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Thread: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  1. #521
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    March 12 at 4:04 PM ·

    Recap of Our Maiden Voyage--

    You all sent in some great questions for our "Maiden Voyage" broadcast of our first-ever Countrywide Call for The American States Assembly:

    Among the important topics we discussed were:

    (1) the differences between States and States of States,

    (2) where the whole concept of soil and land jurisdictions came from (British Land Law),

    (3) how is a Law Enforcement Officer is different from a Peacekeeping Officer (the Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. decision and Pinkerton Laws),

    (4) the status of Federal Civilian and Military Employees,

    (5) the continuing obligation of Federal Employers and Social Security to pay pension dividends and provide services to vested participants regardless of changes in political status after retirement or other severance of employment.

    (6) We also discussed the importance of Baby Deeds and putting an end to the shameful practices that have allowed these predators to falsify our records in the first place.

    Unfortunately, as we are still working out the bugs, the recording of this event was lost and won't be available for replay. No doubt we will revisit these large and important topics again and we look forward to more new questions this week for next Monday's Countrywide Call.

    Please send your questions to:

    Please visit the new website at:

    And keep the Zoom link handy:

    Call in: 1 (669) 900-6833, or 1 (929) 205-6099.

  2. #522
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    7 hrs ·

    Logic, Logic, Logic.....

    You've been given irrefutable proof that:

    (1) the Federal Branch of the Federal Government was overthrown in the 1860's and never rebuilt;

    (2) the necessary "Reconstruction" has never been completed;

    (3) we have lived under a British Territorial military junta since then, operating under the authority of a Commander-in-Chief, acting via Executive Orders;

    (4) the actual Government owed to the States and People was never part of the Civil War and is still owed to us, if we bother to wake up and operate it.

    So now various Fools and Ghouls among us are trying to ignore these facts and bring forward completely insupportable theories, among them, the idea that the military junta has to "validate" what we are doing.

    We, the States and People operating the States, are the civilian government that they are obligated to serve. We are their employers and they are our employees. Without us, they don't get their paychecks.

    Today I received several nasty comments telling me to be "afraid, very afraid" or the Big, Bad FBI was going to get me, and telling me that their "tip line" had been activated and that they couldn't verify my position as a judge.

    This is on top of claims earlier this week that the FBI had interviewed me and asked questions and that in response to this non-existent grilling, I turned tail and stopped claiming to be a judge.

    Let's get this straight: the FBI knows better than to talk to me, and they never have done so, because they know that they are just subcontractors of subcontractors working for a different government which is in fact under contract to serve my government.

    Once the civilian government appears, the military government is obligated to stand down. Why? Because they are standing on our soil and getting their paychecks from us.

    And the FBI is several pegs down the totem pole from the military.

    I also had claims that the FBI "failed to validate" --- well, yes, of course.

    Does the Government of Slovenia validate the Government of France? Do I require the say-so of my own employees to "validate" what I do?

    The people making these claims don't have a clue who they are or how things actually work, and they have an even dimmer idea of who I am and in what capacity I am acting.

    Let's all get a clue here: I am a State Judge, not a State-of-State Judge.
    Therefore, you will look a long, long time among the ranks of State of Alaska Judges before you ever see my name.
    Wake Up.

    In the days to come, we are going to teach you who you are (and you are not, generally speaking, "United States Citizens" nor are you "Citizens of the United States") and we are going to show you how to recoup what has been stolen from you and we are going to make sure that everyone who wishes to come forward and claim their birthright is protected.

    Stick around. It's going to be worthwhile.

    And as for all the naysayers and pundits, who like Bruce Doucette, think that they can form "Common Law Grand Juries" and attack the Queen's Bench--- while acting as "US Citizens" no less?

    If they keep trying to get people to riot and revolt instead of pursuing a lawful course of remedy, they will probably be arrested.

    That's what has happened to such characters in the past and it is likely to happen again. And nobody can say I didn't warn them.

  3. #523
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    6 hrs ·

    The International Trade Bank Answer

    As recently discussed as part of the Jural Assembly Series, the interface between the world of fact and the world of fiction occurs in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.

    On one side of the Corporate Veil (Bar) is the land and soil and the lawful realm of actual assets and actual money, and on the other side, is the legal world of the sea and the air, the realm of bills of lading and commercial script.

    To my knowledge, there is one form of institution that can handle transactions on either side of the Veil, according to kind, and do so very efficiently: The International Trade Bank.

    The International Trade Banks have been mothballed over the years while their commercial bank sisters took over the world and forced everything and everyone to function in commerce as commercial corporations.

    Now that more and more of us have caught onto the scam and are removing ourselves from this web of deceit and enslavement, the two "sides" of the issue --- the gold bugs on one side, the commercial banking interests on the other --- are offering us deals we can't refuse.

    According to them.

    We have a quasi-military version touting itself as the "Quantum Financial System" --- QFS, which is just a glorified file data storage system and we have the antiquated SWIFT system --- neither of which are all things to all people, and both of which singularly fail to perform the needed function: an interface between the world of actual assets, and the world of commercial paper.

    We are being told we can have one or the other, but not both --- yet both are necessary for the global economy to stay afloat.

    The QFS won't work, because on one hand we are being told that all world currencies will have the same value relative to gold (which is an impossibility) and on the other hand, we are being told that there is vastly more gold already stockpiled than is needed for backing all the various currencies in the world.

    Neither basic math nor human nature are being factored into the QFS , and a system that starts out with false premises cannot be expected to succeed.

    How long before some military leader or group of military leaders decides to start "leaking" some of that excess gold into the economies of the subject nations and artificially tampering with the supposedly "transparent" system?

    Can we measure it in nanoseconds?

    This is, after all, precisely the same mechanism as the Economic Stability Fund (ESF) simply applied to a pot of gold instead of a pot of oil or a pot of paper, and yet another form of commodity rigging.

    It doesn't matter if the commodity being rigged is gold, oil, or paper.

    No, QFS is not an answer to anything. It's a heavy-handed and poorly veiled "offer" to set up yet another gigantic global commodity rigging scheme, expedited by computer and A1 controls.

    No, thank you, we do not consent; our ability to form our own contracts will not be so summarily overtaken.
    Refer to the G2O2P3 Treaty.

    We have it in our ability to transact our own business in kind, via International Trade Banks which can navigate the interface between actual and symbolic trades with ease. Time to get busy hauling them out of the mothballs.

    No need for another monolithic military-controlled commodity rigging scheme in which there is no substantial difference between BRICS and the IMF in function or position.

    China? Have you lost your mind? Russia? Have you lost your nation? US -- what the @$!$!$# are you playing at? EU -- wake up and shake a leg.

    Britain -- Mr. Wonderful pretends that he is an "Absolute Royalist" --- time to find out which "royalty" he serves. It isn't yours.

    We already have better systems than QFS and better answers than an arbitrary global commodity rigging scheme. And the Treaties are already in place.

  4. #524
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    1 hr ·

    You Cannot be a PAG and a State Citizen at the Same Time

    A Private Attorney General (PAG) is an office that is part of the old Territorial Federal Corporation, and is a Bounty Hunter under their re-defined 1868 "Fourteenth Amendment" to their corporate constitution. It has to be operated by someone who is a "United States Citizen".

    And as we have discovered and discussed to some length, you cannot act as a State Citizen and a United States Citizen at the same time, because none of the actual States ever allowed Dual Citizenship of any kind.

    None of those claiming otherwise have brought me an iota of factual evidence that any State ever adopted Dual Citizenship. So there it stands.

    So far as the States of the Union are concerned, you can act as a State Citizen or State National --- for example, an Oregonian or Wisconsinite or Minnesotan, but you cannot at the same time act as a United States Citizen.

    So if you are setting up an actual and legitimate State Assembly (and not a corporate franchise State of State "Assembly") you have to adopt the singular State Citizenship required. You can't function as an undeclared Double Agent of any kind.

    Which also means you can't claim or operate any office of a foreign government, like Private Attorney General, either.

    People must get it through their heads that the "US Government" is under contract to our Government, but the two are not the same. The two are in fact foreign with respect to each other as England is foreign to Germany.

    Being a member of an American State Government requires singular allegiance to it.

    You can't work for "England" and "Germany" at the same time. You can't be a "PAG" under the auspices of the Territorial United States Government and claim to be acting as an Assembly Member of Oregon at the same time.

  5. #525
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    11 hrs ·

    The Situation, the Ledger, and You

    If you are an American State Citizen or American State National, you were always owed exemption from paying mortgages, federal taxes, loans of credit (because you were the source of all that credit, unbeknownst to you), utility bills, college tuition, etc., etc., etc.

    What was supposed to happen was that when these bills were presented to you, you were supposed to receive a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange".
    They were supposed to credit your account against debts they already owed you.

    Jim owes you ten, you owe him five, so you agree to write off five of what he owes you and that cancels your debt to him entirely.
    That's what was supposed to happen.

    Instead, the politicians dreamed up this identity theft fraud scheme in which your credits were blocked using the excuse that you were "presumed dead" and converted into a "United States Citizen" or a "Citizen of the United States" and therefore not owed exemption.

    The criminals then forced you to pay full boat for everything plus interest.

    Your actual work and goods were exchanged under monopoly inducement for pieces of paper underwritten by your own credit, and at the end of the day, the Perps declared bankruptcy and skated away, leaving you to hold the bag. Twice. They did this in 1907 and 1933 and each time, the American States and People took it in the shorts.

    Now the actual billing has been discovered and the web of deceits and Bad Faith underlying it, too.

    The Department of Defense has "discovered" $21 trillion in credit that is owed to you --- credit that you and your ancestors are owed that you never received. That amount almost exactly equals their "National Debt".
    Guess why?

    Now the same Bad Actors are trying to force you to convert to an asset-backed system in order to snuff their own debt. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

    Instead, what needs to happen is for all that credit to be applied and the bookkeeping done, while at the same time allowing us to translate credit as needed into asset-backed currencies.

    Some of you have asked about Peter of England's Debt Eradication Vouchers -- these would transfer credit from the DOD stockpile to offset debts owed by American State Nationals and American State Citizens. Every credit thus transferred would reduce the US National Debt by the same amount.

    It is basically all bookkeeping that was conveniently left undone and remedy that was fraudulently withheld from the American People for the better part of a hundred years, so that the perpetrators could afford to wage wars and have vast slush funds which they used to buy politicians and controlling interest in the stock market and to set up the Exchange Stabilization Fund to rig the world currency markets and to do all sorts of other nefarious things.

    So the Debt Eradication Vouchers would take care of one part of the need and provide a means of settling all mortgages and college loans and that sort of thing. A special Credit Card could be issued to pay ongoing medical expenses and utility bills. All of that would be a tremendous relief.

    But above and beyond that, there needs to be a means set up to translate credit into asset-backed currencies, so that we can participate in the world economy on our own terms. Certainly, we don't need or want to convert 100% of the credit owed to us into asset-backed currencies, but we do want to be able to do that, too.

    So this is why the concept of the International Trade Bank makes so much sense. You can have a shadowbank (aka Private Commercial Bank) on one side of the institution cancelling debt using the Vouchers and issuing credit to pay off ongoing bills, and an asset-backed system bank on the other side of the institution --- all under one roof, but not commingling --- with a "Sister Account" that receives lawfully converted credit as asset-backed money.

    This allows both systems to function and to repay credit in real time and to convert credit to asset-based money in real time---both as needed. This, then, allows for a much smoother and easier transition process for everyone as it spreads worldwide.

    However, to reclaim your credit(s) and vouchers and set up such a system requires that you participate and reclaim your American State National/American State Citizen status.

    Every American who completes the paperwork to return their Good Name to the land and soil of an American State is "eligible" for repayment credit. All members of our actual State Assemblies will-- by definition-- be eligible.

    This doesn't mean that others who are currently working for the Federal Government and/or acting as US Citizens of some kind will be permanently shut out --- but they will have to go by a different pathway or will probably have to wait until they separate from Federal Employment.

    We are in the process of setting up a computerized system to allow you to "log in" to confirm your eligibility and your interest in setting up a credit/asset account with our international trade bank as described above.

    I expect there will be links on my website and The American States Assembly website and probably, also.

    We need approximately 120,000 eligible participants to launch the program.

    What say you? Ready to receive back credit that is owed to you, your parents, and your grandparents?

    I know I am.

    As the tally function kicks in, I will be keeping everyone up to date.
    This is going to be fun!

  6. #526
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    5 hrs ·

    Proof that Sun-Tzu Can't Read and My Comment on MGJA

    This morning I received a piece of yellow journalism seeking to misrepresent my words on the page right in front of people's noses. In my own statement I explained that yes, I have a blood oath on the altar of the Universal Catholic Church.

    So do you, if you have ever taken Communion in any Christian Church.
    "Catholic" means "Universal" or "Whole". I am not talking here about the Roman Catholic Church. I am talking about the Church formed by all earnest Believers: the True Church.

    There is, at the end of the day, only one True Church of those called by the Father to be part of the family of Jesus and even Jesus could not say who among his own Disciples would be called by his Father.

    Also in my own statement, I made it very clear that I was bringing forward the Great Fraud "for remedy" ---- in other words, so that the fraud can be corrected and people can receive remedy for it. Why else would I risk my life and go straight into the Lion's Den? So that things could continue on as business as usual?

    The idiocy of Sun-Tzu and everything being presented on Nesara News is easy to prove. Read what I actually said versus his "creative interpretation".

    Then stir your stumps and look up the actual Nesara legislation. It hasn't been touched in decades. So what news is there to tell about that?

    It's all nothing but lies and "Hope Porn" designed to keep people scared on one hand and hopeful on the other --- paralyzed, in other words.

    And the Michigan General Jural Assembly, much to my own disappointment, has proven to be a similar Twisted Lizzy version of reality.

    The Michigan General Jural Assembly is not properly constituted of American State Citizens, so they have failed the test and do not have any such authority or position as the saviors of anything related to the American States of the Union.

    You can't cook with oranges and get apple sauce.

    They have insisted on including "US Citizens" as part of their Assembly, which invalidates any claim they have to our land jurisdiction and also invalidates all their purported actions in behalf of the People of Michigan.

    Those who have the same political status (Territorial) as those born in Puerto Rico have no business pretending to "represent" us or our States. We are presenting ourselves as proper Lawful Persons and neither need nor accept such "representation".

    States of States are not States. US Citizens are not operating as Americans, even if they were born and bred here. Enough said.

    The organizers of the Michigan General Jural Assembly were given the information and given the opportunity to correct their status to enable them to act in behalf of their State, and they have refused to do so. They have also failed to provide any proof that Michigan or any other actual State of the Union ever allowed Dual Citizenship.

    If you want to arrive at your intended destination (home, free and safe in your own country) you have to know the law and the history and the jurisdictional issues involved, otherwise, you remain a "fugitive" from the Queen's service, or an escaped slave of the Municipal Government. This is why these people are constantly afraid and preaching fear to others, using nom de guerres and "safe houses" and generally acting like criminals.

    If it makes no sense to you that you should live in fear of your own employees, join us. Stop the nonsense.

    US Citizens have no guaranteed right to "assemble" and no other Constitutional guarantees and they never have had any such guarantees.
    At best, they have been granted "Equal Civil Rights" when it pleases their Masters to give such "privileges".

    What the Michigan General Jural Assembly is preaching and teaching on these issues is just plain wrong, and has been proven wrong by others already in jail --- Bruce Doucette and the Colorado Nine among them.

    Accordingly, I have drawn the line in the sand and separated myself and my Followers from their adherents and established a separate website and separate countrywide teleconference and rallying point for those who are assembling the actual unincorporated States of the Union and invoking the actual authority of the People of this country.

  7. #527
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    5 hrs ·

    Get "YOUR" BC's Now

    If you haven't yet tracked down certified copies of the Birth Certificates issued in your NAME, do so now.

    Order at least three copies if at all possible.

    Word has it that it is becoming more and more difficult to get a certified copy of a BC from these State of State organizations. This may be because of cutbacks in services, but may also reflect reluctance to provide evidence of their own wrong-doing.

    Either way, a word to the wise is sufficient. The BC is a two-edged sword. It is proof that you exist and were born on the land and soil of this country, and it is also proof of the crime they committed against you by forming and enforcing an unconscionable contract.

    When you get your certified copies of the BC they issued in your NAME, notice that it is issued on bond paper. It is a security. Notice who it is signed by? The Registrar --- an Officer of the Probate Court. This is proof that your estate has been illegally probated.

    It's embarrassing and costly when you show up alive and well.

    Don't delay. Order your certified copies of "YOUR" Birth Certificate now. You will need them going forward to establish your identity and proper political status --- and also to claim credit and assets that are owed to you.

  8. #528
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Obama had difficulty providing a BC 'cause it would prove that he was born to a legitimate couple. Everyone knows you have to be natural born to be occupying the office of president but not too many realize that natural born at the time the constitution was written meant 'out of wedlock'.

  9. #529
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by ziero0 View Post
    Obama had difficulty providing a BC 'cause it would prove that he was born to a legitimate couple. Everyone knows you have to be natural born to be occupying the office of president but not too many realize that natural born at the time the constitution was written meant 'out of wedlock'.
    Where do you find these little gems?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  10. #530
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigjon View Post
    Where do you find these little gems?

    Inquiring minds want to know.
    If you don't inquire you might never know.

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