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  1. Cracking Down on Financial Fraud, A Precondition for Economy Recovery
  2. Rise of Iran reveals polarized Iraq
  3. Reality check: DoD imports foreign sand into Iraq
  4. U.S. regulators consider 2nd fine against Toyota
  5. Madrid Ripple Effect 2nd Version Update!
  6. Breaking: Banking Con Finally Exposed on MSNBC!
  7. BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons
  8. Web Forum SockPuppet 101
  9. Forum Announcement regarding WT (WebTech)
  10. World Bank asks India for 'gay' visa
  11. Italians held over Afghanistan 'assassination plot'
  12. China Records A $7.2 Billion Trade Deficit In March
  13. Germany is prepared to give Greece loans at below-market interest rates
  14. Obama going off the deep end (? - I didn't say it)
  15. Dueling Puppets [I'm speechless]
  16. Smart Dogs ! Two cases .
  17. Merging Man and Machine: We are the Internet
  18. Home Free: No Worries for Kissinger as Complicity is Revealed
  19. House of pain: Canada’s connection with Kandahar's ruthless palace guard
  20. International experts: Israel owns 300 nuclear warheads
  21. Hungarian "Far Right" Set to Enter Parliament for the First Time
  22. Analysis: Ramifications of crash on Polish politics
  23. Fome Mexico and into the US.........unchallenge.
  24. Borrowed from another site Poland says no to IMF, 12 days later all involved die
  25. Interpol Issues Arrest Warrant for Saddam Hussein's Daughter ‎
  26. Palestine/Israel History since 1878
  27. Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?
  28. 7.1-magnitude earthquake has struck off the Solomon Islands; no tsun
  29. U.S. War-Fighting Numbers to Knock Your Socks Off
  30. Latin American Criminals Find a Home in the United States
  31. Where is the Welcome Thread?
  32. Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK
  33. Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’?
  34. AUDIO: The Myth of a Free Press
  35. The Day the Dollar Died - A Blog Novel
  36. Russia Mulls Sending Peacekeepers to Kyrgyzstan
  37. Oil exploration plumbs deepest water
  38. US lawsuits may flood China drywalls
  39. The Cheonan cover-up (That Korean Ship)
  40. A Grand Adventure
  41. Hi everyone
  42. 2012 The Great War latest Gerald Celente Trend Alert
  43. I got the bowel flex.
  44. Stalin's daughter is a cheesehead? Yep, film says
  45. With Ink Not Dry On First Bail Out, Greece Already Demands Another €50 Billion
  46. Did the founding fathers invision a multiracial Nation?
  47. Greetings
  48. Belfast,Occupied Ireland blast at Police bldg.
  49. EXCLUSIVE - VoR Interviews Marc Cornah, a regional leader of the AWB
  50. Is Obama Insane?
  51. Another Forum Goes Kaput?
  52. Poland’s Leaders Move to Weaken Currency, Then Die in Plane Crash
  53. First on-site video of plane crash that killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski
  54. Campaign trail 2010 - Landless Peasant Party
  55. The Peace Pipeline
  56. Seventy civilians among 136 killed in Pakistan airstrikes
  58. Who Wants Continuation of War in Afghanistan?
  59. Why prices will go up.........
  60. What should you do with the coming currency controls?
  61. IRS Launches the "Globalization of Tax Administration"
  62. With 1 in 5 Americans out of work, Obama issues over a million green cards
  63. Somalis in Minneapolis: their numbers are growing and theyre bringing expensive
  64. Bank Lending and the Banking System Remain Weak
  65. Concentration of Wealth is Destroying Democracy
  66. Don’t Want To Read That Gigantic Report About The Hedge Fund Magnetar?
  67. Ahmadinejad wants millions to leave Tehran over quake fears
  68. Is Dysgenic the greatest forum poster in history?
  69. 33 States Out of Money to fund Jobless Benefits
  70. Bomb explodes in Belfast outside MI5 headquarters
  71. Apollo 13 crew would have burned in Earth's atmosphere, research reveals
  72. Intel Wants Brain Implants in Its Customers' Heads by 2020
  73. Is the World’s Second Biggest Economy On the Ropes?
  74. Spend It Now! A Huge New Tax Is Coming…
  75. Warrantless Checkpoints Hit Redmond
  76. Intervention Is Prolonging Economic Problems For Years
  77. Why Brazil's Cotton Farmers Get Subsidies from the U.S.
  78. AP survey: Recovery to remain sluggish into 2011
  79. Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Manip
  80. The Deadly Game Between The House of Rothschild and Freedom-Loving America
  81. Double-Dip Doesn’t Figure With Inventory Rebuilding
  82. TLM here!
  83. amazing visit to my bank saturday
  84. The cleansing of Palestine.........
  85. Quotes thread
  86. You probably won't believe this but...
  87. Israeli forces surround school
  88. Kenyan Official - 'Obama Was Born Here'
  89. Don’t Expect A Housing Recovery Anytime Soon
  90. Revolution in Kyrgyzstan: nothing to do with tulips
  91. Recession Measures
  92. See, I Told You So (HELOCs)
  93. A “sell The News” Earnings Season Coming Up?
  94. Take It Back of "Paint It Black" by the Rolling Stones.
  95. Orwellian Justice System: Spying on Americans Continues Despite Court Order
  96. 1,300 U.S. Troops Stranded at Airfield in Kyrgyzstan, Military Says
  97. One of the World's Best Kept Secrets: Cuban Medical Aid to Haiti
  98. Monsanto Under Investigation by Seven US States
  99. Sorry Eric Sprott, There's No Way You're Buying Gold From The IMF
  100. Wow - Congressman Phil Hare on video, "I don't care about the Constitution"
  101. MOVED: I call for the reinstatement of all banned GSus'rs.
  102. Give $1.00 and get back $2.00 plus a dvd.......
  103. 159 new boards, bureaucracies, and programs from the HC Bill
  105. Is the Fed Helping the Big Banks to Cook Their Books?
  106. Do Rising Oil Prices Threaten the Economic Recovery?
  107. What The Hell? (Outstanding Credit)
  108. Westboro Baptist: Coal Miners in H***, God Hates WV
  109. Md. driver accused of hitting judge who suspended DWI term
  110. Greenspan, The Fed and Greece
  111. Greenspan and his Fed, wrong 90% of the time
  112. MOVED: Pictures of chicks!
  113. Cable ties Kissinger to Chile controversy
  114. Insider Buying Hits New Low
  115. Reasonable Tax Compliance Measures or Capital Controls?
  116. EXTEND & PRETEND: Manufacturing a Minsky Melt-Up!
  117. ALERT: Euro on Verge of Real Crisis
  118. MarketNeutral
  119. Climate Change Act to cost us hundreds of billions over next 40y
  120. KFC - Double Down Sandwich - no room for bread
  121. link to Obamas failed trillion Bond swap?
  122. Weather where I live. Thread
  123. Hussman: "The Banking System Is Still Quietly Insolvent"
  124. MSM - All Human Cattle To Be Microchipped By 2017
  125. Treasury Burns Through $82 Billion In Cash In April
  126. Stellaconcepts - BANNED on youtube
  127. Does anyone here want my job?
  128. Soros Wants Power Shift From U.S. to China
  129. Oivey Oivey........I wonder why?......
  130. China Broadens Oil Reach With Deal
  131. Meet your new God
  132. Income falls 3.2% during Obama's term
  133. Anyone here into tube electronics?
  134. A better analogy pertaining to forums
  135. Spyware/Virus protection help?
  136. Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia
  138. Senate Probe Finds Fraud in WaMu Mortgage Lending
  139. Soros Warns Europe of Disintegration Over Greece
  140. The Wake Up Call...Shattering Denial
  141. Interest Rates Are Going To Increase During The Second Half Of 2010 And Into 201
  142. Jon Voight's Letter for the American People
  143. The Panama Deception
  144. Manning Predicts Revolution
  145. Interest Rates Have Nowhere to Go but Up - New York Times Sun 4-11-10
  146. Why Americans are so unhappy
  147. the 14th banker
  148. The Income Tax and American Servitude
  149. NBC admits using “behavior placement” on popular shows
  150. Andy Stern - SEIU President to step down today
  151. Soros: China Should Rule the World
  152. More Than 53% Of Your Tax Goes the Military
  153. 'Free money' is stocks' secret weapon
  154. Lehman shifted risk to shadow firm
  155. 39.4 Million Americans receiving Food Stamps
  156. is anyone in to model rockets?
  157. Housing Headwinds and Baby Boom Demographics
  158. You should not marry a goy....what's next?
  159. Argentina seizes pension funds to pay debts. Who's next?
  160. Holy Crap, Check out these eruptions on the sun
  161. From the new military government..........
  162. Three of them for the state of Israel.............
  163. Israel issues 'urgent' warning to its citizens to leave Egypt's Sinai Peninsula
  164. Portions of Kennedy FBI File May Stay Family Secret
  165. Israel tells its citizens to get out of Sinai now
  166. Blood Money: the trailer about planned parenthood
  167. Rant Guy's Take on the New Nuke Policy
  168. Deek: SUBMIT OR FIGHT
  169. Chile Surrenders Enriched Uranium To US
  170. Greek Bailout Faces Fierce Criticism In German
  171. Foreclosures Hit Rich and Famous
  172. 27 million believe home is underwater
  173. genetically modified crops 'can cause liver and kidney damage'
  174. MOVED: List your friends you would like to be here
  175. MOVED: Here's my take on all this...
  176. Small Business Optimism "Very Low and Headed in the Wrong Direction”
  177. MOVED: Wonky
  178. Ex-Goldman Sachs trader reveals PM manipulation
  179. Interview with Ted Butler
  180. Did The Fed Just (Surreptitiously) Bail Out Europe?
  181. U.S. Economy: Trade Gap Widens More Than Anticipated on Imports
  182. Anyone here into Cryptoarcheology?
  183. Gun shots heard after Polish Pres. Plane Crash - WTF
  184. MSDF tracks China armada off Okinawa
  185. New Business in the Area
  186. Martin Armstrong - April 16 is Cyclical Turning Point
  187. Western Chinese province struck by 6.9 earthquake
  188. Can the U.S. be charged with civil right violations with an open border?
  189. MOVED: A suggestion for G-S
  190. Give Israel Your United Support
  191. JBL Speakers opinions?
  192. Geesh. "democraticunderground.com" is sad
  193. Excellent impromptu Ron Paul Q & A
  194. (Not so) Smart Car
  195. Mentally ill Israelis 'arrest' horse and donkey, 'cuff' them, & imprison them
  196. I Like 'Em Dumb
  197. 7.1 quake in China kills 400
  198. i have a genius business idea for somebody handy
  199. Anger As School Tells Boys To Dress As Girls
  200. Cops beat crap out of student, then charge him with felony assault on police
  201. Fed Shouldn’t Reveal Crisis Loans, Banks Vow to Tell High Court
  202. why is obama talking about nuclear attacks all of the sudden?
  203. Preliminaries to the "WATER WARS".......
  204. Obama now in REAL trouble.......
  205. Where is my gold?...your guess is as good as mine...
  206. Like I keep saying..........
  207. Are you a "prepper?"......I am........
  208. Keep your pennies and keep your dimes.....
  209. Iceland evacuates hundreds as volcano erupts again
  210. NYT: ObamaCare may have accidentally stripped Congress of health coverage
  211. Hamas orders Gaza smuggling tunnels shut
  212. Nearly 800,000 U.S. TV households 'cut the cord,
  213. Statisim is Terrorisim
  214. Israeli Attack on Iran Might Lead to Nuclear Conflict - Medvedev
  215. I don't know what to say........
  216. As it was it could be........again......
  217. Lieberman: US Must Plan to Attack Iran
  218. man! I sure love me some double standards!
  219. Dr. Norman Finkelstein Vs the American Zionism
  220. u.s. army ready to be deployed on american soil this fall
  221. Shooting a dead horse........again....
  222. Economy doing just great, two more hotels to close in Manhattan.
  223. I own my physical gold and I will never sell it, says Marc Faber
  224. " If he runs in 2012, [Ron Paul] has a serious chance to win...."
  225. Inside the Octopus with Juval Aviv
  226. Tracking the Dow Surge!
  227. Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill
  228. Archive of every Tweet ever sent will be saved at the Library of Congress
  229. Census 2010 - "Dear Resident"
  230. Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?
  231. Step Right Up - Everyone's A Winner: Buy Something, Buy Everything, Stocks, Bond
  232. If Immigration Is So “Financially Beneficial,” there wouldn't be a third world
  233. Geithner: Banks will bear costs of failure
  234. Gold-Silver.US Now has a Buy/Sell Section!
  235. OK, so you want to make money?.........
  236. Smart Spending: Free treats and more for taxpayers
  237. America's back!
  238. Census form 2010 question... (what race... "color" am I?)
  239. "Skyway Robbery"
  240. A witness account of what will be.......
  241. Markets could be derailed again, warns Soros
  242. Judicial inc shut down AGAIN
  243. People who are terrible with money
  244. Election 2012: Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%!
  245. 'Birther' Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to be court-martialed for refusing to deploy
  246. If The U.S. Economy Is Experiencing A Recovery Why Does It Seem Like Things.....
  247. Ride the Apocalypse on the New Ship of Seeing.
  248. Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy
  249. Two current wars lost?
  250. Daily Credit Summary: April 14 - Ain't No Stopping Us Now