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Thread: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

  1. #491
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    Bought a boat load of silver maples today - caught the bottom too! I’ve been siting on cash waiting for this
    market crash. If the pms drop further I will buy more silver and platinum. These two are outstanding bargains. Palladium has further to fall. Of course gold is always a buy because in the long run it is going much much higher. Silver is my spec play. But a drop down to $14 not impossible. Major deflation ahead.
    Platinum sure looks like a bargain. Looks like it hasn't been this low in dollar terms since '03. Taking inflation into account it is even more dramatic.
    Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty." – Socrates

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  2. #492
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Quote Originally Posted by woodman View Post
    Platinum sure looks like a bargain. Looks like it hasn't been this low in dollar terms since '03. Taking inflation into account it is even more dramatic.
    Platinum is selling for less than cost of production. So if one has a long term investment horizon he can't lose buying Pt at these prices. But Pt could go lower short term. If Pt drops further I will buy more. I'm retired and I'm trying to protect my nest egg which is 45 percent in cash. Cash is king now and will be for the next few weeks or months. But long term the US dollar is dead currency walking I need to convert dollars into assets that will survive through the coming collapse and monetary reset. I only trust physical PMs at this point. Real estate has two problems: it can and will drop in price and it will be taxed heavily to pay for the government largesse that is coming. Stocks are now in a bear market and will be for years to come IMHO. I don't consider cryptocurrencies a safe option for wealth preservation. Foreign currencies are worse trash than the US dollar. Going forward I think the only viable investments are PMs. a cash business, self-improvement, and useful tangibles such as guns, ammo, food and supplies, tools etc.
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  4. #493
    Unobtanium EE_'s Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Bitcoin $4,700. Wow, what a plunge!


  5. #494
    Administrator JohnQPublic's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Palladium moving back up on confidence I guess.
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  6. #495
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Right now Pd 2249 Ag 14.01 ratio is at 160.51
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  7. #496
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Broke $3000 frns.
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  9. #497
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    So I sold my 1.5 t oz Pd today, got $3,051 for it… Now it will probably take off and reach $10k/oz in a couple of months…
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Neuro For This Useful Post:

    osoab (6th March 2022)

  11. #498
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuro View Post
    So I sold my 1.5 t oz Pd today, got $3,051 for it… Now it will probably take off and reach $10k/oz in a couple of months…
    Mathematically speaking average is a market goal that is attainable consistently.

  12. #499
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuro View Post
    So I sold my 1.5 t oz Pd today, got $3,051 for it… Now it will probably take off and reach $10k/oz in a couple of months…
    Just curious; Factoring in inflation from the time you purchased until the sale did you make a profit? I am not selling mine.
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  13. #500
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: Ohhhh Ahhhh Ohhhh! Palladium!

    Quote Originally Posted by monty View Post
    Just curious; Factoring in inflation from the time you purchased until the sale did you make a profit? I am not selling mine.
    I think I did ok it was up +550% from the price I payed 13-14 years ago and what I got yesterday. I think it would have been closer to 800% price increase if one takes into account the premiums when buying and selling, but the dealer has to make a profit too… I would have kept it longer, but I am going to Mexico next week for a 5 week holiday. Normally I would earn enough this week to pay for it, but there was a snow storm here and for 4 days I lost 70% of my normal earnings, so I sold to make up for the difference…
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Neuro For This Useful Post:

    monty (27th January 2022),osoab (6th March 2022)

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