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Thread: Jews, the children of Satan

  1. #291
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    midnight rambler (15th February 2022)

  3. #292
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Tumbleweed For This Useful Post:

    midnight rambler (15th February 2022),monty (28th January 2022),woodman (29th January 2022)

  5. #293
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    Global jewish organization here to let immigrants into destroy the white race

    The JQ, [2/7/22 9:01 PM]
    [ Video ]
    Journalist is Tim Pool.

    "We're like a Jewish global organization
    ...and we're here to let immigrants in, refugees in to destroy the white race step by step, and spread cultural marxism.
    So that's what we came out here for today..."

    TP: "Are you being tongue and cheek right now?"

    "No, none at all, thats what we really believe in"
    ..."One world government to rule the white race"

    Full video: clip is in 28 min mark

    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to monty For This Useful Post:

    Tumbleweed (31st March 2022),woodman (16th February 2022)

  7. #294
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan Archaeologist claims to find oldest Hebrew text in Israel, including the name of God
    Mar 25 2022
    Archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling and a team of international scholars held a press conference on Thursday in Houston, Texas, unveiling what he claims is the earliest proto-alphabetic Hebrew text — including the name of God, “YHWH” — ever discovered in ancient Israel. It was found at Mount Ebal, known from Deuteronomy 11:29 as a place of curses.

    If the Late Bronze Age (circa 1200 BCE) date is verified, this tiny, 2-centimeter x 2 centimeter folded-lead “curse tablet” may be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever. It would be the first attested use of the name of God in the Land of Israel and would set the clock back on proven Israelite literacy by several centuries — showing that the Israelites were literate when they entered the Holy Land, and therefore could have written the Bible as some of the events it documents took place.

    “This is a text you find only every 1,000 years,” Haifa University Prof. Gershon Galil told The Times of Israel on Thursday. Galil helped decipher the hidden internal text of the folded lead tablet based on high-tech scans carried out in Prague at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic...

    The majority Hebrew-language text, he posited, was written by Israelites as an internal legal document, a form of social contract, warning the person under contract what would happen if he did not fulfill his obligations...

    According to the researchers, it reads: “Cursed, cursed, cursed – cursed by the God YHW./ You will die cursed./ Cursed you will surely die./ Cursed by YHW – cursed, cursed, cursed.”
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

  8. #295
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    Israeli Forces shot a journalist entering a refugee camp and left her to bleed to death

    Kevork Almassian


    This morning Israeli occupation forces have shot journalist Ghufran Warasneh at the entrance of the Arroub refugee camp and left her bleed for 20 minutes without medical care till she passed away.
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  9. #296
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    Tjis article is too long to bring over here

    Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

    Published on June 20, 2021

    by Brian Shilhavy
    Editor, Health Impact News

    A year ago this month I published an article that exposed who was behind the Plandemic and the riots that were breaking out in major urban areas across the United States.
    , I clearly showed how the Globalists who control the affairs of the world are Satanists, and that their plans to implement a “New World Order” were nothing new with the 2020 great COVID-19 Plandemic, but had been many years in the making. See:
    This is an update to that article. Nothing has changed as to who is directing this march towards a New World Order, as at the top is a person named “Satan,” or “Lucifer,” or “the Devil,” and it doesn’t matter if your own belief system does not agree that this person exists, because the Globalists at the top of the power structure most certainly do, and they are active participants in Satanism.
    But a year later now, we can flesh out more who these people are, as many of them practice their Luciferian religion in secret, and we also now have the excellent 5-hour presentation by the Australian Altiyan Childs exposing Freemasonry from an insider perspective, where he calls Freemasonry “the world’s oldest religion.” See:
    After much research, I concur with this statement, and I believe that there is strong evidence that pretty much ALL of the world’s religions are either part of Freemasonry, or strongly influenced by it, which is just another term for worshipping Satan.
    It is also time for me to more fully deal with the term “Jew,” quite possibly the most misunderstood word in the English language.
    I will warn the reader right up front here that this article will most certainly upset the majority of people who read it, and almost everyone who reads it will find something to disagree with, but that’s OK.
    As always, the primary goal of Health Impact News is to report on things that are routinely censored elsewhere, and to shine a light into the darkest corners of evil.
    So while you are likely to read things you do not agree with, you are also very likely to learn some things as well.
    Who are the “Jews”?
    comtinued at the link

    Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to monty For This Useful Post:

    midnight rambler (10th March 2023)

  11. #297
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    This is an interview that is an hour long and I don't know if it's for real or not. It's so danmed interesting and entertaining that I listened to the whole thing. So much truth is spoken in a humorous and entertaining way I couldn't stop listening. It sounds like James Wickstrom and the jew Finkelstein. The truth is put out there over and over again. The interview at this link below.

    <font size="3">

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Tumbleweed For This Useful Post:

    hoarder (24th June 2023),monty (25th June 2023)

  13. #298
    Great Value Carrots hoarder's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    I'm pretty skeptical about videos like that, but I watched most of it and it seems genuine to me. I think if we send that video to fence-sitters to demonstrate the Jewish attitude, most would say a "Nazi" spoke in place of Finkelstein to incriminate the poor Jews. I think Finkelstein may have gotten himself into a little trouble with his brethren by being so frank.

  14. #299
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  15. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Tumbleweed For This Useful Post:

    Amanda (28th September 2023),monty (28th September 2023)

  16. #300
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jews, the children of Satan

    ​Jews are always trying to get us in to a war.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to Tumbleweed For This Useful Post:

    monty (24th December 2023)

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