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Thread: We Wuz Kings

  1. #171
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    We wuz inventas!

    That’s it no more affirmative action and preferential treatment because of your skin color.
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  2. #172
    Great Value Carrots steyr_m's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    We wuz inventas!
    Well, that was good for a laugh.

    Just because one has a patent, doesn't mean they invented it.

    The first one, Mark Dean, an IBM affirmative-action hire "was part of the team that developed the interior architecture [ISA Bus]" That says everything and nothing at the same time. What was his role? A team of how many? If you're 1 of 100, your role is relatively small. Some people here might not know what ISA is, but developing ISA, is not the same as "Inventing the PC".
    Cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum - I think that I think, therefore I think that I am

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  4. #173
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Black achievement in 23 minutes. That's all?
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
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  6. #174
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    It must be over now.

    ADL Adds ‘We Wuz Kangz’ to ‘Hate Slogan’ List

    According to the ADL website:

    “We Wuz Kangs” is a racist catchphrase and collection of memes directed at African-Americans and other people of sub-Saharan African descent. Originating in 2015 and popularized by the website 4chan, the phrase is a racist shorthand reference to discredited but popular Afrocentric theories that claimed sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians.

    The phrase and meme are intended to mock the Afrocentric theories and, by extension, anyone who might believe in them. Users employ phrases such as “We Wuz Kangs,” “We Wuz Kings,” and “Kings N Shiet,” featuring mock black American dialect that is intended to portray blacks as ignorant and a contrast to the ostensibly more civilized ancient Egyptians. Meme versions of the phrase similarly tend to feature images with racist stereotypes of black people, often contrasted with images of Egyptian pharaohs. The overall intent is to portray blacks as crude, ignorant and uncivilized.
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

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  8. #175
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Quote Originally Posted by osoab View Post
    The question that comes to my mind now. Is it racist to hold these now discredited “Afro-centrist” views. Or is it just ignorance on part of the Africans that hold them?

    I mean what is ADL’s viewpoint on these people. Just leaving whites who ridicule the movement with ‘we wuz Kanye (autocorrect for kangs)’, and calling them racist, would be a racist move on part of ADL, no?
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Neuro For This Useful Post:

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  10. #176
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuro View Post
    The question that comes to my mind now. Is it racist to hold these now discredited “Afro-centrist” views. Or is it just ignorance on part of the Africans that hold them?

    I mean what is ADL’s viewpoint on these people. Just leaving whites who ridicule the movement with ‘we wuz Kanye (autocorrect for kangs)’, and calling them racist, would be a racist move on part of ADL, no?
    The ADL loves "these people" as long as they can make money on a "cause".

    And can you blame victims of propaganda? It takes a lot to break through the bullshit barrier.

    Terry Gilliam called out Jewywood for their baloney. He must have some ironclad royalties.

    Terry Gilliam Absolutely Loathes Black Panther: 'It's Utter Bullsh-t'

    "I hated Black Panther," Terry Gilliam, whose writing credits include Brazil and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, told IndieWire. "It makes me crazy. It gives young black kids the idea that this is something to believe in. Bullshit. It’s utter bullshit. I think the people who made it have never been to Africa. They went and got some stylist for some African pattern fabrics and things. But I just I hated that movie, partly because the media were going on about the importance of bullshit."
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

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  12. #177
    Moderator madfranks's Avatar
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    According to the ADL website:

    “We Wuz Kangs” is a racist catchphrase and collection of memes directed at African-Americans and other people of sub-Saharan African descent. Originating in 2015 and popularized by the website 4chan, the phrase is a racist shorthand reference to discredited but popular Afrocentric theories that claimed sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians.
    Someone quick call the ADL and let them know that stating that the notion of ancient african kings is a discredited theory makes them the very racist bigots they purport to be combating! Were they kings ("kangz") or weren't they? The blacks certainly believe they were, so how can you criticize those who say they weren't as using "racist shorthand" when you yourselves agree that they're correct?
    "Liberty is so creative, and the government is so stupid, that I’m very optimistic about the future"
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  13. The Following User Says Thank You to madfranks For This Useful Post:

    midnight rambler (2nd January 2020)

  14. #178
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    we wuz pharaohs too

    Pharaoh Brown (born May 4, 1994) is an American football tight end for the Houston Texans

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to cheka. For This Useful Post:

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  16. #179
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Not to burst your bubble. The history of Africa explained.

    Atlantis was Berbers empire, stretching from the Middle East to Mauritania. Ancient Egypt was a remnant colony of that nigger empire.

    That nigger empire existed while the Persian Gulf Oasis (Garden of Eden) existed.

    This was before Central and Southern Africa was invaded by Bantu niggers.

    Berbers are 90% nigger haplogroup E that is the majority in Africa, in niggers such as the Zulu.

    Chicoms are evil enough to want niggers (who had their sahara empire turned to desert and their IQ turned to retardation) to mate with our pure white high IQ women to bring nigger hell on earth again.

    Semites and other groups lived in Ancient Egypt, perhaps giving learning to the nile civilization.

  17. #180
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    Re: We Wuz Kings

    Since the Garden of Eden existed at the same period as the nigger Atlantis empire. You can figure out why God called the nigger - a tree of knowledge of good and evil. That was Atlantis - the knowledge of good and evil, some good, mainly evil to ensnare Eve. With a snake to tempt Eve too.

    Even video artists recognize this, that the forbidden fruit is that which houses nigger seed:

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