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Thread: Sandy Hook - Alex Jones to go to trial soon

  1. #11
    Administrator JohnQPublic's Avatar
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    Re: Sandy Hook - Alex Jones to go to trial soon

    According to this theory, he will not pay that much:

    Others have pointed out that Texas law caps punitive (“exemplary”) damages at twice the compensatory damage award plus $750,000. Moreover, an exemplary damage award requires an unanimous jury, and only ten of the twelve jurors agreed on the original $4.1 million compensatory award. And if the jury’s original award was for non-economic damages, i.e. to compensate them for pain and suffering, then they may only get the $750,000 in this phase of the trial.
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  3. #12
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Sandy Hook - Alex Jones to go to trial soon

    Common Law is treble damages. These are three damages and not 3x the damage award.

    The first damage is actual.

    The second damage is half actual.

    The third damage is half the second.

    This works out to a maximum of 1.75 times actual damages.

  4. #13
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Sandy Hook - Alex Jones to go to trial soon

    Are not the plebes that sent sheckels to AJ ultimately paying for all of this? ....
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  5. #14
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    Re: Sandy Hook - Alex Jones to go to trial soon

    fwiw Robert Barnes talking with AJ about the show trial:

    Barnes agrees with what John Q Public posted above on the limit of $750K

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