The article is very Ron Paulian on many points.
The article is very Ron Paulian on many points.
The large multinational corporations, the ones that pay no taxes, have won the nation. Obama's regressive anti-business taxes and Obamacare will kill tens of thousands of first, second and third generation small businesses in 2013. I know several businesses owners who are either closing shop, selling the business to take advantage of 2012 tax rates, or are downsizing to remain profitable but reduce cash flow to a minimum and lower expenses. Mark my words: Main Street will be destroyed and the clueless morons who drank the Obama koolaid are going to be slapped out of their collective somnolence when they get the pink slips, downsizing letters and dropped healthcare benefits noices. Then they will realize what has happened: that they have been royally duped and screwed. The Federal deficits will explode after the 2013 first quarter bump in revenues from end-of-year business sales and liquidations. By the second quarter 2013, everyone is going to know the cold hard truth: America is in a depression and there are no exits.
This is irreversible disintegration of the US economy. The small businesses are to the economy as the plankton are to life in the oceans. Kill off small businesses and you have a walking dead economy, mass unemployment and dependency on government welfare. The only economic activity is driven by government spending and large corporations. More and more public services and infrastructure will be privatized and then charged for. It will slow economic death for millions of unemployed and underemployed urban and suburban dwellers, as their dwindling savings go to pay ever increasing expenses. The GDP will be flat in nominal terms and shrinking at 7-8 percent per year, hidden by inflation. Yearly federal deficits will be $1.6-2 trillions indefinitely. The Federal Reserve will monetize virtually 100% of Treasury debt, new and old. The only jobs will be in government and healthcare. There will be food riots and general smoldering civil disorder. The dollar index will grind down to 50. Gold will exceed $5000 and silver $200. And then and only then will most Americans finally realize: we are a broke indebted enslaved third world nation with no hope for any recovery and no exits.
Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon
VX1 (4th December 2012)
"Fiscal Cliff" is being pumped by the media 24/7 to scare the it working?
The term "fiscal cliff' is as laughable as the term "nation debt". We didn't have anything to do with either, nor did we get any benefit.
Hatha Sunahara (4th December 2012)
Thank God we have one means of preserving our wealth!
Anyone like these? With the latest price drop, I'm considering buying a small pile of them.
(.1867 gold)
welfare ana all of the social programs are now included in gdp. that is what is driving everything.
Thanks for that, I have a friend over here who was willing to spend alot of dough to get in on the aftermath of destruction to build a new company there. But with your description I don't think I can rightly tell him to do so until after 2013.
Won't companies simply readjust themselves to gain even more profit while kicking average Joe to the curb once again, Such as a 30 hour work week, employ the unemployed brother to spread the profits around thru some backdoor bargain?
Dogman (4th December 2012)
“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
H.L. Mencken
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken