"Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."
George Bush approval down, cia Anglo-Masonic Zio Empire in shambles and market decline - gold to new highs.
Nigger Obama hated and a failure - silver nearly hit old highs.
Biden overseeing the decline of the American Empire with staged inflation - gold to new highs.
Trump approval down, cia Anglo-Masonic Zio Empire in shambles and market decline - gold to new highs.
Gold miners, which moved higher amid the precious metal's push toward $3,000 an ounce. Gold futures for April delivery gained nearly 1.4% and hit a session high of (nearly) $2,990.
There is a pattern, when Washington is failing, when the Empire is failing, gold and silver do historically well. The cia want bitcoin to do well, not precious metals, so their disinfo shills have been promoting bitcoin for the past 15 years. If Washington wins, bitcoin goes to 100 million. If Washington loses then gold and silver are monetized and gold goes into the tens of thousands and silver into the thousands per ounce. We win.
You want the failure of the Empire. Trump getting Greenland or Canada or Ukrainian resources expands the Empire and hurts gold and silver. Trumpstein a failure is a good thing. Trump is not ordering the monetization of gold and silver, Trump established a US bitcoin reserve/crypto reserve to later back the dollar with bitcoin/crypto. The war is between gold and bitcoin. Trump and MAGA chose bitcoin. Obviously because this was Trump from the start of the campaign (a Zio):
I only needed that to know Trump was a deep stater. That was before I knew about Roy Cohn mentoring Trump, Kissinger as pals with Trump since the 1980s, Rockefellers friends with Trump, Rothschilds friends with Trump, Epstein and Trump, bankers owning Trump:
The first term was the old brand of neoconservatives. The new brand of MAGA is the second term, which Murdock Faux News 100% endorses. Trump gets 3 to 4 false flag staged assassinations to provide fake victimhood of Trump:
The resistance is with gold and silver, it is what destroys the statists, it was what destroys the bankers and masons.
0.1% of the global population own 90% of bitcoin. It is worse than the old federal reserve. The old federal reserve replaced dollars for FRNs. bitcoin is about replacing gold reserves with bitcoin reserves so that gold and silver are never money again. While the Jewish financial media and establishment Jews circle the wagons around the agenda of promoting bitcoin. bitcoin is the cia/jew's final solution against gold and silver.
So Democrats are controlled opposition to deep state Republicans.
Then Trump refers to Democrats as the enemy of the nation.
Bush: 'You Are Either With Us, Or With the Terrorists'
The operating procedure of Republicans have not changed. ~75% of deep state neoconservative senators and representatives morphed into MAGA (along with the neoconservative media - newsmax, faux news) and bitcoin is the agenda of deep state MAGA Republicans (former neocons). MAGA are into the psy-op that the deep state started with Democrats - Hillary Clinton and Obama. Read neocon/MAGA David Horowitz for this perspective. David Horowitz is a big believer in the jewish and masonic Anglo-American Zionist Empire. If you are MAGA, you are 100% on Team Horowitz, if you are for gold and silver, you are then 100% against Team Horowitz, Trump and MAGA.
The Republicans only exist on the fake victimhood the Jews provide. cia and Jews staged 9/11 that gave fake victimhood to neocon Republicans. Soros and the Jews gave fake victimhood to MAGA Republicans with the woke scare.
"Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."