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Thread: Vanishing in the wilderness

  1. #171
    Great Value Carrots JDRock's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    This is STILL the best thread on this entire board. Thx to t weed for keeping it fresh.

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  3. #172
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    David Paulides talks about his son Ben that committed suicide recently. The isolation caused by the covid hoax may have lead to his death.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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  5. #173
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Bill Sheehan has collected stories from people and their experiences in the woods for a lot of years. He's compiled them into several books but he also reads some of those stories and puts them on youtube.

    The first video below is one Steve Isdahl put up of a roar that was recorded in the woods by a hunter that sent that recording to him. Steve says it's not a bear that's roaring. Steve plays the roars sent to him starting at about the 2.25 minute mark.

    The second video is a rock hound out in the woods that was heading back to his pickup after he'd been out rock hunting and he picks up a roar on his camera recording. Kind of sounds like the one in Steve Isdahls video. The roar starts at about the .52 minute mark and is replayed several times.

    The third video is a story told to Bill Sheehan by some fishermen who flew in to a lake in Canada for some fishing. While they were fishing they heard loud roars and watched a fierce battle take place on the bank of the lake. You can scroll to 1:15 to skip Bills intro.

    Steve Isdaqhls video and roar.

    The rock hunters video and roar.

    Bill Sheehans story of fishermen who heard loud roars
    and watched a fight in the woods of Canada while fishing.
    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  6. #174
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    David Paulides is going back to work on the 411 cases while grieving the loss of his son. This time it a young guy in Colorado that disappeared in Rocky Mountain National Park.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  7. #175
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumbleweed View Post
    David Paulides talks about his son Ben that committed suicide recently. The isolation caused by the covid hoax may have lead to his death.

    ^ @ 35:50 David tells of his meeting w Los Angeles Coroner investigator, who he asked "How bad is suicide these days?"

    Coroner told him "We've had more deaths in LA County in the last 9 months, than we've had in the previous 30 years, related to someone taking their life. It's horrific. Press isn't talking about it; people don't want to know it; but something really bad is happening."

    ^ unclear if that means 'previous 30 years combined', or any of those individual 30 years... I expect the latter, which is no surprise. the satanists' MuhRONA hoax lockdown, masks, social distancing are designed to drive ppl off the edge.

    David then asks rhetorically: "So is that covid related? Is the 'cure' for covid worse than covid itself?"

    David goes on to tell of a county in Montana which recently had 6 suicides in 3 days. Says to look up "Spiritual Warfare WW3", and tips to keep your mental/spiritual self centered.
    FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"

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  9. #176
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    David Paulides put another video up and the first part up until the 17:00 minute mark he reads messages he's recieved from people who watch his channel. The last half of the video he talks about more missing people cases.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  10. #177
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    I've steered clear of the ufo stories because they always seemed a little too weird to me and I really didn't have any interest in them. There have been a few though that have caught my attention because it seemed like there may be a connection to David Paulides stories of people vanishing in the wilderness.

    Over the years as I've listened to stories there have been things that stuck in my mind and I'm going to post some of those videos and time marks in them for things that caught my attention because they may be connected to what's going on in the wilderness when people vanish.

    I think our government may be involved and it may shed some light on why they would cover these things up and hide the truth from us.

    This first video is one John Ballen did of the "Travis Walton Story". It's a story with lots of witnesses, a disappearance with the sheriff and his deputies thinking it was a murder then Walton shows up again alive.

    There have been people in David Paulides stories who disappeared for awhile then were found alive but couldn't remember what had happened to them but a lot of Waltons memories came back to him and it's a pretty interesting story he tells.

    Phil Schneider gave some talks on Deep Underground bases before he died.

    I'll post a talk he gave in Post Falls, Idaho and at about the 14:00 minute mark he talks about an agreement president Eisenhower was thought to have made in 1954 to allow animals to be taken for experimentation.

    People were not supposed to be taken but those taking the animals didn't keep their agreement and started taking people along with animals.

    General Isenhower was involved in carrying out the Morganthau plan to exterminate twenty million Germans after they'd surrendered in WWII. In his 1954 deal I now wonder if he may have wanted the German people to be targeted for abduction because David Paulides mentions a lot of people with German ancestry vanish.

    Terry Lovelace wrote a book about his experience at a state park he was camped at called "Incident at Devils Den" and he has an interesting story to tell too. In the video below he is interviewed by Tony Merkel.

    There is a part of it starting at the 1:16:00 mark that is especially chilling where he observed other men, women, and children that were probably abducted and what looked like our military people who were probably involved with their adduction and later a cover up.

    After the incident he was in the hospital and interviewed by military people and they hypnotized him or so they thought and tried to remove his memories of what happened during this incident.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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  12. #178
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Steve Isdahl reads a written interview Bobby Short did with a Northern Cheyenne Indian man who shot a Bigfoot in the Wind River range in Wyoming. This was supposed to have taken place about 1970. Interesting interview. The story gets started about the 3:00:00 mark.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  13. #179
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    David Palides reads a letter from a person that suffered from depression like his son. There are also three accounts of people who went missing in the Wind River Range in Wyoming in the video.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Tumbleweed For This Useful Post:

    JDRock (25th March 2021)

  15. #180
    Great Value Carrots JDRock's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    45,000 views on this thread, on a forum with 12 active members!

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    osoab (11th March 2021),Tumbleweed (11th March 2021)

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