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Thread: Jewish Ritual Murder

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    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Jewish Ritual Murder

    I just finished reading Eaustace Mullins book the "New History of the Jews" again. I was looking for more information and came accross an article by a fellow named Willie Martin. He's done a lot of research and his article seems to be backed up by records going back many centuries. Below is an excerpt from it and there is much more at this link.

    The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice

    At the dawn of civilization, the blood rite, in which human blood is drunk from the body of a still-living victim, was known to many tribes. However, only one people, that has never progressed beyond the Stone Age, has continued to practice the blood rite and ritual murder. This people are know to the world as Jews. Arnold Toynbee, a noted scholar, has called the Jews "a fossil people."

    In so doing, he must have been aware of the fact that they still practice ritual murder and the drinking of human blood (especially Christian blood). As a scholar, he could not have failed to note the many attested incidents of this practice of the Jews, for hundreds of example of ritual murder by the Jews are cited in official Catholic books, in every European literature, and in the court records of all the European nations.

    It is the official historian of the Jews, (Josef Kastein, in his History of the Jews, who gives the underlying reason for this barbaric custom. On page 173, he says, "According to the primeval Jewish view, the blood was the seat of the soul."

    Thus it was not the heart which was the seat of the soul, according to the stone-age Jews, but the blood itself. They believed that by drinking the blood of a Christian victim who was perfect in every way, they could overcome their physical short comings and become as powerful as the intelligent civilized beings among whom they had formed their parasitic communities. Because of this belief, the Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history.

    Jewish Murder Plan Against White Christians Exposed

    The Murderous People: The Jews are under a terrible suspicion the world over, and for good reason. Anyone who does not know this, does not understand the Jewish problem. Anyone who merely see the Jews as "a tribe which secures its existence with exchange and old trousers, and whose uniforms are the long noses," is being misled. But anyone who knows the monstrous accusation which has been raised against the jews since the beginning of time, will view these people in a different light. He will begin to see not only a peculiar, strangely fascinating nation; but criminals, murderers, and devils in human form. He will be filled with holy anger and hatred against these people of Satan. (John 8:44)

    The suspicion under which the Jews are held is murder. They are charged with enticing White Christian Children (and sometimes blacks to keep them under control - and if necessary they will run black children down in the streets with automobiles to show the blacks their power, and that the blacks had better mind their manners or the same will happen again and again. We all witnessed this a few years ago in New York city when the car of Rabbi Shneerson ran over a black child. And as usual the Jews bought off the blacks who were inciting the mobs against them; if they had been unsuccessful in this they would have had the blacks who dared not be controlled murdered) and at time White Christian adults, butchering them, and draining their blood. They are charged with mixing this blood into their masses (unleaven bread) and using it to practice superstitious magic. They are charged with torturing their victims, especially the children; and during this torture they shout threats, curses, and cast spells against non-Jews. This systematic murder has a special name, it is called,

    Ritual Murder

    The knowledge of Jewish ritual murder is thousands of years old. It is as old as the Jews themselves. Non-Jews have passed the knowledge of it from generation to generation, and it has been passed down to us thorough writings. It is known of throughout the nation. Knowledge of ritual murder can be found in even the most secluded rural villages. The grand-father told his grand children, who passed it on to his children, and his children's children, until we have inherited the knowledge today from them.

    It is also befalling other nations. The accusation is loudly raised immediately, anywhere in te world, where a body is found which bears the marks of ritual murder. This accusation is raised only against the Jews. Hundreds and hundreds of nations, tribes, and races live on this earth, but no one ever thought to accuse them of the planned murdering of children, or to call them murderers. All nations have hurled this accusation only against the Jews.

    And many great men have raised such an accusation. Martin Luther wrote in his book "Of The Jews And Their Lies:"

    "They stabbed and pierced the body of the young boy Simon of Trent. They have also murdered other children...The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. Jesus Christ, the Almighty Preacher from Nazareth, spoke to the Jews: ? Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning..."

    "He (Martin Luther) accused them (the Jews) of all those fictitious crimes which had made Europe such a hell for them. He, too, claimed that they poisoned the wells used by Christians, assassinated their Christian patients, and murdered Christian children to procure blood for the Passover. He called on the princes and rulers to persecute them mercilessly, and commanded the preachers to set the mobs on them. He declared that if the power were his, he would take all the leaders of the Jews and tear their tongues out by the roots." (Stranger than Fiction, p. 249)

    The Struggle of Der Sturmer: The only newspaper in Germany, yes, in the entire world, which often screamed the accusation of ritual murder into the Jewish face, was Der Sturmer. For more than ten yeas Der Sturmer led a gigantic battle against Judaism. Which caused Der Sturmer to be under constant attack by the Jews. Dozens of times it has been confiscated and prohibited.

    Its workers, most of all its editor Julius Streicher, were dragged into court hundreds of times. They were convicted, punished and locked into prison. Der Sturmer came to know the Jew from the confession which Dr. Conrad Alberti-Sittenfeld, a Jew, wrote in 1899 in No. 12 of the magazine Gesellschaft:

    "One of the most dangerous Jewish qualities is the brutal, direct barbaric intolerance. A worse tyranny cannot be practiced than that which the Jewish clique practices. If you try to move against this Jewish clique, they will, without hesitating, use brutal methods to overcome you. Mainly the Jew tries to destroy his enemy in the mental area, by which he takes his material gain away, and undermines his civil existence. The vilest of all forms of retaliation, the boycott, is characteristically Jewish."

    The Der Sturmer was not stopped for several years. Just in Nuremberg alone there have been fought dozens of Talmudic and ritual murder cases in the courts. (Now you know why the Nuremberg trials were held against the German Military leaders, it was retribution by the Jews on their hated enemies the Germans). Because of the Jewish protests the attention of the world was focused on these cases. Thereafter heavy convictions followed. At first no judge had the courage to expose the Jewish problem. Finally in 1932 (court case lasting from October 30th to November 4th) Der Sturmer won its first victory. The jury found the following:

    1). Der Sturmer was not fighting against the Jewish religion; but against the Jewish people.
    2). The Talmud and Schulchan aruch are not religious books. They have no right to be protected under the religious paragraphs.
    3). The laws of the Talmud which are quoted and published in Der Sturmer are exact quotations from the Talmud.
    4). The laws of the Talmud are in harsh contradiction to German morals.
    5). The Jews of today are being taught from the Talmud.

    With this verdict Der Sturmer brought about the first big breach in the Jewish/Roman Administration of Justice, which was given the job before the National Socialist revolution to protect Judaism and its government. The jews, of course, became greatly agitated about this. But for De Sturmer this success was an omen of the victory yet to come. Of course, Der Sturmer did not stop half way. It knew what had to be done. It was their duty, or so they believed. To frustrate the gigantic murder plot of Judaism against humanity. It was their duty! To brand this nation before the world, to uncover its crimes and to render it harmless. It was their duty! To free the world from this national pest and parasitic race. Der Sturmer would fulfill its mission. It would, for a time, light up the darkness with the truth which shall eventually rule the world. And it would always direct itself according to the following proverb: "He who knows the truth and does not speak it truly is a miserable creature."

    The Laws of The Talmud: If one wishes to learn and understand why the Jews can commit such insane crimes as ritual murder, they must know the Jewish secrets. They must know the teachings of the Torah (The Talmud), and the Schulchan aruch. These laws and teachings are proof that the Jews feel themselves superior to all nations, that it has declared war on all other races, and that it is the sworn enemy of the whole of non-Jewish humanity. Even Tactius, the Roman historian who lived shortly after Christ (55-120) A.D.) wrote:

    "The Jews are a race that hate the gods and mankind. Their laws are in opposition to those of all mortals. They despise what to us is holy. Their laws condone them in committing acts which horrify us." (Historian V. 3-8)

    The Jew knows that when the non-Jewish world knows his laws and sees through his plans that he is lost. Therefore, by threat of death he forbids their translation and publication. A well known Jewish scholar (Dibre David) writes:

    "If the Gentiles (non-Jews) knew what we are teaching against them, they would kill us."

    The Jewish secret laws are based on the fundamental principle which states: Only the Jew is human. In contrast all non-Jews are animals, they are beasts in human form. Anything is permitted against them. The Jew may lie to, cheat and steal from them. He may rape and murder them. There are hundreds of passages in the Talmud which the non-jews are described as animals. Some of them are as follows:

    1). "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts." (Talmud: Baba Mezia 114b)

    2). "The Akum (Negro) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog more than the Akum." (Ereget Raschi Erod. 22

    3). "Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an
    animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form." (Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855)

    4). "A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal." (Coschen Hamischpat 405)

    5). "The souls of non-Jews come from impure spirits and are called pigs." (Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b)

    6). "Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human." (Schene
    Luchoth Haberith, p. 250b)

    So that the Jew will never forget that he is dealing with animals, he is reminded by eating, by death, and even by sexual intercourse constantly. For The Talmud teaches:

    1). "If you eat with a non-Jew, it is the same as eating with a dog." (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

    2). "If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant of maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell to the Jew:
    ?God will replace ?your loss,' just as if one of his oxen or asses had died." (Jore Dea 377, 1)

    3). "Sexual intercoms between non-Jews is like intercourse between animals." (Sanhedrin 74b)

    It is written in the Talmud about the murder of the non-Jew:

    1). "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a non-Jew." (Sepher Ikkarim IIIc, 25)

    2). "It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah (Talmud - Sanhedrin 59b). The Christians
    belong to the denying ones of the Torah (Talmud)." (Coschen Hamischpat 425, Hagah 425, 5)

    3). "Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jew), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God." (Bammidber Raba, c 21 & Jalkut 772)

    These laws of the Talmud were given to the Jews over 3000 years ago. They are just as valid today as they were back then. This is how the Jews are taught from childhood. The results of this stands before us. It is Jewish Ritual Murder.

    The Jews' Bloody History: The Jew is not only the murderer of the Christians in theory. His history proves that he practices what he preaches. The history of the Jewish people is an unbroken chain of mass murders and blood-baths. It started before Christ and has continued with Linen, Trotsky, Sinowjeff, Stalin and etc., up to today:

    1). The extreme to which the Jews will go was shown in Persia where the Jew Mordecai and the Jewess Esther had 75,800 Persians murdered. They hanged the Persian King Xerxes' minister Haman along with his ten sons. They celebrated this bloody victory and to this day still celebrate it during the Feast of Purim. (Book of Esther 9:6)

    After Christ in the years 115-117, on the island of Cyrene, the Jews revolted under their leader Bar Kochba. They murdered 220,000 Romans, sawed and chopped them, drank their blood, and ate their bloody raw flesh. (Dio Cassius: Roemische Jeschichte XVIII, 32)

    The Jews revolted in Russia in 1917 and established bolshevism under the leadership of Trotsky, Sinojeff and other Jews, a total of 35 million Christians were shot, slayed, tortured, and starved to death. In Hungary, under the leadership of the Bolshevik Jew Bela Kuhn, a horrible massacre was prepared in which tens of thousands of Christians were murdered.

    "'The Jewish Establishment": 'In the early 1930s, Walter Duranty of the New York Times was in Moscow, covering Joe Stalin the way Joe Stalin wanted to be covered. To maintain favor and access, he expressly denied that there was famine in Ukraine even while millions of Ukrainian Christians were being starved into submission. For his work Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism. To this day, the Times remains the most magisterial and respectable of American newspapers. How imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent in Berlin during roughly the same period who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and denied that Jews were being mistreated, thereby not only concealing, but materially assisting the regime's persecution. Would that paper's respectability have been unimpaired several decades later? There you have an epitome of what is lamely called 'media bias.' The Western supporters of Stalin haven't just been excused; they have received the halo of victim hood for the campaign, in what liberals call 'the McCarthy era,' to get them out of the government, the education system, and respectable society itself. Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention of Jewish power in the media and politics is roundly condemned as 'anti-Semitism.' But there isn't even a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass murders of Christians. Liberals still don't censure the Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason, liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still trying to uproot Christianity from America. It's permissible to discuss the power of every other group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right, but the much greater power of the Jewish establishment is off-limits. That, in fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos while tearing down the taboos of others, you might almost say its prerogative of offending. You can read articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the Times to Commentary blaming Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but don't look for articles in any major publication that wants to stay in business examining the Jewish role in Communism and liberalism, however temperately." (The Jewish Establishment, Joseph Sobran, September 1995 issue)

    In Jewish-Bolshevik Soviet Russia mass murders are even now (1997) are being carried out. The executioners are mostly Jewish men and women. In inventing new methods of torture the Jews are past masters. To let Christians die under torture give them the greatest pleasure. English reporters write that the Chinese executioners frequently would not carry out their tortures and executions; they shouldered and could not continue. Therefore, Jews and Jewesses took their place.

    "The Jews were now free to indulge in their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims. Christians were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed. Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain. Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out. Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies. Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion. Others were chained to the floor and left hanging until they died of exhaustion.

    "Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths. Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while Jewish mobs attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death. Christian mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms. A red Jewish terrorist would take the baby, hold it by the feet, head downward and demand that the Christian mother deny Christ. If she would not, he would toss the baby into the air, and another member of the mob would rush forward and catch it on the tip of his bayonet.

    "Pregnant Christian women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies. There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the revolution, one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission: 'The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood. Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds. Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate.'" (Defender Magazine, October

    There is much more at this link

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    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    This is a video with lots of documentation that is supportive of the article by Willie Martin. It's an hour and twenty minutes long but is something everyone here on this forum should watch besides reading the article by Willie Martin.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    MAGNES (23rd May 2013)

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    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    aww, it's all just another anti-Shlomoic canard!

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    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    I noticed that the video I posted above is no longer available on Jewish ritual murder. there is another one that may even be better that I will embed here if I can. I don't know how to download these videos on my computer so I don't lose them. There are two forty minute videos and watching them makes me wonder if the Jews ritual murder may have played a role in the recent murder of those six and seven year old kids at school.

    Part 1

    Part 2
    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    "The following translation was performed free of charge to protest an injustice: the destruction by the ADL of Ariel Toaff’s BLOOD PASSOVER on Jewish ritual murder. The author is the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome, and a professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval History at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, just outside Tel Aviv.

    Dr. Toaff is uniquely qualified to write this book, being thoroughly familiar with the derivative literature in English, French, German and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Italian, Hebrew and Yiddish. This is not something he worked on in secret. On the contrary, he worked on it openly with his university students and colleagues in Israel for several years; one of his students was even going to publish a paper on the subject. The author is extremely careful about what he says, and his conclusions must be taken seriously. It reads like a detective story.

    If it had been published in Israel, in Hebrew, no one would have cared. There are large bodies of literature in Hebrew that Jews do not wish Gentiles to know about. But Dr. Toaff’s announcement of its publication in Italy, in Italian, raised a worldwide firestorm of fury. Under unbearable pressure, the book was withdrawn from publication, and is not to be re-issued.

    You can strike a blow against censorship by circulating this text by e-mail or posting in on the Internet. No one can sue hundreds of people.

    If the text is all over the Internet, and everybody has it and everybody knows what is in it, the cat will be out of the bag, and it will have to be published – sooner or later.

    Come in out of the darkness, and strike a blow for the light.


    - Gian Marco Lucchese and Pietro Gianetti, 2007

    (The translation is a very large file, almost a million characters with spaces.)"

    "Excerpt from Chapter Eight, BLOOD PASSOVER, Ariel Toaff
    Translated by Gian Marco Lucchese and Pietro Gianetti, 2007

    That Christian Europe of the Middle Ages feared the Jews is an established fact. Perhaps the widespread fear that Jews were scheming to abduct children, subjecting them to cruel rituals, even antedates the appearance of stereotypical ritual murder which seems to have originated in the 12th century. As for myself, I believe that serious consideration should be given to the possibility that this fear was largely related to the slave trade, particularly in the 9th and 10th centuries, when the Jewish role in the slave trade appears to have been preponderant (10).

    During this period, Jewish merchants, from the cities in the valley of the Rhône, Verdun, Lione, Arles and Narbonne, in addition to Aquisgrana, the capital of the empire in the times of Louis the Pious [Louis I]; and in Germany from the centres of the valley of the Rhine, from Worms, Magonza and Magdeburg; in Bavaria and Bohemia, from Regensburg and Prague - were active in the principal markets in which slaves (women, men, eunuchs) were offered for sale, by Jews, sometimes after abducting them from their houses. From Christian Europe the human merchandise was exported to the Islamic lands of Spain, in which there was a lively market. The castration of these slaves, particularly children, raised their prices, and was no doubt a lucrative and profitable practice (11).

    The first testimony relating to the abduction of children by Jewish merchants active in the trade flowing into Arab Spain,

    p. 129]"

    "Ariel Toaff is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University."

    I just downloaded it using HTTrack.

    HTTrack doesn't always work - but in this case, it did. Got the whole thing !

    Also, check out "St Simon of" - about a 2 year old child who was abducted by Jews. After his murder, he was given Sainthood (I'm sure THAT made Simon feel better /sarc.)

    "The small Simon, a little boy from Trent, was slayed on the 21st March, 1475 A.D., on Maundy-Thursday during Holy Week. The Jews of this town wanted to celebrate their Passover in their own way; so they secretly abducted the small boy and carried him to the house of the Jew Samuel. During Holy Week on Maundy-Thursday, the day before Good Friday, "and" on the day before the outlawed "Perfidious Passover", about three hours after supper, the little boy, like children do, was sitting in front of his parents’ house. Neither his father nor mother were home at the time as they were at Church. It was at this time that the Jew Tobias approached the child, who was not quite 30 months old, and while speaking kindly and offering the boy a piece of money, picked him up and carried him at once to the house of the Jew Samuel.

    When night fell, the twin brothers Saligman and Samuel, with Tobias, Vitalis (Veitel), Moses, Israel and Mayr, undressed the little boy and unmercifully butchered him. While Moses strangled him with a handkerchief as he lay across Samuel’s knee, pieces of flesh from his neck were cut with a knife and the blood collected in a bowl. At the same time, they punctured the naked offering with needles and murmured Hebrew curses. They then cut pieces of flesh from the boy’s arm and legs and collected the blood in pots."
    Retired Director Morris Waxler says the FDA did not do their job for 15 years - and is not now.

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    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Thought I'd add this article by Henry Makow on the subject.

    Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists

    March 31, 2009
    by Henry Makow Ph.D.

    On May 1, 1989, a "nice Jewish girl", age 29, appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a Satanic cult that dates back to the 1700's.

    Although they appear to be upstanding citizens --lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. -- they engage in Satanic ritual human sacrifice, incest and cannibalism, often in synagogues. They drink blood and eat babies.

    She is describing the Illuminati which originated in the Frankist Movement in the Eighteenth century. Jacob Frank, born Jacob Leibowitz (1726-1791) led a major Satanic heresy that shook the Jewish world. They believed that the Messiah would return if the world went over to evil completely, so they encouraged all sexual licence and Satanic Evil as the ultimate Good. Financed by the Frankist Rothschild banking syndicate, they subverted all religions and national elites by assuming every religious and political hue. They took over Freemasonry and are now in the final stage of establishing their world government a.k.a "globalization."

    The abuse Polin suffered is a textbook example of how Illuminati families --Jews and non-Jews-- treat their children. George W. Bush and Barack Obama may have suffered simllar trauma and, (like Polin,) have multiple personality disorder. Vicki is from Chicago and there is no telling how many Chicagoans surrounding Barack Obama are part of this Satanic cult.


    Polin told Oprah that she witnessed babies sacrificed and consumed for the "power" this gave. These babies are bred within the extended family for this purpose. She said she was raped several times, and elsewhere says she had five abortions due to intercourse with her father.

    Polin said her family was "extremely involved" in these practices. Her mother is "on the human relations commission of the town that she lives in, and she's an upstanding citizen. Nobody would suspect her. Nobody would suspect anybody involved in it. There's police officers involved in it. There's, you know, doctors, lawyers..."

    "I mean, to the outside world, everything we did was proper and right, and then there were the nights that things changed, that things just got turned around. What was wrong was right, and what was right was wrong. That's what helps to create some of them to develop MPD."

    Polin's therapist, Tina Grossman was on the show but edited out of the YouTube. She told Oprah that she had treated over 40 survivors from many states and Canada. They have never met each other yet say the "identical same things."

    Ms. GROSSMAN: They are describing identical rituals, just the same as, since I'm Jewish, you could go to New York or California and describe a seder in one state or another and, as a Jew, you would recognize it. This is the belief system in evil and the power that evil gives you, and so it has these certain rituals, so they are very similar with all of the survivors.

    OPRAH: See, but I am very surprised because the Jewish faith is the Jewish faith. and worshipping the devil is not a part of the Jewish faith. I mean, Jewish people do not worship the devil.

    Ms. GROSSMAN: But before there was Christ and before there was a system of one God, there was Paganism- and it still exists in the world, and in many cultures, you still find the belief that there is strength and power in the actual consumption of human flesh or animal flesh.


    In spite of the fact that both Vicki and Oprah said many times this behavior was not typical of most Jews, the B'nai B'rith-ADL attacked the show as "anti-Semitic." Oprah did her penance and obviously has been forgiven. Vicki was stopped on the street and told her testimony would start "another holocaust." Vicki's response was that denying these crimes was akin to holocaust denial. In July of 1989, she penned this statement and sent it to all concerned:

    "Our society believes the myth that Jews can't be pedophiles, or abuse their own children. This is a "MYTH," they do abuse children. There are even those who practice cannibalism, and perform human sacrifices. Believe me I saw it with my own eyes. I've come to the point in my life where I feel I need to bear witness. I have and will continue to until I'm sure what I had to endure as a child is believed by you and others like you. I will do whatever is possible so what happened to me doesn't happen to anyone else!"

    Vicki became a therapist herself, moved to Baltimore and opened a practice. She has articles about the Frankists on her website. I attempted to contact her without success. But I found an extensive profile with interviews on Luke Ford's website. Included is an Affidavit from a rabbi Vicki contacted in 2004 regarding an exorcism of her cult upbringing. She described their evil ANTI-RELIGIOUS, ANTI JEWISH intent to him in these terms:

    "The essence of her story was that there are currently many rabbis involved in this cult who brought their satanic rituals with them to the USA from Europe. That she was born into one of the Jewish families owing allegiance to the cult. She claimed to have been used as part of an organized child sexual abuse ring organized by the rabbi of her synagogue, and that the sexual abuse took place on Sifrei Torah Scrolls laid out on the floor of the synagogue. That the abuse began in early childhood and continued over a period of many years, through her teen years and into adulthood, and that she was only one of the many young children, boys and girls used in this manner. I did not ask for specifics of the rituals but she mentioned cannibalism, defecation and the sacrilege of sacred objects."


    A friend believes that the Illuminati want power but he can't believe they worship Satan and eat babies. I certainly wouldn't invent such an implausible scenario. As J. Edgar Hoover said, "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst." (Elks Magazine, August 1956.)

    People like my friend have little knowledge of history. Does he really think over 180 million people could be massacred in the 20th century merely by accident? Hiroshima, the holodomor, the holocaust and 9-11 were the products of a single Satanic mindset. Does he think the steady decline of popular culture into degeneracy and obscenity is a coincidence? Does he think the gradual mainstreaming of incest homosexuality, pederasty and the occult is random? Does he think the destruction of higher education (in the humanities) and the family is coincidence too? (Forty per cent of US kids were born to single mothers in 2007 compared to 4% in the 1950's.) Mankind is in the thrall of a powerful Satanic cult intent on destroying and enslaving it.

    As the therapist Grossman said, Vicki's claims are corroborated by many others. I have reported on them in articles like "Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture;" "The Root Problem: Illuminati or Jews?" and "Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy." I have an audio interview with Mary Anne on my site which refers to human sacrifices eight times a year. Both Svali and Fritz Springmeier have described Illuminati trauma brainwashing and satanic rituals. These activities are also practised by high level Masons and members of intelligence agencies like MI-5 and MI-6.

    As long as we deny that society has been subverted by a Satanic cult, that our leaders are dupes or agents, we won't be able to address our predicament. As long as we smear truth tellers like Vicki Polin, we will either implicate ourselves, or continue to be accomplices in our own demise.

    The logical outcome of this demented ideology is the destruction of everything we hold dear.
    Obviously society needs a major cleansing but this won't happen as long as the levers of power are in Illuminati hands and the masses remain apathetic. Hopefully the economic crisis will alert many more people to the danger we all face.
    We are all travelers through this world
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    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    I came accross this on several other forums but havent been able to find a link for this story. I think it needs to be here in this thread.

    Allegedly this taboo-breaking piece of art was a very secret work of Hungarian painter genius, Munkácsy Mihály, realized between 1882-1887, at the request of Russian tzar, Alexander III, and inspired by the world-famous Tiszaeszlár Affair (Hungary, 1882), which was a blood-libel directed against a group of Jews, who murdered 14 year-old Solymosi Eszter inside a sacrificial ritual. The painting is absolutely monumental in depicting Jewish thirst for "goyim" blood. The young girl can also represent modern Europe as being encircled by demonic Zionists and prepared for being crucified.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

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    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  14. #8
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    This is an interesting pairing of paintings and similarites of subjects in them.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  15. #9
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    This is a pretty good article by Pastor Mark Downey about Jews and ritual murder and their behavior in general.

    Part 1

    Today’s message dovetails with Pastor Elmore’s sermon entitled ‘Murderers’ (8-28-11) and comes from a series I did several years ago called ‘Why We Hate Jews.’ Nothing I have written has gotten a more vitriolic response from jews and judeo-Christians than this one, due to the fact that jewish ritual murder is indelibly part of the historical record; as much as they would like for it to disappear down a memory hole. Martin Luther was an outspoken critic of not only the church, but even more vociferous of the synagogue in which he said in his book ‘The Jews and Their Lies’, “They stabbed and pierced the body of the young boy Simon of Trent. They have also murdered other children… The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. Jesus Christ, the Almighty Preacher from Nazareth, spoke to the Jews: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning…”
    It is not so much the perverse nature of jewry as much as its diabolical character that internationally threatens the entire planet. In the preface to the book "The World Significance of the Russian Revolution", jewish writer Oscar Levy said, "There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced back to the Jews. We Jews today are nothing else but the world's seducers; its destroyers; its revolutionaries." One of the hallmarks of the jewish religion and its people according to the apostle Paul was that they "Killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men" I Thes. 2:15. A very common thread interwoven throughout the Talmud is stated by Rabbi Simon ben Yohai in the Jewish Encyclopedia, "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed." Hosea 4:6 says, "My people (meaning White Christian Israelites) are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." We just mentioned Oscar Levy bragging about being the world's destroyers. Jews want us destroyed. And do you know what? Our people don't know squat about the jews.
    Baal worship in American churches keeps our people spiritually anesthetized in order to further jewish aims and ambitions. "As it is written (in the Talmud), For Thy sake [for Christ] we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for slaughter" (Romans 8:36). This comes from the Old Testament Psalms (44:22), which the jews have bastardized in their Talmud to mean the murder of Christians has been sanctioned by God, which says, "There is a law concerning the slaughter of foreigners, who are the same as beasts… The ones who do not follow the Jewish religious law have to be offered to God as a sacrifice" (Thikune Zohar, edition Berdiwetsch 88b). This law commands the jews to butcher non-jews.
    The Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote about this jewish cult sacrificing humans to their devil-god Moloch (Vol. II, p.45). When Christ said, "Your father was a murderer from the beginning" (John 8:44), He was referencing these jews to their god Moloch. The ancient Canaanites sacrificed their children in a type of giant frying pan to the god Moloch and the Israelites started imitating them. Today, White people who consult the jewish god ‘Planned Parenthood’ sacrifice their children to jewish abortionists, which is in essence a modern sanitized version of Moloch. In the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' (a secret document exposing the jewish conspiracy), Protocol Number 11 states, "The goyim [a derogatory term for White Christians] are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when wolves get hold of the flock?" The Talmud teaches that wherever it is possible, a jew should kill Christians and do so without mercy. "The life of a Goi and all his physical powers belong to a Jew" (A. Rohl, Die Polem p. 20). Even Christians who read the jews' filthy Talmud are slated for death: "Rabbi Jochanan says: A Goi who pries into the law is guilty of death" Sanhedrin (59a). In Zohar (I, 25a) it says, “The people of the earth (non-jews) are idolaters, and it has been written about them: Let them be wiped off the face of the earth." These rabbinic writings are not isolated aberrations, but rather they are the definitive norm of jewish thought. The homicidal tendency is cultured bloodlust in a petri dish from cradle to grave.
    Jews are taught from childhood, the fundamental justifications for the taking of innocent life. Their deviant theology is clearly reflected in the immoral pathology of Talmudic exhortations that, 'thou shalt kill'. That's why there is no comparison to jewish law and God's Law of the Christian Bible when dealing with the subject of taking life. For example, murder committed by a White Christian is punishable, whereas if a jew murders a White Christian or any other non-jew, there is no death penalty (according to the Talmud). If a jew accidentally kills another jew when his intent was to kill a goi, he is not criminally liable (Sanhedrin 78b-79a).
    The American public has been inundated with jewish propaganda touting the brotherhood of jews and Christians. However, the following passages betray any such association: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts" Saba Mecia 114, 6; "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him before he denounces" Schuichan Qruch, Choszen Hajpiszpat jog; "An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to jews in general" Schalchan arach, Choszen Hasisxpat 348; "To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly" Libbre David 37; "It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah" Coschen Hamischpat 425 Hagah 425.5; "Christian birth rate must be diminished materially" Zohar (II 64b); "Jews are not to prevent the death of a Christian " Choschen Ham (425 5); "Do not save Christians in danger of death, (jews) instructed to let them die" Hilkkoth Akum (x,1); "Even the best of the Goim [Christian] should be killed" Abhodah Zarah (25b)T; "If a Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin" Sepher Or Israel 177b; "Extermination of Christians necessary" Zohar (11 43a); "[a jew is] Innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Christian' Makkoth (7b); "Christians who are not Jews enemies must also die" Iore Dea (158, 1).
    Are you beginning to see why some White Christians used to talk about "the jewish question"? The question was and is, “What do we do about the construct of jewish genocide against our race?” Whenever the criminality of the Talmud was revealed in all its horror, it was ordered burned, expunged or censored. It was burned at the stake in nearly every century from the 11th to the 18th in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and many other countries.
    At one time or another, jews have been expelled from every country in Europe. Entire jewish populations have been purged. Just to give you a thumbnail chronology of real history, France was one of the first European nations which forced the deportations of jews in 1182 AD; England in 1290; France again in 1306 and 1322; Hungary in 1360; Belgium in 1370; Austria in 1420; Bavaria in 1442; Netherlands in 1444; Poland in 1483; Spain in 1492; Italy in 1492; Lithuania in 1495; Portugal in 1496; Prussia in 1510; Italy in 1540; Prague in 1541 and 1557; the Papal States in 1569; Hamburg in 1649; Vienna in 1669; Slovakia in 1744; Moscow in 1891. This is just the short list to impress upon you the gravity of wholesale rejection against jews. The great repulsion has put jews under worldwide suspicion, and for good reason.
    The suspicion under which jews are held is murder. It is not ordinary murder, but rather systematic murder that has a special name, called Jewish Ritual Murder. The accusation is immediately raised, regardless of time or location, where a corpse bears the conspicuous signs of jewish ritual murder. The accusation, from a gamut of nations, has always been leveled against jews and no others, because of the trademark of the crime practiced against its victims. There are approximately 131 documented ritual murders committed by jews. How many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands have remained undiscovered is anybody's guess. What today's White Christians must not close their minds to, is that the sordid history of the jewish people is a continuum of mass-murders and a lust for blood.
    What exactly is the ritual and why is it part of the jewish religion? Joseph Kastein, an official historian of jewry, has stated that jews believe "Blood is the seat of the soul." In contradistinction to the Christian view that the heart or one's spirit determines our soul or personality, jews believe that by drinking the blood of a Christian victim, who was perfect in every way, they (jews) could overcome their physical shortcomings and become as powerful as the intelligent civilized beings among whom they had formed their parasitic communities. The strange parallels can be traced back to the social pathologies of ancient Babylonian Baal worship and permutations found in the pagan practice of cannibalism. Secret occult societies have followed the lead of satanic instructions found in the jewish Kaballah.
    The jews are charged with enticing White Christian children, and at times adults, into the synagogue or into a more secret place for sacrificial slaughter. The victim is tied down, stripped and pierced with sharp ritual knives in the identical places where the body of Christ was inflicted. As the blood is drained into cups, the jewish leaders drink the blood, calling down curses upon Christ and on all non-jewish people. Only by performing this rite, do they believe they can continue to survive and prosper within the host nation. The jews are charged with mixing this blood into their unleavened bread and using it to practice superstitious magic. The jews are charged with torturing their victims, bleeding them white, crowning them with thorns, beating and stabbing them in a complete re-enactment of the crucifixion. All jews, unless they are mentally retarded, are aware of the blood ritual and its importance to jewish culture. However, only the most influential leaders, rabbis and rich jews are allowed to participate in the ceremony. Ordinary jews are forbidden because the criminal practice is fraught with security risks for the entire jewish community (as past history has proven).
    Most uprisings against jews during the past 2000 years have developed from the discovery of this syndicated and institutionalized crime. There is a trickle-down application for those jews who do not participate in the actual crime scenario. The ritual blood is used in other ways by drying it for use in weddings, funerals, circumcisions, pregnancies and older jews believing they can become younger by ingesting it. The remainder of the blood is preserved with the greatest of care by the local rabbis and sold in small bottles as certified Christian blood. Catholic scholar, James E. Bulger, states that the drinking of blood is a black magic ritual which enables the jewish rabbis to predict the future. During the jewish Passover, a jewish father will mock the Christian communion by pouring a few drops of ritualized blood into a glass of wine and sprinkles the dinner table saying, "We beg God to send down the ten plagues upon the enemies of the Jewish religion" and after they wine and dine, he says "Thus (like the child whose blood has been mixed in the bread and wine) may all Goyim burn in hell!" Make no mistake about it, jewish ritual murder is still going on today and all levels of government do nothing, because they are up to their necks in whitewash and cover-ups. Those who know what's going on keep their mouths shut and receive their 30 pieces of silver. Why would jews stop now in this day and age when they're on a roll? Ex-congressman Paul Findly wrote a book called "They Dare To Speak Out", which describes those officials in government who do not take the bribe and whose careers are virtually destroyed.
    Probably the best literary expose of ‘jewish ritual murder’ is by British author Arnold Leese in his book by the same name. And in this book is documented the most well known case which Martin Luther alluded to earlier in this message, Simon of Trent, which I would like to share with you, because it is compelling and damning of jews and their perpetual duplicity of this ongoing crime against mankind:
    “In 1475, a three-year-old boy named Simon disappeared in the Italian town of Trent; the circumstances were such that suspicion fell upon the Jews. Hoping to avert this suspicion, they themselves "found" the child's body in a conduit where they afterwards confessed to having thrown it. Examination of the body, however, revealed that the boy had not been drowned; there were strange wounds on the body, of circumcision and crucifixion. About seven Jews were arrested; they were tortured and confessed that the boy had been ritually murdered for the purpose of obtaining Christian blood to mix with the ceremonial unleavened bread; these confessions were made separately and agreed in all essential details. The Jews were tried and were ultimately executed. The officer in charge of the investigation of the crime, Jean de Salis de Brescia, had before him a converted Jew, Jean de Feltro, who described how his father told him that Jews of his town, Lanzhat, had killed a child at Passover to get the blood of which they partook in wine and cakes.
    “No one has ever dared to try and deny the historical events of this case; only the Jews invent "reasons" why it was not Ritual Murder! But there is no escape from the opposite conclusion. In 1759 in answer to a Jewish appeal from Poland, the Inquisition sent Cardinal Ganganelli (later he became Pope Clement XIV) to investigate and report on the whole subject, with particular reference to the many cases then being reported in Poland; although this man went out with a biased mind in favour of the Jews (in his report, he says: "With my weak faculties I endeavoured to demonstrate the non-existence of the crime which was imputed to the Jewish nation in Poland," hardly the spirit in which to enter upon such an investigation!), he actually says of this Trent case (see Report of Cardinal Ganganelli, in C. Roth's The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew, 1935, p. 83): "I admit then as true the fact of the Blessed Simon, a boy three years old, killed by the Jews in Trent in the year 1475 in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ (although it is disputed by Basnage and Wagenseil); for the celebrated Flaminio Cornaro, a Venetian Senator, in his work On the Cult of the Child St. Simon of Trent (Venice, 1753) disposes of all the doubts raised by the above-mentioned critics."
    “The Jews try to throw discredit on the judges who condemned the Jewish murderers by quoting Pope Sixtus IV who refused to sanction the cult of St. Simon; but the reason for this was that the cult was not then authorised by Rome, but was a popular movement without authority and contrary to Church discipline; this same Pope later expressed his approval of the verdict on the Jews in the Papal Bull XII Kal. July, 1478.
    “We have not only the testimony as to the correctitude of the proceedings from Sixtus IV; but also that of several other Popes; such as Sixtus V, who regularised the popular cult of St. Simon by ratifying it in 1588, as cited by Benedict XIV in Book I, Ch. xiv, No. 4 of his On the Canonisation of the Saints; also by this same Pope Benedict XIV in his Bull Beatus Andreas of 22nd February, 1755, in which he confirms Simon as a saint, a fact omitted from the arguments of that advocate for the Jews, Strack (The Jew and Human Sacrifice); Gregory XIII recognised Simon as a martyr, and even visited the shrine; and, as already stated, Clement XIV was obliged to recognise that it was a case of Jewish murder in hatred of Christianity.
    “St. Simon's shrine is in the Church of St. Peter, Trent; relics of him are still shown, among them the sacrificial knife. In short, the Ritual Murder of St. Simon at Trent is supported by such evidence that those who doubt it are thereby condemning without reason high juridical and ecclesiastical authorities whose probity and intelligence there is not the slightest excuse to deny.” British friends of the Rothschild family pursued criminal prosecution of Arnold Leese, not under the law of libel, but what amounted to a public mischief, rendering His Majesty’s subjects of the jewish faith liable to suspicion, affront and boycott. The Judge in the case, being a 31st degree Mason of the Scottish Rite, sentenced Leese to 6 months in prison. Public records establishing the truth of jewish ritual murder throughout history was forbidden by the judge as a line of defense for Mr. Leese.
    If jewish ritual murder were just an anomaly of history, an abnormal occurrence of religious extremists, then we could write it off as just a macabre criminal activity that is done and over with. However, that is not good enough for the jew. They can’t just give it a rest; they have to pull all the stops at their disposal to expunge any memory of it ever happening, which to my estimation gives credence to the idea that jews have this neurotic predisposition to stir things up that has just the opposite effect of their desire for vindication. It’s the same boomerang effect as their hysterical bleating about the ‘Holocaust’ that pushes beyond credibility or sympathy as if no one else in the world has ever suffered from pogroms of extermination, such as the jewish Bolsheviks killing 20 million Russians. This is how jews dealt with it back then and today: they persecute or kill authors and witnesses who are knowledgeable of the subject; they violently abuse lawyers and prosecutors pursuing cases of ritual murder; they disappear books on the subject, which are considered antisemitic or more recently fall under hate crime laws; deliberate misrepresentations of authoritative history; bribery of witnesses and court officials; producing another corpse as a decoy for the real victim of ritual murder; false accusations against innocent people; refusal or threats to refuse loans to governments. All of the aforementioned practices have been documented jewish practices to fight the charge of ‘Blood Libel’, from the influential Rothschild’s to the Anti-Defamation League. They bemoan the exact indictment of killing Jesus Christ, but their predecessors declared, as if written in concrete, the admission, for all time, recorded in Mt. 27:25, “His blood shall be upon us and our children.”
    The truth shall make us free from the jews and their lies.
    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

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    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Part 2

    In a bizarre twist of fate, much like jewish writers Arthur Koestler and Norman Finklestein, another jewish scholar has embarrassed the jewish establishment. Dr. Ariel Toaff, a professor at the Jewish University near Tel Aviv, the son of the Rabbi of Rome, has written a monumental 3 volume work on jewish life during the Medieval Age. Reporting on this strange sequence of events, another jewish writer, Israel Shamir, explains the conflict between Dr. Toaff and Zionist henchmen. Shamir says, “While studying his subject he [Toaff] discovered that the medieval Ashkenazi Jewish communities of North Italy practiced a particularly horrible form of human sacrifice. Their wizards and adepts stole and crucified Christian babies, obtained their blood and used it for magical rituals evoking the Spirit of Vengeance against the hated Goyim.
    “In particular, he dwelt on the case of St Simon of Trent. This two-year old child from the Italian town of Trent was kidnapped by a few Ashkenazi Jews from his home on the eve of Passover 1475 AD. At night, the kidnappers murdered the child; drew his blood, pierced his flesh with needles, crucified him head down calling “So may all Christians by land and sea perish”, and thus they celebrated their Passover, an archaic ritual of outpouring blood and killed babies, in the most literal form…
    “The killers were apprehended, confessed and were found guilty by the Bishop of Trent. Immediately, the Jews took their protest to the Pope and he had sent the bishop of Ventimiglia to investigate. He allegedly accepted a hefty bribe from the Jews and concluded that the child was murdered… “Simon had been killed by Christians with the intention of ruining the Jews.”
    “However, in 15th century the Jews were influential, yes, but all-powerful, no. They could not deal with the world like they did in 2002 after their massacre of Jenin by ordering everybody to buzz off. They had no American veto in the Security Council. They could not bomb Rome, and the word “antisemitism” was invented 400 years later. They were given a fair deal which is much worse than preferred treatment: Pope Sixtus IV assembled a commission of six cardinals chaired by the best legal mind of that time, for retrial; and this Supreme Court found the murderers guilty. The records of the trial have survived centuries and are still available in Vatican.
    “In 1965, the Roman Catholic Church entered a perestroika. These were the days of Vatican II when the modernizers uprooted the foundations of tradition hoping to update the faith and to fit it into the new Jewish-friendly narrative of modernity; in plain prose, the bishops wanted to be loved by the liberal press.
    “The ever-watchful Jews used the opportunity and pushed the bishops to decommission St Simon of Trent. They were happy to oblige: already in bizarre ritual, the Church leaders had found the Jews free from guilt for Crucifixion of Christ while admitting the Church’s guilt for persecution of Jews; the crucifixion of an Italian baby was a small matter compared with this reversal. In a hasty decision, the bishops ruled that the confessions of the killers were unacceptable because [they were] obtained under torture, and thus the accused were innocent, while the young martyr was… removed and dumped in a secret place to avoid a resumption of pilgrimage.
    “And now we come back to Dr Ariel Toaff. While going through the papers of the trial, he made a staggering discovery: instead of being dictated by the zealous investigators under torture, the confessions of the killers contained material totally unknown to the Italian churchmen or police. The killers belonged to the small and withdrawn Ashkenazi community, they practiced their own rites, quite different from those used by the native Italian Jews; these rites were faithfully reproduced in their confessions, though they were not known to the Crime Squad of the day. “These liturgical formulas in Hebrew [sic] with a strong anti-Christian tone cannot be projections of the judges who could not know these prayers, which didn't even belong to Italian rites but to the Ashkenazi tradition," Toaff wrote. A confession is of value only if it contains some true and verifiable details of the crime the police did not know of. This iron rule of criminal investigation was observed in the Trent trials.
    “This discovery has the potential to shake, shock and reshape the Church. The noble learned rabbi Dr Toaff brought back St Simon, the double victim of 15th century vengeance and of 20th century perestroika. This called for repentance of the Vatican doctors who forgot the murdered child while looking for friendship with important American Jews, but they still do not admit their grave error. Monsignor Iginio Rogger, a church historian who in the 1960s [mis]led the investigation into St Simon's case, saidthat the confessions were completely unreliable for “the judges used horrible tortures”. This was an antizionist and hence antisemitic remark, for rejection of confessions obtained under torture would let all the Palestinian prisoners out of Jewish jails; this was an anti-American remark, for the US recognizes the value of torture and practices it in Guantanamo and elsewhere. This was a holocaust-denier remark for thus they invalidate the Nürnberg trials. The renowned Jewish American lawyer and adept of torture, Alan Dershowitz, could have argued against Rogger; but somehow he did not.
    "I wouldn't want to be in Toaff's shoes, answering for this to historians who have seriously documented this case," said Rogger to USA Today. Toaff’s shoes are vastly preferable to those of Rogger who will have to answer for slighting the saint in Heaven.
    “Moreover, this Simon of Trent crime was not an exception: Toaff discovered many cases of such bloody sacrifices connected with the mutilation of children, outpouring of blood and its baking in Matzo (unleavened bread) spanning five hundred years of European history. Blood, this magic drink, was a popular medicine of the time, and of any time: Herod tried to keep young, bathing in the blood of babies, alchemists used blood to turn lead into gold. Jewish wizards meddled in magic and used it as much as anybody. There was a thriving market in such delicacies as blood, powder made of blood and bloody matzo. Jewish vendors sold it accompanied with rabbinic letters of authorization; the highest value was blood of a goy katan, a gentile child… Such blood sacrifices were "instinctive, visceral, virulent actions and reactions, in which innocent and unknowing children became victims of the love of God and of vengeance," Toaff wrote in the book's preface. "Their blood bathed the altars of a God who, it was believed, needed to be guided, sometimes impatiently pushed to protect and to punish." Wow, don’t you just love it when jews make our case for us.
    Jews have the power to conceal their crimes as their media controlled image portrays themselves as the eternal victim. The jewish reaction to what they call the 'blood libel' charge has always been 've is beink poisecuted'. With a straight face, they maintain that down through the millenniums of history, there has been a humongous conspiracy to frame them. According to this theory, in all of the European nations mentioned earlier and in places as far apart as Montreal and Argentina, there exists one big long, continuous plot to murder White children at certain times of the year, drain them of blood and then plant the bodies on jewish premises so they get caught. That's one heck of a conspiracy folks! But, are we to believe that our ancestors were just antisemitic fools, who periodically plotted to persecute jews, if the real-life child-killers were non-jews? Would they allow the real killers to go free because they wanted a jewish scapegoat? Why, time after time, did the ritual murders cease after the jewish killers were prosecuted and executed or driven from the land?
    In the United States, perhaps the most famous victim of jewish ritual murder was the son of Charles Lindbergh on March 1, 1932, during the time of the jewish annual feast of Purim. Lindbergh's father, a U.S. Congressman, had published a scathing indictment against the Warburg jewish banker's passage of the Federal Reserve Act, in which federal agents confiscated and burned. After Charles became a national hero from his solo flight across the Atlantic and following in his father's footsteps to warn the American public about the evil ambitions of jewry to start World War II against Germany, his little boy was slain as a warning to back off.
    Eustace Mullins, in his book "New History of the Jews" said, "In the U.S., Jews have been able to practice ritual murder of gentile children with impunity, because they control the press, and because they hold so many high public offices. It has been estimated, by a leading police official, that 4,000 children disappear in the U.S. each year. There is no question that the majority of them are victims of Jewish ritual murder. So prevalent has the custom become in this country that Jews are able to ship large quantities of the children's blood to Israel for use in their ceremonies there. One of the problems of the Jewish homeland in Israel has been a shortage of Christian children who could be used in the ritual ceremony, and the U.S., which has also furnished most of the money to Israel, has also provided much of the required children's blood."
    How many Christians are aware of the appalling estimate of 100,000 children missing each year? Thousands are murdered with the blood drained from their little bodies. The jewish people are entirely capable and complicit in committing this dastardly deed. The immense weight of historical evidence conclusively points to the repetitive psyche of murder in the jewish soul for Jesus Christ and everything Christian. How many of the innocent youngsters you see on milk cartons have fallen prey to the ceremonial knives of rabbis and lie buried in secret graves or were ground up into dog food in some jewish-owned processing plant? This all may sound unthinkable and outlandishly far-fetched to the cognitive dissonant mind that has been conditioned to eagerly accept the mythos of 6 million gas-bag jews turning into ash, after 60 years of Pavlovian movies, books and TV. It would be quite another story if these medias were not owned and/or controlled by jews. You would be hearing about the greatest murder plot against humanity in the history of the world.
    The jew cannot escape what it has taken upon itself. Every jew enjoys their station in life because of their lust for blood. Their benefactors are crucifiers and mass murderers. At one time you could read who was the “biggest mass murderer” in the history of mankind in the Guinness Book of World Records, however that is no longer a category. If it were, you would read about Lazar Kaganovich, Stalin's jew, who planned and implemented the extermination of 20 million Russian and Ukrainian peasants. Within the first 5 years of jewish rule in the Soviet Union, the blood-stained terror eliminated 6,000 teachers, 8,000 medical doctors, 54,000 army officers, 260,000 soldiers, 150,000 police, 12,800 civil servants, 355,000 of the upper class, 192,000 middle class workers and 815,000 peasants. Between the years of 1921-22 over 5 million died of socially engineered starvation. In 1933, the Archbishop of Canterbury reported 6 million victims of famine. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn cites the research of the exiled Soviet statistician I. A. Kurganov, who had access to secret government figures, as estimating that the number of people killed by the Soviet Secret Police, between the Revolution and 1959, totaled at least 66 million. This is the actual system of Talmudic bloodshed and death carried out by hysterical and neurotic jews of the worst sort of criminal megalomania imaginable, who would have it copied in every country and among every people with the same terror, in so far as they might find the potential to do so.
    There is an underworld in the world of organized crime that a famous New York prosecutor nicknamed "Murder Incorporated" on Sept. 11, 1931. At this point in time a paradigm shift occurred (in the world of crime) as the old guard greaser Sicilian mobsters were eclipsed by a newly rising gangster, many of whom were non-Italian and lethally streamlined for a new era of an American criminal corporation. Richard Kelly Hoskins calls it the International Trade Cartel. Others call it communism, Zionism, the New World Order, the Global Economy or the United Nations. I prefer to call it the satanic antichrists of world jewry.
    The transformation of ultra-depredations and moral trauma committed at the highest levels of our society makes it nearly impossible to discern the grotesque structure that has taken shape in the form of a superbly efficient assassination machine. It's just not called the American-Jewish Crime Corporation or registered with the New York Stock Exchange, because it has absorbed the major players of the professional business world into their insatiable grab for power. It is the ethnic identity of these habitual terrorists that is relevant to our wake-up call for survival.
    We must realize that the political process of a constitutional republic was profoundly compromised with the jewish mafia engineering the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. Meyer Lansky and other jewish crime lords decided who the president of the United States would be (then and ever since). The murder of John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert and his son John Jr. is not an unsolved mystery in light of mounting evidence towards the empire of jewish criminals. Hollywood has carefully perpetuated the façade of 'Dago' stereotypes in all of the gangster genre movies, while the real mob bosses have remained hidden. John Gotti was a minor player betrayed by his own brotherhood and a perfect collar for law enforcement propaganda. Whenever the cops or prosecutors bust the real culprits i.e. the jews, you can count on the shrill whine of 'antisemitism' by gangsters who wrap themselves in the camouflage of religion. Ronald Reagan was given a warning shot after publicly talking about abolishing the jewish IRS. Not wanting to end up like JFK, Reagan appointed U.S. Federal Judge Irving Kaufman, to head his new Crime Commission to crack down on 'Organized Crime'. Kaufman was secretly a high level member of the Anti-Defamation League, a vicious hidden foe of America and Christianity. After 2 ½ years, this jews great revelation was denouncing new criminal networks emerging in the U.S. from Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Mexican organizations. Of course, this jew never once mentions the Mishpucka (which means family i.e. the jewish crime family), the most secret, deadly, powerful organized crime family in the world and the only one dedicated to the total destruction of White Christian America.
    The Mishpucka is not anything new, just a well concealed cult usurping peaceful governments and their people, while posing as philanthropists and do-gooders. The word Mishpucka must become recognized by all law enforcement as much as the word 'mafia', if Americans are to ever fully understand who their real enemy is. The hierarchy and brains of the Mishpucka stem from the ADL B'nai B'rith from which all orders and directives come. Their financial headquarters and source of great wealth is the Federal Reserve System. Their muscle is found in the overwhelming number of Black Robes of state and federal judiciaries, practicing Babylonian/Admiralty/Talmudic case law. The Mishpucka has been around for over a thousand years and possess millions of tons of gold, gems, bonds and securities from looting family fortunes. The Mishpuckas slaughtered the Russian Czar and his entire royal family and stole one of the world's greatest estates. Their monstrously huge treasure stash is hidden in the secret Dimona nuclear factory in Israel's Negev Desert, protected by thousands of ICBM's capable of hitting White Christian nations around the world. No one is going to inspect this location anytime soon. Top ranking Mishpucka, Shimon Peres, has boldly threatened the entire world by saying, "We will take all of you with us."
    In 1977, U.S. Congressman Henry Gonzalez of Texas disgustingly explained that he had resigned the chairmanship of the House Committee to Investigate Assassinations "Because vast and powerful forces, including the country's most sophisticated crime element, won't stand for it. The criminal element is all-pervasive, loaded with nothing but money and in many ways more potent than the government itself." Of course, he couldn't have been alluding to anyone other than jews.
    There is no other religious literature in the world that advocates such gratuitous wholesale murder as does the jewish Talmud. "Kill the Goyim by any means possible" Choshen Ha' mishpat 425:50. "Take the life of the Klifoth [demons, Christians] and kill them; then you will please the Queen of Heaven, who will be kind to you as though you had burned a sacrifice" Sefer Or Israel 177b. This matriarchal god (the mother of harlots) is Babylonian as is the Talmud (abominations of the earth). Rev. 17:5 speaks of "Mystery Babylon the Great", which is a final culmination of all previous beast empires, "Drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus" (Rev. 17:6). A 'mystery' in Scripture is a previously hidden truth, now divinely revealed, but in which a supernatural element still remains despite the revelation.
    There is a reckoning coming, a fulfillment of prophecy between the children of those who have departed from God and the children of those who have remained with God. It's the war of Obadiah between Christians and jews. "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau [jewry] for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the Lord hath spoken it" (Obadiah 18).
    You might say we owe them a Holocaust. We've been paying their bills for 50 years and at some point we're finally going to get what we paid for. And I will close on that happy note with the last few verses in the Old Testament from Malachi 4:2-6, “But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts. Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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