View Full Version : seeking help finding a specific blog of Dr & Nurse big time alternative medicine.

13th November 2011, 05:19 PM
I stupidly upgraded to Firefox 8, and lost all my bookmarks in the transition, damned Firefox Win7 software engineers!!!! Sucks to be me. I even used system restore trying to get them back...NO DICE!

Anyhow, in the last 10 days or so, someone put up a prep thread written by an MD and I think it was his wife who is an RN...and big into alternative medicine.

He was speaking plainly as I recall about radiation and US food supply in particular.

Can anyone give me a hand? I'm sick about not marking that blog better.
DON'T TRUST YOUR BOOKMARKS in a Browser. It's like a sugar tit to 20 something programmers and poof they're gone.

13th November 2011, 05:27 PM
I stupidly upgraded to Firefox 8, and lost all my bookmarks in the transition, damned Firefox Win7 software engineers!!!! Sucks to be me. I even used system restore trying to get them back...NO DICE!

Anyhow, in the last 10 days or so, someone put up a prep thread written by an MD and I think it was his wife who is an RN...and big into alternative medicine.

He was speaking plainly as I recall about radiation and US food supply in particular.

Can anyone give me a hand? I'm sick about not marking that blog better.
DON'T TRUST YOUR BOOKMARKS in a Browser. It's like a sugar tit to 20 something programmers and poof they're gone.

It has happened too me in the past. Try this.


13th November 2011, 10:41 PM
Thank you, dogman, but...doing all that only found me a restore point 3 days ago, which wasn't far enough back to get any of those missing bookmarks. Any more suggestions, please share.

Where is NCIS Sciuto or McGhee when one needs to "dig deeper in the bowels of these things, eh?"

Still hoping for a clue to that blogger and his wife...a wee bit of anarchist in those 2...kind of made me like them, frankly.