I don't support this person, but I'm against this level of censorship...
So the wrath of the YouTube heroes has commenced.
This is Bearing. His channel with over 300k subs has been deleted. He is an anti-SJW and is one of many YouTubers that have started being silenced.
Here is the petition to bring Bearing back.
#FREEBEARING on Twitter.
Sargon of Akkad in the subject
He got 3 copyright strikes in the same day from the same person.
Bearing responds:
It looks like Bearing’s channel was suspended for a good, although still unfortunate, reason. The bear logo that he has plastered all over the place actually comes from a children’s cartoon series called Total Drama.
It would have been hard, given the amount of times the Total Drama Bear is used, but it could have possibly been done. Hell, just delete all the vids and start over with subs intact. I’m no longer sure that will be an option for Bearing, though.http://totaldrama.wikia.com/wiki/Bear