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Thread: Terraforming for bitcoin

  1. #1
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    Terraforming for bitcoin

    hyperdeflationary bitcoin cannot be US money imposed on the globe with American budget or trade deficits. Money/bitcoin flows out of the treasury with budget deficits. Money/bitcoin flow out of the US with trade deficits.

    To prepare America to dominate in the new planned bitcoin money system, Republicans are to cut US spending to bare bones with tax cuts for the oligarchs. And Republicans are promoting tariffs so Americans stop exporting their money to foreign nations.

    The closer the US is to balanced deficits and budgets, the closer America is to backing the dollar or replacing the dollar with bitcoin.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
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    Re: Terraforming for bitcoin

    As the Christian Zionists were the base of the cia Fox News Republican Party and got their zionist wars the Jews wanted because they voted Republican. MAGA Republicans are going to have the US government handed to them on a bitcoin platter if MAGA sell the nation out to bitcoin.

    The deepstate has shifted from Central Banking to bitcoin. The main wallets are mostly owned by deep staters, soon to be trillionaires.

    With the collapse of the central banking to happen anyway, the cia and freemasons in 2008 during the financial crisis invented bitcoin to shift from bankers running the monetary system, to the American Empire being the central bank globally, soon to own the most of bitcoin. To have the public be deceived on this plan, the cia has invented fake victimization from Chinese, Soros, LGBTQ, trans kids, furries and Drag Queens. While cia Fox News tells their viewers to buy bitcoin.

    Instead of defeating "Rothschild central banking", bitcoin is about the expansion of that to freemasons and the cia that got in on bitcoin early. Bush invented bitcoin during 2008, so Bush and buddies are wealthy in bitcoin. "Rothschild central banking" is collapsing, no gold and silver, only bitcoin. And if MAGA deliver that to the cia, the cia is going to give MAGA anything it wants.

    The cia have been running the show since the cold war.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  3. #3
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Terraforming for bitcoin

    Our ancestors inherited a monetary system based on

    Gold is for sovereigns
    Silver for gentlemen
    Copper for peasants
    Paper for slaves

    And the money you used established what the status of the group you associated with was.

    Paper arrived late. 1800 in France. 1861 in U.S. In France the paper was based on property seized from noblemen. In the U.S. paper was considered a warehouse receipt for gold, silver or copper on deposit. Over time these papers in the U.S. morphed into credit and debt while in France the paper experiment was abandoned until the wars of the 20th century.

    Bitcoin and other virtual money was introduced as an option to paper. Bitcoins are still valued in paper terms though and while paper in is inflationary when the presses are opened Bitcoin (being a fixed resource) becomes more valuable in response to inflationary factors. This equates to Bitcoin being infinitely divisible.

    So being newly arrived Bitcoin seemingly has no status attached to those who use it. Or is this true? Bitcoin users choose that option over paper but still attach paper value.. So it follows that perhaps their group is opposed to slavery in the paper form but prefer more virtual (invisible) bonds within their group? Or perhaps they see Bitcoin is an option to combat the rise of those slaves within their group known as Mega Billionaires or Powerball Winners or Ponzi People who got into paper early and thrived. This last observation suggests Bitcoin people have been educated by the system and have used Bitcoin to conjure up a remedy. Another alternative is that the big Ponzi players established Bitcoin because they could see their system eventually failing and decided to get ahead of the system that replaces paper.

    These are speculations based on the theory that status attached to money. There is another way to consider status vs money. That is gold/silver/copper establish Land jurisdiction. Paper is Sea jurisdiction. Virtual is Air jurisdiction.

    In Land one dollar is needed to form a contract but that dollar needs to be Land money.

    At Sea a paper form is required and Land money doesn't pass. Bonds being paper also fit the Maritime model.

    As to Air (the playground of Trusts over Land and Sea) there has historically been no money. Perhaps virtual money belongs to Trust/ Air ?

    The interested reader can refer to a 1989 court case (Hutchins v Maxicenters) for background on courts use of constructive trusts and how this construction resolves problems

    The essential issue is whether the 1954 merger of law procedure and equity procedure has resulted in an amalgamation of the theory and substance of those two bodies of law to the extent that a strictly law remedy, such as replevin, can now be used to directly enforce a strictly equitable cause of action, such as an action to establish a constructive trust.

    Merging Law and Equity? Law is masculine and the first time Equity was recorded was in the Bible with two women claiming ownership of a baby. Equity is and always has been the female version of Law. Law is strict (male). Equity is compromise (female).When you merge Law and Equity you get some form of Transgender Rules. So a third theory:

    Law uses gold/silver/copper as money. MASCULINE.
    Equity uses paper as money. FEMININE.
    Transgender uses virtual as money. LGBTQ.

    So does the Transgender issue depend on which bathroom you choose or which money system you value?

    Bitcoin is Gay!The LGBTQ community has their own money! Rainbow Power!

    So now the status table may be fleshed out

    Gold is for sovereigns
    Silver for gentlemen
    Copper for peasants
    Paper for slaves and women
    Virtual is for LGBTQ

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