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Thread: How the gold market was crashed

  1. #1
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Angry How the gold market was crashed

    How the gold market was crashed

    By Bill Downey
    April 15, 2013

    Mamboni comments: After you finish reading this, I guarantee you will be in a fit of rage at the in-your-face corruption, insider trading and financial slaughter of private investors at the hands of the criminal gang that deliberatley and in premeditated fashion crashed gold and silver using every underhanded and illegal tactic at their disposal. The criminal gang is your federal government in league with the Federal Reserve Bank and JP Morgue. They shoved a virtual golden crowbar up every person's ass with this manuever and basically said "Fuck you, this is our market and we take what we want, sheep!"

    How they did it:
    1. they dumped massive paper gold shorts on the market, hundreds of tons, during the thinnest trading hours
    2. They knew where all the stop losses were 'cause they looked at all the "private" customer accounts illegally
    3. They targeted the stop losses to set in motion automatic selling - like shooting fish in a barrel - stomping out longs and freeing up gold for delivery (gold they don't have!).
    4. They did it right before a weekend so private customers got wolloped with massive margin calls that had to be paid by Sunday or their accounts would automated be liquidated.
    5. Then, the fucking bastards jammed the LBMA computers, preventing anyone from buying physical gold.
    6. The private investors, having lost billions, socked with margin calls as gold price went into free fall, panicked in trying to save their proverbial hides: they were forced to buy paper shorts on gold to protect themselves. Guess who was waiting to sell them all the shorts they wanted? Yeah, fucking JP Morgue! Bastards.
    7. After the dust settles, gold has collapsed $250, JP Morgue has unloaded it's massive gold short book on sandbagged and thoroughly herded private investors and funds who are now holding the massive gold shorts bag with gold poised for the next bull run.

    And what does the CFTC have to say: "We'll look in to it."

    Fuck you CFTC Fuck you FED Fuck you JP Morgan

    Let anyone of your doubter friends read this article and if they still don't see what criminals are running the government, the FED and Wall Street then they are beyond stupid. At this point, buying physical gold and silver goes far beyond price and profit: it is a moral imperative to destroy these criminal bastards at the only game the people can win, in the physical market. The criminal cartel doesn't have the the physical gold. They are scam artists and fractional reserve gold hucksters. If the people buy physical gold and silver they will be destroyed. Well, perhaps divine intervention is at hand; because apparently this latest criminla raid on paper gold and silver has ignited a worldwide rush to buy physical metal: gold and silver fever have struck! I hope the FED and the Banksters are shitting in their drawers contemplating what they may have unleashed!
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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  3. #2
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    My Dear Extended Family,
    There is no question except in the mind of the deranged bashers that the physical demand for gold threatened the fractional gold system to which a Fed sponsored raid took place. What they are missing is that it is not price that threatens the fractional gold system but rather demand at any price. It does not matter if the demand for physical is at $1350 or $3500, it upsets the system.

    What will happen now as gold bottoms due to Chinese and Russian physical demand, most likely at $1350? The gold price goes into recovery, margins rise on the futures market and we go directly back in the total inability to deliver, once more threatening the system. Physical gold premiums will continue to rise above even the physical market for gold.

    The damage done by the gold banks in time will be seen to be damage to themselves and not to gold.
    People are sick of being fed fraud every day. There is a revolution coming in money only accelerated by the recent illegal market activity hiding in plain sight. The assumption that the entire world is as dumb as the sheeple of the West will be proven to be what it is - absurd.
    This call to action made by Trader Dan, I believe four years ago, is the ultimate answer to the manipulators of gold from the floors of the exchanges to the halls of monetary ivy.

    Nothing will unnerve the paper gold shorts more quickly and do more to undercut their confidence than to strip them of the real metal and force them to come up with more hard gold bullion to make good on deliveries. "Stand and Deliver or Go Home" should be the rallying cry of the gold longs to the paper gold shorts.

    --Trader Dan Norcini

    The FreeGold camp has it nailed when they say the trend is away from paper gold to physical. Once gold is free of paper then its price will exceed all expectations in cash physical. On this point they will get no argument from me and I believe even Trader Dan will agree.

    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  4. #3
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post

    Mamboni comments: After you finish reading this, I guarantee you will be in a fit of rage at the in-your-face corruption, insider trading and financial slaughter of private investors at the hands of the criminal gang that deliberatley and in premeditated fashion crashed gold and silver using every underhanded and illegal tactic at their disposal. The criminal gang is your federal government in league with the Federal Reserve Bank and JP Morgue. They shoved a virtual golden crowbar up every person's ass with this manuever and basically said "Fuck you, this is our market and we take what we want, sheep!"

    How they did it:
    1. they dumped massive paper gold shorts on the market, hundreds of tons, during the thinnest trading hours
    2. They knew where all the stop losses were 'cause they looked at all the "private" customer accounts illegally
    3. They targeted the stop losses to set in motion automatic selling - like shooting fish in a barrel - stomping out longs and freeing up gold for delivery (gold they don't have!).
    4. They did it right before a weekend so private customers got wolloped with massive margin calls that had to be paid by Sunday or their accounts would automated be liquidated.
    5. Then, the fucking bastards jammed the LBMA computers, preventing anyone from buying physical gold.
    6. The private investors, having lost billions, socked with margin calls as gold price went into free fall, panicked in trying to save their proverbial hides: they were forced to buy paper shorts on gold to protect themselves. Guess who was waiting to sell them all the shorts they wanted? Yeah, fucking JP Morgue! Bastards.
    7. After the dust settles, gold has collapsed $250, JP Morgue has unloaded it's massive gold short book on sandbagged and thoroughly herded private investors and funds who are now holding the massive gold shorts bag with gold poised for the next bull run...
    Thanks for warning us away from that gold and silver "investment" con game Mamboni. Sorry for your $250 per-ounce loss... INVEST IN AMMO...IT TRIPLED IN PRICE IN THE PAST TWO MONTHS

  5. #4
    Platinum Uncle Salty's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    We know how corrupt the paper precious metals markets are. So should anyone else. Those still in the paper game at this point, get what they deserve. That doesn't justify criminal behavior, but Jesus Christ, after the MF Global debacle, only a fucking idiot would be long paper gold.
    Voting is the opium of the masses.

  6. #5
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    I guess the good news is that the reason the markets crash was not because of a deflationary collapse.

    Basically, physical buyers have been given a buying opportunity, and the legitimacy of the paper market has been reduced. So as long as you don't need to sell right now, it's not entirely bad.

  7. #6
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    Quote Originally Posted by vacuum View Post

    So as long as you don't need to sell right now, it's not entirely bad.
    Ah...but the flaw in regarding paper and physical differently is that physical is still "bought" at the paper Kitco price by every local dealer. Dealers of physical themselves link it to the "official" paper price when they are the buyer.

    Its still a rigged game...

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  9. #7
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    Quote Originally Posted by Jewboo View Post
    Ah...but the flaw in regarding paper and physical differently is that physical is still "bought" at the paper Kitco price by every local dealer. Dealers of physical themselves link it to the "official" paper price when they are the buyer.

    Its still a rigged game...
    It will continue to be a rigged game as long as fiat money is the law of the land. I hope for all our sakes that a gold and silver backed currency can once again take hold and we can throw off the yoke of slavery that the Rothchild Banking Syndicate has thrown upon us. They can and will use every dirty trick in the book to maintain their power, including the deaths of untold millions of innocent people. Their modus operandi is to create division and exploit said division by sending the cattle to war. It takes the eyes of the populace off of them and creates the illusion that they are the good guys when in reality they are the masters of deception and horror. Tlhey know damn well that if we are left for a moment from focusing on some imaginary enemy that we will focus upon them and their days will be numbered. They are actually walking a very thin line.

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  11. #8
    Great Value Carrots joboo's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    These guys refuse to see the writing on the wall so every counter tactic becomes increasingly desperate, and volatile.

    For every action like this there's an equal and opposite reaction relatively speaking.
    It was time to move on. Too many jello head moonbats with personality issues post on this forum.

  12. #9
    Gold Half Sense's Avatar
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    Re: How the gold market was crashed

    We can't know the true value of gold because there is no market for price discovery on gold. The ticker is painted by the people who OWE a lot more gold than they OWN. As you can imagine, their price will be a tiny fraction of the true value.

  13. #10
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Post Re: How the gold market was crashed

    Quote Originally Posted by Half Sense View Post

    We can't know the true value of gold because there is no market for price discovery on gold.

    We "discover" the price for our gold whenever we walk into our local dealer and offer to sell it. ALL the dealers use Kitco as "THE PRICE" for that hour and day when they buy.

    The notion that our physical has "true value" more than the Kitco paper price is quaint but a delusion.

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