View Full Version : Health and Fitness
- The Deadlift, my journey.
- Natural Health Resources
- The Danger of Genetically Modified Foods
- Bisphenol - A
- swimming
- Sugarless?
- Home Fitness Center?
- New Study Suggests Asthma Could Have a Natural Fix!
- Oh yea and here is the whole of GIMs Alternative Health Forum
- New Study Suggests Asthma Could Have a Natural Fix!
- FINALLY started P90X - Holy crap
- Jamie Oliver shows kids what is in a Chicken Nugget
- pollen allergies
- Eating Vegetables Doesn’t Stop Cancer
- Avoid cow dairy
- Autism
- The New Great Impostor
- FDA Says Walnuts Are Drugs and Doritos Are Heart Healthy
- Colloidal Silver, It Works,
- dave Tate bench coaching video
- Interview with Jim Humble (Miracle Mineral Solution)
- Fluoride: Worse than We Thought
- Icelandic Livestock kept indoor to avoid fluoride released by volcano
- fluoridated SALT - not indicated on salt containers
- 'Toxic stew' of chemicals causing male fish to carry eggs in testes
- 1
- Potentially deadly fungus spreading in US, Canada
- The Death of High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Elbow injury
- Foods containing Vitamin B-17
- Avoid milk Until You Learn the Shocking Details
- Possible treatments for CANCER
- Vitamin D reduces diabetes risk by 43 percent
- Yeesh!!! Most Pesticide Laden Produce of 2010
- Fish Oil
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- Over 40 cold, allergy meds for children recalled
- Be careful what we eat.. American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought
- The Cancer Lie (Short Documentary)
- Your thoughts on Linus Pauling and Vitamin C
- Why you should eat apple seeds!
- Obama: insurance firms no longer dropping coverage
- Grass Fed Steaks
- Gall bladder removal
- Warning Plastic Wrap and Microwaves
- Chlorine in the water
- Pesticide Exposure May Contribute to ADHD, Study Finds
- Online Pharmacies
- Goodbye, Employer-Sponsored Insurance
- Cold showers
- GSUS fitness prep challenge - for 2011
- Pictures of Skin Cancer ... Better put Sun-Block in your BOB
- Re: Cancer - Apparent cure...
- Grounding the human body
- Morgellons
- :conf:
- 1
- Health "experts" announce 8 new food rules
- Water Filters
- Kids may need 2 H1N1 doses again this year
- Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder
- Drinking beetroot juice dramatically lowers risk of heart disease and strokes
- Medically-Caused Deaths In America
- Going for a 6 pack
- Schuessler Cell salts
- Zinc
- This is why we should NOT use steroids.
- 1
- CFL Light Bulbs and Dirty Electricity Video
- Tetanus shot
- Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowning
- Great deadlift video
- The Cure All Tonic
- Easy way to check ingredients & more
- Does anyone know much about Primal Diets?
- Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds
- A Doctor's Thoughts on Antibiotics, Expiration Dates, and TEOTWAWKI
- Colon cleanser
- Alex Jones' "Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed"
- Health Banned chemical coats 40% of store receipts
- Fluoride Truth Hits the TV in Australia
- 200 Pound Women Goes On Extreme Fast
- Tobacco plants may be new incubator for vaccines for flu – or bio-terrorism
- plantar fasciitis (bruised heal)
- German identical twins Otto and Ewald
- Astounding Health Benefits of Beer
- Nightshade Foods
- Grapefruit's bitter taste could be the key to reversing diabetes
- Testing your body's Alkalinity (pH)
- Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
- Black Radish this stuff is amazing
- Clothes with super powers
- Corn syrup producers want sweeter name: corn sugar
- Benzene and A/C
- Aspartame/MSG/FDA Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts
- Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic
- Popular Asian spice can cure Alzheimer's disease
- Coulrophobia
- Home Remedies
- U.S. is getting fatter......with the rest of "1st world" countries
- Master Cleanse Diet
- Nestle creates health-science subsidiary
- tumeric another reason to eat it.
- Christian Counseling
- What have you actually treated and or curred with colloidal silver?
- Elements of competition and Medal tests
- CDC: Nearly 1 in 10 U.S. adults depressed
- 'Little purple pill' is under microscope
- Iodine - self medicating with it
- Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Warning to Glenn Beck: Don't Drink Diet Coke...
- 10 things you didn't know about sound
- Gerson Therapy Tapes
- Cinnamon helps control blood sugar
- Eustace Mullins: Murder By Injection
- This Cooking Oil is a Powerful Virus-Destroyer and Antibiotic…
- Take garlic oil to maintain a healthy heart
- Drug maker to pay $750 million for defective meds
- Went to the Doctor to have cholesteral checked.
- Vitamin B3 beats Big Pharma's Zetia cholesterol drug
- What's a good herbal remedies book?
- Sweet Poison
- They Shoot Flu-Shot Skeptics, Don't They?
- Does anyone know of any natural treatments for seizures?
- School milk programs being challenged in UK as unhealthy
- Why You Should Avoid Root Canals Like the Plague
- Seems There is a Difference?
- Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride's Deadly Secret
- A Simple, Inexpensive Trick to Cure a Cold
- Vitamin D
- The State vs. Your Stuffy Nose
- 50 uses for Essential Oils
- Heads up. I caught a *&% stomach bug
- Scientists find gene clue to 130 brain diseases
- Coconut sap vinegar
- The Truth About Your Weight Gain
- Free downloads on survival dentistry and medicine.
- Sick as a dog, help
- Forget vaccines: Breastfeeding boosts infant immunity!
- 'Neotame' (Aspartame) To Go Unlabeled Into Organic Foods!
- 9 Questions That Stump Every Pro-Vaccine Advocate and Their Claims
- drugs which made 2010's Hall of Shame
- Low-Fat, Low Calorie Diets are Stupid
- 8 CT's About Health That the MSM has Been Forced to Admit are Actually True
- Anyone else living with kidney stones? UGH.
- Why I got rid of my computer chair.
- of the most advanced healing techniques in the world
- Cow's milk is for calves
- Heritage tourism in Malaysia
- 97 Changes After Six Months of Living a Primal Lifestyle
- New US diet guidelines call for less salt
- free e-Book: 'Coming Clean - From Denial To Detox' - also alt cancer info
- EPA to limit rocket fuel chemical in tap water
- Department Of Health And Human Services Recommends Standing At Least Once A Day
- A Few Things I Know (article about vaccines written by a doctor)
- The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth
- Swine Flu vaccine and Narcolepsy
- Not absorbing Vitamin D
- Prostatitis: I need your advice
- 4 Reasons to Avoid All Soda (Even Diet)
- The 5 Major Warning Signs of a Stroke.
- The man whose arms exploded
- The Facist Drug Admin says you can't have raw milk
- Strep Throat - painful!
- What your feet reveal about your health
- 10 Health Benefits of Gelatin
- Extreme Hollywood Body Makeovers
- The greatest weightlifting ever
- Wash Your Hands after Grocery Shopping
- 12 surprising sources of caffeine
- Supplements to Protect/Reverse Radiation Exposure
- Back Pain from weight lifting
- Check your alcohol 'medical wipes' if you have any ~ can be deadly
- Radiation Detoxification with natural foods
- Need help with excercise ideas
- Beyond Tangy Tangerine
- Diabetes/ Arthritis breakthrough treatment
- Maple syrup compounds help fight diabetes, cancer
- Sleep technique
- Fat Head
- Wendy's Natural Cut Fries: Better Tasting, Yes. Natural, No
- Prostate Cancer Screening Has Zero Benefit, Concludes 20-Year Study
- Zinc poisoning...
- Vaccine-Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud
- Need Recomendation for Colloidal Silver
- Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal
- Doctor prescribes Exercise for children
- Another use for Apple Cider Vinegar
- Veganism
- What's the best source for calcium supplements?
- HPV Linked to Throat Cancer
- watermelon may fight inflammation
- How do you explain alternative treatments to sheep?
- Be sure to lather up with that sunscreen....
- Why Your Dentist Costs So Much
- FDA unleashes end game scheme to outlaw virtually all dietary supplements formulate
- Top 10 Scariest Food Additives
- Pesky water plant could treat cancer, SFA researchers say
- Burn Tip
- The Personal Energy Crisis
- Leangains for body recomposition
- All About Textured Vegetable Protein - TVP
- How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism...
- FDA Stealth Dirty Trick To Take Your Vit. Supplements
- How to have better hair and a healthier body with a little-known source of silica
- Non-prescription treatment of ‘depression’; Hyper-activity of immune system
- Arsenic in apple juice?
- Are These Health “Truths” Outdated?.
- The "Scoffed At" Solution that Can Prevent and Treat Most Diseases
- Neem Oil: An Effective, Non Toxic and Extremely Inexpensive Contraceptive
- Map of Citys/Towns that are Fluoride-Free
- UV air purifier
- Fecal transplant anyone?
- are there any natural ways to increase pancreatic function?
- Herbal Cold & Flu Tonic
- seeking help finding a specific blog of Dr & Nurse big time alternative medicine.
- Common chemical linked to Parkinson's
- If you swallowed Silver Shot, Would it Kill the Bacteria in Your Digestive System ?
- Garlic oil 'can protect the heart by preventing cell damage'
- The Dangerous Truth Behind Microwaves (Updated)
- Looking for health advice (suggestions) on water pills
- Losing Weight
- Got Cayenne?
- 7 Ways To Stay Happy This Winter
- Smoking can make your nipples fall off
- Blurred vision? Eye doctor myths exposed - learn how to exercise your eye muscles for
- Potato - pain relief for burns
- Sounds Tasty
- Big Corn, Big Sugar in bitter fight over ‘corn sugar’
- I <3 colloidal silver
- Herb Baths & Foot Baths ~
- 17th Century Recipe Books
- Do these work?
- Big Study: Vaccinated Kids 2-5 More Diseases Than Unvaccinated
- This "Scary Drink" May Resolve Your Troubling Health Issues
- Foods that fight stress
- Natural Cellular Zeolite Powder : Micronized
- What in the world are they doing to us? vitamin D deception.
- Vitamin K2 is as important as Vitamin D3 and the two together add up to more than 2
- Dr. Richard Olree talk on minerals and the genetic code
- In the Third and Fourth Quarter of 2009, Merck Paid Doctors at Least $18,810,495
- Toddlers grow up grumpy without an afternoon nap
- Get the benefits of mega-dose IV vitamin C without IVs - by yourself
- Root Canals
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