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Thread: NSA Killing the Internet?

  1. #1
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    NSA Killing the Internet?

    The government tells us that we can't expect privacy on the internet because they have the 'right' to snoop on us. Despite the 4th Amendment to the Constitutiuon. This sort of hubris has a chilling effect on people using the internet. A week or so ago, we hear that Edward Snowden's 'private' email provider Lavabit has shut down, and its founder, Ladar Levison is being threatened by the government for destroying data on his servers to keep it private. Today, another casualty, Groklaw, run by Pamela Jones who tells us that she cannot continue her site under conditions of no privacy. Both of these web authors have been on the internet for a decade, and are flushing their hard work down the toilet because the government makes it impossible to continue.

    Here's a link to Jones's Groklaw announcing the shutdown:

    This is a disturbing trend if it is a trend. It may be the beginning of a new dark age. Privacy, like air, is a necessity for life. It looks like the thugs running the US Government are going to learn that the hard way. How many more sources of enlightenment are going to shut down before the government backs off? Or will it take a whole millennium like it did for the Catholic Church in Europe after the fall of Rome?

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  2. #2
    Banproof. General of Darkness's Avatar
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    Yeah it's running really fucked up right now.

  3. #3
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    Anglo-American Empire is run by sociopaths and psychopaths. They will pull the temple down onto themselves before they will relinquish control to those more deserving of it. The internet is the proverbial golden goose. These selfish greedy bastards would kill it and eat it rather than share but one golden egg.
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  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to mamboni For This Useful Post:

    Hatha Sunahara (20th August 2013),Shami-Amourae (20th August 2013),Twisted Titan (20th August 2013)

  5. #4
    Iridium Libertytree's Avatar
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    They're surely tightening their stranglehold but it's what they don't know that drives them insane and there's lots they don't know and lots of people who are very good at keeping them in the dark.
    "Truth is treason in the empire of lies"...Ron Paul
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  6. #5
    Unobtanium Twisted Titan's Avatar
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    Anglo-American Empire is run by sociopaths and psychopaths. They will pull the temple down onto themselves before they will relinquish control to those more deserving of it. The internet is the proverbial golden goose. These selfish greedy bastards would kill it and eat it rather than share but one golden egg.

    It is like trying to crush something in your hand.....the more your hand closes the more escapes between your fingers.

    For everyone they shut down a hundread or so escapes their dection and is able to pass along inteligence amoung its peers.
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  7. #6
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    A true "terrorist" would never use the stupid can they be?

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  8. #7
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ponce View Post
    A true "terrorist" would never use the stupid can they be?

    How stupid can WE all be? Their main agenda is not to hunt down terrorists, but to collect dirt on everybody so they can control everybody; blackmail everybody; destroy anybody. Fighting terrorism is merely an excuse to amass this capability. Anyone who is more afraid of terrorists than he is of the government is a complete idiot and a fool.

    I'm pretty sure that they do not consciously want to shut down the internet. However, if people don't have any privacy, they will think twice before using the internet for anything. If you can't share your private thoughts with people you trust because people you don't trust are recording those private thoughts, you're going to feel pretty well isolated, aren't you? You are going to feel like you're in a gigantic prison. You're going to watch everything you say and do. You're going to feel the effects of being in solitary confinement. Instead of a huge asset, you are going to look at the internet as a gigantic liability--a dangerous place. That kind of world really sucks.

    So how stupid are WE that we can't see that coming?

    Cosmic justice is getting what you deserve.

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    mick silver (21st August 2013)

  10. #8
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: NSA Killing the Internet?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatha Sunahara View Post

    You are going to feel like you're in a gigantic prison.

    Be a troublemaker and they will just delete our social security number/drivers license and freeze our bank accounts. No need to even arrest us anymore.

    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

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