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Thread: Was Trumpstein Shot?

  1. #11
    Potmetal Cebu_4_2's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    Genghis has been on my itchy delete finger for the past week along with a few others.

    Seems a lot of X posters are more concerned about their check than anything else so they are just engagement farming for views. Good, bad or otherwise, just to create views. Fuk them.

    I could go into my own opinions but at this point it's completely moot. Most people just can't think for themselves and blindly follow idiots lol.
    Jackie did it and you know it!

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  3. #12
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    This makes a lot of sense. The setup is to assassinate Harris and blame it on a Trump supporter, then cancel the elections.

    Projection and reflection is the most common left hand behavior especially to cover up exposure.

  4. #13
    Great Value Carrots Down1's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    I don't know what to think about this yet.
    I am amused most of MSM is showing us a clean cut pic of the shooter from his HS yearbook and not the long haired freak current pic.

  5. #14
    Great Value Carrots Down1's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    Shooter was in a Blackrock TV ad in H.S.

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  7. #15
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    medical doctor perspective:

    Trump "Assassination Attempt": I Call Bullshit

    The Uniparty is having a party. It's a theater party. Y'all come and cast your vote for the most compelling actor and admire the supporting cast. Door prizes include UN destruction of humanity. (for all the photos go to the link)

    Above you see a picture of the purported bullet wound to Former President Trump’s right ear following the purported assassination attempt by a purported lone gunman allegedly in the sites of the Secret Service [?]/Police [?] sharpshooter protecting [?] Former President Trump from threats like assassination-minded lone or multiple gunmen.President Trump, however, is a man of such amazing talent that he is capable of defying the ordinarily unavoidable pull of gravity. For those who do not recall their elementary school science, the pull of gravity is, at least on the surface of the earth, downward.

    The red circle indicates where the flow of blood from Trump’s alleged wound is defying the force of gravity. Having streaked across his face when he was in a crouch behind the podium, we see that his face, shirt and suit are free of blood which, considering the abundant vascularization of the region, is astounding. And here I am speaking as a physician. Generally, bullet wounds bleed. It’s part of what they do. And the more heavily vascularized a region is, the more heavily they bleed. Not only that, the blood is well known, throughout observational studies spanning the whole of mammalian history, to follow the dictates of gravity.But wait, you may cry. “The pina, or auricle, as it is also named, may not be highly vascularized!”Ah, but it is. Precisely where the purported bullet purportedly ripped through the purported earlobe of the actual Former President, we find, in Latin, the arteria auricularis posterior.

    The blood supply to the external ear is presumably the same in formers Presidents and others. For those who like their anatomy in the vernacular, it is the posterior auricular artery. It comes off the external carotid artery, a vessel with a good deal of flow moving through it, so when the posterior auricular artery is cut or shot or opened in any way, it bleeds like a son of a bitch.Here you see the open hand of Former President Trump after he grasps his newly purportedly shot right auricle. Note that not only is gravity being defied here (no blood running down), but so is anatomy (no blood)

    But wait! Perhaps the abundant blood spurted from the wound when he was behind the podium under the pile of Secret Service make up artists agents who were protecting him from the sniper they forgot to shoot before he shot the Presidential Candidate under their protection.Well, here is the hand of the allegedly shot man as he rises from his post shot crouch:

    So unless there was a basin of water at the ready behind the podium and cloths to clean his hand, although no dressing was applied to the strange wound, again the candidate for President of the United States, under Secret Service protection has a blood-free hand which has clutched an abundantly bleeding wound which bleeds without visible blood.If, it is true, the blood this man bleeds is invisible, my concern about it defying gravity so failing to appear to the naked eye may not be relevant.

    Using Occam’s Razor, however, I believe that we are justified in assuming
    1. Trump’s blood is red
    2. Trump’s blood is visible to the naked eye when external to the skin, as through a wound or gun shot
    3. Trump’s vasculature is similar to that of other humans
    4. A gunshot wound in a vascularized region would bleed abundantly
    5. A hand grasping the damaged area would be bloodied by contact with the wound
    6. That hand would show visible signs of blood
    7. The blood from a gunshot wound in a highly vascularized area could be expected to flow downward, not diagonally, and color face, shirt, suit, etc., if the victim were vertical.
    8. The assassination scenario as presented is Bullshit

    So the important question is, “Why?” In my view, the answer is pretty clear: Make a hero out of this Uniparty Candidate, through a Theater Party and then, barring the introduction of reality into the political scene, we have a done deal, all neatly scripted, no matter which sock puppet stands against the HERO.

    But have you heard the HERO decry the DARPA death shots? Not once. And quite the contrary, in fact. They are “My three beautiful shots”.Have you heard the HERO decry the UN, promising to get the US out at the moment he takes office, or any other time for that matter? Nope.
    Have you heard the HERO declare his unequivocal support for Informed Consent, the Law of the Land and a totally non-negotiable reality for any national which has ratified the Geneva Convention? Nope.
    Have you heard the HERO promise, on a stack of Bibles, Qurans or classified documents, to investigate and prosecute the COVID Criminals, whomever they might be? Nope, not a whisper.

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  9. #16
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

  10. #17
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

  11. #18
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    All very good questions:

    - Why was there a massive stock short in Truth Social right before the assassination attempt?
    -Why was MSM covering his rally with ultra high shutter speed cameras? And is it normal for them to have the high quality cameras during rallies?
    If it’s not normal, who gave the order to make sure to capture every second at 1/8000 speed being reported?
    - Why did the parents call in on their own son who was 20 and supposedly visited the range regularly?
    -Why did they have a description of him 3 hours before and nothing was done
    - Why did Jill Biden’s good friend, pull the A list security from Trump right before the rally with a “credible threat” of an assassination from Iran?
    - How was this kid completely online scrubbed before this? Zero online activity? Really?
    - Why did the Secret Service have the main vantage point for a sniper completely open for over an hour, minimum?
    -Why did security spot him at 5:51pm, and confirmed at 5:53pm and allow Trump on stage at 6:00pm, just to be shot at 6:11pm?
    -Why were so many Trump supporters at the rally aware of his presence?
    - How was the kid able to scope out the area an hour before, and return with a ladder and a rifle, completely undeterred?
    - Why were there bystanders and Trump supporters able to snap photos of the shooter before Secret Service could take him down?
    - Why were they able to take him down virtually instantly AFTER he got 8 shots off? What exactly was the hesitation before he shot?

    More good questions:

    - Why were all of the MSM recording this rally LIVE? MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and even CNN he BBC streamed the PA. rally LIVE last week.
    - Why did META (FB and Instagram) unsuspend Trump’s accounts days before this rally
    - Why was legendary photographer @evanvucci in attendance at this particular rally?

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  13. #19
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda View Post
    medical doctor perspective:

    Trump "Assassination Attempt": I Call Bullshit

    The Uniparty is having a party. It's a theater party. Y'all come and cast your vote for the most compelling actor and admire the supporting cast. Door prizes include UN destruction of humanity. (for all the photos go to the link)

    Above you see a picture of the purported bullet wound to Former President Trump’s right ear following the purported assassination attempt by a purported lone gunman allegedly in the sites of the Secret Service [?]/Police [?] sharpshooter protecting [?] Former President Trump from threats like assassination-minded lone or multiple gunmen.President Trump, however, is a man of such amazing talent that he is capable of defying the ordinarily unavoidable pull of gravity. For those who do not recall their elementary school science, the pull of gravity is, at least on the surface of the earth, downward.

    The red circle indicates where the flow of blood from Trump’s alleged wound is defying the force of gravity. Having streaked across his face when he was in a crouch behind the podium, we see that his face, shirt and suit are free of blood which, considering the abundant vascularization of the region, is astounding. And here I am speaking as a physician. Generally, bullet wounds bleed. It’s part of what they do. And the more heavily vascularized a region is, the more heavily they bleed. Not only that, the blood is well known, throughout observational studies spanning the whole of mammalian history, to follow the dictates of gravity.But wait, you may cry. “The pina, or auricle, as it is also named, may not be highly vascularized!”Ah, but it is. Precisely where the purported bullet purportedly ripped through the purported earlobe of the actual Former President, we find, in Latin, the arteria auricularis posterior.

    The blood supply to the external ear is presumably the same in formers Presidents and others. For those who like their anatomy in the vernacular, it is the posterior auricular artery. It comes off the external carotid artery, a vessel with a good deal of flow moving through it, so when the posterior auricular artery is cut or shot or opened in any way, it bleeds like a son of a bitch.Here you see the open hand of Former President Trump after he grasps his newly purportedly shot right auricle. Note that not only is gravity being defied here (no blood running down), but so is anatomy (no blood)

    But wait! Perhaps the abundant blood spurted from the wound when he was behind the podium under the pile of Secret Service make up artists agents who were protecting him from the sniper they forgot to shoot before he shot the Presidential Candidate under their protection.Well, here is the hand of the allegedly shot man as he rises from his post shot crouch:

    So unless there was a basin of water at the ready behind the podium and cloths to clean his hand, although no dressing was applied to the strange wound, again the candidate for President of the United States, under Secret Service protection has a blood-free hand which has clutched an abundantly bleeding wound which bleeds without visible blood.If, it is true, the blood this man bleeds is invisible, my concern about it defying gravity so failing to appear to the naked eye may not be relevant.

    Using Occam’s Razor, however, I believe that we are justified in assuming
    1. Trump’s blood is red
    2. Trump’s blood is visible to the naked eye when external to the skin, as through a wound or gun shot
    3. Trump’s vasculature is similar to that of other humans
    4. A gunshot wound in a vascularized region would bleed abundantly
    5. A hand grasping the damaged area would be bloodied by contact with the wound
    6. That hand would show visible signs of blood
    7. The blood from a gunshot wound in a highly vascularized area could be expected to flow downward, not diagonally, and color face, shirt, suit, etc., if the victim were vertical.
    8. The assassination scenario as presented is Bullshit

    So the important question is, “Why?” In my view, the answer is pretty clear: Make a hero out of this Uniparty Candidate, through a Theater Party and then, barring the introduction of reality into the political scene, we have a done deal, all neatly scripted, no matter which sock puppet stands against the HERO.

    But have you heard the HERO decry the DARPA death shots? Not once. And quite the contrary, in fact. They are “My three beautiful shots”.Have you heard the HERO decry the UN, promising to get the US out at the moment he takes office, or any other time for that matter? Nope.
    Have you heard the HERO declare his unequivocal support for Informed Consent, the Law of the Land and a totally non-negotiable reality for any national which has ratified the Geneva Convention? Nope.
    Have you heard the HERO promise, on a stack of Bibles, Qurans or classified documents, to investigate and prosecute the COVID Criminals, whomever they might be? Nope, not a whisper.

    Remember Jason Goodman "Crowdsource the Truth" in New York in 2020 during the SarS-CoV-2 scamdemic investigating all the hospitals? He is digging into this assassination attempt. Posting on X (Twitter) @JG_CSTT along with a John Cullen @I_Am_JohnCullen
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

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    osoab (18th July 2024)

  15. #20
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Was Trumpstein Shot?

    Another doctor calling it fake:

    Seven signs Trump’s assassination attempt was faked

    Psychological operation is aimed at the religious and uncritical, say analysts (Updated 7/18/24)

    James Hill, MD

    Good summary of how this plays out:
    I've been trauma nurse for a long time and I’ve never seen a guy roll through my trauma room after being shot do a fist pump in my life. Never mind directly afterward being shot. They are usually in complete shock
    You think if you were hit at any level in the ear by a high velocity projectile round, your head wouldn't be ringing and you wouldn't lose balance, and be dazed as F*ck.
    NOT standing like a hero with your fist high to the audience.
    Blood smear is Hollywood 101.
    Imagine a bullet and velocity hitting your ear and you pat it like its a mosquito. Makes no sense. (and wouldn't you let out a yell or vocalization indicating PAIN from just getting grazed by high speed bullet?? I let out an OW when I accidentally stab myself with a rose thorn)


    Owen Benjamin on twitter/x has been asking how come we have no video or camera from Trump's right side the side allegedly shot (seems very convenient) Dr. Shiva posted tweet w/video from a different angle, but conveniently that video cuts off right before he gets shot, then picks up where you see the photographers moving into place (tipped off in advance by SS).

    Video here where you see the SS tipping off photographers that the show is about to start, so they can get into position to get the money shot:
    A breakdown of several reasons that the “attempted assassination” is STAGED by the Deep State and Trump is 100% in on it.
    (I think the voice in this is Tim Truth, he refers to Trump's hand signal, pointing to the sign prior to the big event, as a magician's trick, get the audience distracted and looking away from him (don't forget Trump is good friends w/Vince McMahon, and was on WWE a number of times) (videos and photo at link)
    There were no shooters at the Trump rally. Anyone falling like they were hit are just crisis actors like Ashli Babbit on J6. Trump turned and hand signaled when to get it started and when Trump started his hand signals, a SS officer came out and told photographers they should move to the front of the stage and be ready to take pictures. This is why there were two women in the detail. They aren't Secret Service Agents. They are makeup artists to apply to fake blood. The shorter one dark hair with yellow arrows applied the fake blood from behind Trump while he was on the ground. The other brunettes with green arrows job was to make sure the blood looked real from the front before they started moving him. That's why neither of them knew how to hold and holster their plastic guns. Notice how the camera behind the stage conveniently cuts away from trump when the dark hair is applying the blood so you cant see. As they pick trump up then the brunette runs in from the front to check his face. The dark hair goes back around to check the blood once more from the back then they start moving him.

    It looks like Trump bused in some prison populations for his rally last week. Looks like a bunch fucking meth addicts. It was an entirely different class of people than every other rally. It was the smallest I've ever seen, many of the seats were empty. These are the kind of people you pay a couple hundreds dollars to chant "USA and Trump" in the middle of an fake active shooter event These are crisis actors pointing to "someone shot" The guy at the bottom is the leader. So a man gets shot in the head a few feet away and nobody moves from their seats The venue is shit, the decorations are shit, the people look like shit, they dress like shit, the psyop acting was shit, many had no class and their manners are shit. I don’t remember 2016 patriots at rally’s group flicking off cameras while screaming fuck you into them as well. This crisis acting ensemble behaves like the embarrassing and annoying as fuck drunks at a sports game ruining everyone around them good time.

    Good video here, just watch beginning, look at the crowd behind him, totally NOT what you would expect--And then they break into USA!! USA!! USA!! as they get Trump off the stage. Really?? Would people really break into a chant like that after supposedly witnessing an attempted assassination??

    IMO Staged Theater

    This reminds me of the WWE--apparently McMahon and Hulk Hogan will be at the RNC/Israel First Convention tonight

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