater. The dipole is 1000 times stronger than any other pole; it points to the source of the Cosmic Microwave Background.
The largest signal in the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy is the dipole, 3.346 mK in the direction (l = 264, b = 48) in galactic coordinates. This is attributed to the motion of the sun at 370 km/s with respect to the rest frame defined by the Cosmic Microwave Background. The solar motion implies the presence of a kinematically induced Doppler quadrupole. This is an artifact of the antigeocentric premise: if the multipole hot spots indicate the ether source(s) in the cosmos then the multipoles have nothing to do with the kinematics of matter. Doesn’t anyone realize that the universal Cosmic Microwave Background has local axial and planar symmetries only when viewed from Earth? Doesn’t any scientist on this planet realize that it isn’t a planet? When will our stiff-necked scientists bow their heads and acknowledge the elephant in the living room, the emperor with no clothes?
The tiny and tall,
The big and the small,
The Lord God Almighty,
He alone made it all!
(excerpts from Galileo Was Wrong, Chapter 10, footnotes and illustrations not included)