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Thread: Hollande: "Homework should be illegal" (more Socialist idiocy)

  1. #1
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Hollande: "Homework should be illegal" (more Socialist idiocy)

    To Promote The Great European Socialist Revolution, France's Hollande Will Ban Homework
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/18/2012 09:03 -0400

    Homework favors the wealthy. This is the position that the increasingly imbecilic President of France is taking in proposing a ban on homework as part of a series of educational reforms. As ABC reports, Hollande sees "education as a priority" but work should be done during school hours rather than at home "in order to establish equal opportunities." But before the children of France rejoice, Hollande is unlikely to garner their future votes, as his proposal also looks to extend the French school week to nine half-days a week to be spread over four, five, or six days (as opposed to the current four days a week with Wednesdays off). Though we may sneer at this oh-so-socialist ideal of 'sharing' the homework load into the school-day, it is perhaps noteworthy that the US still lags France in Math (US 31st in the world vs France 22nd).

    Via ABC:

    Talk about courting the youth vote. French President François Hollande has proposed banning homework as part of a series of policies designed to reform the French educational system.

    Education is priority,” Hollande said in a speech at Paris’s Sorbonne University. “An education program is, by definition, a societal program. Work should be done at school, rather than at home.”

    The justification for this proposed ban? Inequality. According to a statement from an official at the French Embassy, “When it comes to homework, the President said it should be done during school hours rather than at home, in order to establish equal opportunities.” Homework favors the wealthy, Hollande argues, because they are more likely to have a good working environment at home, including parents with the time and energy to help them with their work.

    Hollande’s education proposal is not limited to a homework ban. According to the embassy, Hollande has also pledged to add 60,000 teaching jobs in the next five years. He has also expressed support for extending the school week by establishing a model in which children would attend school for nine half days a week. Schools would be able to decide if this is spread over four, five or even six days, in consultation with local authorities and parents.

    French children typically go to school for 36 weeks out of the year. The school day is roughly as long as an American workday, lasting from 8:00 to 4:00 or later. However, in most schools the week is only four days, with Wednesdays off in addition to Saturday and Sunday.

    Hollande’s proposals are not official yet; they’re part of an ongoing national debate about reforming the education system, which is, according to the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment, ranked 21st in reading, 22nd in math and 27th in science among countries in the OECD (Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation). The United States ranks 17th, 31st, and 23rd in those respective categories.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
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    Re: Hollande: "Homework should be illegal" (more Socialist idiocy)

    I read this story to my lady this morning, she kept asking is this an onion article? You're messing with me again aren't you..? Nope deary I am quoting the president of France!

    Viva socialist! BARF!!!!!!

  4. #3
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Hollande: "Homework should be illegal" (more Socialist idiocy)

    Quote Originally Posted by DMac View Post
    I read this story to my lady this morning, she kept asking is this an onion article? You're messing with me again aren't you..? Nope deary I am quoting the president of France!

    Viva socialist! BARF!!!!!!
    Yeah, the frickin' frog water is starting to boil. When I read this article I got so angry that I sent copies vis email to all of my managers and my COO with the message: WAKE THE HELL UP ALREADY!
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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