View Full Version : Losing Weight

23rd November 2011, 07:29 PM
I have a friend who is 6'4'' 400lbs. He has been training in MMA and loves it, but frequently gets injured. Most recently he threw a kick in sparring and thought he tore his ACL, luckily he just sprained his knee. Also a few times he has injured his back.

Do you guys know of any ways to healthily lose weight? I'm sure you guys do, anything would help. This guy loves his training and it has been working wonders for him, health and confidence wise.

Before you think it's me, I am 5'7'' 140lb's. I train boxing/kickboxing and have no problems. I also don't have much advise for him as I've never had to worry about weight.

Most any advise you give him he will use. He has taken the "red pill" so you do not have to worry about him thinking about things as being... whatever, stupid shit sheep use as an excuse to not do things.

23rd November 2011, 07:49 PM
Probably the quickest, easiest (debatable if he's hooked on diet soda) thing to do is Don't drink your calories. Switch to water, coffee, tea. Get totally rid of all diet drinks, diet food, anything with all the fake chemicals as much as possible.

Read around on the site, search too. A lot of good, basic recommendations have been covered already here.

Also, he may ask his MMA instructor as well.

23rd November 2011, 08:19 PM
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (tablespoon with every meal) + No more wheat.

23rd November 2011, 08:54 PM
If his great-grandmother didn't eat it, neither should he. Nutrition (natural, MINIMALLY processed food sources) is key. Take out all milk products and grains. Minimize or eliminate simple sugars. Paleolithic diet. He likely got fat by eating "stuff" that isn't food. Stop doing that, and he will be fine.

If he starts talking about counting calories, bitchslap him.

23rd November 2011, 09:50 PM
Don't skip meals and always eat breakfast

24th November 2011, 05:33 AM
Go primal/paleo. I dropped 25 lbs this last year. [that's all I really needed to drop] My cholesterol has improved, I feel better, and look better. Sugar makes you fat, fat doesn't make you fat. He should drop diet pop too. It could be worse that regular pop.

24th November 2011, 08:22 AM
If his great-grandmother didn't eat it, neither should he. Nutrition (natural, MINIMALLY processed food sources) is key. Take out all milk products and grains. Minimize or eliminate simple sugars. Paleolithic diet. He likely got fat by eating "stuff" that isn't food. Stop doing that, and he will be fine.

If he starts talking about counting calories, bitchslap him.

This is good advise. There's a lot of good advise in this thread.

To add, recommend fish oil daily. Also, eggs, chicken, steak, anything loaded with protein and few carbs. Since he's training, he needs to eat, and actually eat a lot. Several meals a day. The body is funny how it responds, if you don't feed the body enough, and it needs it, the body starts saving for a rainy day. The body goes into starvation mode and starts storing energy reserves it "thinks" it needs, by storing fat.

24th November 2011, 11:55 AM
Its pretty simple actually. If its white don't eat it...LOL

Ooops except chicken and fish...

25th November 2011, 12:19 PM
Don't skip meals and always eat breakfast

He told me that he doesn't eat breakfast, or lunch. My response was "what the fuck are you doing?".

Thanks for all the responses guys. I've already told him to start eating breakfast and lunch. I told him to do some research on the paleolithic diet. He seems a little shy about it, but his fat ass needs to do something. It won't get any better if he keeps going the way that he has been.

This is good advise. There's a lot of good advise in this thread.

To add, recommend fish oil daily. Also, eggs, chicken, steak, anything loaded with protein and few carbs. Since he's training, he needs to eat, and actually eat a lot. Several meals a day. The body is funny how it responds, if you don't feed the body enough, and it needs it, the body starts saving for a rainy day. The body goes into starvation mode and starts storing energy reserves it "thinks" it needs, by storing fat.

He said that he is going to stop training until he loses 100lbs. His knee is messed up and won't be fully healed for 3-4 montha probably, so that will keep him away from it. I know what you mean about the high protein and few carbs. My body actually craves it know. After coming home from training the first thing I do throw on a skeak or a couple porkchops with broccoli and or bussel sprouts, and it feels like I've just had sex afterwards.

Large Sarge
25th November 2011, 04:09 PM
the metabolism at its most basic, is cellular, and that is the mitochondria.

he needs to increase the mitochondria (weight training and/or body weight exercises)

flax seed, the outer membrane of the mitochondria is made of essential fatty acids, this increases the ease of cellular energy.

Carnitine, also helps the mitochondria

increase glutathione levels, (bioactive whey protein), glutathione is the only thing that protects your mitochondria, as the mitochondria are located inside the cell (organelles), traditional anti-oxidants do not reach them, glutathione is the bodies anti-oxidant(and it protects the mitochondria). Also the amino acid NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) helps to raise the levels of the glutathione.

metabolism is about energy production, and that means the mitochondria, maximize the number and overall health of your mitochondria, and weight loss should be easier.

Also, saturated fats acts as a stranglehold on the mitochondria, whereas essential fatty acids are the premium surface for the mitochondria, essential fatty acids shutdown (most or all?) of the chemical reactions of the mitochondria, like throwing a wet blanket on a fire.

thats why eating french fries makes you fat, yes they are slightly high in claories, but they destroy your mitochondria...
once your mitochondria are gone, then everything you eat, gets converted to fat.

Obese people have an energy deficit really, they have mitochondria issues...

if your mitochondria are in bad shape, no amount of calorie reduction will really work...

25th November 2011, 04:17 PM
Incentive. That and prison food. Can't beat the combination.


A 345-pound man jailed for driving with a suspended license was freed nine days early thanks to a Lake County, Fla., judge's "lose-a-pound, gain-a-day" deal.

George McCovery, 37, dropped 25 pounds in 20 days -- a feat he credited to bland prison food and the judge's weight-loss challenge.

"She gave me a chance to prove myself, and I didn't want to let her down," he told the Orlando Sentinel.

Judge Donna Miller, whose courtroom proceedings are replayed in the TV show "Lake Courts," is famous for her unusual sentence deals. In her 17 years as a judge, Miller has ordered defendants to start jogging, take a dance class, tutor math and write Christmas cards, according to the Sentinel.

"I do what I do to try to change the person in front of me," she said, acknowledging that her self-improvement sentences won't be doled out to everyone. "If the person needs jail, they get jail."

Miller said she would check McCovery's weight after 20 days. And to her surprise, he had already shed 25 pounds.

25th November 2011, 06:15 PM
Only eat meats, fruits and vegetables. Little or no grains. Stay away from the isles of any grocery store (no packaged, processed, prepared foods). Stick to the outside where the fresh foods are (meat, fruits and veggies). Also, portion control. Smaller meals, even if they are more frequent. Eating slowly seems to help a lot of people I know. Personally, I scarf food faster than most, because I love food! But a lot of fit/thin people I know eat slowly.

Also, it helps to have a good PH balance in your body, which can be achieved by simply eating right. However, if you are one of those people that can't seem to eat right, or are naturally acidic, then a super-green formula is going to help immensely. I like Garden of Life, and take it every morning, with my flax seed (thanks to Large Sarge). I feel like the flax seed helps me more mentally, though. I can tell that my brain doesn't function as well on the days that I don't take it.

25th November 2011, 08:00 PM
When I lost all my weight I used the tried and true method of calorie counting. I bought the calorie counter pocket book. I can't recall the name off hand but it's been around 30 years or so. You should find it in all bookstores and maybe a few news stands.

I got a note book and started recording what I was eating. Weight of serving. Check book for calories per weight. I did that for a month so I knew what it was I was actually eating food type wise. I also knew what daily calories I was taking in.

I set a target for daily calorie intake for my "desired" body weight. I didn't go for the ideal weight (for height) right away. Tried for half way. By then I was on a roll. Rest was easy. IIRC the book gives a guide of how much of food groups you should eat, fats, meats, vegetables n fruit etc. If there is any kind of food pyramid in the book check it against a known good one. I think the US Food Pyramid published by the Govt is badly corrupted from what I have seen.

I had used sugar free stuff before I did this but I avoid them now. They add to obesity from my experience. Plus many other issues. I went natural. I avoid precook food and meal ingredients for salt and preservatives.

Your friend exercises well so thats one side of it covered. I started out with 10 or 15 minutes per day and built up from there. I found an exercise bike was good to begin with. I do at least 5 hours high intensity per week now.