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Thread: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

  1. #901
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    3 hrs ·

    Dear Uriah - Part Two

    The wind blew from the West all night, a gentle, playful wind we haven't had here in a very long time. It reminded me of when we were kids and every summer was ages long and every day was perfect --so were we, of course.

    His funeral was last week. I saw her briefly and made all the usual condolences, hid my worker's hands in gloves, and did my best to avoid both Simon and Oliver to no avail. They wanted to talk about old times. I listened to them talk about old times and finally managed to lead them away from the bar and out into the garden.

    I knew that if I could just tough it out she would eventually escape and meet me there. And if those two got thirsty enough they'd retreat back to the bar and leave me to my vigil--which is exactly how it turned out. It was sunset by the time all the guests left and she found me there sitting by the fountain. She burst into tears.

    She sat down beside me with her beautiful tear-stained face turned toward the sunset.
    She said at last, "I don't know what to say to him anymore...."
    I suppose that now it's up to you.

    This last bit, his illness, the business enterprises, the government affairs and the strange torture she has endured all these years being married to him and his noble causes, yet still so very much in love with you, has taken its toll.

    She folded her hands in her lap and wept like a child. It seems our lives have been spent in pursuit of so many splendid endeavors and now, for better or worse, we are left to pick up the threads of our regrets.
    Don't let it be a regret any longer, Uriah. Don't waste a moment on decorum.

    He had all his affairs and possessions, his kingly virtues, his duties. But he never truly knew her and couldn't care for her as you have. She was not his "only one".
    Sitting there beside her I noticed how very thin she is, almost fragile, and very pale. I wish you could have been there in my place, could have wrapped your arms around her and whispered something in her ear.

    A "well done, Sergeant Pfeiffer" wouldn't do, but something in the equivalent in the language of your two hearts, to say you understand how difficult it's been for her, how honorably she has acquitted herself, and now that she is free at last, that there's a whole new world opening up, the world of what might have been, could have been, and should have been.

    You know I am not the drippy sort of Sentimentalist to play harps and violins, but if you could have seen the two of us huddled there like two school girls wondering what next--- you would have been on the night train, I'm sure, and not waiting for me to report.

    I left the next day on urgent business of my own, and have waited to hear back from her, hoping to give her a few days to sort things out. She called yesterday and though her voice quavered dangerously near tears a couple times she seemed to have recovered some bit of her old gallantry and wit, and she said, "If you can contact him, if there is any way, tell him that I love him. Tell him that I always have and always will and never have figured out how to make my heart let him go."

    So there you are, Uriah. It's time to come home at last.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  2. #902
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    20 hrs ·

    International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam

    Following the American Civil War, the British Territorial Government took over under the pretext of providing us with a military Protectorate, based on their Constitutional contract to provide a Mutual Defense for our States of the Union.

    Mr. Lincoln left them the Lieber Code to administer -- basically, instructions for what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to conduct themselves and over time, that morphed into the Hague Conventions. The next day Lincoln bankrupted the Northern States of the original Confederacy.

    And here we've sat ever since, left in the dark and fed horse chunks, under "reconstruction", purportedly awaiting the day when our States would reconstruct the States of America and issue new Federal States of States--- while our States have been lulled to sleep and reassured that all is well and not made aware of any purported necessity to reconstruct anything left over from a 150 year-old foreign commercial mercenary war.

    In point of fact, our States are under no obligation to reconstruct the Confederation of States dba States of America and are potently capable of exercising every power ever delegated to the Confederation.

    Our States of the Union were never involved in the Civil War, by definition; our states were never bankrupted, either, and our Holding Company, The United States of America, has never ceased to function.

    Thanks to guile, betrayal, self-interest, and Breach of Trust by both the Queen and the Pope, we have been bubbling along, deliberately left unaware of the external circumstance and all the many, many lies that these subcontractors have been telling the world about us and the false claims they have been making against us and our assets ever since.

    To expedite and institutionalize their cozy "special relationship" the perpetrators have established The Dead Baby Scam, a throwback to earlier outlawed practices of the so-called Holy Roman Empire. Admission of their corruption can be viewed on the televised London Winter Olympics footage, which shows those responsible parading in hooded robes around the giant effigy of a Dead Baby, much to the amazement and consternation of the rest of the world, which was left wondering....?

    Now you know that that weird procession involved a "Sealing Ceremony" in which they hoped to consecrate their spellbinding --- also known as fraud -- against the American States and People and most of the rest of the world, too.

    The British Territorial Government operating its bogus perpetual military Protectorate on our shores conscripted our doctors, nurses, dentists, and other health professionals as "Uniformed Officers". See their Federal Title 37. They then licensed those ersatz officers and under duress of not being able to practice their professions, misdirected them to do something very peculiar in hospitals throughout our country.

    They were to admit the fetal afterbirth material (amnion) resulting from each natural birth process as a "dying person" to the hospital record and use whatever Given Names our parents provided as the name of the amnion.

    As a result, all our mothers were admitted as patients and gave birth to a dead "person" carrying our Given Names. There is no record of us being present at all. This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government.

    The British Territorial Government held the Equitable (Beneficial) Title to these trusts created and operated in our NAMES and the Municipal United States Government held the legal title to them. The Municipal Government additionally created many other incorporated entities ---- public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, LLCs, Joint Ventures, etc. --- all operated in our NAMES.

    This is an identity theft scheme of staggering proportions carried out against individual living Americans for the purpose of accessing our credit and confiscating our assets under color of law.

    No wonder the British Perpetrators were marching around their effigy of a dead baby, mumbling their incantations in hopes that we would all remain asleep and never, ever figure out what was going on.

    But we have figured it out and we are not happy with our subcontractors. In fact, we consider it a gross criminal Breach of Trust and we demand immediate corrective action, and reinstatement of all Given Names and living estates to all the Americans those properties naturally belong to.

    The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for issuing correct Identification Cards owed to all these purportedly "dead" Americans under the Geneva Conventions governing peaceful civilian populations under occupation and correct passports until such time as our States Assemble and The United States of America issues its own passports again.

    32 CFR PART 161 § 161.4 Policy. (a) It is DoD policy that a distinct DoD ID card shall be issued to uniformed service members, their dependents, and other eligible individuals and will be used as proof of identity and DoD affiliation. (b) DoD ID cards shall serve as the Geneva Convention Card for eligible personnel in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.1, ‘‘Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention’’ And... All Veterans at age 60 are entitled to a pension and medical benefits (via the DOD not the VA).

    We are not DOD "personnel" but we are Protected Persons owed a correct ID from the U.S. military, and "protection of our persons and property" as well.

    To say that we are dismayed and disgusted by the hypocrisy, graft, greed, disloyalty, guile, deceit, necromancy, identity theft, false probate of living estates in violation of their own statutory laws and U.S. Supreme Court decisions --- Scott v. McNeal, 154 U.S. 34 (1894), conspiracy against our lawful government in contravention of the Constitutions that created and empowered these foreign subcontractors to exercise our delegated powers in the first place --- would be a complete understatement.

    The entire Dead Baby Scam is a plot so evil, so fantastical, so bizarre that it beggars all belief, and yet there it is -- exposed at the London Winter Olympics, clearly tracked on the public records of these organizations --- the largest identity theft and credit fraud scheme in the history of the world, all predicated on a fictitious genocide on paper and deliberate misapplication of our Given Names to our amniotic waste materials, substituted for the True Owners of our Earthly estates -- the Zygote and the living baby resulting from the unique Zygote underlying all other claims from the moment of fertilization onward.

    It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator.

    Let it stand for the record that the Hospitaliers, also known as the Knights of Malta, are the agents and principals responsible for the largest part of the implementation of these fraudulent records and the resulting false claims in commerce against our living estates. Let it also stand that they have been aided and abetted in these activities by members of the Roman Catholic Dominican Order, which has conducted an Inquisition and religious persecution on our shores using the instrumentality of the IRS to prosecute millions of false claims in commerce against Americans.

    For this fraud and theft, the Office of the Roman Pontiff, liquidated in 2011, is fundamentally responsible. We continue to hold the Roman Curia, the Holy See, and the Roman Catholic Church as a whole responsible for gross Breach of Trust in criminal self-interest. We also hold the British Government and the British Crown responsible for their part colluding in this outrageous Breach of Trust and international fraud scheme.

    Let this also stand for the record of the entire world that all such bogus Cestui Que Vie ESTATES are dissolved upon their discovery, together with their derivatives, and all beneficial intellectual and material rights, titles, and interests return to the living people to whom these assets naturally belong.

    All Municipal COURTS outside the District of Columbia must be shut down. This is a non-negotiable issue of our national security. These COURTS are being operated under color of law and are trespassing in violation of The Constitution of the United States.

    We, our States and People, do not intend to be involved in any commercial mercenary squabble between federal service providers, and we are not acquiescing to any bogus commercial claims or foreign administration of fraudulently created and falsely probated estates operated in our names.

    All subcontracting Agencies of the Municipal Government are to be fully informed of their status and the personnel briefed concerning this fraud, so that every American however employed knows what went on here.

    All Territorial Courts are restricted to their internal administrative duties and such duties in Admiralty as are strictly defined and intended under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. The officers and subcontractors of the Territorial United States Government are hereby "fully informed" concerning this fraud scheme directed against their employers and benefactors-- the American States and People-- and are called to perform their duties in Good Faith and to honor their obligation to support and defend our States and our People.

    Our government, The United States of America, is fully functional. We are aware of the worldwide conspiracy of corporate interests seeking to overcome the lawful governments of the people in every country. It is more than past time for the perpetrators of these schemes to be recognized for what they are ---- criminals and outlaws, intent on thievery, murder, and fraud. Anyone supporting these incorporated entities in their aims is an accomplice to this profound evil and part of the problem we all face.

    The Holy See is under demand to re-task the IRS to process credit claims brought by the American States and People. It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. Although the IRS operations were shut down in Puerto Rico, the same old evils are being perpetuated in the Northern Marianas Islands --- the Ladones --- the Islands of Thieves. We are not amused and continue our demand that all such criminal activities cease, that all false liens be released, and that no such trespasses against us continue.

    The British Government is under demand to cease and desist all commercial mercenary actions on our shores and to end all collusion with the Municipal United States Government against the American States and People. This includes redirecting all Territorial Court Personnel who are present on our soil to stop their trespassing and racketeering activities without exception.

    The Territorial Courts and Administrators are required to observe strict interpretation of their boundaries and must cease and desist improper conscription of American medical personnel, licensing of American medical personnel, registration of American babies, and all other actions, procedures, and activities designed to steal our identities, unlawfully conscript our private assets, and otherwise trespass upon us.

    Anyone issued a Birth Certificate has been the victim of this fraud. The Birth Certificate is proof and evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes being used to defraud American babies --- literally in their cradles.

    Any American having such a Birth Certificate is exempt from commercial claims and is entitled upon declaration of their State National or State Citizen political status to access the American National Credit to offset all bills and presentments made against Municipal PERSONS or Territorial Persons that have been operated in their NAMES/Names.

    If you are not presently employed by the U.S. Military or the Federal Civil Service nor serving in an elected or appointed political office of the Territorial or Municipal United States nor receiving unearned federal welfare benefits nor willingly and knowingly operating a federal corporation nor seeking federal asylum, you are eligible at this time to reclaim your birthright political status. Federal employees who quit Federal Service or retire will be eligible to do the same upon completion of separation.

    We are serving Notice on the U.S. Department of Defense with this International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam that we are non-combatant civilians who are owed proper identification as internationally protected persons and who are owed proper passports, too.

    We are in the process of assembling our States of the Union and have posted our Will and Intent as of September 9, 1776 and have re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent as of November 4, 2015.

    Our government observes separation between Church and State and guarantees religious freedom to all.

    American Indians and African Americans are under no presumption of servitude nor of obligation nor of any enemy status related to our government and are to be considered American State Nationals like any other American born on our soil, equal inheritors of all natural and unalienable rights and blessings.

    If in view of the mis-administration, Bad Faith, criminal activities, and false claims advanced in Breach of Trust--- the Queen, the Pope, or the Lord Mayor desire to say one word against our directives to their personnel on our soil--- they have had more than ample opportunity to disagree with our evaluation of the situation and they have failed on all counts to do so.
    Whereupon we accept their admission and acquiescence and direct Mr. Trump and the U.S. Secretary of Defense to begin operations to shut down the MUNICIPAL COURTS preparatory to full reinstatement of the Federal Postal District Courts we are owed and our occupancy of the State Courts. We also direct the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and the IRS to unblock the individual accounts owed to The United States of America and to every American State National who reclaims their birthright political status by public recording of their declarations and who presents a Birth Certificate in evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes and unlawful conversion of their estate in violation of both commercial and international law.

    Each State Assembly is validating and correcting the political status records of Americans who are Beings in Possession of all their natural and complete property rights and who are owed the guarantees of the Constitutions and who are also owed access to the American National Credit. Victims of this vicious scam are encouraged to come forward and to record their declarations of political status and to claim their Given (Trade) Names and Lawful Estates.

    It is to the eternal shame of the Holy See and to the British Empire that any such situation exists and that average Americans are being imposed upon to correct the Bad Faith and Errors of these Subcontractors run amok on our shores and elsewhere throughout the world.
    It is also to the eternal shame of the Bar Associations, their members, and the Judiciary that has aided and abetted the enforcement of this criminal fraud scheme to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of basic decency and justice.

    An almost equal share of blame is owed to misdirected Federal Agencies, including the FBI, BATF, IRS, FEMA, DHS, CIA, DIA, TSA, BLM, USDA, SEC, and others that have engaged in and acted in support of these institutionalized crime schemes designed to defraud, oppress, and control their hapless employers.

    These private "federal" agencies have been used to enslave us, so that the racketeering profits from their activities could be used to enslave others around the world, in a reprise of what Queen Victoria did in the 1850's and 60's --- that is, to sell out and enfranchise the British People to raise money for the Raj in India.

    The people of the world have already said no to the Raj, to the Nazis, and we shall say no to any US or Chinese military hegemony dedicated to the same ugly principles of criminal injustice, greed, oppression, enslavement, immorality and deceit.

    The New World Order is nothing but the Old World Order, an endless repeated attempt to establish a global Roman Empire, an idea which needs to be put out of its misery together with its insistence on distorted musical scales, incorrect calendars, idolatry, immorality,
    abuse of power, and every other cruelty and stupidity that anyone can name.

    Clinging to the past only prevents us from embracing a far better future.

    Americans are invited to peaceably come forward and declare their proper political status and assemble their States of the Union. The United States of America will continue to work with The American States Assembly to ensure an orderly and safe re-venue process and will continue to press for reform and correction of U.S. operations, proper identification of American Civilians, issuance of credit owed to Americans, and overall restoration of our lawful government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

    All U.S. Territorial and Municipal Employees, all U.S. Territorial and Municipal Elected Officials and Appointees, all members of the U.S. Territorial and Municipal Judiciary, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces, all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all Foreign Governments, all participants in the United Nations General Assembly, all High Contracting Powers and Principals are hereby given Notice of the Crime committed against us. This Notice is provided to encourage your understanding and assistance as we address this criminality and enforce correction of The Dead Baby Scam.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  3. #903
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    2 hrs ·

    Letter of Severance for Roman Catholics

    A great many Catholics are beyond mere dismay, disappointment, confusion, or hurt. They have recognized the grotesque pollution of the Roman Catholic Church by Pagan Rome and its misuse as a tool and storefront for criminals and their activities. Numerous Catholics have written to me and called, as they know I am sympathetic to them and their dilemma. What to do?

    Doing the right thing in their system of belief, requires endangering their immortal souls. They must excommunicate themselves from the Church in protest of its evils and mis-administration. They have basically come to the same conclusion as Martin Luther did, five hundred years ago.

    The peace negotiated with the Emperor Constantine via the Council of Nicea cost far too much. It has led to tampering with the scriptures, misrepresentation of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, establishment of a foreign Roman Patriarchy within the fabric of the Church, substitution of "Christ" for Jesus, and a weird in-tandem relationship with Satan's Kingdom via the Office of the Roman Pontiff (finally dissolved in 2011) and the incorporation of the Vatican City State functions.

    Like countless Protestant Churches, the Roman Catholic Church has made itself a corporation, not a church, not a community of people ---- only a dead representation of such a community composed of "persons", instead.

    In addition to this heresy, which is clearly contraindicated by numerous scriptural warnings and directives related to the sin of impersonation, the Church leadership has sheltered a mentality of endless tolerance for sin of every kind, with the result that sin has flourished and those opposing it, have been chastised. Various forms of perversion have been sheltered in the Church, including the idolatry of Mystery Babylon, which involves the worship of money, sodomy, pedophilia, vampirism, temple prostitution, and cannibalism.

    The Church leadership has allowed and encouraged the use of fictional "money" and other devices of an illusory nature, indicating that they are deceived by or in league with the Father of All Lies.

    Faced with all this, what can an earnest, sincere, and devoted Believer do?
    You can write Letters of Protest demanding reform, addressed to the Pope, the Archbishops and Cardinals.
    You can withdraw your support in terms of money and time donated, until such time as the Church reforms itself.
    And if you are utterly fed up, as many will be, when everyone learns that even our souls have been "certificated" and bought and sold as commodities by these incorporated "churches" --- you can follow the inexorable logic of the situation --- and write a Letter of Severance:

    "Dear Archbishop ____________:
    I find myself in a crisis of conscience, no longer able to put my faith in an institution which has failed me and millions of other people in such an epic fashion.
    I draw you attention to evil doctrines which have been adopted and practiced by the Church, including the Doctrine of Transubstantiation which would have us acting as vampires, believing that we are drinking the actual blood of Jesus, and the Doctrine of Discovery which has already been thoroughly discredited.

    The Doctrine of Collective Entities is another atrocity against life and reason, promoting the idea that men are the same as corporations, and that we and our Good Names may be abused with the same impunity as legal fictions made of nothing but hot air and paper.

    I object and take exception to all practices of the Church issuing "Certificates of Baptism" and then buying and selling our souls for profit; this was certainly never disclosed to me nor to my parents or anyone else in our community, and it is not anything that we have knowingly allowed nor participated in. Any contract with the Devil thus presumed to exist as a result of these actions by the Church leadership, is null and void.

    I joined the Roman Catholic Church wanting to be part of a community of Believers committed to the teachings of Jesus and to imitation of his example. Instead, I find myself involved in an association which is not appropriate for me and acting in support of an organization which does not embrace my values; therefore, I am severing all and any relationship with the Church of Rome and with the Roman Catholic Church.

    Remove my name from the membership rolls and do whatever you can to correct, cleanse, and reform the operations of a Church that is no longer mine; strive to bring your practices and doctrines into alignment with truth, with the scripture, and with the teachings of Jesus. If not, it will not be my immortal soul in danger of Perdition.


    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  4. #904
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    6 hrs ·

    The Dead Baby Scam - Part 3

    At some point, everyone reading my blog has to realize that when I tell you something, I've got research and basis behind it. I didn't just see something weird going on at the London Winter Olympics a few years ago and let my imagination run wild. Both Kurt Kallenbach and members of my team have thoroughly researched The Dead Baby Scam and I have gone out and organized "non-academic" legal research myself.

    Kurt Kallenbach's research into the subject and even his delving into the etymology of words associated with this bizarre practice of killing babies on paper is exhaustive. No reasonable person who took the time and listened to the biology lessons and examined the supporting documents could disagree with his findings. I invite all of you who think, "Aw, this can't be true!" to attend one of his seminars. You will learn that this whole scheme has roots going back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. And you will be able to refute the resulting legal presumptions in court and in "agency" hearings.

    At the higher levels of government administration in this foreign federal theocracy of the Church of Rome known as the Municipal (think "City" as in "City of Rome") United States Government, you are dealing with a weird, ancient, perverse religious belief system built on a Cult of Deceit. FDR's First Inaugural Speech and his exhortations about his "holy cause" weren't talking about any normal church or religious institution. He was calling for the equivalent of a jihad by the Temples of Baal --- the same "temples" that we associate with the Inner City of London, Westminster, and the Legal Profession.

    When we begin researching that thread, we learn that lawyers as we know them --- the "Black Robes" --- started out in the centuries immediately before Jesus, and were part of the Cult of Cybele. Cybele was worshiped throughout the Hellespont, Turkey, the Caspian Sea region, the Levant, and North Africa. She was an odd combination of fertility goddess and goddess of destruction, as if someone combined Ashtoreth and Kali, and wound up with Cybele. These early lawyers were called "Galli".

    The Galli were always weird. They castrated themselves in honor of their goddess. Knowing some lawyers today, it's too bad they didn't continue this practice.
    They also wore black robes and white powdered wigs, just as British Barristers continue to do to this very day. Beginning in the second century B.C. the Galli became tax collectors for the Roman Emperors, and, for City of Rome.

    The money and "tribute" they collected from the "tribes" for their gods --- Cybele and the Roman Emperor --- was divided, with part of it going into the City of Rome Trust known as the Urban Trust, because it was overseen by powerful stewards from the Roman Family of that name, and part of it going to Caesar to keep the Legions happy.
    In their framework, the City of Rome was their "Mother Rome", and the Emperor was their "Father". I could go on, but for now, I will just leave you all to do your own research and connect your own dots.

    The Urban Trust of the City of Rome was started in something like 753 BC, was in the business of loaning money at usurious rates to vassal kings throughout the Roman Empire, and you still see its trademarks and emblems emblazoned all over the world today: three crossed keys with a crown above them.

    These three keys appear on the emblems of the Roman Pontiff and UBS, the Swiss banking syndicate, as well as the Family Coat of the Arms of the Urban Family to this day. The crossed keys symbolize enslavement of the mind, the body, and the soul in subjection to "the crown" of the Queen of Heaven.

    We are dealing with an ancient evil here, something that is alive and well and pumping out its pagan beliefs like germs floating in the atmosphere, and all without any of the normal population being aware of this "church within a church", what it does, where it came from, what it believes, how it is administered --- none of that is ever revealed to the public. It operates in the background in near-total secrecy via secret fraternities and societies like The Pilgrim Society in America.

    These "elites" are not so much elites, as they are religious cultists motivated by a combination of lust and fear. They maintain their own logic and view of the world. They can function very well in the societies they spawn like bee hives. When this cult mixes with Judaism, you get the death-and-destruction elements of the Talmud. When it mixes with Christianity, the same negativity emerges -- pogroms and inquisitions and crusades. And don't forget the jihad elements of Islam that encourage destruction and deceit against all Unbelievers.

    They call their purposeful introduction of negative elements into belief systems held by others "The Great Dialectic". Their cult is based on sex, so also on positive and negative energy, on what is also called "The Great Dipole" of energetic polarity. At the highest levels they teach that this polarization is necessary for the continuance of the dynamic of life--- so they consider polarizing everything and everyone part of their religious duty.
    It doesn't hurt their pocketbooks, either.

    I bring this all this up because you have to understand what your problem is, before you can fix it, and in this case we are dealing with what has been called, the "Religion of the World" or "the Secular Religion", which is centered in cities and practiced by the seed of Cain. This Empire of the Cities is entrenched in Rome, Westminster, Washington, DC, and since the 1870's, New York, Brussels, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Athens, and Prague.

    If I were one of them, I would be murdered for telling you this, but as I am not one of them and a Power in my own right, they have no right to meddle in what gifts I give to you. This Law is honored, because they have no choice.

    The seraphs, also known as "angels", were created in the Age of Storms before the dinosaurs, and were in physical form what you would recognize as dragons. They were the overseers and go-betweens involved in terra forming the Earth and conducting the whole experiment with the Great Lizards.

    The Fallen among them are called "Archons" by the Romans and "Nephilim" by the Jews. The acolytes of the Secular Religion summon these ancient entities and enlist their guidance and assistance in spreading chaos and negativity and separation and violence. They are only too happy to oblige, because the Fallen hate mankind and this planet with a passion.

    Such beings live for untold measures of what people think of as "time", but once you realize that all time is "now" and that time is place, the rest of the circumstance begins to make sense, and you realize that by definition, all that is created is immortal, too. Including you. So do your best to be the best you can be each moment that you are alive and every moment you are dead, because what you do, say, see, feel, and experience is going to be with the Universe forever, for better or worse.

    Now you begin to see your importance in all of this, and the importance of being truthful, being kind, promoting good experiences, being aware, and most of all, compassionate. "For as you sow, so shall you reap."

    By turning away from evil and delusion and clinging to what is good and true, you can turn the tide for eternity and for Mankind. It's all up to you. And you have no idea how important you and your choices really are. You just get up every morning, and think that you are Joe Green, on your way to a job at the local meat packing plant... LOL!

    If the Archons and their servants have their way, you will all be dead in fact as well as on paper, but look, there are mighty Archangels standing up for you. There is no reason to be afraid. Your freewill is being scrupulously honored. So it really is all up to you; you have been given the right and ability to decide your own fate, both as individuals and as a race of beings.

    When I confront the leadership of the world with the facts of their lies and iniquities, nearly all of them react the same way: fear. They are terrified of me. They are terrified of what I say. And most of them want to do the right thing, they really do, but they are afraid because they know they are guilty of crimes and doing the right thing involves admitting it.
    Just like the GCR. We could cobble together new standards that would be far more fair and which would "re-seed" the world economy literally overnight, but at the rate things are going, it will never be done because doing so involves admitting to serious crimes.

    Think about it, using the GCR as an example.
    If we can simply "reset" the machine, that admits that there is a machine.
    And if there is such a machine, it admits that there has been manipulation and commodity rigging and a totally unfair playing field in place for a long time, doesn't it?
    That in turn sets the search engines and mental wheels running as people naturally think: "Who did this to us? Who did this to our world?" and they start looking for those to blame.

    Correcting the problem requires admitting to guilt. And confession, under any standard of law ---except for one--- means death. Literally every standard of law on earth, except for one, mandates the death of these men and women, over two million of them in America alone. And this is on top of the billions who have already perished and suffered as a result of what they've done to us.

    You see how this works? They kill us for their self-interest at the behest of their phony "gods", the Archons. We kill them in return. Everyone winds up dead. Nothing gets resolved, because we are all immortal. And on and on it goes, generation to generation.
    It's time for this stupidity to end, and if we don't have sense enough to end it ourselves, it will be ended for us.

    The guilty need to confess, at least in their own hearts, and take the actions needed to correct. We all need to adopt The Law of Love and concentrate on our similarities, not our differences.

    And now, after a very significant digression -- back to The Dead Baby Scam. You don't believe what I am telling you is true? Okay. Do what I and a couple dozen of my helpers did. Go to the hospital and ask to see the records of your own birth or the births of your children.
    There's no record of you giving birth. No record of your children being born. No record of their names. No billing statements. No medical charts. No paperwork at all, unless the birth is very recent.

    The Hospital Records Staff will be surprising, too. They all appear to be men with tattoos and obvious military backgrounds, doing a clerical job where you'd expect to see at least some women. They will roll their eyes at you and when you ask them to do so, very pointedly, they will sign a paper under oath saying that there are no such records that they know of or have access to.

    The same thing will happen if you return to the Church where you were baptized "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost" ---- but which Father, which Sun, and which Holy Ghost? --- and ask for a copy of your "baptismal certificate".
    Oh, we don't keep those.

    No, indeed, they send the "titles" to Rome to be traded on a dirty underground stock market, that purports to buy and sell souls. These filthy incorporated church franchises trade something that purportedly "represents" your soul, for money. And there are people deluded and crazy enough to buy it, too.

    So by now, as a result of your direct research and experience, you know that there is something very, very odd about all of this, don't you?
    You can go online at and find photos and business records and wills and no end of detritus information about dead relatives you never knew you had, but there's no record of your son being born twenty years ago? No billing statements from the doctors? No maternity ward charts?
    No copy of your baptismal certificate?
    This, in a society where every credit card receipt appears in triplicate? Every bank check back to 1906 is archived?
    Most of your school records have disappeared or been altered, so that they are false, too. Must be magic.

    Just like that version of "Anna Maria Riezinger" running a rum distillery in Barbados or the one running around New York City--- what should be in evidence isn't there, and plenty of falsehoods that shouldn't be present, are.

    Go look for yourself. Ask around about your own or your family's records.

    We had two dozen people all over this country try this experiment and the results were the same. Your records either aren't where they should be at all, or they have been altered in ways that invalidate and falsify them.

    Why? Because we are dealing with the same belief system that burned the library at Alexandria ---after they carted off all the books and scrolls. The same ones who stood around the bonfires in Nazi Germany ---after they read the books themselves, altered the content of any remaining editions to suit themselves, and stole "the true knowledge" for themselves.

    Did I tell you that keeping you ignorant is the Bread and Butter of their entire agenda? So that you don't know the truth and can't defend yourselves?
    But still, you are saying, it all seems too weird, too fantastical, like some odd "otherworld" from Harry Potter.

    You need more proof, something solid to take to court, something even more solid than all the circumstantial evidence like the Procession around the Dead Baby at the London Winter Olympics or your own mysteriously disappeared medical and church records----and something more explicit than the Uniformed Officers Code in Title 37 and well, Kurt Kallenbach seems too far out there for you?

    Here you go, the Mother Lode of Shipped High In Transit from one of our Team Members ----
    "The State (of State)'s Birth Certificate processing is readily exposed in the government publication "Hospitals" & Physicians' Manual on Live Births & Fetal Deaths." The legal language & terms set forth in the manual are clear & convincing evidence of the crime; starting with the term "moving conveyance." It gets much worse from there!"
    Here's the link:

    Get your copy, step right up, and don't be stupid. Now you know why "you" are being rented out as a public vehicle by DOT.

    This is what's going on. It's up to you and millions of other Americans and people around the world to put a stop to this Kingdom of Lies --- which is, after all, the Kingdom of Satan, the Father of All Lies.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  5. #905
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    8 hrs ·

    A Useful Screed, But.... An Important Edit

    I have run across this particular article on numerous occasions over the years and it is indeed a very useful and enlightening article, except for two really grave semantic errors that are repeated ----the part where the writer claims that there are "no Judicial Courts in America" and again, where they claim that there are "no Judges in America".

    If we are going to give people a solid education and reliable guides, it's important that we get it right and pay close enough attention to our reader's inexperience to describe the context of what we are really saying.

    A better way to explain the situation is that there are no Judicial Courts in the Federal Government. All the Judicial Courts are supposed to be in America, instead. Our Forefathers kept every iota of authority and ownership related to the land and soil of our States inviolate.
    So when they created the Federal Government to operate in the foreign jurisdictions of the sea and air, they didn't create any Federal Judicial Courts. Why would they? They were not allowing the foreign Federal Government to enter their jurisdiction nor letting them exercise any authority over them and their assets at home on the land and soil of their States, therefore, the Federal Government had no need for any Judicial Courts.

    There was only one exception: The Supreme Court of The United States. You will note that to this day, the Supreme Court Justices are the only "Justices" in the Federal System. This first and only Supreme Court was supposed to provide oversight for Federal Government operations and to act as a faithful Interpreter of the Constitutions for the members of the Federal Congress, the Territorial Congress, and the Municipal Congress.

    Instead, with the incapacity of the States of America following the Civil War, this Supreme Court fell into disuse, a separate Territorial United States Supreme Court and later, a separate Municipal United States Supreme Court began operations under slightly different names. As these two subcontractors, Territorial and Municipal, fell into the obvious malpractice of unilaterally amending their own Constitutions, the intended role of the one Supreme Court faded away and the remaining institution(s) became increasingly political.

    In 1991, the Municipal United States Congress moved to eviscerate what was left of the Constitutional Federal Judiciary, by amending the Federal Judge's Oath to make it meaningless and to remove any obligation of the Judges to render decisions "agreeable" to the Constitutions. In this way, whatever power that remained vested in the Federal Judiciary as a whole was undermined and frittered away upon the discretion of individual Judges, rendering the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government ineffective and unable to mount any credible restraining influence upon the members of Congress. The Checks and Balances built into the Federal System were thus eroded and the People of this country betrayed.
    No greater duty of reform is set before us than the overturning and repeal of this infamous Congressional meddling with the requirements of the Federal Judge's Oath.

    So,instead of there being "no Judicial Courts in America" --- in fact, all the Judicial Courts are in America-- and the situation is just the opposite of what the writer assumes. All Judicial Courts are in America and none are vouchsafed to the Federal Government, except the One Supreme Court that is no longer functioning as intended, and that is the way it has been since the very beginning.

    This is an important distinction and one that has to be thoroughly understood by Americans in search of Justice in this country. The return of our Judicial Courts to full operation will automatically signal the shut down and withdrawal of all the foreign federal military and maritime courts. The issue has already been decided by Milligan Ex Parte in 1863. All we have to do is kick-start Old Bessie and get our own Judicial Courts organized and serving the people again, at which point the admiralty courts and administrative tribunals have already agreed to retract back to their natural limited status and stop trying to gain false jurisdiction over us "out of necessity".

    Once again, people, we have to govern ourselves, or someone else will do it for us.

    The other incorrect meme in this article is the statement that there are "no Judges in America". There are Judges in America --- far too many of them, in fact. Our Judicial Courts are run by Justices, but because we've stupidly let so many of our Judicial Courts fall silent, there are precious few Justices to serve the people who claim their birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens. I know, because I am one of those few Justices.

    The title "Judge" is, in our American system of government, unique to the Federal United States courts and their jurisdictions, not ours, with the exception of the Postal District Court Judges, who are obliged to enforce the laws of the the land jurisdiction of our country and to enforce the international and global laws affecting the land jurisdiction owed to our States of the Union.

    So, contrary to what this writer says, there are scads of Judges in America, most of whom should not be here.

    These Federal and Federal franchise State of State Statutory Courts are taking up the work of the largely vacated Judicial Courts and striving to keep control of the situation by impersonating Americans so as to draw them into the foreign jurisdictions of the admiralty and statutory courts.

    On one side of the issue, this is a worthy above-and-beyond service--- they are, after all, for the most part, protecting us from murderers, armed robbers, rapists, and other violent criminals.

    On our side of the issue, however, they are operating under color of law, prosecuting Americans under known false legal presumptions, and abusing their positions of trust to defraud and pillage us. These are still foreign "carpetbagger courts" and they are still milking and bilking Americans under completely fraudulent premises.

    The take-home message for Americans is to take exception and exercise the exemptions and protections owed to you as non-combatant civilians, and meantime, get off your duffs and take up the work of self-governance: correct and record your political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens, join your State Assembly, educate yourselves, and take up the work of operating your own Judicial Courts.

    Our Judicial Courts are simple to operate, all our land and soil Law is based on The Ten Commandments, there have to be actual Injured Parties presenting their own issues (the one exception being when the victims of crimes are too disabled to present their own case, or dead, in which case, the Public Prosecutor takes over in their behalf), and the jury is "king". Not the Justice.

    In our Judicial Courts, juries have the unequivocal right of jury nullification. If an American Jury finds a law repugnant, unjust, impractical, or unworkable, it is free to nullify the law, as if it never was. In this way, Americans have insured themselves against legislative error and injustice, and have maintained their sovereignty. But with the lapse and relative scarcity of Judicial Courts and growing public ignorance, the foreign admiralty and commercial and administrative courts have crept in and raised both Hell and Havoc.

    When Americans complain about these foreign courts they need only reflect that if they got busy and organized and educated themselves, they wouldn't be under the thumb and at the mercy of these increasingly corrupt federal and federated state-of-state courts.

    Another fundamental difference that lies between our Justices and their Judges is the role they play in the respective courts --- Justices ensure a level playing field, fair rules of evidence, and keep the proceedings in order under the rules of Due Process. At the end of the proceedings, the jury renders a decision and the Justice reads it --- a process called "pronouncement". That's it. The Justice in an American Judicial Court doesn't address the facts or interpret the Law; the jury does all that. This is because in our courts, the people are sovereign and the juries in America literally act as the king.

    This is in stark opposition to what goes on in a Statutory Court, where in fact the Judge acts as a Hired Jurist paid to interpret and enforce the statutory law in one of four possible specific venues and capacities. The Judge takes over the place of king and decides everything and the function of the jury is in the manner of a group of corroborating Witnesses, paid to sit and listen and nod their heads.

    The only power that such a jury has is the power of "voiding error". If some jurors absolutely disagree with the conclusions of the Judge, they can void the judgement and the findings are inconclusive. Unless the Judge agrees that an error has been made (which is a rare occurrence, as this requires them to admit that they made an error) the whole issue can be re-tried.

    Alternatively, if the Prosecutors bringing a claim are shown to deliberately lie or misrepresent material fact or to lie about the applicable statute or fail to bond the case or, or, or.... the Judge in a Statutory Court can throw the whole case out the door "with prejudice" and the issue cannot be raised again. If the procedure is not air-tight, the case is not air-tight, which is why procedure takes up such a dismal amount of time and attention in Statutory Court --- the object is to acquit the Judge, not to guarantee Justice.

    We saw an example of this in the Bundy Case where Federal Agents outright lied and misrepresented fact, and the Judge reacted by throwing the whole thing out the door with prejudice. They endangered her by lying to her, so she was well-justified in this reaction, which just happened to serve the cause of justice, too.

    With these caveats and insights as to where our American Judicial Courts exist and who is supposed to be operating them, and also the reasons why Judges (who should be relatively rare) are over-running America like lemmings on a stampede, read on:

    We are NOT U.S. CITIZENS


    We do NOT GIVE OUR CONSENT EVER. We are NOT U.S. CITIZENS, i.e. We are living Souls and not a dead entity written in all upper-case letters on a piece of paper or bond paper being claimed as a vessel owned by another living or dead entity.

    A “STATUTE” is NOT a law! Flournoy v. First National Bank of Shreveport, 197 LA 1057. 3 So.2d 244, 248.

    A “CODE” is NOT a law! In Re Self v. Rhay, Wn 2d 261, in point of fact in law.

    A concurrent or “joint resolution of legislature is NOT “Law”. Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N.E. 705, 707; Ward v. State, 176 OKL. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash. 2d 43, 110, P.2d 162, 165).

    STATUTE. Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition. The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed in the constitution; an act of the legislature.

    U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION – The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”. Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261.

    U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION – ALL codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities ONLY, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s Laws. All codes, rules and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process…” Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d, 1344, 1348 (1985).

    Supreme Court 1796- This decision has never been overturned:
    United States Supreme Court Decision from 1796- [Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E.] "There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent."

    “There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. “Judges” do NOT enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178”

    “There have NOT been any “Judges” in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178”

    “The Supreme Court has warned, “Because of what appears to be Lawful commands [Statutory Rules, Regulations and -codes–ordinances- and Restrictions] on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance… [deceptive practices, constructive fraud, barratry, legal plunder, conversion, and malicious prosecution in inferior administrative State courts].” (United States v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179, 187, 76 S.Ct. 281, 100 L.Ed. 185 (1956);”

    “The Common Law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land. The codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law.” (Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn 2d 261), They are the law of government for internal regulation, not the law of man, in his separate but equal station and natural state, a sovereign foreign with respect to government generally.

    “A concurrent or ‘joint resolution’ of legislature is not “Law,” (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707; Ward v State, 176 Okl. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165).

    All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accord with God’s Laws. “All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process of Law..”(Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985)); …lacking due process of law, in that they are ‘void for ambiguity’ in their failure to specify the statutes’ applicability to ‘natural persons,’ otherwise depriving the same of fair notice, as their construction by definition of terms aptly identifies the applicability of such statutes to “artificial or fictional corporate entities or ‘persons’, creatures of statute, or those by contract employed as agents or representatives, departmental subdivisions, offices, officers, and property of the government, but not the ‘Natural Person’ or American citizen Immune from such jurisdiction of legalism.”

    “A “Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248),

    A “Code’ or Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248),”

    “A “Code’ is not a Law,” (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law)

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  6. #906
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    7 hrs ·

    Prayer - Review and Fine Points

    Jesus already taught everyone how to pray, but it seems that the message isn't getting through, so I am doing a little follow-up and drawing your attention(s) to some fine points.

    First, our Creator is constantly creating us. Your present physical incarnation in living flesh began with an Act of God at a specific moment, but it didn't end there, did it?

    There was the zygote and the amnion and the fetus and the baby and the toddler and the grade school kid and..... on an on. Every one of your trillions of cells and over 200 different kinds of tissues in your body get replaced on a regular cyclic schedule. You are being constantly created and in the verbiage of the modern era, "manifested".

    Now, we just take all that for granted because from our perspective, it happens automatically--- but if you stop a moment and think, you will realize that all this is being ordered and orchestrated, along with a great many other things. He numbers the hairs on your head, because He is the One putting them there.

    Just from that one example, you can see that you are not a static creation and your relationship with your Creator is not static, either. It's a vast, constant, intimate, ever-changing, dynamic interaction and the connection to your Creator is a built-in part of you.

    Your Source is part of your Being and is literally "within you" in much the same way that an electric current is within a sewing machine, except of course, that this "electric current" is sentient. Your Father knows everything about you, and I do mean, everything.

    You don't know how much keratin is in your toenail, but He does.
    So there is no need to belabor your needs or drone on about the car payment. These things are already known.

    There's also no way to hide anything. As the Irish say, "the all of it" is fully and completely known.

    As I have told you many times, there's no way to lie about anything, so you might as well give up that bad habit, because all it does is cause dissonance and friction.

    Lying actually makes you feel bad and "out of sorts" for a reason. Lying runs counter to the truth within you, grating along your nerves like a rasp on a piece of wood.

    Stop thinking of your Source as something or someone distant from you or external to you or unfamiliar with you and your circumstance. Also stop thinking of your Father as a Deadbeat Dad; He has in fact given you life and everything else besides.

    As He said to Moses as Moses stood on the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh's chariots closing in ---- why are you calling me? I already taught you everything you need to know....
    So, because God is literally within you and knows the whole skinny, you don't even need to pray in words. You can pray with mental images. You can pray with feelings. You can pray using any form of communication at all and if you use words, the only important thing is that they are true and friendly and humble.

    That's why Jesus gave you the example of The Lord's Prayer --- not that you should endlessly repeat exactly what He said, but so that you get the gist of how to pray --simply, truthfully, humbly.

    Now, most men and women are prideful, and humbling themselves is not an experience they cherish, but it is necessary when you approach your Father and appropriate, too. He is far greater than you, as a man is greater than a child. You don't have to be afraid of Him, because He loves you --- but at the same time, show and give back the respect that He also shows you.

    He is wonderful. He is present. He is all-knowing. He is, well, the True God. So if He humbles Himself to care for you and to give you life and He expends the energy to manifest your body and your consciousness and provides you with an environment that supports your physical life --- how much more grateful and humble should we be, when we turn our attention away from our small selves and address the Living God?

    When we search for God within ourselves, we find Him. When we look around the Earth, we see His works and they reflect his glory and testify to His mind and heart, but He is not "out there" far away from us. He is literally within us. So look for Him within yourself, and you will find the glorious truth that you are part of the Living God and He is part of you.

    You are part of All That Is.

    He is not distant. Not foreign. Not vengeful. Not immune. Know this -- when we suffer, He suffers with us. When we rejoice, He feels that, too. So any idea that He is the cause of your sufferings needs to be released as the gigantic lie that it is. He may allow us to suffer for our own sakes, but that is a different thing from causing our problems or desiring them.

    Prayer should be a gentle conversation with a Loved One, a Loved One who is trusted and respected, and whose generosity and kindness is beyond question or reproach. He does not withhold anything good from us, and all we have to do, is ask....and receive.

    It's the receiving part, our end of it, that gets garbled.

    Once we learn to pray to Our Father who is within us, and learn how to ask for what we need in a simple and honest way, we also need to learn how to receive and recognize His gifts which are returned to us as a result of our prayers.

    Imagine the situation. We ask for the perfect husband, but we turn away because he doesn't look like we expect him to look. We ask for delicious, nourishing food, and then trample on it, because we think of it as weeds. We need a car to get to work, and sure enough, one just happens to be sitting in the parking lot at Walmart with a "Sale by Owner" sign in the window, but we don't call the number.

    And then we complain and we blame and we stomp around like two year-old children and think we didn't get what we asked for. We did, yes, we got exactly what we asked for, we just didn't recognize our blessing when it came.

    It gets worse, because we don't recognize our own blessings, we are constantly impeding the flow of gifts and blessings intended for others. Imagine being at the baggage carousel at the airport and everyone is grabbing someone else's bag off the rack? Imagine the confusion and consternation?

    What's a Father to do with us?

    Perhaps we need another version of the Serenity Prayer: Father help us to recognize the blessings you give to us, help us to see your miracles and to accept the hand-tailored gifts you send to us in answer to our prayers. Open our eyes to see these gifts that are meant for us and open our hearts so that we don't envy or seize upon the gifts that you have sent to others....

    If we learn to recognize the gifts and blessings that are ours, hand-tailored, made especially for us, if we simply accept them, our contentment and joy would flow like the sea, and there would be no want or misery anywhere.

    So while we are paying attention and learning how to pray and where to address our prayers, let's also learn how to recognize and receive the gifts and blessings that are so reliably returned in answer to our asking.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  7. #907
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    18 mins ·

    For the Alliance: From The Fiduciary of The United States of America
    By: Anna Maria Riezinger

    Intro: I am doing this the old school way without a teleprompter, so don’t expect it to be slick. You will also probably want to have a pen and paper handy to jot things down as we go.

    1. The first point I want to make is that we inherited this situation. The people responsible for it, are all long-since dead and gone. We aren’t to blame, but we are responsible for what we do about it now. So it is important that we all do the right thing.

    2. So with that firm understanding, let’s begin. Point two…. Americans have been living under a largely British-controlled military protectorate since 1863. That is a fact that is never taught to Americans in school and indeed, most members of the American military have been left unaware of it, too. The only way that we become aware of it is by noticing certain facts and they are:

    A. The position of the British Monarch as our Trustee “on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” under The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 and the attendant Admiralty Treaties;

    B. The fact that our Congress never declared the so-called American Civil War;

    C. The genesis of the Lieber Code in 1863;

    D. The fact that no Peace Treaty concluded the American Civil War, which was in fact a foreign Mercenary Conflict, just like Vietnam, staged on our shores;

    E. The adoption of The Lieber Code as The Hague Conventions.

    F. The attempt by the Municipal United States Congress to give away our state offices to the United Nations under the International Organizations Immunities Act in 1976, and thus transfer responsibility for our land jurisdiction government to the United Nations. This left the Brits in control of what is supposed to be our Navy and the United Nations purportedly in control of our land and soil.

    3. Point three…. the foregoing facts lead to the following facts:

    A. Americans are internationally protected persons under the Geneva Conventions, because we are members of a non-combatant Third Party population being occupied by our own Army, albeit an Army acting as a Federal Subcontractor operated under our own Delegated Power;

    B. The U.S. Department of Defense owes every American an international Identification Card admitting their actual political status and providing for the exercise of their “natural and unalienable rights” and all guarantees owed to their States of the Union by the remaining Federal Subcontractors – which are the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Governments.

    C. The American Subcontractor, the actual intended majority interest holder in the Federal Government, a Confederation of States of States operating as the States of America, has been under reconstruction since 1865, a project that has never been finished by the States and People of this country because our other Federal Subcontractors usurped upon our lawful government and failed their duty to inform and assist.

    D. Any role that the United Nations presumes to have in any of this, has been handed to them by the Municipal United States Government, which has no authority to do any such thing. The situation is similar to that which results when the heir to an estate has been left uninformed of his heritage, and suddenly finds out. The probate of his estate under the presumption that no heir exists, has to be reversed and the property returned. In the same way, all control of America has to be returned to the Americans it belongs to.

    4. And now we get down to the nitty-gritty of how Americans have been mischaracterized, misinformed, and impersonated by our own employees so as to prevent us from operating our government and keep us from accessing the guarantees and credits that are owed to us.

    A. The first part of the current scam intended to defraud and pillage Americans was put in place by the British Territorial United States Subcontractor, via the abuse of our military and unlawful licensing and conscription of private physicians, dentists, nurses and other medical professionals on our soil under their Title 37 Uniformed Officers Code.

    i. Under duress of losing their ability to practice their profession, medical doctors have been instructed to admit fetal afterbirth materials, what is properly called the “amnion” to the hospital as a dying “person” admitted under the Given Name of the living baby.

    ii. This then reliably gives rise to an intestate infant decedent estate operating under the Given Name of a living American baby --- this dead imposter is presumed to be a Federal Dual Citizen, under obligation to both the British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal United States Government franchise. This thing, this dead “amnion” is thus substituted for a living American baby and their estate is then operated by members of the Bar Association using Dead Letters of Administration issued by their own Circuit Courts, for the benefit of the Pope and the Queen, in Gross Criminal Breach of Trust.

    iii. It is self-evident from these practices and the circumstance, that foreign European governments that owe us Good Faith and Service, have deliberately and with malice aforethought set up a criminal enterprise of vast proportions on our shores, all designed to defraud Americans of their identity and their property rights and that these Subcontractors have been misdirected to usurp upon and undermine our lawful government – a government that they are under solemn treaty and commercial contractual obligation to protect and defend.

    iv. As a result of this identity theft fraud scheme, millions of Americans have been impersonated and in effect, kidnapped, from their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country, and so far as the paperwork goes, we have been genocided on paper by misdirected Federal Subcontractors.

    v. All this has in turn led to completely insupportable legal presumptions being applied to us and to our property assets, a False Claim and Presumption that our Given Name represents a Dual Federal Citizen, that this Dual Federal Citizen died intestate as an infant, that the estate of this infant is subject to administration by the Bar Association Members, and that the resulting Public Trust Estate is available to serve as chattel property backing the debts of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government, which have colluded to deprive generations of Americans of their freedom and their property assets under conditions of Gross Criminal Breach of Trust.

    B. The second part of the scam involves manipulation of our monetary system, a process that began shortly after the Civil War hostilities ended.

    We must pause to note that the Parties to the Civil War were all “States of States” that is, commercial and business corporations --- not actual States --- and were all members of the original Confederation of States formed in 1781, whether North or South. Thus, the actual States and the People of the States of the Union were never involved in this mercenary conflict and are thus, not the subject of any “war”, nor under any presumption of enmity against anyone. We have been innocent Third Parties throughout. That is, there can be no presumption that we are now or ever were involved in any sedition or rebellion against our own government.

    i. In 1868 a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America”—Incorporated, set up shop, infringed upon our Proper Name in an obviously fraudulent manner, and misrepresenting itself as our lawful government, accessed our credit and stole our gold.

    ii. This secretive substitution of a Scottish Interloper for our intended American Federal Government then led to the equally secretive substitution of franchises of this commercial corporation operating as British Territorial States of States for the “missing” Federal States of States we are owed.

    Their Scottish “State of Wisconsin” replaced our American “The State of Wisconsin” and nobody was the wiser.

    iii. Having gutted our credit and having despised our good name, these criminals began preparing – “in our names” -- for bankruptcy. In December of 1898 they concluded an agreement to purchase the Philippine Islands using our money, and began transporting our gold reserves to the Philippines. In 1906-07, they bankrupted “The United States of America” – Incorporated, and the Filipino Government was left as Steward.

    iv. Next, the Pope and the Municipal United States took their turn at pillaging and raping America. In addition to the phony Territorial “States of States” set up to administer the foreign military protectorate, the Roman Municipal Government set up its own phony Municipal “STATES OF STATES” and the Double Dipping began. The Dead Baby Scam (assisted by the British Territorial Government) and the Federal Reserve scam was the result.
    In 1934, the Territorial United States Congress declared the Philippine Government to be “independent” so that it could act as Trustee of our gold. This is where Ferdinand Marcos and all that association with the Philippines got started---the purchase of the Philippine Island land mass using our money back in 1898, followed by this action. Notice that although they declared the Philippine Government to be “independent”, the actual ownership of the land mass of the Philippines remains with us. It was all purchased “in our name” using our money, just like Alaska was purchased from the Russian Government.

    v. The Municipal United States Government is a franchise of the City of Rome Municipal Government, operated as an independent international city-state on our shores. It is a Theocracy that worships Baal using the Roman Catholic Church as a storefront. It is supposed to be limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, and it is supposed to be ruled over by members of our “missing” Federal Congress acting under the provisions of Article I, Section VIII, Clause 17, to provide an open meeting ground for all the States to send their Deputies. Obviously, they have been operating secretively on their own since the 1860’s, because no American Federal Government has met in Washington, DC, since that time. Our seat of government is and always has been in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The run-amok Municipal Government has treaties and a service contract with our lawful government called The Constitution of the United States (no “of America”) which it has grossly violated in thought, word, and deed.

    vi. We have covered The Dead Baby Scam so now we will cover both the Federal Reserve and the IRS Frauds promulgated by the City of Rome franchise doing business as the Municipal United States Government---misrepresenting itself as The United States and as the Congress owed to the people of this country.

    a. In 1913, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, legal tender “laws” were imposed upon all citizens of “the” United States ---- not our United States---- the Federal Municipal United States Government. Unfortunately, we were all impacted by this, because we have to carry on trade with them. They established themselves a very profitable exchange rate of one US DOLLAR – their fiat script, for one American United States dollar --- an ounce of fine silver. They forced us to accept their corporation’s I.O.U.’s as an equitable exchange for our silver dollars under color of law.

    b. They used this exchange rate to fill their coffers with American silver for the cost of printing up paper “dollars”.

    c. In 1934, after deliberately causing The Great Depression and bankrupting their own commercial corporation doing business as “the” United States of America----Incorporated, which is yet another infringement and constructive fraud substituting a commercial corporation pretending to be the actual government of this country analogous to the Scottish Interloper of 1868 --- they created a “debt credit domestic monetary system”.

    d. Under a debt credit system, you either: (1) owe no debts yourself and collect debts as credits, or, (2) everyone concerned is in debt to the others, and the Parties exchange debts as credits. It is all based on zero-sum transactions. This is anti-intuitive and against any normal course of business, so pay attention:

    You go into a burger joint and give the owner a fiat five dollar bill in exchange for a hamburger. You have just gotten a hamburger which has actual value, in exchange for an I.O.U. – a debt, in other words. You still owe for that hamburger and no actual money has changed hands. Your debt just grew by $5 and the hamburger joint owner just accrued a $5 debt-credit. Every debt creates a credit in exactly the same amount, so there is a “zero sum” result--- and it is impossible for there to be a debt without an answering debt-credit.

    So, when they talk about the “US National Debt” you know automatically that there has to be an answering “American National Credit” --- the credit/payment still due for that actual hamburger.

    e. Americans have been accruing American National Credit under this system for more than eight decades and “US” Municipal United States Citizens have been accruing the US National Debt under the same system. Our National Credit with them is equal to their National Debt to us. We, Americans, are by far the largest and highest Priority Creditors with respect to the US National Debt. China is a far distant second runner.

    f. This is why the perpetrators of this scheme plotted to kill us all off, thinking that they could escape their debt by killing their Priority Creditors, just as the Nazis endeavored to kill off the Jewish population that was holding the bulk of their National Debt.

    g. Who actually owes us the US National Debt, our gold, the interest, and the profits? The Pope, the Queen, all their actual, legitimate government franchises, all their banks and corporations worldwide. They have coerced the use of our assets under color of law and forced us to extend our credit for their benefit under conditions of Gross Breach of Trust and Treaty for the better part of two centuries, and now, they don’t want to pay up. Forced extension of our credit, without our consent, and additional False Claims against the Dead Baby ESTATE, is what happens every time their foreign Municipal “Congress” extends the debt limit.

    h. Next, we address the situation where both parties owe each other debts in a debt-credit system --- this is supposed to result in a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption. Americans do owe the Territorial and Municipal Governments for stipulated government services that they have provided under the terms of their respective Constitutions, and obviously, they owe us train loads of credit as a result of the monetary system they imposed under color of law. What is supposed to happen according to their own admissions in the 1934 Emergency Banking Act and Federal Title 12, is that we have the right to claim “exemption” and to demand “offset” of any federal debts we owe them, against the credit they already owe Americans.

    This is a situation where I owe Joe a hundred dollars and he owes me a thousand, so I agree to knock a hundred off what he owes me already.

    Every time Americans do this offsetting process, the US Debt goes down.

    If this system had been utilized and properly administered from the beginning, the US National Debt would have been constantly pared down, but instead, those responsible have kept this a secret from the General Public and used various means, most especially, The Dead Baby Scam, to prevent Americans from accessing the American National Credit and offsetting federal debts they actually don’t owe.

    Without the counter-balancing effect of the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, the US National Debt has increased exponentially.

    i. The mysterious $23 Trillion Credit that the DOD Division of Fiscal Services found on its books, as well as the principal part of the gold in the Philippines, plus the actual ownership of the land of this country belongs to The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and to the member States of the Union and to the People of this country--- that is, all the long-lost purportedly dead Americans.

    j. And now you know why Americans actually are the Priority Creditors of the US and why we are owed the preponderance of the US National Debt.

    k. This foregoing circumstance, the constructive Dead Baby Scam leading to denial of the individual American’s ability to offset federal debts they don’t owe and the commandeering of their assets by the Bar Associations acting under color of law, fraud, and deceit --- also leads directly to the IRS Fraud.

    l. You will remember that the dead fetal afterbirth “Person” registered under our Given Names as a Dual Federal Citizen owing obligations to both the British Territorial and Municipal United States Governments was also by definition obligated as a result, to pay Federal Debts, including Federal Income Taxes. This same identity theft and impersonation scheme was also used to allow the Municipal United States’ religious Inquisition to extract payment of Federal Income Taxes and to deny Americans access to the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions they are owed.

    m. Forcing people who are not in receipt of any federal income to pay federal income taxes is quite a feat, but using The Dead Baby Scam in concert with other historical maneuvers has allowed the perpetrators to siphon off billions upon billions of dollars-worth of fiat debt notes and physical assets belonging to the American People. The principal historical maneuver referenced in connection with this, is the Victory Tax.

    n. During the Second World War, the United States Congress “offered” the opportunity for patriotic Americans to step forward and voluntarily pay an amount equal to what their federal citizen counterparts were paying as income tax, as a special “Victory Tax” to help win the war. This special tax was supposed to end at the end of the hostilities and the American “volunteers” were supposed to be released from any further obligation. This never happened.

    o. These patriotic Americans who came to the aid of the British Government during its “darkest hour” were kept on the hook and mercilessly billed and harassed and misidentified as “Withholding Agents” --- British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers, in charge of collecting “gift and estate taxes”—from their own presumed-to-exist Dead Baby ESTATE, created by the Municipal Government in the first place as part of The Dead Baby Scam. The date for the end of the hostilities which was supposed to mark the end of the collection of the Victory Tax is clearly marked at the beginning of Title 50.

    p. All of the taxes that were collected after that date in September 1945 from Americans who signed up to pay the Victory Tax and who were not directly employed by either the Territorial United States military government, nor by the Municipal Government, were collected under conditions of knowing constructive fraud; even worse, these Americans were again deliberately misidentified as Dual Citizens under obligation to serve both the foreign British Territorial United States Government and the Pope’s Municipal United States Government, when in fact they were never actually Federal Citizens at all and under no such obligations. These gallant “volunteers” were repaid with vicious continued taxation, vicious false arrest, and vicious seizure of their private assets under conditions of fraud, deceit, and violent racketeering by members of the Bar Associations and IRS employees.

    q. The IRS and the “Courts” being operated by the Bar Associations are all operating under color of law on our shores; they are all private and foreign entities that should not be here and should not be operating in these capacities at all, misrepresenting themselves as being some part of our lawful government, when in fact they are all nothing but federal subcontractors that are supposed to be limiting their activities to serving actual federal citizens and dealing only with stipulated federal issues.

    vii. The Life Insurance Fraud – Life Force Value Annuities
    In addition to all the other dis-service that the British Government and the Popes have provided to this country and its people via the gross, deliberate mis-administration of their functions as Federal Subcontractors, they additionally contrived to insure their surreptitiously and falsely claimed property, by taking out life insurance policies on all the Dead Babies – in the form of Bottomry Bonds placed on the bogus Dead Baby ESTATES.

    The British Government colluded with the Government of Ottawa and its Governor to “subsume” all the Dead Baby ESTATES into the bankruptcy of CANADA, and the Annuities generated when these ESTATES were collapsed (“died”) --- $950 trillion dollars-worth, were paid to Prince Philip as the presumed beneficiary. He resigned from Public Life two days later, in April of 2017, revealed to be the King Rat of King Rats.
    And now this is what we have to say as the actual Americans who have officially returned to the land jurisdiction of our country and who are operating the actual States of the Union and our Federation of States called The United States of America, which is Unincorporated:

    We wish for every Municipal COURT including the US TAX COURT, which is improperly operating outside the District of Columbia to be permanently shut down, immediately, and all CRIS Accounts associated with these COURTS to be seized and held pending disposition to the rightful owners;

    We wish for all members of the Bar Associations to be re-educated about these issues and for all Circuit Courts to be fully informed and strictly limited and subjected to oversight when issuing Dead Letters of Administration; we wish for drastic reform and re-education of the Territorial Courts as well, so as to ensure compliance with international law and an end to pillaging;

    We wish for the immediate worldwide recognition of our lawful government as the only government that has any right, reason, or ability to control the affairs of the actual United States in international affairs;

    We wish for the cessation of all corporate hostilities whatsoever, and for the immediate dismantling of The Dead Baby Scam, the release of all our medical professionals who are not working directly for the military from any obligation of conscription or coercive licensing, and the correction of all our records to reflect that fact that we are not “dead”, not federal Dual Citizens, not Enemies of anyone, not responsible for any of this deplorable criminality exercised in our names, and not offering to serve in any capacity but that of the lawful government of this country and the Priority Creditors of the US National Debt;

    We wish for all actual Americans who are not currently working directly for the federal government in the military or Federal Civil Service, to reclaim their birthright political status by public declaration and by joining our actual State Assemblies and for the U.S. Department of Defense/DOD to:
    (1) issue proper international identification cards identifying these Americans as State Citizens and/or State Nationals who are non-combatant civilians owed The Law of Peace by the military and owed every jot of the guarantees afforded their States under the federal constitutions;

    (2) issue credit cards directly attached to their unblocked credit accounts to execute Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges to offset the US National Debt using the American National Credit that is owed to each and every one of them;

    (3) work with our State Assemblies remove the private property of these Americans from all public tax rolls and permanently return the freehold land patent to their possession;

    (5) shut down all registration activities affecting land and land assets in this country—all of which must be recorded, not registered;

    We wish for a cessation of all talk of transfer of our wealth to Third World countries upon the premise that our assets are “abandoned assets” and an end of any presumption that the Municipal “Civil” ---not “Civilian” Government had any right or authority to transfer any aspect of our government to the administration of the United Nations nor any justification to create the Dead Baby ESTATES and DERIVATIVES attached to our Given Names, either.

    These are all criminal activities recognized under the Geneva Conventions and they carry the death penalty should anyone wish to raise their hand and continue these practices--- let them be well-advised;

    We wish for it to be recognized that the British Crown and Government of Westminster in particular, has been operated as a crime syndicate on our shores and worldwide, as has the Roman Catholic Church which has been used as a storefront by criminals, as has the Municipal Government of Great Britain, as has the Municipal United States Government, the British Territorial United States Government, the various subsidiaries including CANADA and the Territorial Governments, including the Office of the Governor of Ottawa;

    We wish for Prince Philip and the Governor of Ottawa to be prosecuted for the return of all Life Force Value Annuities owed to the natural heirs, including the multi-generational heirs actually owed these Annuities;

    We wish for the entire world to wise up and realize that money and credit are commodities like rice or pork bellies and that these commodities no less than all the others have been commandeered and manipulated via commodity rigging schemes cooked up by the World Bank and the various “Territorial” Governments --- that is, commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services under subcontracts to actual governments --- including the creation of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the London Gold and Silver Exchanges, the Shanghai Exchange, the various other Stock and Commodity Exchanges, and the grossly mis-managed Securities and Exchange Commission organizations worldwide;

    We wish for the entire world to realize that the all the nastiness done in our names was in fact done and ordered by British Territorial Citizens and Roman Municipal Denizens, acting as “US citizens” ---working for corporations and institutions which have been criminally mismanaged and misdirected ever since this plague of deceit and criminality was started under the reign of Queen Victoria when she sold out the British Working Class by “enfranchising” them and their assets as chattels to back the Raj in India and to promote herself as Empress of India;

    We wish for all of you hearing and/or reading this to realize the gravity of the situation and the fact that any GCR will immediately reveal the manipulation that has been readily available all this time, the arbitrary nature of that manipulation of world money supplies and currencies, and the grotesque fault of the bankers and the politicians which has resulted in so much misery and violence for no good reason;

    We wish for a gentle re-seeding of the world markets and believe that this can be adequately accomplished at a micro-economic level simply by converting the debt system to a credit system, allowing people to exercise the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions they were always owed, shutting down The Dead Baby Scam and seizing back the so-called “Legacy Trusts” from the administration of bank administrators who have falsely claim that these are abandoned assets;

    We have already seen what happens when we leave things to the discretion of members of the Bar Associations and other bankers. We wish for an end of their hegemony and respect for the Titles of Nobility Amendment made to The Constitution for the united States of America in all dealings regarding us, our property, our courts, and our day-to-day lives until this entire business is brought to a conclusion and all our Judicial Courts are returned to service;

    We wish for the realization that the Legacy Trusts are for the benefit of living, breathing people, including the lawful heirs and the intended beneficiaries---not corporations; also, they are not “abandoned property” to be divvied up among cronies to promote political agendas, to buy protection from government contractors, or to otherwise be abused and mischaracterized as public trusts, subject to legal chicanery and to being siphoned off under conditions of fraud, False Claims, and deceit.

    The final point that I wish to make solely in my unique capacity is that we have to let go of the old, before we can embrace the new. If your hands are full of blessings that belong to someone else, you can’t have the peace and joy of knowing and enjoying your own. It is apparent that there is far more than enough in terms of resources to wipe out poverty, to provide abundant food and water, to educate everyone on this planet and build a marvelous future ---- but only if we give up the false assumptions that have been fostered under the Roman Church’s Doctrine of Scarcity and only if we embrace our true birthright and standing.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  8. #908
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    55 mins ·

    Why It Is Important to Have a Hereditary Head of State

    Quite simply, it beats them at their own game.

    The Normans conquered and settled England.

    King John was basically disinherited by his own Father and left with no land in England and no land in France --- hence his nickname, John Lackland.

    All King John had left was his job as Keeper of the Commonwealth, a position that required him to work closely with the Church and the Pope, "to preserve and maintain" the "orderly operation of the Commonwealth for the greater good of its inhabitants".

    Even back then, people who had no actual home or claim to land were called "inhabitants" and "residents" in England. Paupers, the inhabitants of King John's remaining kingdom, merely "reside" on a temporary basis, under the protection of the Crown ---- a commercial corporation that provides them with the bare necessities of life and works them to death building up properties and businesses belonging to the Church. Think work houses. Internment camps.

    Are you beginning to draw the conclusions that result when these Bar Attorneys refer to you as a "resident" of the "State of Minnesota"?

    Their schtick is that the entire world must be ruled by people with the proper pedigree.
    Why? Because they are Monarchists. They think that they are elite and that their elite status has been conferred on them by a King who is even more elite. Therefore to preserve their own purportedly special status, they have to support the claims of the King who gave this special status to them.

    And God forbid that anyone else believe anything different or live under any different system---- because then they wouldn't be special and elite anymore.

    This is what happens when people forget that they already have the highest status imaginable as Children of God.

    They claim that their Queen is the natural ruler of England, France, America, Australia, etc., etc., etc., and this appeals to her vanity and her pocketbook, but it really isn't about her. It's about promoting her, so that the elitists supporting her gain more power, more prestige, and more money.

    To the extent that they can bamboozle themselves and everyone else into believing this tripe, they succeed in their "Other Agenda" which is to bilk people who aren't elite ---- all the paupers --- under color of law.

    However, William the Conqueror, was a renegade as a king, and a realist as a man. When he died, he made all his senior nobles who helped him conquer England "sovereigns in their own right" and bequeathed land to them and their heirs forever afterward in England. To this day, the Norman Patent underlies every stitch of land in England and everything that derived from the Doomsday Book accounting established by the Normans is under their claim.

    These men, who were still Barons owing fealty to William's heir in France, became kings in their own right in England. The worldview of the Monarchists was shattered: mere men could become kings.

    This is why the "Barons" were able to force King John to abide by the Magna Carta and the reason the Magna Carta became the driving force behind English Land Law for five hundred years.

    It was only in the 1750's that the English Land Law was eroded by Lord Mansfield's pollution of Land Law with Admiralty Law to create Equity Law ----the perverse form of law practiced by Territorial Courts in America today.

    In America, the Land Law persisted as a result of the War of Independence. Worse, one of the Norman kings-in-their-own-right, had moved to America and one of his progeny sided with the Colonials against George III.

    Like his illustrious ancestor, William the Conqueror, William Belcher (Belle Cher) bequeathed sovereignty in their own right to all the Continental soldiers who fought in the War of Independence, and to all Americans who would be born on our soil forever afterward.

    This time, not only a handful of Barons became kings. An entire people became sovereigns in their own right.

    The end of the road for the Monarchists was in sight. This was viewed as a death blow to monarchy as an institution. If millions of common people could be elevated to the status of kings, the elites would have nowhere to go, no basis to make their claims of special status.
    When William Belcher took on the role and responsibility of being Head of State, he clearly understood and agreed that this was an Office he was serving in order to get this country recognized and enabled to do business in international trade.

    The Monarchists wouldn't do business with us otherwise.
    So he used his royal ensigns as a king in his own right, his national coat of arms, as the basis to issue the Great Seals of both The United States and The United States of America. You can see this for yourself, simply by looking up the Coat of Arms being used by the Belchers at this time in history.

    It doesn't mean, obviously, that a Norman king who conferred sovereignty on all Americans was a Monarchist himself, nor does it imply that any of his progeny are Monarchists, either. It is the simple fact that William Belcher had a superior form of sovereignty to the Kings of England who as heirs of John Lackland were Kings of the Commonwealth. When he stepped onto the stage, the Monarchists were beaten at their own game.
    And they still are.

    So long as a Belle Cher maintains the Office of Head of State, even according to their own rules and traditions, the Monarchists must recognize the sovereignty of our States and our People, which has been bequeathed to us under the Settlement of the Norman Conquest.

    The Kings of the Commonwealth and their elitist supporters have tried many ways to undermine these basic facts, most recently by up-ending and leaving the land and the land law by going to sea, but at the end of the day, they are still at sea and their Equity Law, which they have used as a spearhead to try to overcome our lawful claims, is not recognized nor practiced by any Judicial Court in America.

    Wake up, People. You are engaged in a battle of wits against ruthless adversaries who wish to promote a new form of feudalism -- Commercial Feudalism -- and they aim to make you all into serfs and slaves, already far worse off than any counterparts in the Middle Ages.

    A serf in the Middle Ages gave 10-25% of his income each year to the King and the Church combined. You are now being diddled out of over half of your income, and more demands are soon to be placed upon you, using currency inflation as a weapon to tax and devalue what you have left.

    Wake up, America. The precious birthrights that our forefathers all fought for, Norman Royals and Everyman alike, are being undermined by lawless criminals intent on stealing by guile what they could never win by force of arms.

    James Clinton Belcher isn't standing up as Head of State to enslave you. He is standing up to challenge this new form of Feudalism based on hot air and paper. He is doing it to protect you and your assets from the False Claims of these sea-born pirates. Please note --- he isn't doing it because it is safe, nor thanks to your own ignorance, because it is a popular thing to do (it should be, but isn't). He is doing it because it is the right thing to do.

    We must all oppose Commercial Feudalism with might and main, with determination and education, with heart and with soul and with whatever means and eloquence we can use to expose the plots of those engaged in these evils, all aimed at promoting their self-interest at the expense of the entire Earth and everyone living upon it.

    The American Head of State stands for the sovereignty of each and every State of the Union, and for the sovereignty in their own right of the People of this country. He stands for your right to own private property. His ancestors fought, bled, and died so that you could have these precious birthrights---- but others have tried to steal these bequests from you by deceit, by lies, and by unconscionable contracts.

    Wake up, wake up, wake up! The men who gave you these gifts in the first place are not the ones trying to steal them from you now.

    James Clinton Belcher is standing between you and rapacious pirates. Don't you think it is about time you woke up and helped him push back?

    We call on each and every one of you to help break the chains of Commercial Feudalism before they are solidly locked around your necks. Come home. Declare your birthright political status. Place your declaration and re-conveyance of your Good Name which your parents gave to you on the public record of these fiends, and make them accountable.

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  9. #909
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    29 mins ·

    Extraordinary Effort -- EE -- Message for White Hats

    Today, I am making an Extraordinary Effort --- which should rate me a grade of "EE" in the Great School of Things --- by using whatever graphic skills I have (very little, indeed) to draw out basic symbols and rules of symbols for you. I am doing this to make you all aware of these things and hopefully in a way that you can grasp at a glance. The end result will be available on my website,

    Second, everyone has been pestering me about the death of a puke named Jeffrey Epstein. You need to be swift enough on the uptake to know when your attention is being diverted and then look at what it is being diverted from.

    In this case, you are being lured by your natural but prurient interest in sex, to give your attention to issues that are unimportant. How Jeffrey Epstein died in a high security prison is no mystery. That he died is a disappointment to those of us who would have liked to see some justice for the victims, but that is fundamentally unimportant, too. A puke is dead. Good riddance. There are plenty more just like him.

    What is important is that this past week the rats launched an all out effort to register your land as their land and to shut down the land recording offices throughout this country.

    THAT is what is important, and THAT is what your attention is being diverted from. White Hats, we need assistance blocking this attempted registration of our land assets, which would unlawfully convert our entire country into a corporate holding.

    If you have not recorded your metes and bounds description and land marks you must do so now and you must take exception to the registration of any land assets in this country. They are attacking the fundamental basis of your country --- so get off your duffs and record your interest using landmarks.

    We have already claimed back the States which are physically defined, so you are somewhat shielded, but you need to exempt your own landholdings from their process explicitly and specifically, by counterclaiming all their various descriptions of your land and rolling all those land descriptions under your physical description.

    For example, "112 Mockingbird Lane" is a Territorial Land Description, seeking to identify your physical property as property existing in a Territorial State of State, while "Block 9, Lot 2, Mercier Lakes Subdivision" is a Municipal Land Description seeking to identify your physical property as property existing in a Municipal STATE OF STATE. You must seize upon both these descriptions and any other such descriptions that they offer to use and apply to your land and counterclaim these by issuing your own landmark-based physical description in your State ---- for example, "the Southeast one-quarter of the original homestead of John Mayo recorded upon the Crystal Lake County, Illinois Recorder's Office, Volume 2, Page 114, August 15, 1855, and consisting of forty acres of rolling hills, orchard and pasture land, enclosed on the east by the Millburne Creek, enclosed on the west by a split rail fence and brass corner markers, enclosed on the North by our border with the Neil Olson Homestead running directly East and West between the northern brass corner monument of our western fence line and Millburne Creek, and enclosed on the South by the ditch and road system easement of US Highway 54...."

    You get the idea. Now get moving.

    The Clerks have developed a new tack in their attempts to befuddle you and muddy the waters. They are telling everyone that they don't record legal documents. This is true. Legal documents must be registered, not recorded; however, the paperwork (not documents) that you are recording are land records, not legal documents.

    You are yourself a land asset: dust thou art and to dust returneth. So you have every right and reason to record everything including land asset re-conveyances of your Good Name and private property interests.

    And more importantly, you have no reason to register anything. Ever.

    Finally, for those of you who are intrigued by my First Life as a mathematician, here's a helpful step into the brave world of actual mathematics, even if they don't have it all figured out yet:

    What is Reality?

    Quantum Gravity Research

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  10. #910
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    Re: Anna von Reitz: Answers to Questions

    Anna von Reitz
    7 hrs ·

    The Land Grab

    Right now, you have a "DEED" on your property record that is held by the STATE OF WHATEVER --- STATE OF VERMONT, STATE OF TEXAS, etc.

    That entity is bankrupt, because its parent corporation, the UNITED STATES, INC., went bankrupt via Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy in 2015. It's gone and it isn't coming back.

    So now what? Your property that was being held "in trust" by the UNITED STATES, INC. is being caught up in their bankruptcy and considered chattel backing their debts, simply because you have not stepped forward as the "Powerholder" over the ESTATE and claimed it and properly directed what is to be done with it.

    As a result, the British Territorial United States Government run by the military is stepping in and converting all those land recordings to registrations --- unlawfully seizing upon your land holdings and turning them into property owned and controlled by the Queen and the British Crown.

    They will then re-issue a new "title" to your property under the auspices of some organization calling itself something like "State of Wisconsin" or "WISCONSIN" or whatever the name of your actual state is, and most people will not be the wiser --- unless you tell them and you all take action to save your property and yourselves.

    We have to create a Major Stink over this one, and bring our complaints to the UN and every foreign government that will hear us.

    The UN is not in charge of us because of some legislation passed by the Municipal Congress, but it has plenty of hand-holds on Britain if American sovereignty is being threatened --- as it is, by this egregious land-grab.

    We already have liens reclaiming the States of States and State Trusts for the actual States and The United States and The United States of America, so you are already somewhat insured, but you need to re-record your land claims in terms of physical landmarks, not their airy-fairy "land descriptions".

    People are having trouble wrapping their heads around this concept, so here's a typical for-instance.

    You currently have a Deed of Trust or a Warranty Deed sitting on your property.

    You will want to record a "Notice of Vacated Deed Conveyance".

    In that Notice you will want to reference the various land descriptions that have been attached to your property, giving the details of each such description, for example:
    "The property formerly described as "Block 11, Lot 10, Herkimer Subdivision" in the town of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, recorded by the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Document Number 12-90104, recorded on May 3, 1985, and as also described as 4536 Hillsboro Road and recorded by the State of Pennsylvania in the Township of Herkimer and shown on the Town Plat as Item 1290-1992, Page 15099, Plat 11-342, Volume III, is hereby conveyed to Pennsylvania and stands upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania as a two acre irregularly shaped plot of land in the general form of a triangle enclosed by green metal posts and piles of native granite around the posts, located as boundary markers at each corner of the triangle. The land and soil has been physically surveyed by Keith A. Pierce and Sons, Surveyors, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, and that survey is accepted as an accurate physical description of the location of this privately owned plot within Pennsylvania's borders. All right, title, and interest in this property belongs to Pennsylvania, a State of the Union, and to me, the Powerholder enforcing the State Trust. All Deeds issued by the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PENNSYLVANIA, or other franchises of the UNITED STATES are vacated and re-conveyed to the original jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, free and clear of debt, as a Freehold upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania."

    Sign it as the Powerholder in your Upper and Lower Case Name, First and Last only, using a by-line like this: by: George Allenby, Powerholder, for Allenby, George-Frederick, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania.

    This last bit is necessary because in their records, we are not listed as "George Allenby" or as "George Frederick Allenby", but are instead listed as "Allenby, George-Frederick.

    They've gobbered everything up with their endless deceits to such an extent that I think Frank Zappa was right --- just call your children by nonsense names that do not conform to their system of nomenclature at all, and adopt whatever kind of name you want for yourselves, as well.

    They want to run the world in abuse of trusts and using false nomenclature? Fine. Millions of people can play the same game. Change your name every month or two and give them (Vital Statistics) notice of the change.

    I, Frank Marvin Williams, have changed my name to Funkweiler P. Morgan as of November 11, 2017...... and then a month later..... I, Funkweiler P. Morgan have changed my name to Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, as of April 18, 2018......and then a month later.... I, Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, have changed my name to Pittance LF Marvin as of October 10, 2018.....

    Why not? They want to seize upon our names and play these stupid games to unjustly enrich themselves via fraud and False Claims in commerce? They want to define "JOHN ADAMS" as a Public Charitable Trust of the foreign Municipal United States Government?

    They want to pretend that registration of land assets is proper? Well, you are the Powerholder and you can define where your land and soil interests are "seated" ---- and how they are defined, too.

    We, The United States of America, will be opening our Land and Soil Recording Offices soon and you can record your interest in your private property with us for a small fee. Just be sure to do your paperwork and declare your birthright political status first.
    is where you learn more, followed by

    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

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