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14th April 2010, 06:15 PM
Colloidal Silver, It Works,

A family of snippets on silver in antimicrobial formulations

Silver is not only the poor man's gold....it appears to be the poor man's antibiotic.

By the way...at the recommended daily dose of 50 micrograms colloid silver...that's about 1 ounce per person in 6 years or about 50 million ounces per year for all Americans.

1. "Silver was used as a proven germ fighter in the early 1900's. It was the mainstay of antibiotic treatment, and today's technology is even more superior. The medical journal Lancet reported phenomenal results from colloidal silver in 1914. Dr. Henry Crooks showed colloidal silver to be highly germicidal yet absolutely harmless and non-toxic to humans.

Colloidal Silver has been proven useful against all species of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, parasites and certain viruses, which are often killed within minutes. L. C. Ford, MD at the UCLA School of Medicine reported in 1988 that silver solutions were effective against Streptococcus, Pyogenes, Staphylococcus Aures, Neisseria Gonorrhea, Garnerella, Vaginalis, Salmonella Typhi and other enteric pathogens. He also found that it was fungicidal for Candida Albicans, Candida Globata and M. Furfur"

2. "COLLOIDAL SILVER is an amazing natural alternative to antibiotics. Silver is an element essential to life. The human body contains about .001% its weight in silver and researchers note that illness occurs more frequently when the level of silver drops below this point. Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we know. There is no disease causing bacteria that can live in the presence of even minute traces of metallic silver. COLLOIDAL SILVER contains only natural ingredients that help the body fight infections just like synthetic antibiotics, but without their damaging side effects. "

3. "The company just completed a Phase I clinical study evaluating the local delivery of silver ions via a bioresorbable wafer for the treatment of periodontitis. The results of the study demonstrated that concentrations of silver 50 times greater than the mean bactericidal concentrations could be maintained in the periodontal pocket for at least 21 days and that the delivery of silver led to a significant decrease in the bacteria associated with the disease. In addition, there were no safety or tolerability problems associated with the wafers."

4. "In the early 1900’s an antibacterial solution called Colloidal Silver became the choice of medical practitioners. It proved to be enormously effective against infectious organisms and extremely safe to use, without the negative side effects associated with drugs. But Colloidal Silver became increasingly expensive and the pharmaceutical companies developed antibiotics as we know them today. Silver took a back seat. However, as usual, as we deviate from nature, unforeseen problems develop. Forty years after the advent of antibiotics, many types of disease-causing organisms had built an immunity to their action.
Over the years the medical establishment has reported on the new strains of "Super Bugs" that cannot be destroyed by antibiotics. Newsweek Magazine reported in March 28, 1994 that in 1992, 13,000 hospital patients died of infections that resisted every drug doctors tried. Also a well known fact is the detrimental effect of antibiotics on the naturally occurring flora in the colon. Colloidal Silver does not disturb this very necessary environment. Fortunately, the timely re-emergence of Colloidal Silver due to new technology and much reduced costs in production, may prove to be one of the best remedies that the public now has to protect themselves."

5. "Extensive trials proved silver to be the most effective and is currently used in all major burn centers in the United States. In 1834, the German obstetrician F. Crede administered 1% silver nitrate to the eyes of newborn infants, virtually eliminating the incidence of disease causing blindness in newborn babies. However, it was not until the late 1800’s that Western scientists were able to prove what had been known in Eastern medicine for thousands of years...that silver was a proven germ fighter! Once the discovery was made that the body’s chief fluids were colloidal in nature, the endless possibilities which could occur from the use of colloids in medicine were recognized. As a result, a silver solution known as Colloidal Silver became widely used in medicine as one of the main-stays of antimicrobial treatment, until money became an issue. " Colloidal Silver is a tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, pure, natural substance consisting of sub-microscopic clusters of silver particles, suspended by a tiny electric charge placed on each particle, within a suitable liquid. The molecule’s size usually ranges from 0.01 to about 0.001 micron in diameter ( very small ) . The particles do not settle but remain suspended since the electric charge exerts more force than gravity on each particle. Colloidal is the form of choice since the body must convert a crystalline solution to colloidal before it can be used. Taken daily, it is a powerful adjunct to our immune systems, by killing harmful disease-causing organisms, and aids healing.
Silver and all minerals are obtained from food we eat. This comes directly from organic soil containing living organisms. These organisms assist in making the minerals available to the vegetation. However, if we eat fruit and vegetables grown on chemical fertilizers, as most plants are grown today, we do not get the necessary quantity of vitamins, minerals and trace elements which occur in organically grown foods. This results in deficiencies which progress over time resulting in an impaired immune function. The results are diseases of aging. Some Biochemists suspect that a silver deficiency is possibly one of the main reasons cancer exists and is increasing at such a rapid rate today. "

6. "The following is a list of some of the pre-1938 ) documented uses of silver, particularly in the colloidal form, for the treatment of various conditions and pathogens:

Athlete's Foot
Bladder Inflammation
Blood poisoning
Canine Parvo Virus
Cystitis Dermatitis
Ear "Affections"
Eustachian Tubes
Fibrositis Gastrisis
Gonorrheal Herpes
Intestinal Trouble
Menier's Symptoms
Ringworm Rhinitis
Scarlet Fever
Skin Cancer
Soft Sores
Stalph Infections
Strep Infections
Trench Foot
Viral Warts
Whooping Cough
Yeast Infections

7. "NASA researched 23 different methods of water purification and selected a silver system for the space shuttles. Not only does NASA use the silver system but half of the world's airlines use silver water filters to guard against water-borne diseases."

8. "List of Application: List of Application: List of Application: Colloidal Silver has been found effective against: germs, bacteria, infections, parasites, giardia, viruses, fungus and pathogens including: allergies, acne, athlete’ s foot, bladder infections, inflammation, blood parasites, blood-poison, boils, bubonic plague, burns, candide yeast infection, chilblains, cholera, conjunctivitis, cold sores, colitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diabetes caused by infection, diphtheria, diarrhea, dermatitis, dysentery, eczema, fibrosities, gangrene, gonorrhea, herpes, impetigo, influenza, indigestion, intestinal infections, kreatitis, leprosy, multiple sclerosis, neurasthenic, parasitic infections ( oral and fungal ) , pneumonia, pleurisy, prostatis, priritis ani, psoriasis, purulence, opthalmia, rabbit fever, rhinitis, rheumatism, ring-worm, rosacea, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, sevorrhes, shingles, sinus infections, staph infections, strep infections, stomach ulcer, syphilis, thyroid, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, trench-foot, tuberculosis, ulcers, all forms of virus, watts, whooping cough and yeast infections"

9. "You can treat a gallon of water in 6 minutes by adding 2 teaspoons of Colloidal Silver. Tests have been conducted in pools where gallons of raw sewerage have been added and Colloidal Silver successfully killed off all E Coli bacteria in a very short time."

10. "Silver has been used as a preservative and as a medicine by many cultures throughout history. The Greeks and Romans kept their liquids in silver jars to prevent the growth of bacteria. The early American pioneers dropped silver dollars into their containers of milk and juice to keep them from spoiling. Many families in Europe during the plague were able to escape disease by eating with silver utensils and off of silver plates. The old saying, "...born with a silver spoon in your mouth", comes from the practice of the rich who let their babies suck on silver spoons to keep them healthy and protected from disease. Today, NASA and Russian space programs use silver to purify the water in their space shuttles.

Many types of medicinal silver compounds were used in the 1800's and early 1900's to treat a variety of diseases and ailments. Most of these preparations were silver salts which had caustic properties and they produced some side effects. By the 1940's there were over 50 different silver compounds on the market being used to treat every known infectious disease. They were available in oral, topical, and injectable forms. Silver in the colloidal solution state was found to have the strongest germicidal properties with low or no toxicity to humans."

11. " The best modern colloidal silver is prepared by the electro-colloidal process using pure distilled water and two 99.9% pure silver electrodes. A voltage is applied between the silver electrodes which are submerged in the distilled water. The flow of current from the positive ( anode ) to the negative ( cathode ) causes minute particles of silver to release from the anode and migrate toward the cathode. Each particle of silver receives of positive electrical charge when it is emitted from the anode, and because like charges repel, the silver particles tend to move away from each other and become suspended in the water. The silver is not dissolved in the water but the particles are suspended by the principle of 'Brownian Motion' creating a true colloid of silver in water."

12. "When colloidal silver is ingested and absorbed into the body, the small positively charged silver particles begin to flow in and permeate all the bodily fluids. Wherever the silver comes in contact with a single-celled organism like a virus, fungi or bacterium, the silver disables a specific enzyme that these creatures need to metabolize oxygen; In effect they can't breath and within a few minutes they suffocate and die."

13. "In 1940, R. A. Kehoe reported that under normal circumstances, the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables would provide between 50-100 mcg of silver as a trace element. Since that time, the commercial farm soils of this country have become extremely deficient in trace minerals. According to the Earth Summit Report, issued in 1992, the levels of soil based minerals in North America have dropped over 85% in the last 100 years. Assuming that our ancestor's diet used to contain trace silver, and that our diet probably has greatly reduced levels, there is a reasonable argument for supplementing with colloidal silver. Two teaspoons of 5 ppm colloidal silver provides about 50 mcg of silver and could be considered a "nutritional" amount, if taken on a daily basis. Any amount above four teaspoons a day or 100 mcg should be considered a "therapeutic" amount. That said, it should not be assumed that electro-colloidal silver is equivalent to or has the same metabolic effect as receiving trace silver from dietary plant sources. But since there are very few plant sources of trace silver available today, colloidal silver is probably the best substitute. "

14."So, what is this "silver ion"? Well, it's really more commonly known as "colloidal silver". It is presently available in health food stores and by mail order suppliers. Simply put, it is extremely minute-sized silver particles suspended in water, with a positive electrical charge. The smaller the silver particles, the more effective it has been proven to be. The best colloidal silver is produced at the molecular level. A small D.C. current is passed through an electrolyte with silver electrodes. Minute, molecular sized particles are drawn off of the positive electrode, having a positive electrical charge. This electrical charge is of primary importance to healing and anti-bacterial qualities. The charge slowly dissipates, and therefore the freshness of the colloid is important. The electrolyte may be colloidal silver itself but is usually sea or table salt, although this produces some silver chloride which is an impurity to the colloid but not serious. "

15. "One unwanted condition which silver can cause in the human body is Argyria. This is the staining of the skin a bluish color. It is permanent and unsightly. Colloidal silver as it is defined and advocated here cannot cause this condition because particles of silver which are fine enough to stay suspended in pure water are not large enough to lodge in a cell. Colloidal silver defined according to the definition given by the FDA in its circular of August 1999,"a suspension of silver in a gelatinous base" can, however cause Argyria and should be carefully avoided. Pure electrically charged silver in pure water is the only colloidal silver which is advocated here and which should be used."

16. "Medicinal silver compounds were developed in the late 1800's and there was widespread use of silver compounds and colloids prior to 1930. By 1940 there were approximately four dozen different silver compounds on the market being used to treat every known infectious disease. These were available in oral, injectable, and topical forms. They carried such names as; Albargin, Argonin, Argyn, Argyrol, Largin, Lunosol, Novargan, Proganol, Electrargol and Silvol, etc."

14th April 2010, 06:19 PM
Excellent summary. Thanks for posting!

14th April 2010, 06:20 PM
Alright. I am ready to try it.

What's the best kind and/or where is the best place to buy it from?

14th April 2010, 06:28 PM
Alright. I am ready to try it.

What's the best kind and/or where is the best place to buy it from?

I make my own. This is the Generator (http://www.wishgranted.com/ec_store/item52.htm) I use. Wow the price has sure risen in the last 3 years.

Then again I have made gallons over the years.

26th March 2011, 11:06 AM
Any other success stories on this stuff? It comes in a spray correct, as well as a liquid? My dog gets skin infections and ear infections very often, and I was curious if this would work for dogs too? Dont want to give him a 2 week supply of antibiotics every 2 months.

What are the reputtable companies?
