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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #311
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Dachsie View Post
    July 3, 2020

    The Real Deal Reports show
    with co-hosts Dean Ryan, Mike Bara, and Dr. James Fetzer


    The Real Deal Report: Friday July 3rd, 2020
    •Jul 3, 2020

    Mike Bara Official

    51:40 minutes video runtime


    Mike Bara:

    “… and as long as these idiot Republican governors don’t keep shutting down their states for this fake pandemic virus we’re going to come back stronger than ever and be doing very very well by the Fall.”

    Dr. James Fetzer:

    "The nation is being played by an elementary fallacy of equivocation. You’ve got the word case which is ambiguous in its meaning.

    If you have the coronavirus because of a test, that’s a case, but that doesn’t mean you’re sick, that you have the symptoms that deserve hospitalization.

    The mainstream, of course, is trading on this ambiguity. So the increase in cases as the death rate is remaining…that the number of deaths is remaining relatively constant …that the increased number of cases means that the death rate is actually diminishing.

    But these idiot governors don’t know enough to get it right. They are participating in a plot to undermine the economy even further by more shutdowns.

    It’s a disgrace and even those of us who are doing our best to explain this are being rebuffed by the mainstream media who won’t even publish letters to the editor that lay it out.”


    Dachsie comments..
    These governors know exactly what having “the coronavirus because of a test” means and what it does not mean.
    Dr. Fetzer speaks too kindly by calling these governors who don’t know enough to get it right idiots.
    The “ignorance theory” does not explain the governors’ murdering our state economies because of a spike in “new cases” just as the “incompetence theory” never explained 9-11-01.


    James Fetzer says the same thing at this point in this show also...



    The Second Wave Is Here as Coronapalooza Continues- Mike Bara / Blake Walley / Fetzer
    •Jun 26, 2020


    Dr. Fetzer makes a valid point but that point seems to be based on the false assumption that there are true confirmed "coronavirus cases." No such animal! GuiseppeDC has made that point on every show of Dr. Fetzer's two or three times each week over the last several weeks.

    Fraud, aka big lies, is much different than equivocation trick by the media and the Texas governor.

    And it looks like extortion and money laundering to me so that makes this racketeering rather than simple fraud.

    WHY WHY WHY did Texas Governor Greg Abbott throw Texas and Texans under the bus?
    That is the question.

  2. #312
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Over twenty years ago I thought this kind of reasoning of the John Birch Society's New American Magazine sounded right and good. I am on a journey for truth and thank goodness my journey detour with the John Birch Society was brief. I thank Dr. Stan Monteith of for that.

    Yes, socialism is bad and wrong but so is the "free markets" and libertarian-leaning economics the JBS promotes. Capitalism has shown serious flaws to us all and the big corporations are the cause of many of our nation's problems but the JBS and most every other media, including alternative media, never mention problem of corporate greed and moving our industries overseas, outsourcing our industries and jobs, and the "state-sponsored usury" of the Federal Reserve System.

    Lastly, this article, takes for granted that the virus is real and that this is the real "pandemic" and that is false.

    I only read half of this article but I was curious about what this magazine and "very covervative or Right wing" was saying these days about the "coronavirus" and I see that the JBS and the New America Magazine has not changed a bit in the last twenty years and this goes for many entities, like Prager University, that appear to be promoting American true patriotism.

    We need facts and truth more than ever now when our Constitutional republic is being attacked relentlessly and ruthlessly from within by Communists, not "socialists".

    Where's the John Birch Society's strong stance against Communism when you need that recognized and revealed again right now.
    Coronavirus: Freedom Is the Cure
    Written by Dennis Behreandt
    21-26 minutes

    From the print edition of The New American:

    Governments around the world are trying to stop the coronavirus by curbing the market and stopping the lives of hundreds of millions of people. To stop the pandemic, the opposite approach is desperately needed.

    As this is being written (the end of March), important nations of the world are on lockdown. Important states in America are on lockdown. Nearly 100 million Americans have been ordered not to leave their homes. Politicians in Israel have openly debated the possibility of eliminating all personal freedoms. Police and National Guard troops are going door-to-door in Rhode Island searching for contraband visitors (especially New Yorkers), raising the specter of martial law. It sounds impossibly apocalyptic, like something out of a bad sci-fi movie featuring the imminent arrival of inscrutable, implacable, and hostile aliens, but it’s true.

    And, it’s poised at this writing to get even worse. According to Haaretz, Sigal Sadetsky, the head of Israel’s public health services, made reference to the Chinese approach to handling the coronavirus pandemic in remarks to the Knesset Subcommittee on Intelligence and Secret Services. She told them, the paper reported, “that she believes ‘everyone will do the same thing.’” Questioned about whether she was advocating a lockdown or curfew, her answer was chilling. “A lockdown and personal monitoring of people, and a total halt to personal freedom,” she answered.

    She may as well have been speaking for statists everywhere, including in America. As of this writing, the National Guard has been called out in 28 states, and many state governors have issued edicts forcing people to stay indoors. Across the country, businesses deemed not essential have been closed. Alarmingly, with the urging of Democrats in state governments and in Congress, the president activated the Defense Production Act, the 1950s Korean War-era law that empowers the executive branch of the federal government to take over some or all of the economy as it deems necessary to fight a crisis.

    Around the world, with a very few notable exceptions, the response to COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has been to abandon any pretense of freedom and free markets and to institute thoroughly socialist police states.

    This is both ethically questionable and morally detestable. It certainly makes a mockery of the American Constitution, laughs in the face of the Declaration of Independence, and is a jackboot stepping on the face of the Founding Fathers.

    Moreover, these moves to a socialist police state are going to fail. They are not going to produce a cure for COVID-19. More importantly still, they will destroy the economy, if not civilization as a whole. The entire span of history, especially the experience of the last 100 years, has proven that the flourishing of art, the advance of science, the decline in poverty and the growth in abundance, and, yes, the cure for disease, have been phenomena of the free and undirected activity of individuals in the market unencumbered by bureaucratic red tape and dictatorial meddling.

    By contrast, wherever massive government interventions have been tried, they have always ended in poverty, scarcity, and, all too often, mass death and genocide.

    In trying to cure the COVID-19 with authoritarian socialism, our policymakers and politicians, and those like them around the world, are putting in place a course of treatment that will kill the patient. The disease may be eradicated, sure, but what’s the point if the civilization is destroyed?

    It is, without question, important that we stop the pandemic. But if we want to stop this pandemic and the next, the answer is more freedom and more of the prosperity that results from freedom. Using police-state tactics to shutter the economy and control the movement and activity of people creates a multitude of conditions that put lives at risk, including increased poverty, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, and more, all of which compound the dangers represented by disease. In contrast, an unencumbered society avoids these follow-on impacts while allowing need and opportunity, represented by demand for treatments and solutions, to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. In essence, freedom is the cure.

    Socialist Scarcity

    If socialist economies promote advanced innovative solutions and economic outcomes, including those needed to fight disease, we should see evidence of this from past experiments with socialist systems. In fact, socialist regimented economies have been tried before, and several times at that. In fact, they have been tried and found wanting even under optimal natural and economic conditions.

    The truth is, a socialist command economy cannot work. It generates graft and corruption while having a fundamental inability to supply even the basic needs of society.

    That inability comes from the very nature of economic planning. Consider this on a small scale wherein you must decide what goods and services your neighbor needs and should have over the next 12 months. How much fuel should he have? How much food? What kind of food? How often should he have access to that food? What about education? Or entertainment? What technology should he have access to? As the planner for just one neighbor, these are the questions you need to answer. Then there is the matter of bias and emotion. What if your neighbor curses at you, or throws rocks or otherwise resists your plans? Might you take punitive action against your neighbor to teach him a lesson?

    Now, expand this to a nation and put bureaucrats in charge. There is no way central economic planning could work adequately, even for just one year for a set of two neighbors. When expanded to the size of an entire nation, the possibility of successful planning drops to zero.

    This is because central planning does away with supply and demand in the market, and with that eliminates price. Prices are the means by which those in need of goods and services signal how much they need, and prices are used by producers to determine what to supply. When some product or service works well or is badly needed or desired, demand for that item rises. If the demand rises relative to supply, then the price increases for that item accordingly. This information is noted by suppliers who then, seeing an opportunity, bring to market either additional supply or new products that will also meet that demand. The information conveyed by prices about potential opportunities in the market also provides incentive for innovation in the pursuit of better means of production, more effective products, or even more efficient means of storage and delivery of products. The result of all this activity, mediated by equilibrium-seeking between supply and demand and signaled by prices in the market, is a growth in availability of goods and services, along with a rich and growing prosperity to be enjoyed by all.

    None of this happens, or it happens very poorly, in a socialist command economy. The result is always scarcity, poverty, hunger, and, all too often, death.

    The greatest example of this is the experience of the Soviet Union. From 1918 to 1992, the Soviet Union was the world’s leading socialist state. Contrary to Soviet propaganda, it suffered regular shortages of goods and services. The 1970s, economically, were the best of times for the Soviet people. And yet the system of socialized planning regularly resulted in shortages.

    Former New York Times reporter Hendrick Smith witnessed the situation for himself while living in Moscow, the wealthiest of Soviet cities. In his book The Russians, he described the shortages Muscovites lived with at the time.

    Smith noted that in the mid-1970s, there existed an “enormous gulf between the daily ordeal of the Russian shopper and the easy life-style of Americans. My Russian friends were amused to hear about American suburban housewives getting into the station wagon and dashing off to the supermarket or shopping center for groceries a couple of times a week. For they usually walked to the stores every day for food, often quite a long way, and had to go to several shops — one for bread, another for milk products, a third for meat and so on.”

    The reason for the difficulty in procuring groceries and other products, Smith explained, was because of the planned economy.

    “In spite of the various tinkering reforms,” Smith wrote, “the Soviet economy still operates by Plan from above rather than in response to consumer demand from below and this produces a lopsided assortment of goods. Goods are produced to fill the Plan, not to sell. Sometimes the anomalies are baffling. Leningrad can be overstocked with cross-country skis and yet go several months without soap for washing dishes. In the Armenian capital of Yerevan, I found an ample supply of accordions but local people complained they had gone for weeks without ordinary kitchen spoons.”

    Worse than being unable to provide a normal selection of basic goods and services even during periods of relative peace and prosperity is the outcome of socialist planning when it goes aggressively off the rails for ideological purposes.

    The Khmer Rouge of Cambodia offers one such example. To create a thoroughly centrally planned economy, the country’s communist leaders “evacuated” the cities, killing anyone who resisted, and forced formerly urban residents into hard labor on collective farms. Millions of innocent people died as a result.

    Famine and mass death caused by socialistic government intervention is a recurring theme of the 20th century. It happened again in the mid-1980s in Ethiopia, when the government forcibly moved farmers from areas of the north to areas of the south of the nation, disrupting harvests and worsening the effects of army worms and drought. Victims were interviewed for Cultural Survival Quarterly in 1985.

    “Ninety-five percent of the famine victims who fled to the Sudan before the end of 1984 reported that in their villages the Ethiopian army had burned crops in the fields and grain they had harvested. The army, they said, never stole the grain, it simply destroyed it,” Cultural Survival reported.

    The journal also reported, “The majority of those interviewed who had fled the resettlement camps claimed that they had not personally been hard hit by the famine. On average, those from Tigre who were interviewed claimed that they had produced 80% of their subsistence, cereal needs in 1984. In addition, on average, these ‘famine’ victims had had more than 22 head of livestock at the time of their resettlement. One man said he was taken by the army while he was selling mangoes he had grown on his irrigated farm; another claimed to have been taken from his farm while he was threshing grain.”

    Fight Pandemics With Prosperity

    In contrast to socialist interventions that return civilization to the stone age, respect for natural freedoms and liberties, and the economic activity of a bureaucratically unencumbered free people, results in the rapid improvement of health and welfare, as further experience over the last 200 years demonstrates.

    In his book The Mainspring of Human Progress, Henry Grady Weaver, who was head of customer research for General Motors in the years immediately after the cataclysm of World War II, described the massive change brought about by economic freedom in the West over the preceding century and a half:

    For thousands of years under the Old World concept of a static economy, operating under bureaucratic control, human beings lived in hunger, filth, and disease. They worked ceaselessly at back-breaking drudgery to keep life in wretched bodies. They died young. For thousands of years, when not fighting wars, they managed to build pigsty shelters, to sow grain, cook meat, yoke oxen, and chain slaves to mills and oars.

    Then in this New World, in a brief period of 160 years, Americans created an entirely different mode of life, with improvements and advances in the scale of living beyond the utmost imaginings of all preceding ages. Americans have disproved the pagan superstition of a static universe and have given new meaning to the word progress.

    If our progress is to continue, it is important that we do not forget the things which have brought us thus far.

    In fact, we can see the productive power of the free market at work even under the current pandemic lockdown conditions imposed by government bureaucrats today.

    Because there is such an obvious demand for products and services to fight the coronavirus, many of the remaining companies that have been allowed to continue operating under despotic government lockdown orders have devoted their productive capacity and research and development teams to developing solutions and providing needed supplies:

    • American tissue paper producers are operating mills at full capacity to supply the heightened demand for toilet paper due to fear of shortages caused by government quarantines, curfews, and lockdowns. “We try to make as much as we can right now,” Patty Prats, senior communications manager at Georgia Pacific, told WAFB 9 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. According to the channel, the company’s mill in Zachary, Louisiana, has “stepped up production on the toilet paper side by 120% just to keep up with demand.”

    • Canon USA, the American branch of Japanese imaging and industrial giant Canon, has begun work on a rapid test for COVID-19. On March 19, the company “announced the start of development of a rapid genetic testing system for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).” Canon has extensive experience in developing similar rapid test technologies for use in testing for both Ebola virus and Zika virus.

    • On March 4, Japanese biopharmaceutical giant Takeda announced that it was pursuing a blood plasma-based treatment for those suffering from COVID-19. In a press release, the company announced that it would “share with members of the United States Congress that it is initiating the development of an anti-SARS-CoV-2 polyclonal hyperimmune globulin (H-IG) to treat high-risk individuals with COVID-19.”

    • Gilead Sciences is moving forward with COVID-19-related trials for its antiviral drug remdesivir. The drug has shown promise, according to the company, against MERS and SARS that are similar to SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the current COVID-19 pandemic. The company notes that it “has initiated two Phase 3 clinical studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of remdesivir in adults diagnosed with COVID-19 following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rapid review and acceptance of Gilead’s investigational new drug (IND) filing.”

    • Regeneron, a U.S. biotechnology firm, announced on March 17, 2020 that it had made important advances in developing an antibody treatment for COVID-19. According to the company, “Regeneron scientists have now isolated hundreds of virus-neutralizing, fully human antibodies from the company’s VelocImmune® mice, which have been genetically-modified to have a human immune system. Regeneron has also isolated antibodies from humans who have recovered from COVID-19, in order to maximize the pool of potentially potent antibodies. From this large pool of candidates, Regeneron will select the top two antibodies for a ‘cocktail’ treatment based on potency and binding ability to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, as well as other desirable qualities. Using a multi-antibody approach allows for targeting of different parts of the virus and may help protect against multiple viral variants.” The company used similar technology earlier to develop a successful treatment for Ebola.

    • Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has announced that it is working with Regeneron on another treatment for COVID-19. According to a Sanofi press release, the two companies have “started a clinical program evaluating Kevzara® (sarilumab) in patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19. Kevzara is a fully-human monoclonal antibody that inhibits the interleukin-6 (IL-6) pathway by binding and blocking the IL-6 receptor. IL-6 may play a role in driving the overactive inflammatory response in the lungs of patients who are severely or critically ill with COVID-19 infection.”

    These are just a few of the actions being taken by private companies and their dedicated scientists, engineers, and production workers to bring needed resources to bear on the problems posed by the novel coronavirus. That they have not needed government direction, oversight, or control to undertake these efforts demonstrates that government is not the solution to the pandemic.

    It’s worth noting that in several of these examples, the companies noted that trials and efforts now under way were made possible by efforts to cut through government regulations that would otherwise prove to be roadblocks to rapid innovation. George D. Yancopoulos, co-founder and chief scientific officer for Regeneron, for example, noted that his company and Sanofi “have worked closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, otherwise known as the FDA and BARDA,” to get trials under way quickly.

    Even doctors have needed to get regulation out of the way to save patients. In an interview with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani posted to the mayor’s YouTube channel on March 28, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of the Jewish community of Kiryas Yoel just outside of New York City described his success in treating COVID-19 patients with a drug cocktail of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. Using this combination, he told Mayor Giuliani, “I’ve had zero patients die, zero patients intubated, and I have currently three patients admitted to the hospital with pneumonia, but they are not intubated and I think they’ll be fine.” Asked by Giuliani how many patients with COVID-19 he’d treated so far, he replied, “I think 450-500.” Moreover, he noted, “Many doctors are coming on board, they’re having similar results.” He also noted: “This treatment costs $20.” But to make it available required getting government out of the way, something Dr. Zelenko in his comments credited President Trump with doing. The FDA was asked in March by President Trump to “take a closer look at as to whether an expanded use approach … could be done,” said FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn. The FDA subsequently approved the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID-19 treatment.

    These and other examples raise an important question: How much more work and innovation might be done to benefit all of human society if so many millions were not locked down by government authorities? And the corollary question: How much damage will be done by these government actions?

    This question was asked by John P.A. Ioannidis, professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health, of biomedical data science, and of statistics at Stanford University. In an essay for the medical news website Stat, Ioannidis noted: “One of the bottom lines is that we don’t know how long social distancing measures and lockdowns can be maintained without major consequences to the economy, society, and mental health,” he wrote. “Unpredictable evolutions may ensue, including financial crisis, unrest, civil strife, war, and a meltdown of the social fabric.”

    He concluded with an ominous warning. With “lockdowns of months, if not years, life largely stops, short-term and long-term consequences are entirely unknown, and billions, not just millions, of lives may be eventually at stake.”

    This, too, was the warning decades ago from Henry Grady Weaver. “We have moved a long away from the Stone Age,” he noted while pointing out that “without the tools of production, human beings would sink back into a state of barbarism.”

    COVID-19 is dangerous to some, sends many to hospitals, and causes only mild symptoms in most people. Yet authorities have taken drastic, civilization-altering steps to counter it, putting at risk millions of lives and livelihoods, taking away the “tools of production,” and threatening indeed to send the world back to the stone age.

    This is not the way to cure the pandemic, but is a way only to multiply the force of its impact.

    The idea has been set up by propaganda in the press and by demagogic politicians, and accepted by a frightened population, that we face a deadly dichotomy: We can save people by shutting down and putting “essential” businesses under the control of government, or we can reopen with business as usual and cause the deaths of millions. This is an oversimplification at best, and a pernicious lie at worst.

    A free people, engaged in economic operations in a free market, has proven, without question and over centuries, to be the greatest engine of innovation and prosperity possible. By contrast, government control stifles production and squelches innovation. Even safety is risked by governments in ways that private enterprise would never consider. Here in the United States, for example, government programs have purposely infected men with syphilis as part of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment (without informed consent, the CDC has admitted), injected people with radioactive isotopes to study the effect of radiation (as documented in the book The Plutonium Files by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Eileen Welsome), and conducted the now notorious MK-ULTRA mind-control experiments with LSD. It is unlikely in the extreme that any private enterprise would have done these things, or gotten away with them had they tried. Government, meanwhile, carried out these experiments for years, decades in one case, and tried to keep them covered up.

    In facing the coronavirus crisis, it is important not to underestimate the value of freedom and overestimate the efficacy of government action. In fact, if we really want a cure, get government out of the way and let the world’s billions get back to their lives and work.

    In the end, it will be freedom that provides the cure.

    This article originally appeared in the April 20, 2020 “Freedom Is the Cure” special report of The New American. The New American publishes a print magazine twice a month, covering issues such as politics, money, foreign policy, environment, culture, and technology. To access the full report, as well as up-to-date reporting on COVID-19, click the ad below.

    Covid19 975x250

    Photo credit: JONG

  3. #313
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Very good Jsnip4 video of this morning, July 6 2020.

    1:25:29 video runtime

    Important references to "the virus" intermittent throughout.

    World Health Organization meeting on June 8 2020 spokesperson said those without symptoms are not contageous. Bombshell video of that WHO meeting and cross-dressing dancing WHO Director doing a damage control video to backtrack bombshell info dropped. Both of these WHO videos are on the Twitter feed for the WHO for July 8 but I do not know how to navigate efficiently in Twitter so was unable to link both of the videos.

    Here is some of my notes about this...

    On June 8 2020

    Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO's technical lead for coronavirus response and head of its emerging diseases and zoonoses unit, said during a media briefing in Geneva on Monday that "it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual."
    But then on Tuesday, during the live Q&A, she clarified "this is a major unknown."
    I am having difficulty finding this video on Twitter

    “Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO's technical lead for coronavirus response and head of its emerging diseases and zoonoses unit, said during a media briefing in Geneva on Monday [Monday June 8, 2020] that "it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual."”

    WHO clarifies comments on asymptomatic spread of coronavirus: 'There's much unknown'

    By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
    Updated 1:14 PM ET, Wed June 10, 2020

    (CNN)The World Health Organization tried on Tuesday to clear up confusing comments about how often people can spread the coronavirus when they do not have symptoms.

    Coronavirus spread by asymptomatic people 'appears to be rare,' WHO official says
    The organization held a live Q&A on its social media pages to address questions about comments made by a WHO official that suggested asymptomatic people only rarely spread Covid-19.
    The comments appeared to directly contradict guidance from public health organizations, including the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which have said about a third of coronavirus infections may be asymptomatic. The CDC also estimates that 40% of coronavirus transmission is occurring before people feel sick, meaning they are presymptomatic.
    But it may boil down to how one defines "asymptomatic."
    'There are so many unknowns'
    Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO's technical lead for coronavirus response and head of its emerging diseases and zoonoses unit, said during a media briefing in Geneva on Monday that "it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual."
    But then on Tuesday, during the live Q&A, she clarified "this is a major unknown."

    2 studies show many people who tested positive for Covid-19 displayed no symptoms
    "The majority of transmission that we know about is that people who have symptoms transmit the virus to other people through infectious droplets -- but there are a subset of people who don't develop symptoms, and to truly understand how many people don't have symptoms, we don't actually have that answered yet," Van Kerkhove said.
    "We do know that some people who are asymptomatic, or some people who don't have symptoms, can transmit the virus on," she said. "So what we need to better understand is how many of the people in the population don't have symptoms and separately how many of those individuals go on to transmit to others."
    On Monday, Van Kerkhove had said that what appear to be asymptomatic cases of Covid-19 often turn out to be cases of mild disease.

    Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized
    "When we actually go back and we say how many of them were truly asymptomatic, we find out that many have really mild disease," Van Kerkhove said on Monday.
    "They're not quote-unquote Covid symptoms -- meaning they may not have developed fever yet, they may not have had a significant cough, or they may not have shortness of breath -- but some may have mild disease," Van Kerkhove said. "Having said that, we do know that there can be people who are truly asymptomatic."
    Van Kerkhove added that she was referring to reports from WHO member states when she made her comments on Monday.

    Fauci says the WHO's comment on asymptomatic spread is wrong. Here's the difference between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic spread
    "What I was referring to yesterday in the press conference were very few studies -- some two or three studies that had been published that actually try to follow asymptomatic cases, so people who are infected, over time, and then look at all of their contacts and see how many additional people were infected," Van Kerkhove said.
    "And that's a very small subset of studies. So I was responding to a question at the press conference. I wasn't stating a policy of WHO or anything like that," she said. "Because this is a major unknown, because there are so many unknowns around this, some modeling groups have tried to estimate what is the proportion of asymptomatic people that may transmit."
    On Wednesday, the day after WHO's live Q&A, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious diseases expert in the United States, weighed in on Van Kerkhove's original comments. He said it "was not correct" to describe asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus as rare.
    Evidence shows that 25% to 45% of infected people likely don't have symptoms, Fauci told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Wednesday morning.
    "And we know from epidemiological studies they can transmit to someone who is uninfected even when they're without symptoms," said Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
    "So to make a statement to say that's a rare event was not correct."
    And while the public might use the word "asymptomatic" to describe any infected person who doesn't have symptoms, the bigger concern may be infection from "pre-symptomatic" carriers.
    How the virus spreads
    Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, also said during Tuesday's live Q&A that there is still much to learn about the possible asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus.

    How coronavirus spread from one member to 87% of the singers at a Washington choir practice
    "Whatever proportion of disease is transmitting from asymptomatic individuals, as Maria said, that is unknown," Ryan said.
    "I'm absolutely convinced that that is occurring. The question is how much," he said. "There's much to be answered on this. There's much that is unknown."
    'Trying to slice the salami very fine'
    Whether someone is presymptomatic or or simply experiencing very mild symptoms is not of importance to the person on the receiving end of the transmission, said Dr. William Schaffner, a Vanderbilt University professor and longtime adviser to the CDC.
    "I thought they were getting very prissy and trying to slice the salami very fine," Schaffner said about WHO's comments on Monday on asymptomatic spread.
    "You can be vertical and feel 100% or virtually 100% and going about your daily business and unaware that you're infected and perfectly capable transmitting the virus," Schaffner said. "How do we inhibit transmission of the virus by these people who are doing their full range of normal activities? The answer is social distancing and wearing masks and good hand hygiene and stay away from crowds. That's the formula."
    Get CNN Health's weekly newsletter
    Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Health team.
    Liam Smeeth, professor of clinical epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said that he was "quite surprised" by Van Kerkhove's original comments.
    "It goes against my impressions from the science so far that suggest asymptomatic (people who never get symptoms) and pre-symptomatic people are an important source of infection to others," Smeeth said In a written statement distributed by the UK-based Science Media Centre on Tuesday.
    "This is the main basis for steps such as self-isolation and lockdown -- steps we know, from yesterday's two Nature papers have massively reduced the numbers of people infected and have prevented millions of deaths globally," he said. He was referring to research that estimates shutdown measures through early April prevented more than 500 million coronavirus infections across six countries.
    "There remains scientific uncertainty, but asymptomatic infection could be around 30% to 50% of cases," Smeeth said. "The best scientific studies to date suggest that up to half of cases became infected from asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic people."
    CNN's David Williams, Elizabeth Cohen and Gisela Crespo contributed to this report.

    The original statement by the WHO Doctor is in this video

    World Health Organization (WHO)
    We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency. We are committed to achieving better health for everyone, everywhere - #HealthForAll
    Geneva, Switzerland

    World Health Organization (WHO) Retweeted

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


    Still photos of Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

    WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard

    WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard
    World Health Organization Coronavirus disease situation dashboard presents official daily counts of COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide, while providing a hub to other resources. Interactive tools,...

    will continue this comment ...

    see 3:20 about WHO does a 360 on the contagiousness of the "virus"

    So many things to chat about. Remote Viewing a militia getting raided?
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    Re: Coronavirus

    WHO clarifies comments on asymptomatic spread of coronavirus: 'There's much unknown'

    By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
    Updated 1:14 PM ET, Wed June 10, 2020

  5. #315
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Dachsie View Post

    WHO clarifies comments on asymptomatic spread of coronavirus: 'There's much unknown'

    By Jacqueline Howard, CNN
    Updated 1:14 PM ET, Wed June 10, 2020
    WHO misspelled UNTRUTH
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  6. #316
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Jon Rappoport.

    look at Italy now « Jon Rappoport's Blog

    July 6, 2020

    (To join our email list, click here.)

    Last week, when I hosted an hour of the Alex Jones show on Infowars, I urged the audience that, at all future Trump rallies, they hack the proceedings from the get-go, refuse to let Trump talk, and shout over and over, in unison, OPEN THE ECONOMY, FIRE FAUCI!

    Make that message sink deep into the brain and gut of the president.
    Because it’s come to that.

    The second wave of lies is underway. COVID case numbers are being faked at new and higher levels; mask wearing is being mandated in communities; Fauci is fronting for more lockdowns and more economic destruction.
    If this continues…well, look at Italy. Look hard.

    Once the titan of a Renaissance, Italy is now under the gun. Its people are under the gun of their government. And unless a new political party rises quickly out of the mire, and enough Italians support it, there will be a stark choice: submit or openly rebel.

    Do you want America to suffer the fate the Italian government is imposing on its population?

    Here is a letter written by Italian researcher, Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti, to Robert Kennedy, Jr. It is published at Children’s Health Defense. Gatti is a Visiting Professor to the International Clean Water Institute; President of the Health, Law and Science Association; Past-Consultant to the Italian Governmental Commission on Depleted Uranium (XVI legislatura); and co-author of a 2107 study which found vast contamination of vaccines by metallic nanoparticles:

    Gatti: “I don’t know if you are completely aware of the Italian situation. Summarizing everything in a few words, Italy was sold to Big Pharma and has become a huge laboratory where experiments are carried out on the population: adults, children, old, healthy, sick people … it makes no difference, we are all guinea pigs. Now the business, and not just an economic one, is to force 60 million Italians to get vaccinated against COVID, so much so that tens of millions of doses of a product have already been purchased, a product that, in fact, is unknown both in terms of effectiveness and, above all, in terms of side effects. In the meantime, while waiting to receive the goods [a COVID vaccine has been pre-purchased, before it’s been tested, sight unseen], a law is being passed according to which everyone, including children, must be vaccinated against the flu (why?), and this in addition to the 10 vaccines that are already mandatory.”

    “As if that were not enough, many personal freedoms, although guaranteed by the Constitution, have been brutally canceled.”

    “As you know, for years we have been analyzing vaccines, finding them always dangerously polluted and we are contacted daily by families of children damaged by vaccines.”

    “Now, in our parliament there is no longer any difference between majority and opposition and, if the situation remains that of today, we will have no escape.”

    “For some months, a group of highly educated people has formed a political party called MOVIMENTO 3 V (Movement We Want the Truth about Vaccines). Neither Stefano nor I are members of the party but we have been asked to help them from a scientific point of view, and this is what we are doing.”

    “We would all be very grateful if you could inform your people of what is happening in Italy and if you could write an appeal to encourage the Italians to support the party which, at the present time, is the only possibility of making a voice heard that is different from that of the regime.”

    It would now be pertinent to ask, what degree of destruction has been visited on the population of Italy by those mandatory 10 vaccines, over the past few years? How much of that destruction is now being called COVID?
    What does the Vatican have to say about all this? I’m listening, but I don’t hear a word of objection. Has the Pope taken a vow of silence?

    Is Italy now a firmly conquered territory and a slave province of the Rockefeller Globalist Empire?
    Can you possibly doubt, at this point, that the elite intent is to make America another province? Can you reject the evidence before your eyes?

    Science? There is no science going on here. It’s smoke and shadows and fakery. Stage magic performed by a rank amateur.

    I’ve been at this since 1987. I warned, then, that the medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world. It flies under no overt political banner. It claims only the desire to help. But as the captive of Pharma, it is the land army of toxic attack. Against the people.

    America is now being run by a committee called the coronavirus task force.
    A bloodless coup has been carried out.

    Anthony Fauci is the vice-president serving under President Bill Gates.
    Their minions are governors and mayors.

    —“Yes, my son, one day we woke up and our nation was under the control of a sociopathic Howdy Doody vaccine freak named Bill Gates. We thought at first it was a joke. But then we realized the whole vicious cartoon was all too real. The people of the nation were asleep. They were under a spell. Like good little boys and girls, they followed orders. They fell in line.”

    “There was a president at the time. His name was Trump. Outwardly, he seemed to show great courage. But he had no idea how he would be tested. When it came down to it, he couldn’t pull the trigger. He was paralyzed. He couldn’t throw off the coup plotters and the traitorous conquerors. He gave in. He let them wreck the economy and destroy millions of lives. That was their real intent.”

    “They hated America. They hated freedom. They couldn’t stand the idea of a free individual with creative power who could guide and invent his own future, according to his greatest vision and his deepest values. This reality, to the conquerors, was like the sun to a blood-sucking vampire.”

    “Why? Because, my son, the conquerors had arrived at their positions of power through theft. They stole whatever they desperately wanted. That’s all they had. The ability to steal. They didn’t want to be reminded of what abject failures they really were. And the potential of FREEDOM, you see, was that reminder. So they set out to destroy it.”

    “They made America over into another country that they had also conquered. Italy, which no longer exists. But it was once a great force in the world.”

    “And this is why we are at war now. This is why we fight every day. This is what I have to raise you for. The battle. And as you fight with everything you have, you must never lose your own freedom in the process. You must never sink to the level of the enemy. You’re not stealing. You’re taking back what is yours.”

    (“CDC Admits Mistakes in Covid Case Numbers” at the 18m56s mark)


    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  7. #317
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Latest Virus B S [ Bad Science ] from Washington Post

    All the basic logical fallacies here as well as high-propaganda scare / fear value photos (cemeteries etc. and the ubiquitous Anthony Tony The Rat Fauchi.

    Coronovirus is the genus.

    "COVID-19" is the species

    These terms are NOT interchangeable.

    There is no clinical laboratory test of any kind for the "novel corona virus."

    There is no proof that a virus that may be going around and contributing to the death of some individuals is "COVID-19"

    There is no evidence that "this disease" is causing a "pandemic."

    And not one HONEST Medical Scientist / Researcher is bothering to tell us what the truth is about this highly questionable appearing hypothesis.
    We want truth.
    Not more lying statistics that is destroying our Nation and our people, one person at a time.

    Here is the foundational fallacy phrase upon which this new Wapo piece is based.

    "Autopsies have long been a source of breakthroughs in understanding new diseases, from HIV/AIDS and Ebola to Lassa fever — and the medical community is counting on them to do the same for covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus."

    (Dachsie has incorporated the photos shown in the non-easy print copy as well as in the print-easy copy.)

    Coronavirus autopsies: A story of 38 brains, 87 lungs and 42 hearts
    By Ariana Eunjung ChacloseAriana Eunjung ChaNational reporterEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow
    12-15 minutes


    In dengue, a mosquito-borne tropical disease, she learned, the virus appeared to destroy these cells, which produce platelets, leading to uncontrolled bleeding. The novel coronavirus seemed to amplify their effect, causing dangerous clotting.

    She was struck by the parallels: “Covid-19 and dengue sound really different, but the cells that are involved are similar.”

    Autopsies have long been a source of breakthroughs in understanding new diseases, from HIV/AIDS and Ebola to Lassa fever — and the medical community is counting on them to do the same for covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. With a vaccine probably many months away in even the most optimistic scenarios, autopsies are becoming a critical source of information for research into possible treatments.

    When the pandemic hit the United States in late March, many hospital systems were too overwhelmed trying to save lives to spend too much time delving into the secrets of the dead. But by late May and June, the first large batch of reports — from patients ranging in age from 32 to 90 years who died at a half-dozen institutions — were published in quick succession. The investigations have confirmed some of our early hunches of the disease, refuted others — and opened up new mysteries about the pathogen that has killed more than 500,000 people worldwide.

    Among the most important findings, consistent across several studies, is confirmation the virus appears to attack the lungs the most ferociously. They also found the pathogen in parts of the brain, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and spleen and in the endothelial cells that line blood vessels, as some had previously suspected. Researchers also found widespread clotting in many organs.

    But the brain and heart yielded surprises.

    “It’s about what we are not seeing,” said Mary Fowkes, an associate professor of pathology who is part of a team at Mount Sinai Health that has performed autopsies on 67 covid-19 patients.


    New graves in the Nossa Senhora Aparecida cemetery in Manaus, Brazil. (Michael Dantas/AFP/Getty Images)
    New graves in the Nossa Senhora Aparecida cemetery in Manaus, Brazil. (Michael Dantas/AFP/Getty Images)


    Given widespread reports about neurological symptoms related to the coronavirus, Fowkes said, she expected to find virus or inflammation — or both — in the brain. But there was very little. When it comes to the heart, many physicians warned for months about a cardiac complication they suspected was myocarditis, an inflammation or hardening of the heart muscle walls — but autopsy investigators were stunned that they could find no evidence of the condition.

    Another unexpected finding, pathologists said, is that oxygen deprivation of the brain and the formation of blood clots may start early in the disease process. That could have major implications for how people with covid-19 are treated at home, even if they never need to be hospitalized.

    The early findings come as new U.S. infections have overtaken even the catastrophic days of April, amid what some critics say is a premature easing of social distancing restrictions in some states, mainly in the South and West. A new modeling study has estimated that about 22 percent of the population — or 1.7 billion people worldwide, including 72 million in the United States — may be vulnerable to severe illness if infected with the virus. According to the analysis published this month in Lancet Global Health, about 4 percent of those people would require hospitalization — underscoring the stakes as autopsy investigators continue their hunt for clues.


    Microclots in lungs


    A health-care worker examines the chest X-ray of a patient in a ward reserved for covid-19 patients at Hospital Juarez in Mexico City. (Eduardo Verdugo/AP)
    A health-care worker examines the chest X-ray of a patient in a ward reserved for covid-19 patients at Hospital Juarez in Mexico City. (Eduardo Verdugo/AP)

    At their best, autopsies can reconstruct the natural course of the disease, but the process for a new and highly infectious disease is tedious and requires meticulous work. To protect pathologists and avoid sending virus into the air, they must use special tools to harvest organs and then dunk them in a disinfecting solution for several weeks before they are studied. They must then section each organ and collect small bits of tissue for study under different types of microscopes.

    One of the first American investigations to be made public, on April 10, was out of New Orleans. The patient was a 44-year-old man who had been treated at LSU Health. Richard Vander Heide remembers cutting the lung and discovering what were probably hundreds or thousands of microclots.

    “I will never forget the day,” recalled Vander Heide, who has been performing autopsies since 1994. “I said to the resident, ‘This is very unusual.’ I had never seen something like this.”

    But as he moved onto the next patient and the next, Vander Heide saw the same pattern. He was so alarmed, he said, that he shared the paper online before submitting it to a journal so the information could be used immediately by doctors. The findings caused a stir at many hospitals and influenced some doctors to start giving blood thinners to all covid-19 patients. It is now common practice. The final, peer-reviewed version involving 10 patients was subsequently published in the Lancet in May.

    Other lung autopsies — including those described in papers from Italy of 38 patients, a Mount Sinai Health study on 25 patients, and a collaboration between Harvard Medical School and German researchers on seven — have reported similar findings of clotting.

    Most recently, a study out last month in the Lancet’s eClinicalMedicine, found abnormal clotting in the heart, kidney and liver, as well as the lungs of seven patients, leading the authors to suggest this may be a major cause of the multiple-organ failure in covid-19 patients.

    Heart cells

    The next organ studied up close was the heart. One of the most frightening early reports about the coronavirus from China was that a significant percentage of hospitalized patients — up to 20 to 30 percent — appeared to have myocarditis that could lead to sudden death. The condition involves the thickening of the muscle of the heart so that it can no longer pump efficiently.

    Classic myocarditis is typically easy to identify in autopsies, pathologists say. It occurs when the body perceives the tissue to be foreign and attacks it. In that situation, there would be large dead zones in the heart, and the muscle cells known as myocytes would be surrounded by infection-fighting cells known as lymphocytes. But in the autopsy samples taken so far, the dead myocytes were not surrounded by lymphocytes — leaving researchers scratching their heads.

    Fowkes, from Mount Sinai, and her colleague, Clare Bryce, whose work on 25 hearts has been published online but not yet peer reviewed, said they saw some “very mild” inflammation of the surface of the heart but nothing that looked like myocarditis.

    NYU Langone’s Rapkiewicz, who studied seven hearts, was struck by the abundance in the heart of rare cells called megakaryocytes. The cells, which produce platelets that control clotting, typically exist only in the bone marrow and lungs. When she went back to the lung samples from the coronavirus patients, she discovered those cells were too plentiful there, too.

    “I could not remember a case before where we saw that,” she said. “It was remarkable they were in the heart.”

    Vander Heide, from LSU, who reported preliminary findings on 10 patients in April and has a more in-depth paper with more case studies under review at a journal, explained that “when you look at a covid heart, you don’t see what you’d expect.”

    He said a couple of patients he performed autopsies on had gone into cardiac arrest in the hospital, but when he examined them, the primary damage was in the lungs — not the heart.

    Brain grid



    A Muslim burial area provided by the government for victims of the coronavirus at Tegal Alur cemetery in Jakarta, Indonesia, last month. (Willy Kurniawan/Reuters)
    A Muslim burial area provided by the government for victims of the coronavirus at Tegal Alur cemetery in Jakarta, Indonesia, last month. (Willy Kurniawan/Reuters)

    Of all the coronavirus’s manifestations, its impact on the brain has been among the most vexing. Patients have reported a host of neurological impairments, including reduced ability to smell or taste, altered mental status, stroke, seizures — even delirium.

    An early study from China, published in the BMJ’s Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, in March, found 22 percent of the 113 patients had experienced neurological issues ranging from excessive sleepiness to coma — conditions typically grouped together as disorders of consciousness. In June, researchers in France reported that 84 percent of patients in intensive care had neurological problems, and a third were confused or disoriented at discharge. Also this month, those in the United Kingdom found that 57 of 125 coronavirus patients with a new neurological or psychiatric diagnosis had experienced a stroke due to a blood clot in the brain, and 39 had an altered mental state.

    Based on such data and anecdotal reports, Isaac Solomon, a neuropathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, set out to systematically investigate where the virus might be embedding itself in the brain. He conducted autopsies of 18 consecutive deaths, taking slices of key areas: the cerebral cortex (the gray matter responsible for information processing), thalamus (modulates sensory inputs), basal ganglia (responsible for motor control) and others. Each was divided into a three-dimensional grid. Ten sections were taken from each and studied.

    He found snippets of virus in only some areas, and it was unclear whether they were dead remnants or active virus when the patient died. There were only small pockets of inflammation. But there were large swaths of damage due to oxygen deprivation. Whether the deceased were longtime intensive care patients or people who died suddenly, Solomon said, the pattern was eerily similar.

    “We were very surprised,” he said.

    When the brain does not get enough oxygen, individual neurons die, and that death is permanent. To a certain extent, people’s brains can compensate, but at some point, the damage is so extensive that different functions start to degrade.

    On a practical level, Solomon said, if the virus is not getting into the brain in large amounts, that helps with drug development because treatment becomes trickier when it is pervasive, for instance, in some patients with West Nile or HIV. Another takeaway is that the findings underscore the importance of getting people on supplementary oxygen quickly to prevent irreversible damage.

    Solomon, whose work was published as a June 12 letter in the New England Journal of Medicine, said the findings suggest the damage had been happening over a longer period of time, which makes him wonder about the virus’s effect on people who are less ill. “The big lingering question is what happens to people who survive covid,” he said. “Is there a lingering effect on the brain?”

    Jan Claire Dorado, a physician, tends to a patient in an emergency room designated for coronavirus patients in Manila. (Eloisa Lopez/Reuters)
    Jan Claire Dorado, a physician, tends to a patient in an emergency room designated for coronavirus patients in Manila. (Eloisa Lopez/Reuters)


    The team from Mount Sinai Health, which took tissue findings from 20 brains, was also perplexed not to find a lot of virus or inflammation. However, the group noted in a paper that the widespread presence of tiny clots was “striking.”

    “If you have one blood clot in the brain, we see that all the time. But what we’re seeing is, some patients are having multiple strokes in blood vessels that are in two or even three different territories,” Fowkes said.

    Rapkiewicz said it is too early to know whether the newest batch of autopsy findings can be translated into treatment changes, but the information has opened new avenues to explore. One of her first calls after noticing the unusual platelet-producing cells was to Jeffrey Berger, a cardiac specialist at NYU who runs a National Institutes of Health-funded lab that focuses on platelets.

    Berger said the autopsies suggest anti-platelet medications, in addition to blood thinners, may be helpful to stem the effects of covid-19. He has pivoted a major clinical trial looking at optimal doses of blood thinners to examine that question as well.

    “It’s only one piece of a very big puzzle, and we have a lot more to learn,” he said. “But if we can prevent significant complications and if more patients can survive the infection, that changes everything.”


    Anthony S. Fauci, the nation's top infectious-diseases expert, warned cases of coronavirus may soar. Here's what happened at the Senate hearing in 4 minutes. (Zach Purser Brown/The Washington Post)

    Read more:

  8. #318
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Bioweapons / Coronavirus NWO Vaccines

    “No One Has Died From the Coronavirus” – Respected Veteran Bulgarian Doctor

    Published 2 hours ago on July 7, 2020
    By Makia Freeman

    Last Updated on July 7, 2020

    AT A GLANCE...


    More evidence is in: a Bulgarian doctor shares how many European pathologists state (after conducting autopsies) that COVID is not causing the deaths. Additionally, they cannot find any evidence of a COVID (SARS-CoV2) antibody.


    This is more proof exposing the trick of re-classifying deaths WITH the virus to FROM the virus. If no COVID antibody exists, how do we know a new virus SARS-CoV2 100% exists, when it has failed Koch's postulates and has never been isolated?

    "Final Thoughts

    More and more doctors and medical professionals are courageously speaking out to counter the COVID propaganda spewed out by the WHO, UN and governments worldwide. The emperor has no clothes. No one has died from COVID in the bodies that these European doctors examined. The virus has never been proven to exist, and now we have more evidence of this in the form of certified pathologists stating that there is no proof of the existence of COVID antibodies as well. It is staggering to realize that all the tangible damage that has been to communities everywhere – the destruction of small businesses, the increase in crime and domestic violence, the propagation of anxiety, stress and fear – has all been done in the name of a non-existent danger. We must attack this psychological operation at its foundation, because as long as it’s allowed to continue, more tyranny will be predicated on the basis of this hyped and invented threat."

  9. #319
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Dear Brooks County Texas


    "Testing positive" for what? What test?

    There is NO "OUTBREAK" ?

    Total death statistics have remained constant. No uptick or outbreak. Considering the bad county law just enacted in Collin County Texas, as Alex Jones has admirably pointed out in his video, the phony regulation changes and new definitions based on fake federal government and NGOs statistics make all good Texans shout "Shame on Governor Abbott and Shame on dishonest regulatory manipulations on state and county level in Texas."

    Texas governor Abbott and all the Texas counties better get their facts and the law straight. As they are all and throwing Texas and Texans under the bus.


    Self-Isolate or Go to Jail

    "A South Texas county isn’t taking any chances when it comes to the outbreak, issuing a warning that anyone who tests positive and refuses to self-isolate could end up in jail."



    Note video - Tom Hanks, a passenger on the Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Express plane, is in with the big lies that have imprisoned Texas.


    "Obama, Oprah, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen All Went on Vacation Together
    TheMillennialBridge January 10, 2020"

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    Re: Coronavirus

    United Airlines believes in Covid-19,

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