This should be from the front page of the New York Times and on every teevee news station as these corrupt officials are imprisoned one by one.
When's the real Trials gonna happen Monty?
This should be from the front page of the New York Times and on every teevee news station as these corrupt officials are imprisoned one by one.
When's the real Trials gonna happen Monty?
I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.
monty (19th January 2018),Tumbleweed (19th January 2018)
Another good question Jewboo and I don't know what montys answer will be but this is what I think.
I don't think there ever will be a real trial of the guilty parties. If there were to be a real trial of the criminals involved in this situation instead of a "hung jury" there'd be "hung" lawyers, judges, politicians, bankers, environmentalists, FBI guys, BLM guys, mercenaries, state police, a county sheriff or two and some US Marshalls.
We are all travelers through this world
Birth till Death
We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"
I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth
The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown
boogietillyapuke (19th January 2018),Jewboo (19th January 2018),midnight rambler (19th January 2018)
Like Tumbleweed says, there won’t be any real trials. Worse all the sorry SOBs involved will keep their jobs with no sanctions. Like Tumblweed said, there should be trials resulting in “hung” judges, lawyers, FBI, U.S. Marshals, BLM personel, mercenaries, state police, a couple of sheriffs, Harry Reid, Rory Reid and Governor Kate Brown. Maybe an Oregon Senator or two should be added to the list. The murder trial for LaVoy Finicum will never be a reality.
The only positive thing to come out of this is the hand picked juries saw through all the government lies.
on a positive note, the remaing charge aginst Ryan Bundy the jury was hung on, theft of government property has been dismissed with prejudice.
Angie Huntington Bundy
8 hrs ·
I don’t know if you all recall, but when the Oregon charges were all acquitted, the Jury was hung on one charge of Ryan’s. Theft of Government property was count five. This was in reference to a camera that was taken down and boxed for the FBI to come pick up. I just received word that the Government has chosen to dismiss count five with prejudice. Ryan now has beat all of the charges for Oregon and Nevada. Thank you for all the prayers!
The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
boogietillyapuke (19th January 2018),Jewboo (19th January 2018),midnight rambler (19th January 2018),Tumbleweed (19th January 2018)
Exactly. This trial documentation is all the "evidence" needed to now convict the government. Monty's own sig line:
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the most Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." July 4, 1776
I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.
monty (19th January 2018),Tumbleweed (19th January 2018)
Does the BLM have unfinished business?
I believe a lot of that depends on how hard Harry Reid pressures them.
If Karen Budd-Falen becomes the new director of the BLM she may hold them at bay for the time being.
Many confuse BLM regulations for laws. However, as former governor and then Congressman Jim Gibbons pointed out in his report to Congress Oct. 23, 2000 all the Acts of Congress regarding public domain (lands) demand the original rights must be preserved. Also they all contain a savings clause. The BLM has historically chosen to violate these Acts of Congress, and even disobey their own regulations. And how many of the court decisions followed the Constitution, or were politically driven?
Read about Karen Budd-Falen here:
Does the BLM Have Unfinished Business?
January 15, 2018 BLM, Featured 5 cattle, Bunkerville Standoff 2014. Photos used by permission from Shannon Bushman, Peek Promotions.
Does the BLM Have Unfinished Business?
Who Occupies The Legal And Moral High Ground?
“Nobody should lose sight of what the core issue is here,” Ford said. “We’re a nation of laws, and frankly Cliven Bundy chose not to follow them and still doesn’t.”by Loren Edward Pearce
~Mike Ford, former BLM Nevada deputy director, as reported by the Oregonian.
It was previously noted in the article “For the federal team, losing is not an option” that, in spite of the good news of dismissing the trial with prejudice, many of the same issues remain that gave rise to the April 12, 2014 protest and the subsequent charges against the Bundys and others.
It did not take the reporter long to report on the remaining issues and that it is only a matter of time before the federal government revisits the Bundy ranch waving their court orders and proceeding with the unfinished business that was delayed due to the protests.
This time, the federal team’s strategy is to enlist the help of the local authorities under the assumption and preconceived notion that the local authorities will, of course, agree with the federal team and that there is no chance that the local authorities will side with the Bundys.
According To The Bundy’s Religion, The Constitution Is Divinely Inspired
Mr. Ford, former deputy director for the BLM in Nevada, is right, the core issue is we are a nation of laws, but he fails to state that all the laws hang on the supreme law of the land, the constitution. Mr. Ford is wrong in assuming that the laws he refers to are constitutional and assuming that Cliven is wrong because “frankly Cliven Bundy chose not to follow them and still doesn’t.”
Mr. Ford believes, as do millions of other Americans, that the BLM continues to occupy the legal and moral high ground and that the trials of the Bundys and their supporters were dismissed on technicalities and that the core issue, the trespass of the Bundy cattle, has not been resolved.
Larry Klayman, in a recent interview with Redoubt News, mentioned that he was impressed with how knowledgeable Cliven was with regard to the constitution and that within the context of Cliven’s Mormon religion, the constitution is revered as a “divinely inspired” document. Specifically, Mormon writ and scripture declare,
“According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles;”
“And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood.”
“Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you…in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land; And as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than this, cometh of evil.”
So, a fundamental belief of the Bundys is that, because the constitution is divinely inspired, whatever is more or less than that which is contained in the constitution, is derived from evil. The Bundys believe that they, along with other adherents to the original constitution and its limits on government, are the ones who occupy the legal and moral high ground.
Because I Read Them
Jon Ritzheimer, in an interview with Redoubt News, told about how Senator Ron Paul had a reputation for voting against most of the bills that came before him. When he was asked why he was always voting against the bills being proposed, Ron Paul replied, “Because I read them.”
Senator Ron Paul
And Ron Paul, after reading them, understands that the thousands of laws being passed today, are more or less than what the constitution allows under its very limited and defined enumerated powers:
“This essential principle of our Constitutional Republic is being ridden roughshod over by imperial Washington, which bullies local governments into accepting its illegal and unconstitutional policies.”Ron Paul Interview by Joseph Murtagh, June 28, 2007
Judge Napolitano praised Ron Paul for his defense of the constitution in passing laws:
“There are 535 people on Capitol Hill whose job it is to write the laws that govern all of us, and he is one of them. There are 535 people on Capitol Hill whose job it is to preserve the constitution, and he is one of them. There are 535 people whose job it is to preserve our liberties, and he is one of them.” ~Andrew Napolitano, Future of Freedom Foundation, June 3, 2007
So, Mr. Ford, and the hundreds of thousands of federal employees who make up the federal team and who want to protect their turf and their job security, believe that Cliven Bundy is a criminal and an outlaw because he wants to defend and obey the constitution.
But, the federal team, including Mr. Ford, might answer with something like this,
“The BLM, federal ownership of 640 million acres of land, protection of the desert tortoise, the BLM authority to enforce its administrative orders and the BLM authority to exist, can all be traced back to acts of congress and to decisions made by the courts”, Acts which Ron Paul would not vote for because they are unconstitutional and are not part of the enumerated powers found in the constitution. As to Mr. Ford’s claim that we are a nation of laws, Ron Paul would reply,
“And the Constitution and the courts said slavery was legal, too, and we had to reverse that.”
- Fox News Sunday, 15 May 2011, quoted in Millhiser, Ian (15 May 2011)
As Ron Paul acknowledges, not even the constitution is perfect, and where it tramples on individual rights, the rights of African Americans, then it needs to be amended. But, where it promotes individual rights, it is the supreme law of the land, and all subsequent laws should have the same DNA as the original constitution.
Study Of Constitution Law Not Relevant To The Bar Exam
A law professor recommends that constitutional law not be taught to law students in preparation for the bar exam, as it is not relevant to the questions asked on the bar exam and knowledge of the constitution’s original intent will only frustrate them.
In effect, this is what Mr. Ford is saying when he said the core issue is that we are a nation of laws, laws that are multi generational offspring of other laws that no longer orbit the constitution.
Bringing The Fight Back To Bunkerville
So, we are faced with the same issues that precipitated in the April 12, 2014 protest, they have not gone away. The only thing that has gone away is the trial of Cliven, Ammon, Ryan Bundy and Ryan Payne and their unconstitutional imprisonment. The fate of other political prisoners is still not resolved.
The fate of the Bundy ranch and the fate of the Bundy cattle are still not settled according to the article cited above. What is settled is that local authorities, like Sheriff Dave Ward in Burns, Oregon and Sheriff Joe Lombardo in Clark County, Nevada, are more likely to recognize the unconstitutional authority of the federal government, as opposed to the deeded rights, the prescriptive rights, and the constitutional rights of the Bundys in Clark County.
Sheriff Lombardo and his deputies, under pressure from the powerful landlords who rule 85% of Nevada, will probably capitulate and do their bidding, without ever studying or understanding the supreme law of the land and their oath of office.
All those who violate their oaths of office and do not uphold and defend the constitution, do not occupy the moral and legal high ground and are perpetuating the evil that comes from supporting massive, powerful, centralized and unconstitutional federal bureaucracies like the BLM.
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The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
midnight rambler (19th January 2018),Tumbleweed (19th January 2018)
Cliven Bundy is considering running for county sheriff or possibly Nevada Governor. 360 January 11, 2018. J Grady put this on her channel Jan. 16
The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
midnight rambler (19th January 2018),Tumbleweed (19th January 2018)
Cliven Bundy traveled to Paradise, Montana to speak. He encouraged the local ranchers to cancel their BLM contracts.
I had to delete 3 of her pictures because of the forum 10 image limit.
A leftwing Buzzfeed reporter who didn’t spin it too much, AnneHelen Petersen’s twitter posts on the gathering:
Tonight, in the tiny town of Paradise, Montana, I watched Cliven Bundy encourage all Montanan ranchers to stop signing their grazing leases with the federal govt and "Act like Montanans. Act like you understand the constitution."
8 tweets11 hours ago
EmbedAnne Helen Petersen@annehelenFollow Read on Twitter
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The meeting was held at the old school house; completely packed. Overflow parking all the way down the hill. People from all over but a ton from near Paradise, home of Jake Ryan, who’s been charged with involvement in the Malheur stando
The event ran 5.5 hours and featured 7 speakers. It felt like a low-key tent revival. Many have told me shit will hit the fan soon, it’s just not clear when and where. The mistrial has galvanized them & LaFoy Finicum, killed by the FBI at Malheur, has become a full blown martyr.
Cliven Bundy was introduced as “a patriarch.” Definitely still the main attraction, but his son, Ryan, has incredible charisma. He preaches the constitution like a pastor preaches the Bible. He *converts.*
A bunch of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers showed up in “Public Land Owner” shirts & waited to voice their concerns until the Q&A. These ladies stood outside and had a lot of people yell “what do you know about white privilege” at them.
The woman on the left lives 40 miles away, on the Flathead Reservation. "If Bundy weren't white, there's no way he'd be alive, or get away with what he's done. A woman asked me what i knew about white privilege, I said I've had 30-something years of it."
This woman & her husband moved to the Flathead Valley at the urging of Chuck Baldwin, a far right pastor who encouraged all followers to move up to prepare for end times. They quit jobs & walked away from their Nevada homes.
Anyway this morning I was reporting from the Woman’s March in Missoula and tonight I left a 5 hour states’ rights rally to find these ladies hanging outside waiting for their owners; Montana truly contains multitudes
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The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
Tumbleweed (21st January 2018)
February 8, is the date for the final 4 in the Bundy Trials. Mel Bundy, Dave Bundy, Joe O’Shaughnessy and Jason Woods are still waiting for their trial. After the last fiasco I think that Harry Reid’s communist Cuban judge should dismiss the charges - with prejudice, then Trump needs to commute the sentences of the others who were wrongfully convicted or bullied into taking plea deals.
Mark Your Calendars: February 8th – Bunkerville Standoff
January 25, 2018 BLM, Featured, Federal Courts 1
Mark Your Calendars: February 8th – Bunkerville Standoff
by Shari Dovale
Feb 8th is the calendar call for the next tier of defendants in the Bunkerville Standoff.
Mel Bundy, Dave Bundy, Joe O’Shaughnessy and Jason Woods are still scheduled for trial despite motions to dismiss filed and waiting for rulings. The current calendar shows the next trial beginning Feb. 26, 2018.
A flurry of paperwork is going through the courts. Judge Navarro is finally ruling on old motions, as she handles housekeeping and cleanup measures she has never gotten around to taking care of, or ruling on.
Judge Navarro dismissed the last tier in a scathing diatribe against the prosecution for their flagrant violations of the law. January 8th is a day that will marked in history as the Federal prosecutors got caught manipulating the very system they swore an oath to uphold.
The judge stated (emphasis added):The fact that the judge mentioned dismissing the indictment should raise the interest of all the attorneys involved. Dismissing the actual charges via the indictment should affect all the defendants, including those that have been convicted or plead to lesser charges, as they have all been the victims of the governments illegal behavior,
“The government’s recklessness and the prejudice the defendants will suffer as a result of a retrial warrant the extreme measure of dismissing the Indictment because no lesser sanction would adequately defer – deter future investigatory and prosecutorial misconduct.”
She further went on to order, “It is herein ordered that the defendants’ Motion to Dismiss with prejudice … are hereby granted.”
Two of the defendants are due to be sentenced before the next trial begins. Eric Parker and Scott Drexler, who agreed to plea to misdemeanor charges to avoid a third trial, have had their sentencing dates rescheduled to coincide with the calendar call on Feb. 8th. I also understand that Todd Engel’s new attorney has filed motions to address some of these issues.
This could be very telling for insiders that understand the nuances of court proceedings. However, I am not an attorney and can only speculate as to the meaning of what is happening.
Stay tuned, as the saga of the Trial of the Century is not over. More news will come out of Las Vegas on the coming weeks.
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The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
Tumbleweed (25th January 2018)
Sorry to see them cave, especially since the charges were mostly fabricated , to cover the gov collective asses looking for a political win, which = redemption of over reaching. Still egg in the face, innocent man gunned down, so one good life lost.
And the rest standing proud defending their rights.
"My reading no matter how transient is a dagger in the heart of ignorance."
Bundy Attorney Roger Roots on the Tyrannical Ranch Bundy Trials ~ NorthWestLibertyNews
I wasn’t able to understand him because me being deaf and the echo in the hall where he was speaking. I will watch again after it has subtitles.
The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
Bigjon (26th January 2018),Tumbleweed (26th January 2018)