Libertarians played hard to get and refused to vote for McCain, and the Republicans catered to the Tea Party with Sarah Palin and Glen Beck.
Libertarians did not fall for the deception of MK Ultra Sarah Palin and Zio Glen Beck and play hard to get in the 2012 election.
The Republicans are forced to give into the demands of a young male population if we keep voting Libertarian.
Libertarians reject the fake populism of Trumpstein because Trumpstein promotes the ZOG agenda of statism and hating antisemites.
If enough Libertarians vote for Chase Oliver, the Republican Party would have to go Libertarian to be winnable.
If Libertarians expose Trumpstein as the con and Jonestein as a con, the cia would have to abandon winning elections with conservatives, until conservative nominees are loyal to the Constitution and Gold as money.
If cia ZOG MAGA, which is PNAC 2.0, fails... Libertarians get the chance as we did with Ron Paul to shape the direction of the conservative movement.
Play hard to get. A vote for Chase Oliver is a protest vote, a middle finger at the deepstate.