View Full Version : san bernardino mass shooting
2nd December 2015, 12:31 PM
grabbing tv news as info rolls out....before the story gets officialized
cnn right now - witnesses say 3 shooters, fled in a black suv
bomb squad inspecting device at scene
suspects wearing body armor
at a community center
long guns, high capacity
cnn interviewed guy: his daughter works there and thought it was a drill, they've been doing drills lately
cnn interviewed woman: community center provides welfare services for people from infant to elderly
patients taken to arrowhead hospital - eight victims. hospital is on lockdown
witness: gunshots came from outside building. second witness confirmed outside shots
sgt vicki cervantes, local cop/sheriff: multiple people entered conference room, started shooting. wearing military style gear
local guy: big banquet for county personnel was going on
doug sanders, newspaper reporter was one of the first on the scene
4 patients at yorba linda hospital, 3 more expected
fox news right now --
multiple shooters
shooters escaped
entered conference room, began shooting, around 20 victims, multiple fatalities
fox news quotes la times -- 3 shooters
hashtag waterman incident
witness saw a few people being treated
local reporter - shooters armed with assault weapons
knbc - a suspect at large wearing tactical gear
police training going on nearby - big police response was very fast
looking for black yukon with two or three suspects in it
police telling news helicopters they must leave the area; all media being removed from area
fire dept: 20 shot
barrage of shots in conference room
bomb robot blew up something
every few minutes fox news keeps saying don't believe witnesses, they were under stress
report: semi auto rifles, wearing military gear
witness: black suv slowly drove away from scene
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 12:38 PM
fled in a black suv...wearing body armor, etc., etc.
Professional team.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:47 PM
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:48 PM
By Dan Whitcomb and Steve Gorman
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Three people were killed and as many 20 were wounded on Wednesday in when at least one person opened fire at a social services agency in the Southern California city of San Bernardino on Wednesday, authorities and a witness said.
MSNBC reported that law enforcement authorities confirmed the three deaths, and a reporter for the local NBC affiliate said he saw three bodies following the shooting rampage.
The San Bernardino Police Department said on Twitter that it had "confirmed 1 to 3 possible suspects" and multiple victims in the shooting. The agency called it an "active shooter" incident.
The San Bernardino Fire Department said in a tweet that it was responding to reports of 20 victims. San Bernardino is some 60 miles (100 km) east of Los Angeles.
A police spokeswoman told the Los Angeles Times that the suspects were heavily armed and possibly wearing body armor, and CBS reported that a bomb squad was on the scene, trying to defuse what was believed to be an explosive device.
President Barack Obama was briefed and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Twitter, "I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now."
A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Field Office of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said agents were heading to the scene.
The shooting took place at the Inland Regional Center, one of 21 facilities serving people with developmental disabilities run by the state, said Nancy Lungren, spokeswoman for the California Department of Developmental Services.
Television images on CNN showed people being evacuated from the building, their arms raised, as triage stations were set up outside. Police and SWAT teams were seen surrounding the building.
A spokeswoman from nearby Loma Linda Medical Center said the hospital was expecting patients momentarily. “We’re all kind of on standby right now – it could be any minute,” spokeswoman Briana Pastorino said
The social services agency is among regional centers throughout California that administer, authorize and pay for assistance to people with disabilities such as autism and mental retardation.
On an average day, doctors at the regional centers would be evaluating toddlers whose parents have concerns and case workers meeting with developmentally disabled adults. Lungren said that the San Bernardino facility is one of the state’s largest and busiest.
The shooting in California comes less than a week after a gunman killed three people and wounded nine in a shooting rampage at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. In October, a gunman killed nine people at a college in Oregon and in June a white gunman killed nine black churchgoers in South Carolina.
(Reporting by Steve Gorman and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles and Sharon Bernstein in Sacramento; Writing by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Leslie Adler and Cynthia Osterman)
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:51 PM
comment news ... Borrowed:
Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my Remington 30.06 right in the doorway. I left 6 cartridges beside it, then left it alone and went about my business.
While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the stop sign near the front of my house.
After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was still sitting there, right where I had left it. It hadn't moved itself outside. It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities it had presented to do so.
In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself. Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the hype by the Left and the Media about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people.
Either the media is wrong or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.
The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World. But if you take out just 4 cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington, DC and New Orleans, the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the entire world, for Murders.
These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the U.S.
ALL 4 of these cities are controlled by Democrats.
It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data - right?
Well, I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:53 PM
i didn't see your post . i started one also mods move it here
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:54 PM
Obama briefed on San Bernardino shooting: White House ( 8 minutes ago
( _trk%3Dtu&description=WASHINGTON%20%28Reuters%29%20-%20President%20Barack%20Obama%20was%20briefed%20on %20Wednesday%20on%20a%20mass%20shooting%20in%20the %20Southern%20California%20city%20of%20San%20Berna rdino%2C%20a%20White%20House%20official%20said.&name=Obama%20briefed%20on%20San%20Bernardino%20sho oting%3A%20White%20House)
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama was briefed on Wednesday on a mass shooting in the Southern California city of San Bernardino, a White House official said.
"The president has been briefed by his Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco about the shooting in San Bernardino and has asked to be updated on the situation as it develops," the official said.
(Reporting by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Eric Beech
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 12:57 PM
Finally, after almost two miserable tenures as President, all true Americans, even patriotic (Kennedy and Truman style) Democrats, are now questioning his motives, his agenda, his loyalty, his love of country, his intelligence, his understanding of law or the constitution, his very sanity. And, they're doing it in spite of the fact that he's a half white Anglo trailer-trash and half black Anglo gutter-trash quintessential Halfrican LIAR, and the race card isn't even a consideration anymore. And, even the despicably corrupt Reich Ministry of Propaganda can no longer cover for Jihadi Mullah Barry Soetero Hussain Obama.
And all we have to do is give up our guns and trust Barry
And, Grand Ayatollah Obama's spoiled brat, pasty-faced white Anglo elitist liberal minion demon-slaves, don't like it one bit. The people cowed to him in fear because of the ad nauseaum race-card early on, but now we all see him clearly for what he really is, a narcissistic, Totalitarian Marxist, a blatant violent Jihadist enabler, who despises our Sacred Constitution "and" the country whose course it guides......Obama's spoiled brat pasty-faced liberal slaves, couldn't care less that Barry's Muslim brothers in Allah are beheading innocent human beings, crucifying them, setting them on fire, whipping them, stoning them, throwing acid in the faces of young girls, raping them, forcing them to undergo FGM, throwing Gays off rooftops. The atrocities are endless, conducted daily, and with impunity against Non-Muslims. All in the name of liberals beloved Koran and their grand Ayatollah Obama's Allah....
Meanwhile Grand Ayatollah Obama has the LOWEST support EVER recorded for a sitting President by our military personnel, 13%. As Jihadi Mullah Barry Soetero Hussain Obama's liberal minion demon-slave pig-dogs (or as Barry lovingly refers to them as Mein Schwinehund's) scream their beloved Allāhu Akbar!!!
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 01:06 PM
Live updates. 12 dead so far. All the usual suspects weighing in. This is wonderful news!!! (IF you're a gungrabber)
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 01:07 PM
Professional team.
I predict that the perps will never be identified or caught.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 01:16 PM
read the comment at yahoo .........
2nd December 2015, 01:20 PM
cnn expert: likely a domestic militia group that dislikes the government
awfully early to uncork such accusations
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 01:21 PM
cnn expert: likely a domestic militia group that dislikes the government
Now that makes more sense than anything else, considering the target. /s
2nd December 2015, 01:26 PM
Obama briefed on San Bernardino shooting: White House ( 8 minutes ago
( _trk%3Dtu&description=WASHINGTON%20%28Reuters%29%20-%20President%20Barack%20Obama%20was%20briefed%20on %20Wednesday%20on%20a%20mass%20shooting%20in%20the %20Southern%20California%20city%20of%20San%20Berna rdino%2C%20a%20White%20House%20official%20said.&name=Obama%20briefed%20on%20San%20Bernardino%20sho oting%3A%20White%20House)
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US stands with France, ramps up security after attacks ( AFP
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama was briefed on Wednesday on a mass shooting in the Southern California city of San Bernardino, a White House official said.
"The president has been briefed by his Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco about the shooting in San Bernardino and has asked to be updated on the situation as it develops," the official said.
(Reporting by Roberta Rampton; Editing by Eric Beech
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 01:27 PM
2nd December 2015, 01:28 PM
fox - black suv has been found, about an hour away from scene (maybe pasadena).
fox - cops were at scene VERY quickly (from their training exercise) in only a 'handful' of minutes
fox - suv found in san bernardino
fox - event at conference building was honoring county personnel
cnn - at least 15 transported to hospitals
fox girl/boy reporter thing: dhs says no threat to area at this time
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 01:28 PM
awfully early to uncork such accusations
Oh geez, come on...what else could it *possibly* be? After all they nailed it on 9/11 naming OBL even before the twins fell. These are very smart, highly educated professionals, they know what they're talking about.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 01:31 PM
To be clear, while investigators consider coordinated terrorism, they have not ruled out workplace violence as cause of CA shooting
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 01:32 PM
Flight restriction now in place over San Bernardino, CA airspace...
2nd December 2015, 01:37 PM
mall 3 miles from scene evacuated when guy in camo came in - waterman discount mall
lavinia johnson, exec director of welfare center
cops to hold press conference in few minutes
cnn - obomba calling for more gun control because mass shootings
2nd December 2015, 01:40 PM
Did they find the passport yet?
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 01:42 PM
Did they find the passport yet?
White Christian males don't generally carry passports. /s
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 01:42 PM
Reports indicate the shooting occurred inside a conference room rented by an outside group for a Christmas party.
Reports also indicate 'three shooters'.
2nd December 2015, 01:43 PM
mall 3 miles from scene evacuated when guy in camo came in - waterman discount mall
lavinia johnson, exec director of welfare center, says her people are ok
cops to hold press conference in few minutes
That's all it takes now?
2nd December 2015, 01:51 PM
cnn now says bomb squad still working on the device
earlier reported they blew it up
2nd December 2015, 01:59 PM
press conference
cops: we have no idea who did it, nor why they did it, nor where they are now
fbi on the scene -- doesnt know if it was terrists. fbi will remain embedded in investigation
cop: long guns, not hand guns
cop: 14 dead, 14 at hospitals
cop: never heard they were dressed in camo
cop: shooting lasted 'few minutes'
cop: as many as three suspects
cop: shooting went on for 'several minutes'
cop will provide hourly updates at the top of each hour
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 02:03 PM
but we need to disarm every one now
cops: we have no idea who did it, nor why they did it
fbi on the scene -- doesnt know if it was terrists. fbi will remain embedded in investigation
Twisted Titan
2nd December 2015, 02:05 PM
How is this possible ?
Commiefornia has some of the strictest gun laws behind Chicongo,Jew York and Assachuttes
2nd December 2015, 02:07 PM
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Twitter, "I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now."
Never let a good crisis go to waste. No doubt if this creature ever holds the office of President, she'll use executive orders to outlaw guns.
2nd December 2015, 02:09 PM
i didn't see your post . i started one also mods move it here
Yes sir!
2nd December 2015, 02:16 PM
cnn expert again: anti government domestic militia most likely
cnn: witness sandy wood (inland empire lighthouse for the blind) across the street from scene - she heard shots, called 911. she heard 25 to 30 shots.....then they stopped....and resumed shooting again. she heard shooting for 5 to 8 minutes.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 02:18 PM
white domestic militia they left that out
cnn expert again: anti government domestic militia most likely
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 02:22 PM
bullshit on this . first you run and hope your not shot are you hide .............San Bernardino Shooting Witness Texted Husband ‘I Love You’ During Gunfire
2nd December 2015, 02:25 PM
funny that the 'found' suv is now unfound again
fox witness: she saw a suspect, bigger guy, dressed in black, black mask, wearing tactical stuff
fox: event happened at 11 a.m. - eleven eh?
fox: witness that works there says they have been having regular active shooter drills. she assumed this event was another drill
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 02:43 PM
Never let a good crisis go to waste. No doubt if this creature ever holds the office of President, she'll use executive orders to outlaw guns.
As I've pointed out before, read between the lines..."It's an emergency!"
2nd December 2015, 02:50 PM
fox and cnn both will not shut up about what type of gun. over and over crying about not knowing the type of gun/caliber. seems to be the most important issue to the nyc media control room
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 02:57 PM
The 'official narrative' is (mostly) maintained at "THREE shooters".
Now how the fuck does one get TWO compatriots to go along with a mass killing if not pros 'on a mission'*??
*nyc media control room has stated shooters were 'on a mission'
2nd December 2015, 02:58 PM
fox witness: she saw a suspect, bigger guy, dressed in black, black mask, wearing tactical stuff
Dressed in black, black mask........isn't that standard "tactical gear"?
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:04 PM
Shooters 'came prepared' ('on a mission') -
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:05 PM
Talmudvision reporting that schools on lockdown and parents unable to reclaim their beneficial interest in the state's minor human resources "until further notice."
2nd December 2015, 03:06 PM
Dressed in black, black mask........isn't that standard "tactical gear"? png
2nd December 2015, 03:11 PM
police training going on nearby - big police response was very fast
Talmudvision reporting that schools on lockdown and parents unable to reclaim their beneficial interest in the state's minor human resources "until further notice."
State practicing martial law tactics.
All the police presence needed to manhandle tax paying citizens, fear, coercion, loss of liberty, etc.
Get used to it Pee-Ons.
2nd December 2015, 03:13 PM
Dressed in black, black mask........isn't that standard "tactical gear"?
That's my thought - make all police account for their location during this time. They've been running drills, they have the training, they have the gear, they have guns, a history of violent behavior - seems like that should be the first place to look for 3 crazed killers.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:16 PM
LIVE! swarming of donut munchers on some 'hot' scene atm -
2nd December 2015, 03:19 PM
fox showing helicopter video of shot up black suv
cops about 30 yards away from it, weapons drawn
fox: one suspect down, one alive in the vehicle, one on the run
2nd December 2015, 03:20 PM
Is Shepard Smith still creaming himself over this?
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:21 PM
LIVE! swarming of donut munchers on some 'hot' scene atm -
Real fucking interesting to watch their behavior on scene. A 'suspect' has been shot and is laying in the middle of the street in a pool of blood, waiting for the amour to show up before they approach.
Day-um! The only time I've seen THAT many cop cars in one place was in a cop funeral procession.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:23 PM
fox showing helicopter video of shot up black suv
cops about 30 yards away from it, weapons drawn
fox: one suspect down, one alive in the vehicle, one on the run
For a team to be 'well prepared' in their assault they didn't pull off their exfiltration very well.
2nd December 2015, 03:24 PM
Vehicle stopped, shots fired, suspects fleeing,in pursuit, bearcat on scene. Thought OJ WAS IN JAIL. :rolleyes:
2nd December 2015, 03:26 PM
Is Shepard Smith still creaming himself over this?
she's been whining about not knowing what type of weapons
2nd December 2015, 03:28 PM
no guarantee that is the right suv
remember dorner? the cali copginas shot at everything that moved - whether matched description or not
this what they did to two asian ladies throwing newspapers in a vehicle that didnt match description
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:31 PM
no guarantee that is the right suv
remember dorner? the copginas shot at everything that moved - whether matched description or not
Initial reports was of a GMC Yukon, SUV at the scene of the swarm is a FORD.
2nd December 2015, 03:32 PM
Only 27K listening on my iPad scanner app.....had 65K on the Colo event.
2nd December 2015, 03:33 PM
cnn: cops kill one suspect, standoff with others
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:34 PM
cnn: cops kill one suspect, standoff with others
Suspected of what?? Driving a Ford?
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:36 PM
Considering how shot up that SUV is I'm wondering about the 'collateral' damage downrange.
Now consider this: someone makes plans to make a multi-shooter assault, they're wearing armor and come 'prepared'. So we're supposed to believe that despite all their 'preparations' they couldn't manage to do a successful exfiltration (such as stashing a second 'clean' getaway vehicle nearby) and somehow end up being taken down within 2 miles of the incident? Really??
2nd December 2015, 03:43 PM
Considering how shot up that SUV is I'm wondering about the 'collateral' damage downrange.
Now consider this: someone makes plans to make a multi-shooter assault, they're wearing armor and come 'prepared'. So we're supposed to believe that despite all their 'preparations' they couldn't manage to do a successful exfiltration (such as stashing a second 'clean' getaway vehicle nearby) and somehow end up being taken down within 2 miles of the incident? Really??
You've got to keep these incidents "short attention span theater" simple, or the sheep get confused and switch channels.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:46 PM
LIVE! joozmedia now saying they've found two more 'suspects' right down the street, so the swarm is on the move atm.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 03:49 PM
Emergency flashers are flashing on the shot up SUV. lol
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 04:06 PM
drug deal went bad
2nd December 2015, 04:08 PM
I talked to someone that just happened to be on Waterman Avenue a few miles from there when it all broke. Lots and lots of sheriff cars and Highway Patrol zooming by. Whole area was locked down. Loma Linda lockdown.
2nd December 2015, 04:09 PM
Question: what exact event was occurring at the convention center at the inland regional center when the shooters came in?
2nd December 2015, 04:10 PM
Calling for close air support........send in the A10's.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 04:10 PM
May 02, 2012 · LOS ANGELES (LALATE) - Loma Linda Hospital is on partial lockdown after a bomb threat today. Loma Linda University Medical Center is on partial lockdown with
2nd December 2015, 04:10 PM
One newscaster characterized event as some kind of holiday celebration of county workers.
2nd December 2015, 04:11 PM
Question: what exact event was occurring at the convention center at the inland regional center when the shooters came in?
How is that relevent? There was a Mass Shooting With Big Guns.
2nd December 2015, 04:12 PM
Related to the ongoing federal drills that were being talked about a few months ago?
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 04:12 PM
2nd December 2015, 04:14 PM
Related to the ongoing federal drills that were being talked about a few months ago?
They were having drills right near this today.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 04:15 PM
Reports indicate the shooting occurred inside a conference room rented by an outside group for a Christmas party.
Reports also indicate 'three shooters'.
Question: what exact event was occurring at the convention center at the inland regional center when the shooters came in?
2nd December 2015, 04:17 PM
They were having drills right near this today.
I heard that. I wonder what kind of drill and where? But there was also these drills going on with military personnel all over the US that was being talked about. I wonder if there could be any relation?
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 04:22 PM
Gunmen opened fire on a holiday party on Wednesday at a social services agency in San Bernardino, California,
2nd December 2015, 04:24 PM
Shootout in suburbia: One suspect killed in dramatic live TV chase with cops four hours after 'three' masked gunmen attacked local government holiday party leaving at least 14 dead and 17 injured
One suspect has been killed by police in San Bernardino after a mass shooting at a conference center earlier today
Cops are now thought to be in a standoff with other gunmen after reports that up to three people were on the loose
At a press conference, police said two suspects are 'being dealt with' and a third may possibly be on the run
Armed police, armored vehicles and dozens of cop cars pictured lined up along streets with helicopters overhead
One officer was taken to hospital with injuries that are not life-threatening after the standoff on a residential street
San Bernardino Fire Department sent out the first tweet about shooting in progress at around 11am local time
Police are looking for up to three male gunmen dressed in tactical gear and ski masks and armed with long guns
The suspects are believed to have fled the scene in a black SUV and a bomb squad used a robot to detonate an apparent explosive device left at the scene
The San Bernardino center was reportedly hosting a Christmas party for county employees Wednesday morning
2nd December 2015, 04:27 PM
tv saying one guy was at the mad, returned with a couple of buddies + guns
probably somebody that got bypassed for raise/promotion because of not enough affirm action points
it was a cluster of affirm action hires, no doubt. tv said dept of health was throwing the party..
2nd December 2015, 04:28 PM
How is that relevent? There was a Mass Shooting With Big Guns.
They we're talkin early on about "what caliber" was used? I hope they find that evil 7.62 AK 47 round and not that real nice 5.56 AR one.
2nd December 2015, 04:30 PM
rented by an outside group
Very interesting choice of words.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 04:32 PM
Very interesting choice of words.
Cut n' paste straight from a nooz report.
2nd December 2015, 04:33 PM
Cut n' paste straight from a nooz report.
I'm wondering what exactly they mean by 'outside group'?
2nd December 2015, 04:34 PM
tv saying one guy was at the mad, returned with a couple of buddies + guns
You guys doin' anything?
Wanna shoot up a party?
2nd December 2015, 04:36 PM
The police are going door-to-door, but unlike Boston, they are asking if they can come in.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 04:37 PM
tv saying one guy was at the mad, returned with a couple of buddies + guns
Does this make sense to anyone? "Hey, you guys, I was dissed at this Christmas party, whatdoyasay the three of us gear up and go kill a bunch of people, have no plan to escape the manhunt, then commit suicide by cop, all impromptu and spontaneous!"
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 04:40 PM
hell midnight my wife even said that why not have a plan to run when done
2nd December 2015, 04:40 PM
The police are going door-to-door, but unlike Boston, they are asking if they can come in.
And if you refuse they will bust the door down, maim you and your family and then receive paid vacations.
2nd December 2015, 04:43 PM
Does this make sense to anyone? "Hey, you guys, I was dissed at this Christmas party, whatdoyasay the three of us gear up and go kill a bunch of people, have no plan to escape the manhunt, then commit suicide by cop, all impromptu and spontaneous!"
Yes, it makes perfect sense!...if the plan is for Obama to take away everyone's guns.
2nd December 2015, 04:44 PM
Yes, it makes perfect sense!...if the plan is for Obama to take away everyone's guns.
If he doesn't this will continue until Hillary does.
2nd December 2015, 04:49 PM
And once one is in possession of a CWP..........Oh the irony!
2nd December 2015, 04:54 PM
And once one is in possession of a CWP..........Oh the irony!
and san bernardino is a gun friendly county.a
I noticed tht too...
btw site still fud up, as you can see... SITE OWNER FIX THIS
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 04:55 PM
If he doesn't this will continue until Hillary does.
The very first thing that Killary will do after her coronation is to sign an EO confiscating all of the evil* guns.
*meaning all guns
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 04:58 PM
and san bernardino is a gun friendly county.a
I noticed tht too...
btw site still fud up, as you can see... SITE OWNER FIX THIS
Adapt, improvise, and overcome.
The trick is to start with your cursor in the space immediately to the right of the ] on the [ / quote] either by backspacing or placing it there by clicking there.
2nd December 2015, 04:59 PM
The very first thing that Killary will do after her coronation is to sign an EO confiscating all of the evil* guns.
*meaning all guns
2nd December 2015, 05:00 PM
and san bernardino is a gun friendly county.a
I noticed tht too...
btw site still fud up, as you can see... SITE OWNER FIX THIS
I heard that there is nothing wrong with the site and it is all in my computer software. So with that being said how the fvck can my computer software effect your postings? It can't so obviously there is no issue. See howe easy that was? Also notice I didn't fix my typo because it would effect my post due to MY bad software issue... But of course not yours.
2nd December 2015, 05:07 PM
The police are going door-to-door, but unlike Boston, they are asking if they can come in.
boston strong! the most pathetic display ever..
2nd December 2015, 05:08 PM
I heard that there is nothing wrong with the site and it is all in my computer software. So with that being said how the fvck can my computer software effect your postings? It can't so obviously there is no issue. See howe easy that was? Also notice I didn't fix my typo because it would effect my post due to MY bad software issue... But of course not yours.
I have the same bad software in my iPad and in my laptop.
2nd December 2015, 05:11 PM
boston strong! the most pathetic display ever..
2nd December 2015, 05:15 PM
Keep in mind that San Bernardino went bankrupt. They may have fired a lot of people and some of them might have done this as a vengeance type
2nd December 2015, 05:15 PM
CNN confirmed that the convention center was rented to county employees.
2nd December 2015, 05:16 PM
I have the same bad software in my iPad and in my laptop.
HAHAHahaha! Somehow your post actually made me LOL, been a while.
2nd December 2015, 05:17 PM
Real fucking interesting to watch their behavior on scene. A 'suspect' has been shot and is laying in the middle of the street in a pool of blood, waiting for the amour to show up before they approach.
Day-um! The only time I've seen THAT many cop cars in one place was in a cop funeral procession.
Cops have been trained to be so fearful of everyone and everything
Demolition Man coming to fruition
2nd December 2015, 05:18 PM
center was rented to county employees.
CNN confirmed that the convention
fixed it for you John...
2nd December 2015, 05:19 PM
Fox is currently floating an Islamic name as reported on scanner traffic. Not confirmed but as we used to say......always starts with a rumor.
2nd December 2015, 05:20 PM
CNN confirmed that the convention center was rented to county employees.
i'm setting the over/under at 5 white males of the 14 dead. fags count as male
place your bets
talk about soft targets.....affirm action orgy in cali. could have killed 14 with some kite string and bottle caps
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 05:22 PM
you mean how many shot in back running fags
2nd December 2015, 05:28 PM
AllThe cops are now in San Bernardino. What targets are not being protected right now?
2nd December 2015, 05:32 PM
AllThe cops are now in San Bernardino. What targets are not being protected right now?
Hmm Seems your software is jacked up also. I wonder if this is some pandemic we are not aware of?
2nd December 2015, 05:33 PM
I am on iPhone. I just heard there is a third suspect and it is a female. Fox news
2nd December 2015, 05:35 PM
It is night in San Bernardino, and it is pretty cold right now. I am sure thermal cameras will be very effective in finding anyone running around in open areas.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 05:36 PM
2nd December 2015, 05:37 PM
Police Chief two dead suspects one male one female dressed in combat type clothes.
2nd December 2015, 05:42 PM
They seem unwilling to address questions about the identity of the two dead suspects.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 05:44 PM
Taliban leader Mullah Mansour wounded in shootout
2nd December 2015, 05:46 PM
I received this text this afternoon from my girlfriend.
"Sheez, a mass shooting at my moms work and she's on lock down people were killed. My mom's ok"
Her mom is still there at a nearby church giving statements. I'll post her account when I hear more. Panic buying begins now. I'm glad I live in Arizona now.
2nd December 2015, 05:47 PM
They know the genders but not the ethnicity?
2nd December 2015, 05:47 PM
I hope he has a permit for that Class III
2nd December 2015, 05:48 PM
Taliban leader Mullah Mansour wounded in shootout
2nd December 2015, 05:55 PM
I received this text this afternoon from my girlfriend.
"Sheez, a mass shooting at my moms work and she's on lock down people were killed. My mom's ok"
Her mom is still there at a nearby church giving statements. I'll post her account when I hear more. Panic buying begins now. I'm glad I live in Arizona now.
Now you can watch California melt down from a safe distance with the rest of us :)
2nd December 2015, 06:00 PM
Her mom was on an upper floor when it went down. I'll know more tomorrow.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 06:01 PM
I know one thing for sure it's not whites if it had been it would be BREAKING NEWS you can take that too the bank . black are rag heads but not whites
2nd December 2015, 06:12 PM
I know one thing for sure it's not whites if it had been it would be BREAKING NEWS you can take that too the bank . black are rag heads but not whites
There are lot of blacks and Hispanics on SB.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 06:18 PM
I looked cool didn't I boogietillyapuke
2nd December 2015, 06:22 PM
Nothing listed for Dec. 2nd
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 06:34 PM
Donald Trump on ISIS: ‘You have to take out their families’
2nd December 2015, 06:37 PM
Donald Trump on ISIS: ‘You have to take out their families’
Sorry is this relevant?
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 06:38 PM
in other word no one walk away ,,, pee more people off
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 06:41 PM
Multiple sources from multiple agencies identified one of the three attackers at the resource center to NBC News as Syed Farook. No other information was available, but a knowledgeable source said another member of the trio is believed to be Farook's brother.
2nd December 2015, 07:18 PM
Wow Fox pulled Mark Fuhrman out.
mick silver
2nd December 2015, 07:21 PM
Mark Kelly reacts to San Bernardino shooting: ‘Makes no sense’by Yahoo News Video 4:14 mins Mark Kelly, husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords who survived a 2011 assassination attempt, responds to the evolving shooting situation in San Bernardino.
Yahoo ( Facebook ( here? Sign Up (
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Jerry 1 hour ago 0
Hey Gutless Wonder, I guess you think you're a legend in your own time. There are a whole bunch of crazy fools out there that get access to guns despite any law you can pass. So don't you dare try to punish all because of a bunch of evil idiots that want to bring harm to innocent folks. Here's a thought, make the punishment for committing such a heinous crime just a little bit more severe than life in prison. In Texas, if you commit a crime such as this we will Kill you back.
KED 54 minutes ago 0
I don't listen or read what this fool has to offer...But as the anti gun idiots really don't understand, along with this fool is that California ranks in the top 5 states that earn an A- (highest grade) in gun laws(highly restrictive in owing one)...Also if you look at the scorecard, there are mass shootings in the states that have the highest scores..Maybe when he preaches his bullShiate he can refer to these FACTUAL points...Control Gun=educating and training our children starting in kindergarten. Its part of our constitution but our educators are more concerned with indoctrinating our children.(well at least in california)..
Shawn1 55 minutes ago 1
Liar A H Obama fails to talk about the fact that the FBI has not ruled out Terrorism as one of the dead shooters is a Muslim. A male/female pair in black with their face covered and having pipe bombs and shooting at random is the terrorist's typical methodology. Of course, Obama will do nothing about the illegal guns used by the blacks in Chicago and other heavily black areas around the country. He's happy to have the blacks hang on to their illegal weapons while the liberals disarm the law abiding owners of legal guns. And finally, Obama wants to bring as may Muslims into the USA as he possibly can and does not care if many are connected philosophically to ISIS or any other anti-American people. Between the Mexican, South Americans and Muslims, he wants to turn around the complexion of this country and its laws and traditions.
Expand Replies (1) Reply
Did It Obama Self 2 hours ago 1
You've got to be a fool to send your money to those GoFundMe accounts. I am a teacher and had a girl from an upper-middle class family use it to pay for a European vacation for her graduation when her parents refused to pay for it (she was a TERRIBLE student that barely graduated and drank, smoked pot, and slept around). She made up a good story about coming from a poor family and suffering abuse, etc. I bet MOST of those beggings are just scams from people to buy drugs, alcohol, or luxuries they can't afford. Find someone you KNOW needs help and then do it.
Expand Replies (1) Reply
Todd 2 hours ago 0
So how many victims, visitors, and employees at this place carried hand guns? How many good guys had guns?
Expand Replies (3) Reply
Debra 1 hour ago
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 07:28 PM
More info on the county worker who did the shooting -
So I'm thinking we should ban state employees from owning guns.
2nd December 2015, 07:30 PM
Nothing listed for Dec. 2nd
You have the 20th open for another refresher since all the military police are still in town.
2nd December 2015, 07:32 PM
More info on the county worker who did the shooting -
So I'm thinking we should ban state employees from owning guns.
Naw, this is simply out of their control. Too many agencies not connected and it's all a scene. With a NWO that can be fixed. But it will take quite a time to sew that all together.
2nd December 2015, 07:36 PM
Syed Farook: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
2. His Father Says Farook Was ‘Very Religious’ & Was a Health Inspector
Police activity in Redlands has roads blocked on Pin Ave & Tararisk st. (
— Rachel*Luna (@Rache1Luna) December 3, 2015 (
Farook’s father, who was not named, told the New York Daily News ( his son was Muslim and “very religious” Muslim, who would leave work to pray and then go back.
He told the newspaper his son was a health technician, inspecting restaurants and hotels for the health department.
“I haven’t heard anything. He worked in a county office,” Farook’s father told the Daily News. “He’s married and has a kid. We’re estranged because my wife got the divorce, and they are together. She doesn’t want to see me.”
4. The FBI Says They Have Not Ruled Out Terrorism
Officials said they do not know what the motive for the shooting is so far.
After initially saying there were no indications of terrorism, the FBI said Wednesday night that they have not ruled out a connection to terrorism. The FBI spokesman would not give an more specifics.
“I am not willing to go down that road just yet,” said David Bowdich, the head of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, at a press conference. “We will go where the evidence takes us.”
2nd December 2015, 07:38 PM
More info on the county worker who did the shooting -
So I'm thinking we should ban state employees from owning guns.
Careful with the daily beast. Pretty sure they're just another shit-stirring propaganda outlet. They like to make claims that Russia is sending ISIS jihadis to Syria, for instance.
midnight rambler
2nd December 2015, 07:40 PM
Careful with the daily beast. Pretty sure they're just another shit-stirring propaganda outlet. They like to make claims that Russia is sending ISIS jihadis to Syria, for instance.
Newsweak morphed into The Daily Beast at the onset of print media's demise -
2nd December 2015, 07:48 PM
Evacuation video here:
2nd December 2015, 07:51 PM
Shock Report: Police Were Engaged In Active Shooter Drill JUST BEFORE San Bernardino Massacre
Original newz story - Click here (
2nd December 2015, 07:54 PM
More info on the county worker who did the shooting -
So I'm thinking we should ban state employees from owning guns.
I thought Farook is dead? How did they talk to him?
"Farook, who also went by his middle name, Raheel, was a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile. He is a 2003 graduate La Sierra High School, and most recently studied finance at California State University Fullerton until 2013."
Corona is not Redlands (30-35 miles). La Sierra High School is in Riverside and is a Seventh Day Adventist private High school. The Farook identified by the news is a Health Inspector. A different Farook?
Edit: Fox now saying that Farook may not be one of the dead suspects.
2nd December 2015, 08:04 PM
Shock Report: Police Were Engaged In Active Shooter Drill JUST BEFORE San Bernardino Massacre
Original newz story - Click here (
The November 30th drill is verified. I still have not heard where any December 2nd might have taken place.
The November 30th drill was in Victorville, which is a good 45 minutes away from San Bernardino.
2nd December 2015, 08:06 PM
I thought Farook is dead? How did they talk to him?
"Farook, who also went by his middle name, Raheel, was a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile. He is a 2003 graduate La Sierra High School, and most recently studied finance at California State University Fullerton until 2013."
Corona is not Redlands (30-35 miles). La Sierra High School is in Riverside and is a Seventh Day Adventist private High school. The Farook identified by the news is a Health Inspector. A different Farook?
Edit: Fox now saying that Farook may not be one of the dead suspects.
La Sierra High School is a public school. La Sierra Academy is the private school. That's the hood next door to where I grew up.
2nd December 2015, 08:14 PM
La Sierra High School is a public school. La Sierra Academy is the private school. That's the hood next door to where I grew up.
You are right. I also lived close to there many years ago.
2nd December 2015, 09:19 PM
Syed farook
3rd December 2015, 01:14 AM
haven't read the thread, but as usual memoryholeblog is abuzz about this FF-Mass-Casualty-Event-Of-The-Week; the reader comments there, 77 atm, are always high quality. Have they blamed it on scary moozlemists yet? WN-ists? Buddhist monks, for a refreshing change??
December 2, 2015 (
San Bernardino Shooting Live Feeds, Open Forum ( 77 (
3rd December 2015, 01:57 AM
DEVELOPING: Adam Cohen Gadahn of al Qaeda ISIS was the ringleader.... :o
3rd December 2015, 04:37 AM
They seem to be happy with 2 shooters now.
3rd December 2015, 04:39 AM
3rd December 2015, 04:45 AM
If it goes against the narrative, then how is it a hoax?
Seriously, stop with the "It's a Hoax" bullshit.
This hurts the establishment's narrative.
My father is very Progressive and he's always been anti-gun. I talked to him the other day and he was talking about buying a gun. He asked me about it (he always shamed me for guns before), since he was afraid of what happened in the Paris terrorist attack, which people also called a "Hoax". He said he was afraid of these Muslim terrorist attacks in California. Well here we go!
The Paris terrorist attack increased the calls to end the flooding of nations of RapeUGees and gun sales everywhere skyrocketed. Tell me why/how the government would do that kind of "hoax".
This latest Islamic terrorist attack is just fuel to the fire.
Stop calling it a hoax. Muslims really do kill and really are this insane.
The only time you should suspect it's a hoax is if a White Christian conservative guy did it. That's the only time it fits the narrative.
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 05:04 AM
This is the point when the debate needs to move from guns to multiculturalism, as in it's multiculturalism that's the most dangerous to our society, not guns.
3rd December 2015, 05:12 AM
I am reading elsewhere that clown on CNN who blamed whitey was part of the kill squad that got Randy Weaver's wife.
I am also reading that the shooter went to Saudi Arabia a few months ago. Which of course means we should send 5 army groups to Syria stat !
3rd December 2015, 05:20 AM
ooh no, not again!!!
Active shooter drills carried out EVERY MONTH at San Bernardino Inland Regional Center… staff tweeted ‘drill started’ as police raid began
Thursday, December 03, 2015
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger ng_Inland_Regional_Center.html
3rd December 2015, 05:38 AM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
3rd December 2015, 06:11 AM
Sam Hyde again? LOL!
3rd December 2015, 06:19 AM
Sam Hyde again? LOL!
He was in the IDF killing Palestinian children the other day: pg
3rd December 2015, 06:21 AM
Looks like the shooters place of work (San Bernardino's Environmental Agency that he worked for) was involved in a dispute with a Masque that he was a member of not getting permits.
3rd December 2015, 06:29 AM
Screencap of Tweets from anti-Whites:
mick silver
3rd December 2015, 07:26 AM
When Shooting Narratives Diverge people were confirmed killed and 17 more wounded in a mass shooting at a San Bernardino community social services building. "We do have some preliminary numbers of upwards of 14 people that are dead and upwards of 14 people that are injured," said Chief Jarrod Burguan of San Bernardino Police. The number of injured was later upped to 17. – CBSLocal (
Dominant Social Theme: Terrorists strike again.
Free-Market Analysis: Another horrible attack by armed gunmen against unarmed civilians. This one, once more in the US, has left a significant toll of wounded and dead – and was covered in detail by the major media on television and by the alternative media on the Internet. In fact, minutes after the shooting began, tweets, videos and posts filled the alternative news media with a blizzard of accusations.
It was a false flag, alternative media commentators declared, orchestrated by shadowy forces in or around the US government. One more shooting intended to boost arguments for gun control. Mainstream journalism couldn't be trusted. The attack would be blamed on terrorists somehow and the results would be more broadsides against dwindling civil liberties.
Certainly suspicions of terrorism seemed generally prevalent, and not just in the alternative media. Mainstream media reports speculated on the reasons for the shooting and the individuals involved.
After a concentrated stream of reports, prevalent wisdom seemed to settle on a narrative that included two or three shooters. One was identified as Syed Farook and another as a woman, Tashfeen Malik.
No motive was established, though CBS (in the article excerpted above) quotes officials as saying the two were armed with "long guns" and "had fled, possibly in a dark-colored SUV." In the afternoon, CBS and other outlets reported that a shootout had taken place between the suspects and the police and one suspect was dead. Perhaps two hours later, police announced that a second and third suspect were deceased.
Two assault weapons were reportedly discovered in the suspects' SUV and also two pistols. No motive was immediately apparent, though FBI Asst. Director David Bowdich was quoted by CBS as saying, "I will tell you right now, we do not know if this is a terrorist incident."
In a recent article ( entitled, "Ron Paul ( Interventionism Causes Attacks," we pointed out that the libertarian ( columnist and politician believes that US interventionism was causing the kind of violence that was immediately reported as possibly "terrorism" yesterday.
Without "blowback," we wrote, "terrorist attacks wouldn't be so common and the current wave of conspiratorial paranoia would be damped down as well. Unfortunately, this is not now the case."
We were speaking in particular about the Paris attacks, but the comment applies to almost any publicized event these days. We wrote:
The more terror attacks there are, the more paranoia and suspicion advance. Were officials in the West not so fixated on confronting "terror" abroad, there would be fewer attacks on Western soil and less to talk about.
Having so many "spooky coincidences" is not healthy for the West's regulatory democracies (, nor the officials in charge of it. At some point, if terror attacks continue, paranoia will hit a critical mass and intel agencies as well as the military-industrial complex ( will find themselves faced with aggressive, unpleasant accusations.
The "coincidences" to which we were alluding included training exercises that seemed to mimic the actual bombings and shootings in Paris, in England and in Spain during famous "terrorist" subway bombings ... and a drill having to do with a plane crashing into a tower on 9/11. These training exercises were all in force on or around the day of each actual attack.
Feedbackers subsequently pointed out that in several well-publicized US shootings, including school shootings, drills were taking place as well. It didn't take long before bloggers were posting similar comments on the Internet as regards the San Bernardino mass shooting.
Over at we find a post entitled (, "Breaking: San Bernardino Mass Shooting – False Flag with Active Shooter Drills."
An active shooter drill was scheduled at the same time & place! It comes as no surprise ... to see that the San Bernardino mass shooting was in fact preceded by this announcement of an active shooter drill in the San Bernardino area on November 30th, 2015, just 2 days before today's mass shooting:
Not only that, but there was a SWAT drill occurring at exactly the same time and place: "The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave. The Police Department's SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, 'ready to roll' and responded rapidly, Lt. Richard Lawhead said."
One of the very largest alternative media websites,, also reported ( rnment_operation.html#ixzz3tFGCODOo) on the possibility of a false flag, as follows:
It's early in the news cycle on this story, so everything stated here may be subject to new information as it becomes available, but from what we know so far, the shooting in San Bernardino appears to be either a staged government false flag operation or an ISIS terrorist attack.
The prevalence of drills of the same type as actual shooting incidents is increasingly problematic given the constant and detailed coverage these incidents receive. The suspicions being raised are further dividing the alternative and mainstream media and certainly fueling the very kind of "conspiracy theories (" that US and Western officials claim they want to combat.
Over and over, these events take place but the coincidences surrounding drills are not addressed. They should be. And then there is a Newsmax post ( entitled, "Schumer: Senate Dems Will Push Major Gun Control Bill Early in 2016."
One of the top-ranking Democrats in the Senate vows that his party will "bring a universal background check bill to the floor of the Senate early next year." Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York made the statement Friday at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence ... A press release issued by the pro-gun control organization quoted Schumer's promise to pursue the legislation, and he referenced 1993's Brady Act, which mandated federal background checks and imposed a five-day waiting period on gun purchases in the U.S.
The article added, "The National Rifle Association is wary of such a law due to what it says are numerous incidences of people being wrongly placed on the list. The terrorism watch list has over one million names on it ..."
This last line, above, is significant. With the exception of intel facilities, no one really knows how these names are collected and what the criteria are. It is safe to say this list will expand along with other such lists including the "no fly" lists. We have repeatedly urged people to exercise the freedoms they have left regarding travel, land, precious metals ( purchases and even second citizenships.
Conclusion: It is not necessary to validate false-flag attacks to understand their impacts. The paranoia and suspicions now surroundings these bombings and shootings are evidence enough that they will be used for further clampdowns and the expansion of state power.
- See more at:
3rd December 2015, 07:34 AM
Modern day Libertarians are just water-carriers for the SJW narrative.
They can't point the finger at Muslims.
More "It's a false flag! Muh hoax!"
3rd December 2015, 07:42 AM
Modern day Libertarians are just water-carriers for the SJW narrative.
They can't point the finger at Muslims.
More "It's a false flag! Muh hoax!"
Umm yep hoax
mick silver
3rd December 2015, 07:58 AM
3rd December 2015, 08:14 AM
Looks like the shooters place of work (San Bernardino's Environmental Agency that he worked for) was involved in a dispute with a Masque that he was a member of not getting permits.
Interesting. Any documentation of a direct link between Farook and this mosque? How are they tied together (other than the fact that Farook was Muslim)?
3rd December 2015, 08:49 AM
I wondering, if this is a false flag of some sort, maybe did Farook go off script? Maybe he and his wife were being led on about some type of action, but in the end were used as patsies?
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 09:13 AM
What kind of mother drops off her 6 month old baby at grandma's (read: ABANDONS) so she can join hubby in committing terrorism (IEDs were involved which indicates planning and preparation against the target) aka suicidal JIHAD?
A moozlem.
3rd December 2015, 09:19 AM
Obama to Amerika: We are bringing more and more scary mooslims in. They tend to get involved in this shit, so we have to keep guns away from them. We cannot do racial profiling, so sorry Amerika, in order to keep all of you safe, we are going to have to take all your guns away.
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 09:20 AM
Terror cell??
3rd December 2015, 09:27 AM
Terror cell??
I am starting to think Farook went off script. There may have been a terror cell. They may be recruiting Americans, but they also get the American weaknesses in those recruits. No American born is going to strap on an explosive belt and sacrifice themselves. They want to live. They know a decent life. Of course then next we need to find out is whether the FBI was working with or within the the terror cell (if it exists).
We may also be seeing infighting within the NWO operation with disagreements exposing the operations a little at a time. It is possible some type of ff was being planned, but then got diverted for other agendas.
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 09:49 AM
Terror cell??
Looks that way -
3rd December 2015, 09:58 AM
Looks that way -
That story is very misleading. The shooters were masked so no one really knows who they were. They tell the story starting with Farook leaving the party then he comes comes back with weapons but it really has not been established that it is him. Then they go to a part of the story where they're chasing the black SUV, but it is implied that the black SUV chase started at the scene. It did not it started in Redlands several hours later.
3rd December 2015, 10:24 AM
Obama to Amerika: We are bringing more and more scary mooslims in. They tend to get involved in this shit, so we have to keep guns away from them. We cannot do racial profiling, so sorry Amerika, in order to keep all of you safe, we are going to have to take all your guns away.
Same tactic so they can grope our grandmothers at the airport and hold identification-free elections now.
3rd December 2015, 10:28 AM
ooh no, not again!!!
Active shooter drills carried out EVERY MONTH at San Bernardino Inland Regional Center… staff tweeted ‘drill started’ as police raid began ng_Inland_Regional_Center.html
Careful what you plan for... or something like that.
Note the background music
3rd December 2015, 10:30 AM
All The Ear Marks Of A False Flag!
At first, Dorothy Vong assumed it was a drill — just like all the others at her work.
At the Inland Regional Center, where she’s a nurse, the staff works with clients and parents of clients who are sometimes angry. They have active-shooter drills every month or so.
“Drill started,” she texted her husband, Mark, around 11 a.m.
She walked to a window nearby and filmed a video as law enforcement sprinted toward the building.
“Oh, that is scary,” a voice says calmly in the background.
“They’re all geared up!” someone else says. “Rifles and everything!”
In the background, someone laughs — they still didn’t know.
Then the reality set in.
She texted her husband again: “Well it’s real.”
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3rd December 2015, 10:45 AM
Crisis actors very very obvious what very few that look to possibly be hurt all are hurt in their shins, just laying around not getting on an ambulance, look closely at the girl laying on her stomach looking up smiling LOL ( Silentsilky ( 19 hours ago (
That's bad acting
· 63 ( Spy Men ( 16 hours ago (
really bad isn't it.
· 19 ( speedystriper ( 9 hours ago (edited) (
Oh my Lord. This is so embarrassing for the leftist gun control lobby. Any six year old with a functioning brain could see through this charade.
· 23 ( bob733333 ( 4 hours ago (
Imagine how conditioned you'd have to be to fall for this bullshit. Crazy.
· 8 ( Paul Brosco ( 2 hours ago (
+bob733333 I'm telling ya...they could use Muppets as actors...not all at once..they'd pepper them into one story here one story there.....once the people get to the point of accepting muppets as witnesses, that's all she wrote. I say, within a year's time, they could have a 100% Muppet broadcast.
· 4 ( Adam Bartlett ( 22 hours ago (
Gene rosen... is that you?
· 67
View all 6 replies ( ( ( V See ( 2 hours ago (
Gene Rosen last seen crowd mingling at Marysville,Wa drill event.
· 2 ( Grampy Gene ( 2 hours ago (
+Adam Bartlett Call me Grampy Gene
· 1 ( alienrefugee51 ( 12 hours ago (
Another staged psyop mass shooting where law enforcement were practicing drills of the same scenario just around the corner and were able to go from a drill to live scenario. How many times have we heard this before? 911, Sandyhook, Oregon, Paris and the list goes on. At the end of the day it's just another false flag attack to push the gun control agenda
· 15
( The Russian Bear ( 22 hours ago (
Bad Crisis Actors
· 60
olan creel ( 19 hours ago ( +The Russian Bear Without this, the headlines would've been about our allies buying ISIS oil.
· 18
Allison Lagano ( 19 hours ago (
Where's the rest of the interview where she asked where does your daughter work and his response was I don't know! I've never met a parent who didn't know where their own child worked.
3rd December 2015, 11:27 AM
The bad "dad" actor, look there is a text well then must of happened then
Look at the youtube of this on jewtube this is the CNN YT channel and look at all the people posting replies that can see through this wow
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 12:22 PM
mick silver
3rd December 2015, 01:23 PM
Obama: Motive Not Clear, FBI: It's TerrorismIt appears that the Muslim terrorist was a... Muslim terrorist.
mick silver
3rd December 2015, 01:39 PM
The San Bernardino Killer's Family Sure is a CAIR ClanThey're being represented by the unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism December 3, 2015
Daniel Greenfield (
CAIR certainly has been front and center in the media coverage of the attack. CAIR reps trotted out the killer's brother-in-law to express the mandatory bafflement and bewilderment. They're discussing the state of the family and making the killer's family into the victims.
Give them a few hours and they'll start feeding "backlash victimization" stories to the media. And then there will suddenly be far more stories about some Muslim woman who was glared at in a store then any of the victims of the latest Muslim terror attack.
It's telling that a group as deeply problematic as CAIR ( is front and center in this story considering the organization's own notorious ties to Islamic terror.
CAIR was co-founded in 1994 by Nihad Awad, Omar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber, all of whom had close ties to the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was established by senior Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook and functioned as Hamas’ public relations and recruitment arm in the United States. Awad and Ahmad previously had served, respectively, as IAP's Public Relations Director and President. Thus it can be said that CAIR was an outgrowth of IAP.
CAIR opened its first office in Washington, DC, with the help of a $5,000 donation from the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), a self-described charity founded by Mousa Abu Marzook. In May 1996, CAIR coordinated a press conference to protest the decision of the U.S. government to extradite Marzook for his connection to terrorist acts performed by Hamas. CAIR characterized the extradition as "anti-Islamic" and "anti-American." When President Bush closed HLF in December 2001 for collecting money "to support the Hamas terror organization," CAIR decried his action as "unjust" and "disturbing."
The killer's family claim that were not in any way and involved and yet they're being represented by the unindicted co-conspirators ( in terrorism. Something certainly is wrong here.
mick silver
3rd December 2015, 01:40 PM
AG Lynch on San Bernardino Terrorism: 'Wonderful Opportunity' to 'Make Change'Never let a crisis go to waste. 12.3.2015
News (
Mark Tapson (
26 (
During a press conference in Washington today, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the Department of Justice is assisting local authorities to investigate the terrorism that left 14 people dead yesterday in San Bernardino, California.
Mediaite reports ( that Lynch stressed that the investigation is still in its early stages, but whatever the motives of the perpetrators (she didn't say "terrorists"), Lynch denounced the violence as antithetical to American values:
“One thing is clear: violence like this has no place in this country and in this nation."
For this mundane observation, Lynch actually received a round of applause.
She went on to point out that the massacre could be a call to take political action - meaning gun control:
“We’re at the point where these issues have come together really like never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation’s history and it gives us a wonderful opportunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change."
In other words, never let a crisis go to waste.
mick silver
3rd December 2015, 01:46 PM
ISIS Celebrates San Bernardino Attack With 'America Burning' Hashtag"May god spread fear in the homes of the crusaders." 12.3.2015
News (
Tiffany Gabbay (
While not claiming responsibility outright, ISIS jihadis are celebrating Wednesday's mass shooting ( at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California.
Scouring the deep web, or “dark web” as it is sometimes referred to, the site Vocativ ( multiple Arabic language posts by ISIS members, including the social media hashtag “America_Burning.”
“Three lions made us proud. They are still alive,” one ISIS jihadi tweeted in Arabic.
“California streets are full with soldiers with heavy weapons. The Unites States is burning #America_Burning #Takbir”
ثلاث ليوث اثلجوا صدورنا بفضل الله مازالوا أحياء ويتجولون شوارع كاليفورنيا بالزى العسكرى وبأسلحة ثقيلة #أمريكا_تشتعل ( D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84?src=hash) #تكبيـر (
ﺳ̲ﻟ̲آﻣ̲يےﻋ ﺂ̲ﻟ̲ﺩ̲ۆﻟة (@alSaoD__yahoD__) December 2, 2015 (
“God is great and he the one to be praised for that,” another ISIS member wrote.
“This is hell with god’s will.”
“Let America know a new era #California #America_burning.”
لتعلم #أمريكا ( أننا في زمان جديد #كاليفورنيا ( 9%8A%D8%A7?src=hash) #امريكا_تشتعل ( D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84?src=hash) — أبومصعب المصري (@abomossabelmass) December 2, 2015 (
Of course God was also praised for brining on Wednesday’s carnage:
“God is the greatest. May god spread fear in the homes of the Crusaders.”
الله اكبر…اللهم انشر الرعب في عقر ديار الصليب فكم اذو المسلمين — john–almwhid (@almwhid_john) December 2, 2015 (
After killing two, police were finally able to apprehend the third suspect in yesterday's attack, Syed Farook, who is described by his own father as a devout Muslim.
In fact, it was only foreign news outlets to first report Farook’s name or describe the suspects as “Middle Eastern.”
American media, likely lamenting the fact that they could not pin the terror on a “right win Christian fundamentalist,” remained silent as to the suspects’ identities for hours after the attack. Whether or not ISIS is responsible remains to be seen, but however one slices it, this is certainly an act of terror.
We will see if our president calls for a press conference to discuss terrorism coming to American shores as quickly as he would if yesterday's tragedy were police shooting. Something tells us, he won't.
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 01:47 PM
ISIS accusing others of being 'crusaders', how ironic. lol
3rd December 2015, 03:22 PM
As I posted yesterday, my girlfriends mom was in the building upstairs. I was told she didn't get home until 9:30 pm after answering questions. She works in the building next door and actually went to work today. Who does that? Especially .gov employees. I'll be back in Southern California tomorrow night and I have a shit ton of questions to ask.
3rd December 2015, 05:15 PM
Obama: Motive Not Clear, FBI: It's Terrorism
damn, why didn't the FBI stop the STUFF that was comin' at us, like they did last July 4th ?!?
You'd think that at this school/medical/whatever venue where the spooks & grunts have been doing ~monthly active shooter drills for the preceding several months, and indeed on the very day of this 'event', that it would be a 'hard target' for the ter'sts!! :D
But instead, the ter'sts rebuffed any such notion, and hit this venue anyways!?! :o
What's next?! Are the ter'sts gonna hit the J Edgar Hoover FBI Headquarters?! :|~
I'm purdy sure the FBI could foil that malfeasance before it could take place!! ;)
3rd December 2015, 07:34 PM
Umm yep hoax
People who carry that bullshit are simply discrediting real Truthers and scaring off potential people who would come into the Truther movement.
3rd December 2015, 07:35 PM
ISIS Celebrates San Bernardino Attack With 'America Burning' Hashtag
"May god spread fear in the homes of the crusaders."
News (
Tiffany Gabbay (
While not claiming responsibility outright, ISIS jihadis are celebrating Wednesday's mass shooting ( at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California.
Scouring the deep web, or “dark web” as it is sometimes referred to, the site Vocativ ( multiple Arabic language posts by ISIS members, including the social media hashtag “America_Burning.”
“Three lions made us proud. They are still alive,” one ISIS jihadi tweeted in Arabic.
“California streets are full with soldiers with heavy weapons. The Unites States is burning #America_Burning #Takbir”
ثلاث ليوث اثلجوا صدورنا بفضل الله مازالوا أحياء ويتجولون شوارع كاليفورنيا بالزى العسكرى وبأسلحة ثقيلة #أمريكا_تشتعل ( D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84?src=hash) #تكبيـر (
ﺳ̲ﻟ̲آﻣ̲يےﻋ ﺂ̲ﻟ̲ﺩ̲ۆﻟة (@alSaoD__yahoD__) December 2, 2015 (
“God is great and he the one to be praised for that,” another ISIS member wrote.
“This is hell with god’s will.”
“Let America know a new era #California #America_burning.”
لتعلم #أمريكا ( أننا في زمان جديد #كاليفورنيا ( 9%8A%D8%A7?src=hash) #امريكا_تشتعل ( D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84?src=hash) — أبومصعب المصري (@abomossabelmass) December 2, 2015 (
Of course God was also praised for brining on Wednesday’s carnage:
“God is the greatest. May god spread fear in the homes of the Crusaders.”
الله اكبر…اللهم انشر الرعب في عقر ديار الصليب فكم اذو المسلمين — john–almwhid (@almwhid_john) December 2, 2015 (
After killing two, police were finally able to apprehend the third suspect in yesterday's attack, Syed Farook, who is described by his own father as a devout Muslim.
In fact, it was only foreign news outlets to first report Farook’s name or describe the suspects as “Middle Eastern.”
American media, likely lamenting the fact that they could not pin the terror on a “right win Christian fundamentalist,” remained silent as to the suspects’ identities for hours after the attack. Whether or not ISIS is responsible remains to be seen, but however one slices it, this is certainly an act of terror.
We will see if our president calls for a press conference to discuss terrorism coming to American shores as quickly as he would if yesterday's tragedy were police shooting. Something tells us, he won't.
Hurrr durrr....
Those must be crisis actors!
The "Muh Crisis Actor" bullshit is no different than the Flat Earth bullshit.
It's designed to discredit the Truther movement.
3rd December 2015, 08:02 PM
California gunmen said to be on US, Saudi and Pakistani watch lists
American intelligence sources said Thursday that the two perpetrators of the previous day's mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, had been designated by intelligence services as terror suspects. Farook was on a US list, while Malik had been listed by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The sources added that a thorough check of the detonators of the explosives used by the couple revealed that they were assembled exactly according to the instructions published in Al-Qaeda's "Inspire" magazine.
Meanwhile, police sources in San Bernardino said Thursday that a search of the basement of the couple's apartment found 12 pipe bombs, explosives for various bombs, including roadside bombs, and large amounts of ammunition for rifles and handguns.
3rd December 2015, 08:35 PM
Hurrr durrr....
Those must be crisis actors!
The "Muh Crisis Actor" bullshit is no different than the Flat Earth bullshit.
It's designed to discredit the Truther movement.
Muh authentic scary moozlemismist ter'st attack! :o Muh unimpeachably trustworthy official story!! :D
^ really Shami, it's you who's discrediting the truther movement with your efforts to mock/shame/etc those of us calling a spade a spade, and calling (this latest) obvious FF fraud, an FF fraud. :rolleyes:
Rather than employing textbook disinfo gambits (Rules #2 & #5 ( displayed above) to "make your case", how about addressing the fact that this latest venue has been, in the months preceding & even on the day of this "event", Active-Shooter-Drill-Central. :(??
3rd December 2015, 09:12 PM
The IRA would have never been caught escaping like these Muslim guys always seem to get caught.
Guess they weren't using whatsapp?
3rd December 2015, 09:34 PM
Do all apartments have their own basement? Or is the basement a communal facility? Seems to me it would be a communal facility.
3rd December 2015, 09:51 PM
Do all apartments have their own basement? Or is the basement a communal facility? Seems to me it would be a communal facility.
Its San Bernardino, they probably all have their own basements there to hide from the smog out topside.
midnight rambler
3rd December 2015, 11:35 PM
and large amounts of ammunition for rifles and handguns.
Be advised that ~6,000 rounds of ammo is considered 'large amounts'.
4th December 2015, 03:00 AM
Basement?that would be very unusual in San Bernardino. The water table is very low they were because it is right up against the San Bernardino Mountains. The only time you see basements usually is if the house is on a slope sometimes the basement might be partially exposed.
mick silver
4th December 2015, 05:18 AM
Government Can't Protect Us From Terrorism
By Daily Bell Staff - December 04, 2015 ( (javascript:void(0)) (
A few cheering thoughts on terrorism ... Terrorism by Moslems in America and Europe cannot be stopped. If attacks do not occur, it will be because nobody tried very hard. Stopping them would require excluding Moslems, deporting them, or controlling them by totalitarian methods. Or, improbably, minding our own business in the Middle East. What you think of the foregoing approaches doesn't matter, since none of them will be used. In France the result would be a civil war. America is too divided to do anything about anything. The notion that the government can prevent terrorism suggests studied inattention to the obvious. – (
Dominant Social Theme: Fortunately, the West's massive intelligence apparatus will keep us safe from the most destructive elements of the War on Terror.
Free-Market Analysis: Over at, Fred Reed has posted an insightful article on government responses to terrorism. Written from a libertarian ( standpoint, its main thesis is simple but often overlooked: Government cannot protect us from the consequences of its "long wars."
Of course, we know government cannot protect us because there is ample evidence that elements of Western government are actually involved in fostering the vey dangers that government purports to combat. We've written about this "false flag" approach in numerous articles recently. Reed's point is more circumspect: From a hypothetical standpoint, the idea that government is a force for stability and safety is illogical.
Even libertarian types will grant that the one feasible job that government has is "protection." But modern Western governance doesn't do what is right, which would be to organize the voluntary sinews of society into a mass of defensive muscle. Modern Western governance is all about lying to young people to entangle them in a military-industrial complex ( that then uses them for fodder to feed a much grander scheme of global control.
Modern (Western) governance is incapable of protecting society even hypothetically because its goals are quite divergent from what is suggested for public relations purposes and because it recruits via subterfuge and wages wars that actually inflame and expand the enemy.
Modern militaries are in thrall to Western intelligence agencies that create the circumstances that give rise to the battlefields on which today's Western soldiers must fight. And these intelligence agencies have obvious mandates that have little or nothing to do with publicly stated sociopolitical and economic goals.
That's something almost nobody usually mentions because it gets into issues of how modern societies really work and who holds the actual power. The same groups that control intelligence agencies also seem to control the modern mainstream media so the chances of having this sort of conversation are, well ... nil. Fred Reed is circumspect about the larger picture but his points are well taken, nonetheless. Here's more:
To begin, the intelligence agencies have proved useless. NSA did not prevent the first attack on the Twin Towers in 1993, nor the successful one. French intelligence did not prevent the recant attacks in Paris, nor Russian intelligence the downing of the airliner over Syria. On and on.
The idea that terrorism can be prevented must include the idea that a package containing ten pounds of C4 (or Semtex, or RDX, or....) and a blasting cap can be kept out of a country with long and almost open borders.
Much libertarian analysis (of a certain type) tends to get tangled up in the "whodunit" question and Reed is clearing out the rhetorical underbrush by explaining that modern governance is not organized for purposes of legitimate civil protection.
Almost all of what government has mustered as "protection" is what Fred Reed calls "security theatre." Airport security, SWAT teams, elaborate after-the-fact press conferences – the point here is to create a reality that doesn't exist except in Hollywood movies.
He doesn't elaborate on this significant point, so we will. The animating memes ( of modern society more and more resemble an actual Hollywood movie – one of the big action blockbusters. Fred Reed does imply this on a more general level. He writes:
"It is interesting to remember that terrorism is not bad for everybody. For the Pentagon, Nine-Eleven was a windfall, providing wars and new drones; for NSA, a massive expansion in its powers; for Israel and AIPAC, the destruction of Israel's arch-enemy, Iraq; for the arms manufacturers, hundreds of billions; for the federal government in general, near-dictatorship and, for jihadists, the involvement of the US in crippling and endless wars. Which is what they wanted.
Reed doesn't explain who "they" are, but he is obviously referring to monetary powerbrokers that operate behind the scenes in Western society and make the big decisions that intelligence agencies then implement as a matter of policy.
We often focus on the subterfuge of the modern elite that leads the Western world from the shadows. It is important to peel back the layers of phony leadership in the 21st century until you arrive at the hard core of real power. Only then will you be in a position to begin to analyze the modern miasma of sociopolitical and economic memes enveloping us.
Here at The Daily Bell we see this as our deepest mission, to analyze the memes disseminated by the powerful for purposes of misinformation and confusion. But sometimes it is good to be reminded that on a very basic level the reality simply doesn't make sense. Modern Western governments are growing massively and justifying this growth by claiming it is necessary to "protect us." But they can't and they won't.
Conclusion: As Fred Reed reminds us, "they" don't want to anyway.
- See more at:
mick silver
4th December 2015, 05:52 AM
The global 'War on Terror' is actually causing more terrorism
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From Ron Paul at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (
The interventionists will do anything to prevent Americans from seeing that their foreign policies are perpetuating terrorism and inspiring others to seek to harm us. The neocons know that when it is understood that blowback is real – that people seek to attack us not because we are good and free, but because we bomb and occupy their countries – their stranglehold over foreign policy will begin to slip.
That is why each time there is an event like the killings in Paris earlier this month, they rush to the television stations to terrify Americans into agreeing to even more bombing, more occupation, more surveillance at home, and more curtailment of our civil liberties. They tell us we have to do it in order to fight terrorism, but their policies actually increase terrorism.
If that sounds harsh, consider the recently released 2015 Global Terrorism Index report. The report shows that deaths from terrorism have increased dramatically over the last 15 years – a period coinciding with the “war on terrorism” that was supposed to end terrorism.
According to the latest report:
Terrorist activity increased by 80% in 2014 to its highest recorded level… The number of people who have died from terrorist activity has increased ninefold since the year 2000.
The world’s two most deadly terrorist organizations, ISIS and Boko Haram, have achieved their prominence as a direct consequence of U.S. interventions.
Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael Flynn was asked last week whether in light of the rise of ISIS he regrets the invasion of Iraq. He replied, “Absolutely. … The historic lesson is that it was a strategic failure to go into Iraq.” He added, “Instead of asking why they attacked us, we asked where they came from.”
Flynn is no non-interventionist. But he does make the connection between the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the creation of ISIS and other terrorist organizations, and he at least urges us to consider why they seek to attack us.
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Likewise, the rise of Boko Haram in Africa is a direct result of a U.S. intervention. Before the U.S.-led “regime change” in Libya, they just were a poorly armed gang. Once Gaddafi was overthrown by the U.S. and its NATO allies, leaving the country in chaos, they helped themselves to all the advanced weaponry they could get their hands on. Instead of just a few rifles, they found themselves armed with rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns with anti-aircraft visors, advanced explosives, and vehicle-mounted light anti-aircraft artillery. Then they started killing on a massive scale. Now, according to the Global Terrorism Index, Boko Haram has overtaken ISIS as the world’s most deadly terrorist organization.
The interventionists are desperate to draw attention from the fact that their policies contribute to terrorism. After the Paris attacks, neocons like former CIA Director James Woolsey actually pinned the blame on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden! He claimed that because of Snowden’s revelations about NSA surveillance, the terrorists were using sophisticated encryption. He even called for Snowden to be hanged because of it. But it was untrue: the Paris attackers did not use encryption and other groups had used encryption long before the Snowden revelations.
Terrorism is increasing worldwide because of U.S. and western interventionism. That does not mean that if we suddenly followed a policy of non-interventionism the world would become a peaceful utopia. But does anyone really believe that continuing to do what increases terrorism will lead to a decrease in terrorism?
4th December 2015, 05:56 AM
Be advised that ~6,000 rounds of ammo is considered 'large amounts'.
what Black Blade had was a 'large amount'.
4th December 2015, 09:55 AM
Saw an interview on CNN this morning (~6AM EST): A lawyer for the two victims said they were found handcuffed in the shot up truck. The interviewer cutback in afterwords at a different location clearly at a different time and said something to the effect that the authorities did not say anything about handcuffs.
I recall the attorney also said something about them being facedown and handcuffed. His point was that things did not add up.
4th December 2015, 10:05 AM
Well, that'd explain something I thought was odd how the S.U.V. appeared nicely parked on the side of the road.
and of supposed 2 officers only engaged it there.
4th December 2015, 10:09 AM
Well, that'd explain something I thought was odd how the S.U.V. appeared nicely parked on the side of the road.
and of supposed 2 officers only engaged it there.
If true it really raises the question of who the third suspect running away is.
4th December 2015, 10:09 AM
Faux news showing the interior of the apartment right now......gotta be the record fastest time that crime scene tape has ever come down.
Gotta be 300 reporters inside.
4th December 2015, 10:16 AM
Chelsey: There’s a lot of disconnects and unknowns and things that, quite frankly, don’t add up or seem implausible. She was never involved in shooting. She was probably about 90 pounds. It’s unlikely she could even carry a weapon, or wear some type of a vest or do any of this. Where the couple was found, from what I understand, is that they were handcuffed, lying face down in this truck, shot up. There’s a lot of things that just don’t make sense. You know, no one has ever seen Sayed with any of the things that they, I mean – with some of the things we found on the scene, they haven’t seem them with them.
4th December 2015, 10:17 AM
If true it really raises the question of who the third suspect running away is.
Maybe a crisis terror actor who managed to escape the back of the s.u.v. when he heard on the police radio that there were "live victims" and everything went live hot?
When you're doing "live shooter" drills i would assume you need "live shooter" actors...
4th December 2015, 10:25 AM
Why bother to handcuff a dead guy?
midnight rambler
4th December 2015, 10:27 AM
Why bother to handcuff a dead guy?
So they're restrained when they transform into a zombie?
4th December 2015, 10:34 AM
If they were both alive as some of the commentary indicates maybe the case is they may have handcuffed him at that point.
4th December 2015, 10:48 AM
Execute order given for flight due to suspicion of bodily explosives.
I cant imagine 2 officers having an advantage any other way, less that s.u.v. ran out of gas, or they rolled up on it when they were entering/exiting it
4th December 2015, 11:28 AM
Execute order given for flight due to suspicion of bodily explosives.
I cant imagine 2 officers having an advantage any other way, less that s.u.v. ran out of gas, or they rolled up on it when they were entering/exiting it
But, the womans body was inside the vehicle I believe, and they approached it with armored vehicles and a bear cat. No one just walked up, opened the door and handcuffed her.
4th December 2015, 11:52 AM
It's official........."TERRORISM". Time to "Arclight" the whole bloody Middle East.
midnight rambler
4th December 2015, 12:07 PM
It's official........."TERRORISM". Time to "Arclight" the whole bloody Middle East.
It took them two whole days to conclude that yet they determined that OBL was the one orchestrating 9/11 before the first twin fell. They're slipping.
4th December 2015, 12:15 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( (
4th December 2015, 12:15 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
4th December 2015, 12:18 PM
ED Page:
4th December 2015, 12:35 PM
When we rush to war with Syria, then likely Iran, will we create internment camps for middle easterners that are already here?
4th December 2015, 12:41 PM
When we rush to war with Syria, then likely Iran, will we create internment camps for middle easterners that are already here?
Putin will start lobbing tactical nukes the moment "we" make any overt move against Syria.
4th December 2015, 12:44 PM
Iran is Shia though.
Most of the terrorists are Sunni. The West wants to flood the West with crazy Sunni Muslim terrorists to kill Whitey faster.
4th December 2015, 12:45 PM
mick silver
4th December 2015, 12:48 PM (
4th December 2015, 12:48 PM
ED Page:
Hey, you didn't give me any "trigger warnings" that there were links to porn sites on that page. I feel so "micro-aggresed" that I must go to my "safe space" and see if a "teachable moment" occurred.
midnight rambler
4th December 2015, 01:08 PM
Putin will start lobbing tactical nukes the moment "we" make any overt move against Syria.
With their S-300 and S-400 systems in place Russia has a defacto 'no fly zone' in Syria.
4th December 2015, 01:17 PM
4th December 2015, 01:18 PM (
4th December 2015, 01:20 PM
So what kind of ammo do you think they used ?
Zero Hedge had that picture.
I think it's Federal American Eagle, the kind that comes with 10 per stripper clip.
Basically, this stuff -
I'm biased, I think it's great ammo.
The only other 5.56 that I've seen that comes on stripper clips is Norma, and their clips look different.
Federal's clips are metal, Norma's are plastic.
4th December 2015, 01:26 PM
Awesome find from 8Chan
4th December 2015, 01:26 PM
They are destroying the evidence. Cover up?
Great way to leak info to the press. Just open the door and let them in.
Remember that in the Daily Beat article, the traced Farook to Corona Califonia, not Redlands ( Some of the news reports talked about other relstives living in this house in Redlands. I wonder whats going on down in Corona?
A public records search indicates that Syed Raheel Farook’s mother lives at the Redlands home raided by the police on Wednesday.
The Daily Beast knocked on the door of a home in Corona that belonged to Sayed Raheel Farook, according to public records. The Daily Beast was at the door met by a man who said, “My name is Farook.” When asked if he knew Syed, the man said, “Of course I know him, but I have nothing to say.” When asked about Syed being named as a suspect, he said, “I have nothing to say.”
4th December 2015, 01:46 PM
I thought Farook is dead? How did they talk to him?
"Farook, who also went by his middle name, Raheel, was a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile. He is a 2003 graduate La Sierra High School, and most recently studied finance at California State University Fullerton until 2013."
Corona is not Redlands (30-35 miles). La Sierra High School is in Riverside and is a Seventh Day Adventist private High school. The Farook identified by the news is a Health Inspector. A different Farook?
Edit: Fox now saying that Farook may not be one of the dead suspects.
How The Daily Beast Misidentified One of the San Bernardino Shooting Suspects (
In fact, as the article’s 1:41 a.m. correction indicates (, the photo, description, and property records were not those of the actual suspect, whose full name is Syed Rizwan Farook. They were of his brother, Syed Raheel Farook.
4th December 2015, 01:49 PM
Revealed: Brother of San Bernardino gunman is a decorated Navy veteran honored for his role in the war on terror
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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter ( | DailyMail on Facebook
Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, was named as the heavily armed gunman who massacred 14 at a conference center in California on Wednesday morning
But his brother Syed Raheel Farook served in the Navy for four years
The married father served as an information systems technician on the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise
His awards include the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Lots of comments with this sentiment:
"...a decorated Navy veteran who has been honored for his role in the war on terror..." You're kidding, right, DM? Both of those medals only require you to be enlisted during a war. I earned one of those 8 months pregnant in the Air Force sitting in my cubicle paying folks. If by decorated you mean adding color to his uniform, then I regress.
Insomniac (, Buffalo, 8 hours ago
We have...that's how we know their service medals. Anyone who has ever deployed during Iraq or Afghanistan gets those medals. Since he's in the Navy, he was likely sitting in a boat catching some sun in the Gulf. I'm not trying to detract from his service, but that's like calling me an award winning actor because I got a gold star in Kindergarten for playing a turkey during the Thanksgiving play.
James OD (, Paddling About, United States Minor Outlying Islands, 12 hours ago
There's nothing special about any of the medals he was awarded. The National Defense Service Medal and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal were awarded to everyone in the military simply for being in the military during the award periods. I received mine in a mass formation before my unit had even deployed overseas. The Good Conduct Medal is awarded for simply not getting in trouble during one's enlistment. The Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal was awarded to everyone after completing a deployment, I was handed a bag of them and told to pass them out to my section while we were processing to return home from Iraq. The Sea Service Deployment Ribbon is a Navy ribbon, but it's my understanding that it is issued merely for completing a deployment, no matter if it's in peacetime or war, combat or training. None of the medals or ribbons he was awarded were for merit or valor. This sailor did his job, nothing more.
mick silver
4th December 2015, 01:59 PM
never heard of the FBI not taking control of a crime scene .. so they didn't have a guard at their home making sure nothing was removed .................. something Is being cover up ............................... I smell a rat
mick silver
4th December 2015, 01:59 PM
john fix the forum
mick silver
4th December 2015, 02:17 PM
Whistleblower: “Every Time There Is a Terrorist Attack, What We Really Need to Do Is Demand that They CUT the Budgets of All the Intelligence Agencies”Source: Washington's Blog (
The highest-level NSA whistleblower in history – William Binney – the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information, 36-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, who served as the senior technical director within the agency, and managed thousands of NSA employees – has a great suggestion for motivating U.S. intelligence agencies to prevent terrorism.
Binney tells Washington’s Blog:
If you want to get into the real reason politicians, companies and agencies are hard over advocates for mass/bulk surveillance, then you need to look at all the money involved. It’s about 100 Billion (that’s with a B) per year.
When NSA Director Alexander said their objective is to “collect it all”, then that simply exposed the underlying reason for all this spying. That committed the government to collecting an ever increasing year-by-year amount of data which takes an ever increasing year-by-year amount of money to do. And to achieve that, they use fear mongering and lies to mislead and bamboozle us into letting them take more and more of our money to achieve very little. [Background (]
So, every time there is a terrorist attack, what we really need to do is demand that they cut the budgets of all the intelligence agencies. And, if they still keep failing, then we need to get rid of them and start the process again with new agencies and new managers. It could be as simple are removing the top 4 layers of management at an agency and replacing them with external people drawn from professional ranks not related to politics or government.
Mass collection on everybody, of course, makes government (including FBI, DEA, DHS, IRS, CIA …) all knowing like a J. Edger Hoover on super steroids or an all knowing Stasi with more complete, accurate, timely, mineable/interrogateable, stored electronic files. This does make the government all knowing and in a position to manipulate and control people just like the KGB or the Stasi did. [Background (]
Also, it represents a total flip of the founding principles of our country. We were supposed to know what the government was doing in our name; the government was not supposed to know what we were doing unless they had probable cause to look at us. [Background here (, here ( and here (]
But, that takes a mainstream media that wants to do their job and keep the public informed.
Postscript: In ancient China, traditional Chinese doctors only got paid as long as their patients remained healthy. If the patients got sick, they stopped paying their doctors.
Binney’s proposal is arguably analogous … pay the intelligence agencies so long as they are bolstering our defenses and keeping our national security “healthy”; stop paying them if we get attacked. (
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midnight rambler
4th December 2015, 03:22 PM
"In a normal society everyone involved would end up in jail. Big time."
The joozmedia just showed how COMPLETELY irresponsible they are, an ALL respects. There SHOULD be some prison time involved, but we know what we happen. Bonuses and promotions all around.
4th December 2015, 04:26 PM
Pictured: The handcuffed body of San Bernardino terrorist whose Pakistani wife pledged allegiance to ISIS on Facebook DURING the slaughter of 14
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4th December 2015, 05:23 PM
Link to photo of Mrs. Terrorist.
4th December 2015, 06:59 PM
Someone I know has a friend/colleague who knows SB Sheriffs. They are being told personally that there is believed to be a third shooter, and possibly a network. They are getting warned to avoid crowded public places like theaters, malls, etc. I think the Feds are probably controlling what is said publicly, and these individuals are sharing what they think is going on to friends, etc.
4th December 2015, 09:01 PM
With the gunmen in the San Bernardino attack still on the loose and no description of the gunmen beyond clothing being reported, celebrities Amy Schumer, Zoe Kazan, Olivia Wilde, Elizabeth Banks, Josh Gad, Billy Eichner, and Moby tweeted for more gun control.
Zoe Kazan led the pack by asking Hillary Clinton to step in and help secure gun control. Kazan tweeted, “Hillary Clinton help us mobilize. How can I use my powers as a citizen to help bring greater gun control to my country? How can I act NOW?” Olivia Wilde responded to Kazan’s tweet by tweeting, “I am with you.”
Next came Pixel’s Josh Gad, who tweeted, “How many times a month, week, or day must there be mass shootings 4 us to demand gun control? #WhenIsEnoughEnough? Beyond sad. Prayers 2 all.”
Gad was followed by Billy Eichner, who responded to people offering thoughts and prayers for victims by tweeting, “Your ‘thoughts and prayers’ don’t mean a damn thing. #GunControlNOW.”
Amy Schumer tweeted next, writing, “It doesn’t have to be this way. join the movement and help us.” She asked people to go to to help secure gun control.
Then Elizabeth Banks tweeted, “If you are as disgusted by the killing of innocent Americans by ‘long guns’ as I am, support Every Town and Moms Demand.”
4th December 2015, 10:43 PM
The Jews and their lies.
4th December 2015, 10:51 PM
@ memoryholeblog
December 4, 2015 (
Daily Shooter: San Bernardino Evidence of Multi-Agency Drill, Staging Areas, Set-up in Less Than 90 Minutes ( 5 ( by James Tracy ( • Guest Posts ( • Tags: gun control (, journalism (, news media (, news media analysis (, public opinion (
21st Century Wire
Another Daily Shooter event has taken place in San Bernardino, California. As we go to press, police marksmen appear to have shot-up a black SUV, with one suspect killed, one severely wounded [later pronounced dead] and another escaping on foot according to NBC News live coverage. It’s still unconfirmed whether the SUV passengers are actually the same men who were the original ‘active shooters’ at the original crime scene.
Earlier this afternoon at approximately 12pm PT, we’re that 14 people were reported to have been killed and another 17 have been hospitalized with various injuries, after the 3 shooters are said to have opened fire with ‘long guns’ inside a conference venue, in the Inland Regional Center, a government-run disabled services office complex, located in San Bernardino. Police gave chase to suspects and claim that 3 assailants were masked (therefore could not be ID’d at the scene), heavily armed and possibly wearing body armor.
( FOR TV: The later shoot-out was perfectly positioned for a Television News chopper to capture the drama unimpeded for national audiences, putting all the latest police military gear on display. Many hours after the initial event, Paramilitary Police units in armored MRAPs apparently shoot-up a black SUV, but it’s not known whether or not this was driven by one the original suspects, raising the possibility about whether the police have ‘accidentally’ shot-up the wrong vehicle. Despite the incredible media vantage point here, still no actual footage exists of the alleged deadly shoot-out other than a few photos seen ( afterwards, nor is there any footage of police removing the suspects dead bodies from the black SUV onto medical gurnies (Image credit: NBC News)
More… (
4th December 2015, 10:56 PM
Muh Every Shooting is a Hoax
Muh Flat Earth
...are all mis-directions by the Jew.
The poor poor Muslims. Always demonized. The fucking Loominaughty must be behind this!
4th December 2015, 11:08 PM
Muh Every Shooting is a Hoax
Muh Flat Earth
...are all mis-directions by the Jew.
The poor poor Muslims. Always demonized. The fucking Loominaughty must be behind this!
Go back to playing fallout manchild.
4th December 2015, 11:15 PM
again found @ memoryholeblog, but source is Patrick Henningsen's dailyshooter. Reader comments @ MHB are more robust.
December 4, 2015 (
San Bernardino Media Hoax: CNN, Media, ‘Victims Families’ All Ransack Suspects Family Home, Faux FBI Crime Scene ( 17 ( by James Tracy ( • Home ( • Tags: gun control (, journalism (, news media analysis (, police state and civil rights (, public opinion
SEE ALSO: San Bernardino: Evidence of Staged Drill, Possible FBI ‘Muslim’ Informant
21st Century Wire
Today saw another new low-point in American broadcast journalism, as members of the media and public ransacked the shooting suspects family home in Redlands, California. On closer examination, however, what is on display here has very little to do with journalism, and everything to do with staged ‘synthetic terror’.
It appears that both mainstream media and law enforcement are becoming increasingly desperate to sell an ever-more embellished and fantastic story line surrounding this latest alleged ‘Mass Shooting’ event that we’re told took place on Wednesday ( in San Bernardino, California.
Earlier, CNN’s official “terrorism analyst”, Paul Cruickshank, stated that San Bernardino’s staged event was, “the deadliest Islamist terrorism attack on US soil since 9/11”. If that was true, then any venues or sites related to this investigation would still be secured by law enforcement – and yet, less than 48 hours after what we’re told was a ‘mass shooting’ and ‘international terrorism’ event – members of the mainstream media and unidentified members of the public were let loose completely unsupervised, inside what authorities are claiming to be “the killers’ home” located in Redlands. California. More… (
4th December 2015, 11:19 PM
Go back to playing fallout manchild.
You're a Muslim.
It's in your interests to cover up any Islamic terror or anti-Islam sentiment. (
ISIS is not terrorism. (
ISIS is love.
4th December 2015, 11:21 PM
Pictured: The handcuffed body of San Bernardino terrorist whose Pakistani wife pledged allegiance to ISIS on Facebook DURING the slaughter of 14
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Multi-tasking? Shooting and Facebooking all in the same sweep?
Hmmm wonder how far that pledge got her into the upper realms of ISIS, Maybe she saw Netenyahoo too after that?
He loves pledges...or Obama he funded the whole thing, maybe her facebook pledge went straight thru Netenyahoo and straight on upto Obama!
4th December 2015, 11:32 PM
December 4, 2015 (
Australia’s 1996 National Firearms Agreement and Buyback Program ( 1 ( by James Tracy ( • Documents ( • Tags: gun control (, police state and civil rights (
Australia Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy
( of Congress
Submitted by Andrew S. McGregor
As a response to the April 28, 1996 Port Arthur massacre ( the Australian government passed sweeping gun control legislation that included a massive “gun buyback” program. President Obama has recently invoked the Port Arthur massacre and Scotland’s 1996 Dunblane elementary school massacre in his calls for heightened gun control measures. A multitude of unanswered questions surround both of these mass shootings.-JFT
The resolutions agreed to at the Australasian Police Ministers’ Council [APMC] meeting on May 10, 1996,[22] provided for the establishment of a uniform approach to firearms regulation that would include
*a federal ban on the importation of “all semi-automatic self-loading and pump action longarms, and all parts, including magazines, for such firearms, included in Licence Category D, and control of the importation of those firearms included in Licence Category C.” The sale, resale, transfer, ownership, manufacture, and use of such firearms would also be banned by the states and territories, other than in exceptional circumstances (relating to military or law enforcement purposes and occupational categories, depending on the category of the firearm);[23]
More… (
4th December 2015, 11:53 PM
December 4, 2015 (
Australia’s 1996 National Firearms Agreement and Buyback Program ( 1 ( by James Tracy ( • Documents ( • Tags: gun control (, police state and civil rights (
Australia Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy
( of Congress
Submitted by Andrew S. McGregor
As a response to the April 28, 1996 Port Arthur massacre ( the Australian government passed sweeping gun control legislation that included a massive “gun buyback” program. President Obama has recently invoked the Port Arthur massacre and Scotland’s 1996 Dunblane elementary school massacre in his calls for heightened gun control measures. A multitude of unanswered questions surround both of these mass shootings.-JFT
The resolutions agreed to at the Australasian Police Ministers’ Council [APMC] meeting on May 10, 1996,[22] provided for the establishment of a uniform approach to firearms regulation that would include
*a federal ban on the importation of “all semi-automatic self-loading and pump action longarms, and all parts, including magazines, for such firearms, included in Licence Category D, and control of the importation of those firearms included in Licence Category C.” The sale, resale, transfer, ownership, manufacture, and use of such firearms would also be banned by the states and territories, other than in exceptional circumstances (relating to military or law enforcement purposes and occupational categories, depending on the category of the firearm);[23]
More… (
Short term i think they want European style laws, long term is a complete ban. Would be hard to go "full Australia/Britain" in a country like America right away.
I think they want a registration process for all firearms like with class 3 weapons, then demand that the guns are stored in a safe, then require a "valid reason" for getting a firearm which in countries like my own means being member of a club or being a hunter. Another step could be to have forced inspections and limited permits that require a renewal process every x amount of years/months... with a fee attached of course.
I'm kinda pessimistic about the whole thing to be honest. The masses are just too dumb. All of these shootings are accepted as facts and any mere suggestion that things are not the way they are portrayed gets attacked viciously by shills and people not smart enough to realize they are being played. Another thing is the amount of time and money the jews dedicate to the issue. It's not something they will just give up upon. I'm sure they have many more such attacks coming.
mick silver
5th December 2015, 04:32 AM
4, 2015 by Dean James ( Shocking Details Revealed About Obama And California Shooter… This Is HUGE
Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS ( –Republican Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Ted Cruz of Texas are demanding that Obama administration officials release immigration records of the San Bernardino shooters, arguing that they are pertinent to the debate on funding Obama’s Syrian refugee program.CBS News reported that the San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook’s Saudi-born wife, Tashfeen Malik, was “vetted” by Department of Homeland Security counter-terrorism screening. ( That’s right, this is the same “vetting” process that Obama and liberals are counting on to screen for terrorists coming in as ‘refugees.’
“In our struggle against terrorism, we are dealing with an enemy that has shown it is not only capable of bypassing U.S. screening, but of recruiting and radicalizing Muslim migrants after their entry to the United States,” the senators said in their letter ( to the Obama administration. “The recruitment of terrorists in the U.S. is not limited to adult migrants, but to their young children and to their U.S.-born children, which is why family immigration history is necessary to understand the nature of the threat.”
The senator’s letter was sent to Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Last week Sessions’ office released 12 examples of refugees publicly implicated in terrorism in this year. ( In recent months the Alabama lawmaker and Sen. Ted Cruz have been pressing the Obama administration for information about the immigration histories of more than 70 individuals.
So far Obama ( has refused to release the information.
“In just the last year, refugees and other migrants admitted to the U.S. from Bosnia, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Kuwait and Bangladesh have been implicated in terrorist activity,” Sessions and Cruz said in a joint statement earlier this month.
“A response is not only long overdue, but urgent in light of a series of assaults, including: the heinous attacks in San Bernardino, California, the earlier attacks on the military recruiting center in Chattanooga, the Boston Bombing, and Congress’ imminent consideration of government funding legislation that would include funding for myriad immigration programs that have allowed for these events to occur.”
My good friend Sean Brown ( at Mad World News ( adds that the latest theory on how Farook became radicalized is that Malik, who had a Pakistani visa, was able to coerce him into giving his life to Allah, which is a scary thought in and of itself since it shows that even so-called “moderates” are able to be converted to the “dark side” of Islam. Even more frightening is that she did it on American soil, after she whizzed through the DHS vetting process, which is the very process we’re supposedly using on Syrian “refugees.”
Just think about that one for a second. The DHS couldn’t figure out this woman, who entered the nation ( on a fiancée visa, was radical and had ties to terror, yet they want us to trust they can determine whether or not people from a war-torn nation do? Yeah, okay. After seeing the sheer incompetence from this administration, I wouldn’t trust them to change a bulb on a strand of Christmas lights.
(H/T: BizPac Review ( share this post with friends on Facebook and Twitter!
5th December 2015, 06:07 AM
some of the stories discussed in this week's
12/03/2015 False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer (
Active shooter drills keep going live
5) San Bernardino shooting: Search for suspects underway, 14 killed, 17 injured
6) Monthly active shooter drill goes live in San Bernardino
7) San Bernardino Shooting “SWAT Team already geared up and in area [before shooting.]”
8) ACTIVE SHOOTER EXERCISE VVC students help law enforcement in campus drill
9) San Bernardino Sees Largest Ever Multi-Agency Staging Area Set-up in Less Than 90 Minutes
10) San Bernardino exercise drill (men in blue managing)
11)Unloading a dummy as a prop in Colorado Springs?
5th December 2015, 06:19 AM
Millions and millions of Crisis Actors flooding into Europe
No actual Muslim terrorists found. It's all staged. Go back to sleep you Sphere world cucks.
Listen closely to the Lyrics PatColo
5th December 2015, 07:21 AM
Millions and millions of Crisis Actors flooding into Europe
Shami, can you please identify where any of the San Bernadino 'Event' skeptics hereabouts have doubted the facts re the joo-orchestrated Europe invasion?
Ditto wrt your equally fraudulent attempt to conflate SB skepticism with the "flat-earthers" distraction: please identify where SB skeptic(s) hereabouts have declared their unequivocal belief in flat-earther-ism? (S.O.G.'s delusional joospew don't count, of course...:rolleyes:)
Or are you now shamelessly trotting out Disinfo Rule #4: Use a Straw Man ( in your breathlessly laboring to "make your case" in support of's official SB story ???
Indeed, we never did hear back from you in response to:
Muh authentic scary moozlemismist ter'st attack! :o
Muh unimpeachably trustworthy official story!! :D
^ really Shami, it's you who's discrediting the truther movement with your efforts to mock/shame/etc those of us calling a spade a spade, and calling (this latest) obvious FF fraud, an FF fraud. :rolleyes:
Rather than employing textbook disinfo gambits (Rules #2 & #5 ( displayed above) to "make your case", how about addressing the fact that this latest venue has been, in the months preceding & even on the day of this "event", Active-Shooter-Drill-Central.
5th December 2015, 07:52 AM
Ditto wrt your equally fraudulent attempt to conflate SB skepticism with the "flat-earthers" distraction: please identify where SB skeptic(s) hereabouts have declared their unequivocal belief in flat-earther-ism? (S.O.G.'s delusional joospew don't count, of course...:rolleyes:)
I'm pointing out it's a misdirection by the people in power.
If you think all the mass shootings are false flags, then the general public writes you off when you say everything is a false flag.
It ruins any credible false flags like 9/11.
Every single mass shooting the first thing I see is "It's a Staged False Flag" and "There was a nearby drill! It's fake! Crisis Actors!"
It's the Boy Who Cried Wolf type deal.
Even if you're 100% right about whatever you're saying, people will just roll their eyes when real false flags happen. That's the purpose of this movement. The Flat Earth movement was another, more obvious misdirection so I pointed to that hoping you'd see the connection. Also the Jesuits thing is to mislead from the Jews. There's government and NGO agencies working to create fake movements to lead people astray, and turn them off from the Truth movement to discredit us all.
I know you're heavily invested in this. I'm trying to tell you though, you're turning people off. The "The Muslims are invading us and it's the Jews doing it" is a more simple message, and to the point where we can get real solutions.
The Alt-Right is already making fun of and distancing itself away from this SB False Flag stuff:
The first thing you need in order to establish False Flag is motive, ie. how this shooting serves the Establishment .
How does this shooting benefit The Establishment? The motive has to be more important than the Jewish program to flood America with Muds. What is it?
The people who believe what you do are jsnip4 driving down the road telling you to buy Silver and laughing at the dumb sheeple.
Read the comment section:
It's all the David Icke style Truther crap.
This is David Icke Truthers versus RamZPaul Truthers. I'm not following false rabbit holes which are meant to distract and destroy our movement.
mick silver
5th December 2015, 08:40 AM
After CA Terrorism, New Yorker Cover Targets Smiling White Gun OwnersThe leftist media always stay on point. 12.4.2015
News (
Mark Tapson (
You have to admire the left's ability to stay on point.
Fresh off an Islamic terror attack carried out in strictly gun-controlled California, the leftist media haven't missed a beat perpetuating their message that guns, not jihadists, are the problem that must be addressed.
For the cover of its upcoming December 14th issue, The New Yorker magazine chose artist Eric Drooker's depiction not of a Muslim couple like the San Barnardino terrorists, but of a white couple shopping together, happily piling AR-15s and hand grenades into their cart along with a carton of milk.
(Yes, white people can be Muslims too, but let's get real - The New Yorker isn't going after Muslims but after their stereotype of white, undoubtedly Christian and conservative, Constitutionalist gun owners.)
"What would it look like if I took America’s obsession with firearms to its logical extreme?” says Drooker about the cover, according to writer Francoise Mouly (, who continues: "The proliferation of guns and the too-easy access to military-grade weapons is not the only story in San Bernardino, but it’s an appalling part of it."
Logical extreme? There's nothing logical about this. White, sane, law-abiding, husband-and-wife gun owners are not carrying out acts of terrorism. They are not waging war against the United States or anyone else. You cannot simply go to a supermarket and pick up an arsenal. Hand grenades have been illegal for citizens since 1968. This artwork is not a "logical extreme" but a grotesque leftist fantasy designed to demonize supporters of the Second Amendment.
"If only Eric Drooker’s image were a fiction," Mouly muses. You can picture her shaking her head in moral indignation. Except that it is a fiction.
What's not fiction is the threat of worldwide jihad, which left 14 dead Wednesday in California. If only Eric Drooker had painted something about that.
5th December 2015, 08:43 AM
Attorney David Chesley expressed skepticism at the accuracy of information released by the police and FBI after Farook and his Pakistan-born wife Tashfeen Malik gunned down 14 people at the Inland Regional Center before they were killed in a shootout with police, the Daily Mail reported (
“There were a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not,” Mr. Chesley told reporters alongside family attorney Mohammad Abuershaid.
5th December 2015, 09:20 AM
It's all the David Icke style Truther crap.
This is David Icke Truthers versus RamZPaul Truthers. I'm not following false rabbit holes which are meant to distract and destroy our movement.
what has icke said that you dont like, willing to know honestly... if you go to his daily headlines page, every day there is something about zionism.
the beef people have with Icke is generally that he includes the perception of Collective Consciousness aka the Matrix. But it is clear at this stage we are all caught in the very same illusion, racial realists included. One doesnt need to believe in his ET archonic model to discredit the rest of what he says. IMHO
5th December 2015, 09:22 AM
what has icke said that you dont like, willing to know honestly... if you go to his daily headlines page, every day there is something about zionism.
the beef people have icke is generally that he includes the perception of Collective Consciousness aka the Matrix. One doesnt need to believe in his ET archonic model to discredit the rest of what he says. IMHO
5th December 2015, 09:22 AM
Farook Family Attorneys Question Veracity of San Bernardino Shooting Event 1 ( by James Tracy ( • Home ( • Tags: conspiracy theory (, news media (, news media analysis (, Sandy Hook Elementary (
Development is troublesome for those pushing implausible storyline Federal authorities seeking to pass off active shooter training exercises as real events may have pushed the stick too far with the San Bernardino shooting. The family of alleged gunman Syed Rizwan Farook has retained two attorneys who are raising important questions and pointing to evidentiary anomalies that neither the federal agencies conducting the “investigation” (read: op) nor the corporate media “reporting” the shooting want the public to consider. They also argue that the event has nothing to do with terrorism. family attorneys David S. Chesley and Muhammad Abuershaid ( speak to reporters on December 4, 2015
In fact, at one point the attorneys even invoked the Sandy Hook massacre as an example of how recent mass shootings simply don’t add up. Media outlets have been quick to dismiss such comparisons as illogical and baseless.
For example, Mediaite observes (
Syed Farook‘s family lawyer Friday said “there were a lot of questions” surrounding the San Bernardino shootings, at one point floating Sandy Hook conspiracy theories to suggest the crime did not occur as the FBI claims.
In an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, attorney David Chesley iterated reports that the attack had nothing to do with terrorism, saying, “there have been suggestions that it may be something that was related to their work, that somehow he was a disgruntled employee.”
“I mean obviously these things were found there, how they got there we don’t know.”
“There were a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not,” Chelsey added, insisting “there has been a lot speculation about” the elementary school massacre that killed 20 children and six adults. [sic]
This has resulted in tremendous ire from major media and general public outrage, even though the attorneys’ queries are entirely within the realm of sound questioning.
Prefacing his interview with Chesley and Abuershaid, CNN’s Cuomo expresses his frustration that the attorneys have put their thinking caps on and have thus not readily accepted the utterly sensationalistic San Bernardino shooting narrative presented by authorities and major news outlets.
“They don’t represent the shooters–obviously they’re dead,” Cuomo begins, “but they don’t represent their interests as well.”
This is a fascinating example of misinformation at play. In his enthusiastic defense of the dominant story frame, CNN’s Cuomo contradicts himself by questioning the attorneys’ judgement and capacity to represent dead people, as strange as that sounds.
What he’s really saying is that the attorneys are venturing in a direction that could reveal this event for what it is. This is a major reason the interview has been downplayed and the interviewees vilified. “They say that the family’s in shock,” Cuomo continues,
They say that the family didn’t know. We have no reason to disbelieve that from the investigators at this point. But they go farther. They question whether or not this is terrorism. They question whether or not this even happened the way we think it happened.
Attorneys, law enforcement officers, physicians, and university professors are all especially menacing for those seeking to drive home a dubious storyline because such individuals represent and constitute credentialed authority to which corporate news media often defer. Thus an expert cannot be as readily dismissed as an independent researcher with a blog or YouTube channel.
Where have we seen this dynamic play out in recent years? This author can recall at least one instance.“While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described.” – James Tracy, PhD, December 24, 2012
When such institutional authorities cannot be intimidated or humiliated into silence, they are simply ignored and their ideas suppressed. This strategy is on full display with’s recent censorship ( of Prof. James Fetzer’s edited volume, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, the lead chapter of which begins with the above observation.
5th December 2015, 09:41 AM
If you think all the mass shootings are false flags, then the general public writes you off when you say everything is a false flag.
It ruins any credible false flags like 9/11.
Every single mass shooting the first thing I see is "It's a Staged False Flag" and "There was a nearby drill! It's fake! Crisis Actors!"
It's the Boy Who Cried Wolf type deal.
I know you're heavily invested in this. I'm trying to tell you though, you're turning people off...
Jackie Shot JFK...Crisis Actors...No 911 Planes...Ickes is Right...Holograms
You guys need to stop dismissing Shami's concerns. He is absolutely correct in this thread. Some of you are coming off as drooling conspiracy theory loons. Some of you lack common Discernment.
5th December 2015, 10:20 AM
Neglecting the fact of terror drills weekly is neglecting responsibility of the goyim making itself a target by purchasing the fear. If you'd like things to continue along the historical pogrom keep purchasing the fear, Shami. Judeam's Zion will luv and thrive upon it as it has since the beginning of time, you'll be made into a Palestinian.
5th December 2015, 11:24 AM
This is the interview I saw yesterday live (while sitting on an airplane):
The interview still has the major points (including the handcuffs), but the commentary afterwards is different. When I saw it, the interviewer was [apparently] standing outside by himself and made a comment that the handcuffs issue as irrelevant, that the "authorities" said nothing about handcuffs. Now he is talking to a lady reporter and embellishing on the handcuffs.
(I sent the law office a link to this thread and to the "Mass Shootings, False Flag, Suspicious Happenings" section).
See the interview HERE ( Chelsey mentions Sandy Hook. By mentioning Sandy Hook, he is putting any false flaggers on alert that truth may enter into this case.
5th December 2015, 02:11 PM
Chelsey mentions Sandy Hook. By mentioning Sandy Hook, he is putting any false flaggers on alert that truth may enter into this case.
Not so fast JQP. Goldissima already piggybacked and linked to David Icke in this thread and here you are joining Amanda piggybacking and linking to Sandy Hook.
This thread topic is San Bernardino Mass Shooting wherein we should be gathering and sharing real actual information about the San Bernardino Mass Shooting.
You just proved Shami's point.
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