KoB #10. Motueka Blonde. Coopers Canadian Blonde dry hopped with Motueka pellet hops. Following on from KoB #8 where we dry hopped a Canadian Blonde with Cascade. Using up some more of the hops we had over from the clone KoB #7.
Purchased all ingredients from the LHBS.
The recipe:
1 x 1.7kg Coopers Canadian Blonde.
1.25 kg Brew Booster - from the preferred LHBS
1 pkt LHBS brand ale yeast 15gms. Used this before. It's a go'er.
23 gms Motueka pellet hops - dry hop secondary.
I think it's basically the same recipe as the KoB #7. Different hops of course when we get to that stage.
OG 1.043
Brew temp: 20C - ambient
Pitch temp: 20C - wort
Current temp: 20C - wort
Volume: 23L
Notes: Grey wet windy day. Nothing better than to stay in doors and brew beer, clean some bottles and have a few bevies.
Straight forward brew. Was able to pitch the yeast right away. I was going to rehydrate the yeast but figured why bother. Temps seem right. Been an hour and a half and yeast is already getting in to it.