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Thread: Making Russia the Enemy

  1. #11
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    Quote Originally Posted by hoarder View Post
    Don't let Perestroika fool you,
    Saw a video on Glasnost and Perestroika, that was when the communists let out the worst jews of Russia, the worst criminal Khazars, the jews that the jews in the USSR could not handle being around these individuals were so evil. The worst of the worst jews in USSR prisons. These were let out and Reagan accepted them. These Khazars became part of the Russia Mafia.

    Putin lets the Chabad and the Russian Mafia run Russia. It is a Jewish criminal state.

    Putin Welcomes the Return of the Russian Mafia

    Lenin would blush at the Russian mafia. These were the troublemakers to the jewish communists. Jews criminals that Jewish criminals reject. And Trump special advisor was a Russian mobster, telling Trump to be friends with Russian mob friend Putin.

    Russian mob partly took over the MI6 and cia and mossad. And their policy is Likud Republican Party. And they own Putin and Trump. They hate Soros and the WEF, want something much worse than neo-liberalism. Goal is to smash neo-liberalism and have the jews secretly control the globe, behind "populist" "patriot" Trump. Jews started RT News and are attacking their friends at the cia to build a brand of Trumpism and Putinism, that jews own. And the have "populists" follow Trump.

    The entire Trump apparatus is there to fool conservatives and libertarians.

  2. #12
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    You have no political sensors. You see, hear, touch, taste and smell. Everything else is a construction within the brain. This ' everything else' is what you decide is reality. While there may be some logic involved any logic based upon illusion is going to be wrong. Bad information equals bad logic

  3. #13
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    Here is the Republican Likud Party telling supporters to attack Soros.

    It’s a jewish religious duty (mitzvah), not anti-Semitism, to attack George Soros’ dangerous DA campaigns , says Jews

    Likud Puts Kosher Stamp on Anti-Semitic Attacks Against George Soros

    "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,"

    Soros is a sock puppet to scare you into voting for Trump. Soros is not the end game. Likud Mossad Khazar Chabad Russian Mafia is the 1984 goal. Soros is herding the idiots into Trump.

    The Likud’s director of International Relations provided Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party with information about American-Hungarian Jewish billionaire George Soros, that was used towards an ongoing pre-election campaign accused of being antisemitic.
    “I sent Orban information about what Soros does in Israel about six months ago,” Likud International Relations Director Eli Hazan told The Jerusalem Post Monday. “We see Soros as a dangerous man who does unfair and indecent things.”

    Unbathed Sorosite bernie bros are not the mission of the jews. CNN hates Soros leftist Bernie Bros, Faux hates them.

    Likud backs Soros opposition that is zionst and Likud puppets to have that be the 1984. Trump is part of that anti-Soros Kushner Chabad Russian Mafia anti-Soros tribe.

    To be opposed to Soros, WEF is is be chasing sock puppets of the jews. GIM1 would have realized this.

    So obviously anti-Soros crowd are falling for Putin. That is the script. There is no possible way to have somebody who believes Soros is running the cia, mossad and mi6 to be anti-Putin. They are only anti-Trump over vaccines. If you ask them if what is more evil WEF or Trump, Putin supporters like Trump better. The jews took over the movement and have their protections to keep the fools on the reservation.

  4. #14
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    I am putting this here because the graphic won’t display in the General Discussion Ukraine war thread they Himars vs Russian Tornado

    "But the HIMARS is more accurate..."

    Not only does Russia have systems comparable to the HIMARS, it has systems that surpass it.

    The Tornado-S MLRS fires 12 300mm GLONASS-guided rockets with an error of 5-10m (same as HIMARS) but 50% further at 120km vs the HIMARS 80km.

    A single Russian brigade has 48 Tornado-S systems, the US has sent 12 HIMARS + 4 more on the way.

    If the sort of attacks the HIMARS enables Ukraine to carry out can win the war, Russia will win the war much sooner.
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  5. #15
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    Trump was right about the USA should be friends with Russia. His reasoning was simple, ‘they have nukes, lots of them’.

    Perhaps if he he gotten NATO disolved like he talked about the Russian Special Military Operation would have been far less than it has turned into with NATO support. Now we are teetering on the edge of a nuclear WWIII mainly because the USA and her NATO members can’t keep their nose out of other countries affairs
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
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  6. #16
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    NATO had plans for a preemptive strike against Russia

    Sonja Van den Ende
    October 30, 2022

    New U.S. Army command in Wiesbaden to coordinate war support for Ukraine. [Source:]

    Revelations further underscore mendacity behind Biden administration claim that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked

    POLARIS 21 was a large-scale French naval exercise in the Mediterranean that took place from November 18 to December 3, 2021, off the island of Corsica between France and Spain.

    Officially, the aim of the training was to test the capabilities of the sea and air elements to face future wars, using the latest systems and naval vessels to develop tactics.

    The scenario of the exercise—which saw the participation of 23 ships, one submarine, 65 aircraft and 6,000 personnel from six NATO nations including the U.S.—was to enable the Allies to maintain control of the Mediterranean in the event of a threat from the Russian air force and navy.

    Journalists have come into possession of documents which detailed plans for the NATO coalition to use the POLARIS exercise to send a French carrier strike group to preemptively attack Russia in the case of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, which the U.S. and NATO were in the process of provoking. The UK signed an agreement with Ukraine that granted it access to naval bases in Ukraine that could be used to attack the Russian Federation.

    French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, from which NATO preemptive strike was to be carried out. [Source:]

    According to Slavisha Batko Milacic writing in Global Village Space, the POLARIS 21 exercise became for the Russian Federation a signal of the real preparation of NATO for the start of hostilities against it—as happened when a full-scale U.S.-NATO military operation to affect regime change in Libya (Operation Odyssey Dawn) that followed two NATO air-sea exercises (Baltops-2010 and Frisian Flag-2010).

    U.S. Air Force jet participating in Frisian Flag exercise prior to the launching of Operation Odyssey Dawn over Libya. [Source:]

    Defender Europe 21 and Regime-Change Plans

    The POLARIS 21 exercise was carried out in conjunction with the U.S. Army Europe-Africa’s Exercise DEFENDER EUROPE 21.

    It was set up under the premise that Russia was an aggressor power like the Nazis—though it was the Soviet Union that had stood up to the Nazi invasion in World War II.

    Significantly perhaps, the Headquarters of the U.S. Army Europe-Africa’s command for the so-called “Eastern front” is in Wiesbaden, Germany, which was headquarters of the Nazi Wehrkreis XII during World War II.


    From the Russian point of view, its special military operation in Ukraine was necessary in the face of a potential preemptive strike by NATO—combined with the fact that NATO wanted to use Kyiv as a base for conducting a war against the Russian Federation.

    Ukraine has now very clearly evolved into a proxy war. The West’s aim is to overthrow Putin’s government, fitting the pattern of past military interventions against nationalist regimes in Libya, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq.

    Could Putin be next? The brutal killing by the U.S. and Western proxies Muammar Gaddafi, the democratically chosen leader of Libya, killed by the West, just after NATO exercises Baltops-2010 and Frisian Flag-2010, after which the U.S. and NATO destroyed Libya completely. [Source:]

    In Syria, Russia had supported the sovereignty of the legitimate government of President Bashar al-Assad, while the U.S. and EU supported various jihadist groups like al-Qaeda, al-Nusra and eventually ISIS, in Arabic called DAESH—the amalgamation of all terrorist groups.

    Wikipedia reported that 26 NATO members participated in the Defender-Europe 21, a U.S.-Army led military exercise including operations in the Baltics that extended into March. This month, 14 NATO countries are participating in a followup exercise, Steadfast Noon, designed to train flight crews to handle thermonuclear bombs.

    These exercises assume Putin’s willingness to use nuclear weapons—though, was put on high nuclear alert because of heavy U.S. and NATO provocation, and U.S. leaders have been the ones more frequently threatening nuclear war.

    In 2019, the Trump administration withdrew from the INF treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) which put a cap on the deployment of U.S. and Russian strategic warheads.

    Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev sign the INF Treaty in better times in 1987. [Source:]

    This was a good example of the move away from diplomatic engagement by U.S. leaders waging a new Cold War that has already become hot.

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    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  7. #17
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    If NATO continues to escalate the proxy war in Ukraine . . . . .

    My colleagues wrote a very important report giving a realistic assessment of a nuclear scenario in the face of the Ukrainian conflict, based on an analysis of Russian military doctrine regarding the conditions and principles of nuclear weapons use.

    Some important quotes from the report’s conclusion:

    • <…>It should be remembered that the Russian Military Doctrine states that nuclear weapons can be used not just in case of "aggression with the use of conventional weapons" against the Russian Federation but only in the case when this aggression would threaten "the very existence of the state".<…>

    • <…>Further expansion of the range and scale of arms and military equipment supplies from the United States and other Alliance countries to Kiev, as well as an increase in the number of foreign advisers and mercenaries in the Ukrainian forces, potentially create the danger of an uncontrolled escalation of the conflict.<…>

    • <…> Should hostilities in Ukraine continue and increase in intensity, and even more so should NATO countries become directly involved in the conflict, the use of nuclear weapons cannot be completely ruled out. This danger can only be eliminated by seeking a political and diplomatic end to the conflict in Ukraine, the need for which has been repeatedly stated by the Russian leadership. <…>
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
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  8. #18
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    Common law had a process of arriving at the disputed elements of any argument. It involved sending letters back and forth to settle what could be agreed to and to identify true issues in the dispute. These disputed elements were then what courts decided.

    I don't see any back and forth exchange in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Just saber rattling and threats.

    Politically an enemy is needed. If one doesn't exist one will be invented. China, Iran, Russia, N Korea. ... If these all magically disappeared...they would be replaced.

    Years back it was Khadaffi, Sadam, Ayatollah, Mogidishu, Germany, Japan. And the hits just keep on coming.

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  10. #19
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    “Let’s get out of NATO”as I said yesterday seems to be contagious

    "Let's Get Out Of NATO": Discontent Soars Across Europe As Russian Sanctions Backfire

    Western sanctions against Russia have been considered a powerful foreign policy tool by the US and the EU to paralyze Moscow back to the 'stone age.' Though sanctions against Moscow have entirely backfired, sparking the worst cost-of-living crisis for Europeans in a generation.
    In early September, we first noticed a wave of discontent sweeping across Europe as tens of thousands of people took to the city streets to protest soaring electricity bills and the worst inflation in decades. Some countries delivered relief packages to citizens to tame the anger, while other countries did not have the financial capacity to hand out checks.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
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  11. #20
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    Re: Making Russia the Enemy

    The latest from Maria Zakharova Russia's spókes woman ;Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is the Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since 2015.

    the latest report from Maria Zakharov sounds like stern warning to the United States government.

    The Oval Circle
    Maria Zakharova is right, what the people in the US need to understand is that the globalist elite and their warmongering government are playing Chicken with Russia. These people are obsessed with money and power, and they still live in the past fantasy dream world.

    People need to understand that we are no longer living in the 90s, when Russia was weakened by being a US vassal state under Yeltsin. Starting a war with Russia now is the same as playing Russian roulette with the lives of not only the people in the US and Russia, but all the world.

    As Russia now has the means to hit the US with missiles from any direction. Russia does not want or need this wars, it is the globalists in the US that rather gamble peoples lives with war rather than change their ways and ambitions of wanting to rule all the world. The US needs to stop attempting to take over the entire world and take care of their own problems and citizens at home. Biden is a demented sociopathic liar. He lies to Americans 24/7/365. Why should the rest of the world be any different.

    Did the West listen to Moscow's warnings and request for dialogue before Moscow was forced into starting the Special Operations? No. Will the West heed Moscow's warnings and calls for dialogue now? No. The US wants to conquer Russia at any cost. So, it looks like the US and rest of NATO will need to feel physical pain before backing down. Timing is critical, and the West will be at it's weakest after a harsh winter, so best to wait. Putin also needs to make certain both Belarus and China are onside and ideally ready to help. Serbia, Turkiye, Hungary, Austria and Sweden may need contacting to see if they could somehow remain neutral despite NATO membership.

    Furthermore, the US is openly lying about maintaining contacts with Russia, Zakharova claimed. Last week, Price said that Secretary of State Antony Blinken still keeps in touch with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Zakharova called the statement a “banal lie,” adding that the last time the two diplomats spoke was July 29' This is why the American public need access to Russian as well as other foreign media. The American public should be alarmed that their government is not in regular contact with Russia and lies to them about it
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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