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Thread: Holocaust never happened

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Holocaust never happened

    1937 - Jewish Western Bulletin, December 31st, 1937: "The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe."

    The 6 million lie, where the Jews sat out the mass deaths of WWII and WWI:

    Saying 6 million died is saying Central and European European Jews died.

    So if two Jews died in Central Europe today, that means the 6 million died, according to Jewish nonsense of holocaust/holohoax. As in Central European Jews died, two of them. The 6 million number as an actual number is a total lie.

    Jews: "A bus load of Eastern European Jews died today. How many? IDK... 6 million."
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
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    Re: Holocaust never happened

    Quote Originally Posted by C.Martel View Post
    1937 - Jewish Western Bulletin, December 31st, 1937: "The number six million is often used to describe the Jewish population of Central and Eastern Europe."
    For those that this went over their heads, look at the date of the above quote, it is before WWII and the holohoax. Meaning when Jews say Jews of Central Europe and Eastern Europe are dying... Jews word it as: "Six million Jews are dying". That was the given, before the holohoax. So when Jews say "Six million Jews were dying during the holohoax", Jews were saying "Jews of Central Europe and Jews of Eastern Europe were dying". Simple as that.

    Added to the claim that Jews needed "6 million deaths" to get their Zionist regime in Israel, to steal Palestine, you see the Jewish scam.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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