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Thread: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

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    Thumbs up Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    August 20, 2012

    Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label

    By Rosslyn Smith

    Last week's shooting at the headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC) has placed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) back into the news. The SPLC recently had placed the FRC on its list of hate groups because the SPLC claims that in its opposition to gay marriage, the FRC defames gays and lesbians.

    It should be noted that the not-for-profit SPLC ostensibly began its mission to help those who had been victimized by civil rights violations by filing suits on their behalf. In recent years, the SPLC greatly expanded its definition of civil rights and hate groups to the point where any organization that opposes the left's favored causes risks being labeled a hate group by the SPLC. It has also moved away from suing on behalf of the aggrieved to raising awareness of the presence of "hate groups." Most of all, for the last 35 years, it has become a real fundraising dynamo.

    The labeling of opposing political views as hate by the SPLC has become so egregious that at the end of a report on a solidarity march in the Swedish city of Malmö by people protesting attacks on Jews by Islamists, William Jacobson of
    Legal Insurrection wonders:

    Bonus question: Will pointing out the truth about Malmö land me on SPLC's "hate map" along with Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs?
    Update: I just noticed that Danel Greenfields' Sultan Knish also is on SPLC's NY hate map.
    A growing consensus on the political right is to consider being labeled a hate group by the SPLC a badge of honor. I agree that it is, but I take issue with others about what is to be done. When I look at the entire history of the SPLC, I don't think the recent trend of inflate the hate is as much about political correctness run completely amok in the age of Obama as it is about the greed and self-aggrandizement of the founder of the SPLC and the gullibility of the donor base.

    Yes, mock those who increasingly conflate disapproval of policy ideas with hate. It is a silly idea. But mock even more those who continue to donate to SPLC as dupes of pious-sounding con men. Make them doubt their self-image as serious-thinking people by showing that they are being manipulated by a shameless huckster whose principal agenda has always been to become very wealthy. For if you understand that motivation, it is easy to see why the definition of hate had to be expanded to include groups that were considered very mainstream just a short time ago.

    SPLC founder Morris Dees is a lawyer, but he began his career as a direct marketer, hawking everything from cookbooks to tractor seat cushions. Indeed, the SPLC was a latecomer to the civil rights movement, as many of the biggest legal and legislative battles had been won before the organization was formed in 1971.
    Dees' first law partner, Millard Fuller, had this to say of him and their legal and direct marketing business ventures in the 1960s:

    Morris and I, from the first days of our partnership, shared the overriding purpose of making a pile of money. ... We were not particular about how we did it. We just wanted to be independently rich. During the eight years we worked together we never wavered in that resolve.
    By the mid-60s, Morris was rich. He also became deeply interested in the money side of leftist politics. The initial donor list of the SPLC consisted of those who had contributed to McGovern's political campaign, because Dees ran that campaign's direct mail operation and had requested the mailing list as his fee. The Southern-born Dees knew that many of the northern liberals on McGovern's donor list would get a vicarious thrill from sending a check to the Alabama-based SPLC to fight the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists.

    If appealing to some of these rather naive donors meant tarring other Southerners as racist, bigoted hicks, so be it. Dees also raised money for Jimmy Carter in 1976 and wanted to be attorney general, but he and Carter's people had a falling out. After Carter left office, spokesman Jody Powell made no bones about his disgust with Dees and the use of appeals in SPLC mailings that were intentionally designed to play up to the stereotypes "ignorant Yankee contributors" had about Southerners.

    It should also be noted that Millard Fuller took a different course from his erstwhile partner's. After he sold out to Dees, Fuller donated the money to charity and went on to found Habitat for Humanity. As contributions to the SPLC kept increasing, so did Dees' salary. Within two decades, he was among the most highly compensated of the heads of advocacy groups, earning much more than the heads of more widely known organizations such as the ACLU, the Children's Defense Fund, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. That something was seriously rotten at SPLC was noted along with the increases in Dees' salary. While the SPLC promoted its pursuit of lawsuits related to civil rights, especially those challenging the imposition of the death penalty on black offenders, fundraising was pursued even more fervently. By 1989, an ecumenical guide to charitable giving described the mission of the SPLC as "the aggressive distribution of junk mail, soliciting funds for more junk mail."

    A decade later in Harper's magazine, a feature titled "The Church of Morris Dees" noted:

    Today, the SPLC spends most of its time--and money--on a relentless fund-raising campaign, peddling memberships in the church of tolerance with all the zeal of a circuit rider passing the collection plate. "He's the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the civil rights movement," renowned anti- death-penalty lawyer Millard Farmer says of Dees, his former associate, "though I don't mean to malign Jim and Tammy Faye."

    The results of one of the SPLC's most famous cases as detailed in that article certainly might lead even the most credulous donor to think the aim of the SPLC may have shifted a bit from helping victims of hate to greed and self-aggrandizement.

    In 1987, Dees won a $7 million judgment against the United Klans of America on behalf of Beulah Mae Donald, whose son was lynched by two Klansmen. The UKA's total assets amounted to a warehouse whose sale netted Mrs. Donald $51,875. According to a groundbreaking series of newspaper stories in the Montgomery Advertiser, the SPLC, meanwhile, made $9 million from fund-raising solicitations featuring the case, including one containing a photo of Michael Donald's corpse.

    In what Dees must have seen as icing on the cake, his battles against the fast fading and largely judgment-proof Klan even became the subject of a 1991 made-for-TV movie that depicted him as a huge hero in the civil rights movement. Again, the movie was used to feed the all-important fundraising beast.

    The year 1998 saw Dees being inducted into the Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame, a move that also should have alerted the SPLC donor base that just maybe the SPLC was not quite as cash-strapped as it always represented itself in its frequent solicitations.

    Dees' reputation has long been beyond tarnished inside much of the civil rights bar. In 2007, Atlanta civil rights lawyer Stephen Bright was invited by the University of Alabama Law School to present its Morris Dees Justice Award. Here is what Bright wrote Dean Kenneth C. Randall:

    I also received the law school's invitation to the presentation of the "Morris Dees Justice Award," which you also mentioned in your letter as one of the "great things" happening at the law school. I decline that invitation for another reason. Morris Dees is a con man and fraud, as I and others, such as U.S. Circuit Judge Cecil Poole, have observed and as has been documented by John Egerton, Harper's, the Montgomery Advertiser in its "Charity of Riches" series, and others.

    The positive contributions Dees has made to justice -- most undertaken based upon calculations as to their publicity and fund raising potential -- are far overshadowed by what Harper's described as his "flagrantly misleading" solicitations for money. He has raised millions upon millions of dollars with various schemes, never mentioning that he does not need the money because he has $175 million and

    two "poverty palace" buildings in Montgomery. He has taken advantage of naive, well-meaning people -- some of moderate or low incomes -- who believe his pitches and give to his $175-million operation. He has spent most of what they have sent him to raise still more millions, pay high salaries, and promote himself. Because he spends so much on fund raising, his operation spends $30 million a year to accomplish less than what many other organizations accomplish on shoestring budgets.

    The award does not recognize the work of others by associating them with Dees; it promotes Dees by associating him with the honorees. Both the law school and Skadden are diminished by being a part of another Dees scam.

    None of this has ever seemed to dent the SPLC's ability to raise money by inflating the influence of what it calls hate groups. But by the late 1980s, a different problem was starting to develop: the Klan was all but dead, and few of the organizations labeled as white supremacists had more than a handful of members.

    But this didn't stop SPLC from using such groups for their direct mailing haul of shame. Still, the original donor base was aging. So during the Clinton administration, the SPLC found Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh a handy substitute for the Klan in its fundraising, despite failures to link his actions to any of the small militia groups the SPLC had earlier identified as hate groups. Eventually that appeal also ran its course, so the SPLC needed to "inflate the hate" by identifying another group as the boogieman for a new generation of naive souls eager to depart with their money for a righteous-sounding cause.

    In 2010, Ken Silverstein, the author of the 2000 Harper's article, noted that the SPLC had found a large new target: those immigration reform groups that supported almost anything more restrictive than amnesty and de facto open borders.

    For the record, I am totally opposed to CIS's stance on immigration, as I stated at the press conference. I accepted the invitation to speak on the panel because it came from my friend Jerry Kammer, of whom I am a big admirer.

    I also agreed to the invitation because, much like CIS, I feel that the Law Center is essentially a fraud and that it has a habit of casually labeling organizations as "hate groups." (Which doesn't mean that some of the groups it criticizes aren't reprehensible.) In doing so, the SPLC shuts down debate, stifles free speech, and most of all, raises a pile of money, very little of which is used on behalf of poor people.

    Silverstein's good friend Kammer had this to say about Dees' manipulative methods as he demolished the SPLC in "Immigration and the SPLC: How the Southern Poverty Law Center Invented a Smear, Served La Raza, Manipulated the Press, and Duped Its Donors."

    While Dees was raised a Southern Baptist, he suggested to some donors that he had a more diverse background. For example, in a 1985 fundraising pitch for funds to protect SPLC staff from threats of Klan violence, Dees made conspicuous use of his middle name - Seligman, which he received in honor of a family friend. A former SPLC attorney told The Progressive magazine that Dees signed letters with his middle name in mailings to zip codes that had many Jewish residents. The article was titled "How Morris Dees Got Rich Fighting the Klan." A former SPLC employee told the Montgomery Advertiser that the donor base was "anchored by wealthy Jewish contributors on the East and West coasts."

    Attorney Tom Turnipseed, a former Dees associate, told Cox News Service, "Morris loves to raise money. Some of his gimmicks are just so transparent, but they're good."

    Turnipseed described a fundraising letter whose return envelope carried "about six different stamps." The purpose of the ruse was to present the appearance of an organization struggling to keep going. As Turnipseed noted: "It was like they had to cobble them all together to come up with 35 cents."

    After decades of claiming in his mailings that the SPLC was itself on the verge of poverty, Dees raised a few eyebrows in 2010 when a sixty-photo spread of his objets d'art-filledhome, complete with guest house, pool, and grounds, ran in his hometown newspaper, the Montgomery Advertiser. As blogger Steve Sailer noted:

    This shiny thing-a-mabob with the #20 on it is described as "A poolside rickshaw at the home of Morris Dees and Susan Starr in Montgomery, Ala," because nothing screams Equality! like a fancy rickshaw.

    A look at the recent numbers reported by SPLC is highly informative. With net assets of $238 million as of the close of its last fiscal year, the SPLC is among the wealthiest of civil rights and advocacy organizations. Despite this endowment, the SPLC often implies that it is on the verge of cutting back operations vital to the quest for equality and civil rights due to lack of funds. Yet it spends almost 19% of its annual budget on fundraising each year despite the fact its net assets are already an extremely healthy seven times annual expenses. Note that this 19% figure is under cost allocation rules that allow some solicitations to pass as program expenses because educational material is included with the solicitation.

    Last year, the SPLC generated a surplus of $4.1 million on revenues of $38.7 million. CEO J. Richard Cohen makes $299K/year, and editor in chief of the SPLC Intelligence Report and Hatewatch blog Mark Potok makes $150K/year. Chief Trial Counsel Morris Dees, age 74, makes $305K/year. I wonder how many hours Dees spent on trial preparation compared to fundraising. The title Dees carries is Chief Trial Counsel, yet his chief bailiwick has always been direct mail marketing.

    As the SPLC publicizes the names of ever more hate groups to "raise awareness" of intolerance and to tap into ever new sources of funds, its donors should keep in mind a genuine larger truth. Heightened awareness has never by itself helped the actual victims of anything, anywhere, at any time. At best, it is entirely self-referential. At its worst, it serves as a useful ploy to make a donor who hasn't done much in the way of due diligence about an organization's finances feel good about sending money to what appears to be a righteous cause.

    The SPLC has more than mastered the exercise of raising awareness. In his 2000 article, Silverstein noted that during its then-29 years of existence, the SPLC had carefully adjusted its operations to fit the needs and self-image of its largely urban, white, and often Jewish donor base. Causes that garnered favorable early media attention but which also risked upsetting some donors, such as filing suits protesting the death penalty, were dropped, even if that meant the mass resignation of staff attorneys. Images of angry blacks and other minorities never appear in solicitations. Nor do concrete issues related to race and poverty get much attention in these appeals. Donors aren't called on to actually fight to improve housing, improve inner-city schools, or end violence at the borders. Everything is geared to the equal-opportunity and secular sin of being intolerant of those who are different. According to Silverstein, the payoff is also always the same -- the SPLC is all about making guilty white donors feel good about themselves for being understanding by writing a check to the wealthy and largely white SPLC. Actual attempts to help the oppressed and downtrodden aren't just optional. They are almost superfluous.

    This is done with a tried-and-true formula Dees learned listening to evangelical preachers as well as TV hucksters. Silverstein writes:

    No faith healing or infomercial would be complete without a moving testimonial. The student from whose tears this white schoolteacher learned her lesson is identified only as a child of color. "Which race," we are assured, "does not matter." Nor apparently does the specific nature of "the racist acts directed at him," nor the race of his schoolyard tormentors. All that matters, in fact, is the race of the teacher and those expiating tears. "I wept with him, feeling for once, the depth of his hurt," she confides. "His tears washed away the film that had distorted my white perspective of the world." Scales fallen from her eyes, what action does this schoolteacher propose? What Gandhi-like disobedience will she undertake in order to "reach real peace in the world"? She doesn't say but instead speaks vaguely of acting out against "the pain." In the age of Oprah and Clinton, empathy -- or the confession thereof -- is an end in itself.

    What matters is that the targets feel they will become part of the solution by writing a check to SPLC. The comparison to Jim and Tammy Faye is really quite apt. The Bakkers always featured the power of the personal testimonial as panacea. The SPLC wants the potential donor to identify with the guilty white teacher. The idea behind Jim Bakker's testimonials was to get potential donors to identify with the one giving the testimony and not dwell on what actual changes must be made in one's life to truly get closer to God. Solutions were left intentionally quite vague. And, of course, both the SPLC and the PTL Club offer absolution for sins secular and sacred in nature by means of sinners' dropping a nice fat check in the mail.

    While the formula is timeless, the pitch itself was badly in need of upgrading in the case of the SPLC. It's been two generations since the civil rights battles of the 1950s and '60s. America elected a black man president, and while few of the truly intractable social problems relating to race have been solved, those problems are for serious people willing to do real work -- not film flam artists writing empty prose for the crowd that prides itself on self-described awareness.

    For some time now, the media culture has been suggesting that the battle for gay marriage has its parallels with the civil rights battles. Promoting gay marriage has certainly become a huge cause among the largely secular, affluent coastal elites who make up much of the donor base of the SPLC. It seems the perfect newly fashionable cause to adopt to attract a new generation of marks. Thus, it shouldn't be surprising to anyone who has followed the history of the SPLC that groups which promote traditional values suddenly find themselves on the SPLC hate map. I guess it is also not surprising that after so many warnings about its money-grubbing ways, the SPLC still has an audience for its exaggerations, misrepresentations, and outright distortions. As the man said, there is a sucker bornevery minute.
    Perhaps if you personally know people who swear by the validity of the new SPLC hate map you may want to nicely inform them they are now charter members of the new secular version of the PTL Club and watch the reaction. If they get angry, remind them that this is not the assessment of the political right. The most damning quotes about Dees and the SPLC all come from former associates on the political left.

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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    and editor in chief of the SPLC Intelligence Report and Hatewatch blog Mark Potok makes $150K/year.
    I thought he was in the Ice cream truck business.

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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuro View Post
    I thought he was in the Ice cream truck business.

    Awesome. Great memory.

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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    Quote Originally Posted by General of Darkness View Post
    Awesome. Great memory.

    Attachment 4330
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    a Hate Map ?

    maybe they can apply for a $1 Million grant - from DHS - to create a Google Earth (virtual reality) version of their map.

    our tax dollars at work. I believe the Hate organization known as SPLC has a tax exempt status, as does the ADL.
    Retired Director Morris Waxler says the FDA did not do their job for 15 years - and is not now.

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    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    ABA Is a terrorist organization along with SPLC, ADL, IBA. . . . . . . . . . .


    May 13, 2016



    Lorelei Laird is a classic example of a pablum puker. First she’s fed the pablum, the B.S., then she goes about broadcasting it as if it were to be factual. She probably doesn’t know that the term “Sovereign Citizen” is an invention of those who wish to enforce Commercial Code upon free, living people who are not citizens or subjects of the Crown. She probably isn’t aware of the fact that the foreign Crown Banksters did seize control of the de facto U.S. via the bankruptcy that Zionist/Jesuit Rothschild created in 1933. The Rothschild/Rockefeller Federal Reserve Act of 1933 (1913?) is how they totally usurped the Constitution as they took over control of the monetary system with their fiat instruments of DEBT.

    There are criminals in all groups, ethnicities, skin colors, religions, societies, so why pick on the people who finger the very worst of all Satanic pirates, the Jesuit/Zionist Banksters and their Middle Temple B.A.R. out of City of London, a.k.a. the Crown, which is owned by the Vatican. Do these Crown Temple B.A.R. Attorners/Brokers stop reading after they graduate from Commercial Code School? Do they ever read their own Codes? What do tax Attorners know about law anyway? Have they ever heard of 12 USC 411? Can they define “income” or “person?” Do they know the difference between income and labor or the difference between people and persons? Quite honestly, Attorners seem to be the most pompous of the ignorant I’ve ever met. They actually think their Union B.A.R. card is a license! They didn’t get it from a licensing board! They got it from other Foreign Agent Crown Temple B.A.R. Attorners in the Black Robes of Saturn, masquerading as “Judges.” I suppose they missed Article XI, too! The Floyds at the Bench/Bank deal in FICTIONS, DEAD entities, which is why we know them as Executors De Son Torte. ALL RISE!

    Nothing is more alarming than a continuing criminal enterprise, the Foreign Agency, the Crown Temple B.A.R., the British Accreditation Registry, that unlawfully coerced everyone into a LEGAL FICTION, which as you can read below is how they ridicule people who are onto them. See how they demonize those who know the B.A.R. is a criminal entity and that The United States is a foreign, private, bankrupt corporation under U.N./I.M.F. organization, with no legislative authority to even exist. They cannot satisfy the requirements within the Naturalization Act of 1802, nor can they hold Offices of Trust as required by:

    Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:

    “No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

    B.A.R. Attorners have special privileges, and are regarded as a special class of people, Esquires, in a de facto Corporation, a Title of Nobility, so in Article XIII, which stiffened the enforcement of Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:

    Article XIII

    “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

    These same B.A.R. “Judges,” really Bankruptcy Administrators, are more proof of the concealments by the A.B.A., the Stars of the UNITED NATIONS for their Crown-Vatican-Swiss Lords:

    Title 8 USC 1481 states once an oath of office is taken, citizenship is relinquished, thus one becomes a foreign entity, agency, or state. That means every public office is a foreign state, including all political subdivisions. (i.e.every single court is considered a separate foreign entity).
    Title 22 USC (Foreign relations and Intercourse) Chapter 11 identifies all public officials as foreign agents.

    Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section.

    The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 4j states that the Court jurisdiction and immunity fall under a foreign State.

    The Federal Debt Collection Procedure places all courts under equity and commerce and under the International Monetary Fund.”

    In 1950 81st Congress investigated the Lawyers Guild and determined that the B.A.R. Association is founded and run by communists under definition. Thus any elected official that is a member of the B.A.R. will only be loyal to the B.A.R. and not the people.

    Then you’ll see these B.A.R. Agents ridiculing “Sovereign Citizens” which don’t exist, because one cannot be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time. One is a free, living man, and the other is corporate fiction. The main reason that the B.A.R. Agents mock people this way, is because these sewer rats wish to discredit those who reveal the difference between a sovereign and a citizen. The Attorners/Brokers generate all their extorted income from the exploitations against these Estate Trusts. They don’t want you to know that there is a big difference between :john-henry: Doe and JOHN H. DOE. The ALL CAPS NAME, is a DEAD entity. Sovereignty lies in the people, not the corporate STATE OF…. In Bond vs. UNITED STATES, even the de facto Justices demonstrated in the opinions below, according to Article X in the Bill of Rights, it falls upon the people.


    Bond vs. UNITED STATES – Opinions of the Justices

    No, yes. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. delivered the opinion for the 6-3 majority. The Court held that federal law typically does not intrude on the ability of states to regulate local matters, and the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act is not an exception to that general rule. While Congress has the authority to create legislation to enforce treaties, it must do so while respecting the traditional division of sovereign responsibility between the federal government and the states. The Court also held that it is incumbent upon the courts to be sure of Congress’ intent before ruling based on such a rationale; in this case, because there is no evidence that Congress intended the statute to have expansive powers, it must be read more narrowly. In fact, the language of the statute suggests that the facts of this case do not match the types of situations the statute was enacted to govern.

    Justice Antonin Scalia wrote an opinion concurring in the judgment in which he argued that, in determining whether the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act covers Bond’s actions, the majority opinion overstepped its bounds and performed Congress’ duty. Justice Scalia also wrote that it was clear from the wording of the statute that Bond’s actions were covered, and the majority opinion’s interpretation of the statute made it so broad as to be unintelligible. However, the statute was unconstitutional because it infringed on the rights of the states. Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. joined in the opinion concurring in the judgment. In his separate opinion concurring in the judgment, Justice Thomas wrote that, while Congress has the power to create laws that enforce treaties, that power does not extend to the enforcement of laws that would infringe on states’ rights. The historical context of this “Treaty Power” indicates that it was meant to be limited to international affairs and not interfere with the constitutional structure of federal and state power. Justice Scalia and Justice Alito joined in the concurrence in judgment. Justice Alito also wrote a separate opinion concurring in the judgment in which he argued that the statute went beyond Congress’ power to enforce treaties and is therefore unconstitutional.


    As the B.A.R. says, the STRAWMAN:

    Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. JOHN DOE or DOE JOHN) – The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man’s condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.

    Diminutio. Lat. In civil law. Diminution; a taking away; loss or depravation.

    As Black’s Law Dictionary explains, the full capitalization of the letters of one’s natural name, results in a diminishing or complete loss of legal or citizenship status, wherein one actually becomes a slave or an item of inventory. The method, by which the State causes a natural person to “volunteer” himself into slavery, is through forming legal joinder, implied or stated, with the entity or legal fiction (name all CAPS). Of course, most natural persons wouldn’t willingly form such an unlawful but legally reductionist joinder, so trickery and obfuscation are used; and this starts when our birth certificates are created.

    [The initial joinder is formed when a legal Birth Certificate is issued by the State, name in all CAPS. In fact, both the Certificate of Birth AND Social Security number, are for “inventory” control purposes, similar to the Amistad Schooner’s manifest or those numbers or records used by legal entities or Corporations to track, account for, use and dispose of inventory.]

    “A “US Citizen” upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in “interstate commerce”, as a “resident” does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.” Hendrick v. Maryland S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)

    “The term resident and citizen of the United States is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress.” U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873)

    Due to the UK, Canada and the US being bankrupt countries, yes all these countries have been bankrupt for some time now; they all have currencies that are known as FIAT currency. In other words, all our money is worthless! There is no big Gold or Silver reserves to back it up…look on any UK banknote and you will see the words, I promise to pay the bearer. It is a promissory note, nothing more. Worthless basically!

    So when we are registered at birth, the government produces a corporation, a STRAW-MAN, by placing our name in ALL CAPITALS. But why I hear you ask? Well as we are a bankrupt country (just waiting to go into an economic fold – exactly what is about to happen in the US) the government needs collateral to invest and to receive loans on, so we, the people, become slaves in bondage to be used as collateral with lenders.

    Do not make the mistake of thinking this doesn’t apply! Do not make the mistake of taking advice from anyone who studies, or has studied orthodox law, as they especially will not know this as they were kept well away from this deliberately. Police do NOT know that us and them are slaves in bondage, solicitors & lawyers do NOT know that them and us are slaves in bondage, and most government agents do NOT know either.

    The bottom line here is that the A.B.A., the S.P.L.C., the A.D.L. and other degenerate pukes like them have a war on America. They’re foreign terrorists calling Christians domestic terrorists and sovereign citizens. Whenever you hear someone say you’re a sovereign citizen, you’re listening to a trained imbecile without the capability for critical thinking. Ask them to define “sovereign citizen” and watch the goofball with I.Q. of a fish (no insult to the fish) squirm because he or she will not know they just used an oxy-moron, so certainly they will not be able to define such a “term.”


    Read below to see the drivel of the blowhole from the A.B.A. who never went to law school, because there isn’t one law school on this continent. Gee! Lorelei Laird can’t read Black’s Law either.


    ‘Sovereign citizens’ plaster courts with bogus legal filings–and some turn to violence
    POSTED MAY 01, 2014 10:20 AM CDT


    Illustration by Adam McCauley


    The Atta family locked up their Temecula, Calif., home and went on vacation in 2012. While they were gone, Victor Cheng moved in.

    Cheng had owned the home before the Attas, but he lost it in foreclosure. Nonetheless, he filed a fraudulent deed with the county recorder’s office, transferred the utilities into his name and even tried to evict the Attas after their return. During his prosecution for burglary, trespassing and filing a false document, he insisted that he was not the person being prosecuted because the indictment spelled his name in all capital letters.

    • Cherron Phillips of Chicago was upset that she was barred from the courtroom during her brother’s trial on drug charges. So she filed false $100 billion liens against the property of 12 people involved in the case—including the U.S. attorney and chief judge then serving in the Northern District of Illinois. When she was prosecuted, she insisted on representing herself, called herself River Tali El Bey, then filed numerous documents that the judge called “clotted nonsense.”

    • In New Jersey, Ronald Ottaviano’s company offered a debt elimination plan that purported to draw money from a secret bank account maintained by the U.S. Treasury in each citizen’s name. Potential customers were told that these fabricated accounts were set up to allow the government to borrow against each citizen’s earnings, and that individuals who file the right papers can gain access to the accounts. After his own employees turned him in, Ottaviano defended himself against charges of fraud, money laundering and tax evasion. He told the court that he didn’t believe he was subject to U.S. taxes.

    What all of these cases have in common is that they are part of a movement of “sovereign citizens,” according to law enforcement officials. Sovereigns—also called “freemen on the land” or “organic citizens”—believe that an illegitimate, usurper federal government has taken over, and that they don’t have to pay taxes, pull over their cars for police or obey any other law they don’t like.

    These beliefs may sound silly, but sovereigns can be difficult to laugh off. For one thing, even though they don’t believe they’re subject to laws, they use laws as weapons. The FBI has called sovereigns “paper terrorists” because they so often fight perceived enemies—generally public employees—by filing false liens, false tax documents or spurious lawsuits. These can hurt the victim’s credit, stymie attempts to sell or refinance property, and take years and thousands in legal fees to correct.

    Illustration by Adam McCauley

    The trouble doesn’t stop there. When involved in any legal matter, from pet licensing to serious criminal charges, sovereigns are known for filing legal-sounding gibberish, usually pro se, learned from other sovereigns who sell lessons in “law” online. Frequently, they cite the Uniform Commercial Code, maritime law and the Bible.

    They’re also known for the sheer volume of their filings, which can double the size of a normal docket. This can frustrate and delay courts as they consider the defendant’s competence and otherwise try to minimize disruptions. With many court systems fighting heavy caseloads and budget cuts, these extra headaches are unwelcome.

    And though most sovereigns are not violent, there are exceptions. The FBI has declared them to be domestic terrorists because they occasionally get into armed confrontations with law enforcement. A sovereign father and son, Jerry and Joseph Kane, were responsible for the 2010 murders of two West Memphis, Ark., police officers, during what should have been a routine traffic stop. Jerry Kane was a known figure within the sovereign movement, traveling the country to sell ideas on debt elimination and stopping foreclosure. His girlfriend, Donna Lee Wray, later made news by flooding Tampa’s local government with paperwork when they wanted her to get a dog license.

    Nor are officers of the court immune, says J.J. MacNab, a Bethesda, Md., insurance analyst and litigation consultant who has tracked the sovereign movement for years.

    “In the recent past, it’s mostly been about police officers,” says MacNab, who has chaired several ABA committees as an associate member. “But now we’re looking at judges, county clerks, prosecutors—even public defenders.”

    Some sovereigns hold trials in their own “common-law courts,” convicting public officials in absentia and sentencing them to death for “treason.” This can be seen as an indirect threat against those “convicted.”

    But the violence can also be direct. Alaskans Lonnie and Karen Vernon, a couple involved in the Alaska militia run by political activist Schaeffer Cox, plotted to kill a federal judge and an IRS officer who handled their tax prosecution. At the behest of his friend Robert Chapman—a sovereign also known as “General Chapman”—sovereign John Ridge Emery III handed a Charlotte County, Fla., traffic judge an envelope he believed contained anthrax.

    Sovereign citizens are not considered to be an organized group. According to Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, they’re difficult to count because they lack a leader or a unified ideology. The SPLC roughly estimated that there were 300,000 sovereigns in the U.S. in 2011, with about a third, or 100,000, as hard-core believers, Potok says. He suspects the percentage of hard-core believers has since increased.

    “There’s still a fair amount of anecdotal evidence suggesting it is spreading,” Potok says. “It is the single most widespread idea from the radical right.”

    According to the SPLC, sovereigns generally believe the legitimate U.S. government has been overthrown and replaced—perhaps during the Civil War or in 1933, when the gold standard for currency was abandoned. Because the country was then broke, the story goes, its leaders set up Treasury accounts in the name of each baby born in the United States, permitting the government to borrow against that person’s future labor. Each account is supposedly organized as a trust or a corporation.

    If you can legally separate this “strawman” account from your person, sovereigns believe, you can use the money for your own purposes and put yourself outside the reach of the law. This “redemption” is generally accomplished by filing documents full of nonsense legalese, often based on packages or lessons sold online.

    Sovereigns sometimes say they are subject only to “God’s law” or to “common law,” meaning the U.S. legal system as they believe it existed before the conspiracy. They may declare themselves independent nations, join fictional American Indian tribes or attempt to create a replacement government within the sovereign community. Sovereigns believe official government documents with names in all capital letters refer to the strawman, which is why so many deny that they are the person named in court documents. The strawman theory also underlies sovereigns’ reliance on the Uniform Commercial Code, since they see most legal matters as financial transactions. Government employees are in on the scam, they say, which is why they don’t accept sovereign arguments and documents.

    The SPLC says early sovereigns were generally white people with racist beliefs—for example, contending that Jews controlled the financial world or that African-Americans could not be sovereigns because their citizenship was granted by the 14th Amendment. Some still hold those beliefs. But in the 21st century, adherents are diverse and not necessarily racist.

    “They’re spread over every [demographic]. It could be a 20-year-old black college student. It could be a 66-year-old woman,” says MacNab, who is writing a book about the movement. She says a lot of law enforcement officers “assume that if the person is not a [stereotypical] militia guy, they’re safe. … That’s not true anymore.”

    Indeed, sovereigns now include a large contingent of African-Americans, sometimes drawn from black separatist or religious movements. Potok believes as many as half of all sovereigns could be African-American. In Hawaii, sovereign ideas have caught on among some Native Hawaiian activists. And the ideology, MacNab and Potok say, is spreading into other English-speaking countries.

    Continued at link:
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  10. #7
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    SLPC a$$hole actual testimony debate on radical Islam and terrorism in a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    Copied from Oregon Wide Open Facebook. Were any cattle ranchers like the Bundys or any of We, the extreme right called to rebut this idot? Extremely doubtful.


    10 hrs · Lake Oswego, OR, United States ·

    According to this goon, We shouldn't be troubling ourselves with ISIS as it strains relations with Muslims. instead, according to Cohen we should be focused on the serious threat posed by cattle ranchers and other"extreme right" conservatives like the Bundy's.
    And this is actual testimony!

    Richard Cohen Testimony
    This video is the testimony of Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Center to a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary committee. The subject o...



    Paula Nerren Gartman, Ann Borel, Gary Klum and 2 others like this.


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    Vickey Gray Amazing he lies like a sociopath

    1 hr

    Chris Ohneck PATHETIC is my most used term lately and it applies here!

    3 mins

    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  11. #8
    Bitcoin Miner Ares's Avatar
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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    Quote Originally Posted by monty View Post
    SLPC a$$hole actual testimony debate on radical Islam and terrorism in a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    Copied from Oregon Wide Open Facebook. Were any cattle ranchers like the Bundys or any of We, the extreme right called to rebut this idot? Extremely doubtful.


    10 hrs · Lake Oswego, OR, United States ·

    According to this goon, We shouldn't be troubling ourselves with ISIS as it strains relations with Muslims. instead, according to Cohen we should be focused on the serious threat posed by cattle ranchers and other"extreme right" conservatives like the Bundy's.
    And this is actual testimony!

    Richard Cohen Testimony
    This video is the testimony of Richard Cohen, President of the Southern Poverty Law Center to a subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary committee. The subject o...



    Paula Nerren Gartman, Ann Borel, Gary Klum and 2 others like this.


    View 6 more comments

    Vickey Gray Amazing he lies like a sociopath

    1 hr

    Chris Ohneck PATHETIC is my most used term lately and it applies here!

    3 mins

    Richard (((Cohen)))

    Need we say anything more?
    "Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788
    "The greatest threat to the state is when the people figure out they can exist without them." - Twisted Titan
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    "Voting is nothing more than a slaves suggestion box, voting on a new master every few years does not make you free."

  12. #9
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
    Richard (((Cohen)))

    Need we say anything more?
    That is a well known fact. (((They))) promote (((their))) agenda, Congress laps it up while we, whom the Congress should serve are ignored.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    Ares (18th July 2016)

  14. #10
    Bitcoin Miner Ares's Avatar
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    Re: Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label - Kosher Scam Artists

    Quote Originally Posted by monty View Post
    That is a well known fact. (((They))) promote (((their))) agenda, Congress laps it up while we, whom the Congress should serve are ignored.

    Good Goyim, now you're getting it.
    "Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788
    "The greatest threat to the state is when the people figure out they can exist without them." - Twisted Titan
    "Some Libertarians are born, the government makes the rest."
    "Voting is nothing more than a slaves suggestion box, voting on a new master every few years does not make you free."

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