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Thread: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

  1. #1
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Exclamation FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    When the world ain't treatin' you good, you got to hold on…

    When everybody's lookin' at you funny, you got to hold on…

    You got to hold on…

    "Hold On" by Alabama Shakes

    Strong Hands

    I want to discuss one more concept, the concept of strong hands going into Freegold.


    Each time the price swings up and down like this the "gold" traders trade their way in and out of their favorite paper gold positions. But the physical side is slowly working its way into stronger and stronger hands with each swing. Strong hands buy the dips while weak hands are selling in a panic.


    This could potentially be the final shakeout of weak physical hands, because there will be plenty of strong hands catching that physical even though physical buying won't stop the price from falling. Unfortunately for a few long-time gold bugs, the lack of a fundamental and foundational understanding of a much higher value could see them liquidating at the worst possible time in all of history. And that would truly be a shame. At least I have given fair warning. I'm not predicting that this is the way it will play out. Only that it could. And being aware of this possibility has value if it gives you strong hands at a key point in time. [1]

    That's an excerpt from an old post, about a year and a half ago, after gold had fallen about $250 during the preceding four months. Today it has fallen about $325 in four months. My perspective reveals that the "price" of gold may fall quite low just prior to a very quick revaluation upward. But that is just the temporary price that's falling, not the true value of physical gold.

    All of my savings are in physical gold coins and bars, and yet I have been anticipating an eventual price plunge to some really low number at least since my post The Shoeshine Boy back in 2010. And now, ever since this past December, I have been discussing the possibility of a plunge in the price of gold this year, with more frequency than in previous years, and how it fits within my view. I even dubbed 2013 "The Year of the Window" on New Year's Day, referring to the possibility that this is the year it happens. So why would I keep all of my savings in physical gold at the same time as I expected an eventual collapse in the price of gold? Interesting question, isn't it? Here's how I illustrated my view in that 2010 post:

    more at:

    Mamboni comments: check out the comments section - great stuff there.

    Now here's a remarkable observation, anecdotal no doubt. But FOFOA's blog on the esoteric side of goldbug sites and never had a large following --- until now! Check out the world map of visitors tonite - there are far more here than at all the other metals sites. This suggests to me that a lot of people have discovered gold in the last couple of years, alot of new goldbugs - bullish!

    Attachment 4922
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  2. #2
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    FOFOA is uberbullish gold, but does not appreciate silver, sadly.
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  3. #3
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    Hello Steve,

    Please share this with your fans.

    I have been a broker for 20 years. Recently the major broker dealer I work
    for asked me and my clients to leave due to too high of a concentration in
    physical metals. After 4 months of trying to find a new home for my
    business, and being denied by every major broker dealer in the US, I had
    no choice but to become and RIA.

    After three months of complete BS getting my RIA approved I am now in the
    process of moving my clients and metals to the new custodian. Here is
    where things get interesting. Every transfer is being rejected multiple
    times for the any reason the old major broker dealer can come up with.

    More interesting is all of the metals which have variable weights like
    1,000 Silver, 100 oz gold and 50oz platinum, when the old broker dealer
    finally does transfer the metals to the new custodian, NONE of the bars are
    the same in weight or serial number as my clients statements. The old
    broker dealer is having to come to me and my clients with bars of different
    serial numbers and weight than the one listed on the statements or from
    old trade confirms.

    This mis-match on transfers proves to me that the old broker deal NEVER had
    the metals and are now having to go acquire them to make good on client
    transfers. Coincidentally, I was also a broker at Morgan Stanley in 2006
    when MS got busted for excessive storage fees and it turned out MS never
    owned the metals that were printed on client statements either.

    Moral to the story, if you own metals at a major broker dealer, just
    because they are printed on your statement, does not mean they exist. I
    highly recommend shipping them home, even if they are in a qualified
    account. If there too much to take out of a qualified account, transfer
    them to a new custodian, for the new custodian will not accept the transfer
    without video taping and verifying the move of metals from the storage
    depository to the new storage depository.

    Last thing, I am 100% for sure that the most of the metals have been
    removed from the United States, and when the stock market and bond market
    crashes this fall, all metals in private accounts will either not be there,
    or confiscated.

    Heed this warning people, then end is HERE.

    God Bless Steve… Keep Telling The Truth… We Are Making A Difference

    Stephen (20 year financial advisor from four of the largest broker dealers)

    Jun 6, 2013
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  4. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to mamboni For This Useful Post:

    Agrippa (7th June 2013),gunDriller (14th June 2013),JohnQPublic (7th June 2013),ximmy (14th June 2013)

  5. #4
    Unobtanium EE_'s Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    I've not wavered, I wanted out of this corrupt criminal system a long time options are PM's, cash, or much less liquid collectables.

    Hedging inflation is all well and good, but keeping my money out of a corrupt system that wants to tax and seize your assets is my primary objective.

    In the not too distant future, if you get sick "they" will want all your money before any insurance kicks in.
    If you say something wrong, you will be branded a terrorist and your assets will have to be seized.
    Then there are bank runs and bank holiday's.
    What if you get sued for any reason?, even wrongly?...assets frozen!, until/if you can prove your innocence.
    The list goes on.


  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to EE_ For This Useful Post:

    Blink (7th June 2013),gunDriller (7th June 2013),zap (13th June 2013)

  7. #5
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    Enter The Dragon's Den : China's strategic Gold Swipe/THIS IS THE FINEST CHINA/ GOLD OVERVIEW WRITTEN PERIOD

    For over a decade we have been hearing about the term consolidation in the PM market. That once this occurs you can see the price of Gold and Silver skyrocket. Year after year those fixated on the paper supply side of ETF's and futures contracts have seen the PMs go up and down in a wild range of spot price, that calling a bottom or a top is fool hearty. While the vast majority dedicated their energies to the fight of PM vs the Fiat of the world, there has been an operation at work so insidious so diabolically genius that until recently the magnitude of the operation was virtually unknown.

    My first inclination of this beginning happened when I was a lowly commodity broker facilitating the very specialized market of strategic metals for a large European firm doing business in NYC. My job was to be involved in every aspect of the deal for my direct clients. This involved dealing with the workers of the mines in Zimbabwe, to the shipping of the ORE and Ingot from South Africa to the Netherlands where the wares are refined and readied to be sold to customers the world over. During this time we started coming in contact at every level from Chinese nationals. I have seen first hand the way they come in. Not like us Westerners, they do not come to African or Developing nations with the intent to control and pilfer their resources. No they come to create mutually beneficial partnerships that work in the favor of both countries. What a revolutionary concept! This became the reason why wherever China goes in the developing world, they are more than willing to do business with the her. Her business men and investors help build roads and much needed infrastructure, they bring resources to bear that help the indigenous population much need food, medicine and education. In return the host countries throw out the red carpet for China. So you really can attract more flies with honey.

    The most empirical evidence for this is the staggering level of business that China does with the Middle East and North Africa. So what is America's response to this? Well Gunboat Diplomacy of course. What China brings in aid and infrastructure, we come with hubris and machinations of regional dominance. China helps with oil discovery, we bomb, China creates opportunities for the indigenous populations, we give them sanctions. China seeks business partnerships with every nation but alliances with none. We bully and threaten and sow discord. China invests in Africa, what do we do? We militarize and destabilize with AFRICOM. In other words we are the total failures of a archaic foreign policy written by men who have no concept of how the world works today. A limited, short sighted policy of contention and containment geared for fighting soviets but obsolete in dealing with the current high speed economic-multidimensionalism. We are the old fuel swigging raucous 1960's muscle car, in an era of high speed modern exotics. It is a game that we are losing.

    This brings us to the main issue, we know that Gold is not only the wealth preserver but it is the ACE in the sleeve, the trump card against the forces of Fiat currencies and the Central Banking Concept. The nation that posses the most will be the one left standing when the dust of the once mighty Anglo-American Banking System finally crashes into the dustbin of history. Since the devaluation of Gold and Silver in April, the effect had a few things going for it:

    1. It drove enough fear into the hearts of the weak handed, causing them to dump what they have into the steel jaws of the jackals of finance.

    2. It drove the short sighted, short term profiting Speculator out of the market. Leaving more for the Jackals of Finance.

    3. It drove up acquisition premiums

    4. Finally it created a buying spree the likes of which the world has never seen with Asia, particularly China and India being at the forefront.

    Today we are at a juncture that in light of "low" spot price of PM's there is no one selling and everyone is buying. Further putting a choke hold on the Ponzi schemes run by Goldman Sachs, JPM, the Fed and COMMEX. All of the just mentioned characters either have no PM in the vaults (COMMEX and NY FED) or there is not sufficient metals to meet contractual futures obligations (COMMEX, JPM, GS) Which will lead these cronies to default. This mad buying has caused many sovereigns to do things that are considered irrational . China for instance in the last decade has set up various Sovereign Wealth Funds through which they are purchasing vast stores of PM from the Bullion Banks themselves. The Main monster in this den of Dragons is the Sovereign Wealth Fund CIC ( China Investment Corp) an almost half a trillion dollar monster whose sole purpose was to consume worthless US dollars, and use them to buy valuable assets.

    This past week we have heard that Swiss refiners delays have reached 5 weeks. How and why? After much careful digging it seem that the Chinese are heading the train off at the pass and purchasing Gold Ingots at point of manufacture paying more than what a refiner would pay. Once again adding a quiver to the long list of strategic metals and rare earth mineral mines, China is cornering the market on Gold. People tend to forget also the vast wealth the China always had in Gold from it's historic dynasties. This was confirmed by Steve Quayle's top level Chinese source. It was said to Mr. Quayle that the vast wealth of Ghengis, Kubla, Hahn and Ming Dynasties have all been preserved and stored from the prying hands of Western Imperialists for hundreds of years.

    Consider that China has a mysterious "Shadow Banking" cartel that is as secretive as anything in the west and one begins to see a clear picture of how this machine works in light of current economic malaise. A slowing economy, labor issues, and currency wars has not stopped the ravenous buying of Gold by the Chinese. This can only be done by the massive wealth within the Shadow Banking sector as well as the vast stores of US dollars. So kill two birds with one stone, with the Dollar buy up some Gold at the same time help bring down the US, A perfect plot if I do say so myself.

    CIC moves the gold, in other words it "Launders" it. This way it shows nothing on it's books and only very little holdings at any given time. Giving the impression of innocuous innocence. Pretty amazing for a firm that is the largest handler in the world of foreign exchange reserves. There is no better way to spend all of the worthless Federal Reserve Notes than in precious metals.

    So what does that mean for us? Well once again proof emerges that American is being raped, robbed and pillaged. We have five mints in the Country and 6 or 7 major dealers. It is only a matter of time before a Chinese national with a well rehearsed West Texas accent begins to call these places and make an offer that they can't refuse, $100 - $200 over spot? Folks we have in this country about 600,000 and 800,000 oz of gold left. In the grand scheme of things that is peanuts. In a massive emergency run in gold the supplies would last three weeks at the most!!!

    Please the time to be sitting on the fence is over get off the fence or you will be impaled by your lack of taking action. Be prepared. COPYRIGHT-www.stevequayle .com -MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY AS LONG AS LINK IS INCLUDED to RIGHTS RESERVED
    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mamboni For This Useful Post:

    gunDriller (13th June 2013)

  9. #6
    Unobtanium EE_'s Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    Enter The Dragon's Den : China's strategic Gold Swipe/THIS IS THE FINEST CHINA/ GOLD OVERVIEW WRITTEN PERIOD

    For over a decade we have been hearing about the term consolidation in the PM market. That once this occurs you can see the price of Gold and Silver skyrocket. Year after year those fixated on the paper supply side of ETF's and futures contracts have seen the PMs go up and down in a wild range of spot price, that calling a bottom or a top is fool hearty. While the vast majority dedicated their energies to the fight of PM vs the Fiat of the world, there has been an operation at work so insidious so diabolically genius that until recently the magnitude of the operation was virtually unknown.

    My first inclination of this beginning happened when I was a lowly commodity broker facilitating the very specialized market of strategic metals for a large European firm doing business in NYC. My job was to be involved in every aspect of the deal for my direct clients. This involved dealing with the workers of the mines in Zimbabwe, to the shipping of the ORE and Ingot from South Africa to the Netherlands where the wares are refined and readied to be sold to customers the world over. During this time we started coming in contact at every level from Chinese nationals. I have seen first hand the way they come in. Not like us Westerners, they do not come to African or Developing nations with the intent to control and pilfer their resources. No they come to create mutually beneficial partnerships that work in the favor of both countries. What a revolutionary concept! This became the reason why wherever China goes in the developing world, they are more than willing to do business with the her. Her business men and investors help build roads and much needed infrastructure, they bring resources to bear that help the indigenous population much need food, medicine and education. In return the host countries throw out the red carpet for China. So you really can attract more flies with honey.

    The most empirical evidence for this is the staggering level of business that China does with the Middle East and North Africa. So what is America's response to this? Well Gunboat Diplomacy of course. What China brings in aid and infrastructure, we come with hubris and machinations of regional dominance. China helps with oil discovery, we bomb, China creates opportunities for the indigenous populations, we give them sanctions. China seeks business partnerships with every nation but alliances with none. We bully and threaten and sow discord. China invests in Africa, what do we do? We militarize and destabilize with AFRICOM. In other words we are the total failures of a archaic foreign policy written by men who have no concept of how the world works today. A limited, short sighted policy of contention and containment geared for fighting soviets but obsolete in dealing with the current high speed economic-multidimensionalism. We are the old fuel swigging raucous 1960's muscle car, in an era of high speed modern exotics. It is a game that we are losing.

    This brings us to the main issue, we know that Gold is not only the wealth preserver but it is the ACE in the sleeve, the trump card against the forces of Fiat currencies and the Central Banking Concept. The nation that posses the most will be the one left standing when the dust of the once mighty Anglo-American Banking System finally crashes into the dustbin of history. Since the devaluation of Gold and Silver in April, the effect had a few things going for it:

    1. It drove enough fear into the hearts of the weak handed, causing them to dump what they have into the steel jaws of the jackals of finance.

    2. It drove the short sighted, short term profiting Speculator out of the market. Leaving more for the Jackals of Finance.

    3. It drove up acquisition premiums

    4. Finally it created a buying spree the likes of which the world has never seen with Asia, particularly China and India being at the forefront.

    Today we are at a juncture that in light of "low" spot price of PM's there is no one selling and everyone is buying. Further putting a choke hold on the Ponzi schemes run by Goldman Sachs, JPM, the Fed and COMMEX. All of the just mentioned characters either have no PM in the vaults (COMMEX and NY FED) or there is not sufficient metals to meet contractual futures obligations (COMMEX, JPM, GS) Which will lead these cronies to default. This mad buying has caused many sovereigns to do things that are considered irrational . China for instance in the last decade has set up various Sovereign Wealth Funds through which they are purchasing vast stores of PM from the Bullion Banks themselves. The Main monster in this den of Dragons is the Sovereign Wealth Fund CIC ( China Investment Corp) an almost half a trillion dollar monster whose sole purpose was to consume worthless US dollars, and use them to buy valuable assets.

    This past week we have heard that Swiss refiners delays have reached 5 weeks. How and why? After much careful digging it seem that the Chinese are heading the train off at the pass and purchasing Gold Ingots at point of manufacture paying more than what a refiner would pay. Once again adding a quiver to the long list of strategic metals and rare earth mineral mines, China is cornering the market on Gold. People tend to forget also the vast wealth the China always had in Gold from it's historic dynasties. This was confirmed by Steve Quayle's top level Chinese source. It was said to Mr. Quayle that the vast wealth of Ghengis, Kubla, Hahn and Ming Dynasties have all been preserved and stored from the prying hands of Western Imperialists for hundreds of years.

    Consider that China has a mysterious "Shadow Banking" cartel that is as secretive as anything in the west and one begins to see a clear picture of how this machine works in light of current economic malaise. A slowing economy, labor issues, and currency wars has not stopped the ravenous buying of Gold by the Chinese. This can only be done by the massive wealth within the Shadow Banking sector as well as the vast stores of US dollars. So kill two birds with one stone, with the Dollar buy up some Gold at the same time help bring down the US, A perfect plot if I do say so myself.

    CIC moves the gold, in other words it "Launders" it. This way it shows nothing on it's books and only very little holdings at any given time. Giving the impression of innocuous innocence. Pretty amazing for a firm that is the largest handler in the world of foreign exchange reserves. There is no better way to spend all of the worthless Federal Reserve Notes than in precious metals.

    So what does that mean for us? Well once again proof emerges that American is being raped, robbed and pillaged. We have five mints in the Country and 6 or 7 major dealers. It is only a matter of time before a Chinese national with a well rehearsed West Texas accent begins to call these places and make an offer that they can't refuse, $100 - $200 over spot? Folks we have in this country about 600,000 and 800,000 oz of gold left. In the grand scheme of things that is peanuts. In a massive emergency run in gold the supplies would last three weeks at the most!!!

    Please the time to be sitting on the fence is over get off the fence or you will be impaled by your lack of taking action. Be prepared. COPYRIGHT-www.stevequayle .com -MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY AS LONG AS LINK IS INCLUDED to RIGHTS RESERVED
    PM holders are going to have their day, oh yes! just might not be what everyone had envisioned.


  10. #7
    Administrator JohnQPublic's Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    Enter The Dragon's Den : China's strategic Gold Swipe/THIS IS THE FINEST CHINA/ GOLD OVERVIEW WRITTEN PERIOD

    ...This past week we have heard that Swiss refiners delays have reached 5 weeks. How and why? ...
    I asked a high level contact at a very large and well known Swiss based bullion manufacturer (I contacted him initially through my employer to explore an interesting PM related idea) if he is seeing a shortage of metals. He said, basically, that while supplies of certain products are temporarily depleted (I suspect he is referring to their products, and he used the word "depleted"), he did not think it was accurate to say that physical gold and silver supplies are becoming scarce. I asked him last week, and he answered Tuesday.

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  12. #8
    Unobtanium gunDriller's Avatar
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    Re: FOFOA: Hold On (to those gold coins and bars)!

    and keep them in a fire-proof safe with at least a 2 hour rating !
    Retired Director Morris Waxler says the FDA did not do their job for 15 years - and is not now.

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