Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 | Posted by Stew Webb
Chief Justice Roberts Fails Attempt to Dismiss Lawsuit
By Stew Webb

Federal Whistleblower-Activist
On Friday, District of Columbia Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled the defendant Chief Justice John Roberts’ Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit for injunctive relief to improve federal judicial discipline reporting is no longer before the court and that the US Supreme Court justice must now answer the Amended Complaint that includes Chief Justice Roberts’ misconduct against the plaintiffs Bret D. Landrith and Samuel K. Lipari since the original complaint was filed.

I first met Sam Lipari and Bret Landrith when they were trying to enter the nationwide market for hospital supplies which is monopolized. Press releases about their antitrust case against the Novation LLC cartel members were being blocked and I could see the boys in the Bush-Millman crime syndicate were doing their usual number on these two whistleblowers trying to save our economy.

At the time we were in danger of losing over thirty auto plants and all the jobs that went with them because General Motors and Chrysler could no longer compete with foreign companies in our own domestic market because of hospital costs. I got interested.

I contacted my friend Tom Flocco to investigate the deaths of two US Attorneys who had brought the government’s case against the Novation hospital supply cartel. Tom Flocco found that the deaths fit the kind of work the Bush-Millman crime syndicate has built its reputation on and published the article Dead fired attorneys’ Medicare fraud probe linked to White House
Senator McCaskill (D-MO) knew about dead attorneys before Senate Gonzales hearing.

The article was so hot, the F.B.I. then sent some agents to Tom Flocco’s house and intimidated Flocco and his wife who had already lost a son to the Bush-Millman corruption, ending Flocco’s investigative journalism work.
Fast forward to today, the inflation of hospital supplies costs by the monopoly...