View Full Version : Does anyone know of any natural treatments for seizures?
12th November 2010, 09:12 PM
My mother has been suffering from seizures for years now, and she's been receiving lots of treatment in the form of medications and even an implant to try and fix them, but they still persist. I know there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum who know things about natural healing and treatments, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of any natural ways to combat seizures?
12th November 2010, 09:18 PM
Does she drink diet soda?
Otherwise, no clue. Good luck.
12th November 2010, 09:24 PM
Sorry madfranks no experience with this.
12th November 2010, 09:32 PM
Does she drink diet soda?
Otherwise, no clue. Good luck.
Nope, no diet soda. I know seizures are a different thing than like cancer or other illnesses. Since it's more neurological in nature I don't know how difficult it is to heal.
12th November 2010, 09:35 PM
Magnesium is a powerful natural calming agent to all nervous tissues. You want to increase her intake of magnesium. One way is to add dolomite to her diet. Dolomite is hard to absorb, especially in the elderly as it requires substantial stomach acid to solubilize it for absorption. I would suggest finely powdered dolomite (a heaping teaspoon three times per day) with acidic fruits and apple cider vinegar as tolerated. Beware that this can constipate elderly patients. Two, place her feet and legs in a bath of warm Epsom salts solution (MgSO4) and let her soak it it as long as possible and repeatedly. Eliminate stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine.
12th November 2010, 10:17 PM
Between the age of 15-31 I had epilepsy. I took medication until I was about 20. Bad side-effects. After finishing taking the drugs I had about 1-2 grand mal fits/year. I prefered that to the medications. At the age of 31 I started getting quality chiropractic neck adjustments, and I haven't had a single fit since. 11 years now...
12th November 2010, 11:07 PM
Ima, she stays as far away from all the fake sweeteners as she can, but we will take a second look at all the other things you mentioned like toothpaste to make sure we minimize her intake as much as possible.
Mamboni, you are the man! Thank you for offering your opinion.
13th November 2010, 04:33 AM
The root cause of the seizures could be a number of things, so you may want to try different things. If all else fails, the Gerson Therapy generally heals all, but for seizures it most likely could also be because of mercury or lead poisoning, considering these toxic metals build up in your system as you age. Did your mother have dental amalgams? Mercury is in those, even the silver ones. You can detoxify from heavy metals with chelation therapy. It's also effective against chemtrail exposure. Tons of ways to do that, but namely do it with EDTA.
KEY NOTE: Baking soda almost always contains aluminum unless you see "No Aluminum" on the package!
I've alway heard cilantro and high levels of Vitamin C are good natural chelators. I haven't tested cilantro myself yet but it's something I hope you can all look into since I spend a bunch of time researching and testing all this stuff in real life.
Good channel for making your own supplements and stuff:
Road Runner
13th November 2010, 05:12 AM
I will share information about essential oils out of a book I have on hand. My daughter now uses basil oil for migraine headaches and says it works, she has to put it on a few times during the headache but uses that now instead of pills. Several other friends now use basil for headaches with good results. I use pepperment for backaches where I had surgery and it gives relief. I don't know personally if this would work for you but I will share what it says about seizures:
Many seizures can be treated by removing all forms of sugar, artificial colors, and flavors from the diet. Avoid using personal care products with ammonia based compounds, such as quaterniums and polyquaterniums.
First recomendation: Peppermint, R.C. Valor
Other single oils: Frankincense, sandalwood,melissa, jasmine absolute, basil
Other blends: Valor, Aroma Siez,ExodusII, Peace & Calming
Topical: Dilute 50:50 and massage10 drops into scalp daily to help reduce risk of seizure. Supplement with inhalation therapy below ( when I dilute I use olive oil)
Inhalation: DIRECT, 3-5 times daily
SEIZURE REGIMEN(do all the following:
*Massage 4-6 drops Valor on bottoms of feet daily
*Diffuse peace and calming for 30 minutes 3-4 times daily
*Do a Raindrip Technique on spine twice monthly
Glue Agave Nectar and Stevia (inplace of sugars)Mineral Essence,Trusource,Multivitamins,Multigreens,Super B,Longevity softgels,Power meal,Sulfurzyme
Omega Blue Softgels, Balance Complete
Blessings to you as you search for something that works. I hope you find something.
13th November 2010, 05:43 AM
Buried somewhere back in George Gordons MP3 archives he has a series on parasites. I believe he used a tincture of walnut hull every so often to get rid of them.
13th November 2010, 09:20 AM
Buried somewhere back in George Gordons MP3 archives he has a series on parasites. I believe he used a tincture of walnut hull every so often to get rid of them.
YOu can also use Oil of Oregano for worming.
There are a whole slew of natural treatments. Gordon mentions colon hydrotherapy in which the operator can sit viewing all of the nasties as they are eliminated.
If you listen to the whole 7 hour series he has on parasites I swear you will be washing your hands every 20 minutes.
His son was epileptic and controlled his seizures with medication for 10-15 years until they became ineffective. Later he just used nutrition, exercise and parasite control to prevent them.
21st November 2010, 10:25 PM
Look into the ketogenic diet. It's been used successfully with children who have seizures, but it's a lot harder for adults to follow (since they buy their groceries and kids can't).
It's a high fat diet where carbohydrates are severely limited to about 15 a day, and eventually the brain is forced to run on ketone bodies, a by-product of fat metabolism.
"Modified Atkins Diet Can Cut Epileptic Seizures in Adults" _Adults
Hatha Sunahara
23rd February 2011, 07:53 PM
Try marijuana. One of the conditions listed by the state in Oregon for doctors to approve the use of Medical Marijuana is for seizures.
23rd February 2011, 08:11 PM
Seriously you do not want to mess around with seizures. Stick with the tried and true and once it is under control maybe experiment on yourself in slow increments. Otherwise your mom could get a seizure at the wrong time for example I the shower and fall and next thing you know she is another Gifford wannabe sans the government healthcare.
28th February 2011, 04:30 PM
I`ll risk it again and will give a bit of my dopey advice. I had seizures back in 1994 due to horrendous benzo and barbiturate abuse, astronomical amounts of pills had caused delirium tremens. I had to set up 2 alarm clocks every 4 hrs so I wouldn`t suffer a fatal seizure in my sleep, to make sure I woke up and swallowed 5 valiums. The only thing that helped besides barbs and benzos was grass.
I find grass to be synergetic with downers. It is worth researching. It is non-toxic but can make a novice user feel like he/she is losing their mind...
1st March 2011, 11:44 AM
Coconut oil use has been shown to reduce seizures
maybe try this simple thing as well as using the oil...
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