View Full Version : I <3 colloidal silver

Silver Rocket Bitches!
20th December 2011, 12:19 PM
So I went to take something out of the oven yesterday and my oven mitt had a hole in it. My thumb ended up touching the hot metal and instantly blistered up and hurt like hell. I keep a bottle of CS in the kitchen cupboard so I poured some in a shot glass and stuck my thumb in there. It stopped hurting immediately and today there is zero pain and just a tiny white spot where the blister was.

Best stuff ever.

20th December 2011, 12:45 PM
So I went to take something out of the oven yesterday and my oven mitt had a hole in it. My thumb ended up touching the hot metal and instantly blistered up and hurt like hell. I keep a bottle of CS in the kitchen cupboard so I poured some in a shot glass and stuck my thumb in there. It stopped hurting immediately and today there is zero pain and just a tiny white spot where the blister was.
Best stuff ever.

I had a second/third degree burn on my leg once (engine coolant - knee to nutsack)... the main treatment in the ER for a week was silvadine, a silver-based sulfa drug.

Silver has been used to treat burns for a long time. Glad it worked for you!

As a side note, the follow-up treatment for my burn was Tegaderm ( http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/3MSWC/Skin-Wound-Care/BrandsDirectory/Tegaderm/ )... and I have to admit I think this stuff was developed by alien technology. In 3 days my burn healed 75%, documented in pictures taken for the purpose, as it was still in developmental phase at the time. In the beginning, I was told I would have a permanent scar... the doctors were as amazed as I was. At this time no scar is visible no matter how close you look. My leg looked like a peeled grape at it's worst... I couldn't walk on it without big doses of painkillers.

I know I sound like a shill for big Pharma, but it is what it is.

As a side note, I had a very hot nurse as my outpatient caregiver every day (redressing my wound every morning for a week), and my whirlpool companions for 2 days were sub-21 blonde (female) interns from UCI... I told them I didn't want to wear no paper gown in the whirlpool... they were OK with that. :-)

20th December 2011, 01:45 PM
Wisconsin vet I was talking to a week ago. He travels a lot to Australia and New Zealand. He says CS is used over there by farmers to cure animal infections and mastitis in milk cows.

He said if he were to start using it here his license to practice would be lifted in a hurry.

20th December 2011, 01:47 PM
I told them I didn't want to wear no paper gown in the whirlpool... they were OK with that.

Not being able to walk eliminates a lot of other activities.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
20th December 2011, 01:51 PM
As a side note, I had a very hot nurse as my outpatient caregiver every day (redressing my wound every morning for a week), and my whirlpool companions for 2 days were sub-21 blonde (female) interns from UCI... I told them I didn't want to wear no paper gown in the whirlpool... they were OK with that. :-)

Like I said; colloidal silver is amazing stuff!