View Full Version : Grounding the human body

9th June 2010, 12:44 AM

A. Clinton Ober
[view Mr. Ober's bio]

Ventura, CA


From the beginning of time, except for the past few generations, humans lived their entire lives primarily in direct physical contact with the earth; therefore, it is assumed that humans throughout evolution were naturally grounded.

In modern times, humans have insulated themselves from contact with the earth by wearing synthetic soled shoes and living in homes that elevate the body above the earth. Consequently, humans are no longer naturally grounded and now the body becomes charged with static electricity and radiated electric fields can now create unnatural weak electric currents with-in the body. [1]

This work provides evidence that loss of natural ground allows extraneous electricity to interfere with and stress the normal bioelectrical activities of the body, which thereby interferes with natural health and sleep.

Today everyone is physically stressed, their muscles are tense, back and joint pain are the norm and most do not sleep well. These conditions all relate to excess stimulation of the nervous system and/or interference of the bio-electrical communications between cells.

For instance, muscles only respond to bio-electrical communications from nerves. When these communications are interfered with muscles become tense and remain tight. This leads to fatigue, skeletal problems and pain.

To what extent do EMFs create abnormal electrical activity in/or on the body? In 1995 the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [NIEHS] and the US Department of Energy [DOE] stated that common exposure to electric and magnetic fields [EMFs] from household electrical wires now produce unnatural weak electric currents between human cells. In other words 24 hours a day if you live and sleep in a modern home. [1]

These unnatural currents in the body are the direct result of the body being insulated from ground contact. The question is do these currents along with the static electricity created on the body from carpets etc. interfere with normal bioelectrical functions?

An indication is; according to the American Institute of Stress, over 75% of all visits to primary care physicians are now for stress related health conditions. The description of stress is; a state of continuous anxiety and nervousness in which muscles become and remain tensed. Stress is now confirmed to be a primary contributor to cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal, skin, neurological and emotional disorders, and a host of disorders linked to immune system disturbances ranging from the common cold and herpes, to arthritis and AIDS. [2]

In the late 1960s, when humans were first widely diagnosed as being stressed, synthetic soled shoes, carpets and the like had just become popular and the use electricity and household electrical devices tripled from the previous generation.

Do these unnatural weak electric currents in the body also interfere with sleep?

According to the National Sleep Foundation's Sleep-2000 report [3], nearly two thirds of American adults [62%] now suffer from sleep problems. Americans have the most comfortable beds and the most protected sleep environments in the world. Yet, in traditional societies where most humans sleep on animal skins, grass mats or directly on the ground, sleep problems do not exist. [4] As for Americans, most now sleep within 12 inches of electrical wires hidden in the wall at the head of their bed and with electric cords around or near the bed. All of which emanate e-fields throughout the night and create weak electric currents in the body [1].

The fact that the majority of people, with the best health care in human history, now increasingly suffer from poor sleep and stress related health problems suggests that something, largely unknown to the health community and public, is wrong. The dramatic change from the body being naturally grounded to now conducting unnatural weak electric currents between cells is the most likely candidate. Circumstantial evidence is provided by the fact that humans in traditional societies that maintain contact with the earth do not experience the common sleep and stress related health problems of the modern world [4]. Nor do the animals that live in direct contact with the earth.

Evidence that is more conclusive was reported by the NIEHS and the DOE [1] that in some laboratory studies the biological effects of EMFs are:

-Changes in functions of cells and tissue -Accelerated tumor growth

-Decrease in the hormone melatonin -Changes in biorhythms

-Alterations of immune system -Changes in human brain activity and heart rate

The question is; by restoring natural ground to the body and thereby neutralizing these weak electric currents in the body and static electricity on the body, do muscle relax and normal sleep return?

In search of the answer the following test was performed.


To effectively restore ground contact for an extended period, test subjects slept on dissipative carbon fiber mattress pads placed under their fitted sheets, connected via a ground wire [protected with an inline 1/100 amp fast blow fuse], to a ground rod driven into the earth near their bedroom window. The grounded mattress pads were designed to replicate the ground plane of the earth in the bed.

Sleep disturbances along with chronic muscle and joint pain, which the subjects had been experiencing for at least six months, were recorded to establish a base line.

The test was for a period of 30 days.


An advertisement, distributed to ten beauty salons in Ventura County, CA solicited individuals experiencing sleep problems accompanied by tense muscles and/or chronic joint pain to participate in the study. Of the respondents, sixty individuals participated.

Age of subjects was between 23 and 74 years

Male subjects = 22

Female subjects = 38

Declared sleep problems = 100%

Declared chronic muscle or joint pain = 100%

The subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The first group of thirty, slept on carbon fiber mattress pads connected to a dedicated earth ground, just outside their bedroom window. The second control group of thirty, slept on carbon fiber mattress pads but were not connected to an earth ground.

E-field created charge on their bodies were recorded with an AC voltmeter connected to the earth ground and body contact made with a hand held probe or an EKG electrode patch.

E-field created charge measured on subject's bodies while lying in their beds were as follows:

Test subjects Control subjects

Less than 1 volt 2 2

1 volts or more 28 28

2 volts or more * 16 15

3 volts or more 8 6

4 volts or more 4 3

5 volts or more 3 2

*All subjects averaged 2+ volts on their bodies while lying in their beds.

E-field created charge measured on test subject's bodies after grounding: averaged 10 millivolts or less.


Test Subjects*

Control Subjects**






Time to fall asleep

4 - 15%

23 - 85%

20 - 87%

3 - 13%

Quality of sleep

2 - 7%

25 - 93%

20 - 87%

3 - 13%

Wake feeling rested

0 - 0%

27- 100%

20 - 87%

3 - 13%

Muscles stiffness & pain

5 - 18%

22 - 82%

23- 100%

0 - 0 %

Chronic back and/or joint pain

7 - 26%

20 - 74%

23- 100%

0 - 0%

General well-being

6 - 22%

21 - 78%

20 - 87%

3 - 13%

*Reports not received from three participants. **Reports not received from seven participants.


The purpose of this work was to provide evidence that when the human body is grounded it is naturally protected from static electricity and radiated electric fields. The meter reading of the grounded subject proved this true. The benefits of grounding the body were expected to relax muscles and improve sleep. This also proved to be true.

Worthy of mention is that several subjects in the study stated they also experienced significant relief from asthmatic and respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, sleep apnea and hypertension, while sleeping grounded. These unexpected results indicate that loss of ground contact plays a much larger role in overall health then was anticipated at the start of this study.


In the May 1999 NIEH-EMF RAPID report, mention is made that reported biological effects to humans exposed to EMFs, such as changes in melatonin levels cannot be confirmed in animal studies. Therefore, the actual effects to humans are inconclusive. [5]

In the animal studies, sheep exposed to EMFs from a power line were reported to have experienced no change in melatonin levels. The sheep, which walked and slept directly on the ground were naturally grounded throughout the experiment. The fact that melatonin levels remain normal in sheep when grounded, supports these findings that when humans are grounded their sleep improves.

Personal note from Roger Coghill, MA Biol. MI Biol. MA Environ Mgt. who is a leading research scientist and author specialized in the field of Bioelectromagnetics, the science investigating the interaction of electricity with organic life.

Yes, I would be prepared to believe that grounding the body will help dispel any extraneous electric fields which could otherwise interfere with the body’s own endogenous fields. We have found that these latter are vital for wellbeing, with adverse effects if disturbed. It could also be a way forward for protection against high frequency radiation.

Best, Roger Coghill 12/05/99

Comments from Russell Whitten, D.C. Ojai, CA 8/25/00

Prompted by the results of a patient, who participated in Mr. Ober's study, I grounded the beds of 35 additional patients over a two-month period. The bed e-field measurements in this group ranged from .3 to 47 volts before grounding. A variety of health benefits occurred in this time. Many of the improvements, such as increased energy and athletic performance, can be attributed to the improved sleep that almost everyone reported. However, in many cases metabolic and hormonal conditions responded as well. Chronic back pain went away in several cases, stiff arthritic joints became more flexible, asthma attacks subsided and PMS symptoms lessened greatly. These indications confirm that e-fields do affect the body.


The important finding of this study is that the human body when grounded is naturally protected from static electricity and the weak electric currents created in the body by radiated electric fields. The benefits of grounding the body are; sleep significantly improves, muscles relax, chronic back and joint pain subsides and general health improves.


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the U.S. Department of Energy, Questions and Answers about EMF, electric and magnetic fields associated

with use of electric power [1995]

2. American Institute of Stress, www.stress.org/problems

3. National Sleep Foundation, www.sleepfoundation.org/pressarchives

4. Slumbers Unexplored Landscape [1999] Carol M. Worthman, Anthropologist, Emory

University Atlanta, GA

5. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences EMF Rapid Report [May, 1999]


9th June 2010, 01:17 AM
Grounding the human body to earth reduces chronic inflammation and related chronic pain

by A. Clinton Ober
July, 2003

The purpose of this paper is to present evidence that grounding the human body to earth reduces chronic inflammation and related chronic pain. More specifically, the evidence presented demonstrates that, when the body is electrically grounded to the earth, the direct current (DC) voltage of the earth creates, in effect, a natural electron shield (faraday cage) on the surface of the body. This natural shield then prevents environmental 50-60 Hz electric fields from creating electron disturbances in the body that elevate free radical levels and promote chronic inflammation and related chronic pain.

Chronic inflammation and free radicals

The normal inflammatory response is, in part, a burst of free radicals produced by the immune system in response to an injury. This natural production of free radicals occurs to prevent infection and to promote healing at a site of injury.

In simple terms, a free radical is an electrically charged particle. This electrical charge occurs because the free radical is missing an electron. To become stabilized, a free radical must "steal" its missing electron from another molecule. When the electron is stolen from an invader (e.g., bacteria), the invader's molecular structure is damaged, which leads to its death (as intended by the immune system). When there are no invaders left to destroy and when there is a lack of electrons available from antioxidants to stabilize excess free radicals, free radicals then turn to the only other source from which they can steal electrons - healthy cells. The resulting damage to and death of healthy cells, from loss of electrons to free radicals, further signals the immune system for additional help. This sets up a continuous autoimmune response (creating more free radicals), which promotes chronic inflammation and tissue damage, commonly referred to as oxidative stress.

Chronic overproduction of free radicals by the immune system results in inflammatory-related disease such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, Type II diabetes, lupus, MS, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. A classic example of the damage caused by excess free radical production is the chronic swelling and joint degeneration of arthritis.

A chronic inflammatory condition can only stop when the excess of electrically charged free radicals in the area of inflammation is stabilized and the attack on healthy cells ends.

Free radical levels are increased by exposure to environmental electromagnetic fields

It is known that exposure to environmental 50-60 Hz electromagnetic fields increases concentrations of free radicals, lengthens their lifespan, and enhances the probability that they can do damage to the body (Bonnafous 1999, Brezitskaia 2000, Cannistraro 1980, Eveson 2000, Fernie 2001, Fiorani 1997, Hanel, 2000, Jajte 2000, Koana 1997, Roy 1995, Simko 2001(A), Simko 2001(B), Scaiano 1995, Scaiano 1994(A), Scaiano 1994(B), Supino 2001, Varani 2000, Yoshikawa 2000, Zmyslony 1998).

The human body, in modern times, is most chronically exposed to common household and workplace 50-60 Hz electric fields that continuously radiate from all electrical wiring and plugged in cords. When the body is insulated from the earth and is in the proximity of an electric field, the body becomes a dipole antenna that measurably attracts an electric field's lines of force. This causes the lines of force to become denser between the body and the electric field's source. The known effect of an electric field on the body is that it excites (disturbs) electrons of the body and creates unnatural induced voltage in the body. (US Dept of Energy, DOE/EE-0040) (On The Physics of Fields, Dolbear, Science, Volume 14, Issue 360, 442-444.) Using a voltmeter referenced to earth, this disturbance of the body's electrons is measurable on the surface of the body as 50-60 Hz voltage.

The shielding effect of the earth's natural electric field

It is common knowledge (and demonstrable with a voltmeter) that physical contact with the earth maintains the human body at the natural electrical potential (voltage) of the earth. When the body is electrically coupled with the earth, the DC electrons of the earth and/or its related electric field, then residing on the surface of the body, absorb the excitation effects of 50-60 Hz environmental electric fields. By transferring (offsetting) the attraction of an electric field from the body (which has a limited supply of electrons) to the earth (which has an infinite supply of electrons), excitation of the body's electrons is significantly reduced. When the body is shielded with the DC of the earth, the electrons of the body are then protected from being disturbed and held "hostage" as 50-60 Hz induced body voltage and away from their normal functions. Shielding, via grounding, allows the body to have all of its electrons available to carry on their normal functions in the body, which include the stabilization of excess free radicals. [The shielding of electronic cables and electronic equipment by grounding their housing to the earth is widely used as a method to prevent internal electromagnetic interference - EMI.]

Humans were naturally grounded before modern times

It is not widely known that on the surface of the earth lies an invisible flow of electrons that encompasses the entire earth. Further, this natural flow of electrons and its related electric field also exists on the surface of all conductive objects (including people, plants and animals) in physical contact with the earth. The earth's electron current flow and its electric field also pulsate at approximately 10 Hz (similar to alpha brain waves) and follow a rhythmic 24-hour circadian rise and fall in amplitude. For example, as measured in Tucson, Arizona, the earth's current is weakest just before midnight, rises rapidly at 8AM, reaches a peak just before noon, decreases till 3PM, reaches a secondary peak between 5PM and 6PM, and again drops to near zero at midnight. This diurnal pattern is similar at any location on earth relative to the daily revolution of the earth. (The Natural Electric Currents of the Earth, Scientific Monthly, Vol 43, issue 1:47-57.)

The significance of the earth having a natural pulsating voltage is the fact that humans, before modern times, lived in direct physical contact with the earth. The human body at that time naturally conducted and maintained the earth's voltage on the surface of the skin and throughout the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (which are conductive). Today humans wear synthetic soled shoes and live in environments that electrically disconnect (insulate) the body from the earth. As a result the body no longer maintains the natural voltage of the earth on its surface and no longer resides under the protective umbrella of the earth's direct current electric field.

Grounding the body to earth reduces chronic inflammation

To demonstrate the effects of restoring the natural direct current and electric field of the earth to the surface of the body, individuals with long-term chronic inflammation were grounded to earth. Two methods of grounding the body are presented below.

Grounding methodology #1: A conductive patch is placed on the body near site of chronic inflammation. The patch is connected via a fuse-protected conductive wire attached to a ground rod placed directly in the earth. (Examples below show typical results.)
(Photo above shows subject with chronic inflammationin knee. Conductive patch placed on subject's knee. Ground rod (photo at right) placed directly in the earth.)

Before: arthritic inflammation After: 7 nights using ground patch
(Subject (age 65) with chronic pain and inflammation in ankle, (photo at left), reported that significant relilef from pain occurred within minutes of grounding via the patch. After grounding for 7 nights, (photo at right), inflammation disappeared and circulation significantly improved.)

Before: Diabetes lower leg After: 7 nights using ground plate
Subject (age 47) with Type II diabetes (photo at left). After 3 nights of grounding, subject reported significant relief from pain of neuro-pathy and improved sleep. After 7 nights (photo at right), reduction in redness and inflammation demonstrated significant improvement in circulation. Subject also reported improvement in energy levels and overall sense of "increased well-being".

Grounding methodology #2: A conductive-grounded bed pad (photo at right). Bed pad is placed on top of mattress (fitted sheet goes on top of pad). Bed pad is connected via a fuse-protected conductive wire attached to a ground rod placed directly in the earth.

Grounding methodology #1, localized grounding (grounded electrode patch placed near site of inflammation) provides a path for the direct current of the earth to flow to a site of
inflammation. The visual results produced by localized grounding (shown in photos #4 and #6) demonstrate that restoring the DC of the earth to the surface of the body stabilizes normal electron transfers (neutralizing excess free radicals) and reduces inflammation.

Grounding methodology #2 (sleeping on a ground plane such as a conductive grounded bed pad placed under a bed sheet) also stabilizes excess free radicals. When lying on an earthed ground plane, and insulated from direct contact with it by a sheet, the body does not conduct the DC of the earth but instead electrically couples with and conducts the DC electric field radiating from the earthed ground plane. This creates a natural shielding effect (faraday cage) on the surface of the body that prevents environmental 50-60 Hz electric fields from disturbing normal electron transfers in the body that otherwise elevate free radical levels.


9th June 2010, 01:52 AM
This is very cool... I have to show this to my dad... he believes things like this, when he talks about it most people just brush him off (me too sometimes)... he has some device called a Bemer, "A Swiss made pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy device" that he claims can heal.

I posted a link to it...

Interestingly, it mentions the earths magnetic field and its effect on our bodies... The reviewer of this says the Bemer frequency is wrong... too high... Your post corroborates this... Thanks.

"Let me appeal to your common sense. The earth has TWO fundamental frequencies, 7.83 Hz (Schumann resonance) and 11.75/11.79 Hz which is the first order frequency of the earths magnetic field (excluding n=0 which is the static solution). The schumann frequency is the resonant frequency of the earth's ionosphere and the earth's magnetic field frequency is a result of the spherical harmonics of the earth's magnetic field.

The primary harmonics (n=1,n=2, n=3, etc) of the Schumann are 7.83, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8. The harmonics of the earth's magnetic field frequency are 11.79, 16.67 and 23.58 Hz. Notice the primary harmonics are ALL with 0-30Hz. This is the SAME window or range of frequencies shown by Adey and his colleague and Zimmerman and his research that can be absorbed by the body. Also notice that it is the brain state frequencies from low delta to high Beta.

Doesn't it make sense that we need and are sustained by earth based frequencies?"


Saul Mine
9th June 2010, 02:54 AM
Grounding is for lightning rods and some types of antennas. It has nothing to do with anything else.

9th June 2010, 08:30 AM
I still walk around bare foot every chance I get. So I guess I'm okay. ;D

11th June 2010, 11:52 AM
Being at 2 volts higher than the ground is a lot like being 2 feet above sea level. You can measure it but does it mean anything?

11th June 2010, 07:07 PM
My dad believes in this kind of theory and walks around in his house in Cuba barefoot as much as possible. He told me about it too when he came over here. He's around 70 years old and still relatively strong.

12th June 2010, 05:52 PM
This is very cool... I have to show this to my dad... he believes things like this, when he talks about it most people just brush him off (me too sometimes)... he has some device called a Bemer, "A Swiss made pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy device" that he claims can heal.

I posted a link to it...

Interestingly, it mentions the earths magnetic field and its effect on our bodies... The reviewer of this says the Bemer frequency is wrong... too high... Your post corroborates this... Thanks.

"Let me appeal to your common sense. The earth has TWO fundamental frequencies, 7.83 Hz (Schumann resonance) and 11.75/11.79 Hz which is the first order frequency of the earths magnetic field (excluding n=0 which is the static solution). The schumann frequency is the resonant frequency of the earth's ionosphere and the earth's magnetic field frequency is a result of the spherical harmonics of the earth's magnetic field.

The primary harmonics (n=1,n=2, n=3, etc) of the Schumann are 7.83, 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8. The harmonics of the earth's magnetic field frequency are 11.79, 16.67 and 23.58 Hz. Notice the primary harmonics are ALL with 0-30Hz. This is the SAME window or range of frequencies shown by Adey and his colleague and Zimmerman and his research that can be absorbed by the body. Also notice that it is the brain state frequencies from low delta to high Beta.

Doesn't it make sense that we need and are sustained by earth based frequencies?"


Barefoot 5mins a day on the ground,not concrete,especially if working around electronic equipment

12th June 2010, 05:59 PM
http://altered-states.net/barry/rifeFAQ/EuropeanBioelectromagneticsAssociationBudapestHung ary.pdf

1st June 2011, 04:21 PM
Being at 2 volts higher than the ground is a lot like being 2 feet above sea level. You can measure it but does it mean anything?

Well obviously your body is short electrons (relative to ground).

They say it also reduces unnatural electric fields that can build up or resonate in the body. And you will get more of earth's resonance.

Electrical grounding and antibacterial bedsheets!


I began using Clint's early generation Earth Tether technology in 2003. This consisted of a carbon fiber fitted mattress cover/pad, wire and ground rod. The effects were immediate and palpable. If you are sensitive to chi flow / subtle energy as many people are, you notice a large increase in flow as you lay down on such a bed. Even for those who are less sensitive, the relaxation and de-stress effects are also felt unmistakeably. Your depth of sleep will improve. As well as dream activity. I would even suggest that dream guidance and dream recall will increase. One thing you are doing is grounding the subtle body energy healing that happens in all sleep, more firmly into the density of your physical body.

After the Townsend article came out in 2010, and hearing some videos where David Wolfe (raw food and health guru) was enthusiastic about Earthing, I had to take another look. Sometime in the last five years, Clint improved the conductive cloth material substantially. Instead of relatively high resistance carbon fibers, he now uses very fine metalic silver threads that are woven into the fabric. And instead of a mattress pad, the silver threads now form the bottom sheet that you put on your bed. So this markedly increases the flow and quality of the electrons, over the carbon fiber pad. (Which had one disadvantage that the electrons had to flow thru your non-conductive bottom sheet before reaching your body.) Now with the conductive bottom sheet, your skin is in direct contact with the silver fibers. Much stronger effects with this current version, it is obvious.

1st June 2011, 04:36 PM
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2nd June 2011, 07:47 AM

The Earthing book selected as Book of the Month April 2011 by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians

Several links to research here: http://www.earthinginstitute.net/index.php/research

We know that Earthing allows a transfer of electrons (the Earth’s natural, subtle energy) into the body. We know that inflammation is caused by free radicals and that free radicals are neutralized with electrons from any source. Electrons are the source of the neutralizing power of antioxidants.

In the Earthing studies, as well as the feedback from thousands of individuals who have grounded themselves, we have consistent evidence of people whose pain was reduced. Such reduction of pain is evidence (but not proof) that inflammation is reduced. However, the studies point clearly in that direction.