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Thread: Understand what GMOs do to your body! RoundUp and Monsanto are killing us!

  1. #1
    Gold optionT's Avatar
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    Exclamation Understand what GMOs do to your body! RoundUp and Monsanto are killing us!

    optionT: Growing your own organic food or buying from a respected, trusted farmer/grocer is important, especially for children.

    "If the GMO seed planted by Farmers is so safe, why is Monsanto destroying farms and crops. Why is Monsanto so hell bent on blocking any law requiring genetically modified foods be properly labeled? We have so much of this gmo roundup weed killer sprayed all over the soil across the globe that it is in everything we need to survive. Our air, food, water and planet have become a living grave! Everyday you are being poisoned slowly by the Neocon Zionist Elites. Wake up. Peace. ☺♥"

    "We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and at whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee their purchasing power." – Alan Greenspan

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  3. #2
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Understand what GMOs do to your body! RoundUp and Monsanto are killing us!

    Video < 4 mins, but i can only play a few secs b4 i get the terminal running circles clockwise/hourglass thing, with vid stalled until i refresh the yt page, after which i may/may not get a few seconds (re)viewing in b4 yt pulls the same shite

    Is this the dinjooz' latest ploy to camoflage their censoring?! Or is there summinamatter with my little spy device?!

    Roundup Will Be Labeled Cancer Causing & Genetically Engineered Crops soon to be marketed as Non-GMO
    Spiro 1,849 views
    Published on May 2, 2016Food companies continue to find ways to deceive their customers – the food-buying public – as they aim to maximize their profits. In the latest example, one company has found a way to pass off genetically engineered crops as "non-GMO."

    Sacramento, CA — California just dealt Monsanto a blow as the state’s Environmental Protection Agency will now list glyphosate — the toxic main ingredient in the U.S.’ best-selling weedkiller, Roundup — as known to cause cancer.
    FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"

    "If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz

  4. #3
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Understand what GMOs do to your body! RoundUp and Monsanto are killing us!

    I attended a meeting four days ago on GMO's. The speaker was supposed to be Don Huber and I was wanting to meet him and visit with him. He had to cancel because his wife passed away and he returned to Idaho to take care of the arrangements and funeral for her.

    He has worked with Howard Vlieger presenting information on the dangers of GMO crops and asked him to take his place. His talk was very informative and I believe is basically what is given below in the video I'll post. The introduction is hard to hear but his presentation is easy to hear.

    I had talked to Don Huber several times in 2011 because of a huge loss from feeding corn gluten made from the byproduct of distilling alcohol from corn. 75 out of 250 head of cattle aborted their fetuses. Don Huber told me they knew what the organism looked like that killed fetuses and caused infertility but it was something they hadn't seen before and had developed because of farmers using roundup and GMO seed.

    I asked Vlieger if they'd figured out what that organism was and if they had a name for it and he said not yet but he thinks that they are close. Anyone who is looking in to the danger of GMO's will be attacked and smeared by Monsanto and their jobs lost. There is a researcher that is still looking in to it though and I think I talked to him and he helped me with samples of feed I sent to him to have analyzed. The samples were of
    the feed I'd fed my cows that killed their fetuses and caused them to abort.

    This is a link to a thread on this forum where GMO's were discussed and my story of what happened to my cattle.

    Vlieger said the GMO's and Roundup residue are found almost everywhere in the food and water now.

    Here is a link to a site that has the above video and others posted by Don Huber and more information on GMO's
    We are all travelers through this world
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    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

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  6. #4
    Unobtanium singular_me's Avatar
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    Re: Understand what GMOs do to your body! RoundUp and Monsanto are killing us!

    proof that EU politicians have a very low IQ? They not only follow the money, enforce the glyphosate while committing slow motion suicide


    Urine of very single member of the European Parliament tested found to be heavily contaminated with glyphosate weed killer

    Monday, May 30, 2016 by: Sarah Landers
    (NaturalNews) In a bid to show the public that there is no reason to be concerned about exposure to popular herbicide glyphosate – produced by Big Agri Giant Monsanto – Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) volunteered to take a urine test to see if glyphosate was in their systems. As reported by Reader Supported News, 48 MEPs from 13 different European Union countries participated in the test to see if they had been exposed to the cancer-linked weedkiller – and now the results are in.

    According to the test results from the accredited Biocheck Laboratory in Germany, "all participants excreted glyphosate by urine." That's right – every single one.

    The experiment
    Spearheaded by the Green Party in the European Parliament – who are hoping for a ban on the toxic herbicide across the EU – the experiment found that on average the MEPs each had 1.7 micrograms/liter of glyphosate in their urine – which is 17 times higher than that found in European drinking water (on average 0.1 microgram/liter).

    This shows that glyphosate is entering our bodies not only from drinking water, but from the food chain – as everyone tested was way above the limit for residues of pesticides in drinking water, as Reader Supported News noted. The report states that: "All investigated EU-parliament members were glyphosate contaminated. This will show glyphosate is also in the food chain of members of the EU-parliament."

    Learn more:
    All the money that exists cannot buy Earth, and the evidence is that we destroy our habitat as a result, thinking that we can just seize and pillage as we see fit. If crowds endorse the pursuit of wealth at their own level, they cannot prevent multinationals from doing exactly the same. The “dystopian endless growth paradigm” is going to end with a bang but will open the door to a premise endorsing that Earth is the only wealth we truly have while journeying through life.

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