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Thread: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

  1. #41
    Great Value Carrots Sparky's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler View Post
    The 'vote' of each of these characters in the images below counts every bit as much as yours. lol The joke's on you! lolololololol
    That's my point. Half of that freak show is going to end up in Group 2, and the other half in Group 4. That's why I'm aiming to be in Group 3. Their vote may count as much as mine, but if I end up in their category, I'm doubling the value of their vote, rather than offsetting it.

  2. #42
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
    That's my point. Half of that freak show is going to end up in Group 2, and the other half in Group 4. That's why I'm aiming to be in Group 3. Their vote may count as much as mine, but if I end up in their category, I'm doubling the value of their vote, rather than offsetting it.
    Love your cherished delusions.

    I learned my lesson 20 years ago with Perot. If they can cap (neutralize) Perot* and his billions...I have an analogy for ya - dream into one hand and **** into the other, see which one fills up first.

    fwiw, there's no time for your 'plan' to work itself out, time's up. There are WAY too many people invested in/receiving benefits from either side of the beast system (and they are NOT giving up what they're emotionally involved in - PERIOD) for there EVER to be anything like you envision. You're only kidding yourself.

    *I was there in the very beginning with Perot (as close as one could get to the top of the PPC), and in the very beginning Perot was *intent* on launching a 3rd party via real grassroots (which ultimately became the Reform Party) - and as only one example, due to the grassroots getting Perot on the ballad in Texas, the two whore parties passed legislation in the Texas Lege which substantially raised the bar for someone to get on the ballot via the petition process, i.e. as a 3rd party candidate.
    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

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  4. #43
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
    That's why I'm aiming to be in Group 3. Their vote may count as much as mine, but if I end up in their category, I'm doubling the value of their vote, rather than offsetting it.
    Next you will be expecting me to come in your bus.

  5. #44
    Great Value Carrots iOWNme's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler View Post
    The way America started out one could only 'vote' as an 'elector' if: 1) one was a man, and 2) one owned land.

    Now 'those *assigned* to determine who should vote' want to include illegal aliens...oops, pardon me, I believe the term is now 'undocumented aliens'.
    Dont forget TAXES....

    ONLY White male land owners could vote, because only white male land owners PAID TAXES.

    Ive said this here a MILLION times:

    If your elected officials were going to do their only job of protecting the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic then why do you care WHO is in office? Dem/Repub, male/female, old/young, red hair/brown hair would make NO DIFFERENCE if they actually did their job.

    Do we see the scam yet?
    My Etsy store:

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to iOWNme For This Useful Post:

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  7. #45
    Administrator JohnQPublic's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Sui Juris View Post
    Dont forget TAXES....

    ONLY White male land owners could vote, because only white male land owners PAID TAXES.
    Property taxes I presume?

  8. #46
    Gold Half Sense's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Ron Paul should just start his own political party. He should cal it the Ronpaulian Party; that way all the Fox News creeps won't want to co-opt it.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Half Sense For This Useful Post:

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  10. #47
    Administrator JohnQPublic's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    I statrted a little argument with Steve Goddard, a well known AGW skeptic. Our discussion was degrading into an insult fest, so I invited him over here. I don't know if he will come. Here is our discussion up to this posting:

      • August 31, 2012 at 11:55 am
        I thought you truthers were supposed to stick to correcting true statements about Obama (with spin), not creating new lies about Romney.

        • JohnQ says:
          September 1, 2012 at 1:35 am
          Same as 2008: The few oligarchs who control the 2 parties and pick our candidates for us picked two candidates who have a potential constitutional conflict. Granted if the supreme court would hear a case or two these issues may be settled, but they won’t here it.
          In 2008, both Obama and McCain had potential natural born citizen issues (recall McCain got a “statement” from the senate that his situation was not an issue).
          Funny that in 2012 it comes around again (Mitt’s father may not have been a citizen when Mitt was born, making natural born citizen status questionable).
          It could be a case of the oligarchs wanting both potential dictators to have a weakness that can be manipulated if required to “convince” them of their position on any given issue.

    • JohnQ says:
      August 31, 2012 at 7:44 pm
      Romney is a facist that stole the nomination. The entire convention was scripted, even to the point that the teleprompter scrolled “the ayes have it” before Boehner responded, etc. Look how the state conventions were handled, and the convenient last minute rules changes. They were so scared of Ron Paul, that they exposed their corruption for all to see. Are you blind? Use the same skepticism you use for climate change and apply it to politics.

      • stevengoddard says:
        August 31, 2012 at 7:45 pm
        Obama supporter.


      • &nbspon Sutherland says:
        August 31, 2012 at 10:53 pm
        Governor Romney is not a fascist nor did he “steal” the nomination. He received both the largest number of votes during the campaign and the largest number of delegates. As for Ron Paul, he lost because he was unable to build support beyond the his narrow but passionate base. One needs broad support to have a chance to win the nomination. Republican voters were looking for a candidate whom they believed offered the combination of ideas, practical experience, leadership, and integrity to make an effective President. In 2012, Gov. Romney was able to make a successful case on those attributes to enough Republican voters to gain the nomination. When one’s preferred candidate loses, one need not automatically assume that somehow the race was “stolen.” Even President Reagan, who enjoys enormous affection among Republicans and Conservatives, did not win all his elections (e.g., 1976 primary). Reagan’s supporters did not claim that the election was “stolen.” They celebrated the competitive finish to the race and built a foundation for electoral success in 1980.

        • JohnQ says:

          September 1, 2012 at 1:23 am
          Paul won the Iowa caucus. We heard Mitt did, then suddenly Santorum. Well the truth is Paul did. Variations of this weer repeated in other states. Plus, the rule was that if teh candidate carried 5 states, he would be up for nomination. This is the rule the delegates and caucus/primary voters voted under. Just before the convention, the Republican [fascist] party changed the rule to 8 states. They tried for 10 states, but this was defeated.
          The truth is it is the parties that are the issue. A very few individuals get to decide for the only two viable parties (republicrat and demipublican) who we all get to vote for, and it is very clear how devious, corrupt, and fascist they are. This story will be told in the coming weeks and many (who put the good of the country over their narrow self interests, and have the open mind to see the evidence) will see this as a fact.
          The truth is that we are an oligarchy, and their power has been exposed thanks to Paul.

    • JohnQ says:

      August 31, 2012 at 9:55 pm
      Mitt Supporter == facism supporter


    Last edited by JohnQPublic; 31st August 2012 at 07:23 PM. Reason: updated posts

  11. #48
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Libertytree View Post
    they'll just report the same ol' byline "the LP got .0001% of the vote" nothing to see here move along, you wasted your vote etc..
    This is a prime example of how controlling the media allows them to control the people. It wouldn't matter if 80% of the population supported RP. As long as they can keep us from seeing each other they win. They can convince each of us that we are alone and cannot make any difference on our own. So we don't try. No one wants to stick his neck out if he can be convince that no one will follow his lead.

    Over the last 4+ years, I can't count how many people I've talked to who completely agree with RP's positions, but they ended up voting for another candidate because of "electability." I try to tell them that RP would be more electable than any other republican if people would vote their conscience. They look at me as if we are the only two people in the country who like RP and I'm crazy for wasting my vote while they do the "responsible" thing and vote for frothy.
    I'm not saying forget what you lost.
    I suppose there's a purpose in pain.
    What we make of ourselves has a cost,
    and it's paid every time we take hold of the reins.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to horseshoe3 For This Useful Post:

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  13. #49
    Administrator JohnQPublic's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    Quote Originally Posted by horseshoe3 View Post
    This is a prime example of how controlling the media allows them to control the people. It wouldn't matter if 80% of the population supported RP. As long as they can keep us from seeing each other they win. They can convince each of us that we are alone and cannot make any difference on our own. So we don't try. No one wants to stick his neck out if he can be convince that no one will follow his lead.

    Over the last 4+ years, I can't count how many people I've talked to who completely agree with RP's positions, but they ended up voting for another candidate because of "electability." I try to tell them that RP would be more electable than any other republican if people would vote their conscience. They look at me as if we are the only two people in the country who like RP and I'm crazy for wasting my vote while they do the "responsible" thing and vote for frothy.
    Steve Goddard [pseudonym perhaps], an otherwise intelligent person is in that position.

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  14. #50
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party

    lol, our government is so illegitimate compared to the developed world

  15. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to vacuum For This Useful Post:

    Horn (31st August 2012),midnight rambler (31st August 2012)

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