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Thread: False flag attacks before the EU elections

  1. #1
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    False flag attacks before the EU elections

    There is a movement in the EU to form a right wing parliament majority to end the migrant crisis and to limit the Green New Deal.

    Therefore the cia and their pawns have staged many false flag attacks to provide phony victimization to supporters of the Green New Deal that are planned to be in the majority and to Chabad parties that won't be in the majority because of their Russian support. I said this before, a vote for the Chabad ID parties is a throw away vote.

    The first big false flag (although there have been others):

    European election: Teen admits to attacking Matthias Ecke

    The teenager said he knocked down Matthias Ecke, the Social Democratic Party's (SPD) top candidate in Saxony, as he hung posters in Dresden.

    Another false flag election attack:

    Antifa group claims Stuttgart incident against AfD lawmakers

    A far-left group has claimed responsibility for an incident outside the state parliament of the Baden-Württemberg in which two members of the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD) were injured.

    The Stuttgart Antifascist Action Alliance referred to the incident as a "creative disruptive action" and claimed there had been "a scuffle on the part of the security service and AfD MPs."

    The group did not address police allegations that its members attacked AfD lawmakers.

    Wednesday's incident follows a number of attacks against German politicians from several parties in recent months.

    The cia planned reaction by the leftists was swift, condemning the right wing parties as to blame. And vice versa.

    The reason for these false flag attacks is to draw attention from the easily manipulated voters to the extremes of support of Chabad or support of Green New Deal.

    Another likely false flag today, Chabad Putin supporter Fico was shot - about three weeks before EU elections.

    Socialist supporter of Russia shot and injured:

    The goal of the cia is to prevent a right wing working majority in the EU. Such a majority would end the Jewish destruction of Europe with the Jewish Green New Deal, Jewish mass negroid migration and a Jewish Chabad/cia war on Europe. The election if the capitalists, conservatives and ECR right wing form the majority and rule Europe would end the evil sent by the deepstate on Europe.

    Because of false flag attacks, the capitalists said they would not support a government including right wing parties due to pressure after these false flag attacks blaming the attacks on leftists on the right wing ECR.

    So this election is very important, more important than the joke of an election between Biden and Trump.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
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    Re: False flag attacks before the EU elections

    Hopefully Europeans do not fall for the latest victim of the week, either socialists, open borders, Putinites, or net zero carbon.

    There has been new victims of assault, shooting, injuries at Team Jew vs Team Jew. For the media focus to be "the deepstate is fighting against net zero carbon" or "the deepstate is fighting against Chabad Russia" or "the deepstate is fighting against open borders". The victims of these attacks have only been Jewbots, never clued in deepstaters, the village idiots of Europe that support open borders or net zero carbon or Chabad conquering Europe. And likely the Jews or the cia are paying many of these attackers to divert media attention away from changing Europe for the better to focus on the disinfo shill candidates as your victim to support.

    It is the Jews and the cia desperate for the narrative of the elections staging these events.

    If I supported net zero carbon, open borders and the Chabad, I would hire security to protect me if I was a politician in Europe. Jewbots beware. The phony media driven victims are only Jewbots. And the cia whispers to the public "if the Jewbots are being attacked, that means they are the individuals fighting the deepstate, don't go along with anti-Chabad Russia candidates that also are for closed borders and getting rid of the green new deal, you are a filthy antisemite if you are for that trifecta."

    Jews: "The Chabadites are the victims. The Greens are the victims. The Socialists are the victims. Don't disrupt our little game in Europe by voting for right wingers that figured out the rigged system such as Meloni and Duda".

    Macron plays footsie with Putin, same as Berlusconi.

    Berlusconi, Caught on Tape Gushing Over Putin, Heightens Anxiety About Italy

    Macron, Berlusconi and Putin are three old cia assets, and three old pen pals.

    Macron works for the Americans, not for the French or for Europe. Macron is the American agent in France for American control over Europe.

    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  3. #3
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    Re: False flag attacks before the EU elections

    Fico and Orban are clueless on how the deepstate is run and thus are expendable to the deepstate. Both have not figured out Russia is a false flagging ZOG entity.

    That is what leads me to believe this was a false flag. The entire lot of targets have been useful idiots to the deepstate, and their victimization used to silence criticism for either Jewish owned side.

    Europe is being torn into extremism of pro-Greta/migrant vs extremism of supporting Chabad taking over Ukraine to expand Khazaria.

    Here is one example:

    European People’s party declines to sign letter condemning far-right political violence

    Russia false flagger in 1999:

    Fico was likely the sacrificial masonic offering for the election, as a big event before the EU elections. I would guess the cia or Jews behind the attack. If this was not a false flag, it was false flag induced, as most of the other attacks were staged by antifa on the left or extremists on the Putin side.

    Instead of the media telling voters to not vote for the actual parties that are promoting violence. Which would mean you would be stuck with conservatives, capitalists and the right wingers (the real populists). The media and the deepstate promote the scapegoating of the crimes on the ECR, to force the conservatives to vow never dealing with the right wingers such as the FdI in Italy and PiS in Poland. The later two parties have the actual solutions to solve Europe's problems which would be a close the borders and don't support Putin while not being extreme with the Green New Deal.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  4. #4
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    Re: False flag attacks before the EU elections

    Get a person that worked security - check
    Have that person be a leftist with grievances against the leader - check
    Have that skilled shooter fire multiple shots none of the shots fatal at the leader - check
    Have the guards of the leader not shoot and kill the shooter -check

    Have the leader survive and "school" the pro-freedom of Europe crowd when the leader's leader (Chabad Putin) is mentioned - soon to be check

    Maybe (Sgt) Scholz could wear a bullet proof vest, get shot once by a paid agent of Scholz, at the bullet proof vest on Scholz's orders and Scholz in on it, be rushed to the hospital where he is announced in intensive care, so when that first leader complains of persecution and victimhood of being shot, Scholz can say, I am too a leader that was shot and so I can disagree with you.

    The first leader: "You must bow before Chabad Russia, I was shot several times before the EU elections, I am uber-victim."

    That was the whole reason for the previous false flag attacks by antifa and the phony populists. Which side is more victim. Not which side has the best ideas. That is never mentioned in the media. Only agenda and the scripted news.

    Phony victimhood with phony indignation was the purpose of 9/11, COVID, and many other false flags. It is how the cia alt media shills control the public, not which ideas are best, never that, psy-ops to control the public.

    I was watching the cia stage attacks for weeks to control the narrative of the EU elections, it is the biggest and most important EU election. Then this shooting. So it is likely a false flag attack.

    The deepstate hates the ECR. Wants the leftists to win and wants the Putinites to win. Fico is both a socialist and a Putinite. And the shooting would help split the left to make it socialist under the control of Putin. Putin is the cia designated leader of the communists, tankies, socialists, phony populists and the fake resistance against Washington. The deepstate would want to make Fico a martyr. So not only is the question Cui bono? It is easy to ask oneself, why wouldn't the deepstate do this attack.

    So this is likely a false flag by the deepstate. That is an educated guess.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  5. #5
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    Re: False flag attacks before the EU elections

    Quote Originally Posted by C.Martel View Post
    Scholz could wear a bullet proof vest, get shot once by a paid agent of Scholz, at the bullet proof vest on Scholz's orders and Scholz in on it, be rushed to the hospital where he is announced in intensive care, so when that first leader complains of persecution and victimhood of being shot, Scholz can say, I am too a leader that was shot and so I can disagree with you.
    This quote from May 15th aged well. Wondering if Trump is going to stage another phony assassination, perhaps Trump hires a cia asset to wound Trump for maximum effect of phony victimhood. Instead of being cut in the ear by the pro-Trump Secret Service.

    Trumpstein: "Can't call me a rapist, authoritarian, felon because of... muh 6 gorillion staged assassinations."

    On May 15th, I said the staged fake assassination would be used to silence criticism of the person that was hit in a fake staged assassination attempt.

    On schedule this silencing of criticism is the SOP of the Republicans. Used by Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Cucker Tarlson, Elmo Muscovy and Donold Trumpstein.

    I said Chancellor Scholz would have to stage a fake assassination to disagree with "staged assassination" Fico. And that fake victimhood of Trump is the MO of Republicans, "can't call Trump the deep state, a felon, a criminal, a rapist"... that "incites violence". The silencing of criticism.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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