View Full Version : 'Neotame' (Aspartame) To Go Unlabeled Into Organic Foods!

1st January 2011, 03:26 PM
By Barbara H. Peterson
Farm Wars

Just when we thought that buying “Organic” was safe, we run headlong into the deliberate poisoning of our organic food supply by the FDA in collusion with none other than the folks who brought us Aspartame. NutraSweet, a former Monsanto asset, has developed a new and improved version of this neurotoxin called Neotame.

Neotame has similar structure to aspartame — except that, from it’s structure, appears to be even more toxic than aspartame. This potential increase in toxicity will make up for the fact that less will be used in diet drinks. Like aspartame, some of the concerns include gradual neurotoxic and immunotoxic damage from the combination of the formaldehyde metabolite (which is toxic at extremely low doses) and the excitotoxic amino acid. (Holisticmed.com)

But surely, this product would be labeled! NOT SO!!! For this little gem, no labeling required. And it is even included in USDA Certified Organic food.

The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen. Neotame has been ruled acceptable, and without being included on the list of ingredients, for:

* USDA Certified Organic food items.
* Certified Kosher products with the official letter k inside the circle on labels. (Janet Hull)

Let me make this perfectly clear. Neotame does not have to be included in ANY list of ingredients! So, if you buy processed food, whether USDA Certified Organic or not, that food most likely will contain Neotame because it is cost-effective, and since no one knows it is there, there is no public backlash similar to what is happening with Aspartame. A win/win situation!http://farmwars.info/?p=4897

But that’s not all. Just love chowing down on that delicious steak? Well, that cow most likely will have been fed with feed containing…..you guessed it…..Neotame! A product called “Sweetos,” which is actually composed of Neotame, is being substituted for molasses in animal feed.

“Sweetos is an economical substitute for molasses. Sweetos guarantees the masking of unpleasant tastes and odor and improves the palatability of feed. This product will be economical for farmers and manufacturers of cattle feed. It can also be used in mineral mixture,” said Craig Petray, CEO, The NutraSweet Company, a division of Searle, which is a part of Monsanto. (Bungalow Bill)

Why would we feed animals food that is so distasteful that we would have to mask the unpleasantness with an artificial sweetener? Most animals will not eat spoiled, rancid feed. They know by the smell that it is not good. Enter Sweetos (Neotame). Just cover up the unpleasant tastes and odors, and you can feed them anything you want to, courtesy of the oh, so considerate folks at Monsanto and company.

But of course, Monsanto is no longer associated with NutraSweet. In the time-honored tradition of covering its assets, Monsanto has a proven track record of spinning off controversial portions of its company that generate too much scrutiny, such as it did with the Solutia solution.

Says the Farm Industry News, “Monsanto, which has long resided in the crosshairs of public scorn and scrutiny, appears to have dodged at least one bullet by spinning off its industrial chemical business into a separate entity called Solutia a couple of years ago. Solutia has since been hammered by lawsuits regarding PCB contamination from what were once called Monsanto chemical plants in Alabama and other states” (Source Watch)

So what is the solution to this problem? Buy local organic food, know your local farmer, and don’t buy processed foods whether they are labeled “Organic” or not. This requires a drastic change in lifestyle that most will not want to make. For those who choose to ride the wheel of chance by succumbing to this genocidal adulteration of our food supply by those who stand to profit from our sickness and early demise, my only comment is….it is your choice. But for those of us who have decided to fight this battle one bite at a time by hitting these sociopaths in the pocketbook where it hurts……viva la revolucion

1st January 2011, 04:14 PM
Oh great. This may mean that there's a strong likelihood that the feed I'm feeding my chickens also has Sweetos in it.

1st January 2011, 04:27 PM
I just heard the other day from a guy who delivers HFCS that he makes tanker truck deliveries to bee farmers. He dumps his load into 55 gallon drums. Says the bee farmers use it to give the bees nutrition when they ship them. Sounds like a fairly inadequate cover story. More likely they are blending honey with HFCS for commercial gain.

I don't think you can trust many people these days when money is the game.

1st January 2011, 04:28 PM
Pissing in the well is simply another method to get rid of the useless eaters according to those seeking population control. Also, it keeps the healthcare profession in the secure job sector. Win/Win for everyone except the consumer/patient.

1st January 2011, 04:59 PM
This is big news. It basically undermines what little confidence was left in the food supply.

Notice how increasingly food companies have to advertise on the front of their packaging what is not in their product? Soon we'll see packages that say "No gmo, no neotame, etc" because there is no other way to get that information.

Soon, if you don't grow it yourself, you simply won't know for sure. There may even come a day when you will have to worry about seeds you buy being gmo and not knowing it.

Growing your own food will also soon become about as legal as growing pot I'm sure.

1st January 2011, 05:10 PM
This is big news. It basically undermines what little confidence was left in the food supply.

Notice how increasingly food companies have to advertise on the front of their packaging what is not in their product? Soon we'll see packages that say "No gmo, no neotame, etc" because there is no other way to get that information.

Soon, if you don't grow it yourself, you simply won't know for sure. There may even come a day when you will have to worry about seeds you buy being gmo and not knowing it.

Growing your own food will also soon become about as legal as growing pot I'm sure.

Im sorry with all the added additives there is no room for the food ....label

1st January 2011, 06:29 PM
Aspartame was Rumsfeld's brain child politico money making scheme. Talk about abusing one's own political power to promote a debilitating neurotoxin after it had already failed (and for good reason).

There is no way I can see anyone being able to put something more toxic than aspartame into the organic marketplace, and make any friends so to speak.

1st January 2011, 07:57 PM
They are doing this intentionally because they want us dead or on prescription drugs which doesn't work, but only cause more grief, they are cashing in on both ends. All western so called health authorities are crackpots which sole purpose in life is to give the international capitalist scumbags the freedom to push whatever poison they want on the general public.

Have your daily dose of MSG, Aspartame, and Fluoride and enjoy your stay at planet earth.

1st January 2011, 07:59 PM
I just bought a few bottles of organic juice, and it occurred to me that sweetening organic juices will probably be one of the primary uses of this new chemical. Man this pisses me off.

1st January 2011, 08:46 PM
Some interesting comments from the article:

"Diana says:
January 1, 2011 at 6:04 pm

Hi, Barbara. An introduction, first, if you please. We are a small group of USDA certified organic artisan crafters of delicious authentic certified organic personal care products. We are based on a micro-farm in Maryland where we craft our certified products according to the National Organic Program regulations, and where we conduct our native plant and herb research. We also have an organic track record — we’ve been in business since 1992.

Our business was born as a result of our intense research into healthier lifestyle options and cancer prevention after my experience with life-threatening cancer and radical chemotherapy in 1988. We are committed to being as organic as we possibly can, and we have made it our company mission to educate others about the tremendous value in living an organic lifestyle. Thus, we are concerned about our food supply (certified organic foods are key ingredients in our body care product range!), most definitely, but, very importantly, we are also extremely concerned about the body care chemicals that folks rub INTO their bodies and wash down the drain into our drinking and crop irrigation water every single day.

Regarding your sweet posting, we share your dissatisfaction with the increased widespread intrusion of the corporations into our lives and with their obvious arrogant strategies to control our food supply. We also strongly agree that their attempts to dilute organic’s higher standards are quite unacceptable. However, we felt compelled to dash off this brief note about the chemical sweeteners. There is one thing that does need to be clarified about this situation, but first, if you don’t mind, for those organic newbies out there, I believe a little organic labeling background would be helpful.

There are three labeling categories under the National Organic Program federal regulations. The first category is “100% organic” in which all ingredients in a product — excluding water and salt — must be USDA certified organic. Products meeting this level of organic-ness may use the USDA Organic seal on the front of the package. This is an uncommon labeling designation for foods as it, typically, applies to single ingredient products and most food products are multi-ingredient products. (Water and salt are excluded from organic labeling percentage calculations because, though they are natural, they are not alive — do not grow — and cannot be considered “organic” under the National Organic Program — NOP.)

The second labeling category is “organic.” In this category, products must be composed of 95% USDA certified organic ingredients — excluding water and salt — and the remaining 5% of the ingredients must be listed on the National List of Prohibited and Allowed substances.** Products meeting this level of organic-ness may use the USDA Organic seal on the front of the package. There are a wide variety of acceptable product choices in this labeling category in the marketplace.

** It is important to note that the sweetening agents being discussed here are NOT included on the National List. Thus, Neotame or Sweetos is not permitted in foods labeled as “organic” or “100% organic” and that bear the USDA organic seal.

There is a final, third labeling category under the National Organic Program and this category is a lesser — not as strict — labeling category. The third category is the “made with organic” category. In order to bear this claim, products must be composed of, at minimum, 70% USDA certified organic ingredients and the remaining 30%, well…you take your chances. Synthetic sweeteners, highly undesirable chemicals, could, quite unfortunately, be included in a product in the “made with organic” category.

So, in regard to labeling shenanigans, and products that include non-organic and/or synthetic materials, sadly, many companies see the “made with organic” category as their cost-cutting, increase-our-profits-get-richer-more-quickly exploitative opportunity.

According to the National Organic Program rules, products in the third “made with organic…” labeling category can use ANY FDA-approved, synthetic additives, or any conventional food ingredients in the remaining non-organic 30% portion of their product’s content. So, this third “made with organic…” labeling category is the category to be wary of, and where it pays to scrutinize that ingredients listing. Unfortunately, there is growing trend of more and more companies utilizing and/or switching to this labeling category, even companies that entered the market place with products originally labeled as “organic.”

Giant retailers dictate their desired profit margins and organic processors rush to meet their demands in order to secure high-volume shelf space in national chain stores. In order to give the big chains and their national distributors the cut of profits that they demand, companies are looking to see where they can cut corners, while stretching the limits of their image and former organic reputations, to produce the large volumes of products at the rock-bottom lowest cost for their profit-seeking, high-volume retail partners. The industry’s new strategy is all about volume, volume, volume, and profits — at any cost — and, if organic suffers, oh well, that’s the price you must pay for our domination.

Bottom line: if you want the healthiest true organic food or body care products, in this the best of all possible worlds, then make it a priority to search out ethical companies and USDA certified organic products that are labeled as “100% Organic” and “organic” (95%) as your first choice. Of course, organic and local would truly be the best of all possible worlds.

Remember, “If it doesn’t have the seal (the USDA organic seal), it ain’t the Real Deal!”

(Afterthoughts: why is that people who say they are concerned about eating and farming organically rub nasty chemicals into their skin and scalp every day, and wash those chemicals down their drains into our drinking water? Why are organic-minded people giving their money to, and fueling the obscene mega-growth of, companies that make fake-natural and fake-organic body care products? Could it be that bad drinking water — water contaminated with synthetic shampoo surfactants and preservatives, and chemically-fragrant body lotion — is at the root of this problem in which people are becoming more apathetic and less environmentally-conscious?)

Lastly, for a little fun, check out our organic educational project — our Organic Rap Video — filmed on location by our team on our organic farm! A little humiliation for the organic cause is a worthy sacrifice! : ) Enjoy! Thanks for caring!


"Barbara H. Peterson says:
January 1, 2011 at 6:52 pm

Hi Diana,

I believe the loophole lies here:

“The following criteria will be utilized in the evaluation of substances or ingredients for the organic production and handling sections of the National List:

(a) Synthetic and nonsynthetic substances considered for inclusion on or deletion from the National List of allowed and prohibited substances will be evaluated using the criteria specified in the Act (7 U.S.C. 6517 and 6518).

(b) In addition to the criteria set forth in the Act, any synthetic substance used as a processing aid or adjuvant will be evaluated against the following criteria:

(1) The substance cannot be produced from a natural source and there are no organic substitutes;

(2) The substance’s manufacture, use, and disposal do not have adverse effects on the environment and are done in a manner compatible with organic handling;

(3) The nutritional quality of the food is maintained when the substance is used, and the substance, itself, or its breakdown products do not have an adverse effect on human health as defined by applicable Federal regulations;

(4) The substance’s primary use is not as a preservative or to recreate or improve flavors, colors, textures, or nutritive value lost during processing, except where the replacement of nutrients is required by law;

(5) The substance is listed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when used in accordance with FDA’s good manufacturing practices (GMP) and contains no residues of heavy metals or other contaminants in excess of tolerances set by FDA; and

(6) The substance is essential for the handling of organically produced agricultural products.

(c) Nonsynthetics used in organic processing will be evaluated using the criteria specified in the Act (7 U.S.C. 6517 and 6518).”

http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr;sid=f89f87e441749eb85ae72375f7c2afe4;rg n=div5;view=text;node=7%3A3.;idno=7;cc=ecf r#7:"

"snapblack says:
January 1, 2011 at 7:06 pm

Valerie, check out this link -
http://www.greenfield-hydroponics.com/fodder.html -GF60 looks to be suitable for a household setup, the larger models for communities. Yes, there are viable means of producing clean food free of the contaminants you mention.

That’s the good news….however, I see no point in avoiding what appears to go unmentioned in all of these stories and commentary attached – this is not going to stop till they have poisoned/killed everyone targeted in America. That’s about 90% of you. This is, just like WT7, a planned demolition. Your options are to stay and be slowly destroyed, or get out of the pot while it is still doable…please all give your strongest consideration to those two options…this is not an exercise, it’s the real deal."

1st January 2011, 08:55 PM
Lesson is to pay close attention to the wording on the labels, Plus with this many people
watching, I am sure there will be lists made of the food products that do play by the rules.

If smart , just one more step or so to stay safe, If sheep, well do what sheep do!

1st January 2011, 09:08 PM
The reason they don't want this crap labeled on Organic products is because Big Business has discovered Organic foods is the fastest growing in the food industry at the moment, many of the largest companies have been quietly buying their way into the Organics field these last several years.
If they have to label chemical sweeteners it will scare customers away in search of real Organic foods and they won't make as much money if they can't use cheap sweeteners.

1st January 2011, 09:11 PM
A product called “Sweetos,” which is actually composed of Neotame, is being substituted for molasses in animal feed.

“Sweetos is an economical substitute for molasses. Sweetos guarantees the masking of unpleasant tastes and odor and improves the palatability of feed. This product will be economical for farmers and manufacturers of cattle feed. It can also be used in mineral mixture,” said Craig Petray, CEO, The NutraSweet Company, a division of Searle, which is a part of Monsanto. (Bungalow Bill)

Thanks for this info. Sweetos, sounds like the new cheerios for cattle feed. I run a molasses operation, for cattle feed, usually twice a month. If this is true, I'll see it directly because the molasses comes from Hawaii, to us, then upriver.

If my work slows down...I suppose I can thank Sweetos.

1st January 2011, 09:19 PM
The reason they don't want this crap labeled on Organic products is because Big Business has discovered Organic foods is the fastest growing in the food industry at the moment, many of the largest companies have been quietly buying their way into the Organics field these last several years.
If they have to label chemical sweeteners it will scare customers away in search of real Organic foods and they won't make as much money if they can't use cheap sweeteners.

The hangup is the term organic..

As organic and non-organic ,

Sure salt is non-organic, but sugar is, because it comes from a plant.

The labels should read all natural with no man made (Read synthetic ) anything!

They are trying to get in by splitting hairs in the definitions.

It is the term organic that is a problem if taken to the basic scientific level and meaning of the word.

1st January 2011, 10:14 PM
...It is the term organic that is a problem if taken to the basic scientific level and meaning of the word.

Yes... the basic "scientific" meaning of the word "Organic" (at least as it relates to Chemistry) is any substance containing one or more carbon atoms. That definition would encompass all kinds of manmade and toxic substances, along with natural plant and animal matter.

Twisted Titan
1st January 2011, 10:47 PM
Nothingcan be trusted that you dont grow yourself

And with the fact that you need a permit to grown you own food..

The trap has already been sprung.

This is just the icing on the cake.

2nd January 2011, 03:09 AM
I plan to plant some fruit trees soon at our new home...is there any on the market that are real?

They are all grafted on other root stock and are "improved" in regards to being disease resistant, seedless, easier to peel, etc.

I take it these are all GMO.

Is there a way to get real fruit trees anywhere?

2nd January 2011, 03:15 AM
I don't think grafting has anything to do with gmo.



2nd January 2011, 03:29 AM
The grafting on another root stock is to help it grow better in certain climates I believe.

Im not so worried about that...its that every tree has been genetically altered some how.

Shorty Harris
2nd January 2011, 05:01 AM
These prick bastards!!..they just wont be happy till they slime their way into every lil nook and cranny, of every fricken aspect of our lives! Once they get a toe hold, its all over with.

They start with the "Oh, its only this, you wont eeeeeven notice it. then before ya know they have managed to dilute an entire industry with useless/ dangerous crap. They, tptb, have done this with everything ever brought forth.

I dont want much in this POS world, but for me and mine to be just left the phuque alone....period

2nd January 2011, 06:17 AM
Where in the Constitution does it say the FDA can give companies immunity from fraud? Can't the states sue companies that poison their food?

2nd January 2011, 06:58 AM
If this is true this is evil and something to watch.

The masses are becoming more aware and alls they
do is relabel the poisons and continue to use them.

MSG has this history too and incidentally shares
similar properties with toxic sweeteners.

Japan outlaws them and uses stevia.

2nd January 2011, 07:06 AM
1) We know who the Monsanto Family is.
2) We know who is behind this.
3) We know who controls the media which keeps silent on this.
4) We know they don't want to kill their own troops.


2nd January 2011, 07:07 AM
Japan outlaws them and uses stevia.

Oh, but don't you know? Stevia is considered to be a dangerous herbal drug here and in the EU, with side effects as horrible as peppermint or even colloidal silver.

2nd January 2011, 07:15 AM

It appears that your "Buy Kosher" angle is flawed.

The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen. Neotame has been ruled acceptable, and without being included on the list of ingredients, for:

* USDA Certified Organic food items.
*Certified Kosher products with the official letter k inside the circle on labels.

2nd January 2011, 07:32 AM
It appears that your "Buy Kosher" angle is flawed.

The food labeling requirements required for aspartame have now been dropped for Neotame, and no one is clear why this was allowed to happen. Neotame has been ruled acceptable...

Under whose watch has this happened? It is very clear why this was "allowed to happen". Who do you think was in a position to do the "allowing"?

1) The Monsanto's are Jews.
2) The media that protected this event from scrutiny is Jewish.
3) The Federal government is run by Jews.
4) Jews have a "Kosher" labeling system by which they can protect their own from the poisonous food they market.

Connect the dots, it's really not that complicated.

2nd January 2011, 07:41 AM
Hoarder, you are right as usual but RealJack Santa may be right too.

Buying Koshers isn't 100% failsafe, that is a scam too, local Rabbinical Councils.

I have looked at foods and packages too, K, goes on a lot of total junk and
MSG laden food I have found.

2nd January 2011, 07:50 AM
Buying Koshers isn't 100% failsafe, that is a scam too, local Rabbinical Councils.

Good point, there are many different ways of marking Kosher food.
There are two strategies I have been thinking about:
1) They might put very small amounts of MSG and aspartame in some of their foods so they can say "See, this junk goes in kosher food too, so Jews are not behind this".
2) Some kosher label types might be really kosher while others are not. They might be telling their flock (pack) in the synagoges that one kind of labeling only indicates that the processing company paid the kosher tax but the food is no different from non-kosher food. That way, "anti-semites" will buy it thinking they're safe yet Jews know not to buy it.

The circled "U" is the most common and easily distinguishable from the rest, maybe it indicates non-kosher with kosher tax paid.

2nd January 2011, 09:48 AM
Buying Koshers isn't 100% failsafe, that is a scam too, local Rabbinical Councils.

Good point, there are many different ways of marking Kosher food.
There are two strategies I have been thinking about:
1) They might put very small amounts of MSG and aspartame in some of their foods so they can say "See, this junk goes in kosher food too, so Jews are not behind this".
2) Some kosher label types might be really kosher while others are not. They might be telling their flock (pack) in the synagoges that one kind of labeling only indicates that the processing company paid the kosher tax but the food is no different from non-kosher food. That way, "anti-semites" will buy it thinking they're safe yet Jews know not to buy it.

The circled "U" is the most common and easily distinguishable from the rest, maybe it indicates non-kosher with kosher tax paid.

Well ok, this is fascinating. Much like cryptology. Communicating via secret code.

Still though, it seems the only way to know for sure of such tactics would be to infiltrate the synagogues and learn the code/s. What if these codes are ever changing over time or revolving, in which one or more symbols are deemed "true kosher" while the others are poisoned.

I'd suggest that the Zionists who make these decisions just don't give a flying fuck about the pious little Jews in the trenches, so to speak. Much the same as the way military strategists consider cannon fodder. Much the same way the 1st and 2nd world wars were fought.

Another thing might be to look at the actual health and virility of typical American Matzos.

Many of whom are emaciated, hen pecked, sniveling little lesbianized metrosexuals. Urbanites who mirror the very ideologies and actions that are supposedly killing non-Jews.

2nd January 2011, 11:07 AM
Anything even remotely good they like to take away. I'm not even allowed to have something pure, non-synthetic. They make laws so I MUST unwillingly ingest synthetic!

2nd January 2011, 11:27 AM
Still though, it seems the only way to know for sure of such tactics would be to infiltrate the synagogues and learn the code/s. You infiltrate and come back to tell us. I doubt you'll get in, unless they let a goy in to save face....in which case he would be loudly introduced to prevent anyone from letting secrets slip.
I'd suggest that the Zionists who make these decisions just don't give a flying f*ck about the pious little Jews in the trenches, so to speak.

They have a history of using their "lesser brethren" as cannon fodder, but I doubt they do this in a haphazard or wasteful manner. Any Khazars used as cannon fodder are most likely going to be made martyrs of or used to bolster the tribe's "victim status".

2nd January 2011, 01:10 PM
HaHa, hoarder, I got to go, I was going to post something else here.

What I saw with my own eyes, water trucks in a Jewish neighborhood
where they advertise on the side of the truck, pure spring water
and GLASS BOTTLES, I have never seen that ever anywhere,
and I am on the road all the time.

What you say about Jews and the Rabbi's , what they tell their flock,
seems they do, they really are a secret society among us instructed
to keep secrets.

" Rabbi's tell the bankers what to do " Anty Ep.

Twisted Titan
2nd January 2011, 01:12 PM

Rothchilds knew exactly what he was doing when he Bank Rolled Hitler to Despotic Leader.

That is why Lower Case Jews cannot wrap there minds around the fact that the holacaust when fiananced by one of there own.

Which is exactly why it works so well.


2nd January 2011, 03:20 PM
What I saw with my own eyes, water trucks in a Jewish neighborhood
where they advertise on the side of the truck, pure spring water
and GLASS BOTTLES, I have never seen that ever anywhere,
and I am on the road all the time.Now that is noteworthy. I hope readers will be very careful what they drink.

2nd January 2011, 04:09 PM
We are all Palestinians.....

16th April 2012, 07:58 PM

I just had a horrifying thought: what if they're putting neotame in/on sugar? You know, basic staple plain sugar? Or into vitamin supplements, meds, et al?? Heck, anything!

16th April 2012, 08:26 PM

I just had a horrifying thought: what if they're putting neotame in/on sugar? You know, basic staple plain sugar? Or into vitamin supplements, meds, et al?? Heck, anything!

I have ant problems on regular occasions. Last year I bought some powder from the drugstore which is something or other acid. The idea is when mixed with sugar and water until it disolved, the ants would eat and take back to base.

Mostly the ants ignored it.

I have an open sack of sugar on the kitchen counter and it's been there for about 4 months. I use 1 spoon daily. The sack is open. Ant's won't touch it. What ever is in it, turns the ants off. Perhaps sugar is really that toxic or it has some caking agent in it OR it could have aspartame in it.

I've been drinking ginger ale lately. (I bought it at the shop for $2.22 a bottle) Anyway it has a distinct artificial sweetner taste to it. I've checked the label but it's not on there. Only a couple ingredients including the caramel colour....... which I understand is now banned in the US because it's carcenogenic.

Ginger ale is different in flavour anyway so I'm not 100% convinced but the taste......hmmmm I drink it with whiskey and I recall with a diet cola the aspartame flavour it stood out like no bodies business. Perhaps this has much less, or a combo of sugar/aspartame as you suggest.

16th April 2012, 10:20 PM
This really isn't a big deal for me. I live in Canada so I am not sure what my government is going to do with neotame. Regardless The way I eat and my lifestyle I will have little exposure.

I eat paleo and grow my own meat or source what I don't plus eggs at the local farmers market. I have been to the farm where I buy my meat and eggs from and I trust the quality of the food they produce. They make their own feed and pasture their animals (hogs, chickens, turkeys and cattle).

95% Of the food I eat is made from scratch or purchased from local producers. This type of deception will have little effect on me. Instead of worrying about this just stop buying crap from the big food companies. Increase your own production, get to known and support local producers. If enough people do this, their treachery will backfire and they will loose market share. Instead of poisoning everyone they will push a larger portion of the population into self reliance, and a healthy lifestyle.

16th April 2012, 11:58 PM

how bout "Kosher" sugar? Is there any (been too lazy to use search engine).

or how bout using other sweetners if you're worried about neotame et al

e.g. maple syrup ("kosher" source is Maple Valley; i bet no one puts any artificial sweetners in it; sorghum syrup e.g. http://www.maasdamsorghum.com/ or raw honey such as www.roundrockhoney.com/)

17th April 2012, 06:36 AM
& if they put it into water supplies? Not enough to make it taste 'sweet', but how much would it take to cause damage?

17th April 2012, 07:44 AM
This really isn't a big deal for me. I live in Canada so I am not sure what my government is going to do with neotame. Regardless The way I eat and my lifestyle I will have little exposure.

I eat paleo and grow my own meat or source what I don't plus eggs at the local farmers market. I have been to the farm where I buy my meat and eggs from and I trust the quality of the food they produce. They make their own feed and pasture their animals (hogs, chickens, turkeys and cattle).

95% Of the food I eat is made from scratch or purchased from local producers. This type of deception will have little effect on me. Instead of worrying about this just stop buying crap from the big food companies. Increase your own production, get to known and support local producers. If enough people do this, their treachery will backfire and they will loose market share. Instead of poisoning everyone they will push a larger portion of the population into self reliance, and a healthy lifestyle.

Though I definitely admire and advocate what you're doing, their won't be any pushing the population into "self reliance."

The plan is One World Central Government, and anyone who isn't behind that will be considered a terrorist.

17th April 2012, 09:13 AM
Though I definitely admire and advocate what you're doing, their won't be any pushing the population into "self reliance."

The plan is One World Central Government, and anyone who isn't behind that will be considered a terrorist.

It is already happening. Shows like the survival podcast and superhuman radio are growing in popularity at an exponential rate. I have been following these shows for years and both of the hosts eat paleo (or close to it) and both of them realize and tell their audiences the threat that government poses. They have been getting more hardcore every year.

Rob wolf of the Paleo Solution Podcast has the most downloaded health and fitness show on itunes. He is not very vocal on the politics (yet) but it shows the interest this sort of lifestyle has. If the government tries to force everyone to comply with eating poison it is going to wake a lot of sheeple up.

17th April 2012, 11:40 AM
You're right. I prefer your optimistic attitude over my own. (:;)

Power to the Paleo's. ;D

2nd September 2013, 04:04 PM
just resurrecting this thread coz it's got 'aspartame' in the title & many replies.

Spingola today, 1h 20m comm free:

Spingola Speaks 2013.09.02 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/09/spingola-speaks-20130902.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Dr. Ralph G. Walton (http://www.safeharborbh.org/), the leading psychiatrist in the world who understands aspartame, Sweet Remedy (http://sweetremedyfilm.blogspot.com/p/dr-ralph-waltons-compiled-list-of-non.html)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/874ba9vk2r/spingola_speaks_-_dr._ralph_walton_2013.09.02.mp3)

Here's that doc's 1996 "60 Minutes" segment,



2nd September 2013, 07:28 PM
here's his ^ docu':

Sweet Remedy (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/09/sweet-remedy.html)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owtF2nt2VX4&feature=player_embedded This documentary discusses the dangers of Aspartame and MSG, the flavour enhancers that are linked to the increase in brain cancer and brain disorders, and many other degenerative diseases. The narrator, Cori Brackett recovered from MS (Multiple Sclerosis) following the removal of aspartame from her diet, which she had been ingesting from drinking diet coke and 'natural sweeteners'. She interviews several experts in the field, including Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of the book Excitotoxins, and Arthur Evangelista, a former FDA Investigator, amongst others. There are also countless testimonies by other people (including a doctor), who have reversed chronic degenerative diseases just by stopping their consumption of these toxic food additives.
Sweet Remedy (http://sweetremedyfilm.blogspot.ie/search?updated-min=2013-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=50)

21st December 2014, 05:09 AM
Finally found this! Couldn't remember the "Neotame" name & how it doesn't need to be on any labels...