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Thread: Flat earthers cannot explain this

  1. #1
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Flat earthers cannot explain this

    Apparently the earth has a curve when viewed at an altitude of 56 miles.
    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

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  3. #2
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    I studied a Picasso image once. His interpretation of his experience did not match mine.

  4. #3
    Bitcoin Miner Ares's Avatar
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler View Post
    Apparently the earth has a curve when viewed at an altitude of 56 miles.
    But but but but the Jewish flat Earth huckster (Flat Earth Dave aka David Weiss) told me the Earth was flat, and that he would pay Bitcoin to anyone who could prove otherwise.

    Surely a Jew can be trusted to tell the truth, and to make a payment when something is proven.
    "Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788
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  6. #4
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    Flat earthers are unable to explain why this guy is their flat earth guru. This is Eric Dubay. Major WTF moment. To save time, just jump to 8:45 in this video and watch at least two minutes of that. Eric Dubay claims in the beginning of this video, "I have no women's clothing" yet in this video he presents himself at least two times as a woman, and in the weirdest way. Egad. This is your guru??

    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

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  8. #5
    Bitcoin Miner Ares's Avatar
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler View Post
    Flat earthers are unable to explain why this guy is their flat earth guru. This is Eric Dubay. Major WTF moment. To save time, just jump to 8:45 in this video. Eric Dubay claims in the beginning of this video, "I have no women's clothing" yet in this video he presents himself at least two times as a woman. Egad. This is your guru??

    Kind of speaks for itself. The Earth has proven to be a spheroid after multiple experiments for the past 1000 years. It just proves you have to be mentally deranged to believe otherwise.

    Or build your own rocket like the guy did in the video and prove your flat Earth as the evidence speaks otherwise.

    The other option is to keep listening to these mentally deranged gender confused faggots and Jewish hucksters.
    "Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1788
    "The greatest threat to the state is when the people figure out they can exist without them." - Twisted Titan
    "Some Libertarians are born, the government makes the rest."
    "Voting is nothing more than a slaves suggestion box, voting on a new master every few years does not make you free."

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    midnight rambler (2nd June 2024)

  10. #6
    Militant Wing of the Salvation Army midnight rambler's Avatar
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    More on Eric the new age transvestite -

    "A man is to be held accountable for the thoughts he chooses to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller

    "If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable-what then?" --George Orwell

    "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Henry Kissinger

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to midnight rambler For This Useful Post:

    Ares (2nd June 2024)

  12. #7
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    6 AM is when the sun rises. 6 PM is when the sun sets.

    Yet many people insist the sun must rise at a different time every day just so railroads can construct simpler schedules and they can proclaim "the Earth is a sphere".

    earth (n.)
    Old English eorže "ground, soil, dirt, dry land; country, district," also used (along with middangeard) for "the (material) world, the abode of man" (as opposed to the heavens or the underworld), from Proto-Germanic *ertho (source also of Old Frisian erthe "earth," Old Saxon ertha, Old Norse jörš, Middle Dutch eerde, Dutch aarde, Old High German erda, German Erde, Gothic airža), perhaps from an extended form of PIE root *er- (2) "earth, ground."
    Does anything in this Etymology Online description describe a sphere? Or a disc? Or flatness?

    Maybe next you will describe New York City as a hexagon.

  13. #8
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    Do all plumb bobs point in the same direction?

    On flat Earth they do. On a globe they point in billions of unique directions.

    On a globe my vertical is only the same as your vertical if you happen to occupy the exact same spot I occupy. Ten feet away and our verticals will not align.

    The S-Plane plots the real on the horizontal axis and the IMAGINARY on the vertical axis. Now take you and me. Say you are 100 miles away with a different vertical axis than mine. Suddenly what is imaginary to you falls into my real space and vice versa. We'll never agree on what is real and what is imaginary.

    Just thought you should know all politicians aren't insane. Their plumb bobs don't agree with yours unless they are standing in front of you.

    And if we can't agree on plumb bobs what makes you think there can be agreement anywhere else?

  14. #9
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Flat earthers cannot explain this

    Only fools keep following Eric Dubay. I listened to him at the very beginning, but he is overplayed.
    He will not and has not coordinated with any other of the major flat earfers.

    Then like Stew Peters went off into la la land.

    He seems like the a honey pot/controlled opposition. He had good thoughts/questions back in 2015. Went off the rails in 2018/2020ish. In 2024, who gives a rats derriere.
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
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    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
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