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3rd April 2016, 09:15 PM
What world famous men have said about the Jews. This video is long but speaks the truth from start to finish.


3rd April 2016, 09:38 PM
From the comments below the video above that tell us who the Jews are and who the real Israelites are.

The Marks of Israel In the story of Abram, Genesis 12-15 deals with the exploits of Abram and Lot and their travels through the lands of the Canaanites and Egypt. Three covenants are made, two prophetic and one contemporary, within Chapter 15.Verse 5 states: "And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be."

Verses 13 and 14 say: "And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years. And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance."

Verse 18 says: "In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:"

God chose to give that land to Abram at that time. But Verses 13 and 14 give a hint of future bondage for a period of 400 hundred years. Verses 5, 13 and 14, and literally scores of other verses can be adduced as being pertinent to the future trials and exploits of Abraham's seed. Exodus 13:40 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=13m40s) states that the tribes stayed in Egypt for a total of 430 years. It is possible that a formal state of bondage began after the 30th year and lasted for the remaining 400 years. The probable date of entry into Egypt was 1710 B.C. and the probable date of the exodus was 1280 B.C., during the reign of Rameses II (circa 1224 B.C.). See These Were God's People, A Bible History by William C. Martin.

Who are God’s people? The Jews claim that they are; and they possess an exclusivist culture that finds its basis in various biblical claims, such as being descended from the tribes of Israel. They also claim that their religion, Judaism, is the same religion that was dictated to Moses by God. They claim to be the originators of monotheism and they claim to be the custodians of the religion of Moses. The point of this article is to show that these claims are false and easily disproved by a simple study of Scripture.

To understand the difference between Israelites and Jews, an analysis of the Marks of Israel must be made. In order to understand the clear Biblical distinctions between Abraham's seed through the line of Jacob/Israel versus Abraham’s seed through the line of Esau/Edom, we must understand the divergence of both the posterity and the history of these two distinct groups of people. The people who are today known as Jews derive both their heritage and their genetic composition not from Jacob/Israel but from Esau/Edom. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, and contrary to Yahweh’s Law against race-mixing, Esau “despised his birthright” by marrying into a Canaanite clan known as the Hittites. “And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and Rebekah.” (Gen. 26:34 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=26m34s),35.)

This, despite Isaac’s warning: “Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.” -- Gen. 28:1. In other words, Esau became a race traitor. He joined the enemy. The Jews acknowledge their Edomite heritage in many of their in-house writings; but they do not admit this in their public proclamations for fear that True Israel might catch on to their charade. “Edom is in modern Jewry.”— Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, Vol. 5, p41.
Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, even went so far as to say that her life will have been in vain if her other son, Jacob, follows in the footsteps of the race-traitor, Esau. “And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth [Esau’s Hittite/Canaanite wives]: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?” (Gen. 27:46 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=27m46s).) (In other words, dear men of Israel, DO NOT MARRY OUTSIDE YOUR RACE!) Since Esau was the grandson of Abraham, his offspring can claim descent from Abraham; however, that is the end of their genetic and social relationship with Abraham.

Once Esau despised his birthright, he became a stranger, producing non-Abrahamic offspring among the Hittites and other Canaanites. Just look at a typical Jew and see the marks of the various racial strains that have been mixed into his blood. They are all mamzers (mixed race children)! “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them.” (Isa. 3:9.) They are the physical evidence of the Jewish violation of the Law against intermarriage! How much more evidence do you need?

In my previous JDP Newsletter, The Enmity, Part 1: The Two Bloodlines, I delineated the separate and distinct family trees of the Edomites of Esau’s seed and the Israelites of Jacob’s seed. If these two seedlines are indeed separate and distinct, then both biblical prophecy and history will demonstrate this distinction. The study of the Marks of Israel is the study of these prophecies and the related history. Isaac and his wife Rebekah disowned Esau and embraced Jacob for the clear reasons stated in Genesis, Chapters 24 through 28. (Please take some time out of your busy life and read these chapters so you will understand Yahweh’s displeasure in race-mixing.) From the day when Esau despised his birthright, both the Bible and secular history tell of these two antagonistic nations, as a continuing fulfillment of the Enmity as stated in Genesis 3:15 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=3m15s).

Genesis 3:15 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=3m15s) is the very first prophetic statement contained in the Bible. In order to emphasize the point, Paul, reiterating Yahweh’s words, in Romans 9:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=9m13s), states, “Jacob have I loved; Esau I have hated.” The fact is that the prophecies regarding the children of Israel have been fulfilled only by the Jacob/Israel branch of Abraham’s seed. The prophecies concerning the children of Esau have been fulfilled only by the mixed seed of Esau/Edom, today known as Jews. (Read the Book of Obadiah to get a real eye-opening serving of Yahweh’s displeasure with Esau and his descendants.) These prophetic Marks must be analyzed; and it must be shown that the prophetic statements made by God with regard to Israel's descendants cannot have been and were not, in fact, fulfilled by the Jews.

Here follows a list of the identifying Marks as they occur in the Bible. Some will be quoted in their entirety and others will be merely adduced for the reader's own reference. The references are too numerous to be given individual treatment.
The passages referred to as the Marks of Israel are those which are the most obvious references concerning the fate of a distinct group of people. That group of people is the Israelites, but the promises made to Abraham apply to Israel because Israel is a direct descendant and because the promises (covenants) were distinctly remade to Israel.

Already quoted above were Genesis 12:2,3 ("I will make of thee a great nation."), Gen. 15:5, regarding Abram's innumerable offspring, and Genesis 15:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=15m13s), regarding the four hundred year period of bondage.

The general nature of God's promise to Abraham is given in Genesis 17:2-6. "And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee."

Some very specific promises have been made in this passage. By looking at this small collection alone, we can already see that none of these prophecies have come to pass with regard to that group of people known as Jews. The Jews claim to be the only heirs of the promises made to Abraham, saying that the Lost Ten Tribes have been destroyed, never to be heard from again. The Jews cannot be said to have ever been known as "many nations", unless a case can be made for the internationally scattered ghettoes as "nations".

Also, they have always been a minority within the nations where they have lived. In their modern history, they have had only two nations of their own: 1.) The nation that the Idumeans, through Antipater and his son, Herod, stole from the Tribe of Judah in 150 B.C., and 2.) the so-called State of Israel. Because the Twelve Tribes of Israel were divorced by Yahweh and exiled into the wilderness starting in 745 B.C., True Israel did indeed become lost; but, as you will see, WE’RE BACK!Neither have the Jews multiplied exceedingly. Even today, their numbers, compared to other races and nationalities are very small. Nor can it be said that any number of kings have come from the ranks of the Jews. The Judahite Kings who remained in the land of Judah until the usurpation by Herod were all pure-blooded Davidic Judahites, not Jews. Remember, the Jews pretend to be Judahites, hence their anachronistic use of the word ‘Jew’ falsely applied to Judah.

To add to our list of the Marks of Israel, we will cite first the nature of the Mark and the Scriptural references, which say it either explicitly or in similar words.“And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife…and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children struggled together within her [Ouch! – Eli]; and she said,…Why am I thus?…And Yahweh said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels…” -- Genesis 25:20 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=25m20s)-26.

3rd April 2016, 09:50 PM
The continuation of the comments above

Here is wisdom: Regarding the descendants of Adam, Seth, Heber, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), as distinct from the descendants of Esau: The Biblical Marks of Israel

1.) The throne of David to be perpetuated forever. (The last king the Jews can lay claim to is Herod Agrippa II. This Edomite/Jewish dynasty consisted of only four kings: Herod the Great, 73 B.C – 1 B.C., Herod Antipas, 1 B.C. – 39 A.D., Herod Agrippa I, 39 – 44, Herod Agrippa II, 44 – 70 A.D.); II Sam. 7:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=7m13s); I Chron. 22:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=22m10s); Psa. 89:35 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=89m35s)-37; Jer. 33:17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=33m17s),20; Gen. 49:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=49m10s). In contrast, True Israel (the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, and Caucasian peoples) can demonstrate that the ongoing dynasties of monarchic Europe, including the present British monarchy, are directly descended from King David. Charts showing these lines of descent are available from the various British Israel organizations in America, Canada and Britain. The Jews can demonstrate no such heritage.

2.) "A great nation and a company of nations." Genesis 17:4,5,15,16; 18:18 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=18m18s); 35:11 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=35m11s); 46:2-3; 48:4,19. A nation is defined as a country inhabited by a certain group of people having specific laws and customs. Throughout history the Jews have lived within the national boundaries of other nations, preferring to live in ghettoes or other small groups where their rabbis can keep close tabs on them. From these ghettoes have arisen numerous secretive enclaves conspiring against the very thrones of the Davidic dynasties. Through this parasitic practice of establishing a secretive State Within a State, the Jews have been successful in stealing our nations from us. Marrano Spain is a perfect example. Britain was stolen away from the British people by the House of Rothschild; and now America has been stolen away from us by the Edomites of the Federal Reserve System and the Neocons. The State of Israel is, in fact, the only nation the Jews have ever had; and even this nation was stolen from the Palestinian people and is parasitic in that it relies totally on outside funding for its existence. Pertinent question: Since the Israeli State is not self-sufficient, does it count as a “nation”?

Within Anglo-Saxon Israel, we have three solid representatives of a “company of nations.” These are the British Commonwealth, the Canadian Provinces and the United States of America. The Jews have never had a company of nations.

3.) "A multitudinous seed." Genesis 13:16 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=13m16s); 15:5; 22:17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=22m17s); 24:60 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=24m60s); 26:4,24; 28:3,14; 32:12 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=32m12s); 49:22 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=49m22s); Isaiah 10:22 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=10m22s); Hosea 1:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=1m10s); Zechariah 10:7,8. The Jews have always been one of the smallest ethnic population groups. This is still true today. Compare their population to that of the White Christian nations, True Israel.

4.) A leading nation in the world Genesis 27:29 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=27m29s); 28:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m13s); Deuteronomy 2:25 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=2m25s); 4:8; 7:6; 28:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m10s); Isaiah 43:4; 60:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=60m10s),12; Jeremiah 31:7. The Israeli State can only be considered a “leading nation” to the extent that the American taxpayer allows it to exist. Certainly, no “great nation”, an alternate meaning, would have to depend on someone else’s money to survive.

5.) A mighty seagoing people Numbers 24:7; Deut. 33:19 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=33m19s); Psalms 89:25 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=89m25s); Isaiah 60:5. (No chance here for the Jews!)

6.) Israel to have a new language Isaiah 28:11 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m11s). (The Jews have tried to preserve Hebrew – at least their corrupt version of it -- to this day. This is part of their ongoing cloak of masquerade as Israel.) We Israelites have a new language: English.

7.) Israel to be known by another name. (The Jews still claim the old name, Israel, for themselves.) Isaiah 62:2; 65:15 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=65m15s). We are now known as Anglo-Saxons, WASP’s, Caucasians, Christians…take your pick.

8.) Israel to forget its identity as the Covenant people. (NOTE: The Jews have an unbroken historical claim on the promises bestowed upon Abraham's seed; thus, they never could have had the collective amnesia which Scripture says would befall Israel.) Isa. 29:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=29m10s)-12; 42:16 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=42m16s),19,20; Hos. 2:1-8; Romans 11:7,8,25. Er, excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Anglo-Saxon, would you please wake up to your true identity? It is essential that you know who you are if you want to be part of God’s Kingdom.

9.) Israel to be hidden because of its loss of identity Psa. 83:3; Isa. 49:2; Matthew 13:44 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=13m44s). The Jews were never hidden. Indigenous populations (host countries) were always aware of their presence and their pretentious claim to being “Israel”. Throughout history, the Jews have made themselves so unwelcome that they have been expelled from virtually every nation that had the misfortune of letting them in. The Jews have always stuck out like a sore thumb.

10.) Israel to have a new covenant (a reference to the Last Supper Covenant) – Jer. 31:31 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=31m31s)-33. Daniel, Chapter 12. (The Jews deny that this prophecy was fulfilled by the Messiah.) Hebrews 8:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=8m10s)-13; 9:15 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=9m15s)-17; Luke 1:77 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=1m77s); 2:32 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=2m32s); 22:20 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=22m20s); John 11:49 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=11m49s)-52; Galatians 3:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=3m13s). (The Jews still claim to adhere to the Old Covenant (Torah). Just witness their eye-for-an-eye treatment of the Palestinians as opposed to the Christian concept of forgiveness.)

11.) Israel will remember its identity just before the last days Ezekiel 39:7,22-29; Hosea 3:5. (We are returning to Yahweh and have rediscovered our Davidic heritage!) This prophecy is highly significant for us today, especially since we are awakening to our true Identity at this very moment!

12.) A people who would recognize the Messiah. (The Jews, of course, did not and still do not.) – Daniel, Chapter 12 (the 70 Weeks prophecy), Acts 5:27 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=5m27s)-33; Romans 11:26 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=11m26s),27.

13.) A missionary people. (The Jews have historically kept to themselves and have not tried, since the time of the conversion of the Khazars (around 800 A.D.), to convert others to the exclusive faith of "the chosen people". The only exception to this rule is when they convert people who can be very useful, either financially or politically, to their subversive causes). Gen. 22:18 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=22m18s); 28:14 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m14s); Isa. 43:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=43m10s)-12,21; 66:19 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=66m19s); Micah 5:7.

14.) Israel to be kind to other people and set slaves free Deut. 15:11 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=15m11s)-15; Psa. 72:4; Isa. 42:7; 49:9; 58:6. (Actually two Marks in one!)

It was Anglo-Saxon Christianity which set the slaves free. Here, the Jews fail again, as the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers were the financial agents of the international slave trade up until the Civil War, at which time they supported both the North and the South. Judah P. Benjamin was their highly placed agent in the Confederate government. Even today, the State of Israel has been condemned for its tolerance of white female slaves used for prostitution. According to Christopher Bollyn in the Aug. 20, 2001 issue of the American Free Press, “Israel” is one of the top trafficking nations in the world: “The Trafficking Act calls for economic sanctions in 2003 against those countries that fail to act against traffickers. If Israel fails to take significant steps to end the slave trade it could face sanctions...Estimates range between 2,000 and 3,000 women and children being trafficked into Israel each year, 95 percent of them coming from the collapsed economies of the former Soviet Union. Although most are older, children as young as 12 are also involved.”) Still think the Jews are “God’s Chosen”? I think they work for the other guy. What’s his name, Satan?

15.) Possessing the gates of her enemies Gen. 22:17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=22m17s); Gen. 24:60 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=24m60s). The Jews have never had a great military. The one they possess now is courtesy of the extortion extracted from the German people due to the hoaxacaust propaganda and courtesy of the U.S. Taxpayer.

16.) To colonize the world Gen. 28:14 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m14s); 49:22 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=49m22s); Deut. 33:17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=33m17s); Psa. 2:8; Isa. 26:15 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=26m15s); 27:6; 54:2,3; Micah 5:7-8. Zech. 10:8,9. The Anglo-Saxons, again, have colonized the world. The Jews have merely followed us wherever we went in order to take advantage of our prosperity. (This is an especially strong fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=3m15s), which tells us that “It [meaning Adam and Eve’s pure seed] shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his [the seed of Adam and Eve] heel.” Wherever Jacob/Israel has traveled, the Jews have been nipping at our heels. Their head was crushed once by General Titus, a Roman descended from Israelite stock. They recovered from that experience – Serpents don’t give up easily! – only to come back for more. Just wait until the Judgment Day! The proud head of the tares is sticking very high. “Pride comes before a fall.”)

17.) They shall make deserts blossom, an agricultural people. (The Jews are not known for their agricultural talents. A Jewish farmer is virtually unheard of except on an Israeli kibbutz. The Zionist claim to having made the desert bloom is mere propaganda. The Jewish tour guides who make this claim in front of Christian tourists in “Israel” must have a great belly-laugh every time the Christians swallow this joke. The Palestinians have always had rich groves and orchards in Palestine. The Jews have not increased the production of agriculture one whit. Mark Twain, as part of his world-wide travelogue tour a century before the Zionists invaded Palestine, wrote an excellent account of his trip to Palestine in which he describes the beautiful agricultural conditions there). Gen. 27:28 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=27m28s); Deut. 8:7,9; 28:11 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m11s); 33:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=33m13s),14,28; Isa. 35:1-2 (“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them.”); 43:19 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=43m19s); 58:11 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=58m11s),12. Historically, the Jews have never produced farm products at all. It has always been the Anglo-Saxons. Anglo-Saxon farmers have literally fed the world. The “holy” book of the rabbis, the Talmud, says, “No occupation is inferior to that of agricultural labor.” (Yeb 63a., Exh. 161.) Have you ever met a Jewish farmer? – even in “Israel”?

Because Cain murdered Abel, God said to him: “When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield to you her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.” – Gen. 4:12 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=4m12s). This seventeenth Mark is especially damning of the descendants of Cain because Abel’s blood was spilled onto the ground; and his blood cried out for revenge. (Gen. 4:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=4m10s)). Who are the people known the world over for being fugitives and vagabonds? Could it be the “wandering Jew”? This is an undeniable aspect of Jewish heritage. When Esau married the two Hittite women, he married into the Canaanite lineage. Thus, Jews are the descendants of Cain. They possess his genetic material in their blood. Yahweh clearly tells us that He will exact His revenge on them at the Judgment Day. (Read the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares in Matthew, Chapter 13.)

18.) Israel to find a new home away from Palestine Gen. 28:14 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=28m14s); II Samuel 7:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=7m10s); I Chronicles 17:9; Isa. 41:1,5,9; 42:4,10,12; 49:1-3,12; 51:5; Jeremiah 3:18 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=3m18s); 31:7-10. (Europe, America, Australia, South Africa! Yes, that includes the Canadians! Let’s not get too inclusive!)

19.) To be the lineage of the Messiah II Samuel 7:13 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=7m13s); I Chronicles 22:10 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=22m10s); II Chronicles 13:5; Psa. 89:35 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=89m35s)-37; Jer. 33:17 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=33m17s); Luke, Chapter 3, in which the lineage of Jesus Christ is given from Adam to Jesus. (As we all know, the Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah; and the Bible clearly shows Jesus in the line of descent from which he was supposed to come. The Jews rejected Jesus because He was not one of them. He told the Jewish rabbis of His day, the scribes and Pharisees, “Ye are not my sheep.” Both Joseph and Mary are recorded in the Gospels as being descended from King David. The scribes and Pharisees, by that time, were a mixture of Idumean blood plus some Israelite blood. According to the Bible, no half-breed can be considered an Israelite. Therefore, the Jews are of a different genealogy and have no royal blood in them, unless you want to count the Dukes of Edom as royalty.)

20.) "In Isaac shall thy seed be called." (Beth-Sak = House of Isaac = Isaac's Sons = Saxons) Gen. 21:12 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=21m12s). When I first read this passage, I said to myself, “This is no reference to the Jews!” The Jews never quote this passage of Scripture because they are not descendants of Isaac through Jacob. It is only True Israel which can lay claim to this genetic heritage: Isaac’s Sons = the Saxons = the Anglo-Saxons. We are named after Isaac. The Jews claim to be named after Judah. It would be impossible for them to explain away the plain meaning of this passage, so they suppress it. The pro-Jewish pastors of “Judeo-Christianity,” to their great discredit, ignore this passage as well. Conclusion The above are a quick scratching of the surface of the evidence which proves that the Jews are not Israel. These are only some of the most obvious references to the future Marks of Abraham's true Adamic seed, Israel. Many more descriptive statements could be adduced, but these should suffice for the moment. The cited list ought to be sufficient for distinguishing between the two different groups of people contending for the designation, "Heirs of the Promise", or "The Covenant People", or "The Chosen People". Score: Anglo-Saxons, 20; Jews, zero…and counting. Would someone care to calculate the odds against all of these prophecies coming true among one group of people? The odds are probably sixty kajillion to one. The odds for the Jews are also zero.

The only identifiable group which can fit the Marks of Israel is the three Houses of Isaac: the House of Israel, the House of Judah, and the House of David. The House of Edom is reprobate. The descendants of all three of these Houses of Isaac, yesterday, today, and forever, fall into the category of the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples; and NO ONE ELSE.

7th April 2016, 09:09 PM
There is a genealogy chart at this link that is interesting to me because it shows the genealogy from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ. You can zoom in on it and then scroll around. It helps me to sort of keep all the names in the bible in perspective.


7th April 2016, 09:37 PM
just the facts:



16th April 2016, 07:39 PM
just the facts:



^ That was entertaining reading :-).

16th April 2016, 08:23 PM
Bertrand Comparate explains how the Jews are the actual children of Satan. The trouble with the Jews started in the Garden of Eden. It helps me to understand the Jews hatred for the white christians who are the real Israelites and their desire to destroy them.

White people are the descendants of Adam through Seth and the Israelites but they don't realize it. The Jews are the descendants of Satan through Cain and they know it too.

This is long so I'll have to post it in three parts



It has been brought to my attention many times, that there are preachers and teachers in the world who don't recognize there are literal children of Satan surviving in the world today. Since this is one of the central themes of the Bible, the fight for supremacy between the children of Yahweh and the children of Lucifer, I wonder what Bible these preachers and teachers are reading and studying.

In these studies we will be using the proper name of our God, which is Yahweh and Yahshua for Christ. For documentation read, "Who Is Your God?”

The battle lines are drawn by Yahweh in Genesis 3:15, where He states he is going to put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent.

Let's start at the beginning; of course Satan wasn't a serpent. The entity that deceived and seduced Eve wasn't a scaly thing wriggling along on the ground. Serpent was translated from the word nachash, which means enchanter or magician. A fallen angel, still retaining a lot of his angelic powers, no doubt could be very much of an enchanter or magician.

Lucifer's children, and I do mean children not just followers, through the centuries used a serpent as a symbol or emblem of their ancestor, until they attached a secondary meaning of serpent to the word nachash. In Genesis 3:1-3 Satan said to Eve, "Is it really true that Yahweh said, You can't eat of any tree in the garden?" As it reads in the Hebrew, Eve replied to Satan, "And the woman said unto the enchanter, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden". Now I am going to switch to the King James translation and I will correct it as I go.

"Of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." Let's see what it actually said in the Hebrew. Fruit is the Hebrew word pirchach, meaning progeny, brood, children or descendants. Do you talk about the children of a walnut tree or an apple tree? Of course you don't!

Of the pirchach, of the descendants of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, Yahweh has said, "Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it". That word touch is the Hebrew word naga, which is a more polite expression meaning, to have sexual intercourse with. Do you need to be warned not to have sexual intercourse with an apple? Of course not, it isn't that kind of a tree.

Yahweh had millions of the pre Adamic, Asiatic and African people around. If He just wanted somebody wide between the shoulders and narrow between the eyes to spade up the garden, He had them. He didn't have to create a special being for that purpose.

Satan had been the governor of this planet until he forfeited the right to this position by rebellion. Yahweh sent Adam here and it is recorded in Luke chapter 3 that Adam was the son of Yahweh. It doesn't record that about any of these pre Adamic people mentioned in Genesis chapter 1. Adam was the son of Yahweh and Yahweh sent Adam here to take over by force, kick Satan out and govern this planet. The trees in the Garden of Eden were the family trees of nations and races.

Adam and Eve weren't supposed to intermingle with these people. If Negroes and Asiatics were all that Yahweh wanted, He already had them. What He created was a different and separate being who was to be a different sort of person, whom the Negroes and Asiatics could never produce.

The Hebrew word Awdawm, which we translate Adam, means of a rosy, fair complexion. Adam was the first person of a specifically created new race. Adam and Eve were told not to mongrelize their race with these per Adamic people that were in the world.

When you come to Genesis 3:13, Yahweh has called Adam, Eve and Satan before Him to give an accounting of their misdeeds. According to the King James Bible Eve said, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat thereof". Here again is the Hebrew word nachash, meaning enchanter. Then there is the use of the word beguiled; the Hebrew word there is nawshaw, which means seduced.

Beguiled means no more than deceived. Somebody who sells you some mining stock in a mine that doesn't have any good ore in it, beguiles you. The word nawshawmeans seduced, not in any way or sense can it mean beguiled. "And Yahweh God said unto the woman, what is this thou hast done? And the woman said, the enchanter seduced me." This is what it says in the Hebrew and Cain was the product of this seduction.

In reply in Genesis 3:15 Yahweh says to Satan, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed". The same word zehra was used for both the seed of Satan and the seed of Eve. Zehra literally means seed; there is no other meaning. It also could be used as grains of wheat but it is used throughout the Bible as meaning the descendants of a person. Satan was to have just as literal children in this world as Eve was to have. The same word zehra is used for Satan's seed and Eve's seed.

The reply of the churchianity preachers is usually to quote Genesis 4:1. "And Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain." Notice that what is not said is more significant that what is said, the Bible nowhere says Adam begat Cain. As you have read in the Old Testament, the monotonous regularity with which it always says, and so and so begat whosis and whosis begat what's his name and what's his name begat somebody else, and so on. It was important to know your ancestry in those days, because you didn't get your citizenship for two box tops and a dime. You got citizenship because your ancestors, for over twenty generations, were Israelites and no other way.

So Adam knew his wife and she conceived. I can tell you something and I can prove every bit of it by witnesses. I went to a movie one night and the next morning the sun rose in the east. I didn't say the one caused the other. I said two things happened, one happened first and the other happened second. I never said they were cause and effect. The Bible never says there was cause and effect here. If you want further proof of this, go right on to Genesis chapter 5 where you will find the list of Adam's descendants. Cain's name is nowhere to be found. Neither Cain nor Abel is mentioned among the descendants of Adam.

If you say Abel might have been omitted because he was probably killed before he left any descendants of his own, we don't really know. However, this isn't true of Cain because the Bible traces Cain's descendants for six generations, naming them right down the line. Never once does it record that Cain was a descendant of Adam, never in any way, shape, forms or manner. The first time it records that Adam begat a child is Genesis 5:3. "And Adam lived 130 years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth." This child Adam begat was not named Cain it was named Seth.

The satanic bloodline crept in through Cain, possibly earlier, among the pre Adamic people. There were pre Adamic people who were not necessarily satanic. There were some pre Adamic people into whom the satanic bloodline came, and there were even some of the descendants of Adam who probably mongrelized. In fact, it is evident they did mix their bloodline for the fact that those living around Noah were wiped out by the flood. The Bible tells us that Noah was perfect in his ancestry, with no mongrelization. He and his family were the ones in the area that were still pure in their bloodlines.

This is why the flood wiped out the mongrelized Adamites around Noah. As I documented in "Noah's Flood Was Not Worldwide", this flood did not cover the whole earth as is falsely taught in the churches of today.

The pure descendants of Adam multiplied and then you come to the fact of the satanic bloodline getting in there. Remember, Yahweh had announced His purpose; He was going to take back the world from Satan's domination. Yahweh was going to rule it according to His purposes. He was going to rule it through His children, through the pure descendants of Adam. What would be the obvious move on Satan's part to thwart this plan? The obvious thing to do would be to mongrelize the descendants of Adam, then he could sneer in Yahweh's face and say, "These are my children but where are yours? All these have my blood in them." This is exactly what Satan set out to do.

Genesis 6:2 records, "The sons of God saw the daughters of men (Adam) that they were fair; and they took them wives of all they chose". You don't get the full significance of it in this translation, "the sons of God" (beni-ha-elohim, also means sons of magistrates or mighty men of the earth and angels).

A double race mixing took place here; both the rulers of the pre Adamic races and the fallen angels took wives of the fair Adamic women. It is written with obvious disapproval. The male descendants of Adam were not allowed, by Yahweh's law, to marry anybody but the daughters descended from Adam. If they were marrying within their own racial line in this instance, it couldn't have been spoken of with disapproval. So the beni-ha-elohim are evidently those of the pre Adamic darker races and the fallen angels who followed Satan into rebellion. Greater details of this event are found in the book of Enoch.

Go on to Genesis 6:4 where it is speaking of the same subject, again it is botched up in the King James Bible. "There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men (enowsh) of renown."

This is what it says in the Hebrew. "There were nephilim (the fallen ones) in the earth in those days." They were fallen angels. That is what the bible calls them in so many places. Jude 1:6 records, "Angels who had not kept their first estate," who had fallen from heaven and from their former powers. "When the sons of God", and again it’s the beni-ha-elohim, "came in unto the daughters of Adam...” so it's the same thing.

Here we have the spreading of the satanic bloodline. Genesis chapter 6 goes on to trace many of these descendants of the fallen angels. You find that all through Palestine, on both sides of the Jordan river, clear down through Mount Seir, the rugged mountain range southeast of the Dead Sea where Esau and his family lived, all through this area there are these various people with the satanic blood in them.

There are two different places, one in Isaiah the other in Ezekiel, where it speaks of what it calls a king or a prince. In the one case it speaks of Babylon and the other case of Tyre. Nevertheless it speaks of him in language, which could not possibly apply, to anybody except Satan. Therefore this indicates that at some time or other, Satan had incarnated in the form of these various kings, one king of Babylon and one king of Tyre.

Don't think this is so impossible because many times the Old Testament tells of these angels appearing in very solid form. They came and talked with Abraham on several occasions, one of them wrestled with Jacob almost all night.

Another of these angels came when the people of Israel were about to cross the Jordan River and take over Palestine. Joshua, making a scouting trip around his camp, saw this armed man standing there in armor and with a sword and Joshua asked, "Are you with us or for the enemy?" And the man said, "I am the captain of the hosts of Yahweh".

Let's take Isaiah 14:12-21 and note that these verses could not possibly apply to anyone except to Satan himself. We will quote from the King James Bible. "How art thou fallen from the heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations: for thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north." Lucifer then said, "I'm going to be the ruler over Israel (Yahweh's people). I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High".

Yahweh our God then told Lucifer the devil, "Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms? That made the world a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the house of his prisoners? All the kings of the nations, even all of them lie in glory, every one in his own house; but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcass trodden under foot. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people; the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned."

You could not say this about any kings of Babylon. The only one, who may possibly have failed to get burial and an elaborate tomb, might have been Belshazzar. Belshazzar was nothing but an incompetent drunkard and nobody ever could say of him that he was the one who shook kingdoms and so on. He didn't even rule Babylon, because he was drunk all the time.

These passages are speaking of none other than Lucifer. Note how it goes on in Isaiah 14:21. "Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities." The word translated as children is from the Hebrew word Beni meaning sons. Satan obviously was to have children who could be slaughtered, to keep them from multiplying to the point where they would take over and rule the world. Old Testament? Of course it is, now let's see what the New Testament has to say about it.

Yahshua plainly says, in a number of places, that the devil has children, not merely followers. Remember the parable of the tares and the wheat. Yahshua spoke of the farmer who sowed good seed in his field and his enemy came along during the nighttime and sowed these poisonous weeds, the tares among the wheat. When the farmer's servants saw the tares growing among the wheat they asked him if they should go and pull them up now.

The farmer said, "No, you might pull up some of the wheat with them. Let them grow together until the time of the harvest, and then the reapers will first gather the tares into bundles to be burned, and then put the wheat in my barn".

Then Yahshua explains this parable to His disciples. In Matthew 13:38-39 Yahshua says, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom (the Greek word used here in the plural is huios meaning sons, the good seed are the sons of the kingdom); but the tares are the children (huios) of the wicked one. Satan has just as true children in the world as does Yahweh.

Speaking to the Pharisees, who as you know were Jews, Yahshua said in Matthew 12:34 (the King James Bible botches this up to an extent that seems to me often to be willful), "O generation of vipers, how can ye being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh".
The word is not generation at all. A generation is a number of people of not too different an age, living at the same time. You, for example, constitute one generation. Yahshua wasn't talking just about the people living then. They weren't any more wicked than the generation that lived before them or the generation that lived after them. What Yahshua said was, as we will paraphrase it (it's the Greek word genema which means children or offspring): "O children of vipers... sure all these centuries you Jews have used the serpent as the emblem or symbol for your ancestor. All right, taking you at your word, you children of serpents," right down the line they were vipers. Yahshua knew who they were.

16th April 2016, 08:37 PM
Part 2

In Matthew 23:29-35 it is recorded, "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous, and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets." Here again is the Greek word huios. "Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye genema (ye offspring, children) of vipers. How can ye escape the damnation of hell? That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Barachias, whom you slew between the temple and the altar."

Was Yahshua so unjust that He was going to punish these Jews for the murder of Abel, if they weren't descendants of Cain? Of course not. Yahshua was tracing the children of the serpent, the enchanter Satan, down through the centuries. Tracing those who had murdered the righteous, including all the prophets, right down the line. So Yahshua said, "Upon you (upon this race) these descendants of the serpent, will come the responsibility for all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel even unto the blood of Zacharias."

Throughout the Bible it records the two seed lines, Yahweh and Lucifer's. The Bible makes no reference as to what your religious point of view may be; it is talking about literal descendants. Romans 8:16 tells us, "The spirit itself bears witness, that we are the children of God". The word children there, the Greek word teknon, means one born a child, not adopted. Nothing is more fallacious than this church doctrine about being adopted children of Yahweh.

Read what Paul said on this subject and nothing in it can justify the mistranslation of that as adoption. Paul states that before the coming of Christ we were held in bondage under the law. He then says the law just like an heir under age strictly governed us. The heir has inherited from his father, who has died, all the estate but he is still a minor and cannot take control of it.

The heir is under the control of trustees and governors, appointed guardians, appointed by his father, until he comes of age. Paul continues that all the time the heir is owner of it all and yet he is controlled as though he is just a servant. You couldn't say that about anybody who was adopted. If you take somebody else's illegitimate child and decide you are going to adopt him, is he already the owner of your property before you adopt him? Of course not, Paul wasn't stupid enough to think he was. Only the churchmen are stupid enough for that.

What Paul was talking about was the coming of age ceremony by which they marked the fact that the heir had now become of full age and his property was put into his hands to control as an adult. As I said before, Romans 8:16 tells us, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God", teknon, one born a child, not adopted.

Romans 9:26 reads (Paul is quoting from Hosea 1:10), "And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it is said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God". It is the Greek word huioi, meaning sons. We are the born, not adopted, children of Yahweh. As to the born, not adopted or converted, children of the devil, read Acts 13:8-9. This tells about a Jew sorcerer Elymas, who opposed Paul when Paul was trying to make some, converts. "Then Saul (who was also called Paul) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him and said, O full of sublimity and mischief, thou son of the devil (the same Greek word huios, meaning son), thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?"

The offspring of a cat is another cat, isn't it? The child of a Negro is a Negro and a child of Yahweh is what? He is not as wise and not as powerful or important as his Father, but nevertheless he partakes. Within his limitations, of a godly nature. This is what the Bible tells us about and this is exactly why we of Yahweh's people Israel are held to so much greater responsibility than other people. After all, you can't expect a Negro to act like anything but a Negro, but a child of Yahweh is expected to act like one.

The child of a devil is what, another devil isn't he? John 6:70-71 is part of a very important passage which began in this manner. Yahshua asked His disciples who were all gathered together, "Whom do men say that I am? And they said, Oh some say that you are this prophet or that one who has been reincarnated and come back here. Then Christ said, Whom do you say that I am? And Peter spoke up and said, Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Christ then said, Blessed art thou Simon, son of Jonah: because flesh and blood didn't tell you that fact: it was My Father in heaven who told you that. And He said, Upon this rock (petra, the solid bed rock of the earth) I will found my church."

Yahshua didn't say He was going to found the church on Simon Peter (petros), a little stone. In Greek petros means a little stone, just barely bigger than a pebble. Was Yahshua going to found His church on a pebble that anybody could kick out from under it? No, Yahshua said, "I will found it upon petra." the solid bedrock of the earth.

Remember the example Yahshua gave, the parable wherein He said one man had built his house on the sand and when the storm came along, the flood washed the sand out from under it and it collapsed. Another man built his house upon the rock (petra, bed rock) and the storm beat upon it and couldn't do anything to it, because it was founded on a rock (petra).

If any of you have ever been to Yosemite Valley and have seen that enormous cliff El Capitan, you have seen a good example of what the Greeks meant by the word petra. You could build a castle on El Capitan and nothing could blow it off or wash it away. "So upon this fact, that you have recognized who I am: the Christ, the Son of the Living God; upon that I will found My church, and the gates of death shall not prevail against it."

John 6:70-71 records, "Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spoke of Judas Escariot, (the son) of Simon, for he it was that would betray Him, being one of the twelve". Our Savior was not just being vulgarly abusive by calling people names He never did that. He denounced these Pharisees, He called them hypocrites and they were. Yahshua wasn't abusing them with lying epithets, they were hypocrites and He was accurate.

When Yahshua called these Jews children of serpents, they acknowledged the statement was true, for that was the emblem they had used from ancient times. When He said that one of them was a devil, He wasn't being abusive, He was speaking the literal truth.

The First Epistle of John again states the existence of these two seed lines. I John 2:29 tells us, "If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that does righteousness is born of Him". I John 3:2 continues, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God". Here we have the Greek word teknon meaning a born child, not adopted, thus a child born of Yahweh. Let's continue with I John 5:9-10."Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God."

By this John didn't mean that none of us commit any sins at all. If that were the case, we wouldn't have needed the sacrifice of Yahshua on the cross. We all have our sins but people are divided into two classes. There are the one who are only sorry because they don't get a chance to sin more and the others who are sorry because they have sinned only a little. What John means is, whoever is born of Yahweh doesn't habitually sin. So John says in I John 3:10, "In this the children (teknon) of God are manifest, and the children (teknon) of the devil". Remember, John has talked about us as the born teknon of Yahweh and the others as the born teknon of the devil.

I John 3:12 records that as for those that are our brothers, not the children of Satan, we should love them and not be as Cain. The King James Bible says, "...who was of that wicked one and slew his brother." The people that have churchianity rather than Christianity say, "Oh well, you know it doesn't say that he was a son, it just means that Cain was morally associated with Satan and was bad and a reprobate and so on."

There weren't two separate Greek languages in those days. There wasn't one language to write the Gospel according to Luke and a different one to write the First Epistle of John. As you well know, different languages have their different idioms. In many languages one word may have a meaning that can only be expressed by a phrase of several English words. I think nearly all of you have a King James translation of the Bible and you know that in most editions of it, some words are printed in italics. Those words in italics are the words which the translators added because they thought it was necessary to give the English the same meaning the Hebrew or the Greek had, without these added words.

Luke chapter 3 traces the genealogy of Yahshua, starting with Yahshua and going all the way back to Adam. Let's start with Luke 3:23 as it is translated in the King James Bible. "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli (the words "the son" are in italics showing they were not in the Greek and the translators added them), which was the son of Matthew (the son is in italics), which was the son (italics) of Levi, which was the son (italics) of Melchi, which was the son (italics) of Janna," and so forth. All "the son" were in italics so were added.

Some people would read Luke 3:23-24 as follows: "...the son of Joseph, who was as big a reprobate as Heli, who was morally no better than Matthew, who was as bad as Levi..." Is this the way some people think Luke wrote this? If this is not the meaning of the Greek here in Luke, it is not the meaning of the same Greek phrase in John 3:12. So where it says, "not as Cain who was of that wicked one", in Greek it means he was the son of that wicked one.

In Greek, if you say John was of William, in English it would read, John was the son of William. The better English translations recognize this. For example in the Weymouth translation, this same verse, John 3:12 reads, "We are not to resemble Cain who was a child of the evil one and killed his brother." Phillips' translation reads, "We are none of us to have the spirit of Cain who was a son of the devil and murdered his brother." The New English Bible, a magnificent job of translation reads, "Unlike Cain who was a child of the evil one and murdered his brother".

The verses that people use, as proof positive there isn't any basis for the belief that the Jews are the descendants of Cain and therefore from the devil, is John 8:31-33. Yahshua was talking to the Judeans who were the people we know of as Jews today. It isn't simply that Yahshua was behaving like a petulant spoiled child because somebody didn't believe in Him, because it says, "those Judeans who believed in Him". Check Strong's Concordance, the word Jew is mistranslated from the word meaning Judean. Yes so called converted children of the devil.

Yahshua said to these Judeans (Jews), "If ye continue in My doctrines indeed, then ye shall be My disciples; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. They answered Him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man". Anybody that knows their Bible knows that all of Abraham's children had been in bondage at one time or another. Here is evidence that these people weren't descendants of Abraham. Who is it who could say he was descended from Abraham and had never been in bondage to any man?

If these Jews were of any of the twelve tribes of Israel at all, they would have been in bondage the first time in Egypt. If they belonged to the ten tribed northerly kingdom of Israel, they would have been in bondage the second time in Assyria. If they belonged to the two tribed southern kingdom of Judah, they would have been in bondage the second time in Babylon. Yet the Jews admitted they had never been in bondage to any man, thus demonstrating they weren't of Israel or Judah.

Who could say that 1,800 years earlier that Abraham was one of his ancestors, Esau? Remember Esau and Jacob were twin brothers, born with (presumably) the same bloodline. However, Esau married two Canaanite women in violation of Yahweh's law. Esau couldn't leave anything but mongrelized satanic descendants, because among these Hittite Canaanites there was the satanic bloodline.

When the Bible records Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentil stew, this isn't when he lost his birthright. This was only a formal ceremony by which he gave up any claim to it. Esau lost the birthright when he did the thing that rendered it impossible for him to continue as the head of the clan.

Esau's descendants from then on would be mongrelized. Recognizing he was already out of the line for leadership, Esau sold his inheritance for a bowl of stew. The Bible records that Esau and his two Canaanite wives moved down to Mount Seir, a very rugged mountain range southeast of the Dead Sea. Mount Seir is exactly where some of these people lived who were descendants of the fallen angels. Read Genesis chapter 6, among the people who had the blood line of the fallen angels were these Horites. They were the cave dwellers who were known as Horim.

Suppose a white man married two Negresses here and then moved to the interior of the Congo. For the next 18 centuries his descendants lived there with nobody they could marry except the Negroes around them. Of course the last trace of white blood would have vanished. Nevertheless, after 18 centuries they could still say they had a white ancestor.

These weren't Negroes, they were satanic Canaanites, but the principle is the same. These Jews talking with Yahshua had identified themselves as Edomite Jews. Genesis 36:20-30 lists Esau's descendants. Listed are all the various chieftains among the family of Seir, the Horite satanic line, including his daughter Timna. Genesis 36:12 records that Timna was a concubine to Esau's son Eliphaz and bore him a son Amalek. What a pestilential lot the whole tribe of Amalek was, they all behaved according to their satanic bloodline. You will find a good deal about this in Exodus 17:8-16 and Numbers 20:14-21.

This same satanic conduct, on the part of the Edomites, was repeated as the opportunity arose. Remember when the people of Israel came out of Egypt in the exodus, they wanted to march up to Palestine, they were then attacked by the Edomites. The Israelites were driven back so they had to detour around, down through the wilderness, in the Sinai Peninsula.

When the Babylonians, under Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem, they looted and burned the city and massacred a lot of the inhabitants. Then the Edomites came rushing in to help in the massacre and plunder. The whole book of Obadiah is just one continuous condemnation of the Edomites for the way they acted. This book also predicted their eventual slaughter and punishment for what they did. Obadiah verse 10 records, "For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off forever".

16th April 2016, 08:45 PM
Part 3

Obadiah verse 15 continues, "For the day of Yahweh is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head". Obadiah verse 18, "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; for there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for Yahweh has spoken it."

Exodus 17:14-16 continues, "And Yahweh said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Yahweh Nissi (Yahweh our banner). For he said, Because Yahweh hath sworn that Yahweh will have war with Amalek from generation to generation."

How did these satanic, mongrel, Edomite Jews get up there into Judea? They came in two principle waves. During the time the southern kingdom of Judah was practically empty during the Babylonian captivity, the Edomites were driven out of Mount Seir by a heavy invasion by the Arab people, the Nabateans from the east. So the Edomites were driven westward. They couldn't go southwest or straight west, they would then be getting into Egyptian territory and they weren't strong enough to fight the Egyptians. Consequently they went slightly northwest and took over the southerly half of what had been the kingdom of Judah and settled there.

When the small remnant of Judah came back from the Babylonian captivity, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah record that 42,600, or something like that, came back. It lists them by their families and when you run those down you find that slightly over 8,000 of these people were not from any tribe of Israel or Judah. Only 34,000 of the 42,000 that came back were Israelites of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and a few Levites among them.

Since they were too few to drive out these numerous and warlike Edomites, all they could do was settle in the little territory left vacant. To give you an idea of the size of this territory, the entire area of the twelve tribed nation of Israel, before it broke up, picture it as follows. If it were set down here in southern California, it would extend from the Mexican border to the southern part of Los Angeles and inland from the coast it was never more than 40 miles wide.

Now divide this into thirds, the northern two-thirds of that comprised the kingdom of Israel, the ten tribed northern kingdom. Only the southerly one-third of that was the kingdom of Judah. Of that one-third, take out the southern half of that now occupied by the Edomites. This little strip of land is all that remained for the true Judaites and Benjamenites to settle in.

Before the captivity, the tribe of Judah had been in the south, the tribe of Benjamin in the north, with the city of Jerusalem lying right on the boundary line between them. They sorted themselves out as well as they could, the way they were before. Judah was in the south and Benjamin pushed to the north. However, Benjamin couldn't just move up to the north a little bit, because north of them was Samaria. Remember I said you divide this twelve tribed territory into thirds, the middle third constituted Samaria.

Isaiah, Kings and Chronicles record that when the Assyrians captured the northern kingdom of Israel and deported its entire people, they brought other people from Assyria and settled them in Samaria. It purposely failed to say the Assyrians settled anybody in Galilee, the northern most portions, because they didn't, they left it vacant. Now the Judahites pushed the Benjamenites to the north, as they returned from the captivity. They couldn't just move up into Samaria that was fully settled. So Benjamin had to leapfrog over Samaria to the vacant land of Galilee, to the north.

In Galilee was Yahshua's own hometown of Nazareth. He was born in Bethlehem, down close to Jerusalem, but His family home was up in Nazareth. Remember, Yahshua got almost all of His converts up in Galilee and of the twelve disciples only Judas was a Jew. In Bible translations Judas is called Judas Iscariot. There is no such word as Iscariot in any language known to man. This is a corruption of the Hebrew word Ish Kerioth, meaning a man of Kerioth. Kerioth was a little village in the southwestern portion of Judea, down in the territory occupied by the Edomites. Judas was an Edomite Jew and the only Jew of the twelve disciples. The other eleven were all Galileans, therefore Benjamenites. If a Jew could walk with Yahshua for three years and still betray Him, is there any Jew we can trust?

When Yahshua was arrested and taken into the high priest's home for illegal questioning, Peter followed Him in. The servant said "Well, you're one of them, you're a Galilean, your accent shows it". You certainly don't have any trouble telling the southerners from a northern Yankee here in this country do you. They speak English with a different accent and the Galileans spoke the Aramaic of the day, with a little different accent from the Judeans down around Jerusalem.

When the people were gathered at Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, they were all there except Judas Escariot. The disciples began speaking to this assembled multitude in a multitude of different languages. How astonished the people were when they heard the disciples speaking in all these different languages, which obviously they didn't know. The people said, "Aren't these Galileans?" All the remaining disciples were.

Down to the south of what was left of the territory of Judah, these Edomite Jews settled. They were always a pestiferous people and were constantly raiding the southern boundary of Judea. Their descendants are raiding the Arab's territory the same way today. A leopard doesn't change its spots. For a long time, after the return from the Babylonian captivity, the people in Judea were a conquered province of one empire or another, Syria, Egypt and finally Rome. They got their little flare up of independence under the Maccabee kings beginning about 150 B.C. and about 120 B.C.

John Hyrcanus, one of the Maccabee kings, who had by that time a good disciplined army, got tired of these Edomite Jew raids on his southern border. So, Hyrcanus marched down south and defeated these Jews thoroughly. Saul, the first king of Israel, had been told by Yahweh, "You go down there and absolutely exterminate these Edomites, don't you leave one of them alive". Saul made a big mistake, as it is always a mistake to disobey Yahweh's commands and instructions, he didn't exterminate these loathsome people. When Saul came back the prophet Samuel said, "Because you have disobeyed God, God has deposed you from being king, and He is going to put a better man in your place".

Approximately 900 years later, John Hyrcanus made the same mistake. After he had defeated the Edomites, he then decided he was going to be a missionary; he would convert them to the religion of Judaism. He offered the Edomites a choice; he would spare them if they would accept the religion of Judaism. This was not the religion of the Old Testament ever; it was what was brought back from Babylon with the Babylonian Talmud. The late Rabbi Stephen S. Wise said it briefly and accurately; I have never been able to improve on his words.

The learned Rabbi said, "The return from Babylon and the introduction of the Babylonian Talmud marked the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism". The people of the Old Testament were real Hebrews and the religion Yahweh had given them could well be called Hebrewism. This Talmud/Judaism began as the Jews destroyed the religion of the Old Testament. In Yahshua's time they had not yet given it the name of the Talmud, they called it "the tradition of the elders". Remember how often Yahshua rebuked them for following their tradition. "Why have ye by your tradition set aside the laws of Yahweh?" Yahshua was referring to the Talmud.

So, John Hyrcanus was going to be the Billy Graham of his day, he was going to make converts. Hyrcanus told them, "If you will adopt the religion of Judaism, I will give you full citizenship in the kingdom of Judea. If you don't, I will cut your throats". As you well know, this is the most effective missionary technique that has ever been developed. Even Billy Graham doesn't make converts that fast. Naturally the converts made by the sword are of doubtful validity. So the Edomites adopted the religion of Judaism and were accepted in full citizenship in the kingdom. You will find this described in great detail in the one reliable history of that period, Josephus in his history, "Antiquities of the Jews", book 13, chapter 9.

The second wave of Edomites came in when the Edomite chieftain Herod conquered and became king of Judea, under the Roman Empire. Herod was a very able and very evil scoundrel. He raised a large sum of money by taxation and by raiding his neighbors. With this money he bribed Mark Anthony, who was over in Egypt with the Roman legions at this time, to lend him a couple of the Roman legions to add to his own Edomite troops, for the conquest of Judea. With the Roman troops and his own, Herod did capture Judea.

In 40 B.C. the Romans recognized Herod as governor with the title Ethnarch. In 37 B.C., Rome formally recognized Herod as the local king of Judea. He was still subject to Roman foreign policy but he had complete self-government at home. Herod had come in with a conquering army and his Jewish Edomite followers came in with him for the sake of the plunder they could get, they overran the area. They have also gone back to Germany for the same reason. You can learn much about these events in Josephus' "Antiquities of the Jews" books 14-18.

In his other history, the "Wars of the Jews", book 4 chapters 4-5, book 5 and chapter 6 and thereafter, Josephus writes of the horrible conduct of these Edomite Jews within the besieged city of Jerusalem while it was undergoing siege by Titus in the year 70 A.D. Their robbery and massacre of the inhabitants inflicted probably more casualties than the Roman army did. In the Jewish encyclopedia, the article "Edom" (in the edition I used to look it up, it was Volume 5, page 41) the article "Edom" concludes with these words: "The Edomites are found today in modern Jewry".

These Edomites had come in the first time when John Hyrcanus gave them full citizenship. The second time they came in was as a wave of conquerors under Herod. This is the same Herod that tried to murder Yahshua as a baby. They had overrun the land. They had control of the entire civil and religious government until the death of Herod.

By will, Herod left the kingdom of Judea to his son Herod Archelaus. The Romans were too wise to trust somebody with the kingdom when they didn't know anything about him. The Romans gave the new Herod a trial period as governor, under the title Ethnarch. For ten years he gave the country the most miserable misrule that any nation ever had. The people finally petitioned Rome to send a Roman to govern them.

The people didn't like the tyranny of Rome at all but conditions were so bad, anything was better than what they had. When a Roman would rather govern the people, you can understand how bad the situation was. The Romans put Herod Archelaus on trial, found him guilty of misrule and banished him to Vienne.

From that time on there were a series of Roman governors called procurators, Pontius Pilate was number 6 in that series. The military government was entirely in the hands of the Roman procurators. They were also in full charge of the tax collections for Rome.

On the other hand, these Herodian Jews had control of the entire religious government and the temple. They also had control of the civil government, in all respects concerning purely local self government, could collect their own taxes and so on.

When the priests were getting greatly upset about Yahshua's teachings they said, "If we let Him alone, all men will believe on Him. The Romans will take this kingdom away from us." The way the clergymen have taught it, this is meaningless stupidity. The clergy picture Yahshua as a whining, cringing milksop, going around whimpering to people they ought to be good. If this was all Yahshua did, these Jews would not have bothered with contempt for Him, much less worry about His teachings.

Yahshua was explaining to the people the utter evil of the Jewish economic and religious system under which they were living. Let's paraphrase what the Jews might have said, based on what is recorded in the Bible. "Look, if we let Him alone, He is going to awaken the people to these controls we have over them. They will petition Rome just as they did about Herod Archelaus and the Romans will kick us out of here. We will lose control of the money and might have to pay fair wages. The people might rebel against the usury we charge them for use of their own money." This is what they were talking about.

Here were these Edomite Jews, who told Yahshua they were descendants of Abraham. However, they revealed they really couldn't be true Israel when they said they had never been in captivity to any man. They might have had some Israelite ancestors but, no alien blood was allowed in those called Israel. As we read in John 8:31-44, we will come to the place where Yahshua tells these Jews they were the children of the devil. They would do the lusts of their father who was a murderer from the beginning.

Yahshua recognized the two seed lines. He didn't say these Jews had only adopted some of the bad principles of the devil, He said they were the children of the devil. The Old Testament as well as the New Testament recognizes the two seed lines. The Adamic seed line, Yahweh's children, came down through a carefully selected best one in each generation from Abraham, Isaac, Israel, then on down through the twelve tribes of Israel. So there are the two seed lines, that of Yahweh's children through Israel and the children of Satan, some of the most pestiferous of which have come through the line of Cain.

People have asked me if I thought the Jews know of their descent from Cain. They certainly do, and here is how they proved they know. The Jews have given the owner of the radio station on which I broadcast, a very bad time. As some of you may know, a radio-broadcasting station license is good for only three years. If it is renewed on a regular basis, you have a going money making business of considerable value. If the license isn't renewed, all you have is some used equipment. It makes a great deal of difference to the owner whether he gets his license renewed or not.

The Jews put pressure on this radio station owner to put two programs off the air. One of the programs was Richard Cotten, a conservative commentator and the other program was mine. Much to the owner's credit, he refused to take us off the air. His reply to the Jews was, "I have no authority to censor any of these programs, besides, this is the United States of America and I believe in free speech." They told him, "You've got to put these programs off the air." The owner of the station answered them, "If either one of them has said anything that you think is untrue, although they are paying for their time, I will give you an equal amount of free time for you to answer them."

Surprise, surprise, the Jews didn't take the station owner up on his offer. Neither Richard Cotten nor I go off the deep end with any statement we can't prove. The Jews still insisted the station owner put us off the air. When he refused, the Jews filed objections to the renewal of his radio station license, which came up for renewal about this time. They kept the matter before the Federal Communications Commission for more than a year so the owner operated his station on a day to day basis, not knowing if his license would be renewed or not.

During this time the Jews terrorized the station owner into to making an agreement. The agreement was the station owner would hire a Jew who would censor my program and Richard Cotten's. This Jew could cut out whatever material the Jews objected to.

I have never sent any cut and spliced tapes to the radio station. When I am paying $100.00 an hour for broadcast time, tape is the cheapest thing you use. While I have never known of one of my splices to come apart, I don't take any chances on it. The tapes I send in for broadcast are complete, without splices. When these tapes are returned to me, they are cut and spliced in a number of places where this Jew censor has cut portions of them out.

I don't like a Jew, to remove matters of essential Christian doctrine, can censor it one bit that a Christian broadcast. However, this station owner doesn't have to carry my program. The owner of the station still has to fight the Jews and this is three years later. He finally won before the Federal Communications Commission. The Jews appealed to the U.S. District Court of Appeals and the station owner won there also. The Jews then appealed to the Supreme Court. This radio station owner undoubtedly has spent somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 in legal expenses fighting to retain his radio station license and indirectly to preserve my right of free speech. If I make myself too troublesome to him, he may just decide he doesn't want to carry my program any further so I don't argue with him about it.

On one of my broadcast tapes, I quoted the Bible verses telling that after Cain killed Abel, Cain had been a farmer up to that time, Yahweh said, "Cursed is the ground for your sake. I will not hereafter yield you its strength." Cain's reply was, "My punishment is greater than I can bear. You have driven me off the face of the land, and I'll be a wanderer and a vagabond." Then I went on to say that I suppose you have noticed that the children of Cain are not farmers today. You find them in financial and money lending institutions. I didn't use the forbidden word Jew, I just said the children of Cain. Guess what the Jew censor cut out of my tape! As a Jew he knew exactly whom I was talking about. Yes, they know who they are.

The Bible records Cain saying he was being driven out of the land where the descendants of Adam would be. He complained that wherever he went, whomever he met would kill him. In those days there were a lot of places that weren't too hospitable to strangers. If, as the preachers teach, Adam and Eve were the parents of the only people on earth who were these other people? The only other child of Adam and Eve, at this time, was Abel and he was dead.

With Cain driven away from Adam and Eve, out into some other part of the earth, who was Cain going to meet that would kill him? Remember, the Bible records Cain very speedily found enough people that with them he built a city. The Bible records these pre Adamite people. Yahweh told Cain He would put a mark on him so the people would recognize him and not kill him. Just what was that mark? Did Yahweh tattoo something on the sole of Cain's foot or where Cain would sit down on it? No, long before any hidden mark could possibly be seen, Cain would have been killed.

Yahweh had to put this mark where it was the first thing others would see, He put it in the exact geometrical center of Cain's face. This big Jew nose they have borne ever since, as the sculptured monuments of the ancient empires show.

The ancient kings were extremely vain of the conquests they had made. The pharaohs of Egypt, kings of Babylon, Assyria, and Persia, all left elaborately carved monuments telling how they had captured this city or that. They recorded the massacre of so many of its inhabitants and made slaves of the others, plus how much loot they took and so forth.

In addition to the inscriptions, there was almost always a carved panel illustrating this, showing some of the captives. Wherever any of these panels showed an Israelite, it is invariably a straight nose, typical of what we would call an Anglo Saxon, Scandinavian or Teutonic type of face. Where it shows these Canaanite people, it is always a typical hook nosed Jew.

The evidence of the Bible, and the evidence of archaeology all show one thing. There is definitely two different seed lines, the satanic seed line and the other seed line of Israel, Yahweh's own children.

21st April 2016, 08:16 AM
I think I'll post an excerpt from one of the articles above on who the true Israelites are and then a video of them. The descendants of Adam, Seth, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who's name was changed to Israel.

"20.) "In Isaac shall thy seed be called." (Beth-Sak = House of Isaac = Isaac's Sons = Saxons) Gen. 21:12 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=21m12s). When I first read this passage, I said to myself, “This is no reference to the Jews!” The Jews never quote this passage of Scripture because they are not descendants of Isaac through Jacob.

It is only True Israel which can lay claim to this genetic heritage: Isaac’s Sons = the Saxons = the Anglo-Saxons. We are named after Isaac.

The Jews claim to be named after Judah. It would be impossible for them to explain away the plain meaning of this passage, so they suppress it. The pro-Jewish pastors of “Judeo-Christianity,” to their great discredit, ignore this passage as well.

Conclusion The above are a quick scratching of the surface of the evidence which proves that the Jews are not Israel. These are only some of the most obvious references to the future Marks of Abraham's true Adamic seed, Israel.

Many more descriptive statements could be adduced, but these should suffice for the moment. The cited list ought to be sufficient for distinguishing between the two different groups of people contending for the designation, "Heirs of the Promise", or "The Covenant People", or "The Chosen People".

Score: Anglo-Saxons, 20; Jews, zero…and counting. Would someone care to calculate the odds against all of these prophecies coming true among one group of people? The odds are probably sixty kajillion to one. The odds for the Jews are also zero.

The only identifiable group which can fit the Marks of Israel is the three Houses of Isaac: the House of Israel, the House of Judah, and the House of David. The House of Edom is reprobate. The descendants of all three of these Houses of Isaac, yesterday, today, and forever, fall into the category of the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples; and NO ONE ELSE."

The true descendants of the Israelites
The children of God
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21st April 2016, 08:26 AM
Another video here done by Julian Lee where he asks who's trying to destroy the children of God.

The answer is above in the articles I've posted and it's the children of Satan who are working for their destruction.


7th trump
21st April 2016, 01:54 PM
Very very good Tumbleweed!
Be careful though......some of these jews are remnants of the two tribes that stayed in the area of Palestine. The other ten tribes went over the Caucasus mountains to settle Europe and the America's and hence why we are called Caucasians.

7th trump
21st April 2016, 01:56 PM
In my late teens I was given a book called the "Marks of Israel". I kept it but since have lost it. It was with my first edition set of "The International Jew" by henry ford.

24th April 2016, 09:45 AM
This is an article on race mixing and that it goes against the will of God.

Esau lost his birthright because of it and so will we if we do the same as Esau.

It was also part of the reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah and the flood that destroyed those living around Noah at that time.


by Bertrand L. Comparet

In the Bible Yahweh repeatedly warns us against any mixing of races, and especially against intermarriage and mongrelization. Some of this has been overlooked because of imperfect translation out of the Hebrew and Greek languages, in which the Bible was written. Let us examine some of these passages, carefully noting the exact meaning of the words used in the original tongues.

From the very beginning, the commandment not to permit mongrelization is strongly emphasized. For example:

Exodus 33:16: “So shall we be separated, I and all of Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.”

Leviticus 20:24: “I am Yahweh thy God, which have separated you from other people.”

Joshua 23:12-13: “If ye do in any wise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these nations, even these that remain among you, and shall make marriage with them and go in unto them and they unto you: know for a certainty that they shall be snares and traps unto you and scourges in your sides and thorns in your eyes, until ye perish off from this good land which Yahweh your God has given you.”

Deuteronomy 7:3: “Neither shalt thou make marriages with them: thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.”

Many warnings are given in the Bible not to mate with the stranger. The Hebrew words translated stranger in these verses are zuwr, nekar, and nokri, each one means a person of a different race from ours. There are other Hebrew words, ger and toshab, meaning persons who are aliens only in a political sense, but of our race. The warning against race mixing is always against those strangers who arezuwr, nekar or nakri. For example Proverbs 23:27 tells us, “For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange (zuwr) woman is a narrow pit.”

The reason for the warning is clear, mongrelization is the worst form of genocide. If you kill 99% of a race, but leave the other 1% pure blooded, they will in time restore the race. But, when you mongrelize them, you have destroyed that race eternally. Once mixed with the black or yellow races, the white race would be totally and forever destroyed, hence Yahweh has forbidden it. The following verses illustrate this point.

Psalm 144:11-12: “Rid me and deliver me from the hand of strange (nekar) children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood: That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth, that our daughters may be as the polished cornices of a palace.”

Jeremiah 2:21,25: “Yet I planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed. How then, art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange (zuwr) vine unto Me? Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat thirst: but thou saidest There is no hope: no, for I have loved strangers (zuwr) and after them will I go.”

Hosea 5:6-7: “They shall go with their flocks and their herds to seek Yahweh, but they shall not find Him: He hath withdrawn Himself from them. They have dealt treacherously against Yahweh: for they have begotten strange (zuwr) children.”

Noah was saved because he was pure blooded, while those around him were mongrelized. Genesis 6:2,4-5, records the forbidden mixing of races and the evil results thereof. Noah was a different story, he obeyed Yahweh’s law against the mixing of the races.

Genesis 6:9: “Noah was a just man and perfect (taw-meem, without blemish) in his generations (to-led-aw, descent, ancestry).” Hence, Noah and his family were saved while the mongrels were wiped out. Mongrelization is the sin for which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed!!!

Jude 1:7: “Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”

Those who seek to force integration in the schools and churches are now beginning to admit that their real purpose is to bring about racial intermarriage. They have even deceived certain well meaning, but ignorant clergymen into helping them. Even without inter-marriage, just allowing negroes into the white churches is disobedience to Yahweh. Do you say you didn’t see that in your Bible, this is only because mistranslation conceals it from you. No doubt you were puzzled when you read the following in Deuteronomy 23:2. “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of Yahweh: even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of Yahweh.”

You wondered at this, because an illegitimate child is not to blame for the sins of its parents. Why should the penalty extend for ten generations, they might all be legitimately born?

The Hebrew word mistranslated bastard is the word mamzer. It means a mixture, a half breed or mongrel. It has nothing to do with whether a child’s parents were married, but it refers to the forbidden mixture of races. This is why the penalty extends for ten generations, it shows how seriously Yahweh treats this sin. It is true the mulatto child is not to blame for his parents’ sins, but he/she is still a mulatto. The first generation would be a half-breed, the second would have at least a quarter of the black blood. The third at least 1/8th; the fourth 1/1 6th; and so on. In the tenth generation, the negro blood may be as small as one part in 1,024, yet Yahweh says this is too much to be allowed to enter into the congregation of Yahweh.

If you admit that your church is not worthy to be called the congregation of Yahweh, then perhaps this doesn’t concern you. But if your church is, or trying to be the congregation of Yahweh, hadn’t you better obey Yahweh’s own commandment concerning it? Call this to the attention of your minister.

The unfortunate children of such marriages are not the guilty ones, the sin is that of their parents. The fact they cannot help what they are does not change the permanent fact they are what they are. The experience of thousands of years has demonstrated that the dark races do not have what it takes to produce the white man’s high civilization. They have never had it in their own lands and they only have it here because we, the white majority, make it so.

The mixed breed is the same, they do not have in proper measure, those qualities which Yahweh so carefully implanted in the white race to carry out certain purposes which He has assigned to them.

Recognition that Yahweh made the races different does not imply hatred or contempt for any of them.

Difference has its purposes, which must be respected. I do not expect the family cat to sing like a canary, nor the canary to keep mice out of the kitchen. If I went quail hunting, I would not expect a horse to point quail for me, neither would I try to saddle and ride the best hunting dog in the world.

All the family pets are equally loved and none are despised because he can’t do what some other does. Each has his own purpose and trying to mix them up or interbreed them can only harm them.

There are many people to whom these facts are new. There are also many who have learned the evil lesson that they can get more money or more political popularity, by violating these laws of Yahweh than by obeying them.

Some of you might not like being reminded of these things, but remember, I did not write the Bible, Yahweh wrote it through His prophets. His commandments are always right. For our own good, for the very survival of our white race upon the earth and that we may face Yahweh with a better conscience, we had better obey these laws of Yahweh.

15th May 2016, 08:51 PM
I think I'll post this article about what Jesus said on the cross. We've be told he said "forgive them for they know not what they do".

I believe he said "forgive them "not" for they know what they do and this is explained in the article below.


Forgive them not for they know what they do

Any Greek textus receptus will prove to you beyond the shadow of any doubt that Luke 23:34 SHOULD have been translated as "father_forgive_them_not_for_they-know_what_they-do" rather than "forgive them for they know not what they do". There's no feasible reason why "not" needs to be associated with "know" versus "forgive_them".

Furthermore, as all Christians and jews know, and as Christ Himself taught, and as the Old Testament testifies, forgiveness is based upon repentence, but did these jews ever repent of their sins? Never. So why would the suggestion be made that Christ COULD even TRY to ask God to forgive them? And if Christ DID ask God to forgive them, God must have been sound asleep, because He was still inclined to destroy all of them and the Temple of Jerusalem in 72 AD, not much of an indication that HE was inclined to forgive them Himself. As the son of God, God in the flesh, son of man, king of kings, messiah, Israelite with the courage to send His Twelve Disciples only to the house of Israel, and about the only Christian in 2,000 years willing to take on the jews head on, changing the word structure of this single sentence changed His entire mission statement and made Him appear as a confused little boy.

The jews must be having quite a laugh in the backrooms of their Synagogues, but not for long. What they've done here is beyond forgiveness.

Christ spent His entire ministry preaching against, condemning, and insulting in the most ingenious way, the jews who had polluted the command of God with their traditions of the elders "Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? Matthew 15:3". He and His disciples called the jews every name in the book, including "you brood of vipers", they will be "thrown into the fire", "hypocrites!", "babbling like pagans", "wicked", "adulterous", "Ninevah will ... condemn [you]", "you break the command of God", "teachings are but rules taught by men", "will be pulled up by the roots", "blind guides", "blind man", "guard against ... the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees", "you yourself do not enter ... the kingdom of heaven", "blind fools", "blind men", "Blind Pharisee", "you are like whitewashed tombs", "you are the children of those who murdered the prophets", "you snakes", "condemned to hell", "Pharisees ... rejected God's purpose for themselves", "you foolish people", "you are like unmarked graves", "you build tombs for the prophets, yet it was your forefathers who killed them", "will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world", "whom you slew between the temple and the altar", "you are not of my sheep", "you are of your father the devil", "a murderer from the beginning", "liar and the father of lies", "break the command of God for the sake of your tradition", "if God were your father, you would love me".

Not only did He make it clear that He did not come for the Canaanite woman, but "He said in reply, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 15:24", and He willfully insulted the jews by reminding them that they were EXCLUDED from this mission "But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, John 10:26-27". As if though this wasn't enough, He even claimed that the jews were of a different God than He "Jesus said unto them, If God were yourFather, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me, John 8:42" and furthermore that their God was the devil "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was amurderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truthin him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the fatherof it, John 8:44". He also told them that they could NOT be forgiven "Ye serpents,ye race of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matthew 23:33", so for what Godly reason would Christ change His mind at precisely the moment that His crucifixion caused the earth to tremble and the veil to rent?

Though this expression is not found in some manuscripts (Vaticanus, et al), it is popularly accepted as meaning our Lord forgave his tormentors and crucifiers without repentance; in other words, universal, unconditional, blind forgiveness. This is NOT the case. That the actions of His adversaries were wilful, and they were fully cognizant of WHO He was (they knew of His miracles, and even witnessed a few) may be found in verses 35-37:

The people stood looking on. And even the leaders of the synagogue mocked Him, and said, >He saved others; let Him save Himself, if He is the Christ, the chosen one of God. And the soldiers ridiculed Him, and they came near Him and offered Him vinegar, saying to Him, >If you are king of the Jews, save yourself.

Elsewhere, our Savior said of these who mocked Him:
A wicked and adulterous generation wants a sign; and no sign shall be given to it, except the sign of the prophet Jonah. And He left them and went away. (Matthew 16:4)
Interesting that He should mention adultery. Nevertheless, in Luke 23, the emphatic Greek text (Emphatic Diaglott (http://www.christianresearch.info/TPAR/TTPA-03.html), published by the International Bible Students Association) tells us a very different picture (see inset). In it, Jesus Christ intones:

O Father, forgive them; not for they know what they do.
Broken into its components, the Greek language assents to the fact that forgiveness is, indeed, based upon repentance, for these accusers were most definitely NOT repentant for their deeds. Some may counter that this was due to the fact they weren't of the Christian Faith, but this is not borne out in the context.

Since Jesus Christ was praying to His Father in the Heavenly, the judgment upon this "wicked and adulterous generation" was sure to follow, and it did, in AD 68-70, when the Old Jerusalem was reduced to rubble by Romans under Cyrus.

Pastor V.S. Herrell (http://www.christianseparatist.org/briefs/sb2.01.html)

"...I go away, and you will seek Me. And you will die in your failures. Where I go,
you are not able to come. ... You are from below; I am from above. You are from this world, I am not from this world. ... If you were the children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. But now you seek to kill Me ... Abraham did not do this. You do the works of your father ... If God were your Father, you would love Me ... you are not able to hear My Word. You are of your father the Diabolical One, and the lusts of your father you wish to do. That one was a murderer from the beginning, and he has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own, because he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I speak the truth you are not persuaded by Me. ... for this reason you do not hear, because you are not of God."

Now I know what you are thinking. Did Jesus not forgive the Jews on the cross? Did He not say, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Absolutely not! To say this is to blaspheme the
blood of Christ and the Mentality of Separation. To say this is to believe a lie and be damned! Once again,
all honest scholars agree that this verse was not in the original autographs of the New Testament. All
honest translations omit this passage. All honest preachers teach that Jesus never said this. Everyone else is
simply making and helping make a lie, for even if translators accept this spurious passage, then they should
translate it Father forgive them not, for they know what they are doing . (See footnote at Luke 23:34 in the
AST). Instead, these dishonest, Jewish, and Jew-influenced traitors to the White race (if they are white at
all) fall into the category we have already stated, namely,
"...outside [the gates], the dogs and pharmakeia promoters and the whores and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone loving and making a lie" (Rev. 22:15 AST). These people are guilty of the sin or failure described in that same chapter in Revelation, verse 18 (AST):

"For I testify together with everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this Scroll: If anyone adds to these things, God will add upon him the plagues having been written in this Scroll. And if anyone takes away from the words of the Scroll of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the Book of Life, and out of the Separated city, and of the things having been written in this Scroll."

16th May 2016, 01:00 PM

16th May 2016, 01:29 PM
^ That's a damn fine example of the "Mark of Cain" in the middle of that Jews face :-).

17th May 2016, 06:08 AM
I've been posting articles in this thread that have helped me gain a better understanding of what has happened in the past and what is happening in our lives today and what's behind it.

This article I'll post below is one that I've posted in another thread some time ago. It has been helpful to me and I want to add it to this thread.


The Bible is not a Jewish Book

by Bertrand L. Comparet
The statement is commonly made, even by those who should know better, that we Christians owe a debt to the Jews, for we got our Bible and our religion from them. While many people have been deceived into believing this, it is completely false. Part of the mistake comes from the complete confusion in the minds of nearly all people as to just what they mean by Jew. Are they referring to people of a certain race, or referring to a people of a certain religion, for the two are not the same. There are in Africa (http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/A.html)today, some pure blooded negroes (http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/C.html) who are Jews by religion; in India (http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/F.html) today there are some pure blooded Indians who are Jews, and there are in China (http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/D.html) today, some pure blooded Mongolians who are Jews by religion. Likewise, there are some people today who are racially of the stock we know as Jews, but who have been converted to other religions.

First let's consider the claim we got our Bible and our religion from the Jews, as meaning Jews by religion. It is certain we didn't get the New Testament from them, for it condemns the Jewish religion throughout all the New Testament. But did we get the Old Testament from them? No, for several reasons: in the first place, no Jew by religion existed before the return from the Babylonian captivity, shortly after 536 B.C. Their great historian Josephus writes, "So the Jews prepared the work. Jew is the name they are called by from the day that they came up from Babylon." The only books of the Old Testament that were written after the return from Babylon are, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah (all of them historical, rather than doctrinal) Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. In none of these do the Jews receive anything but rebuke for their wickedness, for their apostasy from the religion of the Old Testament. The late Rabbi Stephen F. Wise, formerly the Chief Rabbi of the United States said, "The return from Babylon and the introduction of the Babylonian Talmud mark the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism."

The learned Rabbi was correct in distinguishing the true religion of the Old Testament as Hebrewism for it was the religion of the real Hebrews, who were not Jews at all. Judaism, the religion of the Jews, is as the learned Rabbi says, based upon the Babylonian Talmud, which contains the supposed oral law. It was never reduced to writing as part of the Bible. This oral law gradually gained greater force among the Jews than the written law in the Bible, with which it often conflicted in Jesus' day, the Babylonian Talmud was known as the Tradition of the Elders.

This is why Jesus told the Jews:
"Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoreth Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. Howbeit, in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the Commandments of men. For laying aside the commandments of God that ye may keep your own tradition, ye make the Word of God of none effect through your tradition which ye have delivered" (Mark 7:6-13). "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God" (Matthew 22:29).

"Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! for ye pay tithes of mint, anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy and faith" (Matthew 23:23).

This was the religion of the Jews. As the learned Rabbi Stephen F. Wise said, Judaism was distinguished from Hebrewism, the real religion of the Old Testament. Certainly Christianity took nothing from any Jewish religion for we have never taken any part of Christianity from the Talmud.

Well then, can it be said we got our Bible or our religion of Christianity from men of the Jewish race? No, it cannot. I haven't the time in the remainder of this lesson to give the Bible evidence in detail. I will have to reserve that for a later lesson. It can be clearly proven, both out of the historical books of the Bible and out of the only thorough history of the times written by one living when the facts were still well known. Josephus' "Antiquities of the Jews," tells that the Jews were a people distinct and separate from Yahweh's people Israel, although living among them. The Jew were the Canaanite people who lived in Palestine, before Israel entered the promised land and who were not driven out. These Canaanite people, and the mixed offspring from intermarriage with the Israelites, were allowed to remain in the land while paying heavy tribute taxes.

The prophets who wrote the books of the Old Testament, were all of pure Israelite stock, from one or another of the 12 tribes of Israel. Moses, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Haggai and Zechariah were of the tribe of Levi. Joshua and Samuel were of the tribe of Ephraim. Isaiah, Daniel and Zephaniah were of the house of David, Jonah was of the tribe of Zebulun. Hosea was of the tribe of Issachar.

When the Assyrians conquered and deported the people of the ten northern tribes, the Bible records that the Assyrians brought other people in from the Assyrian empire and settled them in Samaria, in place of the Israelites they had deported. Samaria is only the southern half of the territory occupied by these ten northern tribes. The northern half was Galilee and this was left vacant. When the kingdom of Judah was later deported to Babylon, for their seventy years captivity, their land was left with very little population. While they were gone, the Edomites who were descendants of Esau, mixed with Canaanite people, were forced out of their own land by pressure of invading Arab tribes, and moved westward into the vacant lands of Judah, occupying the southern half of the former kingdom of Judah.

Therefore, when a portion of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned from the Babylonian captivity, they were too few in numbers to drive out the warlike Edomites and had to try to squeeze into the very little territory they had left. It was too small for them, so what was left of the tribe of Judah took the little territory remaining around Jerusalem and Benjamin was pushed to the north. They could not move next door into Samaria, as this area was occupied by the peoples settled there by the Assyrians. Benjamin had to leapfrog over them into the vacant territory of Galilee.

That the apostles and the majority of Christian converts came from the Benjaminites should not surprise us. When the kingdom was split in two upon the death of Solomon, God said He would leave Benjamin with Judah so that the house of David should have a light before them. In Jesus' time the people of Benjamin were still the light bearers. In the New Testament all of the apostles were of the tribe of Benjamin except Judas Iscariot, the only Jew among them. Judas came from the village of Kerioth in southern Judea. Iscariot is a corruption of Ish Kerioth, man of Kerioth. Paul tells us that he was of the tribe of Benjamin and that the other apostles except Judas Iscariot were from Galilee where the tribe of Benjamin settled after the return from Babylon.

This is confirmed by Jesus. In Matthew 15:24 He said, "I am not sent but unto the sheep of the house of Israel." In John chapter 10 Jesus tells the Jews, "I am the good Shepherd and know My sheep and am known of Mine. But ye believe not because ye are not of My sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me." From the Savior's own lips we have the proof that the Jews are not of the tribes of Israel. Note carefully that He does not say that their unbelief keeps them from being of His sheep. He says the exact opposite, that the reason why they do not believe is that they are not of His sheep, the house of Israel. Christianity and Judaism are completely and irreconcilably inconsistent. Whichever one is right, the other must be wrong for they mutually repudiate each other. A great part of Jesus' reported Words are His denunciation of the Jews for their religion, which He tells them is not that of the Old Testament. In John 5:46 Jesus told them, "Had ye believed in Moses, ye would have believed Me: for he wrote of Me." In Luke 16:31 Jesus said, "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded through one rose from the dead." He was right, He did rise from the dead, but to this day they are not persuaded.

It is therefore clear, we got neither our Bible nor our Christian religion, either in whole or in part from those who were Jews, either by religion or by race. We owe them no debt, for they gave us nothing.

Supplementary Notes

Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser wrote, "This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression. . . Judaism is not the religion of the Bible" (Judaism and the Christian Predicament, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 59).

Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal, President, National Jewish Information Service wrote: ". . . you will notice the great difference between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other. . . we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. . . . There is not any similarity between the two concepts" (Letter of August 21, 1961).

The London Jewish World of March 15, 1923 declared: "Fundamentally, Judaism is anti-Christian."

Rabbi Martin Siegel: "I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-idealogical blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish" (New York Magazine, January 18, 1972, p. 32). word.htm

17th May 2016, 07:11 AM
I've been posting articles in this thread that have helped me gain a better understanding of what has happened in the past and what is happening in our lives today and what's behind it.

This article I'll post below is one that I've posted in another thread some time ago. It has been helpful to me and I want to add it to this thread.

Another great source:

How the Ashkenazi Jews conquered the West (https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/how-the-ashkenazi-jews-conquered-the-west/comment-page-1/)


17th May 2016, 07:29 AM

Benjamin H. Freedman, Jewish Historian - Researcher - Scholar.
From "Common Sense", p. 2-1-53 and 5-1-59

"Christians have been duped by the unholiest hoax in all history, by so-called Jews. This is considered their most effective weapon."

"This 'big lie' technique is brainwashing United States Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was "King of the Jews", in the sense that so-called 'Jews' today call themselves 'Jews'. This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Testaments, centuries before the so-called Jews highjacked the word 'Jew' in the 18th century A.D. to palm themselves off on the Christian world as having a kinship with Jesus Christ. This alleged kinship comes from the myth of their common ancestry with the so-called 'Jews' of the Holy Land in the Old Testament history, a fiction based on fable."

"American Christians little suspect they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours of every day over television and radio, by newspapers and magazines, by motion pictures and plays, by books, by political leaders in office and seeking office, by religious leaders in their pulpits and outside their churches, by leaders in the field of education inside and outside their curricular activities, and by all leaders in business, professions and finance, whose economic security demands that they curry the favor of so-called "Jews" of historic Khazar ancestry. Unsuspecting Christians are subjected to this barrage from sources they have little reason to suspect. Incontestable facts supply the unchallengeable proof of the historic accuracy that so-called "Jews" throughout the world today of eastern European origin are unquestionably the historic descendants of the Khazars, a pagan Turko-Finn ancient Mongoloid nation deep in the heart of Asia, according to history, who battled their way in bloody wars about the 1st century B.C. into eastern Europe where they set up their Khazar kingdom. For some mysterious reason the history of the Khazar kingdom is conspicuous by its absence from history courses in the schools and colleges.

"The historic existence of the Khazar kingdom of so-called "Jews", their rise and fall, the permanent disappearance of the Khazar kingdom as a nation from the map of Europe, and how King Bulan and the Khazar nation in about 740 A.D. became so-called "Jews" by conversion, were concealed from American Christians by censorship imposed by so-called "Jews", of historic Khazar ancestry, upon all U.S.A. media of mass communications directed by them. Then in 1945 this author gave nation-wide publicity to his many years intensive research into the "facts of life" concerning Khazars. The disclosures were sensational and very effective but apparently angered so-called "Jews" who have continued to vent their spleen upon this author since then solely for that reason. Since 1946 they have conducted a vicious smear campaign against him, seeking thus to further conceal these facts, for obvious reasons. What have they to fear from the truth?

"In an original 1903 edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia in New York's Public Library, and in the Library of Congress, Volume IV, pages 1 to 5 inclusive, appears a most comprehensive history of the Khazars. Also in the New York Public Library are 327 books by the world's greatest historians and other sources of reference, in addition to the Jewish Encyclopedia, dealing with Khazar history, and written between the 3rd A.D. and 20th centuries by contemporaries of the Khazars and by modern historians on that subject."

Jesus was a 'Judean', not a Jew.

During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced "Pharisaism"; hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".


17th May 2016, 07:30 AM

by Jason Collett

Many denominational Christians and even church leaders are under the mistaken belief that Jesus was a Jew. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities, as illustrated on the map of Palestine in the time of our Saviour in your Bible. Jesus Himself was not a Jew (Judean) or resident of Judea, He was a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of the Tribe of Judah, but of Edomites. Pilate was being ironic when he wrote the sign "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Judeans" for the Cross (John 19:19). That is, "the Galilean who was King of the Judeans," as in "Queen Victoria of England, Empress of India." Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. His disciples were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. And although He visited Jerusalem, he spent most of His life in his home country of Galilee. John 7:1, "After this Jesus stayed in Galilee; for He could not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him." His followers were constrained "for fear of the Jews" (John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19).

Why was this?

Psalm 83:3 says God's elect are "hidden" or protected ones, and that they are under attack from a coalition of evil groups led by Edom. Who was Edom?

Esau, the brother of the patriarch Jacob, became the ancestor of the people called Edom, or Idumea. The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, XIII ix 1; XV vii 9 instructs us: John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated the Edomites as a national group and they became "Jews" in about 120BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, who lived just after the time of Christ, wrote, "They [Edom] were hereafter no other than Jews'. The Jewish scholar Cecil Roth in his Concise Jewish Encyclopedia (1980) says on page 154, "John Hyrcanus forcibly converted [Edom] to Judaism. From then on they were part of the Jewish people. In the Talmud the name of Edom was applied to Christian Rome, and was then used for Christianity in general".

Terrible judgements against Edom are made in most of the prophecies of the Old Testament. For instance, Isaiah 34, 63, Jeremiah 49, and the entire book of Obadiah.

Isaiah 63:1-6, "Who is this coming from Edom . . . in garments stained with crimson? It is I [the Lord] who speak in righteousness and am mighty to save."

"Why are your garments red, as if you had trodden the winepress?"

"I have trodden the winepress alone: and of the people there was none to help Me. In My anger I trod them down, trampled them in My wrath. Their blood splattered My garments, and all My clothes are stained. For the day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed has come. . . I will tread down the people in My anger, and bring their blood upon the ground".

These verses refer to Revelations chapter 19:11-21, when the Word of God destroys His enemies: "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse: and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True. . . His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns, and He had a Name written that no man knew but Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and His Name is called The Word of God. . . and He trod the winepress of God’s fierce anger".

Jehovah of the Old Testament "hated Esau (Edom), against whom He has indignation forever" (Malachi 1:2-4). If Jesus will destroy Edom when He returns, then Edom is present today, and obviously evil, anti-Christian, and anti-Semitic.

The Edomite, Antipater, became the Procurator of Judea in 47BC. Ten years later his son Herod actually became "king of the Jews," initiating the Edomite dynasty which ruled Palestine under Roman authority for over a hundred years. The Edomite assimilation opened the way for the virtual takeover along the lines predicted by Ezekiel and stimulus for an influx of population from the arid country of Edom into the more hospitable environment of Judea, an influx obviously encouraged for political reasons by the ruling Herodian dynasty. Edomites would have been appointed to the most influential positions, in order to extend and consolidate Edomite authority over the land and its people. Herod became notorious for his massacre of infant boys two years old and undger," a supernaturally inspired attempt on the life of Christ (Matthew 2:16). Herod's son Herod Antipas, continuing the work, and was responsible for the gruesome murder of John the Baptist (Matthew 14:6-12).

Christ demonstrated a very real antipathy towards the people called Jews, in Bibles published after about 1776, but who would be more accurately described as Judeans, or residents of the Edomite-dominated territory of Judea. Jesus said to the Jews "You do not believe because you are not of My sheep" (John 10:24-27). "I was only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel" (Matthew 15:24). In fact, Christ referred to "those Jews (or residents of Judea regardless of religion, race or color) who believed on him," as "of their father the devil" for although they were children of Abraham, they were not children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and heirs of the blessing of Abraham, nor did they have the faith of Abraham, and were in all probability descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Esau (John 8: 31,44). In contrast, Jesus instructed His disciples - who were from Galilee of the Gentiles, not Judea (Acts 1:11; 2:7) - to pray to And in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, Jesus speaks of "those who say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan".

The Jews shouted "Crucify Him!" (John 19:15); "His blood be on us and on our children" (Matthew 27:25). In an appropriate turn about, when Jesus returns, their blood will stain His own garments. The spiritual leaders of the Jews were the Pharisees, who not surprisingly were associated with the (Edomite) Herodians (Matthew 22:15-16; Mark 3:6; 12:13). Jesus repeatedly condemned the Pharisees as "hypocrites" (Matthew 15:7; 22:18; 23:13,15,23,25,27-27). He also called them "serpents, the offspring of vipers" (Matthew 3:7; 12:34; 23:33).

"Jesus spoke to the crowds only in parables" (Matthew 13:10-17). Why was this? Many nominal churches and Sunday schools teach that Jesus used parables to make His teachings clearer. But all four Gospels say the opposite. When Jesus was asked why He spoke to them in parables, He replied "Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given" (Matthew 13:10-11; Mark 4:11-12; Luke 8:9-10; John 12:37-44). Brother Branham simply said, Jesus spoke in parables to thin down the crowds.

Jesus told "those Jews who believed in Him . . . You are of your father the devil, and lust for what is forbidden. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him . . . as he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:31-44). This characteristic is confirmed by the dictionary definition of the verb jew .

But do Jews ever come up with such brazenly audacious lies, lies so enormous in scope and implication as to qualify as "chutzpah," so admired by Jews?

Norman G. Finkelstein of the City University of New York says:

"The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a ‘victim’ state, and the most successful ethnic group in the United States has likewise acquired victim status. Considerable benefits accrue to this specious victimhood – in particular, immunity to criticism, however justified" (Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry (2000) published by Verso, p. 3).

In other words, Finkelstein exposes the HYPOCRISY.

Some further quotes:

"In an authoritative study, Leonard Dinnerstein reported: Sixty thousand Jews . . . walked out of the concentration camps. Within a week more than 20,000 of them had died." But ‘As it entered into negotiations with Germany [just two years ago, in 1999], the Holocaust industry demanded compensation for 135,000 still living former (camp inmates).’

On page 83 he notes that ‘The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million.’ Finkelstein exposes the LIES.

On page 127 he further notes ‘If 135,000 former Jewish slave laborers are still alive today, some 600,000 must have survived the war. That’s at least a half-million more than standard estimates. . . If Jews only constituted 20% of the surviving camp population and, as the Holocaust industry implies, 600,000 Jewish inmates survived the war, then fully 3 million inmates in total must have survived. By the Holocaust industry’s reckoning, concentration camp conditions couldn’t have been that harsh at all; in fact, one must suppose a remarkably high fertility and remarkably low mortality rate. . . If, as the Holocaust industry suggests, many hundreds of thousands of Jews survived, the Final Solution couldn’t have been so efficient after all – exactly what Holocaust deniers argue" (pp. 127-8).

"Both my father and my mother were survivors of the Warsaw ghetto and the Nazi concentration camps. . . One of my father’s lifelong friends was a former inmate with him in Auschwitz, a seemingly incorruptible left-wing idealist who on principle refused German compensation after the war. Eventually he became a director of the Israeli Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem. Reluctantly and with genuine disappointment, my father finally admitted that even this man had been corrupted by the Holocaust industry, tailoring his beliefs for power and profit. As the rendering of the Holocaust assumed ever more absurd forms, my mother liked to quote (with intentional irony) Henry Ford: "History is bunk." (ibid. p. 7).

"The Holocaust proved to be the perfect weapon for deflecting criticism of Israel" (ibid p. 30).

"Much of the literature on Hitler’s Final Solution is worthless as scholarship. Indeed, the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not sheer fraud." (p. 55).

"Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics". (p. 68).

"Annual Days of Remembrance of the Holocaust are a national event. All 50 states sponsor commemorations, often in state legislative chambers. . . Seven major Holocaust museums dot the American landscape. The centerpiece of this memorialization is the United States Holocaust museum in Washington. . . [This] museum’s annual budget is $50 million, of which $30 million is federally subsidized." (p. 72). (This is in spite of the fact that, as he points out on page 32, per capita Jewish income in the US is almost double that of non-Jews).

"With a reelection campaign looming, Jimmy Carter initiated the [US Holocaust Museum] project to placate Jewish contributors and voters, galled by the president’s recognition of the "legitimate rights" of Palestinians.’ (p. 73).

Finkelstein exposes the SWINDLE, a word formerly most often associated with Jews.

"The Holocaust" is an ideological representation of the Nazi holocaust. Like most ideologies, it bears a connection, if tenuous, with reality. The Holocaust is not an arbitrary, but rather an internally coherent construct. Its central dogmas sustain significant political and class interests." (p. 3). And:

"The Holocaust may yet turn out to be the "greatest robbery in the history of mankind". . . The Holocaust industry has clearly gone berserk." (p. 138-9).

Is this evaluation fair?

Have a look at a typical account by one of the seemingly endless number of survivors: Olga Lengyel’s Five Chimneys: a woman survivor’s true story of Auschwitz (Granada/Ziff-Davis, 1947, 1972).

The blurb on the cover of the book quotes the New York Herald-Tribune: "Passionate, tormenting". Albert Einstein, the promoter of the US construction of the bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is quoted as offering "You have done a real service by letting the ones who are now silent and most forgotten (sic) speak."

Lengyel says:

"After June, 1943, the gas chamber was reserved exclusively for Jews and Gypsies. . . Three hundred and sixty corpses every half-hour, which was all the time it took to reduce human flesh to ashes, made 720 per hour, or 17,280 corpses per twenty-four hour shift. And the ovens, with murderous efficiency, functioned day and night. However, one must also reckon the death pits, which could destroy another 8,000 cadavers a day. In round numbers, about 24,000 corpses were handled each day. An admirable production record, one that speaks well for German industry." (Paperback edition, pp. 80-81). [No trace of any remains of or in ‘death pits’ has been found.]

This implies almost 100,000 corpses per four working days, or a million in 40 days, or six million in 240 days (eight months).

Could this claim be a misprint?

Kitty Hart, in spite of her name, a Jewish survivor born in Poland, fully confirms these figures:

"Working around the clock, the four units together could dispose of about 18,000 bodies every twenty-four hours, while the open pits coped with a further 8,000 in the same period." (p. 118; Return to Auschwitz - paperback edition by Granada (1981, 1983).

According to the cover blurb, "The subject of the award-winning Yorkshire television documentary of the same name." "Both engaging and harrowing . . . an important addition to the growing holocaust literature, very little of which conveys so courageously both the daily torment and the will to survive" – Martin Gilbert, The Times.

Martin Gilbert, indefatigable Jewish campaigner on behalf of the ‘Holocaust’ and biographer of Winston Churchill, adds to the rich flavour and makes his own numerical claims, certainly not without chutzpah:

In his book Auschwitz and the Allies (1981) he states:

"The deliberate attempt to destroy systematically all of Europe’s Jews was unsuspected in the spring and early summer of 1942: the very period during which it was at its most intense, and during which hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed every day at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka." (p. 26).

If we assume a minimum figure of 200,000 per day, this amounts to say one million over a five-day working week, or 6 million in six weeks, and this does not include the truly awe-inspiring claims for Auschwitz put forward by Hart and Lengyel with Gilbert’s blessing.

A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground penetrating radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.

For six days in October 1999, an Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland, where, Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews were put to death in gas chambers and then buried in mass graves.

According to the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1997), for example, "a total of 870,000 people" were killed and buried at Treblinka between July 1942 and April 1943. Then, between April and July 1943, the hundreds of thousands of corpses were allegedly dug up and burned in batches of 2,000 or 2,500 on large grids made of railway ties.

Krege's team used an $80,000 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) device, which sends out vertical radar signals that are visible on a computer monitor. GPR detects any large-scale disturbances in the soil structure to a normal effective depth of four or five meters, and sometimes up to ten meters. (GPR devices are routinely used around the world by geologists, archeologists, and police.) In its Treblinka investigation, Krege's team also carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil core samples.

The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II site, especially the alleged "mass graves" portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes.

"From these scans we could clearly identify the largely undisturbed horizontal stratigraphic layering, better known as horizons, of the soil under the camp site," says the 30-year old Krege, who lives in Canberra. "We know from scans of grave sites, and other sites with known soil disturbances, such as quarries, when this natural layering is massively disrupted or missing altogether." Because normal geological processes are very slow acting, disruption of the soil structure would have been detectable even after 60 years, Krege noted.

While his initial investigation suggests that there were never any mass graves at the Treblinka camp site, Krege believes that further work is still called for.

"Historians say that the bodies were exhumed and cremated toward the end of the Treblinka camp's use in 1943, but we found no indication that any mass graves ever existed," he says. "Personally, I don't think there was a mass extermination camp there at all."

Krege prepared a detailed report on his Treblinka investigation. He says that he would welcome the formation, possibly under United Nations auspices, of an international team of neutral, qualified specialists, to carry out similar investigations at the sites of all the wartime German camps.

(Sources: "'Vernichtungslager' Treblinka: archaelogisch betrachtet," by Ing. Richard Krege, in Vierteljarhreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung, June 2000 [4. Jg., Heft 1], pp. 62-64; "'No Jewish mass grave' in Poland," The Canberra Times, January 24, 2000, p. 6; "Poland's Jews 'not buried at Treblinka'," The Examiner [Australia], Jan. 24, 2000. Information provided by Richard Krege; M. Weber and A. Allen, "Treblinka," The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1992, pp. 133-158; Y. Arad, "Treblinka," in I. Gutman, ed., Encyclopedia of the Holocaust [New York: 1997], pp. 1481-1488.)


17th May 2016, 07:31 AM
Who was the First Jew?

John Standring

We know that Saul was the first king of Israel and that John was the first man called Baptist, but who was the first Jew? Neither Adam, Seth or Noah are called Jew. Nor were Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Moses was not called a Jew and neither were Saul, David or Solomon called Jew. In fact you will not find the word Jew in the first eleven books of the Bible. The first time Jews are mentioned in the Bible, is in II Kings 16:6 (and then only in translations revised in the eighteenth century) where we find Israel was at war with the Jews and drave the Jews from Elath. Isn't it interesting that we can read over five hundred pages of the Bible before we find a Jew anywhere, yet those who call themselves Jew today claim the first five books of the bible and call it their Torah. Do you not find it rather strange that those who claim to have written the first five books of the Bible and call themselves Jew, can't find the word Jew written anywhere in the book they call their own bible, and claim to have written? Jesus Christ tells John in Revelation 2:9 "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN". We know that God changed the name of Abram to Abraham in Genesis 17:5, and that He changed the name of Jacob to Israel in Genesis 32:28, but nowhere in the Bible do we find where God changed the name of Israel to Jew! There is therefore no authority by which those who say they are Jews can claim to be Israel!

By the time of Jesus the word Edom or Edomite had been translated by Greek and Latin into Ioudaios and Iudaeus meaning a Judean or person living in Judea. The original King James version of the Bible, 1611, translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes. It wasn't until the revised editions of the King James Bible, that the word Jew appeared. The word Jew does not mean Israel or Israelite! We must conclude therefore that the first "Jews" were Canaanite-Edomite-Hittite. It is certain, according to the Bible, that Jews are not Israel. jesusjew.htm


17th May 2016, 07:39 AM
Another great source:

How the Ashkenazi Jews conquered the West (https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/how-the-ashkenazi-jews-conquered-the-west/comment-page-1/)


A quote from that link that I believe speaks the truth of what I see and hear all around me.

"Again, here’s historian Benjamin H. Freedman:“The present generally accepted ‘secondary meaning’ of the word ‘Jew’ is fundamentally responsible for the confusion in the minds of Christians regarding elementary tenets of the Christian faith. It is likewise responsible today to a very great extent for the dilution of the devotion of countless Christians for their Christian faith. The implications, inferences and innuendoes of the word ‘Jew’ today, to the preponderant majority of intelligent and informed Christians, is contradictory and in complete conflict with incontestable historic fact. Christians who cannot be fooled any longer are suspect of the Christian clergy who continue to repeat, and repeat, and repeat ad nauseam their pet theme song ‘Jesus was a Jew’. It actually now approaches a psychosis".

17th May 2016, 07:52 AM
Christians who cannot be fooled any longer are suspect of the Christian clergy who continue to repeat, and repeat, and repeat ad nauseam their pet theme song ‘Jesus was a Jew’. It actually now approaches a psychosis".[/FONT][/COLOR]

They should all be suspect of their clergy, but alas, it's a very small group that has awakened from their deep slumber of programming.

17th May 2016, 02:25 PM
Jewboo posted this video 2 or 3 years ago in another thread and it's a good one. Chuck Smith is speaking directly to the children of Satan. I don't know if Chuck Smith knows their history that goes back to the garden of Eden or if he really knows who he's confronting.

The articles I've posted above put a lot of what's gone on in the past in perspective for me and also what's going on at present in our lives that Chuck Smith is speaking about.


The following article is another one by Bertrand Comparate that I had posted in another thread but I think this is a good place to post it again. We've been led to believe christians should be pacifists but that's not necessarily so in all situations and that's what Comparate does a good job explaining. We must resist and fight against evil.

Chuck Smith has identified a lot of the evil the children of Satan have been up to and we have to resist and fight against them.



The late Revd Bertrand L Comparet, AB., J.D.(USA)
IT IS reported that a Hindu recently undertook to rebuke all the Christian nations, by asking "How can you reconcile Jesus' doctrine of non-resistance with your military armament, and with the wars you fight from time to time? Which of you will retum good for evil?" In speaking thus, the Hindu smugly gloated over what he thought was an inconsistency between our religion and our national conduct. Unfortunately, there are even some Christians who are so ignorant of their own religion that they become embarrassed at such accusations, and feel that we must be guilty of inconsistency, even of wrongdoing. The Hindus' ignorance we can forgive, as he knows nothing of our religion beyond a few phrases quoted out of context; but it is time for Christians to learn more about what they claim as their own religion. We could ask the Hindu, in return, how he can reconcile Premier Nehru's aggressive attack upon Portuguese Goa, which Portugal has held since the year 1510 - how can he reconcile this aggressive warfare with Nehru's lofty proclamations of his devotion to peace - that is, whenever "peace" consists of, leaving White Men in slavery.

But we shall not be content to point out inconsistencies in the attitude of the Hindus. I want to prove to you today that our own conduct is not inconsistent with our religion. In the first place, it is false to speak of Jesus' 'doctrine of non-resistance.' In John 2:13-16, the Beloved Disciple reports that the first act of Jesus Christ's ministry in the city of Jerusalem was to make a whip of ropes and flog the moneychangers out of the court of the Temple. Does this look like non-resistance, cringing submission to the triumph of evil? Indeed not! Nor was this all: Matthew 21:12-13 and Mark 11:15-17 both record that He repeated this cleansing of the Temple of the evil antiChristians who infested it, during the last week before His crucifixion. Jesus Christ, Himself, never tolerated evil, never consented that it should be allowed to remain triumphant rather than to resist it. Only in His crucifixion did He allow the forces of evil to have their way: and this was not through any doctrine of non-resistance to evil, but only to fulfil the purpose for which He had assumed a human body. He came here for the express purpose of meeting death to pay the penalty for our sins, in order to save us; if He had not submitted to crucifixion, His purpose to save us would not have been accomplished. For this reason only did He submit, and not because He ever believed in letting evil triumph without resistance.

But someone will say, "What about Matthew 5:38-39?"
"Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."

No, there is no inconsistency here, either. This advice was never given to the nation, that we should surrender to China and leave the world in slavery. It was given only to individuals - and to particular individuals, at that. Jesus was preaching to bring His truths before all who had the qualities to respond to Him and would become His disciples: these would be that first generation of Christians whose responsibility above all else was to spread His word, without being distracted by petty quarrels with other people.

They were to face ridicule, contempt and hatred; every day they would be given provocation by insults and injuries. If they let themselves react with natural anger, they would be in constant quarrels and fights; they would be constantly arrested and in jail, not as noble martyrs to a great cause, but as brawlers constantly fighting in the streets over personal quarrels - which would not be a good recommendation for the new religion of Christianity. Even if they did not fight, but looked to the law to vindicate their rights, this would make them spend all their time and energy in lawsuits instead of their missionary work. This was not the duty of the early Christians. But that He did not intend that they should tamely let themselves be slaughtered by ruffians is clear: In Luke 22:36, He told His disciples that "he that had no sword should sell his cloak and buy one."

So many erroneous religious doctrines come from the mistake of taking out of context words spoken for a certain time and place, and trying to make universal, eternal rules of them. In Matthew 14:19 and Mark 6:39, when Jesus Christ was about to feed the multitude with a few loaves and fishes, we read that "He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass." This certainly doesn't mean that it is a Christian's duty to go around making people sit down on the grass: it was spoken only to meet the special circumstances of a particular time and place and no-one should try to make a doctrine of it. So also with Jesus Christ's instructions to the early Christians to stick to the job for which He had chosen them, and not waste time quarrelling with the wicked. But don't ever think that, if you see some ruffian trying to rape your wife or daughter you should merely stand around murmuring pious platitudes about the desirability of good conduct. Your duty - and I do mean DUTY- as a good Christian is to stop him if you have to kill him to do it.

So much for the individual. But this Hindu was trying to place Christian nations (not Nehru's India, nor China) under the individual's restrictions. God always distinguished between the rules for the individual and the rules for the nation. Particularly is this true of the Laws of War.It is only when we have been guilty of evil conduct and disloyalty to our God that He has allowed wicked nations to oppress us until we repented of our evil ways; then He has Himself used us as His own servant and agent to make war against those wicked nations. He began our training in this early: when our ancestors came out of Egypt in the Exodus, they were attacked by the Amalekites. For this, God said that He would have war with Amalek from generation to generation until He had utterly blotted out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.- and this duty He commanded His people Israel to perform, as we read In Exodus 17:14-16 and Deuteronomy 25:17-19. But that is only the beginning: in Jeremiah 51:20, God Himself said to our ancestors and to us, their descendants,
"Thou art My battle axe and weapons of war: and with thee will I break in pieces the nations; and with thee will I destroy kingdoms."

Is there anything pacifistic about that? Evil must not be allowed to rule the earth in triumph. To those who are good, you can speak in a language they understand, the language of peace and reason. But to those who are utterly evil, you must also speak in the only language they understand. Russia and China can't understand platitudes; they can understand superior force.
Again, we read in the seventh chapter of Judges how God sent Gideon, with but 300 men, to deliver Israel from the huge army of the Midianites; and he routed the Midianites with the slaughter of 120,000 men. We are clearly told that this was by "the sword of the Lord and of Gideon."

Neither let yourself be misled by someone quoting, "they that take the sword shall perish by the sword." Note that this speaks of TWO swords: the sword of the aggressor, who shall perish by the sword of the defender.

Lest anyone should say that this is only a characteristic of earthly men, a relic of the past, and that we should look forward to a higher, nobler character to be attained in the future, let us examine the Book of Revelation, in its description of Jesus Christ when He returns to reign over all the world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In Revelation 19:11, it says of Jesus Christ that "In righteousness He doth judge and MAKE WAR." Jesus Christ, Himself, recognizes that there can never be "peaceful co-existence" between good and evil: one must certainly conquer, the other must certainly perish; if good has not the will and the courage to be the conqueror, then evil will rule supreme. So long as evil exists, there will be wars: the wars of evil's aggression against good, until good conquers and exterminates evil; and this last great war to wipe out evil will be led by no less a general than our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.When He comes, let Him find you, not hiding under the bed in abject terror, but marching resolutely in the ranks of His army.

17th May 2016, 03:03 PM

Pope washes feet of "refugees"

USA Refugee Admissions Reception & Placement Program

USA Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Washington, DC

[Note: A more recent version of this document can be found at http://www.state.gov/j/prm/releases/factsheets/2016/251849.htm.]

Each refugee approved for admission to the United States is sponsored by one of nine resettlement agencies participating in the Reception & Placement (R&P) Program under a cooperative agreement with the Department of State. The sponsoring agency is responsible for placing refugees with one of its affiliated offices and for providing initial services, which include housing, essential furnishings, food, clothing, orientation, and assistance with access to other social, medical, and employment services for the refugees’ first 30-90 days in the United States. The R&P Program is a public-private partnership, which anticipates that sponsoring agencies will contribute significant cash and/or in-kind resources to supplement U.S. Government funding for the program.

Although refugees are eligible for public assistance when they first arrive, the U.S. Government emphasizes early economic self-sufficiency through employment to speed their integration into American society. During the refugees’ initial transition period, programs funded by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement and administered either by the states or resettlement agencies provide cash and medical assistance, employment services, English language training, and other support services.

Refugees are admitted to the United States by the Department of Homeland Security. After twelve months of residency, individuals admitted as refugees are required to apply for adjustment of status to that of permanent resident alien. After five years in the United States, they may apply for citizenship. The agencies participating in the R&P Program in fiscal year 2014 are:

Church World Service
Episcopal Migration Ministries
Ethiopian Community Development Council
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
International Rescue Committee
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

A US religious campaign supporting Central American refugees, the Sanctuary Movement, said it would offer its congregations' churches to families facing deportation from the United States, ahead of a planned government crackdown on illegal immigrants.

"We open our doors to today's Josephs and Marys... The gift we have to offer on Christmas Day is the gift of sanctuary," pastor of Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona, the Rev. Alison Harrington said, as quoted by Reuters.

READ MORE: Jesus was a refugee child: O’Malley reminds voters of Christmas spirit (https://www.rt.com/usa/327051-omalley-jesus-refugee-child-immigration/)

Congregations supporting the sanctuary network include about 300 parishes in more than 20 states, according to a coordinator for the affiliated Church World Service, the Rev. Noel Anderson.

:(?? Shami posted some more stuff about "Christians" being passive cucks Tumbleweed

17th May 2016, 06:12 PM
^ Christians have been misled by Jews who have infiltrated the christian religion. I suspect the pope is a crypto jew and I don't think God will approve of him kissing the Jews asses and the feet of niggers while leading the descendants of the Israelites to destruction.

22nd May 2016, 12:49 PM
I've been reading some of Roger Hathaways articles and I think this one is pretty good. He gives his perspective, research and insight into the bible story. A lot of what he writes has been posted above but there are things not included in the posts above so I'll post it.

While reading through this article I bring up the genealogy chart at this link, enlarge it and scroll around on it to the names of the people in the bible he's writing about. It makes it more interesting for me.




by Roger Hathaway, January 2005

Who are our people? When a White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) asks that question, answers are not quickly offered. Our heritage is not taught in American schools. Scholars, professors, and theologians are quite unconcerned with our ancient roots. Sure, everyone knows that we came to America from Europe in recent centuries, but we did not originate in Europe. Friends, there is a reason that our true origin is ignored, but that knowledge is politically unacceptable. We are the white race, and our history is the history of civilization in this world, while the other races were always tribal primitives who did not make progress on their own. We whites have reason to be very proud of our history, but such pride is forbidden by scholars and religious leaders who insist that all races are equal and that the white race bears guilt for most of the evils of the world. Anyone who studies our history will quickly realize that the truth is just the opposite from what our schools are teaching.

The words Anglo-Saxon mean English and German. The peoples of Germanic race include all the northern European groups, including Scandinavians and French and British and northern Russians. Over a thousand years ago, the Greeks, Spanish, Portugese, and Italians were also white. Except for southern Russia, nearly all of Europe was white race. But, the question of importance still hangs; where did we come from before settling Europe? Anthropologists have traced our origins back to the Pamir Plateau, a high mountainous region just north of Pakistan. Many consider the Pamir to be the Garden of Eden. From there we migrated eastward into the Tarim Pendi Basin of western China, a huge basin surrounded by high mountains. To the north are the Tien Shan mountains where hundreds of perfectly preserved mummies have been found that are many thousands of years old and are white race, blond, blue-eyed, and had woven plaid clothing and felts that were sophisticated beyond anything known to exist at that time in history. China had kept these mummies secret from the west for many years, along with the presence of a white race people in that area who speak Tocharian which is an Indo-European language, like ours. It is likely that our people were nearly eradicated from this basin about four thousand years before Christ when God saved Noah and his family because they were the only family that had not bred with neighboring races: "being perfect in his race." (Genesis 6:10) Their world was flooded and most of the people perished. However, we must keep in mind that the Cain race (the evil counterpart race to Adam) had already migrated from that basin to settle in Sumer (later called Chaldea, then Babylon, and now Iraq).

After the flood, Noah’s descendants settled in the Punjab region of northwest India where the ancient Sanskrit Vedas and Upanishads are their legacy. Next, it was about 2,600 BC that our people migrated to Sumer where Cain’s race had already settled. Besides the archaeological evidence, much of this history is also confirmed by the study of languages and their origins. The white race has always had languages of the Indo-European language tree, which includes Sanskrit and then Phoenician and then Greek and then the Latin and German/English dialects. [Sidenote: the so-called Hebrew language is of the Afro-Asian tree, developed since 800BC as a mongrel mix of Aramaic with Phoenician; it was never a language of the Adamic family or Abraham or Jacob or Jesus. It never had an alphabet until just before Jesus was born, and there was no Hebrew Old Testament until nearly 1,000 AD!] It was from Chaldea that Abraham migrated westward to the Palestine region, and that is where the Bible starts to give us more details of our history.
In order to know the identity of our people, you must learn a little bit of Bible history, for we ARE the descendants of Jacob who was born about 1936 BC. The white race European nations are the lost tribes of Israel of whom Jesus spoke when He said: “I came not except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” We are the true Israelites! Most Christians mistakenly believe that the Jews of today are the true Israelites and the chosen ones of God, but they are actually descendants of Jacob’s brother, Esau, who married into the neighboring Cain races. We will discuss their history, also, because they are major players in this history.

Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, and he had twelve sons who became the Twelve Tribes of Israel. While Jacob was still alive, his family moved down into Egypt where they would live for the next four hundred years until Moses led them back to Palestine, their Promised Land. Now, here is where the history of our people gets meaningful. It splits into two lines. One of Israel’s sons was named Judah, who fathered the tribe of Royalty from which God would get the kings of the Bible record, and even to this very day. Judah had two sons, Zara and Phares. Somewhere about 1750 BC, when Israel’s family was going to Egypt, Zara took his family and settled around the Aegean Sea (Greece). The Phares line would stay with the other tribes and provide the kings of the Bible history, which would lead to the birth of Jesus who was of the Judah tribe. Zara had two sons, Calcol and Darda (who founded Troy about 1500 BC). Calcol’s line would lead to the Scotia people of what is now northern Ireland. Darda’s son was Erichthonios, whose son was Tros, whose sons were Ilos, Assarachos, and Ganymede. These names are important because the Nordic and French lines came from Ilos, whose son was Laomedan, whose son was Priam (of Homer’s Iliad), whose son was Hector (made famous in Homer’s Odyssey). The ancient British line came from Assarachos, whose son was Capys, whose sone was Anchises, whose son was Aeneas (of Vergil’s AENEID), whose son was Brutus (who settled Britain in 1103 BC, and named it after himself). The line from Ganymede is unknown, except that he appears in Greek mythology as a cup-bearer to Zeus. Alright, those are the ones of the Zara line who settled Europe and Britain over a thousand years before Jesus was born.

We pick up the Phares line after the Israelites had settled in Canaan and each tribe had its own allotted area. After Joshua led them across the Jordan and they got settled, they were governed by Judges who represented God’s laws which were given to them while they were in the Sinai desert with Moses. The people tired of that Theocracy and wanted kings like the other races had. It was about 1020 BC that God gave them their first king, named Saul. After Saul was the great King David, and then his son Solomon. With Solomon’s two sons, the kingdom was divided into the northern Kingdom of Israel, whose capital was Samaria, and the southern Kingdom of Judah, whose capital was Jerusalem where Solomon’s grand Temple had been built. With a series of kings, things went from bad to worse. The people built golden idols and went to other gods under kings who were very wicked. The northern Kingdom of Israel, often just called Israel, adopted the religion of Paganism which is the mother-goddess religion of Tammuz. God sent many prophets to warn the kings and the people of God’s anger, but they wouldn’t listen. In Leviticus 26 we can read God’s threat to essentially divorce the entire nation of Israel and to scatter them to distant lands where they would forget their God and their origins. It was during the eighth century before Christ that God sent the Assyrians against them, to conquer and defeat them, and send them scattering in many directions. Many were taken captive to Assyria where they lived in the area of northern Armenia at the southern edge of the Caucasus mountains. They eventually crossed the Caucasus mountains to settle in Europe where they were known as Caucasians because they came from the Caucasus. Under the Assyrian assault, many of the Israel tribes had also migrated to Asia Minor, to Greece, to Italy, to Spain, and to Britain where they were at one with the Zara people who were already there. Ancient British historians, like the venerable Bede, Geoffrey of Monmouth, and others tell some of these stories.

Evidence of OUR people’s origins still waves in our faces as the flags of European nations, but Christian historians turn their blind eyes toward that direction so as to not see them. The English sovereign, right now Queen Elizabeth II, flies the flag of the Lion of Judah to proclaim her as the one who sits on the throne of David which God promised would never be vacant. Germany also uses the emblem of the Lion of Judah, along with the Eagle of Dan, which is used in America, too. The Bull of Ephraim signifies the English people. The Man of Ruben has long been Greece’s symbol, also that of Iceland. Those four, the Lion, the Man, the Bull, and the Eagle were the emblems of the Brigade tribes of Israel. Dan’s secondary symbol of Serpent was used by England, Scotland Netherlands, and the Saxons. The Goblet of Asher was used by England and Scotland. The Olive Branch and Arrows of Manasseh were used by England, Scotland, Holland, and America (our Eagle holds arrows in one talon and olive branches in the other). The Sword of Symeon was used by Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, and Denmark. The Ship of Zebulun was used by Holland, Denmark, England, and Scotland. The Lion of Judah, besides representing the one who sits on David’s throne, was also used by Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark.

On a wall in Westminster Abbey, in London, there is a genealogy chart which shows the direct lineage of England’s kings and queens back to King David.

An interesting story is that of Jeremiah the Prophet, who, about 586 BC, left Jerusalem with Nebuchanezzar’s permission, carrying several important items. First, let’s look at the situation: Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon, and had conquered Jerusaelm in 586 BC, whereupon he destroyed the grand Temple of Solomon and pillaged the gold and other values from it. Because King Zedekiah, of Jerusalem, had defied Nebuchadnezzar (against Jeremiah’s warnings), Zedekiah’s eyes were put out just after his sons were killed in front of him. But, King Zedekiah’s two daughters were allowed to leave with Jeremiah, who took them first to Alexandria, Egypt where they caught a Phoenician ship to go to Spain. One daughter was left in Spain, while Jeremiah took the other princess, named Tea Tephi, by ship to Ulster Northern Ireland (then Scotia). Now, get this: Tea Tephi was a princess of the Phares line of Judah. In Ulster, she married King Eochaid who was of the Zara line of Judah, thereby reuniting the two royal lines. Tea Tephi’s grave is still maintained in northern Ireland today. There is also an ancient statue of Jeremiah near there. Jeremiah also brought from the Jerusalem Temple a stone which represented the Throne of David; it was Jacob’s pillow. Every king or queen of Scotia, Scotland, and England since that time has been crowned while sitting on that stone. Since it was stolen from Scone, Scotland in 1296AD by England’s King Edward I (the same as in the Braveheart movie), it has rested in the coronation throne in Westminster Abbey in London. But, in 1996 it was returned to Scotland, on condition that it can be borrowed for the next coronation in England. You can now see it on display in Edinburgh. Another interesting note is that Ireland has long used as flags, one which shows a hand with a scarlet thread around it, depicting Zara Judah’s hand at his birth, and another flag which has David’s harp as the emblem.

So, you see, the history of our people is not really hidden. It is just ignored! Do you ask why it is so ignored? Simply because so many of our people want to believe 1) that the Jews of today are really God’s chosen people and 2) that WASPs are outsiders who must be grafted in or sneaked in the back door by the false teaching of universal gospel. I’ll try to be brief in addressing this subject.

One is understandably reluctant to give up a belief that the Jews are true Israel in the world today unless there is information about who the Jews really are. Well, they are the Edomite race, descendants from Esau, Jacob’s hateful brother. It happened like this. Esau had sold his birthright to Jacob, and then he married women of neighboring Cain races. Throughout his life, he tried to kill his brother Jacob in order to reclaim the birthright, but he failed. God’s divine pageant on this earth stage is a contest between good and evil, played by two races, one which is born with Godly instincts of kindness and justice and the Golden Rule. The other race is born with wicked instincts of lying, murder (see John 8:44 where Jesus speaks to the Edomites at the Temple), exploitation, fraud, cheating, aberrant sex practices, and violence. Edomite individuals are born with those Satanic instincts, and it is their war against the white race of Israel that makes the pageant. Edom’s descendants settled a region south of the Dead Sea, whose capital was Petra, and whose famous mountain was named Mt. Seir. About 312 BC, the Nabateans evicted the Edomites from that region, so they migrated not very far to the region of Idumea (named after Edom, also) which was in southern Judea (the land of the tribe of Judah). The Edomites created such problems for the Judeans that in 132 BC, the king of Judea, John Hyrcanus, compelled them to be circumcised and join the Jerusalem Temple religion of Judaism. They responded enthusiastically. In less that a century the Edomites had taken political control of Judea under their own Herod (appointed by Rome in 47BC), and they took over the Jerusalem Temple. They oppressed the Israelite Judeans and forced many into suburbs of poverty and small nearby towns. When Jesus was born, it was Edomites who ran the Temple and the priesthood and the entire political scene.

It was the Edomite oppression that the true Israelites from Galilee (Jesus’ home) and Samaria complained about. The word Judean is translated into English Bibles as Jews. The Edomites became the Judeans, and by following Jesus, the true Israelite sheep became Christians, never to be called Judeans again. The Edomites held onto their name of Jews even after they were kicked out of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and again in 132 AD, as they moved to Italy, Spain (as Sephardic Jews) and to Khazaria in southeastern Europe (as Ashkenazi Jews). Today you can buy a book by an Israeli scholar, Arthur Koestler, titled The Thirteenth Tribe, in which he details the history of today’s Jews, claiming that more than 90% of todays Jews are Khazarian; the rest are Sephardim. It is the legend of the Khazars that they came from Mt. Seir, Edom. In the 1925 edition of the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p. 41, it reads: “Edom is in modern Jewry.”

It is certainly not for lack of information that most Christians believe the lie of the Jews that they are God’s chosen ones. Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and others have climbed to pinnacles of fame on Jewish owned TV stations because they promote that lie so effectively.

Above, we have covered the history of the white race from Adam, and later from Israel, so we know that the white European race is really true Israel. Does that mean that a Swede or a German or a Brit is absolutely one of God's children? Regrettably, no. Europe has largely rejected Christ to become a secular-humanist society. Very few go to any church. Also, as they have welcomed race-mixing, there are fewer and fewer who are still pure Israel. Britain is only slightly better, with some who do know the truth. America is still regarded to be a Christian nation, but we are rapidly drifting away from Christ as our Lord. Race-mixing is being promoted by preachers across the land, and is the primary presentation on television. The Jewish influence, through the media, school textbooks, the ACLU, and other anti-Christ groups, is boldly trashing our Christian culture Godly values. Truly, God's field of wheat is so full of tares (weeds) that one cannot judge who might be a true Israelite child of God. Those of white race, blond hair, and blue eyes are decreasing in numbers. And even at that, the Satan race of Jews is producing many blonds. Perhaps the only criterion for making a judgment is Jesus' statement, "by their fruits you shall know them."

During this end time period, I am reluctant to attempt judgments regarding white race individuals. I feel strongly that I should not condemn any one, because I can't know how God might be expressing Himself through that person. I simply watch for any person who expresses goodness in relationships with others. I look for a good heart, regardless whether his life is a shambles or not. And I refrain from crusading for Christ because Jesus did not do it; He simply made His information available and then let the Holy Spirit lead others to it. He responded to individual needs, but never pushed Himself on anyone. He let His light shine, and then permitted the Father to use that light as He might wish.

Lastly, Jesus told us to come out from among the unbelievers and be separate from them. In America, racially segregated communities are not permitted. So, it is a real challenge to be an active Christian, today. It may be that this is part of God's plan, whereby the weak get culled from the family and only the strong inherit the Vineyard that is prepared for us. My prayer is that many will stand strong in this faith, to enjoy the victory and the new Kingdom ahead.

23rd May 2016, 06:05 AM
Here's another article about christian leaders who are leading the descendants of the Israelites astray. I think the current Pope is one of the Unfaithful Shepards that he is speaking about.



by Bertrand L. Comparet

Part 1

A few years ago, the then president of The National Council of Churches warned about what he called the danger that the great religious awakening, which is taking place in our country, might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life! Perhaps this is a fair example of the leadership of most of our churches. This is no leadership at all, because the leaders have no faith in the religion to which they give empty lip service.

For lack of faith in the Bible, they don’t make it a force in our national life. For lack of faith, they pay no attention to what II Peter 1:19 calls, “A more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.” To these blind leaders of the blind, all is darkness. They can’t lead because they don’t know where to go. They turn their backs on Yahweh, and tell us to become more liberal. They want us to learn to get along with Russia and to abandon our opposition to Red China!

Never were the words of prophecy, and the laws of Yahweh more needed than today, with all civilization crumbling in the end of the age. Nearly half of the population of the earth has been under communist Jewish occupation. More Christians have been persecuted and murdered under communism, than ever before in history.

These Christians were treated to unimaginable torture. Even the Roman empire at its greatest never treated Christians, murdering and torturing them, the way these communist Jews have done. This evil race, which originated communism, is also plotting the same hideous fate for Christians in all the free countries. At such a time, what is the proper function of the Christian church and of all Christian ministers? Is it to waste all their power in the fatuous effort to save some gin soaked, skid row bum, isn’t their function to try to save Christian civilization? Yahweh has clearly marked out their proper function as that of watchmen, they are to give warning of the approaching disaster.

Yahweh very clearly explained this to the prophet Ezekiel, this explanation is recorded in Ezekiel 33:2-6. “When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts and set him for a watchman: if, when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blows the trumpet and warns the people; then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning, if the sword come and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. ... But if the watchman sees the sword come, and blows not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away for his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”

As far back as history goes, periods of apostasy of the churches have always led to judgments. Judgments that were caused by that very apostasy, Yahweh is not to be mocked. The only source of our real strength, to resist invasion from without or corruption and revolution from within, is our character. This is entirely dependent upon our knowledge of Yahweh and His laws. Without this knowledge, it doesn’t matter what terrible new weapons we may have invented. We will be like the nations of southeast Asia, completely lacking in the strength of character to defend ourselves. In our own case, what nations will come to defend us then? No really great civilization of history really was overthrown by forces from outside. When these great nations fell, they had already become so rotten within that it was an easy pushover for the invading armies. This is the way Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome fell, are we to be next on this list?

Today I condemn our major churches for two unpardonable sins. First, failure to speak the truth which is in the Bible. Second, speaking falsely in the name of doctrine. Yahweh has convicted them on both charges, as we can read in the Bible. Many of you know, by terrible experience, the price paid by those who dare to speak the truth on what are called controversial matters. There is the loss of former friends, who now avoid you, calling you a fanatic or even a crackpot.

There are slanderous rumors, spread at first by those who do know better. Then these rumors are repeated by those who have been deceived and who will not investigate to see for themselves, whether the smear they spread is true or not.

Patriots have been expelled by their churches, because those churches are too corrupted to speak the truth, or even allow truth to be spoken to their members. Finally the loss of a business, or loss of your job, as a result of the anti Christian pressure brought upon those who deal with you. The corrupted clergy lack the courage to face these matters. Far too many of the clergy entered the ministry as a refuge from a competitive world they feared to face. There is no human activity which has such great need of a real man’s man. Yet today, only a pitifully few dare to tell the truth, come what may.

Twenty-six hundred years ago Yahweh spoke through the prophet Isaiah, it is recorded in Isaiah 56:10-11. “His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yes, they are greedy dogs, which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, everyone for their own gain.” Note these two condemnations. First they are ignorant, and second, everyone for his own gain. There is no excuse for their ignorance, every clergyman has assumed the duty to know and to speak the word of Yahweh. The people rely upon them for this, for where else can the people turn for instruction in such things?

The second condemnation is for false teaching for the greater money profit to be had thereby, that is truly unpardonable. However, they do know where the money is to be made. Go into the bigger churches, where the minister is paid very well for his services, and show me just one of them where the unfortunate congregation hears anything but smooth syrupy sermons! They may sermonize in great indignation against the man who drinks an occasional glass of beer, but when do they raise their voices against the Jewish influence which has driven Yahweh out of our schools? They may speak with thunderous condemnation of the man who is losing his soul by smoking a cigarette, but when do they dare name the powerful race who has grown wealthy selling those cigarettes?

When do they dare expose the anti Christian money which controls both of our major political parties, and steers both of them straight down the road to communism and the end of our civilization? These clergymen bemoan the bad morals of our youth, but when have they ever dared to mention the race who makes the salacious movies, which have led our youth into their present demoralized condition. Ah no, they never mention such things, because they know the penalty of offending Yahweh’s enemies. They have less fear of offending Yahweh. How bold they are to denounce anyone who does tell the truth about these evils!

Yahweh knew it and prophesied about it many years ago, in Micah 3:5-7 He said this. “As for the prophets, the Eternal says, who lead My folk astray, and who cry, All’s well! if they get food to eat, and open war on any who deny them: It shall be night for you, and devoid of vision, so dark that you cannot divine; the sun shall set upon the prophets, daylight shall darken over them, till seers are shamed and the diviners blush, in the morning, because no answer comes from Yahweh.” (Moffatt).

Isn’t this true today, into which church can you go and expect to really hear the word of Yahweh? Look in the church page of your Saturday newspapers, and read all the subjects listed for Sunday’s sermons, what do you find? Book reviews, amateur psychiatry on how to relieve the strain of the day’s tensions. There will be sermons on why we should abandon our principles in order to get along with the forces of evil without conflict, both at home and abroad. Not long ago, in one of the largest churches in San Diego, California, the announced sermon was “The Horse That played Baseball.” I have looked through the Bible in vain to find which prophet wrote on that subject.

I am amazed at the number of prophets who spoke Yahweh’s condemnation of the ministers who have refused to teach His word, because it always meets the opposition of the wicked. Instead these ministers have taught false doctrine because it is always popular and profitable. This condemnation is written throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, as we shall see. Few matters if any, have received so much mention, because this is the true root of all evil. If the churches never failed to teach Yahweh’s truth, then other evils would never get a foothold. Therefore, the Bible prophesies the eternal doom of these false shepherds, who lead Yahweh’s flock astray.

Another thing worth noting is this. Often the Bible’s condemnation is directed toward those who mislead the people into pacifism in the face of evil attempts to conquer the world, the very situation we face today. Today the ministers tell us that we must neglect our defenses, think only of peace and try to reason with the monsters who rule under the name of communism. We are told to settle everything by treaties, with those whose openly stated policy is that they never make a treaty in good faith. They only sign treaties as a means to deceive their intended victims, and their record is they never keep any treaty when they don’t want to live up to the terms of it.

There cannot be any other result of this but the most terrible disaster for our nation. In Jeremiah 6:13-15 Yahweh has summed it up. “From the least of them even unto the greatest of them, every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest, every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of My people but slightly, saying Peace, peace, when there is no peace. Were they ashamed, when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down.”

Suppose all of the churches had spoken the word of Yahweh. What if they had warned this nation in 1945 to keep out of the United Nations, that palace of strangers cursed by Yahweh. Suppose that they had read to their congregations what the Bible, both Old and New Testaments say against it. If they had reminded our senate, and had all of their congregations join in reminding the senate, that in II Corinthians 6:14-18 Yahweh warns us, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? ... Wherefore, come out from among them and be ye separate, saith Yahweh, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you and will be a father to you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith Yahweh Almighty.”

If these ministers had pointed out that our own nation, which is seeking after righteousness, could have no fellowship with the Soviet Union, the most vile conspiracy against all good in human history. If they had done this could Harry Truman, Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White have prevailed against the united wrath of the two-thirds of our population which are Christian?

Suppose these ministers had read to their congregations the warning given in Isaiah 8:914. “Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. ... Take counsel together, and it shall come to naught; speak the word, and it shall not stand. ... for Yahweh spake thus to me, with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not a confederacy! to all them whom this people say, A confederacy! neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify Yahweh and let Him be your dread. And He shall be for a sanctuary.” If these ministers had done this, we would not now be caught in this death trap, where just the negro cannibals alone out vote us 25 to 1. They out vote all the civilized nations of the world, because of this, the Afro/Asian bloc is rapidly becoming our master.

Let’s go back to these unfaithful shepherd’s still earlier failure to speak the word of Yahweh. Suppose that in the 1920s and early 1940s, the so called Christian ministers had told all their congregations the truth about what is in the Bible. What if they had warned people not to join ourselves with the wicked and help the ungodly? If these ministers had done this, and aroused the nation, then do you think that Franklin Roosevelt and his communist fellow travelers could have built Russia up into the monster which today threatens all civilization with destruction? No indeed, our people would never have allowed it if they had known the truth.

These clergymen were, as the Bible says, covetous, every one for his own gain, and dealt falsely with the word of Yahweh. For the sake of the support of the wealthy anti Christians, these clergymen went eagerly along with President Roosevelt, helping to herd the people down the trail to communist slavery and death. They told the people what great humanitarian policies Roosevelt, Harry Hopkins and Alger Hiss had. They told their congregations the United Nations was the world’s only hope for peace and safety.

Had they never heard of Yahshua, as our one true hope for peace? No, they went along with the conspiracy. Yahweh knew it, and told us of it 25 centuries ago in Ezekiel 22:25-26. “There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey, they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and the precious things; they have made many widows in the midst thereof. Her priests have violated My law and have profaned My holy things: They have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they showed the difference between the unclean and clean.”

This is true, those who joined in this conspiracy of the clergy were prosperous, they have taken the treasure and the precious things. As Ezekiel said, they put no difference between the holy and the profane, between Christianity and the evil schemes of the anti Christians, to bring communism to full power. As a result, these clergy conditioned the minds of the people to follow traitorous leaders into the situation which developed into World War II and the Korean War. As the Bible says, “They have made her many widows in the midst thereof.” Scores of thousands of families of our people have lost a father, son or brother in those wars. These wars would not have occurred if the churches had taught our people the word of Yahweh, and given them the prophetic warnings of these things before they happened. As Yahweh said in Ezekiel 22:25-26 and Zephaniah 3:4, “The priests have violated My law, and have profaned My holy things and they have polluted the sanctuary.”

Yahweh’s condemnation of them on these grounds is well justified, let’s look at the record. You have seen many instances of Jewish rabbis invited to speak in the pulpits of Christian churches, despite all the vile slanders about Yahshua in the Talmud, on which Judaism is based. Likewise I have known of instances where supposedly Christian churches, have allowed Jewish synagogues to use the Christian church auditorium as a meeting place. How will these supposedly Christian ministers, ever answer to Yahshua for doing this? The Bible tells us Yahshua’s own words, recorded in Matthew 7:22-23. “Many will say to Me in that day, Master, Master have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.”

Yahweh again condemns them in Ezekiel 22:25-26 because neither have they shown a difference between the unclean and the clean. This is very true. In their churches, they have preached integration and mongrelization, the unpardonable sin for which Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Did you know this was the cause of the judgment on these cities? They were immoral, but so were Babylon, Assyria, Greece and Rome, no such judgment fell on them. Jude 1-7 tells us that Sodom and Gomorrah, because of their going after strange flesh, are “set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Yet this is exactly what many preachers are urging in their pulpits today, integration and mongrelization of the white and black races!

Truly, by their fruits ye shall know them! Several of the major churches, in their national conferences, have officially decided that their ministers do not have to profess a belief in the divinity or virgin birth of Yahshua. They are now promoting the equality of all religions, and teaching universal brotherhood with the children of Satan, the Jews. By this they are admitting who their own father is. This is happening in churches that claim to be Christian! Psalm 74:2-4 is very clear on this. “Remember thy congregation, which Thou hast purchased of old; the rod of Thine inheritance, which Thou hast redeemed; ... even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary. Thine enemies roar in the midst of Thy congregations!”

23rd May 2016, 06:06 AM
Part 2

These churches and ministers lead Yahweh’s people astray by their apostasy. They get the help of the Jews, those whom Yahshua identified as Satan’s children in John 8:31-44. They make it profitable and easy for themselves. The terrible truth is that our people are all too easily led astray, it is really quite popular. We, who tell our people the truth, who give them warning of the terrible judgments which they have earned, are usually feared and hated. We are called hate mongers in the official communist party line, which has been taken up by so many.

This too was prophesied by Yahweh in Isaiah 30:9-10. “This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahweh: which say to the seers, See not!; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto the right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.” This turning our backs on Yahweh must have its disastrous consequences, as we are warned in Jeremiah 5:31. “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and My people love to have it so! And what will be the end thereof?”

Each day’s newspapers carry to us the news we are drifting nearer and nearer to the end thereof. This is when we will have to face the consequences of these false teachings which have corrupted most of our churches. Is it any wonder that our golf courses are better attended on Sunday mornings than the churches? If there were only the true spiritual leadership in the churches, people would not be turned away hungry of soul. Yahweh foresaw this, for Jeremiah 23:2 tells it very clearly. “Therefore, thus saith Yahweh, the God of Israel against the pastors that feed My people: Ye have scattered My flock and driven them away. ... Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith Yahweh.”

All of us are responsible to Yahweh for our actions. The ministers have taken upon themselves a far more terrible responsibility than anyone else. They have voluntarily assumed the duty to speak the word of Yahweh, all of it without dilution. Other civilizations have perished because they were not told Yahweh’s truth, so it could become part of their nature. Our civilization will also perish, if we follow down the same path. This is why it is so important to give this warning while there is still time.

Our churches send missionaries to the African and Asiatic heathen, when there is more need that someone send missionaries to the churches! Jeremiah 23:11-12 states it very plainly, “For both the prophet and priest are profane; yea, in My house I have found their wickedness, saith Yahweh. Wherefore their way shall be unto them as a slippery way in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring calamity on them, even the year of their visitation, saith Yahweh.”

Why do I dwell so much on this theme? Because Yahweh thought it important enough to place it all throughout the Bible. Over a period of many centuries, Yahweh kept insisting on this point. Yahweh knew that so many would preach the doctrines which are popular and financially profitable, leaving out the stern and bitter truths which are necessary to our very survival.

Read what is written in Malachi 2:1-8. “And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you: if ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory to My name, saith Yahweh, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye did not lay it to heart. ... And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you. ... For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of Yahweh. But ye are departed out of the way: ye have caused many to stumble at the law: ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith Yahweh.”

Isn’t this true of today’s churches? They teach that all of Yahweh’s laws have been abolished, that His promises to His people have been canceled. They also teach that we must not remain separate, but must integrate with all the races and all religions in universal brotherhood. They teach we must find peace in the United Nations, which is dominated by pagan and satanic nations, working for the purposes of Satan!

Have they never heard the only prince of peace is Yahshua? Haven’t they heard He alone can bring peace, righteousness and prosperity? Don’t they realize every time they tell us to recognize all the pagan religions as the equal of Christianity, in order to secure complete harmony with them, they are leading us to turn our backs on the one and only true God, Yahweh? They must pay for this and so must we, if we follow them!

Most of the major churches of today have failed to preach the real word of Yahweh as found in the Bible. Instead, they preach what some call the social gospel, or to be more truthful, the socialist gospel. The things the churches falsely teach their people are Yahweh’s will, are really the direct opposite of what the Bible actually says. The doctrines of Satan are preached in many churches, as being the word of Yahweh.
Yahweh foresaw all this thousands of years ago, and He warned us not to be deceived by it. Jeremiah 23:16-17 is very clear in Ferrar Fenton’s Modern English Translation. “Thus saith Yahweh: Listen not to the message of the preachers who preach to you. They preach nonsense to you, a vision from their own hearts. They do not preach from the mouth of the Ever Living. They say to the despisers of the message of the Ever Living, Peace will come to you; and to all who follow the ideas of their own minds they say, no harm will come upon you.”

The preachers certainly are preaching as Jeremiah said they would. They tell us that peace is to be had from treaties made with Russia, in the United Nations, even though no peace has ever come from that source. Jeremiah 14:13-14 again gives the warning, “Then said I, Ah, Yahweh! Behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place. Then Yahweh said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in My name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spoke to them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of naught and the deceit of their own heart.”

Then Jeremiah continues the warning. “I have not sent these prophets: yet they ran, I have not spoken to them: yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel, and had caused My people to hear My words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. ... I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in My name. ... How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart.”

II Peter 2:1 reminds us, “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you.” Matthew 7:15-16 gives the same warning. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits: do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?”

We have found these ministers and priests to be false teachers, who have taught that the laws of Yahweh have been set aside and nobody need obey them now. They have openly doubted the inspiration of the Bible. They have denied the virgin birth of Yahshua and denied His divinity, honoring Him only as a great teacher among many other great teachers. This includes a minister of a New York church who distributed copies of a pornographic novel to his congregation, he claimed it was no more pornographic than the Bible! These ministers have laughed away all of Yahweh’s warnings about the present time, which is so near the end of this age. They see no danger in communism or in the threatening armies and missiles of Russia and China.

All of these false teachings sound very comforting to those of weak character, who dare not face the realities of this time of crisis. It is so much easier to just stick our heads in the sand and say there is no danger, as long as we just give Russia whatever she wants, and try to show them what good fellows we really are. When these ministers teach these false doctrines, they inwardly realize they must face the stern anger of the indignant Yahweh. The next step is to close their minds to this, and tell themselves that if they just do the best they know how, that is all that Yahweh can require of us. They conveniently forget that if we would only study the Bible, we would know how to do much better, for we would know how to obey Yahweh.
This is all in the Bible, written over 2,500 years ahead of time. It is all recorded in II Timothy in the Moffatt translation of the Bible. “I adjure you to preach the word; keep at it in season and out of season, refuting, checking and exhorting men; never lose patience with them, and never give up your teaching; for the time will come when people decline to be taught sound doctrine; they will accumulate teachers to suit themselves and tickle their own fancies; they will give up listening to the truth and turn to myths.”

New Testament yes, but isn’t this exactly what the Old Testament warned us would happen? Remember what is written in Isaiah 30:9-10, “This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahweh: which say to the seers, See not! and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto unrighteous things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.” Jeremiah 5:31 also warns us of these things. “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and My people love to have it so! And what will ye do in the end thereof?”

These unfaithful shepherds must make some pretense of finding some of their doctrines in the Bible. If they didn’t do this, their congregations would finally notice that none of their teachings came from the Bible. For the purpose of deluding their congregations, they like to quote a few words from the apostle Paul, taken out-of-context.

For some reason, Paul chose to write in a style which is difficult to understand. Therefore, it is easily twisted by quoting limited parts out-of-context. This also is nothing new, it was done for the same purpose in Old Testament times. The apostle Peter warned of this, as recorded in II Peter 3:16. Speaking of the writings of Paul, Peter says, “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard for to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable twist, as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction.”

As Solomon said, “There is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us.” Yahweh knew from the beginning, and He warned us repeatedly over thousands of years, to beware of these false teachers. Yahweh warned us of these unfaithful shepherds, who would come in these last years of this age.
False doctrines, preached by mere politicians, cannot do as much damage. These false doctrines are always doctrines of expediency, against which men of high principle would stand firm. It is when the unfaithful shepherds are speaking from the pulpit, that the damage is greatest. They undermine the moral fiber of the best part of the nation. As Moffatt translates it, Paul identifies these unfaithful shepherds in II Corinthians 11:13-15. “Apostles? They are spurious apostles, false workmen. They are masquerading as apostles of Christ, No wonder they do, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if the devil’s ministers also masquerade as ministers of righteousness.”

To sum it all up, we are confronted with unfaithful shepherds. They have infiltrated and corrupted many of the major churches, teaching false doctrines. They repudiate the divinity and virgin birth of Yahshua, ignoring prophesy, teaching compromise with all the evils of Jewish communism and the world. These unfaithful shepherds teach that we should look to the United Nations, that parliament of evil, as the only hope of peace. Do not be deceived by any of them, look to Yahweh’s word, the Bible, as the test of all truth. Repudiate all who seek to substitute modernism for the great revelations made by the prophets in ancient times. Turn back to the ancient landmarks and then these unfaithful shepherd cannot deceive you.

23rd May 2016, 08:12 AM
Another video here about the white race, the descendants of the Israelites. The children of God who don't realize who they really are.

If they did realize who they really are they might more jealously guard their genetics. They've been deceived by the children of Satan and their Lackeys like the unfaithful Shepherds spoken of in the article above.


24th May 2016, 12:24 PM
There is a genealogy chart at this link that is interesting to me because it shows the genealogy from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ. You can zoom in on it and then scroll around. It helps me to sort of keep all the names in the bible in perspective.


Am I reading this wrong or is there NO female from after Adam & Eve to Noah?...so....?

24th May 2016, 12:35 PM
Am I reading this wrong or is there NO female from after Adam & Eve to Noah?...so....?

You're not supposed to notice that. It ruins the fairy tale

24th May 2016, 05:16 PM
Am I reading this wrong or is there NO female from after Adam & Eve to Noah?...so....?

your are reading it without thinking. Do you know of Eve's lament over Cain marrying with another race?

Most people, nearly all it seems, hold a misconception about the story.

1st major misconception is that the story of the first days, are days measured as 24 hours. There are multiple types of days and lengths. Just like there are multiple types of years and year lengths. For instance 1 of those years last about 26,000 earth years. We are in fact about to complete 1 of those years, a rotation around the galactic centre.

And the other misunderstanding is that Adam and Eve were the only ones on earth. They were the only children of God on earth at that time. There were others here. Whether they all could be called generally man or whether that is the label for the children of God I don't know. I'm inclined to go with the latter.

24th May 2016, 10:11 PM
Am I reading this wrong or is there NO female from after Adam & Eve to Noah?...so....?

There are plenty of women mentioned in the articles posted above and in the Bible. Womens genealogy isn't included in that chart but it was and still is important not to marry outside the white race and to be pure in your generations as Noah was.

Esau married outside his race and lost his birthright because of it. In post #2 this is spoken about and I'll quote it below.

"To understand the difference between Israelites and Jews, an analysis of the Marks of Israel must be made. In order to understand the clear Biblical distinctions between Abraham's seed through the line of Jacob/Israel versus Abraham’s seed through the line of Esau/Edom, we must understand the divergence of both the posterity and the history of these two distinct groups of people.

The people who are today known as Jews derive both their heritage and their genetic composition not from Jacob/Israel but from Esau/Edom. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, and contrary to Yahweh’s Law against race-mixing, Esau “despised his birthright” by marrying into a Canaanite clan known as the Hittites. “And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and Rebekah.” (Gen. 26:34 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=26m34s),35.)

This, despite Isaac’s warning: “Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.” -- Gen. 28:1. In other words, Esau became a race traitor. He joined the enemy.

The Jews acknowledge their Edomite heritage in many of their in-house writings; but they do not admit this in their public proclamations for fear that True Israel might catch on to their charade. “Edom is in modern Jewry.”— Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, Vol. 5, p41.

Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, even went so far as to say that her life will have been in vain if her other son, Jacob, follows in the footsteps of the race-traitor, Esau. “And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth [Esau’s Hittite/Canaanite wives]: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?” (Gen. 27:46 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYPzKNQUE0&t=27m46s).)

(In other words, dear men of Israel, DO NOT MARRY OUTSIDE YOUR RACE!) Since Esau was the grandson of Abraham, his offspring can claim descent from Abraham; however, that is the end of their genetic and social relationship with Abraham.

Once Esau despised his birthright, he became a stranger, producing non-Abrahamic offspring among the Hittites and other Canaanites.

Just look at a typical Jew and see the marks of the various racial strains that have been mixed into his blood. They are all mamzers (mixed race children)! “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them.” (Isa. 3:9.) They are the physical evidence of the Jewish violation of the Law against intermarriage! How much more evidence do you need?"

Post # 14 above is on God forbidding race mixing as well.

24th May 2016, 10:19 PM
your are reading it without thinking. Do you know of Eve's lament over Cain marrying with another race?

Ok so I got that wrong. thanks TW.

26th May 2016, 07:54 AM
Because of the invasion of white countries by other races I think this article by Bertrand Comparate is a good one for the true descendants of the Israelites to read.

When he speaks of adultery and the commandment against it he is speaking of miscegenation. I believe in another article he explains how we've been led astray by the translation of what adultery is using Strongs concordance. I'll look for that and maybe post it here later.



by Bertrand L. Comparet

When I first taught you on the subject of Yahweh’s laws, we learned that Yahweh’s laws are divided into four classes, commandments, judgments, statutes and ordinances. The commandments are the major rules governing man’s duties to his God. The judgments are the rules governing man’s relation to other men. The statutes are the general rules for the health, prosperity and peace of the nation. This includes the dietary, agricultural, social and economic laws. Finally, the ordinances are the religious regulations for the various festivals, sacrifices and offerings.

Of these laws, only the ordinances have been set aside by Yahshua in the New Testament. The rituals embodied in them were the expression of the Israelite’s belief that his Redeemer would come, in the future. When Yahshua had come and performed the reality which these rituals symbolized, their usefulness ended. The believer could no longer say that he was waiting for the future coming of his Redeemer. The ordinances must be replaced by new rituals looking back to the fulfilled redemption.

The other laws of Yahweh are still in force. Thou shalt not steal, and thou shalt not commit adultery are still as important today as when Moses carried the stone tablets down Mount Sinai. However, we do not expect to gain our personal salvation by keeping the laws, this was never the purpose of the laws. We do expect to gain the peace, prosperity and good order of the community. We have tried to do this by enforcing the laws of our city, state, and our nation. Let no one be misled into thinking Yahweh’s commandments, judgments, and statutes have been set aside by the New Testament, these are permanent laws. In Matthew 5:48Yahshua tells us that Yahweh is perfect, naturally so are His laws. Psalm 19:7-9 tells us, “The law of Yahweh is perfect, converting the soul; the statutes of Yahweh are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of Yahweh is pure, enlightening the eyes, the judgments of Yahweh are true and righteous altogether.”

People say Christianity is all spiritual, so we have abolished the law. Not so! In Romans 7:14, Paul tells us the law is spiritual. In Romans 3:31 Paul says, “Do we then make void the law through faith? Yahweh forbid: yea, we establish the law.” Just as our perfect God exists forever, so do His perfect laws. Psalm 111:7-8 tells us, “The work of His hands are verity and judgment: all His commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.” Yahshua affirms in Matthew 5:18 that not the smallest part of the law will pass away, until heaven and earth pass away. Revelation chapter 21 shows us that this is not until after the millennium and Yahshua’s triumphant 1,000 year reign.

Let us now consider some of these laws and what they mean to us today. Our political parties have sold Yahweh in an evil deal to get the support of the minority groups. They do this for the sake of temporary power and graft and by this would destroy all our greatness forever.

The politicians demand that we admit indiscriminately, all the world’s overflow. They come from pagan lands whose people hate our God. They come from Asian and African lands, whose people are totally impossible to assimilate, which would be against Yahweh’s laws for Israel. These immigrants must either remain a hostile enemy bloc within our borders, or else mongrelize and destroy our own race if we mix with them. Yahweh expressly forbids this.

While it is recognized that there will be some aliens here as students, merchants, etc., these are to be treated with honesty and justice. The anti Christians, who hate Yahweh, are expressly forbidden to be allowed to live here. In Exodus 23:33 Yahweh says, “They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me.” No aliens were to be allowed to become too numerous, lest they “devour the land.” Isaiah 1:7 or “the people’s strength” Hosea 7:9, and “fill themselves with the people’s wealth”, Proverbs 5:10. Ecclesiasticus 11:34 warns us that if we “receive a stranger into thine house, he will disturb thee, and turn thee out of thine own.”

Have you ever wondered at the long genealogies of the various people mentioned in the Bible? There was a good reason for this. Their genealogy proved that they were of pure Israel blood and entitled to take part in its affairs. Citizenship was not given for two box tops and a dime, or to all that came along. Those who were of related blood lines, but not actually of Israel, could only be admitted to citizenship in the third generation born in the land.

Today, an immigrant scarcely needs to be off the boat long enough to get over their seasickness, before he can start the process of becoming a citizen. Far too short a time is required for aliens from some parts of the world, to really learn our way of life. They can and do, memorize certain things they must be able to recite on their examination for citizenship. However, these things pertain to the mechanics of our government, not the ideals which led the founding fathers to use these mechanics to make us great. Under Yahweh’s laws, those who were not closely related to us in race could not be admitted to citizenship ever. They could not become citizens even after ten generations, Deuteronomy chapter 23.

By violating Yahweh’s laws, we now have considerable blocs of unassimilable aliens who have been given the vote. They hate all the ideals of this land to which they have come, only to get more money. Now our political parties are selling out the great white American majority, in bidding for the support of the alien minority groups.

Under Yahweh’s laws, nobody of another race is to be allowed to hold public office. Deuteronomy 17:15 says, “Thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, one which is not thy brother.” The word translated stranger, is the Hebrew word nokri which doesn’t mean someone you haven’t met, but one of another race. That persons of another race could reach positions of power is clearly stated to be a curse which comes upon us for our violation of divine law.

Deuteronomy 28:15, 43-45 states, “But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of Yahweh thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day, that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee ... The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high, and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him; he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail ... because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of Yahweh thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee.”

We have been persistently led away from the laws of Yahweh by certain political groups who don’t even claim to represent the majority of our people, the white Christian Americans. These politicians openly admit they represent only alliances of minority groups. These politicians call themselves liberal. This was also known to Yahweh thousands of years before it happened, Yahweh also told us their true character. In Isaiah chapter 32, the prophet is telling us of that time yet to come, when the kingdom of Yahweh will be fully established and operating as it should be. He tells us that then, “The vile person shall no more be called liberal.” Yahweh speed the day!

For many decades politicians have betrayed us, the great white majority, seeking the support of certain disloyal minorities. The result has been the adoption of policies, both at home and abroad, which have brought us to our present position. We are facing a war in which we must fight for our very existence. If we had obeyed Yahweh in the making of our laws and our national policies, these evils would not have come upon us.

Isaiah 48:17-18, 22 tells the story. “Thus saith Yahweh, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am Yahweh thy God, which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea. There is no peace, saith Yahweh, unto the wicked.”

What wickedness? Ours, in letting evil and treacherous political considerations displace the laws of Yahweh. Replacing the laws with platforms written to see who can stoop to the lowest baseness to buy minority votes. When will we learn only by following the righteous laws of Yahweh, can we gain the peace and prosperity of Yahweh’s people?

4th June 2016, 09:28 PM
This is an article by Willie Martin on adultery being miscegenation. This may be the article I was thinking Bertrand Comparate had written and mentioned above.



Willie Martin

We know from a study of the Scriptures that the word beast means a race or people who are not Israelites. In other words the Chinese, Jews, Negroes, as well as evil men who are both Israelites and non-Israelites.

From New Unger's Bible Dictionary) (originally published by Moody Press of Chicago,Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988).

Figurative. In a figurative or symbolical sense, the term frequently occurs in Scripture and generally refers to the sensual and groveling or ferocious and brutal natures properly belonging to the brute creation. The psalmist speaks of himself as being "like a beast" before God, while giving way to merely sensuous considerations <Psalm. 73:22>.

THE WORD IS SOME TIMES USED FIGURATIVELY OF BRUTAL MEN. Hence the phrase "I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus" <1 Corinthians 15:32, cf. Acts 19:29> is a figurative description of a fight with strong and exasperated enemies. For a similar use of the word see <Ecclesiastes 3:18; 2 Peter 2:12; Jude10>.

A WILD BEAST IS THE SYMBOL OF SELFISH, TYRANNICAL MONARCHIES. The four beasts in <Daniel 7:3,17,23>, represent four kingdoms <Ezekiel 34:28; Jeremiah 12:9>.


The "four beasts" (Gk. zoa, "living creatures," not therion, "beast" in the strict sense) of the KJV of <Revelation 4:6> should be rendered "four living ones" or "four living creatures" (so NASB and NIV). See Cherub, Cherubim. (from New Unger's Bible Dictionary) (originally published by Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois. Copyright (C) 1988.)

From Fausset's Bible Dictionary:


"Man in honor (apart from God) abideth not, he is like the beasts that perish" (<Psalm. 49:12>).

The multitude opposing Messiah are but so many "bulls" and "calves" to be stilled by His "rebuke" (<Psalm. 68:30>).


So persecutors of Christians, as Paul's opponents at Ephesus (<1 Corinthians 15:32>). The "beast"(<Revelation 13; Revelation 15; Revelation 17; Revelation 19>) is the combination of all these sensual, lawless, God opposing features.

THE FOUR SUCCESSIVE WORLD EMPIRES ARE REPRESENTED AS BEASTS coming up out of the sea whereon the winds of heaven strove(<Daniel :7>).

The kingdom of Messiah, on the contrary, is that of "the Son of MAN," supplanting utterly the former, and alone everlasting and world wide.

In <Revelation 4; 5>, the four cherubic forms are not "beasts" (as KJV), but "living creatures" ([zoa]).

The "beast" ([theerion (grk 2342)]) is literally the wild beast, untamed to the obedience of Christ and God(<Romans 8:7>).

THE “HARLOT” OR APOSTATE CHURCH (compare <Revelation 12:1>,etc., with <Revelation 17:1>, etc.; <Isaiah 1:21>) SITS FIRST ON THE BEAST, which again is explained as "seven mountains upon which she sitteth"; probably seven universal God-opposed empires (contrast <Jeremiah 51:25> with <Isaiah 2:2>) of which the seven-hilled Rome is the prominent embodiment, namely, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Mede Persia, Greece, Rome (including the modern Latin kingdoms), and the Germano-Slavonic empire.

The woman sitting on them is the church conformed to the world; therefore the instrument of her sin is retributively made the instrument of her punishment (<Ezekiel 23; Jeremiah 2:19; Revelation 17:16>).

"The spirit of man," even as it normally ascends to God, whose image he bore, so at death "goeth upward"; and the spirit of the beast, even as its desires tend downward to merely temporal wants,"goeth downward" (<Ecclesiastes 3:21>).

God warns against cruelty to the brute (<Deuteronomy22:6-7>).

He regarded the "much cattle" of Nineveh (<Jonah 4:11>). He commanded that they should be given the sabbath rest. As to the creature's final deliverance, see <Romans 8:20-23>.

(from Fausset's Bible Dictionary)
Exodus 20:3-17

1). Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2). Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thy self to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

3). Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

4). Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and
all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

5). Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

6). Thou shalt not kill. (Should have been rendered “murder.”

7). Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8). Thou shalt not steal.

9). Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

10). Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man servant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Now the 7th commandment is to not commit adultery; the 10th commandment is to not covet ones neighbors wife; the two would be the same commandment. Therefore, it is obvious that the 7th is entirely different than the 10th which is to covet anothers wife.

Therefore, the following verses make much more sense when we realize that “Adultery” is the mixing of another race or people other than a brother or sister Israelite.


Yahweh does not kill just to be killing; and to kill an animal because a woman had intercourse with it would be unfair, unjust and unreasonable because the beast would not know any better than to treat the woman as another animal. Yahweh simply would not do this.

Leviticus 20:15-16: “And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast. And IF A WOMAN APPROACH UNTO ANY BEAST, and LIE DOWN THERE TO, THOU SHALT KILL THE WOMAN, and THE BEAST: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

Here again, this states that either the man or the woman that lies down with a beast would be put to death together. Again Yahweh would not kill an animal because it did not know better than to lie with the woman or man. Another thing, if anyone has ever seen an animal copulate with others they can quickly see that the animal would not lie down, as it does its copulating standing up. There are no animals that copulate in a prostrate position, lying down position.

Therefore, common sense, which we realize that few Christians have when studying the scriptures, would tell one that to commit adultery is to mix with the other races which is an abomination to Yahweh, in itself.

5th June 2016, 07:31 PM
This is another article by Bertrand Comparate that gives more insight into who and what the "Beasts" are that are spoken of in the bible.

There are also more reasons why the descendants of Adam should keep themselves separate from the other races and not mix with them as they are now.

There are warnings in the bible against mixing with the other races and we are seeing the consequences of our disobedience now around the world in white nations.



by Bertrand L. Comparet
Part 1

In these studies, it has been our custom to frequently review current events in detail, because these show the fulfillment of Bible prophecies in our day. However, in covering the subject I now want to discuss, I shall not have much occasion to list these events in detail and this for a definite reason. There are times when it is not so important to count every bead on the string, as it is to see whether they are all strung on the same string. When you learn this, you will know where to look for the next bead. My purpose is to show the existence of certain definite principles, which govern the events which we see happening, as these principles have governed them for thousands of years.

For ages, it was well understood by everyone that various nations and races had certain characteristics, which usually would be demonstrated in the actions of these people. National and racial policies and conduct developed out of national and racial character. There were, the rare exceptions and these, a certain type of mind seizes upon as proof there was no general rule. The exception merely proves the rule. Similarly, we can note that among crows, one bird in every 38 million is white, an albino. But this only emphasizes the rule that all of the other 38 million crows are black. Therefore, reasonably consistent conduct can be identified as the rule, notwithstanding an occasional exception which surprises us when we find it.

Among the ancients, nobody pretended to be ignorant of the characteristics of the Babylonians, Egyptians, Assyrians, or the Romans, or what they were likely to do in order to execute their purposes. Roman military ability in war and harshness in rule over conquered people were well understood and nobody was surprised to meet them. The extreme ferocity and cruelty of the Assyrians was known to all. Centuries of history demonstrated a consistency in these characteristics which only a fool could ignore.

In our own times, everyone understood the Japanese were a warlike people and had been for two thousand years. Therefore, only the ignorant or the stupid were surprised to learn Japan wanted to conquer many other nations. However, we had to learn by terrible, first-hand experience that the Japanese also had the Asiatic characteristics of treachery and senseless cruelty for its own sake. This cruelty was not just typically Japanese, it was typically Asiatic. We see the same traits displayed by the Red Chinese in their treatment of the people of Tibet, as well as their cruelty to our soldiers when they were captured.

During both the first and second world wars, those strange alien people called Jews, who are so busily brain-washing us today to suit their own purposes, then propagandized us into believing many hideous lies about the Germans. From these lies, we were expected to believe that the Germans were so inherently wicked that they were about to invade Beverly Hills or Las Vegas! Then they taught us that inborn racial characteristics would be manifested in conduct whenever the situation called for it. But now this alien minority group of Jews teaches us, by corrupting most of our schools, newspapers, news commentators, even many of our churches, that there are no longer any racial characteristics or tendencies, no fixed long-range national purposes. These Jews now want us to believe all people in the world, white, black, yellow or brown, civilized or savage, are exactly alike, as interchangeable as Ford parts. They have spent many millions of dollars on a high-pressure propaganda campaign, designed to blind us to the racial and national characteristics and purposes which are molding the course of history today, as they have molded history throughout all time. It might be well to ask ourselves, what makes this worth so much money to them? Just how are they planning to get back this enormous investment?

We can get a better perspective on present-day affairs if we view them as a continuation of thousands of years of uninterrupted history. If we look not only for what happened, but also why it happened. Nothing important is a true accident. For every occurrence there is a cause. History is usually written as merely a list of effects, that is why we learn so few lessons from it. We will never really understand history until we list the causes also.

Past history, current events and the coming events of the future, all consist of the actions of people. Whether their actions are good or bad, people do what they do because they are what they are, the kind of people who do good or bad things. Conduct is the product of character. The man who is kind and trustworthy by nature doesn’t become a Jack the Ripper or a kidnapper of children, his own nature prevents it. The man who is by nature cruel or dishonest will, sooner or later, act like what he is. The dull do not become brilliant merely because they receive legal permission to do so. Since nations and races are just great numbers of individual people, they will display those traits which are characteristic of most of their people. Therefore, if we can learn something about what kinds of people there are, this may help us to understand their actions, even to learn what to expect from them in the future.

For their own purposes, men make various classifications of things and of people. But usually, the conclusion they wish to reach dictates the classification which will best support it, wishful thinking vitiates the result. On the other hand, Yahweh, who views all eternity with a single glance, has His other truths revealed to man, so we must look to the Bible. There we will find that Yahweh has classified several different kinds of beings, all of whom we lump together indiscriminately under one term, man. Yahweh distinguishes between them by using distinctive names for the different kinds of beings. Let’s examine them and see if the different words used have any significance as to the kind of people they denote, the level of character and spiritual understanding to be found in the different kinds of beings identified by their different names.

Several different Hebrew words have all been indiscriminately translated man or men in the King James Bible, although some very important differences of meaning show clearly on the face of these words. First, let us consider the word which denotes our white race. The Hebrew word Awdawm, called Adam in your Bible, is from the root word meaning, to be of a ruddy complexion, to show blood in the face, something obviously not applicable to negroes or mongolians, but only to the white race. When used to denote the first white man Adam, the Hebrew always says the Awdawm. When used of his descendants, the Hebrew just says Awdawm, the King James Bible translates it man.

Another word used in contrast to Awdawm is Enosh, which is always used in a derogatory sense. Its root meaning is mortal and implies weakness, physically or morally, wretchedness. It is applied to non-Adamic races, which are of course all pre-Adamic. It should be noted the pre-Adamic races are not limited geographically to just certain parts of the earth, but some of them are found mingled among the Adamites.

A third Hebrew word translated man is ish (eash), literally, it means a male person or a husband. It is used for mankind in general and can be applied to either an Adamite or a pre-Adamite. The feminine form is isha (eesh-shaw), the plural of which is naw-sheem. This is so similar to the plural of Enosh, Anashim, they have often been confused, leading to many mistakes in translation.

There are three other closely related words, gheh-ber, gheb-ar and ghib-bawr, which are all derived from a root meaning to be strong. These are usually translated mighty man or warrior, these last three can cause no confusion, so they need not concern us further.

Now, let’s note a few examples of the use of these words in the Bible, in place of the English word man, I will use the Hebrew word used in the original. Ezekiel 34:31records, “And ye my flock, the flock of My pasture, are Awdawm, and I am your God, saith Yahweh.” Psalm 115:116 states, “The heaven, even the heavens, are Yahweh’s but the earth hath He given to the children of Awdawm”. Note how Yahweh uses Awdawm and Enosh in contrast. Take Psalm 90:93 Enosh to destruction; and sayest, return ye children of Awdawm.” While destruction is visited upon the pre-Adamite Enosh for their persistent wickedness, Yahweh leads the children of Awdawm back to Himself in repentance. for example, “Thou turnest
Yahweh distinguishes between Awdawm and Enosh in many places. For example Psalm 8:4, “What is Enosh, that thou are mindful of him? And son of Awdawm, that thou visitest him?” Note that while Yahweh is mindful of what the Enosh Awdawm Yahshua visited when Yahshua came to earth. Both racial groups must be disciplined, but the distinction is kept clear even there. Isaiah 2:11records, “The lofty looks of Awdawm shall be humbled and the haughtiness of Enosh shall be bowed down and Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day.” In II Samuel 7:14 we read, “I will be his Father and he shall be My son. If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of Enosh, and with the stripes of the children of Awdawm.” If these were not distinctly different races, there would be no point in using the different words.

The Enosh were wicked and are so spoken of. Deuteronomy 13:13 warns, “Certain Enosh, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and worship other gods, which ye have not known.” When they gain power, they are brutal oppressors. Psalm 10:17-18 tells us, “Yahweh thou hast heard the desire of the humble: Thou wilt prepare their hearts, Thou wilt cause Thine ear to hear: to judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the Enosh of earth may no more oppress.”

The Enosh have no spiritual understanding, that is the reason for their continual wickedness. Proverbs 28:5 says, “Evil Enosh understand not judgment: but they that seek Yahweh understand all things.” This distinction is still in effect today. Daniel 12:10, speaking of the time of the end which is our own time states, “None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.”

This is not all, some races Yahweh classifies as animals, their nations are symbolized as beasts in numerous prophecies. Do you say that this isn’t what you have been taught to believe? Then let’s look into this a little bit and learn what the Bible says about it. When Jonah finally went to Ninevah with his prophecy that Yahweh intended to destroy the city for its people’s wickedness, they believed him. This is not as surprising as it may seem for the people of Ninevah worshipped Dagon, the fish god. Since they had heard that a great fish had delivered Jonah on the shore, they thought he must be a prophet sent from Dagon and they were ready to believe him. Jonah chapter 3 says that the king was worried, “And he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Ninevah by decree of the king and his nobles, saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock taste anything: let them not feed, nor drink water: But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto Yahweh; Yea let them turn every one from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands. And Yahweh said of their works, that they turned from their evil way and Yahweh repented of the calamity that He said that he would do to them and He did it not.” Now what kind of beasts were these, who put on sack-cloth, cried to Yehweh, and turned from their evil way? It says this was the command for man and beast and that they did so. Is your dog that well trained, then who was the Bible calling beasts?

Let’s look into this a bit further. In Genesis chapter 9, Yahweh promises Noah and his family protection. In the 5th verse Yahweh says, “And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it and at the hand of man.” These beasts have hands like a man! But, there were no monkeys in that region, so these beasts with hands must have been men.

In Exodus 19:12-13, when the people of Israel were gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai while Moses climbed the mountain to receive the ten commandments from Yahweh, Yahweh warned him, “And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall surely be put to death. There shall not a hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether it be beast or man, it shall not live.” We find, whether it be beast or man, it must not touch the mountain with a hand.

The second chapter of Genesis tells us Yahweh is looking for a suitable wife for Adam and brings in review before him what the King James Bible calls every beast of the field, to see if a good wife for Adam could be found among them. Do you really think that an all wise Yahweh had to carefully look over a female scorpion, female toad, female giraffe or a female elephant, to decide whether one of these would be a suitable wife for Adam? Of course not, Moses didn’t write any such foolishness when he wrote the book of Genesis, this is purely the work of translators. In the original Hebrew, the account makes good sense and tells us much about the other races.

There are two closely related Hebrew words used here, khah-ee and khaw-yaw, each of which means a living creature. The meaning is far too broad to be translated merely beast or animal, for it includes all living creatures, from microbes to men. Where the King James Bible says beast of the field, the word is always either khah-ee or khaw-yah. So a correct translation would be the living beings in the country. That these living beings include men is clear from the same word being applied to Adam, read Genesis 2:7, “And Yahweh formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” In the Hebrew it reads, “Then Yahweh God formed the Awdawm out of dust from the ground and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” In the Hebrew it reads, “Then Yahweh God formed the Awdawm out of the dust of the ground and breathed in his nostrils breath of life; and the Awdawm became nephesh khaw-yah (a breathing creature having life).” So the beast of the field, the kaw-kaw-yah of the field, or more correctly, the living beings in the countryside, actually included the pre Adamic races.

Now Genesis 2:18-20 makes sense. Yahweh saw that Adam needed a wife and, not condemning anybody without a fair chance to make good, Yahweh carefully looked over the pre-Adamic races (African and Asiatic) to see if one of them could be found who was suitable to be Adam’s wife and the mother of the new race but, he couldn’t find one. In the Hebrew this reads, “And Yahweh said, Not good for the Awdawm to be alone. I shall make him a helper, as his counterpart. And Yahweh formed from the ground every living being of the fields and every fowl of the heavens and bringeth in unto the Awdawm to see what he doth call it; and whatever the Awdawm calleth a nephesh kahw-yaw, (a breathing creature having life), that is its name. And the Awdawm calleth names to all the cattle and to the fowl of the heavens and to every living being of the fields; and to him hath not been found an helper as his counterpart.” Yahweh recognized Adam’s wife must be his counterpart, having the same qualities of spiritual understanding, to be able to transmit to her descendants the same qualities for which Yahweh specially placed Adam in the world. But Yahweh could not find even one out of these pre-Adamic peoples who was Adam’s counterpart, having these necessary qualities.

Before someone gets the idea that I hate other races, let’s look at this thing a little closer. The black race has been on earth at least 40,000 years, for identifiable negroid skeletons have been discovered which can be scientifically dated as that old. Yet in all those 40,000 years there has never been a negro civilization. Yes, I know that a few negro tribal chiefs have conquered other tribes and built themselves up a larger kingdom. But, it takes more than the brutal tyranny of a successful war chief to make a civilization and that was all they had. Don’t speak of Egypt, Egypt was in Africa but never negroid. The beautiful portrait sculptures left by the ancient Egyptians show them to have been clearly a pure white people. In the days of Egypt’s greatness, any negro found north of the first cataract of the Nile river was summarily killed on sight to protect the racial purity of the Egyptians.

We don’t hate negroes, we want them to be well fed, well clothed, comfortably housed and in no danger of being eaten by other negroes, something they have never had except in a civilization created and maintained by white men. Despite all propaganda, every negro in the United States is far better off than those in Africa. Just try to find any who want to go back to any black nation in Africa! But neither negroes nor whites will have the blessings of civilization in a nation reduced to black standards of thinking. If the negroes were capable of producing a civilization at all, 40,000 years is long enough to do it.

5th June 2016, 07:31 PM
Part 2

Yes, I know that in Asia 2,300 years ago, Confucius taught some high ethical principles, but without a word of religion in them. I know the Ming Dynasty saw the production of some nice pieces of porcelain, but what did either of these do for the Asiatic people? Did it ever teach them how to produce enough food to fill those fine porcelain bowls? Shouldn’t 2,300 years of Confucian philosophy be enough to develop something more than poverty, disease and misery? Again, the Asiatic mind lacks the true spiritual understanding which Yahweh saw was needed. Aren’t the Asiatics who live in the United States better off than those who live in Red China, Korea or Southeast Asia? We don’t hate them but, we don’t want them to reduce us to their level. This is what Yahweh was talking about in the Genesis chapter 2, when He said that the other beings living in the country round about could not produce a suitable wife for Adam, as his counterpart.

Because of the spiritual understanding which Yahweh put in the Awdawm, today the white race has the highest civilization, greatest freedom, and the highest standard of living in the world. They are the so-called have nations. We have not hated the other races, we have tried to help them, to show them our ways, in spite of all this, all of them have hated us. In the centuries when we were very few against their many, they repeatedly tried to conquer and destroy us. Yahweh’s watchful care over His people didn’t allow this to happen, although several times they came dangerously close to success.

In lands rich with minerals, they sit in wretchedness and poverty, too lacking in enterprise to mine the enormous wealth beneath their feet. In lands where the fertile soil and ample rainfall cover the land with lush growth, they live in perpetual hunger because they are too dull to clear the land and plant it to food crops. If we provide the capital to pay them for clearing their land for planting and harvesting useful crops, or for digging and refining the minerals in their soil, they curse us for exploiting them. But if we don’t, they curse us for being indifferent to their misery. Now, through the United Nations where they outnumber and out vote us, they plan to rule, plunder, enslave and reduce us to their level. Well did Yahweh classify them as Enosh, lacking utterly in the spiritual understanding necessary to follow Yahweh’s ways?

Perhaps you may say, all these were quoted from the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, Yahweh changed His mind and changed all this. Let’s see what the New Testament says about them. In his epistle to Titus recorded in Titus 1:12 Paul says, “One of themselves, even a prophet of their own said, The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts.” The word beast here is the Greek word therion, meaning a dangerous animal. Jude chapter 10 states, “But these speak evil of those things they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.” II Peter 2:12 continues, “But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be destroyed, speak evil of the things they understand not, and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.”

These Enosh were commonly called dogs, both in the Old and New Testaments. For example, Psalm chapter 22:16 is recognized by all Bible scholars as prophetic of Yahshua’s first coming and crucifixion. In the 16th verse it states, “For dogs have compassed Me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed Me: they pierced My hands and My feet.” Yahweh is certainly not complaining that some four footed dogs barked at Him, there is no record that any ever did. He is speaking of those who delivered Him up to be crucified the use of this word is common in the New Testament. In Philippians 3:2 Paul says, “Beware of dogs [bad-fig-jews], beware of evil workers.” The four footed dogs are no more evil workers than cats and cows. Paul and those to whom he wrote, knew these dogs were the two footed kind.

If you say, this is discrimination between races, you are exactly right. Has someone told you that monstrous falsehood that, it isn’t Christian to discriminate between races? Let’s see what Yahshua did.

In Mark 7:25-29 we read, “For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of Him and came and fell at His feet: the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by nation; and she besought Him that He would cast forth the devil out of her daughter. But Yahshua said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not right to take the children’s bread and to cast it unto the dogs. And she answered and said unto Him, Yea master, yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs. And He said unto her, For this saying, go thy way: the devil is gone out of thy daughter.” Yahshua certainly did discriminate, not until the woman recognized the righteousness of the discrimination did He help her.

She had first asked help of Him on the same basis as the Israelites, true Awdawm, on that basis she was not entitled to it. Yahshua told her, “Let the children first be filled with the bread of life.” Then they will establish the kingdom of Yahweh on earth and from this Yahweh’s blessings will be extended to such others as can understand and receive them in the proper spirit. Meanwhile, Yahshua did not hesitate to openly call the Enosh dogs. When the woman indicated that she understood the blessings would come to others out of the abundance which Yahweh gave to His own children, then He told her that for this saying, He had healed her daughter.

Yahshua carefully warned His disciples never to make the mistake of failing to discriminate, never to try to bring the Enosh who lack understanding, into the kingdom of Yahweh on the same terms as the Awdawm.

In Matthew 7:6 He warned them, “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you.”

Strong words yes, but the direct command of Yahshua. We have disobeyed Him so now we are facing the tragic penalty. We have tried to treat the other races as equals. We have expected them to learn the same lessons from our religion that we do, we have expected them to behave with some self restraint when they find power in their hands. But this is exactly what Yahshua warned us not to do, “Lest they trample our pearls under their feet and turn again and rend us.” Of our advanced technology, they want only to learn how to make weapons to use against us. In fact, they are even using the very food we send them as a weapon against us, for the surplus food will allow them to take more men off the farms and put them into armies and weapon factories. To thus strengthen our enemies is only a fool’s method of suicide.

To His disciples Yahshua said in John 14:16-17, “And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever: even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you and shall be in you.” Therefore, it was logical to speak of those whose minds lacked the spiritual understanding as beasts, because of their nature.

In the Book of Daniel, the prophet traces the rise and fall of four great world empires ruled by these people. First he interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the great image, whose head was of gold, his breast and arms of silver, his belly and thighs of brass, his legs of iron, as prophesying the successive dominance of four great empires.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon was the first of these, the golden head and the others being Medo-Persia, Alexander’s and Rome.

In Daniel chapter 7, Daniel had a vision of four remarkable beasts, rising one after the other out of the sea. We know that in prophecy, the sea is symbolic of mankind in general, all people, the great majority of whom are the Enosh, the pre-Adamic races. Out of them came the four beasts. The first a lion symbolized Babylon, like the golden head of the image, the second a bear, symbolized the great empires of Media and Persia. The third a leopard, for the swift striking empire of Alexander the Great, and the fourth a very terrible beast with iron teeth, ten horns [provinces] and great strength, symbolized Rome. This was exactly the same series, in the same order as the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Its repetition was to confirm the first one as true prophecy.

As further confirmation, in the book of Revelation we again find a beast, representing these world empires, rising out of the sea. In Revelation chapter 13, we are told this strange beast had the mouth of a lion, the feet of a bear, yet was otherwise like a leopard, but it had ten horns, like the fourth beast which Daniel saw. The fact that the qualities of all four are now combined in one beast is to show that the four great world empires were all of one origin, all manifestations of satanic power, all arising out of the sea of non-Adamic races. They came to power in secession, each gained enormous power over the people who lived in great areas. The rule of each was harsh, tyrannical, brutal, each one more so than those before it. Man’s planning, man’s skill in putting his plans into effect, man’s ability to judge what was needed in ruling an empire, these they had. But the spiritual understanding, the capacity to receive the thoughts of Yahweh, the capacity to organize and rule a nation under Yahweh’s laws, this they lacked.

Revelation chapter 13 shows this composite beast gained its power from the dragon, Satan. Surely, these empires demonstrated their satanic character. Finally, to make sure that the symbolism of the vision would not be misunderstood, Revelation 13:18concludes, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man.”

If these beasts were nations of men, why symbolize them as beasts? We have seen that Yahweh’s prophets and even Yahshua, bluntly called certain races beasts. A nation made up of Chinese people must be a Chinese nation, a nation made up of negroes must be a negro nation. Then a nation made up of those whom the Bible calls beasts, must be a beast nation and it is so stated.

The fall of the Roman empire ended only the vast extent of power in the hands of those who served Satan. It has not ended their desire to regain that power, nor their struggle for it. So the book of Revelation shows a continuation of the struggle for power, carried on by a new beast, right down to the time of the second coming of Yahshua, the beast makes war against Him, but is conquered by Yahshua. We see this struggle for power going on in the world today. The nonAdamic people, now organized into many nations so as to multiply their voting power in the United Nations, where just the cannibal tribes of Africa alone are recognized as about 30 nations, having 30 votes to our one!

There is not one of them that stands reliably on our side. Once in awhile, they find it to their advantage to seek something which we also want to accomplish and on that one issue they vote with us. But the next day, they either proclaim their neutrality in our struggle for the survival of the free world, with which they have no sympathy, or they actively support Russia against us. It is inevitable that those who are of the same race, the same origin, having the same qualities, the same ambitions and ideals, should align themselves together, working for their common purpose. In the great world empires of the past, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Alexander’s short lived empire and finally Rome, they had what they wanted, a system which expressed their own true character.

They want to restore this system and the United Nations is made to order for their purpose, as Yahweh prophesied. In Revelation 13:14, we are told that the new beast, “deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by means of the miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image of the beast which has the wound by the sword and did live.” They seek to make the United Nations a worldwide empire, like that of Babylon and Rome, only greater. An empire which crushes and dominates all nations, enforcing its will by bestially brutal forces, as we have seen in the Congo. An empire which repudiates the one true God, where the name of Yahshua cannot be mentioned because it offends those who hate Him and where the only reference to any divinity is the statue of the pagan god Zeus, in the lobby.

An empire ruled by those whom the Bible calls beasts, for they now outnumber the whole white race by 8 to 1 in voting strength. Though we have 1/6th of the world’s population, by this juggling of voting power we are reduced to 1/9th of its voting strength. When we see their plans for world rule developing, we can begin to understand the dreadful prophecy of the coming day when no man might buy nor sell, save he that has the mark or the name of the beast.

Nevertheless, the return of Yahshua will overthrow their plans, their power will be destroyed and they will be put in their proper place. This place emphatically does not include rule over the nations, that has brought too many thousands of years of misery and sorrow. In the final end, when Yahweh’s New Jerusalem is set up on earth, we are told in Revelation 22:14-15, “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city, for without are dogs.” This doesn’t mean you can have your pussycat, canary and goldfish but faithful fido is excluded, these dogs Yahshua names are humans.

Discrimination, do you say? Yes, indeed! But from start to finish, from Genesis to Revelation, Yahweh has commanded discrimination. I would not oppose it if I could.

15th June 2016, 08:56 AM
Bobby Fischer makes a good point in this video on Jews being the descendants of Satan and on them also being his representatives here on earth.


19th June 2016, 10:17 PM
Joe Cortina describes the Jews and gives his thoughts on them in this article.



October 8, 2014 (https://mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com/2014/10/08/the-eternal-evil-of-the-jew-is-so-cruel-and-sadistic-that-he-has-made-himself-the-mortal-enemy-of-all-mankind/) MG editor (https://mynameisjoecortina.wordpress.com/author/crescentandcross/)

By the way – I have lived briefly among the jews in Israhell and their children are the most vicious cruel degenerate scum imaginable. Do NOT let their youth deceive you. We have as adults all experienced bullies and such from our youth and school days and perhaps even been victims at one time. The GLARING difference between Gentile bullies and jewish child bullies is this–The VAST majority of responsible parents, teachers, supervisors, and such – will normally not tolerate such vile conduct. The JEW parent on the other hand is an evil demon to begin with. Cruelty is as common to the jew as kindness is to a true Christian.

Cruelty? – It’s just a jew thing. The filthy jew has NEVER EVER shown compassion for life – ANY LIFE! Their shit children are raised in the same cruel compassionless way. That ugly fact was something I observed in IsraHELL. JEWS ARE = TREASONOUS – Vicious – debauched – immoral – warmongering – slanderous – gossiping – debased- venal – perverse – shallow – petty – greedy – sarcastic – foul – squalid – grimy – whiney – murderous – treacherous – dirty – nasty – vile – reprobate – snobbish- racist – prejudice – hideous – gruesome – monstrous vindictive – insufferable – mean – disloyal – wanton – vicious – cowardly – abominable – treasonous – lustful – self-righteous – unrepentant – lawless – criminal – gluttonous – thieves – hateful – psychopathic – sociopathic cruel – haughty – vain – uncivil – despicable – wicked – depraved – villainous – nefarious – corrupt – baneful – gaudy – garish – insidious – repulsive – rude – offensive – obnoxious – demented – devilish – fiendish – impudent – obstinate – quarrelsome – belligerent – divisive – untrustworthy – ego centric – stingy – blasphemous – Godless – profane – shifty – dishonest – vulgar – unregenerate ( did I miss anything? ) and simply the ultimate scum of the Earth!

These putrid scum not only allow their rat faced brats to torture, humiliate, and terrorize poor Palestinian school children – THEY ENCOURAGE IT! I witnessed this dispicable horrid trait of the jews. They TEACH their children (demons) to torment, abuse, dehumanize, traumatize, beat, and brutalize not ONLY helpless school children but pregnant mothers and disabled elderly on a regular basis.

I witnessed conduct that would make your skin crawl with disgust. They even go so far as to allow children on live artillery fire areas so they can paint hate slogans on live munitions which would moments later shred and/or BURN the living flesh off the bones of terrified helpless Lebanese refugee children. One of the slogans witnessed said – “WITH LOVE FROM THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL- TO THE CHILDREN OF LEBANON” The two little demon bitch jew filth girls were actually laughing as they wrote their hate.

The demon parents teach their demon spawn to torture, humiliate, degrade, mock, harass, ridicule, beat, and assault defenseless Christian and Muslim school children because the Satanic filth they worship – WILLS IT!

The jew child is the most cruel, evil, remorseless, sadistic, piece of filth imaginable. Of all the ethnicities on Earth – only the jew prides himself that his children live their lives in the image of their father SATAN!

Since we already KNOW from the words of Christ Himself- that jews are the spawn of the evil One himself – how can we expect the spawn of the jew to be anything less than Satanic?

The witnessed events of unparalled cruelty by child jew scum against Christian children in Palestine is LEGION and WELL documented in text photos and eyewitness.

Any fool who would allow ANY filthy child scum have ANY contact with their innocent child is as guilty of any violent child abuse imaginable. Once traumatized by the filthy jew – your innocent child will probably never be the same and be morally ruined for life.

Vipers do not EVER make good pets and their hatchlings are as deadly as the adult. Would you you show any qualms for smashing a brood of deadly hatchling vipers about to bite and kill your children? Of course not – unless you were a fool.

So why should you have ANY reluctance to smash ANY ilk of Satan – an evil creature ‘hardwired’ from the moment it was spawned – to be evil and wicked – young or old – male or female.

Kindness and compassion are two DIRTY WORDS in the jew lexicon – and are never EVER used in ANY circumstance regarding their association with Gentiles.



My name is Joe Cortina. I was a 60s Green Beret commander and a representative for IBM as well as a scientist for Honeywell Aerospace in Florida. I later became President of my own manufacturing company. I have two sons and 2 granddaughters who are the reason for my dedication to expose the threats to the freedoms I hope to see them enjoy as I did many decades ago when America was still a Christian-based sovereign nation free of Zionist influence.

Book Of John Chapter 8 – as Christ damns the Jews (and NOT JUST THE HIGH PRIESTS AND Pharisees – see notes below) ‘Ye do the deeds of your father (the devil). If God were your father. ye would love me; for I proceed forth and came from God: neither came I of myself, but He sent me.”

“Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie – he speaketh of his own; ( the Jews) for he is a liar, and the father of it”“That this SATANIC FATHERHOOD cannot be limited to the Pharisees is MADE CLEAR in 1 John 3;8-10

″Matthew 23:15” Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.“You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” (Jesus – to the Jews; in Matthew 23:33)

“My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.” — Benyamin Netanyahu, at the time a former IsraHELL prime minister.

This audio is an interview with Joe Cortina by Pastor Dan Johns in Dec. of 2015. It goes well with this thread because they speak of the Jews being the actual children of Satan.


20th June 2016, 06:30 AM
This is a ninety minute interview of John Friend by Pastor Dan Johns. They talk about the Jews, who they are and what the bible teaches about them and what's coming for them. It's long but I think worth the time spent listening.


7th trump
20th June 2016, 11:30 AM
Bobby Fischer makes a good point in this video on Jews being the descendants of Satan and on them also being his representatives here on earth.


The serpent seed teachings.

Arnold Murray taught the same.
shepherds chapel

21st June 2016, 09:21 AM
it appears Texe Marrs has a new book, here he was on Rense last night. Listen links at:

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2016.06.20

Listen Download Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - New Book…'Holy Serpent of the Jews'

Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. JS Chiappalone - Terminal Madness Of The End Times

Listen Download Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu & Dana Durnford - Fukushima Report

28th June 2016, 07:22 AM
The Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview interview in 1976 is interesting because he admits the God of the Jews is Satan. It's rare for Jews to speak the truth like he did but he died 30 days after doing so. Might not have been an accident. I'll post the audio here because it confirms whats been posted above about the Jews and also that nothing has changed with them in more modern times.

There is a transcript of the interview that can be found at this link.




19th July 2016, 03:20 AM
Rense opens the first hour last night with a little spiel which has been increasingly common from him; namely a self righteous spiel railing against the scary moozlem savages (who just wanna eat our babies :o), using the most texbook emotion-tugger kosher-propaganda language. Prolly why I listen to him less & less lately... maybe he "got the message" from his 2 sabotage induced car crashes last year? :(?? See 1st hour (48 mins); 2nd hour is a "free infomercial" for one of his sponsors, and 3rd is Fukushima doom news, which I burned out on at least a couple years ago:

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2016.07.18 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2016/07/jeff-rense-radio-show-20160718.html)

http://www.rense.com/1.mpicons/thinlogo2color.gif (http://www.rense.com/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20160718/Rense.20160718.1of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20160718/Rense.20160718.1of3.mp3) Hour 1 - Texe Marrs (http://www.texemarrs.com/) - Rabbis Agree With Jesus…Their God Is Satan

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20160718/Rense.20160718.2of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20160718/Rense.20160718.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - Brian Twede (http://www.readysupplyfoods.com/) - Will You Starve Or Will You Prepare?

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=https://archive.org/download/Rense.20160718/Rense.20160718.3of3.mp3) Download (https://archive.org/download/Rense.20160718/Rense.20160718.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Dana Durnford (http://www.thenuclearproctologist.org/) - Fukushima About To Get Worse

19th July 2016, 07:44 AM
^ Christians have been misled by Jews who have infiltrated the christian religion. I suspect the pope is a crypto jew and I don't think God will approve of him kissing the Jews asses and the feet of niggers while leading the descendants of the Israelites to destruction.

This is the 5th video of 19 that Dennis Wise has put out on the Jews, free masonry and the New World Order. He confirms the infiltration of the church by Satanists and points out that the current pope is doing the bidding of those promotiong the New World Order.

The Jews are not descendants of the Israelites. They are Canaanites, the descendants of Satan through Cain. The preceding posts explain this and it needs to be kept in mind because it causes confusion in the christian religion. The true descendants of Adam and the Israelites are the pure white Christian race who are the children of God.



I've watched all 19 of the videos Dennis Wise has put out on the secret society satanists that are determined to take over the world and they are very good. They can be found and watched at this link. http://communismbythebackdoor.tv
Thanks to Patcolo for posting a link to this series of video's in another thread.

19th July 2016, 07:53 AM
Here's Texe on the A.C. Hitchcock show from last week, 1 hr:

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (115) Texe Marrs – Holy Serpent Of The Jews (http://eurofolkradio.com/2016/07/11/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-115-texe-marrs-holy-serpent-jews/) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (http://eurofolkradio.com/author/andrew/) July 11, 2016 The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show (115) Texe Marrs – Holy Serpent Of The Jews (http://eurofolkradio.com/2016/07/11/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-115-texe-marrs-holy-serpent-jews/)2016-07-12T09:34:49+00:00 ANDREW CARRINGTON HITCHCOCK SHOW (http://eurofolkradio.com/category/radio/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show/) 3 Comments (http://eurofolkradio.com/2016/07/11/andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-115-texe-marrs-holy-serpent-jews/#comments)



On today’s show I am joined by Texe Marrs. We discussed a couple of sections from his new book, “Holy Serpent Of The Jews,” and our conversation took us into all sorts of different and interesting directions. We also took the opportunity to pay tribute to the late great Michael Collins Piper.

Click Here To Listen To The Show (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-135369/TS-1094233.mp3)
Click Here For Texe’s Power Of Prophecy Website (http://www.powerofprophecy.com/)
Click Here For Details Of Texe’s New Book, “Holy Serpent Of The Jews.” (http://www.texemarrs.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=catalog&Product_Code=bbtm_holy_serpent)
Click Here For The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show Archive Where You Can Listen To Or Download All My Shows (http://eurofolkradio.com/2016/02/02/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-info-downloads/)

22nd July 2016, 05:58 AM
Jewboo posted this video in the thread at this link, http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?86607-Dominus-Vobiscum along with others that I've enjoyed. Thanks for posting them Jewboo.

I'm going to post this one again here in this thread because it shows the works and music of the descendants of Adam through the true Israelites.

The works and music of the children of God


7th August 2016, 06:20 AM
^ I'm going to post another video here that is a contrast to the one above that shows the works of the children of God, the descendants of Adam and the true Israelites.

This one is one of the series of videos that Dennis Wise has done that can be found here.

Near the end of this video the quote by Harold Walace Rosenthal is quoted again for truth. "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer".

The works of the Children of Satan


9th August 2016, 08:46 PM
This is an interesting article by Bertrand Comparate that is about the history and migration of the tribes of Israel in to Europe.


Part 1

Historic Proof of Israel's Migrations

by Bertrand L. Comparet

Taken From Your Heritage
Prepared into a PDF file by:

Clifton A. Emahiser’s Teaching Ministries
Plus Critical Notes

In my lesson called Israel’s Fingerprints, I have briefly sketched for you some of the Bible’s evidence that the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic people of today are the living descendants of the Israel of the Bible. This evidence is in the form of many Bible prophecies of Israel’s future, which has been accurately fulfilled by these nations and by no others. If the people who have actually done all the things which Yahweh said Israel would do, and who have received the exact blessings which Yahweh said He would give to Israel, if they are not Israel, how could Yahweh be so greatly mistaken? No, Yahweh was not mistaken, He knew what He would do and for whom He would do it. By making good all His prophecies and promises, He has identified these nations as Israel.

There are some people that won’t believe Yahweh and will not accept His identification of these nations as Israel. In fact, one clergyman with whom I discussed this, a minister of a church in this country, wrote to me demanding to know what other historians of the time, in what books, chapters and verses record their migrations into northern and western Europe and the British Isles? He is only one of many skeptics who ask this and to these skeptics the answer is yes, various historians of those centuries have traced many steps of this migration.

What I propose to do for you now is to trace this migration historically. Remember, within the time limits which must necessarily be fixed on such a lesson as this, I can only hit the high spots. You know how large a library can be filled with history books, so I can’t quote them all verbatim. However, I will have time enough to show you that the historians have traced this migration from Israel’s old Palestinian home into the European homes as the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. Not under their old names of course, but that also is the fulfillment of Yahweh’s prophesy that He would call His servants by another name. Surely you now know that the Bible identifies Israel and only Israel, as Yahweh’s servants.

The migration of the Israelites covered about 12 centuries, during which time they were mentioned by various historians, writing in different languages, during different centuries so therefore they are mentioned under different names. Even today, if you were to read a London newspaper, a Paris newspaper and a Berlin newspaper, all dated about the end of 1940, you would find that the British newspaper said that in that year France was invaded by the Germans. The French newspaper said that the invasion was by Les Allemans and the German newspaper said that the invasion was by der Deutsch. Yet, all three were talking about the same people and the same invasion. We must not be surprised to find the Israelites were given different names in the Assyrian, Greek and Latin languages. Even in the same language names change from century to century, just as today we never speak of Bohemia, as it was called a century ago, but only of Czechoslovakia.
Remember, the original 12 tribed nation of Israel broke up into two nations upon the death of King Solomon, about 975 B.C.. The northern 2/3rds of the land, containing the ten tribes, kept the name Israel, while the southern 1/3rd, containing the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, with many of the Levites, took the name of Judah after the royal tribe. From that time on, they kept their separate existence until they were finally merged into a vast migration, as we will see. Most of the kings of the 10 tribed northern kingdom of Israel were distinguished more for their wickedness than for any ability. However Omri, who reigned from 885 B.C. to 874 B.C., was a vigorous and able king. Although as wicked as the others his reign was considered, among the other nations of western Asia, as the foundation upon which the national identity thereafter rested. The language of that day spoke of a family, a tribe, or even a whole nation as a house or household. If you have read your Bible much, you must surely remember Yahweh’s many references to the house of Israel or the kingdom of Judah. The phrase was also used in those days to refer to a nation as the house of a great king who ruled it. The Assyrians among others, began calling the 10 tribed kingdom of Israel, the house of Omri. In Hebrew, house was babyith or bayth, in English it was usually spelled beth and pronounced beth. In the related Semitic languages of Assyrian, this was bit. The Hebrew Omri, was in Assyrian sometimes written Humari, sometimes Kumri.

With this preface in mind, let’s start tracing the Israelites from their Palestinian homeland, in the Assyrian conquest and deportation. In II Kings 15:29 we read, “in the days of Pekah, king of Israel, came Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria, and took Ijon and Abel-beth-maachah and Janoa and Kedesh and Hazor and Gilead and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali and carried them captive to Assyria.” I Chronicles 5:26records, “And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul, king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria and he carried them away, even the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh and brought them unto Halah and Habor and Hara and to the river Gozan, unto this day.”

Confirmation of this is found in inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser, which archaeologists have dug up and are in our museums today. One of these says, “The cities of Gala’za (probably Assyrian for Galilee), Abilkka (probably Assyrian for Abel-beth maacha), which are on the border of Bit Humria, the whole land of Naphtali in its entirety, I brought within the border of Assyria. My official I set over them as governor. The land of Bit Humria, all of its people, together with all their goods, I carried off to Assyria. Pahaka their king they deposed and I placed Ausi as king.” In confirmation of this change in kings, we read in II Kings 15:30, “And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah son of Remaliah and smote him and slew him and reigned in his stead.”

The conquest thus had begun in the northeastern and northern parts of the kingdom about 740 B.C.. Then it worked southward, down to the heavily fortified capital city to Samaria, which was captured about 721 B.C.. Another king of Assyria reigned by that time, II Kings 18:9-11 records it as follows. “And it came to pass in the 4th year of King Hezekiah (of Judah), which was the 7th year of Hoshea, son of Elah, king of Israel, that Shalmanezer, king of Assyria, came up against Samaria and besieged it. And at the end of 3 years they took it, even in the 6th year of Hezekiah, that is the 9th year of Hoshea, king of Israel, Samaria was taken. And the king of Assyria did carry away Israel unto Assyria and put them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes.”

We know King Shalmanezer died toward the latter part of this siege and the final conquest and deportation was carried on by his successor, King Sargon II. In confirmation of this an inscription of Sargon II says, “In the beginning of my reign, the city of Samaria I besieged, I captured 27,280 of its inhabitants which I carried away.” The deportation of a whole nation naturally took a considerable period of time. The journey had to be organized, with adequate supplies for each convoy on each stage of the journey and proper organization of the places selected to receive them. We know that Sargon II did not hold the cities of the Medes east of the Zagros mountains until a few years after 721 B.C.. So about 715 B.C. to 712 B.C. is the correct date for the deportation to Media. The places to which Israel was deported by the Assyrians can be summed up as constituting an arc or semi-circle, around the southern end of the Caspian Sea.

This deportation took in the entire population of the ten northern tribes constituting the nation of Israel. From this point on, the separation into tribes is apparently lost and it is as a nation that the kingdom of Israel moved into its Assyrian captivity. This left part of the other two tribes still living in the southern kingdom of Judah. Assyria and Egypt were the two giant empires of that day, each seeking domination over all the smaller and weaker nations. Assyria had driven Egyptian influence out of western Asia, back to the continent of Africa and had made all the smaller nations surrounding Judah into vassal states, paying heavy tribute to Assyria. The brutal and rapacious character of the Assyrians made them no friends. Their vassal states were always hopefully looking for any means of escape from Assyrian power. Egypt kept the hope of revolt alive, by offers of military assistance to those who would rebel against Assyria. The death of a king seemed the most opportune time for revolt, since his successor would need time to get his power organized. He might even face some competition at home for his throne. Therefore, when King Sargon II of Assyria died about 705 B.C., revolts began in western Asia, the kingdom of Judah under King Hezekiah taking part in the hope of military aid from Egypt. The prophet Isaiah had warned the revolt would fail.

The new king of Assyria, Sennacherib, set about recovering his empire. One rebellious city after another was reconquered, with the hideous cruelty characteristic of Assyria. In 701 B.C., Sennacherib’s huge army invaded the kingdom of Judah. Midway through it, they paused briefly to defeat the Egyptian army, then moved on to besiege Jerusalem. None of the smaller cities of Judah were able to resist. II Kings 18:13 and Isaiah 36:1 record, “In the 14th year of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib came up against all the fortified cities of Judah and captured them.” Then followed the siege of Jerusalem, which was ended when the angel of Yahweh killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night, and Sennacherib gave up the siege and fled back to his own land.

In confirmation of this, Sennacherib’s own record of this says, “I then besieged Hezekiah of Judah, who had not submitted to my yoke, and I captured 46 of his strong cities and fortresses and innumerable small cities which were round about them, with the battering of rams and the assault of engines and the attack of foot soldiers, and by mines and breaches made in the walls. I brought out from there 200,150 people, both small and great. Hezekiah himself, like a caged bird, I shut up within Jerusalem his royal city.” Ancient kings were boastful of their victories, but never of their defeats. King Sennacherib tactfully fails to state how the siege of Jerusalem ended, but he does confirm the capture of all the other cities of Judah and the deportation of 200,150 people.

Remember, all the people of the 10 northern tribes, were already settled around the southern end of the Caspian Sea, in the Assyrian deportation of Israel. To them was now added a large portion of the 2 southern tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The Assyrian deportation included all of the ten tribes and a substantial representation from the other two. These were the people who became your ancestors and mine when they moved into Europe.

Over the years, the increasing numbers of the Israelite tribes expanded northward along both sides of the Caspian Sea. They were not basically city builders, but farmers and herdsmen. Probably in the earlier part of their stay here, the Assyrians sternly discouraged the building of cities which would naturally be fortified centers of resistance. As the Israelites were moved into this area, herded along as prisoners, robbed of all their belongings, they had to make themselves brush shelters or booths where they stopped for any length of time. Here in the southwest our Indians call such a brushy shelter a wickiup, the Hebrews called it a soocaw applying the name also to a tent, it was the only house a nomad owned. The plural of soocaw was succoth, gradually this was slurred over into scuth, used of a tent dweller or nomad and finally became Scythian.

The great carving on the Behistun Rock, made about 516 B.C., carried inscriptions showing the many different nations who were tributary to King Darius I of Persia. These inscriptions were written in old Persian, Median and Assyrian. They showed that among these were a Scythian nation, called in Assyrian and Babylonian Gimiri, which means the tribes. From Gimiri was derived the name of the Cimmerians, who settled somewhat to the north and into the Ukraine. The Behistun inscriptions also stated that these people were called Sakae in Persian and Median, already the later names are beginning to evolve.

The great Greek historian Herodotus, who lived from 484 B.C. to 425 B.C., and was generally called the father of history, speaking of these people says, “The Sacae, or Scyths, were clad in trousers and had on their heads tall, still caps rising to a point. They bore the bow of their country and the dagger, besides which they carried the battle axe or sagaris. They were in truth Amyrgian Scythians, but the Persians called them Sacae, since that is the name which they gave to all Scythians.” Incidentally, some of the magnificent carved walls of the ancient ruins of the Persian palace at Persepolis show illustrations of those Sacae, in their trousers and pointed caps, bringing tribute to the Persian king.

We are now getting further clues to these people. Herodotus says that the Scythians or Sacae, first appeared in that land in the seventh century B.C.. This is the same period in which the tribes of Israel were settled there by their Assyrian conquerors. Their use of the battle axe as a weapon is a carry over from their history as Israel. In Jeremiah 51:20 Yahweh says of Israel, “Thou art My battle axe and weapons of war, for with thee will I break in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy kingdoms”. We will see later that the name evolved from Sakae to Saxon. It is noteworthy that the battle axe was the great weapon of the Saxons.

These Scythians or Sacae lived up to Yahweh’s description of Israel as His battle axe and weapons of war. They became a military people of great power, who did much to break up ancient nations. The Greek geographer and historian Strabo, who lived between 63 B.C. and about 21 A. D. says, “Most of the Scythians, beginning from the Caspian Sea, are called Dahae Scythae and those situated more towards the east, Massagatae and Sacae. The rest have the common name of Scythians, but each tribe has its own peculiar name. The Sacae had made incursions similar to those of the Cimmerians and Treres, some near their own country, others at a greater distance. They occupied Bactriana, and got possession of the most fertile tract in Armenia, which was called after their own name, Sacasene. They advanced even as far as the Cappadocians, those particularly situated near the Euxine Sea, today called the Black Sea. They are now called Pontici.”

9th August 2016, 08:46 PM
Part 2

This was but the early part of their expansion. When a century had elapsed since their deportation to this land of Scythia, they had grown strong enough to begin the long series of harassing wars against their conquerors, the Assyrians. They lacked the strength to capture the powerfully fortified group of cities about the Assyrian capitol and in turn, their nomadic habits made it easy for them to retreat before a too powerful Assyrian army. Generations of this constant warfare wore down the Assyrians and bled them white, so that when the Medes finally overran Assyria and captured Nineveh in 612 B.C., their victory was a fairly easy one against the exhausted Assyrians.

From this point on, I could refer you to just one historical work which fully traces the Scythians on to their settlement in England as the Anglo-Saxons. A History of the Anglo-Saxons by Sharon Turner, does a magnificent job of this. As most of you know, I am a lawyer by profession. A lawyer soon learns to distinguish between the man who actually knows the facts and the man who is merely repeating hearsay, which is gossip and rumor he has heard from others. How do we know whether these others actually know what they are talking about? Unless a man has seen the occurrence with his own eyes, his ideas on the subject are no better than the accuracy of the information he has received.

No historian in our times, can have any personal knowledge of what happened 2,000 years ago. His writings can be no better than the source material he has obtained from people who lived and wrote at a time when accurate information could still be had. Most modern history books are based on rather scanty documentation from early sources, as it is so much easier for one historian to copy from another. Sharon Turner’s A History of the Anglo-Saxons is one of the most thoroughly documented historical studies ever produced and its reliability is beyond question. He traces the Anglo-Saxons of Britain back to the Scythians. Unfortunately, he doesn’t go the one step further and trace the Scythians back to Israel but, we can do that from other sources.

Let’s go back to the Scythians, as the people of Israel became known in the land to which they were deported. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian who lived in the times of Julius and Augustus Caesar, says this. “The Scythians anciently enjoyed but a small tract of ground, but (through their valor) growing stronger by degrees, they enlarged their dominion far and near and attained at last to a vast and glorious empire. At the first, a very few of them, and those very despicable for their mean origin, seated themselves near to the Araxes river. Afterwards, one of their ancient kings, who was a warlike prince and skillful in arms, captured for their country all the mountainous parts as far as to Mount Caucasus. Some time afterwards their posterity, becoming famous and eminent for valor and martial affairs, subdued many territories. Then, turning their arms the other way, they led their forces as far as to the Nile river, in Egypt.”

Other historians record that blond Scythians made an expedition against Palestine and Egypt about 626 B.C.. The town of Scythopolis, in the Jordan valley, is named for a settlement on this raid. To continue with Diodorus Siculus he wrote, “This nation prospered more and more and had kings that were very famous, from whom the Sacans and the Massagetae and the Arimaspians and many others, called by other names, derive their origin amongst others. There were two remarkable colonies that were drawn out of the conquered nations by those kings. The one they brought out of Assyria and settled in the country lying between Paphlagonia and Pontus. The other was drawn out of Media, which they placed near the river Tanais which people are called Sauromatians.”

Note how Yahweh’s destiny for these people worked, they would not leave behind any pockets of their people in the lands where their conquerors had settled them. When they had gained great power, they came back and picked up any who remained, taking them into the migrating mass. Likewise, history records that they raided Babylon, after its overthrow by the Medes and Persians, carrying off with them such of the people of Judah and Benjamin as were not going back to Jerusalem.

Even in early times, before the final mass movement into Europe, the Scythians had begun their march to their new homelands, where some of them had already arrived before the beginning of the Christian era. Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian who lived from 23 to 79 A.D., says this. “The name Scythian has extended in every direction, even to the Sarmatae and the Germans. But this ancient name is now only given to those who dwell beyond those nations and live unknown to nearly all the rest of the world. Beyond the Danube, are the peoples of Scythia. The Persians have called them by the general name of Sacae, which properly belongs only to the nearest nation of them. The more ancient writers give them the name of Aramii (Arameans). The multitude of these Scythians is quite innumerable. In their life and their habits they much resemble the people of Parthia (Persia). The tribes among them that are better known are the Sacae, the Massagetae, the Dahae, etc.”
Others have noted this early migration into Germany. For example, Herodotus mentions a migration and settlement of a people he calls the Sigynae, who themselves claimed to be colonists from Media and who migrated as far as the Rhine river. Remember that among the places the Israelites were resettled were in the cities of the Medes.

Also note that Pliny the Elder said, “The more ancient writers give them the name of Aramii”, – an Aramean, in modern language called Syrian. In Deuteronomy 26:5, every Israelite was commanded to confess, “A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt and sojourned there with a few and became a nation, great, mighty and populous.” Hence, such ancient writers could correctly identify the Israelite Scythians as Arameans, for they had come from a land which was part of Syria.

Among the tribes of the Scythians, the Massagetae attracted the notice of all the ancient historians by their numbers and warlike ability. Those who described them in more detail, divided them into the Massagetae and Thyssagetae. The Getae part of the name soon evolved into Goth. The Massagetae were the Greater Goths and the Thyssagetae were the Lesser Goths. Thus we already find among the Scythians names we can identify as the people who later conducted the great migrations into Europe. The Goths as we know, were later called Ostrogoths, meaning East Goths and Visigoths, meaning West Goths.

Now to go back a few centuries, the Sacae were allies of the Medes and Persians in the attack upon Babylon in 536 B.C. Remember that Yahweh had said that Israel was, “My battle axe and weapons of war; for with thee will I break in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy kingdoms.” Yahweh had used Scythian Israel to maintain constant war against Assyria for nearly a century, until Assyria was too weakened to resist the Medes and Persians. Then Yahweh used Scythian Israel, the Sacae, to help in the conquest of Babylon when its time had come. Later, King Cyrus of Persia was foolish enough to try to conquer his former allies the Sacae, but he was killed in the battle. King Darius also tried to conquer them, but they being a nomadic people, retreated before his massive armies until he gave up and retired.
Professor George Rawlinson says that the original development of the Indo-European language took place in Armenia which you will remember, was at that time occupied by Scythian Israel. Certainly from these people we can trace the introduction of this language into Europe.

This powerful and increasingly numerous people thereafter spread farther north, both east and west of the Caspian Sea. To the west of it, they penetrated into the Volga and Don River valleys as the Sauromatians and the Royal Scyths, nomadic peoples. To reach these lands, they had come up through the Caucasus mountains by a great pass which is today occupied by the Georgian military road. Perhaps the communists have changed the name of this pass in recent years, but from ancient times, until within our own life times, this pass was known as the Pass of Israel. The white race of Europe is often called Caucasian because the ancestors of many of them did come out of the Caucasus mountains.

When Alexander the Great began his great marauding expedition across western Asia and as far as India, he had to skirt the edge of the lands held by the Scythians. In his limitless vanity and ambition, he wanted to conquer them also. It is recorded that their ambassadors said that they would never surrender to him, that they were nomadic peoples who, if they could not resist, could retreat indefinitely before his armies. They had no wealthy cities for him to conquer and loot. Alexander invaded their lands long enough to fight one severe battle with them, defeating the Scythian forces he met. This was evidently just a lesson to them not to attack the flanks of his forces, for he led his forces out of their territory and never returned to the attack.

Remember, Israel is Yahweh’s battle axe and weapons of war. They had already weakened Assyria and as allies of the Medes and Persians, had helped overthrow Assyria and Babylon. They had beaten off attempts of the Persians to conquer them. The article “Scythians”, Chambers Encyclopedia (1927) records, “The Scythians, after about 128 B.C. overran Persia, routed several Persian armies and levied tribute from the Persian kings. During the first century before and the first century after Christ, hordes of Scythians, having overthrown the Bactrian and Indo-Greek dynasties of Afghanistan and India, invaded northern India and there they maintained themselves with varying fortune for five centuries longer. The Jats of India and the Rajputs have both been assigned the Scythian ancestry.”
Madison Grant writes, “Ancient Bactria maintained its Nordic and Aryan aspect long after Alexander’s time and did not become Mongolized and receive the sinister name of Turkestan until the seventh century A.D.. The Sakae were the blond peopleswho carried the Aryan language to India.”

A land so vast and not the original home of the Israelite Scythians, but already having some inhabitants when they were settled there, must of course show varying types of people. The Nordic, or Aryan Israelite Scythians, conquered these other races. While some speak of a Mongoloid type found in some parts of Scythia, ancient writers pretty well agree that the dominant Sakae or Massagetae Scythians were a Nordic people. Dr. Hans Gunther, professor at Berlin University, in his Racial Elements of European History, published in the 1920s writes, “The investigations into the traces left behind them by that wide spread Nordic people, the Sacae (Scythians), with its many tribes, are well worthy of attention. They had been living on the steppes of southeastern Europe and spread as far as Turkestan and Afghanistan and even to the Indus.”

The ancient writers such as Polemon of Ilium, Galionos, Clement of Alexandria, and Adamantios, state that the Sacae were like the Celts and Germans and describe them as ruddy-fair. The Scythian tribe of the Alans are also described as having a Nordic appearance. Ammianus, about 300-400 A. D., calls them “almost all tall and handsome, with their hair almost yellow and a fierce look.”

We have seen that the names of the Massagetae and the Thyssagetae evolved into Goths, the Ostrogoths (or east Goths) and Visigoths (or west Goths). The historian Ptolemy, who died about 150 A.D., mentions a Scythian people descended from the Sakae, called Saxons who had come from Media. Albinus, who lived in the first century B.C., also says, “The Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae in Asia and in the process of time they came to be called Saxons,” Prideaux reports that the Cimbrians came from between the Black and Caspian Seas and that with them came the Angli.

We are now well into established European history. By the beginning of the 4th century A.D., many of the Goths were already Christians. In the 4th century, there were several collisions between Visigoths and Rome and in 410 A.D., the Visigoths became the masters of Italy and captured Rome. Later, they moved on into southern France and northern Spain where they settled permanently. The Ostrogoths settled in what is modern Hungary about 455 A. D., under Theodoric the Great. They conquered Italy about 493 A.D. and set up an Ostrogoth kingdom in Italy which however, was short lived. Their descendants are the fair skinned, blond Italians of northern Italy. However, the Goths had ended the Roman Empire, Yahweh’s battle axe again destroying the kingdoms of the Babylonian order of empires.
The Angli and the Saxons moved up the Danube valley and settled in Germany and along the Baltic shores, as is well known. From there the Jutes, Angles and Saxons colonized England after the Roman legions were withdrawn in 408 A. D..

Actually, the earliest waves of migration penetrated to the farthest edges of the European continent, partly because they could move through nearly empty lands, without meeting any people strong enough to effectively resist them. It was partly because they were pushed farther by the later waves of Israelite migration coming behind them. Hence, we find the settlement of the Scandinavian peninsula pretty well completed before the arrival of the Jutes, Angles and Saxons along the southern shore of the Baltic Sea.

The tribes that settled along the shores of the Baltic were a great maritime people, as some of the Israelites had been even when still in Palestine, as Yahweh had prophesied. The Jutes, Angles and Saxons came from within the Baltic Sea, but their ocean borne raids on England were heavy and continuous. Later, by invitation of the British, they settled along the eastern shores, in East Anglia, Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex, Wessex, Essex and Kent.

The first century before and the first century after Yahshua, hordes of Scythians, having overthrown the Bactrian and Indo-Greek dynasties of Afghanistan and India, invaded northern India and there they maintained themselves with varying fortune for five centuries longer. The Jats of India and the Rajputs have both been assigned the Scythian ancestry.

William the Conqueror invaded England in 1066 A.D., with the Normans. They were actually Vikings who had settled on the coast of France in the province of Normandy, Norman really being derived from Norseman. So we see that the migrations of Israel, first into Scythia, expanding there, then gaining the names of Goths, Angli and Saxons. Under those names moving into their present European homelands, is a well established historical fact. There is also the fascinating story of the early migrations by sea, but that is another subject in itself.

Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: This has been an excellent historical presentation by Bertrand L. Comparet that I would rate nearly 100%. This demonstrates why it is so important to study history in unison with the Bible. This subject has been so well covered by Comparet that I can only amplify on certain portions. Much of this history has been repudiated as it flies-in-the face of the faulty premises of nominal churchianity. The rediscovery of the Identity of Israel was the enlightenment brought forward by John Wilson and Edward Hine in the second half of the 1800s. The Israel message then spread worldwide with Wilson and Hine receiving large quantities of mail. But because it went against the flawed teachings of the “church”, it was soon suppressed and almost died out being labeled a cult. In spite of all of the resistance to the message, it has survived, and represents the only authentic narrative.

Comparet made the statement: “There are some people that won’t believe Yahweh ...” which is true. I could cite numerous examples where once brought face-to-face with a Bible passage, they will simply say, “I don’t believe that.” It is like where Daniel said at 2:44, “... and the kingdom shall not be left to other people”, yet nearly all of churchianity will insist we must take the gospel to everyone. There’s only one gospel, and that’s the gospel of the kingdom.

I will here repeat Comparet where he said: “Note how Yahweh’s destiny for these people worked, they would not leave behind any pockets of their people in the lands where their conquerors had settled them. When they had gained great power, they came back and picked up any who remained, taking them into the migrating mass. Likewise, history records that they raided Babylon, after its overthrow by the Medes and Persians, carrying off with them such of the people of Judah and Benjamin as were not going back to Jerusalem.” This being so, the greater part of good-fig members of Judah, rather than returning to Jerusalem after the 70 years of captivity, joined the 10 tribes in their migrations.

At another place, Comparet commented: “Now to go back a few centuries, the Sacae were allies of the Medes and Persians in the attack upon Babylon in 536 B.C. ... Later, King Cyrus of Persia was foolish enough to try to conquer his former allies the Sacae, but he was killed in the battle.” The story of how Cyrus was killed is found in Herodotus 1.205 through end of book 1. I don’t know if you have ever heard of Queen Tomyris or not, but she was of the tribe of Massagetae (of Royal blood), and after her husband the King had died, she had to take charge of their army, and she out-maneuvered and outwitted the Biblical Cyrus who was killed in battle when he tried to subdue her and her tribe.

6th October 2016, 07:21 PM
I've posted some articles on miscegenation in this thread and this video seems appropriate to post because of the time we're living in and what's happening in the world today.


18th October 2016, 08:14 PM
The book "The Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15" by Charles Lee Mange is hard to come by and expensive when you do find it. You can read it free online at this link though.


This is a book that I believe explains very well why Jews hate Jesus Christ and his followers. Jesus spoke the truth when he called them the children of Satan.

I'll post the forward here to it and you can go to the link posted and scroll down to read the rest. I believe it makes sense out of why Jews are trying to genicide the white christian race.


This book is written in the faith that a remnant of the Covenant Family ofChristian people will see the light of Genesis 3:15. By faith we proceed with the belief that the Living Church of Jesus Christ in this earth will see that Genesis 3:15 is the key that unlocks the meaning of the Holy Scriptures, Genesis to Revelation. Any effort to evade, suppress, ignore, or diminish the truth of Genesis 3:15 can result only in the further loss and decline of Christian Civilization in our Western world. You may think that you know your Bible; you may pride yourself in having read and studied the Bible, and even cloke yourself in great accolades received from the Bible institutes of this world. But until you have confronted the
truth of Genesis 3:15 you can never understand the Bible.

The denominational Church world has spiritualized the literal truth of Genesis 3:15. Moreover, most Bible Scholars who pride themselves in having divorced themselves from the denominational dogmas of the Church world will not touch the reality of Genesis 3:15. Until we are ready to examine the awesome fact that Almighty God, in the consequence of sin’s entry into the world, placed hatred (enmity) between two opposing seedlines of literal people in this earth, we can never come to the knowledge of the truth. From the beginning, with the fall of Adam into sin and the bondage of death, two opposing seedlines have been operating in history. The seed of the serpent constitutes a literal, flesh and blood people, who are determined to claim the dominion of this earth to the glory of Satan and the enshrinement of everything that is anti-Christian in thought, word and deed. This is the left side of Genesis 3:15. Opposing the left side of Genesis 3:15 is the seed of the Woman, or the race of Adam out of which sprang Jesus Christ as evidenced in St. Matthew 1:1

Today our world is divided between the left and the right side of Genesis 3:15. There is no neutral ground. If you are not for Jesus Christ, and standing on the right side of Genesis 3:15, you are on the side of Satan and his minions. The Bible provides no middle ground for anyone. You either stand to the right of Genesis 3:15 on the side of the children of the Kingdom, the children of Light, the true Seedline of Adam, Shem, Eber and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel, now identified in the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Slavonic peoples of the western world, or you stand on the left side of Genesis 3:15 on the side of Satan and the anti-Christ minions that have gathered there at this consummation of the ages. There is no place for lukewarm people. There can be no fence riders in the present conflict between good and evil, right and wrong, between the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Satan.

The Seed of the Woman constitutes a physical, genetic race of people, beginning with Adam, continuing into post-flood history with Shem, Eber (Hebrews) and then Israel, a people descending from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-Israel. The Seed of the Woman, standing on the right side of Genesis 3:15 is represented among the Christian nations of the western world in contemporary history. The left side of Genesis 3:15 is represented by those people who have been fighting against Jesus Christ, against Christian Liberty and everything that has or ever was Christian in this earth for the past six thousand years.

Today this conflict between the two opposing factions of Genesis 3:15 is reaching the grand finale of the ages. The Children of the Kingdom, the children of Light, are opposed at every hand by the children of Satan or the enemies of God who stand to the left side of Genesis 3:15. It is imperative to note that Jesus Christ placed this hatred (enmity) between these two seedlines, and no amount of false love and misplaced pity will ever alter that fact. This age old warfare will NEVER be ended until the second coming of Jesus Christ, when the head of this serpent race is crushed beneath the feet of Jesus Christ and the body of this serpent then dies. Christians who erase this line of enmity between these two opposing seed lines do so at the peril of their own lives and those of their Children. We are rapidly approaching the harvest time of history (Matthew 13.30) and the end of this age is approaching. In this consummation of the ages that age old conflict will be resolved in a total victory for Jesus Christ, His Kingdom people and for His glorious government that will fill the face of this earth.

Our mighty God has never called a truce in this age old warfare. Never has God at any time commanded His children, standing to the right of Genesis 3:15, to surrender. The Living Church of Jesus Christ is to remain faithful to the truth of the Bible and to stand upon the true Word of God throughout all of time. We are locked in a world-wide conflict for the souls of Adam man, for the real estate of this earth and the future rights to this planet. Jesus Christ has commissioned His Church to stand and has promised that the gates of hell cannot prevail against His Church (St. Matthew 16:18). For too many generations our Christian people have failed to see the right and the left side of Genesis 3:15. They have forgotten that the enmity pronounced by Almighty God between the Kingdom of Satan and his progeny and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and His Children would last unto the consummation of this age.

Now, those of you who would understand your Bible: get into the Word of God. Go directly to Genesis 3:15 and there with your Bible, armed with a good concordance and lexicon, find the truth about churches of this present age. Find how the great truth of Genesis 3:15 has been turned into a fairy tale by the preachers of this day. Find that literal people are being labeled and defined by Almighty God in Genesis 3:15. Discover for yourselves, the great truth regarding the progeny of the serpent and the progeny of the woman. Learn the truth. Arm yourself with the truth of the Bible. Take your stand on the right side of Genesis 3:15. Claim your inheritance as the Covenant Family of the Living God. As the literal and genetic seed of the woman, descending through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-Israel, claim your inheritance in Jesus Christ and the Bible. Then draw that line! There is a line drawn between the children of Lucifer, the serpent or Satan, and the children of God. There is a difference between the offspring or progeny of Satan and the children of Jesus Christ! You need to know that difference.

May the Grace of Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit give you spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear what the LITERAL TRUTH of Genesis 3:15 is all about. When you “see” this truth, your Bible will be a new book and your life will NEVER be the same again! When you see this great truth, you will stand with the REMNANT of the woman’s seed (Revelation 12.17)who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. This remnant is numbered in this generation in every country of the Western Israelite world. Thank and praise Jesus Christ for the light that you now see! Then quickly,while there is time, witness this truth so others might see this great light.


15th November 2016, 03:34 AM
Below are some excerpts from a blog found at this link.

http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.ca/2015/02/the-jews-are-literal-children-and.html (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.ca/2015/02/the-jews-are-literal-children-and.html)

The jews are literal children and worshippers of Satan, who relish the destruction of all that is beautiful and good

Elite jews rule the world and are orchestrating the Satanic "New World Order" conspiracy

These ghoulish demonic spawn are the scum that effectively rule the world we live in. They created and run the Illuminati, Freemasonry, communism, and numerous other secret societies, front groups, and movements all working together for the "New World Order" agenda, or total Satanic rule and control of this world.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Cx5YSp-ghS8/THUDbWVphXI/AAAAAAAAHiI/KaQubyXXDgY/s200/john-hagee.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Cx5YSp-ghS8/THUDbWVphXI/AAAAAAAAHiI/KaQubyXXDgY/s1600/john-hagee.jpg)They claim they are 'God's Chosen People'

'Judeo-Christians' say that we must "bless the jewish people" and support the jewish state of 'Israel', reminding us of the scripture "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee"(Genesis 12:3)

And they tell us that 'Jesus' and His Apostles were jews too.

Is that really so?

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Cx5YSp-ghS8/THULWnpV-cI/AAAAAAAAHio/LUYvPqj3qkU/s200/pharisees2.bmp (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Cx5YSp-ghS8/THULWnpV-cI/AAAAAAAAHio/LUYvPqj3qkU/s1600/pharisees2.bmp)Actually, the "jews" are not Israelites

At the time of 'Jesus', a remnant of Israelites and many non-Israelites lived in Jerusalem and the land of Israel. A non-Israelite people known as the Idumeans, or Edomites (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edomites), were present in the land in great numbers, and actually were the ruling ethnic group, whith a large percentage of the Pharisees and King Herod (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herod_the_Great) being Edomites. The "jews" of Jesus' time, and today, are descendants of the Edomites (http://truthseeker-archive.blogspot.com/2008/11/racial-origin-of-jews-not-israelites.html). The Edomites are the descendants of Esau (Jacob/Israel's brother), who took Canaanite wives.

Aproximately 95% of jews in the world today are called "Ashkenazi jews", which are descended from the Khazars (who converted to Judaism around 800 A.D.), a Turkish people who also claim descent from the Idumeans/Edomites.

"Edom is in modern Jewry." —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Cx5YSp-ghS8/THUK-aK8_AI/AAAAAAAAHiY/QrHiEX71z-s/s200/Jesus.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Cx5YSp-ghS8/THUK-aK8_AI/AAAAAAAAHiY/QrHiEX71z-s/s1600/Jesus.jpg)The Messiah was not a jew

Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities at the time of Yahushua the Messiah (aka "Jesus"). Yahushua Himself was not a "jew" (http://truthseeker-archive.blogspot.com/2008/11/yahshua-aka-jesus-was-not-jew.html) (Judean) or resident of Judea, but rather a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah.

Yahushua chose all his apostles from Galilee as well, with the exception of Judas who betrayed him who was from Judea. His apostles were pure-blooded Israelites, not of the same racial ancestry as the people of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and their Edomite "jewish" kindred who dominated the land of Judea at that time.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cBSonUUrF5k/VOjPNMOmNyI/AAAAAAAAUoM/MVG-fi710mI/s1600/Yahushua%2Bthe%2BMessiah.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cBSonUUrF5k/VOjPNMOmNyI/AAAAAAAAUoM/MVG-fi710mI/s1600/Yahushua%2Bthe%2BMessiah.jpg)
Yahushua the Messiah was a jew-hating "anti-semite", who said the jews were children of Satan

Yahshua condemned the jews of his day in the strongest of terms, as literal "children of the devil", "full of hypocrisy and iniquity", and "children of hell" (Matthew 23 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2023&version=KJV)).

Yahushua speaking to the jewish Pharisees:

"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" -Matthew 23:33 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2023:13-39&version=KJV)

*Note: "generation" in the above verse is from Strong's Greek word #1081, "genema" (http://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?b=Mat&c=23&t=KJV&ss=1#s=952033), literally meaning "offspring" (http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/Lexicon/Lexicon.cfm?strongs=G1081&t=KJV).

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pkeExtCJCpA/VOjPkN07PjI/AAAAAAAAUoU/GImg7uE1rG0/s1600/crucifiction%2Bof%2Bthe%2BMessiah.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pkeExtCJCpA/VOjPkN07PjI/AAAAAAAAUoU/GImg7uE1rG0/s1600/crucifiction%2Bof%2Bthe%2BMessiah.jpg)
The jews murder the Messiah

Enraged at Yahushua, the jewish elders and leaders, the Pharisees, sought to kill him (http://truthseeker-archive.blogspot.com/2009/02/edomite-cainite-jews-murdered-yahshua.html).

"After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him." -John 7:1 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%207:1&version=KJV)

As recorded in chapter 27 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2027:11-25&version=KJV) of the book of Matthew, Pilate found no reason to execute 'Jesus', and it was the Pharisees and Jews who urged Pilate to crucify him and stated "let his blood be on our hands and that of our children".

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ctdh63tOt9k/VOjQu9b6dXI/AAAAAAAAUog/wjTjGmtpKyQ/s1600/jewish%2BSatanists.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ctdh63tOt9k/VOjQu9b6dXI/AAAAAAAAUog/wjTjGmtpKyQ/s1600/jewish%2BSatanists.jpg)
A" Synagogue of Satan" determined to kill and destroy all that is good

Revelation 2:9 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%202:9&version=KJV): "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Judahites, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Yahshua the Messiah speaking to the Jewish Pharisees:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." - John 8:44 (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%208:13-59&version=KJV)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-B4L44xpakwA/VOjZP5LUrCI/AAAAAAAAUo8/trlftBYtUok/s1600/jewish%2Brabbi%2BTalmud.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-B4L44xpakwA/VOjZP5LUrCI/AAAAAAAAUo8/trlftBYtUok/s1600/jewish%2Brabbi%2BTalmud.jpg)
The religion of Judaism calls for jews to conquer the world and enslave and exterminate non-jews

The most "holy" book in the religion of "Judaism" is called the Babylonian Talmud (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talmud). It spews vicious hatred for Christians and non-jews, including teaching that "Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement". It teaches that non-jews are "subhuman cattle" that the jews may exploit and kill at their whim. It teaches that the jews are to conquer and inherit the entire earth, and to exterminate all non-jews. More (http://revisionisthistory.org/talmudtruth.html) on the Talmud.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f9Ioz6ZHEB4/VOjZ3n-Fs0I/AAAAAAAAUpE/DyifKrOU2tY/s1600/The%2BJewish%2BSpanish%2BExpulsion%2B1492.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f9Ioz6ZHEB4/VOjZ3n-Fs0I/AAAAAAAAUpE/DyifKrOU2tY/s1600/The%2BJewish%2BSpanish%2BExpulsion%2B1492.jpg)
Numerous Expulsions - Jews are "Nation Wreckers"

Jews have been expelled from various nations and territories over 100 times since 70 A.D. due to their propensity to oppress the population of the host nation via usury banking and financial exploitation, subvert the morals of the the society, and gain excessive power in the government and areas of influence vastly disproportionate to their numbers. [1 (http://www.wake-up-america.net/expulsions_of_the_jews.htm)]

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2x2dAUBTaFg/VOjTqASYS2I/AAAAAAAAUos/RZL8ZeZz_RE/s1600/Illuminati%2BFreemasonry.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2x2dAUBTaFg/VOjTqASYS2I/AAAAAAAAUos/RZL8ZeZz_RE/s1600/Illuminati%2BFreemasonry.jpg)
Freemasonry is a jewish-created and run society that worships Lucifer (http://truthseeker-archive.blogspot.com/2010/11/jewish-satanic-origins-of-freemasonry.html)

What few people know about Freemasonry is that the religion called 'Judaism', codified in the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah, forms the basis for the doctrines, rituals, and symbols of Masonry. The secret god of both Freemasonry and Judaism is Satan-Lucifer.

The purpose of the Freemasonic order is to entrap and use "goys" (non-jews) for the larger jewish/Satanic "New World Order" goal.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GgZEXN5jWoo/VOja_QGUVeI/AAAAAAAAUpQ/puA6kbVCviw/s1600/satanic_new_world_order.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GgZEXN5jWoo/VOja_QGUVeI/AAAAAAAAUpQ/puA6kbVCviw/s1600/satanic_new_world_order.jpg)
The 'New World Order' Conspiracy

This is another name for the age old Satanic conspiracy, now being led by elite Jewry -- the aim being the enslavement of humanity, destruction of the true (http://truthseeker-archive.blogspot.com/2008/11/mystery-of-true-descendants-of.html) Israelites, mass human population reduction, abolition of religion and national sovereignty, and the establishment of a totalitarian world government ruled by Satan via the Jews.

See also:

- The religion of Judaism is hardcore Satanism, and the ideological basis for the New World Order agenda (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-religion-of-judaism-is-hardcore.html)
- The jewish agenda for the genocide of all Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and kindred European peoples via mass Third World immigration (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-jewish-agenda-for-genocide-of-all.html)
- World Jewry Initiates WW2- Jews Officially Declare War Against Germany in 1933 and Announce Desire to Totally Destroy the German People and Nation (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/2015/01/world-jewry-initiates-ww2-jews.html)
- Jewish-controlled Soviet government officially commands the Red Army to rape German women and kill all Germans to the last man, woman, and child (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/2015/01/jewish-controlled-soviet-government.html)
- World War Two Was the Jewish Conquest of Germany and Europe (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/2015/01/world-war-two-was-jewish-conquest-of.html)
- The Germanic, Anlgo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred peoples of European descent are the true biological descendants of the Israelites (http://holocaust-of-world-war-two.blogspot.com/2015/08/evidence-proving-germanic-anlgo-saxon.html)

15th November 2016, 04:12 AM

The Germanic, Anlgo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred peoples of European descent are the true biological descendants of the Israelites

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gDSO3SXPz1k/VcFQDPT-CgI/AAAAAAAAWfU/FiuAI3qqQys/s400/Israels%2Bmigrations.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gDSO3SXPz1k/VcFQDPT-CgI/AAAAAAAAWfU/FiuAI3qqQys/s1600/Israels%2Bmigrations.jpg)

One of the most astounding sagas in the history of the world is the story of the peculiar people descended from Adam - and then from his descendants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. They are a people created for a special purpose, to defeat Satan and his children, and to implement the kingdom of the Most High on the earth. These people gave birth to Western Civilization in all its promise and glory, and the story of their achievements and struggles is in many ways the story of modern history.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iyPdkPb-9mo/VbzpOBjvdcI/AAAAAAAAWUw/OjcHETNosvI/s200/paul-gustave-dore-adam-and-eve-expelled.png (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iyPdkPb-9mo/VbzpOBjvdcI/AAAAAAAAWUw/OjcHETNosvI/s1600/paul-gustave-dore-adam-and-eve-expelled.png)
Adam, ancestor of the white race

The name "Adam" is rooted in the Hebrew word "aw-dam", which means "to show blood in the face", "flush or turn rosy", and "red (ruddy)".

Strong's Hebrew word #119 (http://www.eliyah.com/cgi-bin/strongs.cgi?file=hebrewlexicon&isindex=Adam):

119 'adam aw-dam' to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:--be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).
Of all the races on the earth, only the white race is able to show blood in the face and turn red/rosy. The non-white races were created and existed on the earth prior to the creation of Adam. This is why Cain, after being banished from Adam and Eve, was shortly thereafter able to find a wife and build a city.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CnZABVAohkQ/Vbzt7NeO1VI/AAAAAAAAWVQ/zjLBuJfqiIY/s200/The%2Braces%2Bof%2Bmen.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CnZABVAohkQ/Vbzt7NeO1VI/AAAAAAAAWVQ/zjLBuJfqiIY/s1600/The%2Braces%2Bof%2Bmen.jpg)
Biologically impossible for all races of humans to have common ancestry

Could Adam and Eve (or Noah and his wife) have black, white, and asian children? Of course not. That is biologically impossible. Furthermore, the differences between the races could be the result of "mutations" over time, including changes in skin color due to increased sunlight from the habitations of the races on the earth. There are profound differences between the races beyond skin color -- including the structure and shape of the skull and skeleton, making identification of the race of a corpse possible, as well as dramatic differences in intelligence (IQ), creativity/inventiveness, and other personality/character traits.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZtMtG8m_Tck/VbzrVppmZtI/AAAAAAAAWU8/98aeMg6Km4A/s200/009-009-abraham-taking-isaac-to-be-sacrificed-fullb%2B%25281%2529.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZtMtG8m_Tck/VbzrVppmZtI/AAAAAAAAWU8/98aeMg6Km4A/s1600/009-009-abraham-taking-isaac-to-be-sacrificed-fullb%2B%25281%2529.jpg)
Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - These were white men

Largely not until the 18th and 19th centuries AD were the black or asian races concerned with the traditions or religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Most of them had no knowledge of these men. Why? Because they did not descend from them.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Sw6ii-ppayE/VbOwJIdn3uI/AAAAAAAAWPI/rbxM4-BJHXA/s200/Kingdoms_of_Israel_and_Judah_map.svg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Sw6ii-ppayE/VbOwJIdn3uI/AAAAAAAAWPI/rbxM4-BJHXA/s1600/Kingdoms_of_Israel_and_Judah_map.svg)
The Israelites split into two separate nations

Around 930 BC, the Israelites split into two separate nations or kingdoms -- the southern Kingdom of Judah (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Judah) (composed of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin), and the northern Kingdom of Israel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(Samaria)) (composed of the other 10 tribes).

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5jl18QnmtSs/VbOxeKd3pbI/AAAAAAAAWPU/ahMIz7gn7xg/s200/Israel%2Bto%2Bcaptivity%2Bin%2BAssyria.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5jl18QnmtSs/VbOxeKd3pbI/AAAAAAAAWPU/ahMIz7gn7xg/s1600/Israel%2Bto%2Bcaptivity%2Bin%2BAssyria.jpg)
The northern kingdom of Israel is taken into captivity to Assyria

The ten-tribed northern kingdom of Israel turned to idolatry and worship of false gods. Prophets warned her kings of impending doom of the nation as punishment from YHWH. From approximately 740-720 B.C. the nation was conquered by Assyria, and most of it's inhabitants taken captive (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyrian_captivity), deported and resettled in lands north of the kingdom of Assyria, near the Caucasus mountains. Following their release from captivity a few decades later, these Israelites did not return to the land of Judea/Palestine. Over the following centuries, the vast majority of them migrated north and west into modern-day Europe. Along the way, some of them remained for centuries in the area surrounding the Caucasus mountains and along the southern coasts of the Black and Caspian seas (in modern day Turkey, Iran, and southern Russia and Ukraine).

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t_gIQcCh2xA/VbPYnY8h-kI/AAAAAAAAWPk/OkdRVR3WNZI/s200/Tissot_The_Flight_of_the_Prisoners.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t_gIQcCh2xA/VbPYnY8h-kI/AAAAAAAAWPk/OkdRVR3WNZI/s1600/Tissot_The_Flight_of_the_Prisoners.jpg)
The southern Kingdom of Judah is taken into captivity in Babylon

As punishment from YHWH for descending into idolatry, beginning in approximately 600 BC the southern Kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Babylonians, and its inhabitants taken captive to Babylon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_captivity). Of the millions of Israelites taken captive to Babylon, only around 50,000 returned to Palestine around 536 BC. From this small remnant of Israelites descended the Israelites who inhabited the land of Judea/Palestine at the time of the Messiah. The vast majority (~99%+) of the Israelite people alive in the world were "scattered among the nations" living outside of Judea/Palestine.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-90BdwrMUN-o/Vbz3ehMVXmI/AAAAAAAAWV0/8cjBtEuirPo/s200/lost%2Bsheep%2Bof%2BIsrael.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-90BdwrMUN-o/Vbz3ehMVXmI/AAAAAAAAWV0/8cjBtEuirPo/s1600/lost%2Bsheep%2Bof%2BIsrael.jpg)
The "Lost Sheep of the House of Israel"

The Messiah explicitly said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." (Matthew 15:24 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+15&version=NIV)). He commanded his disciples to take his gospel message only to the Israelite people, instructing them when sending them out: "Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel." (Matthew 10:5 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+10&version=NIV)). In the opening to the book of James, the apostle addresses his letter exclusively to the Israelites, writing: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings." (James 1:1 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+1%3A1&version=NIV)) James was referring to the Israelites living in various nations and lands all over the world, outside of Judea/Palestine -- including in Greece and other Mediterranean lands, Europe, and elsewhere.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ER47Bk_qpss/Vb0MwEx1_1I/AAAAAAAAWXc/Iw4H8fdysAQ/s200/western%2Bcivilization.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ER47Bk_qpss/Vb0MwEx1_1I/AAAAAAAAWXc/Iw4H8fdysAQ/s1600/western%2Bcivilization.jpg)
Ancient Greeks, Athenians, and Spartans were Israelites

Ample evidence from ancient historians and writings indicate that the Athenian, Spartan (http://www.israelite.info/research/sourcedocumentsfiles/spartan.html), and Greek (http://www.british-israel.us/28.html) civilizations were created by tribes of Israelites. At the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt (circa 1450 B.C.), not all of the Israelites followed Moses into the Arabian desert. Some Israelites, notably including many of the tribe of Dan, sailed from Egypt in ships. Various Greek historians record that the founders of their civilization came to Greece after being expelled from Egypt. These early Greeks called themselves called themselves "Danaoi"(ie, of the tribe of Dan).

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mhYs82LIIZw/VcFIWdsmt9I/AAAAAAAAWfE/vaeK4GCRz7w/s200/josephus.gif (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mhYs82LIIZw/VcFIWdsmt9I/AAAAAAAAWfE/vaeK4GCRz7w/s1600/josephus.gif)
Josephus confirms the location of the "lost" Israelite tribes

The historian Flavius Josephus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus) reports the reports in 1st century AD that the Israelites are still living in the area where they were taken captive by the Assyrians, saying: "...the entire body of the people of Israel remained in that country [Media]; wherefore there are but two tribes [Judah and Benjamin] in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers." (Antiquities of the Jews, 11.5.2)

15th November 2016, 04:16 AM

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cyAtG37N-C4/VbPa9JxJKEI/AAAAAAAAWPw/7xY-PMNrhPU/s200/Scythians.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cyAtG37N-C4/VbPa9JxJKEI/AAAAAAAAWPw/7xY-PMNrhPU/s1600/Scythians.jpg)
The Israelite Scythians and Parthians

A portion of the Israelite people were known in the Greek tongue as the "Scythians (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians)". These "Scythians" were known by other nations as the "Saka", "Sakae", and "Sacae" -- names which are derived from the Hebrew name Isaac.

Multitudes of Israelites remaining in the Mid East for centuries after release from captivity by Assyria and Babylon formed what became known as the Parthian Empire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthian_Empire), a loose confederation lead by Israelite tribes which rose to power around 250 B.C. The Parthians fought wars against and defeated the Romans in battle.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jlpXxjFXG6I/VcFQpbF1ieI/AAAAAAAAWfc/qN3Q2WgJacg/s200/istanbul-Apostle-Peter.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jlpXxjFXG6I/VcFQpbF1ieI/AAAAAAAAWfc/qN3Q2WgJacg/s1600/istanbul-Apostle-Peter.jpg)
The 12 Apostles take their message to the dispersed Israelites

As cited above, the Messiah commanded his twelve disciples to take his gospel exclusively to the "lost sheep of Israel" and no other race of people (Matthew 10:5 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+10&version=NIV)). So where did his disciples travel in spreading the gospel? The apostle Peter wrote letters to dispersed Israelites living in "Asia Minor", the area of modern day Turkey along the southern shore of the Black Sea. Greek historian Metapirastes reports that Peter also traveled to Britain to spread the gospel.

Other Greek historians report that the apostle Andrew preached to people in the land of Scythia (as covered later, the Scots claim they came from Scythia, and claim Andrew as the apostle that taught them the Christian faith!). Greek historians note that Simon the Zealot also traveled to Britain, and died and was buried there. The apostle James, son of Alphaeus, reportedly traveled to Spain, Ireland, and Britain. The Apostle Thomas is reported to have preached to the Parthians. Metapirastes says that the Aspostle Matthew also preached the gospel in Parthia. [source (http://www.friendsofsabbath.org/ABC/HL%20Hoeh%20papers/Where_did_the_twelve_apostles_go_Hoeh.htm)]

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R8bxIXdl1Fc/VbPmC4Cja7I/AAAAAAAAWQQ/XwLpu1Q1S_Q/s200/Tuatha%2Bde%2BDanaan.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R8bxIXdl1Fc/VbPmC4Cja7I/AAAAAAAAWQQ/XwLpu1Q1S_Q/s1600/Tuatha%2Bde%2BDanaan.jpg)
The Tuatha de Danaan, and the Irish

A legendary people known as the "Tuatha de Danaan" are recorded as having founded many civilizations -- including the Greek civilization, various civilizations in the Mediterranean, and settling Ireland. These people were none other than the tribe of Dan (http://www.hope-of-israel.org/i000035a.htm), the fifth of Jacob/Israel's twelve sons. The Greeks called themselves "Danaoi" for centuries. The Romans called them Danaus.

The ancient name for the island of Ireland of "Hebernia" means "Hebrews new land". The people who inhabit Ireland today migrated to their island home after living for some time in Spain. The ancient name for Spain is "Heberia", meaning "Hebrew's land".

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yk_9ODGMczw/VbPvOOsqP1I/AAAAAAAAWQs/oDjVKOnqd2s/s200/Vikings.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yk_9ODGMczw/VbPvOOsqP1I/AAAAAAAAWQs/oDjVKOnqd2s/s1600/Vikings.jpg)
The Danes, Vikings, and Norsemen

The Danes are of the tribe of Dan, and the nation of Danmark is named after him. The tribe of Dan named various other landmarks after their patriarch -- including the Danube river, Don river, and Danieper river, and hundreds of other landmarks. The Hebrew language is written without vowels, thus the name "Dan" would be written with just the consonants "Dn", with the vowel being substituted in when spoken.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IKc6AwAxMlw/Vb0fFsEwlsI/AAAAAAAAWXw/zpdyrJenwT8/s200/Anglo-Saxon%2Bwarriors.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IKc6AwAxMlw/Vb0fFsEwlsI/AAAAAAAAWXw/zpdyrJenwT8/s1600/Anglo-Saxon%2Bwarriors.jpg)
The Anglo-Saxons

The Saxons are "Isaac's sons" - "Saac's sons (http://www.hope-of-israel.org/AmBritnames.html)". They are descended from "Sythian" tribes who were known as the "Saka", "Sakae", and "Sacae" by the Persians and other ancient cultures. In the 5th century AD, tribes of Saxons, Angles, and Jutes sailed from modern-day northern Germany and Denmark and settled in England.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C_XOR4xpzPU/Vc9qCWVPqhI/AAAAAAAAWgg/ZCdHMJ2YTfw/s200/Heinrich%2Bder%2BFinkler.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C_XOR4xpzPU/Vc9qCWVPqhI/AAAAAAAAWgg/ZCdHMJ2YTfw/s1600/Heinrich%2Bder%2BFinkler.jpg)
The Germanic peoples

The German people are closely related to the Nordic peoples of Scandinavia and the British Isles, who are Israelites. Saxony in modern-day German is the homeland of the Saxon people, who are descended from the "Sakae", a tribe of "Scythians" proven to be Israelites. The Saxons are in large part believed to be descended from the tribe of Judah. Scandinavian historians trace (http://www.nordiskisrael.dk/artikler/germany_a_branch_of_israel.htm) the origin of the Nordic Germanic peoples to Odin, who lead them from the Mid East and the area of the Caucasus mountains into their homelands in northern Europe.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H_GEVHRLSUI/VbPsCDWKnUI/AAAAAAAAWQg/nJYIAhYkv5s/s200/Picts.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H_GEVHRLSUI/VbPsCDWKnUI/AAAAAAAAWQg/nJYIAhYkv5s/s1600/Picts.jpg)
The Scots descend from the Israelite Scythians

The Scottish "Declaration of Arbroath" (http://www.constitution.org/scot/arbroath.htm) states that the the race of Scots descended from a people who "journeyed from Greater Sythia" and dwelt in modern-day Spain for some time, and dates their arrival in modern-day Scotland as "twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea". The Declaration goes on to say that they were "confirmed in the faith" (Christianity) by the Apostle Andrew (Andrew traveled to the area of Scythia to share the gospel, at that time).

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4YDvUig_yzY/Vb0C6wsPcdI/AAAAAAAAWWQ/8MsLgOTocgs/s200/Britons%2Bbattle%2BRomans.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4YDvUig_yzY/Vb0C6wsPcdI/AAAAAAAAWWQ/8MsLgOTocgs/s1600/Britons%2Bbattle%2BRomans.jpg)
The British - The "Covenant People"

The word "British" derives from Hebrew, meaning "covenant man (http://www.hope-of-israel.org/AmBritnames.html)". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is Beriyth, and the Hebrew for "man" is Iysh. If we take the Hebrew word which means "covenant," and anglicize it, we come up with "Brit". The term "BRIT-ISH" is literally, in Hebrew, "Covenant Man," or "Man of a Covenant."

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6Qj-UgnYV14/Vb0FaLq7X0I/AAAAAAAAWWg/qB_oC5c4aA4/s200/ancient%2Bwales%2BCeltic%2Bbard.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6Qj-UgnYV14/Vb0FaLq7X0I/AAAAAAAAWWg/qB_oC5c4aA4/s1600/ancient%2Bwales%2BCeltic%2Bbard.jpg)
The Welsh

The people of Wales call themselves, in ancient Welsh, "Bryth y Brithan," which means "Briths of Briton." This means "The Covenanters" of "the land of the Covenant." Much of the Welsh language is identical to ancient Hebrew (http://britam.org/language.html).

External Resources:
1. The Mysterious Tribe of Dan (http://www.hope-of-israel.org/i000035a.htm)
2. The Tribe of Dan are the Danes (Denmark) and the Irish (http://www.british-israel.ca/Dan.htm)
3. Were the Greeks Israelites? (http://www.british-israel.us/28.html)
4. The Spartan Israelites - Early Hebrew Migration to Greece (http://www.israelite.info/research/sourcedocumentsfiles/spartan.html)
5. People of America and Britain are of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (http://www.hope-of-israel.org/AmBritnames.html)
6. The Tribes of the Israelites and ancient Germans (http://senstius.christogenea.org/senstiusenglish)
7. Germany: A branch of Israel (http://www.nordiskisrael.dk/artikler/germany_a_branch_of_israel.htm)
8. The Remnant of Judah Revealed in Germany (http://www.ensignmessage.com/archives/judahremnant.html)
9. Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go? (http://www.friendsofsabbath.org/ABC/HL%20Hoeh%20papers/Where_did_the_twelve_apostles_go_Hoeh.htm)
10. "Israel's Fingerprints" by Bertrand Comparet (http://israelitewatchmen.com/archive/ChurchOfTrueIsrael/comparet/comp4.html)
11. "Historic proof of Israel's Migrations" by Bertrand Comparet (http://israelitewatchmen.com/archive/ChurchOfTrueIsrael/comparet/comp12.html)
12. "The marks of Israel" by Jack Mohr (http://israelect.com/reference/JackMohr/jm050.htm)
13. Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations (http://www.ensignmessage.com/archives/sea.html)
14. The "Diaspora" of lost Israelites (http://assemblyoftrueisrael.com/TruthPage/TheRealDiaspora.html)
15. Old Testament Roots of Norse Mythology (http://www.christianidentitychurch.net/norsemyth.htm)

2nd January 2017, 05:57 PM
Gary Wayne has written a book called "The Genesis 6 Conspiracy". He says the Jews carry the diluted blood line of the Nephilim and he covers the past six thousand years and what he believes is there plan for the Adamic race.

This video is an hour and forty five minutes long but it's very interesting and he puts out a lot of information on subjects I've posted previously in this thread.


3rd January 2017, 07:09 AM
This is another video of only Gary Wayne speaking about his research and speculation paired with photos of sculpture and paintings. I believe this is a better one than the interview I posted above. ^

I disagree with his speculation about Hitler and NS Germany and think he is nieve or has been mislead by Jew propaganda on that subject. This one is a little shorter and puts together what's spoken of in the bible and what's going on with the Jews and secret societies today.

I also think he may not be clear about the difference of the true Israelites and the Jews who claim to be although he does speak about Esau marrying outside of the Adamic race with the descendants of Satan.



3rd January 2017, 12:27 PM
This is another video of only Gary Wayne speaking about his research and speculation paired with photos of sculpture and paintings. I believe this is a better one than the interview I posted above. ^

I disagree with his speculation about Hitler and NS Germany and think he is nieve or has been mislead by Jew propaganda on that subject. This one is a little shorter and puts together what's spoken of in the bible and what's going on with the Jews and secret societies today.

I also think he may not be clear about the difference of the true Israelites and the Jews who claim to be although he does speak about Esau marrying outside of the Adamic race with the descendants of Satan.



Interesting, but the biggest question I have is how the Nephilim supposedly survived the Flood. The primary purpose of the Flood was to cleanse the Earth of them.

I know the bastards are back, but they're not the descendants of the first wave.

3rd January 2017, 05:38 PM
Interesting, but the biggest question I have is how the Nephilim supposedly survived the Flood. The primary purpose of the Flood was to cleanse the Earth of them.

I know the bastards are back, but they're not the descendants of the first wave.

He is pondering that question too and has a couple of ideas but nothing for certain. I've ordered his book so I can study it because there are a lot of his words that have the ring of truth for me.

9th January 2017, 02:44 AM
I've received Gary Waynes book and I've browsed it a little and also his web site where he has excerpts from his book. I don't recommend it after browsing a little because I believe he's a false shepherd that will lead people away from the truth.

He believes Cain is the son of Adam and that goes against what has been taught in articles I've posted in this thread and that have the ring of truth for me.

In the epilogue at the end of his book and in other places he promotes the teaching of Mohamud in the Koran and that's wrong. Mohamud was a murderer, a rapist and pedophile who's god is Satan.

He's done a lot of research but the conclusions he comes to I believe are bullshit that will cause confusion and lead people away from the truth that has been posted in the preceding articles in this thread.

20th February 2017, 06:50 AM
This is a well done video on how Adolf Hitler awoke to the evil nature and behavior of Jews, the children of Satan.

Donald Trump should watch this and listen to these words because his enemies are the same ones Hitler faced.


20th February 2017, 07:49 AM
Words of wisdom by Adolf Hitler spoken in this video on miscegenation/adultery that are promoted by Jews to destroy the pure Adamic race, the creation of God.


6th May 2017, 10:20 PM

9th May 2017, 07:38 PM

Jews and niggers gotta be the ugliest SOB's ever created.

15th May 2017, 03:04 AM
Another video here by Dennis Wise exposing the works of the Jews, the children of satan.


15th May 2017, 07:19 AM
The Jews try to convince people Hitler wasn't christian but I believe his words here are the words of a christian fighting against the children of satan.







13th June 2017, 06:39 AM
A video here on why Adolf Hittler hated the Jews, the children of satan.



17th June 2017, 07:05 PM
Love your people by Julian Lee. I had posted another version of this in this thread but the link to it doesn't work anymore so I'll post it again.



10th August 2017, 08:48 AM
An interesting audio of Bertrand Comparate speaking about the beginning of the adamic race and in the second half about Noah's flood.



9th March 2018, 07:08 AM
A biblical professor, Mark MacLean and Tony Merkle discuss what are the Nephilim, how did they come about and are they around today.


31st March 2018, 07:11 PM

1st April 2018, 06:16 PM

If only this were true. The holohoax never happened. Hitler was a North African Jew. And goblins are all over the place.

1st April 2018, 07:54 PM
The truth is that the Elite Jews and their cohorts have found 'Anti-Semitism' to be extremely useful. So useful that they purposefully inculcated it. As it turns out, the Zionist influence of the upper levels of Masonry split off and formed the Theosophist movement (Madam Blavatsky). This was responsible for the creation of National Socialism. You must understand that the Jews, by and large, did not want to move to Israel. They were quite happy where they were. Life was good. They needed convincing and so did the Goyim. Remember that 'they' created Zionism and as they typically do, they created their own opposition to it. If you want to strengthen something, you must create opposition. This defines it. Without strong definition there can be no strong force. Contrast is everything. Remember also the words of Einstein; "Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a feeling of animosity created in the non-Jew, by the Jew, for the purpose of solidarity."

2nd April 2018, 05:42 PM
The truth is that the Elite Jews and their cohorts have found 'Anti-Semitism' to be extremely useful. So useful that they purposefully inculcated it. As it turns out, the Zionist influence of the upper levels of Masonry split off and formed the Theosophist movement (Madam Blavatsky). This was responsible for the creation of National Socialism. You must understand that the Jews, by and large, did not want to move to Israel. They were quite happy where they were. Life was good. They needed convincing and so did the Goyim. Remember that 'they' created Zionism and as they typically do, they created their own opposition to it. If you want to strengthen something, you must create opposition. This defines it. Without strong definition there can be no strong force. Contrast is everything. Remember also the words of Einstein; "Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a feeling of animosity created in the non-Jew, by the Jew, for the purpose of solidarity."

Yes, jews seek to control both sides in the Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis... so the goyim always lose. If you are a capitalist be a zionist. If you are an anti-zionist, be a communist. Jews get a jewish "state" is the solution, with the support of the communists and capitalists.

"I wonder why no matter what party I vote for, the public always loses... I wonder why".

2nd April 2018, 06:32 PM
Yes, jews seek to control both sides in the Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis... so the goyim always lose. If you are a capitalist be a zionist. If you are an anti-zionist, be a communist. Jews get a jewish "state" is the solution, with the support of the communists and capitalists.

"I wonder why no matter what party I vote for, the public always loses... I wonder why".
They don't 'seek' to control both sides. They create both sides and sit back and watch the shit-show.

17th May 2018, 11:44 AM
Hitler was a North African Jew. And goblins are all over the place.


24th May 2018, 05:54 AM
William Fink interviews Patrick Little and they discuss the evil and treachery of the Jews at this link below.


24th May 2018, 11:23 AM
first saw this at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com but it originated elsewhere; don't know the blogger:

Jack Mullen: Alex Jones Explains it’s Not The Jews Destroying the World (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/jack-mullen-alex-jones-explains-its-not.html)

Jack Mullen (https://thegovernmentrag.wordpress.com/2018/05/04/alex-jones-explains-its-not-the-jews-destroying-the-world/)

[Editor's note: Just as there are good Muslims and bad Muslims (the Wahabis, who behead Infidels who don't share their beliefs and turn their women into sex slaves), there are good Jews and bad Jews and good Christians and bad Christians. This study concerns the bad Jews, who, although a minority among a sea of good Jews, are wreaking havoc on the world--where, unless we recognize and take steps to confront the menace they represent--pose a threat to Western civilization, where Alex Jones, alas, has become their apologist. Everyone needs to understand the gravity of the issues addressed.]

One of the sorriest apologies and attempted deflection of Jewish involvement in the degradation of European/American culture, and the continued assault on the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, especially the second Amendment, was made by Alex Jones in a video he made “explaining” why Jews were so successful (https://www.pscp.tv/w/1jMJgqvekBYKL).

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-94cAzLhYhts/Wu2_AwZkvrI/AAAAAAAAJO0/IZfZTUCw1HsUnUxxPatsgtBl2RxFNCjpACLcBGAs/s400/Alex%2BJones%2Bapologizing%2Bfor%2BJewish%2Bmanipu lation.jpg (https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-94cAzLhYhts/Wu2_AwZkvrI/AAAAAAAAJO0/IZfZTUCw1HsUnUxxPatsgtBl2RxFNCjpACLcBGAs/s1600/Alex%2BJones%2Bapologizing%2Bfor%2BJewish%2Bmanipu lation.jpg)

Jones was commenting on a speech made by Jordan Peterson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Peterson) on the same topic, but in essences it felt like Jones was gatekeeping for his Jewish controllers in light of the fact many Americans are waking up to the deliberate collapse and destruction of their culture and way of life by outside forces.

rest @ http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/05/jack-mullen-alex-jones-explains-its-not.html

26th May 2018, 02:43 AM
I think the above video in the article is worth watching. There are a lot of truths in it... However it omits the Jewish propensity for nepotism, and the collective group think that is very strong within their tribe. Which actually gives us the JEWISH CONSPIRACY, which both Jordan Peterson and Alex Jones tries to divert our attention away from.

26th May 2018, 05:46 AM

3, 2006 ...

Download MP3 File JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_May_17_2018.mp3
2) Streaming Version of MP3 7 meg file using real player ... click on link below (will only play on "real player")
Streaming JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_May_17_2018.mp3 (http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/sh05-17-18-7meg-MP3.ram)

McCanney gives the low-down on google, youtube censorship.

26th May 2018, 02:42 PM
McCanney also guest with fetzer a couple days ago; haven't listened,

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2018.05.24
Today: Guest: James M. McCanney (http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/)

JamesFetzer.blogspot.com (http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/)
The Real Deal Archives (http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/)
Revolution.Radio (https://www.revolution.radio/)

64k CF Download (https://archive.org/download/TheRawDealWithJimFetzer2018.05.24/The%20Raw%20Deal%20With%20Jim%20Fetzer%202018.05.2 4.mp3)

5th June 2018, 03:38 AM

By Scott Stinson
Part 1

In this age of brain-dead media programmed zombies, would it still be possible for the facts to speak? If so, there is something worth saying about the modern "Jewish" race, not written by anti-semites, but by Jews themselves—and where else but in The Jewish Encyclopedia! Please excuse me for being so abrupt, but I had to get your attention. You see, this article is worth reading because it has some facts that you need to know about the authenticity of today's Jewish race. The question that must be asked as well as answered is simple: Are the modern Jews really the descendants of the ancient people of Israel? The source of our information is also quite simple: The Jewish Encyclopedia. Hopefully we will not find any anti-Semitism in the writings of these Jewish scholars. However, the reader should be forewarned. Their articles were written long before the age of mass-media social engineering and do not contain any of the familiar buzz-words common to today's new views. In other words, brace yourself for a factual scientific analysis of the racial origins of the modern Jews. Oh, and should you decide to verify any of these facts, you will find them in your local library in the 1901-1905 edition of The Jewish Encyclopedia. So, please, do read on.

At the turn of the last century there was great interest stirring in the science of anthropology. In the wake of this, Jewish scholarship turned its watchful eye upon itself and began to examine the racial claims that modern Jews make to the ancestral heritage of ancient Israel. The results were startling. The religious community found itself completely alienated by its scientific counterpart. The scientific method was coming face to face with religious traditions and there was a great unsettling in the land. The facts were telling a different story than what had been heard for centuries in the local synagogue. In his article on Purity of Race, Joseph Jacobs relates something of the dilemma that was gripping the Jewish community at this time. He writes: "The question whether the Jews of today are in the main descended from the Jews of Bible times, and from them alone, is still undecided" (Jew. Enc. X (1905), 283). What a startling statement to come from a Jewish scholar and to be printed in The Jewish Encyclopedia! However, scholarship must have its reasons. Let us look further to see what the scientific community had discovered that would warrant such a radical and perplexing statement.

In his article on Purity of Race, Jacobs gives several important facts that were forcing anthropologists of his day to reconsider the modern Jew's racial claims to be Biblical Israel. In the study of craniometry which involves the measurements of the skull, the evidence was clearly mounting against the modern Jews. After extensive samples were taken from a broad spectrum of Jewish groups world-wide. The conclusion was evident. Jacobs writes; "They are predominantly brachycephalic, or broad-headed, while the Semites of Arabic origin are invariably dolichocephalic, or long-headed" (Jew. Enc. X (1905), 284). Simply put, all known Semites have historically been long-headed, but the modern Jews were predominantly round-headed! While Jacobs avoids drawing any personal conclusions, he relates a prevailing view of his time: "Some anthropologist are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited" (Jew. Enc. X (1905), 284). The findings of some anthropologist were leading them to conclude that the modern Jews were not in fact Semites at all. but rather descendants of the ancient Hittites. Jacobs however was personally hesitant to confess that the Jews were not the Jews, simply because of the profound implications it imposed. He also wrote the article on Anthropology and there declared: "Much turns upon the preliminary question whether contemporary Jews are of the same race as those mentioned in the Bible" (Jew. Enc. I (1901), 619). Jacobs obviously realized the implications of the data he was receiving. It suggested the revolutionary idea that the Jews were not in fact the Jews. He again presented the anthropological evidence the cranial measurements of the modern Jews, stating: "Their skulls are mainly brachycephalic; that is, the breadth is generally over 80 per cent of the length. This has been used as an argument against the purity of race, as most Semites—like the Arabs and Syrians—are dolichocephalic, or long-headed" (Jew, Enc. I (1901), 619). Jacobs avoids any personal conclusions. He was the former president of The Jewish Historical Society of England and obviously could not bring himself to break with the great strength of the "Jewish" tradition.

5th June 2018, 03:41 AM
Part 2

But Jacobs was not the only Jewish scholar of his day that was attempting to come to terms with the startling discoveries of his time. After all, it was the talk of the Jewish community. The haunting question persisted, Were the Jews really the Jews? In his article on Craniometry, Jewish scholar Maurice Fishberg provides a more comprehensive treatment of the "Jewish" cranial findings that were turning the Jewish world upside down. Moreover, Fishberg was a licensed medical Doctor and a medical examiner in New York City. He was clearly an expert in his field and eminently qualified to comment on the data at hand. Unlike Jacobs who was tied to the Jewish historical society, Fishberg presents the facts much more objectively. Forthwith, he declares: "As is at present accepted by nearly all anthropologists, the shape of the head is the most stable characteristic of a given race" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 335). The article by Fishberg is thoroughly educational as well as informative. His scientific frame of reference is immediately evident. He includes numerous charts and statistics, a complete inventory of all the cranial data collected on the Jews to date. Fishberg also gives an understanding of some of the basic concepts and terminology. He writes: "The cephalic index is expressed by multiplying the width of the head by 100 and dividing the product by the length ...The broader or rounder the head is, the higher its cephalic index, and vice versa. When the cephalic index is above 80 anthropologist term it 'brachycephalic'; between 75 and 80, 'mesocephalic'; and less than 75, 'dolichocephalic"' (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 333). Dr. Fishberg then proceeds to present all the Jewish cranial findings in classical scientific form. He writes: "Appended is a table of nearly 3,000 Jewish heads, from various countries, measured during the last twenty years" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 333). In the table that follows, there is not one Jewish head that has a cephalic index below 80, and they are taken from a wide variety of countries spread throughout Europe, Russia, and Asia Minor. Fishberg comments on the data: "On an examination of the figures in this table a remarkable uniformity of the cephalic index of the modern Jews will be noticed....nearly 90 per cent are between 81.5 and 83 ...Another remarkable fact is the striking absence of the dolichocephalic type, which is characteristic of all the other modern Semitic races" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 334). Dr. Fishberg also presents a large graphic chart which shows the cephalic indexes of the Jews by percentage. This chart peaks upward at the cephalic index measurement of 82, indicating the average Jewish mean. Fishberg comments on the overall percentage factor: "What is worthy of notice is the small percentage of dolichocephaly—only 1.58 percent—and the large preponderance of brachycephaly, 76.48 per cent" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 334). The Jewish medical examiner also confirms the representative nature of his findings. He states: "The cephalic indexes from which this curve was obtained were those of Jews in various parts of the world" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902L 331). Fishberg then provides a table of cephalic indexes by gender which shows little significant difference. He writes:"There appears no perceptible difference between the cephalic index of Jews and that of Jewesses" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 335). Finally, Fishberg addresses the most obvious and confronting problem with his findings, specifically how they relate to the racial claims of the modern Jews. He writes: "The most important problem suggested by a study of craniometrical results concerning Jews is the relation of the type head of the modern Jews to that of the ancient Hebrews and to the modern Semitic skulls. The pure Semitic skull is dolichocephalic, as may be seen from a study of the heads of modern Arabs, Abyssinians, Syrians . . . . The only way the type of the head may change is by intermixture with other races. If the ancient Hebrews were of the same stock as the modern non-Jewish Semites, and if the modern Jews are their descendants, then a pure dolichocephalic type of head would be expected among the Jews. As has been seen, all results of craniometry prove that the Jews are brachycephalic, and that the dolichocephalic form is only found among them in less than two percent of the cases" (Jew. Enc. IV (1902), 335). Fishberg presents an excellent summary of the problem. If the modern Jews are descendants of the ancient Hebrews and are supposed to be Semites, then dolichocephalic skulls would be expected. However, the exact opposite is true. The Jews are predominantly round-headed. Fishberg provides some other cranial data, but draws no further conclusions. The factual data he presents, however, is some of the most incriminating evidence to have ever been collected against the racial claims of the modern Jews.

Like the shape of the skull, the shape and configuration of the nose is another important racial index that was recognized by anthropologist at the turn of the century. It is also another clear sign against the modern Jew's racial claims to be Biblical Israel. It turns out that the so called "Jewish nose" is not Jewish at all, but rather comes from the ancient Hittites, as do also their round skulls. Dr. Fishberg is also the author of the article on the Nose. On the importance of this area as a racial index, the Jewish medical examiner writes: "The relation of the breadth of the nose to its length, known as the `nasal index,' has been considered one of the best means of distinguishing the various races of mankind" (Jew. Enc. IX (1905), 339). Fishberg proceeds to present a table of the nasal indexes of the modern Jews. Their marked similarity to one another and peculiarity to others again predominates in this table. Joseph Jacobs, in his article on Anthropology, also mentioned the peculiarity of the Jewish nose, stating: "The nose is generally the characteristic feature of the Jews, who have, on the average, the longest (77 ram) and narrowest (34 mm)" (Jew. Enc. I (1901), 619). In attempting to address this peculiarity, Fishberg presents some of the current thinking circulating among the anthropologist of his day. He writes: "Some authors show that this form of nose is not characteristically Semitic, because the modern non-Jewish Semites, particularly such as are supposed to have maintained themselves in a pure state, as the bedouin Arabs, do not possess this characteristic nose at all Their noses are as a rule short, straight, and often 'snub' or concave. Luschan holds that the hook-nose is by no means characteristic of the Semites, and contends that the number of arched noses that are found among the Jews is due to ancient intermixture with the Hittites in Asia Minor. He shows that other races also, as the Armenian, for instance, who have a good portion of Hittite blood in their veins, have hook-noses" (Jew. Enc. IX (1905), 338). Thus, the notorious "Jewish" hook-nose is another clear sign to the true racial origins of the modern Jews.

According to all the racial indicators recognized by leading anthropologist at the turn of the century, the modern Jews have more in common with the ancient Hittites, than with the ancient Israelites. In another early publication written about the same time, this statement is found in the article on the Hittites: "The human type is always brachycephalic [round-headed], with brow receding sharply and long nose making almost one line with the sloping forehead. In the sculptures of the Commagene and the Tyana districts, the nose has a long curving tip, of very Jewish appearance" (Enc. Brit. XIII (1910), 537). It should be evidently now that the round-headed hook-nosed Jews of today have a definite racial connection with the ancient Hittites, remembering or course what Joseph Jacobs wrote: "Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and cuffed noses they appear to have inherited" (Jew. Enc. X (1903), 264). Moreover, a portrait of one of these Hittites taken from a sculptural relief found on the tomb of an Egyptian Pharaoh clearly reveals what looks like a typical modern Jew (Jew. Enc. VI (1904), 427). The resemblance is so startling it is uncanny! In light of this, and all the other scientific evidence, confirmed and verified, it should be enough to convince any rational person that the modern Jews are standing on very shaky ground in their racial claims to be descendants of Biblical Israel. If you don't believe me just read The Jewish Encyclopedia, remembering of course that there is nothing anti- Semitic about it. After all, the Hittites were not Semites at all. hittites.htm[/COLOR]

5th June 2018, 03:54 AM
Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites & Jews

Part 1

In a time when "children" are the big focus in the country, the historical pagan sacrifice of children to Baal becomes relevant.

Baal was the power worshipped by the Canaanites as God. He is the bull god and is represented by a bull. He is half man and half bull, the god of fertility (the Sun God). In Egypt he was known as the Son of the Nile or Ra. He possessed Akhnaton (i.e. he who is pleasing to Aton), the husband of Nefertiti (i.e. possessed by Ashtaroh). Nefertiti was the originator of the Rosicrucians and the Masons. Baal promotes false religion and religious prostitution (as well as shrine prostitutes). J. P. Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom p. 114 (1991).

Moloc was a Canaanite deity associated with human sacrifices. Mainly, child sacrifices. A bronze statue with the head of an ox and body of a man was erected, and infants would be placed in it to burn. Moloch may have been the Baal-Hammon worshiped in the cities of Tyre and Carthage. His name means "the lord of the altar of incense." He was usually shown as an old man with ram's horns, holding a scythe. Moloch was also thought to be the Adrammelech of Jewish legend. An idol form of the sun-god worshipped by the inhabitants of Sepharvaim (2 Kings 17:31), and brought by their colonists into Samaria, Adrammelech was turned into one of the ten archdemons, who appeared in animal forms such as a peacock, mule, horse, or lion.

In Milton's Paradise Lost, Uriel and Raphael vanquish Adrammelech in Book 6, line 3. "Touch of Evil"

Touch of evil
On the faithful bestowed
Burn for Moloch
Sacrificial inferno
Submitting the offspring
Swallowed in flames
Baptismal immolation
Another soul claimed
Hell on earth
The pagan returns
To please the deity
Children shall burn
"Your children are mine
Placate me with them
You worshipped before
You will kneel again."
As the young are scorched
We welcome the end
The lord of the altar of incense unleashed
Apocalypse begins

Ham was persuaded by his consort Naamah, to practice ritual murder and cannibalism. The word "cannibalism" comes from Canaan and the demon god Baal. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 12 (1987). By eating fair-skinned persons, he was told, his descendants would regain their superior qualities. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 11 (1987).

The lands of Israel and southern Syria once formed the empire of the Canaanites and the early Phoenicians: "Archeologists have found evidence of a definite connection between the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, linking them to the Egyptians. The Canaanite pantheon of gods is similar to that of the Eyptians, the Hindus and the Builders." Norman Paulsen, Christ Consciousness p. 354 (1984).

Cain, "who was of that wicked one" (I John 3:12) was the first to use his inherent ability to do evil by killing His half-brother Abel, who was a servant of God. Likewise, the synagogue of Satan uses all manner of evil to harm the people of God, in their quest to take from Israel their God-given birthright. Why do they want this birthright? Because one of their Adamic forefathers sold his birthright to Jacob/Israel for a bowl of soup. Malachi 1:2-3 and Romans 9:13 tell us, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." We read how Esau grieved his parents by marrying into the Canaanite line: "Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: which were a grief of mind to Isaac and to Rebekah . . . and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; and Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, sister of Nebajoth" (Genesis 26:34-35; 36:2-3).

Esau was quite the mongrelizer. Though he was of the Adamic race and the blood of Abraham, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" and he commited genocide by marrying into the bloodline of Canaan, "leavening" his proginy, the Edomites. Gensis 36:8, "Esau is Edom."

The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that "Edom is in Modern Jewry (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/bb980909.htm)". This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: "Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong's Concordance the word Canaan means "trader or merchant" and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham's incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-19).

Owing to the intermarriage of their forefathers with Canaanites, there were probably few Israelites without Phoenician, that is, Serpent's seed blood in their veins. Judges 3:5-6, "The children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites: and they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons, and served their gods". The Jews claimed to be the children of Abraham however that they were not true children of Abraham is certain when they say that they were never in bondage (John 8:32-33).

"Phoenician" is a Greek word connoting "palm tree" and as such does not appear in the Old Testament where the locals call themselves "Canaanites." The name Kennan is preserved on a coin of Laodicea, of the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, whereon Laodicea is styled, "a mother city in Canaan." The Phoenicians or Canaanites were the most powerful of all tribes in Palestine at the time of its invasion by Joshua. In speaking of their own territory as it was before the conquest the Israelites called it, "the land of Canaan." After the conquest the tendency developed to call only the coastal strip and the Jordan Valley the land of Canaan. As late as the second century AD the descendants of the Carthaginians in North Africa called themselves Canaanites. The term "Canaanite" came to denote the member of a Jewish sect who was a zelot or fanatic (Matthew 10:4).

The Phoenicians were the great maritime and commercial people of the ancient world, and pre-eminent in colonization. The Romans transcribed the Greek "phoenix" to "poenus", thus calling the emigres to Carthage "punic." Augustine of Hippo stated that the peasants in his part of Africa, if asked their race, would answer, in Punic or Phoenician, "Canaanites." In Hebrew "canaan" means, "merchant" or "trafficer," "to bend the knee," "bring down low," "humiliate" or "vanquish." Genesis 10:18, "the families of the Canaanites (would be scattered, vanquished, or) spread abroad".

Canaanite, Khazar and Edomite are all names that accurately refer to the majority of people who call themselves "Jews." The name Jew originally meant a resident of Judea regardless of religion or race, and has long since lost any association with a true Judahite. Jesus made this clear in Revelation 2:9, "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not but are a synagogue of Satan." And 3:9, "I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie; indeed I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you".

The Phoenicians spoke a form of Aramaic. It was a Semitic language in common with the Israelites, Tyre, Sidon, Byblos and neighboring towns, and in other areas of the Mediterranean colonized by Phoenician people known as Aramaeans. It was most closely related to Hebrew, Syriac and Moabite which were written in a script derived from the Phoenician alphabet. The earliest Phoenician inscription deciphered dates probably from the 11th century BC; the latest inscription from Phoenicia proper is from the 1st century BC, when the language was already being superseded by Aramaic proper. The language spread to its colonies. In the North African city of Carthage, a later stage of the language, known as Pun (Latin—punica, poenica, Phoenician) which was influenced by the Berber, became the language of the Carthaginian empire. Phoencian survived in use as a vernacular in some of the smaller cities of North Africa at least until the time of St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo (5th century AD) and continued to be used by North African peasants until the 6th century AD. Phoenician words are found in Greek and Latin classical literature as well as in Egyptian, Accadian, and Hebrew writings. The language written in the 22-character alphabet adopted by the Hebrews does not indicate vowels.

In the Babylonian inscriptions the Accadians are called "the black heads" and "the black faces," in contrast to "the white race" of Semitic descent. They lived in southern Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), and worshipped the Trinity as El (or ilu, the father god), Ea (god of the earth and creator of man) and Enlil (the god of the air). The early ilu can be seen as the Canaanite and Assyrian "El" for God, and also in Hebrew such as elohim and "El Shadai." The Sumerians who lived in the same region and date to the same period invented cuneiform writing, but were distinct from the Semitic Accadians, and spoke an unrelated language. Ea was known the Sumerians as "Enki." In Sumerian, En- denotes kingship the way we use "lord" in English. Enki means literally "lord of the earth." The Sumerian word lil can mean "air," "breath," or "spirit." The similarity between this Sumerian and Accadian Trinity and the Holy Spirit of the Roman Catholic form of the same Trinity should be obvious.

The pantheistic religion of the Phoenicians was a constant temptation to polytheism and idolatry. As a great commercial people, the Phoenicians were more generally intelligent and civilized than the inland agricultural population of Palestine. When simple-minded Jews without a revelation, came in contact with this more versatile and, apparently more enlightened people, some would tend to regard their exclusive devotion to the one God somewhat unsocial and morose. In some such way we must account for the astonishing fact that Solomon himself, the wisest man, to whom Jehovah is expressly stated to have appeared twice—once, not long after his marriage with an Egyptian princess, on the night after his sacrificing 1,000 burnt offerings on the high place of Gibeon, and the second time, after the consecration of the Temple—should have been so far beguiled by his wives in his old age as to become a polytheist, worshipping, among other deities, the Phoenician or Sidonian goddess Ashtaroth (I Kings 3:1-5; 9:2; 11:1-5). And probably, according to his own erroneous conceptions, he never ceased to regard himself as a loyal worshipper of Jehovah, but at the same time he deemed this not incompatible with sacrificing at the altars of other gods likewise. Still the fact remains, that Solomon, who by his Temple in its ultimate results did so much for estahlishing the doctrine of one God, died himself a practical polytheist. And if this was the case with him, Polytheism in other sovereigns of inferior excellence can excite no surprise. With such an example before him, it is no wonder that Ahab, an essentially bad man, should after his marriage with a Sidonian princess not only openly tolerate, but encourage, the worship of Baal. Jezebel, built a great temple with three altars, one for each of the Trinity, Baal, Astarte and Molock. And although, before the reformation of Josiah (II Kings 23), polytheism prevailed in Judah as well as Israel, yet it seems to have been more intense and universal in Israel, as might have been expected from its closer proximity to Phoenicia: and Israel is sometimes spoken of as if it had set the bad example to Judah (II Kings 17:19; Jeremiah 3:8).

The Phoenician religion sanctioned the dreadful superstition of burning children as sacrifices to their god. Jeremiah 19:5, "They have also built in the name of the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind." (Also see Jeremiah 32:35). More than 250 years after the death of Jeremiah, the Carthaginians, when their city was besieged by Agathocles, offered as burnt sacrifices to the planet Saturn, at the public expense, 200 boys of the highest aristocracy; and, subsequently, when they had obtained a victory, sacrificed the most beautfful captives in the like manner. Furthermore, parts of the Phoenician religion, especially the worship of Astarte, tended to encourage disoluteness in the relations of the sexes. Connected with her temples and images there were male and female prostitutes, whose polluted gains formed part of the sacred fund appropriated to the service of the goddess. And, notwithstanding positive prohibitions and the repeated denunciations of the Hebrew prophets, previous to the reformation of Josiah, this class of persons was allowed to have houses or tents close to the temple of Jehovah, whose treasury was perhaps even replenished by their gains (II Kings 23:7; Deuteronomy 23:17-18; I Kings 14:24; 15:12; 21:46; Hosea 4:14).

The Canaanites originated the practices of demon-worship, occult rites, child sacrifice and cannibalism. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 8 (1987). They sacrificed children to Molech (a Semitic god). Mike Warnke, Schemes of Satan p. 29 (1991). In Palestine numerous bodies of children were discovered in the foundations of buildings proving without doubt that oblations of this character were common among Canaanites to strengthen the walls of homes and cities. Edwin O. James, Sacrifice and Sacrament, p. 94 (1962). The priests of the Canaanites, to control the populace, claimed that the first-born children were to be sacrificed to their demon gods (Isaiah 57:3-5). They practiced their horrible rites in "groves" or "shrines" where they could "murder children without being seen and punished by the descendents of Shem" Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 24 (1987).

Greece was first colonized by Ophites (or serpent worshippers both from Egypt and Phoenicia). Cadmus was the leader of the Canaanites who fled before the arms of the victorious Joshua (c. 1405BC). Joshua, the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim was the leader of the Israelites in their conquest of the Promised Land. Cadmus was an Egyptian identical to Thoth. According to Herodotus, honey cakes were presented once a month as food to the sacred serpent in the Acropolis at Athens. A live serpent kept there was the guardian of the palace. Athena was a city specially consecrated to Minerva.

At Hazor in Galilee (c. 1300BC) a small Canaanite shrine contained a basalt stele depicting two hands lifted in prayer to a crescent moon. II Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia, p. 1148 (Moody Press 1975). The early Canaanites worshipped the Goddess Ashtoreth (Asherah, Astarte, Attoret, Anath, Elat, Baalat) as their chief divinity. Eleanor Rae & Bernice Marie- Daly, Created In Her Image p. 69 (1990). Around the sacred stone, which represented the goddess Astarte, hundreds of skeletons of human infants were found: "She was the goddess of untrammelled sexual love and first-born children and animals were sacrificed to her." M. Esther Harding, Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern, p. 138 (Shambhala: Boston and Shaftesbury 1990).

After about 1200BC the Canaanites vanished from history to reappear as the Phoenicians. As seemingly harmless merchant folk, they obtained a monopoly over purple dye (phoenikica was the Greek word for purple). Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 25 (1987).

Under pressure from the great empires of the Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Greeks, the Phoenicians migrated to North Africa. They were great trading people, sailing immense cargo galley ships from Asia to Britain. They did not stop at the pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) but sailed as far as 2,500 miles down the coast of Africa. These rich merchants provided funds for a large army and navy which transformed Carthage from a trading post into a great empire.

In the Iron Age, during the first Millennium BC, several small kingdoms prevailed in the area. The Edomites ruled southern Jordan; the Moabites settled in the centre of the country; the Amorites had their capital at Hisban, south of Amman; the Ammonites controlled the area around Amman; and the Kingdom of Gilead reigned in the northern region around the Zerqa River. The Arab Nabataeans established their kingdom in southern Jordan at the end of the 1st Millennium BC, with its secure capital at Petra, but finally succumbed to Roman control in the early 2nd Century AD.

Carthage was founded in 814 or 813BC. "Under the Carthaginians it [Malta] became a semi-independent republic ruled by a high priest and magistrates." R.J.L. Wilkinson, Malta: A Short History and Guide, p. 7 (Undated).

The descendents of Canaan settled Phoenicia or Canaan. Sidon was early celebrated for its textile fabrics and Tyre for its commerce in Purple. The people were the most emminent traders and navigators of antiquity. According to Herodotus, Cambyses ordered his fleet to sail against Carthage, "The Phoenicians, however, refused to go, because of the close bond which connected Phoenicia and Carthage, and the wickedness of making war against their own children." Cambyses did not push the point "because the Phoenicians had taken service under him of their own free will, and his whole naval power was dependent on them."

Hezekiah, king of Judah (c. 715-687BC) led an expurgation of certain Canaanites elements in Israelite religious life (II Kings 18:1; II Chronicles 29:1) removing pagan pillars and high places of worship and destroying the fertility symbolism of the goddess Asherah. The Levites were "sons of the Great Serpent" or Leviathan "the wriggly one." Israel began to regard it as an idol and "burn incense to it." In contempt, Hezekiah called it Nehushtan—a mere piece of brass (II Kings 18:4) and disposed of the bronze serpent which Moses had made.

The worship of Adonis was of Phoenician origin (centered in Byblos and Aphaka). The records of the cult go back to 700BC. It spread to Cyprus, then to Greece. Jessie L. Weston, From Ritual to Romance, p. 42-43 (1957).

Because Judah also followed the corrupted ways of the Edomites and Canaanites, seven years later Judah was taken. This left only a remnant of Israelites in Jerusalem by 700BC. Endnote 40: Shelton Emry, Heirs of the Promise, p.8 (Undated).

In the ritual of exhaltation, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe "is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON." JAH represents Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews. BUL is Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god with "licentious rites of imitative magic." ON is Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld.

The Canaanite political parties included the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes, Assassins, Herodians and Scribes. They were also divided into the Amorites, Hittites, Moabites, Midinites, Philistines, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, Sepharvaims, Perizzites and affiliated tribes. Later the Edomites (descended from Esau) intermarried with the Turks and became known as the Chazars who eventually occupied [present-day] Israel. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 22 (1987).

The last will and testament of Canaan read: "Love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." The Babylonian Talmud says: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth" The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b. These five points have been the modus operadi of the Canaanites for three thousand years. "the Will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre." The instructions are a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem (Genesis 27:39-41).

In extrabiblical sources the term "Kohen" is found in Canaanite inscriptions and in Ugaritic documents. XIII Encyclopedia Judaica, p. 1070 (1971). In the Cabirian rites, the initiates stood under specially prepared sacrificial gratings and were bathed in the blood of sacred bulls. Manly Hall, "Astrology as a Religion," The Best of the Illustrated National Astrological Journal, p.94 (1978).

At all times and at all places the priest has been the "master of sacrifice." A priest's first responsibility is to effect and maintain the bond of communion between man and his God (gods). Edwin O. James, Sacrifice and Sacrament, p. 16 (1962).

A "Kohen" and an Israelite possessed by demons once went to a physician. "The latter prescribed for the Israelite, because 'he was of those who spent the night at graves,' but declared that the Kohen needed no such assistance, being a man of spiritual learning." Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, p.48-49 (Paperback Library 1968).

The rite of consecration of the Kohen (ritual sacrifice priest) was very nearly identical with the normative ritual sacrifice. The Kohen-elect was made to enter a pit beneath the grating used for the altar of sacrifice (the altar of holocaust). Described in Exodus 27. The preferred victim was a boy of Jewish blood—yet girls were used when the supply was high. "Secrets From the Vatican Library," Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas & Hidden History, p. 220 (1993).

Greek and Roman historians did not have much praise for the Carthaginians, considering them mercenary and dishonest. (But the historian Plutarch was a Greek, and the historian Polybius was a friend of Scipio Africanus, who burned Carthage; so there may have been some bias in this reporting).

Carthage was expanding right to the borders of Rome (the western half of Sicily). This expansion added to its wealth the gold of Spain as well as its iron, copper, and silver. The income of Carthage at its peak was twelve times that of Athens. The gods of Carthage were Baal-Haman to whom child sacrifices were offered. Their religions had the worst features of the Canaanite worship. God eventually allowed great devastation to be brought upon Carthage at the hands of the Romans.

480BC — Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, defeats Carthaginian general Hamilcar, at Himera.

260BC — Roman ships defeat Carthaginian ships at Mylae.

The First Punic War (264BC) was fought at sea, where the Carthaginians had the advantage, being great seamen. The wealthy citizens of Rome, however, put together an army of 60,000 men and 200 ships with private funds. The dry land soldiers practiced long and hard to learn how to row the huge quinqueremes (five ranks of oars on each wide) and to conduct combat aboard ship. The Carthaginians were resting in the successes of Hamilcar Barca and did not build their forces. The Roman armada, sailing secretly, defeated the Carthaginian fleet at the Aegadian Islands off the west coast of Sicily. Carthage was forced to sue for peace and paid heavy reparations to Rome.

256BC — Roman ships defeat Carthaginian ships at Cape Ecnomus.

241BC — Roman ships defeat Carthaginian ships off the Aegadian Isles.

218BC — Second Punic War; Carthaginian general Hannibal defeats Roman armies three times in Italy; finally defeated by Scipio Africanus in North Africa in 201BC.

219BC — Hannibal captures Saguntum in Spain.

217BC — Hannibal crosses Alps from Gaul into Italy. Prince Cheng, founder of the Ch'in Dynasty (from which the name "China" is taken), unifies China and takes the title of Shih Hwang-ti (First Emperor). Shih Hwang-ti builds much of the Great Wall of China, and a network of roads and canals that converge on his capitol, near modern Sian, Shensi province.

216BC — Hannibal defeats Roman army at Cannae.

214BC — Roman General Marcus Claudius Marcellus besieges Syracuse, which is allied with Carthage. War machines designed by Greek mathematician Archimedes devastate Roman war ships. The siege fails and the blockade begins.

212 BC — Marcellus attacks Syracuse and gains the city. He gives his soldiers one day's leave to loot the city. A Roman soldier runs Archimedes through with a sword.

202BC — Hannibal defeated at Zama.

149BC — Third Punic War; Carthage destroyed by Scipio Aemilianus (146).

146BC — Roman general Scipio Africanus Minor captures and razes Carthage, enslaves inhabitants. The city ceases to exist.

146BC — After several wars against the Macedonian kings Rome takes over Greece. Rome now unchallenged ruler of most Mediterranean countries.

5th June 2018, 03:58 AM
Part 2

It was a member of the Edomite progeny who first sought to kill our Lord. Matthew 2:16 records how Herod the Idumean (Edomite) had all the Israelite children two years and younger slain that in so doing he might also kill the baby Messiah. Jesus would not live in Judea, "for fear of the Jews" (John 7:1).

Luke 11:14, "Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute. When the demon left, the man who had been mute spoke, and the crowd was amazed." The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the prince of demons, Beelzebub. Baalzebub, "lord of the flies", was the Philistine god of Accaron (Ekron), 25 miles west of Jerusalem. King Ahaziah attempted to consult its oracle in his last illness (II Kings 1:2). Beelzeboul and Beezebou preserve the name of an old Canaanite god, meaning "Baal, the Prince" or "Baal of the Exalted Abode." Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Gospel According to Luke (X-XXIV), p. 920. When they said of Jesus that "an unclean spirit is within him. Jesus said: I tell you solemnly, all men's sins will be forgiven, all their blasphemies; but let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness; he is guilty of an eternal sin" (Mark 3:28-30).

Grolier's Academic American Encyclopedia tells us that the Mongols were a people who "For nearly two centuries . . . raided, invaded, conquered, and destroyed many more highly developed countries and peoples." Of the Khazars we read: "The Khazars, a Turkic people, created a commercial and political empire that dominated substantial parts of South Russia during much of the 7th through 10th centuries. During the 8th century the Khazar aristocracy and the kagan (king) were converted to Judaism . . . The Khazars controlled many of the trade routes to the Orient." The synagogue of Satan has perpetuated the traits of their forebears by maintaining control of trade which is one of the methods they use to continue in their quest to overthrow "more highly developed countries and peoples".

That this group of people is genetically linked to the Khazars and Mongols (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/black.htm) is well-proven and even admitted by Jews themselves. Ashkenazim Jew Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe (http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/13trindx.htm) Random House, Inc. (1976) gives abundant proof of this. The 1925 edition of The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 15, p. 292) has this to say about the Khazars: "CHAZARS: a people of Turkish origin whose life and history is interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews in Russia." Before it became politically incorrect to discuss such things, the 1952 edition of the American People's Encyclopedia says of the Khazar/Mongol/Turk connection to the Jews: "In the year 740 the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were cursed by the incoming Slavic-speaking people and scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews".

Television programming such as Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and others which showed Christian families as loving, caring people led by the man of the house have been replaced by shows such as Fox's Married . . . with Children and the neo-feminist Who's the Boss? Such shows feature dysfunctional families led by women, with children who are disrespectful and disobedient. The role of the father has been relegated to the trash heap as something of the past, no longer needed for the 21st century. Instead of "Father Knows Best," now it's Father is a Complete and Utter Moron, with all thanks due to Jewish media moguls who write, direct, produce, star in and market these abominable productions. Indeed, the synagogue of satan is hard at work discrediting and defaming the white Christians of this land and worldwide. It is interesting to note that the word 'mogul' which we used above to describe this people is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as: "2. A Mongol or Mongolian. 3. mogul. A very rich or powerful person; a magnate." The very word which has come to mean someone with vast wealth and power originally meant someone of the Mongol tribes of Asia. Interestingly enough, those people today who possess the wealth and power are direct descendants of the Mongolian peoples, who later mixed with the Khazars, a branch of the Turks.

The Khazars are Serpent's seed who converted to Judaism in AD740. The Maccabean leadership was replaced by the descendants of traditional enemies of the Jewish people, namely the converted Edomites, Herod and his family. The Ashkenazim developed the idea of Political Zionism.

The Sephardim were forced out of Spain after the inaguuration of the inquisition in 1840. The name "Sephard" is derived from a city in Asia Minor, where exiles from Jerusalem settled after the destruction of the first temple in 586BC (Obadiah 20). They speak Ladino, a mixture of Spanish and Hebrew and settled in Spain, Portugal, the Eastern Mediterranean, Italy, the Balkans, Salonica and Macedonia.

In Holland, where so many of the better off and the intelligentsia had fled, "the phoenix was adopted as the symbol of the elite Sephardic Jews, representing their rise from the ashes of the inquisition." On the front of the Great Seal the eagle has a small tuft at the back of the head. This indicates a hybrid combination of an eagle and the mythical phoenix. The New York Excelsior coin of 1787 shows a thin, long-necked, crested profile of the phoenix. The phoenix was one of the most familiar symbols of both the Egyptian and Atlantean cultures. It serves primarily as a symbol of Atlantis reborn in America.

By 1600, the Dutch manned 1,000 ships, and were the world's leading power in maritime commerce. In 1609 the great Bank of Amsterdam was established, an event which probably should be considered as "ground zero" for the modern Western financial system. Deposits were guaranteed by the government. The bank's solvency was unrivalled, a welcome development after the plethora of debased and varying monetary units which had characterized the sixteenth century economy. The Bank's florin became the standard unit of European currency. Checks could be written against bank accounts. Sephardic resources and expertise certainly played a role in forming this great bank, as they did later in the seventeenth century when a group of Dutch financiers, many of them conversos, agreed to hold British bonds in return for the ability to operate a bank similar to the Bank of Amsterdam. This second great European bank, the Bank of England, was thus formed in 1694. In both banks, Sephardic investments were significant, but not exclusive. Above all, the Banks were obviously sponsored by national regimes and Christian upper-classes, which benefitted greatly.

In 1779 Herz married "the young and dazzling" Henrietta de Lemos, daughter of a physician of Sephardic descent. Their home became "a center of Berlin high society" but Mendelssohn died before "the salon of the tragic muse stood in full bloom" Antelmann, Mendelsohn, the head of Jewish Illuminism (Haskala), p. 349.Mendelssohn cooperated with Weishaupt and other leaders of secret societies. Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, p.185 (1933). Mendelssohn trained disciples for the French Revolution. Antelman, p. 72.

On Yom Kippur Eve, 1779, Washington's soldiers, unpaid for months, were at a point of mutiny before a battle: "At last a desperate Washington sent a messanger on horseback through the night to Philadelphia with instructions to obtain, from Haym Salomon, a loan of $400,000, an enormous sum in those days, to pay and provision his troops. The messenger found Salomon in the synagogue, and a hasty whispered conference took place. Salomon rose and quickly moved about the synagogue, collecting certain friends. A small group left together, and that night the money was raised. Did Haym Salomon himself contribute $240,000 of the money? So the legend, perpetuated in many accounts, insists." [Endnote 2238: Stephen Birmingham, The Grandees, p. 152-153 (1971). Haym Salomon was in Philadelphia. Ibid. p. 145. He was a member of two Sephardic congregations (Shearith Israel in New York and later Mikveh Israel in Philidelphia). Ibid. p. 147-148.

A planned massing of French and Spanish troops in Mexico was stopped when the Czar of Russia dispatched two fleets to the US. James Rothschild was left without his anticipated empire in Mexico: "Because of these good offices on behalf of the union, the Czar was later murdered by Rothschild agents, and Russia was condemned to be turned over to the atrocities of the demonic Canaanite revolutionaries" Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, p. 158 (1987).

The Baruch family was one of the great Sephardic families of New York. Our Crowd, p. 42 (1967).

Class differences were an integral part of this new Feudal system. When the call went out to Jews all around the globe to come to Israel to help establish the country, some of the first to arrive were Jews of African and Arabic origins who are referred to as Sephardic Jews. In later years, as more of the Ashkenazic Jews (of European stock) arrived, many Sephardic Jews, who had served as Israel's pioneers, were forced to give up their homes to the Ashkenazim who consider themselves to be superior to those of Moroccan or Ethiopian heritage.

Explosive new evidence has come to light—in part, from dozens of reopened graves—suggesting that the sort of mass atrocities Zionist propaganda has blamed on Germany since the 1940s were, in reality, planned and perpetrated, not by any of Europe's nationalist leaders, but by the government of Israel. Thousands of small children belonging to Sephardic (Oriental) Jewish immigrants were seized—often wrenched from the arms of their mothers—on arrival in the ministate in the 1950s and 1960s, a year-long investigation by international refugee administrators has reported.

The children were bundled into trucks and driven off by armed guards. Some were subsequently used in inhuman medical experiments. Others were forcibly relocated and placed in the custody of "superior" European Jewish foster families.

"It's a bombshell of a scandal and it has set Israeli society afire" said Jurgen Liedke, an International Red Cross refugee administrator who has returned recently from a stint in the Middle East. "At first the government just flatly denied the whole thing," he added. "But then a witness from their own ranks stood up and confessed. What he said was more shattering than any suicide bombing."

The witness, identified as Ami Hovev, a former Israeli immigration inspector, told the influential Tel Aviv daily newspaper [I]Yediot Ahronot that "hundreds, perhaps thousands" of children (http://www.jewwatch.com/jew-genocide-ringworm-children.html) from immigrant Yemenite Jewish families were "taken away" by the authorities. Their parents never saw them again.

Hovev, who also participated in a recent internal investigation into the fate of the kidnapped children, admitted that a "substantial number" of them were secretly consigned for "unmerciful" medical experiments and then buried in lime pits. "I know that they [Israeli physicians in state hospitals] conducted experiments on living [Sephardic (http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/458044.html)] children, extracting phosphorus and bone marrow from the spinal cord," Hovev declared on Israeli TV. The scandals drew reactions of horror and apprehension from the ministate's neighbors. "At last we're seeing the real Israel," wrote Lebanese columnist Emanuel Khouri. "To think that a people capable of such crimes against humanity now also have atomic weapons is terrifying."

The poor and often barely literate Sephardic Jewish immigrants (http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/03/194660.php) from nations such as Yemen, whose young were seized, were told by Israeli officials that, under standing immigration regulations, it was necessary to hospitalize underage arrivals from the East briefly for "tests" and "examination (http://www.ummah.net/forum/archive/index.php/t-77556.html)."

But once taken, the children never returned. All the families received was an official notice that their child had died in the hospital. Now, the Yemenite Jewish community, led by a militant rabbi of its own, is in revolt. Scores of graves dating back to the 1950s and 1960s have been recently dug up at their demand. "Most were found empty," Liedke said.

The children supposedly buried in them had been entrusted, under false names, to European Jewish families who were, in the view of the Israeli government, "superior" to the children's own poverty-stricken parents.

Although the scandal has generated banner headlines throughout the Middle East, in the United States, press coverage has been almost nil. (The Spotlight, April 1st 1996. * 300 Independence Ave SE., Washington, DC. 20003. USA).

Thousands of unauthorised and often illegal experiments on small children and geriatric and psychiatric patients (http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,1481159,00.html) in Israeli hospitals were still being conducted as recently as 2001. See the film, The Ringworm Children (http://www.filmbaby.com/films/964).

S.C.J. FAQ Section 13.3.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Soc.Culture.Jewish

Section 13. Jews as a Nation

Where did the Beita Yisrael (Falashas) come from? First off, know that "Falasha" (Amharic for "stranger") is considered very derogatory. Just say "Ethiopian Jew" if you can't remember "Beita Yisrael." Older reference books will probably list them under "Falasha," i.e. the 1972 article in the Encyclopaedia Judaica.

Their own legends date them back to Shlomo ha-melech [King Solomon], and ascribe their origin to the tribe of Dan. Rappoport, The Lost Jews.

Researchers also think some of the defeated Yemenite Jews from the Abu Duwas Jewish Kingdom came to Ethiopia, and that some Elephantine Jews migrated south from Egypt. Another Ethiopian legend has one of Moses' sons migrating South and establishing a Hebrew community before King Solomon. © 1993-1995 Daniel P. Faigin . edomites.htm


5th June 2018, 04:13 AM

5th June 2018, 04:16 AM

15th June 2018, 06:51 AM

15th June 2018, 10:09 AM

I think the Jews gave us Christianity (turn the other cheek) so they could rape and pillage us.

My Viking forebears taught their children trickery and deceit as a means to keep them safe. Then they learned all they had to do to be safe was to believe in JC.

19th June 2018, 03:56 PM


19th June 2018, 04:01 PM
I think the Jews gave us Christianity (turn the other cheek) so they could rape and pillage us.

The Jews got a hold of the ancient Hebrew texts and twisted them to suit their evil plans and nature. The christianity promoted now misleads people. Mark Downey gave a good account of how the Jews infiltrated and screwed up christianity at this link.


19th June 2018, 11:30 PM
The Jews got a hold of the ancient Hebrew texts and twisted them to suit their evil plans and nature. The christianity promoted now misleads people. Mark Downey gave a good account of how the Jews infiltrated and screwed up christianity at this link.


I am totally on board with Christian morals and Christian ways within a Christian Society, but as soon as you let Jewish scumbags live amongst your group they will seek to corrupt and take advantage of your good will.
Same goes for any other outside group, Islam especially.

There is a tale told by a Dane about the paratroopers allowed to corrupt Danish society.

http://www.thedodo.info/The%20Dodo/The_Dodo1_Antisemitism_in_Denmark_Harald_Nielsen_o n_Jewish_Deception.html

Danish author Harald Nielsen in his article PARATROOPERS from 1943:

"But then, one may ask, where is the difference, where is that difference, that makes Jews unfit to be the guide of Danes and vice versa. Where is that, which makes the results from the activities of a Jewish race or from a Danish-Jewish race different from those, that come from a pure Danish population? Is it not, when everything is added up, just imagination, prejudice? We are all human beings, some good and some bad, some smart and some stupid – why make bones about something that means nothing?

No, in the short run it means nothing, that is quite right – but in the long run! And is that not exactly the point here? If one is sailing in waters, where there is land on both sides, f.ex. Oresund, then of course it isn't strictly necessary to have a compass on board – and the tediousness of daily life can be likened to such waters, where the difference between Jew and non-Jew are of no consequence and will not be, but out on the great oceans one cannot dispense with a compass and the national life, through centuries, is such an ocean, where a nation cannot navigate safely, if it is not guided by its own compass, by its own instincts, by its own nature.

Humanism or not – against a background like this the question appears very different than when it was judged under the outrageous impression of a picture. Seen in its own perspective the question is, whether it is humane to demand that foreign paratroopers wear uniform and whether it is inhumane to shoot them, if they do not. The Jews are, seen tactically, paratroopers scattered out among the populations in the countries, where they dwell, enjoying all of the advantages that come from being able to move about undisturbed and unnoticed. If one were to imagine any other power being similarly favoured, it would not need to fire one single shot in order to conquer the territory, it had occupied. Why use violence, if one can - in peace and quiet, and with the assistance of the natives - occupy all of the central posts, usurp all power and cut all connections, that may be in the way of one's own plans?

That is, what the paratroops have achieved, not just undisturbed by the unsuspecting natives, but under their protection. If one or more of them become suspicious and sound the alarm, then their countrymen will, motivated by the noblest of feelings, surround the innocently accused. It will not be the Jews, who risk being lynched, but the evil persons, who dared throw suspicion on such excellent and much respected countrymen.

For having captured the power and influence they have at the same time captured the power to determine, who is a good citizen and patriot. Like in an oldfashioned metamorphosis play the roles will be completely reversed. It will be those, who have the most sense of belonging to their people and the most responsibility for its future, that will be set out and exiled in their own country, whilst those, who have neither history nor nature in common with it, will speak on their behalf. Do they not already have the most prestigious positions, are they not already sons-in-law and friends, employers and business partners? How can one then contest their right to that? And what use would it be to try? If their countrymen should get an inkling, that those sounding the alarm might be right, they will therefore try to avoid recognizing this with all kinds of excuses. Anyone can then become a traitor to his own nationality in order to please those, who have conquered his country from within rather than exposing himself to their anger. Eyes that look the other way, embarrassed smiles and shrugging of shoulders will meet those, who dare do their duty for their country, and reveal, that the persons know very well, that he is right, but that they prefer to remain ignorant. One can alway rely on humanism if all other excuses should fail and one is ready to protect this "humanism" by ruthlessly sacrificing those, who have the audacity to see through the true nature of the situation and who say out loud for whom protection is mobilized. Countrymen in the service of Jews will become executioner's assistants towards countrymen.

Nationality which is continually spoken of, will become a plaything for the interests of the Jews and will gradually loose its contents. For if it is unimportant, whether it is an oriental or a nordic race, that has the last word concerning the future of the people, and if it is unimportant, if it is Jewish or non-Jewish taste, that determines its culture, then there is not much reason to take anything concerning its existence seriously and as one has put oneself in the situation, that one cannot defend one's most vital interests without placing oneself in a unfavorable light, which one is afraid to do, in such a people there will be nothing left except to state the facts, outline the course of events and point out the consequences. (read rest of article...., see index)

20th June 2018, 05:45 AM
I am totally on board with Christian morals and Christian ways within a Christian Society, but as soon as you let Jewish scumbags live amongst your group they will seek to corrupt and take advantage of your good will.
Same goes for any other outside group, Islam especially.

There is a tale told by a Dane about the paratroopers allowed to corrupt Danish society.

http://www.thedodo.info/The%20Dodo/The_Dodo1_Antisemitism_in_Denmark_Harald_Nielsen_o n_Jewish_Deception.html

Danish author Harald Nielsen in his article PARATROOPERS from 1943:

"But then, one may ask, where is the difference, where is that difference, that makes Jews unfit to be the guide of Danes and vice versa. Where is that, which makes the results from the activities of a Jewish race or from a Danish-Jewish race different from those, that come from a pure Danish population? Is it not, when everything is added up, just imagination, prejudice? We are all human beings, some good and some bad, some smart and some stupid – why make bones about something that means nothing?

No, in the short run it means nothing, that is quite right – but in the long run! And is that not exactly the point here? If one is sailing in waters, where there is land on both sides, f.ex. Oresund, then of course it isn't strictly necessary to have a compass on board – and the tediousness of daily life can be likened to such waters, where the difference between Jew and non-Jew are of no consequence and will not be, but out on the great oceans one cannot dispense with a compass and the national life, through centuries, is such an ocean, where a nation cannot navigate safely, if it is not guided by its own compass, by its own instincts, by its own nature.

Humanism or not – against a background like this the question appears very different than when it was judged under the outrageous impression of a picture. Seen in its own perspective the question is, whether it is humane to demand that foreign paratroopers wear uniform and whether it is inhumane to shoot them, if they do not. The Jews are, seen tactically, paratroopers scattered out among the populations in the countries, where they dwell, enjoying all of the advantages that come from being able to move about undisturbed and unnoticed. If one were to imagine any other power being similarly favoured, it would not need to fire one single shot in order to conquer the territory, it had occupied. Why use violence, if one can - in peace and quiet, and with the assistance of the natives - occupy all of the central posts, usurp all power and cut all connections, that may be in the way of one's own plans?

That is, what the paratroops have achieved, not just undisturbed by the unsuspecting natives, but under their protection. If one or more of them become suspicious and sound the alarm, then their countrymen will, motivated by the noblest of feelings, surround the innocently accused. It will not be the Jews, who risk being lynched, but the evil persons, who dared throw suspicion on such excellent and much respected countrymen.
From 1943. Very interesting.....

20th June 2018, 06:20 AM
From 1943. Very interesting.....

The jews have used the same tactics for centuries so I'm not at all surprised nothing has really changed

20th June 2018, 08:13 PM
I am totally on board with Christian morals and Christian ways within a Christian Society, but as soon as you let Jewish scumbags live amongst your group they will seek to corrupt and take advantage of your good will.
Same goes for any other outside group, Islam especially.

I agree and they should not live among us. In Genesis 3:15 God said he would put enmity/hatred between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent and I have a full measure of that hatred for the seed of the serpent.

21st June 2018, 07:03 AM
There is a two part article by Lasha Darkmoon that is old but good. Nothing has changed since it was written but it has only grown worse.

Part 1. https://www.darkmoon.me/2011/america-vanquished-part-1-america-as-an-israeli-colony/

Part 2. https://www.darkmoon.me/2011/america-vanquished-part-2-america-under-jewish-rule-by-dr-lasha-darkmoon/

An excerpt from part 1

The days of wine and roses are over. The American Dream is dead. Like Germany and Russia before it, America lies vanquished.

https://www.darkmoon.me/uploads/Rabbi-Rabbinovich1.jpg (https://www.darkmoon.me/uploads/Rabbi-Rabbinovich1.jpg)


“The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (http://www.rense.com/general45/full.htm).” — Rabbi Emmanuel Rabbinovich, speech delivered at a special conference of European rabbis in Budapest, January 12, 1952

21st June 2018, 12:08 PM
There is a two part article by Lasha Darkmoon that is old but good. Nothing has changed since it was written but has only grown worse.

The "optimistic view" of the Q-anon phenom is that white hat mil/intel are working behind the scenes, in stages, to overthrow the (((deep state))). Supposedly ~35K sealed indictments presently; off the charts vs any historical norms.

But nothing Q's posted has suggested the dinjoo-nuffin element is in the crosshairs; and POTUS moves like US Emb move to Jerusalem which was grabbed illegally in izzy's 6-day "preemptive war" in 1967; and the recent US withdrawal from UNHRC coz of "anti-izzy bias"; and the 2x bombing of Syria both pretexted by obvious FFs; & the continued vilification of Iran-- all of this for greater izzy-- all Q's posted re these events have been supportive.

Only mention of izzy directly was in response to an anon who asked,

What about Awan.
Is Israel involved?

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

^ not very telling... and Q's drops re everything else greater-izzy/mideast related suggest (((they & their nefarious ambitions))) are "safe." :(

21st June 2018, 12:58 PM
The "optimistic view" of the Q-anon phenom is that white hat mil/intel are working behind the scenes, in stages, to overthrow the (((deep state))). Supposedly ~35K sealed indictments presently; off the charts vs any historical norms.

But nothing Q's posted has suggested the dinjoo-nuffin element is in the crosshairs; and POTUS moves like US Emb move to Jerusalem which was grabbed illegally in izzy's 6-day "preemptive war" in 1967; and the recent US withdrawal from UNHRC coz of "anti-izzy bias"; and the 2x bombing of Syria both pretexted by obvious FFs; & the continued vilification of Iran-- all of this for greater izzy-- all Q's posted re these events have been supportive.

Only mention of izzy directly was in response to an anon who asked,

What about Awan.
Is Israel involved?

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

^ not very telling... and Q's drops re everything else greater-izzy/mideast related suggest (((they & their nefarious ambitions))) are "safe." :(

Shami has the key to Q together with some of his autistic troll buddies at 4chan

21st June 2018, 02:30 PM
Shami has the key to Q together with some of his autistic troll buddies at 4chan

IOW Shami LARPed you, by feeding you what you want to believe re Q... as much as Shami would love to be so self-important, even if fraudulently. :rolleyes:


real Q's scraped from 8ch.net https://qanon.pub/?

yest in Duluth MN:

https://qanon.pub/data/images/7d66f3e3f44d7dd19205f4c157809d2d7cdb42d38ce4bd50eb a04e9bb70ab232.png

21st June 2018, 03:07 PM
IOW Shami LARPed you, by feeding you what you want to believe re Q... as much as Shami would love to be so self-important, even if fraudulently. :rolleyes:


real Q's scraped from 8ch.net https://qanon.pub/?

yest in Duluth MN:

https://qanon.pub/data/images/7d66f3e3f44d7dd19205f4c157809d2d7cdb42d38ce4bd50eb a04e9bb70ab232.png

Mmm yeah it seems so...

21st June 2018, 03:47 PM
Mmm yeah it seems so...

So we'll be seeing you in a


tshirt (https://mobile.twitter.com/Q_ANONBaby/status/1009614122642825217/photo/1) then? I'll sell U one for $200.

Spendy I know; 20x markup from my cost but it's a "...first on your block" thing U understand. :cool:


midnight rambler
21st June 2018, 05:13 PM
Supposedly ~35K sealed indictments presently


When will that ~35k turn into 45k, then 65k, then 85k, then 105k, then...?

Continuing to drink that Q Kook-Aid makes you Q faggots more and more daft and willing to believe ANYTHING, NO MATTER HOW OUTLANDISH.

21st June 2018, 06:32 PM

When will that ~35k turn into 45k, then 65k, then 85k, then 105k, then...?

Continuing to drink that Q Kook-Aid makes you Q faggots more and more daft and willing to believe ANYTHING, NO MATTER HOW OUTLANDISH.

Hillary may not even be hiding her cankle monitor behind that ankle brace... LOL

21st June 2018, 09:20 PM
Continuing to drink that Q Kook-Aid makes you Q faggots more and more daft and willing to believe ANYTHING, NO MATTER HOW OUTLANDISH.

^ you forgot the trusty "nut job conspiracy theory" epithet. :cool:

You Qproofs (https://www.qproofs.com/)-denier faggots trying so hard to tow the (((fakestream media + fake alt-media (AJ, Vice, BuzzFeed, DailyBeast etc)))) line, are gonna feel awfully daft & so past The Point of No Return (http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/noreturn.html) wrt your (((fake news))) worship, you'll be widely viewed as village idiots as the Q Storm progresses. :)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d679a No.1814067 (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1813832.html#1814067)  (https://archive.today/newest/https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1813832.html#1814067)
Jun 19 2018 11:54:59 (EST) (https://qanon.pub/?#t1529427299)
Why so much attention?
https://amp.thedailybeast.com/qanon-the-crazy-pro-trump-conspiracy-melts-down-over-oig-report?__twitter_impression=true (https://archive.today/newest/https://amp.thedailybeast.com/qanon-the-crazy-pro-trump-conspiracy-melts-down-over-oig-report?__twitter_impression=true)
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ywex8v/what-is-qanon-conspiracy-theory (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ywex8v/what-is-qanon-conspiracy-theory)

Q !4pRcUA0lBE No.80 (https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#80)  (https://archive.today/newest/https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#80)
May 14 2018 11:06:36 (EST) (https://qanon.pub/?#t1526313996)
http://nymag.com/selectall/2017/12/qanon-4chan-the-storm-conspiracy-explained.html (https://archive.today/newest/http://nymag.com/selectall/2017/12/qanon-4chan-the-storm-conspiracy-explained.html)
https://harpers.org/archive/2018/06/the-wizard-of-q/ (https://archive.today/newest/https://harpers.org/archive/2018/06/the-wizard-of-q/)
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/06/opinion/qanon-trump-conspiracy-theory.html (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/06/opinion/qanon-trump-conspiracy-theory.html)
https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/the-conspiracy-theory-that-says-trump-is-a-genius/ (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/the-conspiracy-theory-that-says-trump-is-a-genius/)
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/conspiracy-theory-donald-trump-genius-hilary-clinton-roseanne-barr-barack-obama-george-soros-america-a8293806.html (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/conspiracy-theory-donald-trump-genius-hilary-clinton-roseanne-barr-barack-obama-george-soros-america-a8293806.html)
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2018/04/06/the_conspiracy_theory_that_says_trump_is_a_genius_ 439119.html (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.realclearpolitics.com/2018/04/06/the_conspiracy_theory_that_says_trump_is_a_genius_ 439119.html)
http://metro.co.uk/2018/04/09/people-claiming-trump-secret-genius-pretending-collude-russians-7452136/ (https://archive.today/newest/http://metro.co.uk/2018/04/09/people-claiming-trump-secret-genius-pretending-collude-russians-7452136/)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/03/31/the-conspiracy-theory-behind-a-curious-roseanne-barr-tweet-explained/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0a5319532879 (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/03/31/the-conspiracy-theory-behind-a-curious-roseanne-barr-tweet-explained/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0a5319532879)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/04/09/the-crisis-in-journalism-thats-helping-trump/?utm_term=.b303dbe749fd (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/04/09/the-crisis-in-journalism-thats-helping-trump/?utm_term=.b303dbe749fd)
http://www.newsweek.com/how-storm-biggest-fake-news-story-796725 (https://archive.today/newest/http://www.newsweek.com/how-storm-biggest-fake-news-story-796725)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSAxcQ5VL5c (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSAxcQ5VL5c)
https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/31/politics/roseanne-barr-conspiracy-tweets/index.html (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/31/politics/roseanne-barr-conspiracy-tweets/index.html)
https://thinkprogress.org/rosanne-barr-promotes-pro-trump-conspiracy-theory-d52a65887183/ (https://archive.today/newest/https://thinkprogress.org/rosanne-barr-promotes-pro-trump-conspiracy-theory-d52a65887183/)
http://www.newsweek.com/roseanne-barr-tweets-about-right-wing-qanon-conspiracy-theory-867983 (https://archive.today/newest/http://www.newsweek.com/roseanne-barr-tweets-about-right-wing-qanon-conspiracy-theory-867983)
https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliareinstein/roseanne-qanon-explainer?utm_term=.kkxvYjNeP#.nqg3P8mw7 (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliareinstein/roseanne-qanon-explainer?utm_term=.kkxvYjNeP#.nqg3P8mw7)
https://medium.com/@willsommer/roseanne-barr-is-tweeting-about-qanon-a-new-pizzagate-style-conspiracy-theory-234526f52e54 (https://archive.today/newest/https://medium.com/@willsommer/roseanne-barr-is-tweeting-about-qanon-a-new-pizzagate-style-conspiracy-theory-234526f52e54)
http://thehill.com/homenews/media/381123-roseanne-barr-faces-social-media-backlash-over-trump-conspiracy-theory-tweet (https://archive.today/newest/http://thehill.com/homenews/media/381123-roseanne-barr-faces-social-media-backlash-over-trump-conspiracy-theory-tweet)
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/roseanne-president-trump-has-freed-children-pimps-all-world-1098812 (https://archive.today/newest/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/roseanne-president-trump-has-freed-children-pimps-all-world-1098812)
All For A LARP?
Ask yourself, WHY?

23rd June 2018, 05:36 PM


10th July 2018, 08:14 PM
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.place4free.com%2FWatamula%2FAs sets_Watamula2%2FHitler26.jpg&f=1


midnight rambler
10th July 2018, 09:41 PM
That can't be Mayer Amschel Rothschild since photography had not been invented yet in 1812.


12th July 2018, 11:29 AM
It’s not particularly likely that Pike said that either, as he died in 1892, and Zionism didn’t really establish itself as a political movement until 1897...

13th July 2018, 03:12 AM
That can't be Mayer Amschel Rothschild since photography had not been invented yet in 1812.

You're probably right about that.


13th July 2018, 03:28 AM
It’s not particularly likely that Pike said that either, as he died in 1892, and Zionism didn’t really establish itself as a political movement until 1897...

Albert Pike was SOB and there is a lot of information about him from a lot of sources. Here's a link to an article at Bible believers and the quote above.


A quote from the article. "Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order."

13th July 2018, 06:41 AM
Albert Pike was SOB and there is a lot of information about him from a lot of sources. Here's a link to an article at Bible believers and the quote above.


A quote from the article. "Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order."

I read about it a few years ago, and I came to the conclusion that it was a much later forgery after researching it. Just because something is repeated doesnt necessarily make it true...

13th July 2018, 07:56 AM
Just becquerel something is repeated doesnt necessarily make it true...

Whether he said it or not doesn't make him any less of satan worshipping SOB either.

13th July 2018, 08:04 AM
Jewish nazis probably create a lot of easily refuted memes just to make us look dishonest by posting them.

13th July 2018, 09:40 AM
Whether he said it or not doesn't make him any less of satan worshipping SOB either.

Agreed! Into hellfire he went!

14th August 2018, 03:59 PM
There's an old interview of Scott Roberts at this link by Lana Loktef that's pretty good on the jews. I enjoyed it and I believe it's worth the time spent listening and it fits well with this thread.


14th November 2018, 07:37 AM
Rossette Delacroix compares the lies jews told about Jesus Christ and the lies they told about Adolf Hittler in this video.


14th November 2018, 05:13 PM
There's an old interview of Scott Roberts at this link by Lana Loktef that's pretty good on the jews. I enjoyed it and I believe it's worth the time spent listening and it fits well with this thread.

Very important video. Thanks.

7th January 2019, 10:51 AM

7th January 2019, 11:07 AM

^ heard years ago, "MEMRI" is a joo spook-front agency which knowingly dis-translates Arabic/Farsi/etc to Eng to shape public opinion around their JWO agenda. MEMRI is credited with the dis-translation of an Ahmadinejad speech, re-inventing his words into their "Ahmadinejad/Iran wants to push Izzy into the sea!" canard.


Variety‏Verified account @Variety (https://twitter.com/Variety)
Christian Bale wins for playing Dick Cheney in #Vice (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Vice?src=hash): "Thank you to Satan for giving me inspiration for playing this role" http://bit.ly/2AuyRy7 (https://t.co/HVkJi3ZWdS) #GoldenGlobes (https://twitter.com/hashtag/GoldenGlobes?src=hash)

7th January 2019, 11:23 AM
^ heard years ago, "MEMRI" is a joo spook-front agency which knowingly dis-translates Arabic/Farsi/etc to Eng to shape public opinion around their JWO agenda.

https://scontent-frt3-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/b916dc97ede03e57562d9f05e504e95f/5CABB98B/t51.2885-15/e35/16790202_1927745387446953_3476532338257559552_n.jp g?ig_cache_key=MTQ1ODE0NDYzMTUxNDMyMzU0OQ%3D%3D.2
My all time favorite. The look on his face...lol.

More HERE (https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=4chan+memritv.org&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj2-N7Jo9zfAhWyLn0KHUwGCbMQBQgkKAA&biw=1920&bih=879&dpr=1#imgrc=_)

19th January 2019, 06:18 AM
I've posted the Bible research of Bertrand Comparate in this thread and the articles of his made sense of everything for me and still do. Rossette Delacroix presents his articles and makes them easier to listen to and makes them more interesting because of the paintings, photos and videos she has added.

The Jews really don't like what she's doing because it exposes who and what they really are so they've blocked the first video on youtube and disabled the comments on all the others except for part 6 so far. The first part can be watched on her site at the link below and it's the one they've blocked completely on youtube. She has written out her articles and posted photos she's used in the videos on her site because she is being blocked and has found her way around what the jews are doing to her.

part 1

scroll to the bottom for the video


Part 2


Part 3


19th January 2019, 06:23 AM
Part 4


Part 5


Part 6


20th January 2019, 09:53 AM
This is an interesting video and there are a lot of good comments following it. I'll post a couple of them. Rossette Delacroix also commented favorably on this video in the comment section.


Midnight Black (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DeeknlXwChU14_93Kfjwg)2 months ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ohreeLlCcw&lc=UgyEBqJ7URp5wLXE9QF4AaABAg)

Absolutely brilliant. The holy spirit is truly guiding you, sir. I couldn't be more impressed with your work!Right now, we are in the prophecy of Revelation 12. The flood of the dragon has been unleashed on all nations of Gods people because we have strayed from our Christian loyalty to God. We have ONE MORE task as sons of Abraham and Adam, and that is to finish the task God gave our forefathers, and root out the seed of Cain. A very exciting and inspiring time to be alive. The recent signs have terrified the sons of Cain, and in trying to destroy us they are fulfilling an ancient prophecy without even realizing it.

Pink Cave Woman (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJeoI5GQUeaQ1r52DlMxW5A)1 week ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ohreeLlCcw&lc=UgyEBqJ7URp5wLXE9QF4AaABAg.8nN3nh8pKhx8pzcDaCSM fT)

@Midnight Black (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DeeknlXwChU14_93Kfjwg) I loved your words and I have a question.Yes the world hates us, to the point of genocide.Whether the Bible is true or not millions think it is.What worries me is the intense hatred toward us that the Jew owned media spits out daily.What is to become of us? IF the Bible isn't true we won't be rescued. If the Bible is true how will we ever get out of the mess we're in? Millions of people who hate us surrounding all our nations, and being completely under Jew rule.Then we have millions of ignorant Evangelicals who are duped into supporting our Edomite enemies, thinking those enemies are chosen.Will we be helped? Will God allow us to be wiped out. I'm old and have lived many decades so I'm not to worried about me.But I fear greatly for our descendents.I hope you see this and if you reply I hope I see your response.

Midnight Black (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DeeknlXwChU14_93Kfjwg)1 week ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ohreeLlCcw&lc=UgyEBqJ7URp5wLXE9QF4AaABAg.8nN3nh8pKhx8q-0Cef5Euy)

@Pink Cave Woman (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJeoI5GQUeaQ1r52DlMxW5A) Have faith. If 9 points in an argument turn out to be true out of 10, its reasonable odds to assume the 10th will be likely to be accurate as well.Yes, God saves us from this, but not before a lot of damage is done, and we are not saved in the way you might think.

Christ intervenes before all our flesh is lost, but leading up to this will be a war. That war is going on right now, though many don't know it. Because war comes in many forms...Guerilla warfare, violent warfare, psychological warfare.... These are being waged against Gods people as was written, and the heads of our people are even being taken by our enemies as they fill up Europe. According for scripture, the heads of the saints will be crying out from their blood for justice. So I don't expect most of Europe will hold up.

Much of what I know is through prayer, though there are some things it isn't time for me to yet know, lest I put the words out and into the wrong minds. After all, the spirit of rebellion or of peace are both spirit, and it is Gods will that needs to be fulfilled , not our own.If you are a white European, you are a daughter of God. Condition your heart to put his will before your own with full trust that Christ has your best interests at heart in the end, because he does....Does this mean turn the other cheek to our enemies, absolutely not! For ours is a God of War as well, and NOT the wishy washy falseness of a story we have been spoon fed in Judea Christian churches.

When the Crusaders tore through Islam, THEY were servants of God! When the Visigoth crushed the Huns, so spoke Gods battle ax! When the native Americans were conquered by Europeans, Gods battle ax was speaking as well**.

Christ instructed one of his disciples to buy a sword, even if he had to sell his garment (Luke 22:36 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ohreeLlCcw&t=1356s)...) so do so. Arm yourself and your family. Don't go looking for trouble, but protect yourself if you must with extreme prejudice, and that advice is for ALL white Europeans. Blood is flowing in the streets already, much of it of our innocent people. Stay on the defensive for now, but DO defend yourselves and your loved ones.

Something is going to happen. I don't know what or when exactly because I am no prophet at all. Just a man with a lot of faith in God and in his word. But I understand what God has told us, and what we WERE allowed to know of his prophecy, to know that these people are probably going to harm the wrong one, in the wrong way, with the right amount of exposure. This will be the last martyr that our people will stand for, and THEN the pendulum will swing the other way. So much so that Lucifer himself will gather the hordes of pre-Adamic man against us personally, according to revelation. And so, to will the son of man arrive with a shout! With the glory of the father and of the Holy spirit. And that is when we really get the last party started.

We are not as close to extinction as the jews were hoping we would be either. Our birthrates have actually increased, and negros are pretty much staying steady, probably because so many white people in the world realized we were being erased intentionally. We STILL have a problem in race mixing, but a recent study at Prager University I think it was (I may have to look it to make sure it was them) showed that out of 500 randomly selected women, only 17% of them said they would ever choose to date outside their race. This is a promising study, and its the reason Jews have amped up race mixing in the media to an 11. But their are STILL good white women who was traditional family values (whether they choose to work or not is irrelevant to that) So all you white guys out there, get to work and get one as a bride.

Treat her as if your the last couple on earth, so that we DONT have a last couple on earth. And all white women, be your men's strength. Behind every successful man, was a good woman advising him, and assisting in his endeavors, and THAT is the order of things.

Women have been LIED to by the left into thinking they have no value in a traditional family when the truth is, THEY were the kingmakers, the strategists, and the voice of passionate reasoning to a mans stern logical reasoning. Together, the traits make an unstoppable force!Don't wait for a savior, but love the one who ALREADY saved you in the way that matters mostEphesians 2 8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

It doesn't say you WILL be saved, daughter of Adam. It says you WERE saved. Just have faith in this gift, and the rest will work itself out. But ALWAYS struggle, and endure to the end!Matthew 24:13 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ohreeLlCcw&t=1453s) But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.In other words, when it is time to fight for your survival, fight!

Have faith that your soul is secure, and it makes fighting to defend your life a whole lot easier. Those who don't get what I mean, will get it one day soon!

(NOTE from earlier)**( It usually surprises people when they learn that the native Americans were a brutal people, whom slaughtered each other constantly, they also kept 1000s of slaves, and that included many black slaves, which most negros are too uneducated to know about, and they were obsessed with rape and torture not just of white settlers, but of each other as well....One physical example would be the mass graves found of women and children tortured, scalped, butchered, and who knows what else in California recently, outside the construction site of a shopping mall in San Diego. The time period was about 1200-1400, and all the victims were aged 1-40 years of age, and all had been severely mutilated.

Its the same with black Africa, as despite what the lying propaganda of the left wing/blacks say, it has NEVER been all sunshine and rainbows before white people came...Europeans made their lives 1000 times BETTER, and their are many black Africans who readily admit it. Blacks in America are 40 times more wealthy then any black population has ever been on its own. But their covetous nature and ego over rights any gratitude they should have. THAT is why they have never done any decent thing, like honor the whites who died to free them, including those who ran the underground railroads and were caught and executed. Black people feel they are right in hating and blaming the only race that has ever helped their race.

Muslims slaughtered their black slaves when they lost slavery due to the efforts of Europeans, and that is well documented and admitted by them readily. Same with blacks in Africa who were the most likely to enslave other blacks. Blacks also think they are the righteous ones here. Only 300,000 slaves were killed in North America. Blacks have killed more then that in America and South Africa, far more then the blacks killed by whites even with slavery added...They, like the Native Americans, are the heathens of Genesis 1:28 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ohreeLlCcw&t=88s), who WERE conquered by Gods people, just as the verse said would happen)

20th January 2019, 04:05 PM
Another video by the same fellow that did the one above. This one is also well done and interesting.


21st January 2019, 07:42 AM
Good stuff Tumbleweed, it's going to take me a while to get through it all.

21st January 2019, 10:20 AM
From the epilogue of Controversy (http://controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/Controversybook_eng_epilogue.htm):

In this 20th Century process, which I feel as an accompanying, evil presence, all of us now alive, Jew and Gentile, are involved, and most of us will see the denouement. As to that, Mr. Bernard J. Brown in 1933 misgivingly wrote, "Of course we must be feared and eventually hated if we persist in absorbing everything America offers us and yet refuse to become Americans just as we have allways refused to become Russians or Pales."

This statement applies to all countries of the West, not only to America, but Mr Brown was wrong. What he foresaw is one thing the Talmudists can not achieve; hatred is their monopoly, and creed, and they cannot make Christians, or Gentiles, hate Jews. The hateful things done by the West in this century were done under Talmudic prompting; hatred and vengeance are not innate in Westerners, and their faith forbids these. The teaching of hatred, as part of a religion, still comes only from the literal Torah-Tulmudists in the revolutionary area, in Palestine, and where they have nested in the Western capitals. No


Westerner would speak as a Zionist leader spoke to a Jewish meeting at Johannesburg in May, 1953: "The beast that is called Germany must not be trusted. The Germans must never be forgiven and the Jews must never have any contact or dealings with the Germans".

The world cannot live like that, and for this reason the insensate plan must ultimately fail. This is the heresy which the teaching of Christ above all else repudiated; it is the one to which the political leaders of the West have lent themselves since Mr. Balfour, just fifty years ago, began to subordinate national policy to it. When the approaching climax has been overcome this heretic teaching, injected into the West from the Talmudic centre in Russia, will pass.

As a writer, I believe it will pass sooner and with less trouble for all involved, the more the general masses know about what has gone on in these fifty years.

For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; Neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad - Luke 8: 17.

12th February 2019, 04:45 AM
Two more videos by Rossette Delacroix and this time she's giving the jews and pagans hell. Since the pagans are doing the work of the jews bashing christianity she calls the pagans "jews between the ears". Lots of history from the Bible and other sources and also paintings to go along with her research. The pagans are the lost tribes of Israel but they forgot who they were. Yahshua sent the twelve apostles to them to convert them and most did convert but some still hang on to paganism and do the work of satan and his children the jews. There are also good comments following these videos.



From the comments.....

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-iLp1_R61y9A/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/BIgaE9K7Fp8/s48-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbiZ78Pe8HpRKcFCGG6QRog)

Pinned by rosette delacroix

Mike M. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbiZ78Pe8HpRKcFCGG6QRog)17 hours ago (edited) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ehVwVvxy4&lc=Ugw0Cpq1YP6FFFwlf-14AaABAg)

The time wasn't the best, as I was busy with other stuff, but it was a pleasure to work with you Rosette - once again!

There are couple things, errors and additions I want to explain here.First. I somehow forgot to quote Gen. 17 about the promises to Abraham's seed. It's corrected in the article though.

Second. I wanted to mention that two PAGAN historians, Diodorus Siculus and Strabo, mention Moses, and considered him a great man. Yet, our modern "pagans" (Jews between ears) say the most wicked and vile things about Abraham, Moses, Jacob and even the Christ,

There are countless things we could add, and never basically finish the video/article, or to have a 20 hour video lol. It's almost 2 hours as it is, so I hope it's enough. I think we did a good job. Yahweh bless all (kin)!

https://christogenea.org/essays/yahshua-jesus-evolution-name (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&stzid=Ugw0Cpq1YP6FFFwlf-14AaABAg.8rDaWjWC8S68rEfdqYggIP&redir_token=oYvoCD0jaxvF4aM3KFd-HYXQoYl8MTU1MDA1OTkxNkAxNTQ5OTczNTE2&q=https%3A%2F%2Fchristogenea.org%2Fessays%2Fyahshu a-jesus-evolution-name)

https://christogenea.org/essays/which-it-lord-or-yahweh (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&stzid=Ugw0Cpq1YP6FFFwlf-14AaABAg.8rDaWjWC8S68rEfdqYggIP&redir_token=oYvoCD0jaxvF4aM3KFd-HYXQoYl8MTU1MDA1OTkxNkAxNTQ5OTczNTE2&q=https%3A%2F%2Fchristogenea.org%2Fessays%2Fwhich-it-lord-or-yahweh)

"Secondly, the form Yahshua represents a meaning absent in Jesus, its component parts being derived from the words Yahweh (that name which the ‘Jews’ despise, and thus avoid), and a form of a word meaning salvation or to be saved.

So Yahshua conveys a meaning which is not evident in the other forms: Yahweh, Savior or Yahweh Saves, descriptive of the very purpose of Yahshua Christ in the first place, and also of His very essence." - WMF

The burden of proof is on those who make such ("moon god") claims. Mark Downey wrote "Let me remind you that when Jesus Christ is referred to in jewish literature and spelled Y'shua (Yeshua - addition mine), it means let his name be blotted out".

12th February 2019, 08:44 AM
This is one of the best threads in this entire forum. This is the sort of thing that got GIM1 shut down.

12th February 2019, 06:38 PM
I've been enjoying some of the background music Rossette uses on her second video. Below is a one hour looped video of the music
"Honor Him". I put it on and let it play while I'm working around the house.


17th February 2019, 04:34 PM
E. Raymond Capt did a video on the ten lost tribes of Israel that is similar to what Rossette Delacroix has done. The story is interesting and the paintings, sculptures and drawings are different from Rossettes. History repeats and the descendants of Israel are doing today what their ancestors did in the past and we're headed for trouble because of it.


This is a shorter video on the lost ten tribes he did and it is interesting too.


17th February 2019, 07:25 PM
This is one of the best threads in this entire forum. This is the sort of thing that got GIM1 shut down.

For sure, this is an awesome thread.

Me thinks most of the big, awakening topics have already been covered on GIM1. Doesn't make GSUS less than what it is, but the low-hanging fruit has been picked.

Hard to believe that in a year or so, the 10 year anniversary will be here.

22nd February 2019, 06:52 AM
Rosssette Delacroix is promoting a video done by a fellow who points out that Adolf Hitler was christian, what he did for Germany and what the jews and their lackies did to them. It's very well done and is good all the way through with photos, movie clips and speeches. It's about three and a half hours long but it's very good and worth the time spent watching. It should be shown in all the schools, churches, movie theaters and on television in this country.

Hitler made a good attempt fighting against the jews but I don't think any man will be successful against the jew. It will take Jesus Christs return with a sword and his angels to deliver the final solution to Satan and his children the jews.

Rossettes video promoting the one on Hitler.


This is a the link to the video she's promoting on Bitchute.


10th March 2019, 08:55 PM

14th March 2019, 06:19 PM
Rossette Delacroix has a new article up called "Christian identity FAQ's". It's questions and the answers to them with hot links for the Bible source for the answers. I think it's very interesting and well done. There is no video to go with it but lots of paintings and photos to go with the information.

Link to article here

A couple of excerpts from her article below.

"What does it mean to be awake? The term “awake” is a concept rooted in truth. Inside C.I. (Christian Identity) it pertains to the descendants of Adam (Bible) becoming aware of their origins. The scales of blindness have been removed and now one (an Israelite) can see. See what? To see all the truths that blindness has covered, including: Jesus is the savior of His creation, His creation is the white race whose origins are rooted in the first man Adam, the Jews are not the chosen race and will be destroyed, Jesus is not a Jew, the white race are all kin and God loves them, God does not have a salvation plan for other races. There are many other truths to become awake to in this current world we live, including: the economic system, politics, usury, religion, the place of our Earth in its realm, geo-engineering, propaganda (T.V.), evolution, fallen angels and the nation today known as Israel. The law was only given to the Israelite peoples who are called to be separate unto Yahweh. The world is lost and blind unto itself. Yahweh has lifted us out of the world by His mighty right hand (https://www.bible.com/bible/1/psa.118.16)."

"Who does the remnant depict? The word remnant in the Bible depicts the Adamic peoples in jeopardy. They have fallen away from Yahweh who therefore has dwindled there numbers to a remnant. Remnant as used in Revelation 12 may be the most focused on in these times which we live:

“14 And they had given to the woman the two wings of a great eagle, in order that she may fly into the desert into her place, where she is nourished there for a time and times and half of a time from the face of the Serpent. 15 And the Serpent had cast from his mouth water as a river after the woman, in order that he may have her carried off by the river. 16 And the earth assisted the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and gulped down the river which the dragon had cast from his mouth. 17 And the dragon was angered by the woman and went to make war with those remaining of her offspring who keep the commandments of Yahweh and have the testimony of Yahshua. 18 And he stood upon the sand of the sea.”

“This desert place is another description of what is described in verse 6, and the woman, Israel, had fled into the wilderness of Europe where she received the Gospel, and it took nearly that long for the Saxon Israel and related peoples to convert to Christianity, returning to that God that had cast them off for their sin many centuries before. The water which the Serpent had cast from its mouth were all of the other races which the Jews had brought to fight against the Aryan peoples of Europe and the Near East. First there were the Arab invasions, which were instigated by the Jews, especially the invasion of Gothic Spain (this story is told well in The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay), and the destruction of the formerly White lands of Mesopotamia, the Near East, Northern Africa and the Levant.

Then there were the Turkic invasions, and the Turks invaded the Byzantine lands at the behest of Jewish and Arab merchants. Then there were the invasions of the Mongols, and Martin Luther had written that it was the Jews in each city of Eastern Europe who had betrayed those cities by opening their gates to the Golden Horde. All of these invasions of Christian Europe ultimately failed, and by the time that America began to be settled, the Jew could no longer bring the world’s goat nations against Christendom, until these recent days when they have done it by another means, under the guise of egalitarianism (https://christogenea.org/podcasts/christian-identity-what-difference-does-it-make) and multiculturalism (https://emahiser.christogenea.org/lie-universalism-1).

Yet this is in fulfillment of many other prophecies, such as Isaiah 56:9-11 and Jeremiah 31:27-30. These last wars which the Dragon has made with the woman have been from the inside, first by manipulating our Saxon Christian nations to fight against each other, and then by convincing us to flood ourselves with our enemies – which is exactly what is happening at this very moment!” -William Finck (https://christogenea.org/podcasts/revelation-chapter-12-02-25-2011) "

23rd March 2019, 08:24 PM
Rossette Delacroix has a new video out "Twenty Reasons Why Judeo- Churchianity Is a False Religion".

The written article and video are at this link below.


The video on Youtube


25th March 2019, 03:26 AM
A short video here with a talk given by William Pierce on jews, the children of satan and the white female slave trade. The jews don't like this video so when you click on it you'll have to go to youtube to watch it and the comments have been disabled. SOB's


25th March 2019, 07:19 AM
A short video here with a talk given by William Pierce on jews, the children of satan and the white female slave trade. The jews don't like this video so when you click on it you'll have to go to youtube to watch it and the comments have been disabled. SOB's


I was looking back through the beginning of this thread. The kikes have eliminated a lot of the videos you posted.

25th March 2019, 11:40 AM
I was looking back through the beginning of this thread. The kikes have eliminated a lot of the videos you posted.

Yes they have and in time I think they will eliminate them all.

26th March 2019, 11:13 AM
Yes they have and in time I think they will eliminate them all.

“To find out who rules you only need to find who you can’t criticize.”

8th April 2019, 04:34 AM
One of the portions of Dennis Wise series of video "the secret masonic victory of WWII" can't be viewed on youtube because the jews really don't like it. It exposes who the jews are and also shows that the Germans were christians fighting against the "seed of the serpent" the children of the devil. It can be viewed on bit chute though.

Part 19


15th April 2019, 10:25 AM
A short video here with a talk given by William Pierce on jews, the children of satan and the white female slave trade. The jews don't like this video so when you click on it you'll have to go to youtube to watch it and the comments have been disabled. SOB's


Sons of Bitches already gassed this video ^ with the good paintings and other things that were an appropriate background for the talk given. The speech "William Pierce and the White Slave Trade" is still up at youtobe but not the background that really made his speech hit home.


20th April 2019, 02:54 AM
I posted this meme from Incog Mans site in the Notre Dame fire thread and thought I'd post it again here with some comments that I think are interesting that followed it. It has to do with biblical prophecy and the jews getting what they've got coming to them.

http://incogman.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/MUZZIES-BURNING-DOWN-NOTRE-DAME.jpg (http://incogman.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/MUZZIES-BURNING-DOWN-NOTRE-DAME.jpg)

Allen Black says:
April 17, 2019 at 2:48 am (http://incogman.net/2019/04/did-stinking-muzzies-burn-down-notre-dame/#comment-1012032)
Until white Americans and Europeans SNAP OUT OF IT realize we have been duped, and had our altruism and compassion weaponized against us, and respond by expelling all jews and their non white, American hating commie minions from the west, its only going to get a lot worse. All that is happening, is because of John Hyranicus, the last mortal king of Israel, refusing to follow Gods command to exterminate the Jews as God commanded. It is written that King David spent 6 months killing Idumeans (Jews) for God. Why? Because they are NOT part of the creation plan, but an invasive species put on Earth by Lucifer, to destroy Gods people the white race.

The spirit of Gods people WILL awaken in his children of light once more, and the battle axe of God will launch the final crusade against Idumea. Be ready, as its only a matter of time now…THATS why the beast comes with wrath, as he knows his time is short. EVERY WHITE BROTHER HERE IS ELECT. FOR IT IS WRITTEN, THE ELECT WILL NOT BE DECEIVED.

J.R. says:
April 17, 2019 at 3:27 am (http://incogman.net/2019/04/did-stinking-muzzies-burn-down-notre-dame/#comment-1012034)

Leftist jews and their dupes and lackeys in New Zealand are also pushing to ban some of the verses of the Bible as “hate speech”…

‘This will be war if you call the Bible hate speech’ – Brian Tamaki…


Allen Black says:
April 17, 2019 at 4:02 am (http://incogman.net/2019/04/did-stinking-muzzies-burn-down-notre-dame/#comment-1012035)

That’s because the Bible does 3 things….

1) It reveals that the Jews are lying about being Israel as in the ones who wrote, and are the main point of the bible.

2) It proves that white Europeans ARE the people they are pretending to be.

3) It exposes that the Jew have NO CLAIM to Palestine, seeing as how they are not even semetic. In fact, Israel was NOT allowed to own the ancient homeland of Palestine AGAIN until the return of Christ.

Let me show you, and others of our people, 100% proof from the bible that this isn’t just talk….Sorry about the length, but any white person who gains this knowledge will see what has, is, and will happen in a new light, brother…

This is why we were NOT supposed to bring Christianity to ANYONE except other whites….Christianity was hijacked by JUDEA Christianity…Because people didn’t have sense enough to realize that the Talmud and the Torah are NOT the same thing, and Judaism is the anti-thesis of true Christianity…Nor are the “jews” whom they claim to be. In fact, the term jew was slang and a derogatory term for those of the pharasee race, as it means “Half a Judean” pointing to the fact that they are hybrids of Adamic and Asiatic peoples. Sons of Esau, whom are the bloodline of Cain, son of Lucifer!

**Ezekial 6-7
And thou shalt say to the rebellious, even to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God; O ye house of Israel, let it suffice you of all your abominations,
7 In that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers and foreigners, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations.**

We were NOT supposed to share the fat of the land, or promise them the blood of redemption. These were not ours to give away. Our people are HEIRS to the promise, and no more right in offering it to another, then you can give away your fathers home while he is alive and living in it.

And as for mass immigration being done to Gods people by the serpent (Anti-Christ) that’s in prophecy as well….

YOU ARE HERE>>>>>>Revelation 12:15
And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

Who is the woman? Well, whenever God refers to his people, he uses the term woman in some way, to show he is married to his people. Most know this as the bride of Christ. But there is a less flattering term for some…When those who were the bride of Christ turn against and divorce God and instead serve those of the Babylonian Talmud, and ride the Beast to prosper (ZOG) dressed in red, as the beast is red (Communism Marxism) they become the WHORE of BABYLON.

As for the prophecy of the flood used to destroy Gods people being mass immigration, the bible clarifies this is not some random interpretation…

Revelation 17:15
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

When asked who the anti-Christ really was, Christ said “He who denies father and son are anti-Christ. Even now, there are many anti-Christs”

VERY revealing once it dawns on you that in his lifetime, only “Jews” denied him.

So WHY did the Jew get the nations of the west? Why are the Christians and the white people in the home of the brave and in the normally courageous European nations letting the Jew do this without a fight? Why was there a mass falling away from a faith that has endured for 2000 years?

Revelation 17:17
For God hath put in their hearts to hand over their power and authority to the beast, so that the prophecy of God would be fulfilled.

In Ezekial, God also talks about how he will pull them in with their heathen hordes to the “unwalled cities living in peace and safety”…And that the mighty hordes of their heathen would march up from the south to take a plunder or take a prey, but God is angry and jealous at this, and will reign such devastation on them that all the world will know God lives, and then the heathen will wail, for they will not ever again come into our lands, and the Jew will be annihilated. THEY KNOW this prophecy, which is why they stopped being slow and sneaky, and are openly trying to rush white genocide now that all but 1 warning sign has happened in recent years.

They misrepresented Christ as a Jew, because they thought the enmity between serpent and Adam would cause people to turn from Christ, but they didn’t. So instead, they used that lie to their advantage in other ways, thereby deceiving the whole world!

The banner of Judah, the tribe of the saints and ruling house of Israel, is NOT a star with 6 lines, 6 points, and 6 triangles all at a 6.66 degree angle. The herald of Judah is a lion. Also the anti-Christ was supposed to rise up from nothing, and use anothers power to cause craft to prosper in his hand and rule the world through finance in the age of tribulation. Who uses a Lion as a banner? Not Jews. Germans did though, and have used a LION banner for all of history…THEY ARE the camp of the saints! And all white nations are kindred!

This, for example, is a verse about WW2….

Revelation 13:7
And it was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and languages, and nations

Through prayer, the seal is lifted, and one can understand it….

Revelation 13:7
And it was given to him (Anti-Christ, Jewry) the power (Through America and England) to make war with the saints (A saint can mean an innocent wrongly accussed and attacked in this case the tribe of the Lion, Germany) , and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and languages, and nations (The white nations have been in their grasp ever since)

This verse directly points to their rise to power through the Balfour agreement, and after WW2, no one stood in opposition to Jewish world dominance in finance and media. With the federal reserve/Rothschild dynasty as a spearhead, they truly are the anti-Christ. The cause of the suffering in wars, famine, usury, tyranny, ect. Which they almost always blame on Christians.

ANOTHER lie they want people to believe, is that they (jews) created Christianity for mass control. But observe their burning hatred of Christ and Christianity. Would they REALLY hate their own psi-op? Would they let their psi-op make whites the greatest of nations for 100s of years as they themselves were homeless vagabonds and wanderers right up to WW2 (which btw fulfills the legacy of Cain, gen. 4:12)

Its no secret, that Jews and the Ruling elite, as well as most minorities, HATE, and mean really hate to the point of Genocide, white people.

According to Rev. 2:9, and 3:9, the people calling themselves “Jews” are liars and imposters. So who are the true covenant people? Who is it that will really be put through a tribulation?

Only whites Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, and kindred people have fulfilled all promises and prophecies regarding the 10 Lost tribes of Israel.

1) Israel was to become a great nation and a company of great nations.(Genesis 12:2; 18:18, 17:4; 35:11; 48:19)

2) Israel to keep the gates and ports of enemies ( Genesis 22:17,Joshua 21:43-45:)

3) Israel were to be seafarers, explorers, and colonizers (Genesis 28:14; 49:13; Numbers 24:7; Deuteronomy 33:19; Judges 5:17; Psalms 2:8; 89:25)

4)Israel were to be a blessing to all families (nations) of the earth (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 28:14; Isaiah 27:6)

5) Israel were to amass wealth and success as Farmers (Genesis 27:28; Deuteronomy 28:11; Deuteronomy 33:13, 14, 28)Boer, the word for whites in Africa, literally means farmer. Jews have been known only as bankers and merchants in history.

6) Israel was to be God’s witness and carry the word of God to all the world (Isaiah 43:10-12, 21; 59:21; Matthew 28:19-20)

7) Israel was to be God’s (“battle-axe” and an undefeatable military power (Numbers 24:8; Jeremiah 51:20-23; Isaiah 54:15-17; Micah 5:8-9)*Also note, the Battle axe was a weapon favored most by white people like the Nordic and Celtic peoples…*

8) Israel to be the first among the nations. (Gen. 27:29; 28:13; Jer. 31:7.)

9) Israel’s new home country to be north-west of the country they were driven from (Europe is NW from Israel) Isa. 49:12; Jer. 3:18.)

10) The nation of Gods people on Earth was to be born in a single day, 2534 years from the time of Assyrian Captivity in 758 BC (Mentioned often, but mostly read Deuteronomy, Isaiah, and Daniel. Its the only prophesy with an exact date, and it adds exactly to 1776. There is a video on Youtube that shows this in more detail called “America found in scripture”. That video shows the prophecies of the birth of this nation AND the attempt of Edom to flood it with immigrants to destroy Gods people, globally as well as here as one of the signs of the last days of tribulation.

11) Israel was to be blind to its identity and be called by a new name and not known as Israel (Isaiah 62:2; 65:15; Hosea 1:9-10; Romans 11:25). God stated he would put his name on Israel (Numbers 6:27) And through the Messiah would be known as “Christians”(Acts 11:26). For nearly 2000 years, all, and ONLY white nations were known as Christendom, and whites were the only Christians. Its only through the false Zionist controlled Judea Christian churches that this has changed.

12) Israel to be punished by being occupied by multiple tribes, tongues, and nations led by Edom (Isaiah 52:2, Revelation 12-17, Most of Daniel and Isaiah, as well as some of Deuteronomy).

Do jews know who THEY really are then ? Yes, most of them…

“EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY.” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41.

White people didn’t “steal” the bible from the sub-Saharin Africans, nor did we adopt it from jews, who were constantly kicked out of Europe and were vagabonds and wanderers until the slave trade made them wealthy and powerful. Whites embraced Christianity FIRST because it was OUR religion.

“Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel”- Justin Martyr, 100-160 AD, from Paragraphs of Trypho chapter 135.

Expect them to push more propaganda then ever before, and try even harder to lock down whites from being a threat, as they know they are running out of time. Gods prophecies have been coming true one by one, especially since around 2000, and the last sign we are ever to get is the sign of Jonah, a constellation event that will occur in 2024 (an X shaped eclipse over America, aka new Jer USA lem) and this ends with God returning the spirit of the “battle ax of God” back to his people, whom will wipe the seed of the serpent off the earth Alongside the return of Christ which can happen at ANY TIME after that last sign. THAT is why they are so scared, and in such a rush to destroy the white nations with a flood of illegals that they have show their hand to the world.

If you still doubt this is the jews motivation behind what they are doing, try this…

Look up a song called “Beige Horizon”. Its a song produced in Canada, and played all around mainstream, about mixing the white race out of existance. Now while anti-white propaganda isn’t anything new or special these days, he does something peculiar at the end. He looks at the camera and smugly says “Peace and lentils, Yall” to white people. Most wont get this. Unless they read Gen. 25:34 and understand that story concerning Esau (Patriarch and father of Idumea aka the jews) marrying daughters of Cain, and thus losing his inheritance to Jacob (the white race) over a bowl of Lentil stew.

Jews aren’t doing what they are to white nations over money, they can print all they want.
Jews aren’t doing what they do for power…They have HAD all the power for about 30-50 years.
Jews aren’t doing what they are doing for votes….They OWN all the lobbies and politicians.
Jews aren’t doing what they are doing to feel safe from whites…Blacks and Arabs kill more of them then whites EVER would, in fact whites took them in as a KINDNESS.

No, despite all the theories behind what motives the Jew, they don’t hold water…THIS is what they fear. This is what motivates them. Look at Hollywood…See how Satanic and Occult they all are? Well, one cant believe in Satan without believing in God, and vice versa. There hate of God and of Christ is obvious and visceral, and people ponder why that is….NOW you know, brothers and sisters!

God bless and protect you and yours, and ALL our people in these dark days of tribulation.

23rd April 2019, 12:12 PM
The Cowboy Preacher from Wyoming publicly says there is no such thing as judeo-christianity



Americans may be waking up. These men are calling out so called Christian ministers for teaching the Talmud



24th April 2019, 12:29 AM
^ Pete Peters does seem to have the right ideas about a lot of things although I haven't listened to his videos. Looks like the jews don't like him much either.


From Wikipedia

LaPorte Church of Christ is an independent church in Laporte, Colorado (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laporte,_Colorado), led until 2011 by Pastor Peter J. Peters (November 13, 1946 – July 7, 2011),[1] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaPorte_Church_of_Christ#cite_note-died-1) who proclaimed that Europeans comprise the twelve lost tribes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_tribes_of_Israel) of Israel and that contemporary Jews (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews) are satanic impostors (based on Revelation 2:9 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+2%3A9&version=NRSV) and 3:9 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+3%3A9&version=NRSV)) and the descendants of the Biblical Esau (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esau) (Edom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edom)) -- the brother and nemesis of Jacob (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob) (Israel). Critics labeled his message to be that of Christian Identity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity),[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaPorte_Church_of_Christ#cite_note-2) although he rejected this label.[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaPorte_Church_of_Christ#cite_note-3) Peters and his church are no longer associated with the decentralized group of churches that use the name "Churches of Christ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churches_of_Christ)".
The church served mainly as a platform for Peters' views and its membership never went above 100. It attracted white supremacists (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy), including the members of the terrorist organisation The Order (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Order_(white_supremacist_group)) who murdered radio talk show host Alan Berg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Berg) with whom Peters had clashed on Berg's radio program.[4] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaPorte_Church_of_Christ#cite_note-Atkins-4)
The church became involved in a controversy in Colorado which led to it being fined for a minor violation of election laws. Peters refused to pay the fine and the church was seized by the state in February 1993.[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaPorte_Church_of_Christ#cite_note-Kaplan-5)

24th April 2019, 12:49 AM
Rossette did a long interview with William Finck on Adolf Hitlers birthday that's pretty good. They covered a lot of topics and it was pretty interesting I thought. At about the 40:00 minute mark Rossette questions him on what his thoughts are on why Hitler lost the war since he was fighting against the enemies of God. I thought his answer was interesting and not what you commonly hear.

The bit chute link is below. The Jews don't like this one either.


A link here to the interview on christogenea.


Comments have been disabled on youtube of the interview below


24th April 2019, 02:39 AM
Well I listened as far as Hitler was a great man, because he stood up against the Jews.

That was Hitler's role in the Jewish 3 act play. Hitler came, made war, and killed millions of white Christians and subjugated Germany for all time up to now.

Hitler was financed by the Jews and had agreements with the Jews to transfer Jews to Palestine.

Hitler gave the Jews everything they wanted, including their shoah, the Holocaust and Jews are still looked at by most white people as victims of evil white people and they won't even listen to someone who speaks critically about the Jews.

Hitler gave them a pass, that is still good today.

I'm sure the knowledgeable Jews think he was a great man.

24th April 2019, 06:23 AM
Well I listened as far as Hitler was a great man, because he stood up against the Jews.

That was Hitler's role in the Jewish 3 act play. Hitler came, made war, and killed millions of white Christians and subjugated Germany for all time up to now.

Hitler was financed by the Jews and had agreements with the Jews to transfer Jews to Palestine.

Hitler gave the Jews everything they wanted, including their shoah, the Holocaust and Jews are still looked at by most white people as victims of evil white people and won't even listen to someone who speaks critically about the Jews.

Hitler gave them a pass, that is still good today.

I'm sure the knowledgeable Jews think he was a great man.

John 12:40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.


24th April 2019, 07:48 AM
John 12:40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.


Look in the mirror and you will find him.

The Jews book requires a loss of 6 million in a holocaust and WWI was the setup for those conditions. The Jews openly screwed the German's at Versailles, putting in place the reason for the German's to hate them.

Then they hired Hitler to complete the job and 10 million German's were offered instead while the Jews were escorted safely to invade America and Palestine.

The totally controlled Jewish press created the story (tall tale) about Jewish suffering. From controversy of Zion we learn Hitler locked up well over 90 percent of his fellow Germans and the amount of Jews locked up was in proportion to their amount in the population 2 -3 percent. This figure was never reported, as all we heard about was Hitler was only locking up all Jews, nothing about the German's.

And a lot of deceived people still believe this Jewish story.

24th April 2019, 08:25 AM
We've both got our minds made up on this Bigjon and I don't think anything is going to change that. I post what has the ring of truth to me and others can read it and make up their own minds.

24th April 2019, 08:49 AM
Then (((they))) hired Hitler to complete the job...we learn Hitler locked up well over 90 percent his fellow Germans...


Bigjon is right about our Global Earth and obviously wrong about Hitler. Tumbleweed is extremely knowledgeable about the history of Germany and Hitler. More so than anyone else here.


24th April 2019, 09:22 AM

Bigjon is right about our Global Earth and obviously wrong about Hitler. Tumbleweed is extremely knowledgeable about the history of Germany and Hitler. More so than anyone else here.


Well the facts tell a different story.

I guess this is your vote as there are no facts presented to be commented on.

Just an appeal to authority, without any corresponding evidence.

24th April 2019, 09:27 AM
Well the facts tell a different story.

I guess this is your vote as there are no facts presented to be commented on.

Just an appeal to authority, without any corresponding evidence.



24th April 2019, 09:30 AM


It's in this book, book.

You have the option of believing the Jewish press or believing an English journalist.

Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?100023-The-Jewish-conspiracy-is-more-fact-than-theory&p=943597&viewfull=1#post943597)

From chap 36:
At that period I, typical of Englishmen of my generation, had never thought of Jews as different from myself, nor could I have said what might make a Jew, in his opinion, different from me. If I later became aware of any differentiation, or of the desire of a powerful group to assert one, this was not the result of Hitler's deeds but of the new impediment to impartial reporting which I then began to observe. When the general persecution began I reported it as I saw it. If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries overrun by Hitler. But the manner of reporting in the world's press in time blocked-out the great suffering mass, leaving only the case of the Jews.

I illustrate this by episodes and passages from my own experience and reporting. Rabbi Stephen Wise, writing in 1949, gave the following version of events personally reported by me in 1933, and undoubtedly purveyed the same version in the presidential circle of which he was a familiar during those years: “The measures against the Jews continued to outstrip in systematic cruelty and planned destruction the terror against other groups. On January 29, 1933 Hitler was summoned to be chancellor … at once the reign of terror began with beatings and imprisonment of Jews … We planned a protest march in New York on May 10, the day of the ordered burning of Jewish books in Germany … the brunt of the attack was borne by Jews … concentration camps were established and filled with Jews.”
All these statements are false. The measures against the Jews did not outstrip the terror against other groups; the Jews were involved in a much larger number of others. The reign of terror did not begin on January 29, 1933, but in the night of the Reichstag fire, February 27. No “burning of Jewish books” was ordered; I attended and reported that bonfire and have looked up my report published in The Times, to verify my recollection. A mass of “Marxist” books was burned, including the works of many German, English and other non-Jewish writers (my books, had they then been published, would undoubtedly have been among them); the bonfire included some Jewish books. The “brunt” of the terror was not borne by Jews, nor were the concentration camps “filled with Jews.” The number of Jewish victims was in proportion to their ratio of the population.

Nevertheless this false picture, by iteration, came to dominate the public mind during the Second War. At the time of my resignation, which was provoked solely by the “policy of appeasement” and the imminent advent of “the unnecessary war,” this other hindrance to faithful reporting was but a secondary, minor annoyance. Later I discerned that the motive behind it was of major importance in shaping the course and outcome of the Second War.” When I came to study the story of Mr. Robert Wilton I perceived that there was also a strong resemblance between my experience and his. He sought to explain the nature of an event in Russia and thus was inevitably led into “the Jewish question.” Twenty years later I observed that it was in fact impossible to draw public attention to the misreporting of the nature of the persecution of Germany and to explain that the Jews formed only a small fraction of the victims.

24th April 2019, 11:14 AM
It's in this book, book.

You have the option of believing the Jewish press or believing an English journalist.

Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?100023-The-Jewish-conspiracy-is-more-fact-than-theory&p=943597&viewfull=1#post943597)

From chap 36:
At that period I, typical of Englishmen of my generation, had never thought of Jews as different from myself, nor could I have said what might make a Jew, in his opinion, different from me. If I later became aware of any differentiation, or of the desire of a powerful group to assert one, this was not the result of Hitler's deeds but of the new impediment to impartial reporting which I then began to observe. When the general persecution began I reported it as I saw it. If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries overrun by Hitler. But the manner of reporting in the world's press in time blocked-out the great suffering mass, leaving only the case of the Jews.

I illustrate this by episodes and passages from my own experience and reporting. Rabbi Stephen Wise, writing in 1949, gave the following version of events personally reported by me in 1933, and undoubtedly purveyed the same version in the presidential circle of which he was a familiar during those years: “The measures against the Jews continued to outstrip in systematic cruelty and planned destruction the terror against other groups. On January 29, 1933 Hitler was summoned to be chancellor … at once the reign of terror began with beatings and imprisonment of Jews … We planned a protest march in New York on May 10, the day of the ordered burning of Jewish books in Germany … the brunt of the attack was borne by Jews … concentration camps were established and filled with Jews.”
All these statements are false. The measures against the Jews did not outstrip the terror against other groups; the Jews were involved in a much larger number of others. The reign of terror did not begin on January 29, 1933, but in the night of the Reichstag fire, February 27. No “burning of Jewish books” was ordered; I attended and reported that bonfire and have looked up my report published in The Times, to verify my recollection. A mass of “Marxist” books was burned, including the works of many German, English and other non-Jewish writers (my books, had they then been published, would undoubtedly have been among them); the bonfire included some Jewish books. The “brunt” of the terror was not borne by Jews, nor were the concentration camps “filled with Jews.” The number of Jewish victims was in proportion to their ratio of the population.

Nevertheless this false picture, by iteration, came to dominate the public mind during the Second War. At the time of my resignation, which was provoked solely by the “policy of appeasement” and the imminent advent of “the unnecessary war,” this other hindrance to faithful reporting was but a secondary, minor annoyance. Later I discerned that the motive behind it was of major importance in shaping the course and outcome of the Second War.” When I came to study the story of Mr. Robert Wilton I perceived that there was also a strong resemblance between my experience and his. He sought to explain the nature of an event in Russia and thus was inevitably led into “the Jewish question.” Twenty years later I observed that it was in fact impossible to draw public attention to the misreporting of the nature of the persecution of Germany and to explain that the Jews formed only a small fraction of the victims.

Reed later pulled his head out of his ass. From this:

His predictions of major political events were for many people surprisingly accurate at a time, when the “responsible politicians” of the West were acting in direct opposition to his advice and interpretations, and the unifying principle of the book is one long warning against the threat from Hitler-Germany.

To this:

By this time he no longer holds any doubt, that there is most certainly a serious Jewish problem. From then on he would get to study the problem thoroughly through the following ten years.

His well-intentioned advice, that the Jewish problem could only be solved by the Jews getting their own nation (but not by killing arabs), was abandoned by him again, when his studies of talmudic zionism, and the eventual establishment of Israel, demonstrated to him, that the Jewish question implied much more than just that, and was now so much bigger.

Also, he discovered, it had in reality been laid down in an ancient plan for world-conquest.

Linky (https://controversyofzion.info/Reed_and_the_Jews_eng.htm)

24th April 2019, 11:54 AM
Reed later pulled his head out of his ass. From this:

To this:

Linky (https://controversyofzion.info/Reed_and_the_Jews_eng.htm)

This does not say anything about the fact that Hitler locked up well over 90 percent German's.
Controversy was his last book which was not published until he died.

Controversy is the story of the Jews age old plan for world domination.

24th April 2019, 04:19 PM
It's in this book, book.

You have the option of believing the Jewish press or believing an English journalist.

Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?100023-The-Jewish-conspiracy-is-more-fact-than-theory&p=943597&viewfull=1#post943597)

From chap 36:
At that period I, typical of Englishmen of my generation, had never thought of Jews as different from myself, nor could I have said what might make a Jew, in his opinion, different from me. If I later became aware of any differentiation, or of the desire of a powerful group to assert one, this was not the result of Hitler's deeds but of the new impediment to impartial reporting which I then began to observe. When the general persecution began I reported it as I saw it. If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries overrun by Hitler. But the manner of reporting in the world's press in time blocked-out the great suffering mass, leaving only the case of the Jews.

I illustrate this by episodes and passages from my own experience and reporting. Rabbi Stephen Wise, writing in 1949, gave the following version of events personally reported by me in 1933, and undoubtedly purveyed the same version in the presidential circle of which he was a familiar during those years: “The measures against the Jews continued to outstrip in systematic cruelty and planned destruction the terror against other groups. On January 29, 1933 Hitler was summoned to be chancellor … at once the reign of terror began with beatings and imprisonment of Jews … We planned a protest march in New York on May 10, the day of the ordered burning of Jewish books in Germany … the brunt of the attack was borne by Jews … concentration camps were established and filled with Jews.”
All these statements are false. The measures against the Jews did not outstrip the terror against other groups; the Jews were involved in a much larger number of others. The reign of terror did not begin on January 29, 1933, but in the night of the Reichstag fire, February 27. No “burning of Jewish books” was ordered; I attended and reported that bonfire and have looked up my report published in The Times, to verify my recollection. A mass of “Marxist” books was burned, including the works of many German, English and other non-Jewish writers (my books, had they then been published, would undoubtedly have been among them); the bonfire included some Jewish books. The “brunt” of the terror was not borne by Jews, nor were the concentration camps “filled with Jews.” The number of Jewish victims was in proportion to their ratio of the population.

Nevertheless this false picture, by iteration, came to dominate the public mind during the Second War. At the time of my resignation, which was provoked solely by the “policy of appeasement” and the imminent advent of “the unnecessary war,” this other hindrance to faithful reporting was but a secondary, minor annoyance. Later I discerned that the motive behind it was of major importance in shaping the course and outcome of the Second War.” When I came to study the story of Mr. Robert Wilton I perceived that there was also a strong resemblance between my experience and his. He sought to explain the nature of an event in Russia and thus was inevitably led into “the Jewish question.” Twenty years later I observed that it was in fact impossible to draw public attention to the misreporting of the nature of the persecution of Germany and to explain that the Jews formed only a small fraction of the victims.

For all we know, Hitler who was so vilified by the Jews, may have been their savior. The German people were rightly pissed-off and the Jews were directly responsible, not only for their current troubles at the time, but all they had to do was look next door to the Soviet Union to see what was in store for them at the tender mercies of the Jewish Revolutionaries. I would urge anyone who has not read Controversy of Zion, to do so, as Bigjon asks. It is not an easy read and it may be even harder for one who has cherished delusions or truths, whatever they may be. All we have at this point is that which rings true to us as individuals, as Tumbleweed pointed out. There are so many signs pointing to an (almost) flawlessly executed false flag that was the entire conflict. Read that book and tell me what does not ring true to you. Our parents on both sides of the conflict were bamboozled by the professional bamboozlers.

One thing that Reed points out in the book is that the Shepardic Jews were to a great degree, woven and integrated into German society. They (the Shepardim) were appalled by the rude and crazy tendencies of the "OstJuden" as they called them, meaning Eastern Jews. Fully 60% of the German Jews were mixed through marriage or other ways into the German people. They loved Germany and they sure as hell didn't want to leave for some shithole in the desert. The very same month Hitler took power, Jewish immigration to the United States was halted completely. Hmmm...….

The whole fucking war was a sci-op and charade; A false flag of immense proportion.

24th April 2019, 04:55 PM
This does not say anything about the fact that Hitler locked up well over 90 percent German's. Controversy was his last book which was not published until he died. Controversy is the story of the Jews age old plan for world domination.

Download the entire book in .pdf format here: The Controversy of Zion (https://www.controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/reeedcontrov.pdf)

Your only source for this amazing "fact" is Reed's book? It was well known that degenerates and faggots and genetic retards were also locked up. We should be doing that today!


24th April 2019, 05:44 PM
Download the entire book in .pdf format here: The Controversy of Zion (https://www.controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/reeedcontrov.pdf)

Your only source for this amazing "fact" is Reed's book? It was well known that degenerates and faggots and genetic retards were also locked up. We should be doing that today!


His stories were printed in The Times of London.

It's well known (now) that the press was owned by the Jews.

That's how Jews talk about their fellow German's. And anybody else they disagree with.

Douglas Reed

Douglas Launcelot Reed (11 March 1895 - 26 August 1976) was a British journalist, playwright, novelist and author of a number of books on politics. His book Insanity Fair (1938) was influential in analyzing the state of Europe and the rise of Adolf Hitler before the Second World War. By the time of his death, Reed had fallen victim to an organized campaign of character assassination reserved for those critical of Jewish supremacism; his best known work on the Jewish Question is The Controversy of Zion.
At the age of 13, Reed began working as an office boy, and at 19 a bank clerk. At the outbreak of the First World War he enlisted in the British Army. He transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, gaining a single kill in aerial combat and severely burning his face in a flying accident. (Insanity Fair, 1938) Around 1921 he began working as a telephonist and clerk for The Times. At the age of 30, he became a sub-editor. In 1927 he became assistant correspondent in Berlin, later transferring to Vienna as chief central European correspondent. He went on to report from a variety of major European cities including Warsaw, Moscow, Prague, Athens, Sofia, Bucharest and Budapest.
According to Reed, he resigned from his job by expostulant letter in protest at the appeasement of Hitler after the Munich Agreement of 1938 and the following outbreak of the Second World War, Reed retired to Durban, South Africa. In his Insanity Fair, Reed recounted that he was informed that he had to leave Germany quickly, and there was concern as to his whereabouts in diplomatic circles.
Richard Thurlow confirms that Reed was one of the first scholarly writers to state that Hitler did not persecute the Jews as per post-war propaganda.
In the 1960's Reed was outspoken in his opposition to the decolonization of Africa, considering the Black Africans to be unable to govern themselves and needing prolonged colonial tutelage. In his The Battle for Rhodesia (1966) Reed explicitly compared decolonization to the above-mentioned appeasement of Hitler and outspokenly supported Ian Smith's unilateral declaration of independence, arguing that Smith's Rhodesia had to be defended as "the last bulwark against the Third World War", like Czechoslovakia had to be defended in 1938.

Books By:

Insanity Fair (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/I/insanity-fair.html) (1938)
Disgrace Abounding (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/D/disgrace-abounding.html) (1939)
Fire and Bomb: A Comparison between the Burning of the Reichstag and the Bomb Explosion at Munich (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/fire-and-bomb.html) (1940)
Nemesis: The Otto Strasser Story and the Black Front (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/N/nemesis-otto-strasser.html) (1940)
A Prophet at Home (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/P/prophet-at-home.html) (1941)
All Our Tomorrows (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/A/all-our-tomorrows.html) (1942)
Lest We Regret (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/L/lest-we-regret.html) (1943)
From Smoke to Smother: A Sequel to Insanity Fair (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/from-smoke-to-smother.html) (1948)
Somewhere South of Suez: A Further Survey of the Grand Design of the Twentieth Century (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/S/somewhere-south-of-suez.html)(1949)
Rule of Three (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/R/rule-of-three.html) (1950)
Far and Wide (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/far-and-wide.html) (1951)
The Prisoner of Ottawa: Otto Strasser (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/P/prisoner-of-ottawa.html) (1953)
The Controversy of Zion (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/C/controversy-of-zion.html) (Written 1956)
The Battle for Rhodesia (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/B/battle-for-rhodesia.html) (1966)
The Siege of Southern Africa (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/S/siege-of-southern-africa.html) (1974)
Behind the Scene (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/B/behind-the-scene.html) (1975)
The Grand Design of the 20th Century (http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/G/grand-design.html) (1977)

24th April 2019, 06:47 PM
Chap 36

When I resigned in 1938 I had a second reason, not present in 1933, for perplexity about the way the press is conducted.

In that matter, too, I could only assume that some infatuation worked to distort the truthful picture of events. The outcome of the ensuing war, however, showed that a powerful motive had lain behind this particular misrepresentation.

In the case of "the Jewish persecution" in Germany I found that impartial presentation of the facts gradually gave way to so partisan a depictment that the truth was lost. This transformation was effected in three subtle stages.

First the persecution of "political opponents and Jews" was reported; then this was imperceptibly amended to "Jews and political opponents"; and at the end the press in general spoke only of "the persecution of Jews".

By this means a false image was projected on to the public mind and the plight of the overwhelming majority of the victims, by this fixing of the spotlight on one group, was lost to sight. The result showed in 1945, when, on the one hand, the persecution of Jews was made the subject of a formal indictment at Nuremberg, and on the other hand half of Europe and all the people in it were abandoned to the selfsame persecution, in which the Jews had shared in their small proportion to populations everywhere.

At that period I, typical of Englishmen of my generation, had never thought of Jews as different from myself, nor could I have said what might make a Jew, in his opinion, different from me.

24th April 2019, 07:04 PM

If this book has any sombre look, that is the native hue of the story it tells, not the reflection of my own cast of mind. I have written with feeling: the feeling of a contemporary, participant, eye-witness and of a journalist thwarted in his calling, which in my belief should serve truth without fear or favour, not special interests. I have seen more of the events of our century and of the secret perversions of national purposes than most, and have discovered through this experience that it was not all chance, but design. Therefore I have written a protest, but it is a protest against the suppression of truth, not against life.

It is a contemporary's tale of history in the making. After my time will come the historians, who from the fragments they disinter will assemble the story in all its elements. As well might one judge the impulses of a man from his skeleton. However, they may perceive things now hidden from me, and, above all, they will find that it was all necessary to the state of affairs in which they find themselves (and that, in the case of historians, is usually a comfortable one). Between the two depictments, somewhere, lies the whole truth; my part of it is the living protest of the living participant.


24th April 2019, 07:51 PM
Well I listened as far as Hitler was a great man, because he stood up against the Jews.

That was Hitler's role in the Jewish 3 act play. Hitler came, made war, and killed millions of white Christians and subjugated Germany for all time up to now.

Have you read Benton L. Bradberrys "Myth of German Villainy" Bigjohn? Looks pretty well researched and documented to me and Hitler was the good guy. There are other books as well that shine a light on what the allies did during and after the war that identify them as the bad guys.

You can read "The Myth of German Villainy" online for free.


24th April 2019, 08:50 PM
What world famous men have said about the Jews...


A reminder that Tumbleweed started this great thread.


24th April 2019, 09:57 PM
Have you read Benton L. Bradberrys "Myth of German Villainy" Bigjohn? Looks pretty well researched and documented to me and Hitler was the good guy. There are other books as well that shine a light on what the allies did during and after the war that sure identify them as the bad guys.

You can read "The Myth of German Villainy" online for free.


I don't have many issues with the German people.

The fact as reported by Reed shows Hitler locked up his fellow German's. How long would it take American's to sig heil if Bernie started locking up all conservatives?

The German people were brought to heel by Hitler's SS Secret Police.
I would venture that German's of that day were in the same spot we find ourselves in today. The Jews own everything.
Voting is rigged by the Jews.

Hitler was a soldier in Munich at the time when the communist's controlled Munich. All those soldier's wore a red armband and were communists.
Reed interviewed camp prisoners and they said that the SS turned over control to avowed communist's who were mostly Jews. These Jewish prisoners ran the camps.

The National Socialist's are the same as the communists they are both about an elite oligarchy running a collective society.

The political map runs from anarchy to communism with socialism in the next to last place.

25th April 2019, 03:07 AM
Have you read Benton L. Bradberrys "Myth of German Villainy" Bigjohn? Looks pretty well researched and documented to me and Hitler was the good guy. There are other books as well that shine a light on what the allies did during and after the war that sure identify them as the bad guys.

You can read "The Myth of German Villainy" online for free.


The 'Allies' were definitely the bad guys. Reed's book points this out. He clearly shows the Zionist hand that ruled the war machine. The German people and all humanity were the losers of that conflict.

25th April 2019, 06:36 AM
The 'Allies' were definitely the bad guys. Reed's book points this out. He clearly shows the Zionist hand that ruled the war machine. The German people and all humanity were the losers of that conflict.

Oh. Hitler isn't to blame after all. We finally agree.


25th April 2019, 11:23 AM
In the days before the internet, books and articles about Khazar transgressions were of paramount value, especially to those who were just beginning to learn about Jews. But we have to remember this about books and articles:

If Book or Monty or Woodman or hoarder or anyone else writes a book or an article about the chosen little darlings, it has no more and no less credibility than it would if the same person spoke those words verbally or posted them in a thread. The value in books and articles like the ones posted in this thread is when the authors convey what they themselves actually experienced or heard spoken by key individuals at the time, and even then the author is and should be subject to scrutiny for bias or ulterior motives. But remember much of what is written is heresay and we know Jews do most of the saying for both sides of any conflict.

Let us not assume that authors are gods, as we are all subject to deceit when researching the tribe of liars. "Well the author was an expert and he studied the topic".....but what makes him an expert? A degree from a university that doesn't disclose banking systems? What did he study? Lies? Jewsmedia articles?
Learning about this topic is not a simple matter of determining what the facts are, as they have too often been provided by individuals or organizations who are/were not who they pretended to be. Learning is about getting a general idea of what is probable.

This matter of probability needs to be tempered with a good understanding of strategy, modus operadi and modus agendi. We have to keep weighing the "cui bono" of every event, and do so from every angle.

25th April 2019, 01:05 PM
A look inside the Notre Dame Cathedral in 2016 of the work of the the true descendants of the Israelites, the real chosen ones of god, a look at the beautiful work of white, Adamic christians of the past.


25th April 2019, 03:06 PM
Oh. Hitler isn't to blame after all. We finally agree.


I didn't say I agreed with you. I think it is very possible that Hitler was one of the allies. A double agent actor at the very top, whose mission was to destroy the German people along with millions of other Caucasians. It is also possible that he was exactly what you and many others believe. I don't know, but if I had to bet, I'd say he was playing a role in favor of the Zionists.

25th April 2019, 06:26 PM
I didn't say I agreed with you. I think it is very possible that Hitler was one of the allies. A double agent actor at the very top, whose mission was to destroy the German people along with millions of other Caucasians. It is also possible that he was exactly what you and many others believe. I don't know, but if I had to bet, I'd say he was playing a role in favor of the Zionists.

I know. We have always disagreed about Hitler. Looks like me and Tumbleweed remain counter to you, Hoarder, and Bigjon.

Your statement (bolded) above seems to me beyond illogical. What could possibly be his Cui Bono motive to fight in WW1 then later intentionally exterminate his own people? Makes absolutely no sense.

Hoarder repeats his so-called theory that "because he failed militarily it must have been intentional".


25th April 2019, 09:41 PM

Hitler's legacy.

The new Germany and the new German's.

Hitler who when his armies were on the verge of total victory ordered them to halt.

And let them escape.

Yea, hooray a great man.

25th April 2019, 10:09 PM
Hitler's legacy.

Let's fire bomb Dresden goyim!



Our own fathers and uncles dutifully went over to Germany and fire bombed those civilians for Wall Street Jews.



25th April 2019, 10:34 PM

Hugo Gutmann later known as Henry G. Grant (19 November 1880 – 22 June 1962) was a German Jewish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Jews) army officer, notable for being one of Adolf Hitler (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler)'s superior officers in World War I (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I). During the war, he recommended Hitler for the award of the Iron Cross (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Cross).

Hugo Gutmann

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/GMann1917.jpg/220px-GMann1917.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GMann1917.jpg)Gutmann, c. 1918

26th April 2019, 06:54 PM
Yea, hooray a great man.


26th April 2019, 07:23 PM

It's amazing how many people will turn out for the rally, when the option is stay home and get a visit from the SS secret police and be sent to a concentration camp.

Heil Hitler!

26th April 2019, 08:24 PM
It's amazing how many people will turn out for the rally, when the option is stay home and get a visit from the SS secret police and be sent to a concentration camp.

Heil Hitler!

His people loved him and he loved them. It's pretty easy to see that in the video at the link below


26th April 2019, 09:49 PM
His people loved him and he loved them. It's pretty easy to see that in the video at the link below




27th April 2019, 06:29 AM
His people loved him and he loved them. It's pretty easy to see that in the video at the link below


And if they did NOT love him, he had a place where he could adjust their bad attitude.

Well over 90 percent of the people the NAZI's locked up were German's.

Hitler's Germany; A place where the State is the parent, where family's are not good enough to raise their own children. Instead of Family's the State will take the youth and raise them in camps and teach them to inform on anyone including their own family who is not living in a Hitler approved style.

A paradise for psychopaths.

27th April 2019, 07:15 AM
One has to draw a distinction between that which can be staged and acted out and that which cannot. Most stories fall into the former category. The deaths of ten million White people was not an act.

27th April 2019, 08:38 AM
I think the jews that browse this forum must love Bigjon and hoarder and they must hate me and Jewboo. :)

27th April 2019, 08:56 AM
I think the jews that browse this forum must love Bigjon and hoarder and they must hate me and Jewboo. :)

http://www.fallschirmjager.net/Vehicles/Motorcycles/BMWTechnical/Specialty/bmwR12R35idrmotamb170Vsteyr220cabropOL38_r12Baydew w2.jpg


27th April 2019, 09:04 AM
A paradise for psychopaths.




"We blame Hitler for this". "Hitler planned all this".

-Hoarder and Bigjon today in 2019


27th April 2019, 09:18 AM
I think the jews that browse this forum must love Bigjon and hoarder and they must hate me and Jewboo. :)

I think it is exactly the opposite.

You present the image that the Jews wanted Hitler to present, the hatred and persecution of ALL JEWS and no one else.
They even changed what journalists in Germany reported to reflect the ALL JEWS narrative and dropped the reports that stated well over 90 percent of concentration camp prisoners were German's.

The last thing they want is for people to catch on to their total control of the media message and that Hitler was their shabbos goy.

If you read C of Z you will see how the Jews packed in to Roosevelt's govt to create what jooboo shows Jews in total control from WWI to today.

27th April 2019, 10:00 AM
From Insanity Fair: chap 14

Hitler's Victory

Somehow this last obstacle had to be overcome. The cup of power could not again be dashed from
Hitler's lips, that would be intolerable. 'It seemed', said Göring two years later, 'that our laborious
efforts were to be thwarted at the last moment through a violent intervention of Schleicher ... In the
evening we heard that the Reichswehr was to be mobilized, that Schleicher was preparing a regular
revolt to prevent the constitutional formation of the Government. But the Führer saw to it that the
execution of this plot was made impossible.'

This was the last story whispered into the ear of the aged President. Schleicher was going to march
in from Potsdam with the Reichswehr and arrest him, Oskar, Papen, Hitler, put them all in a
fortress, in order that power might not fall into the hands of National Socialism. The story was
presumably the product of the same minds that conceived the Reichstag fire and other like exploits.

So that fellow Schleicher was thinking of sending troops to arrest him, Hindenburg? The
excitement in and about the Palace and the Kaiserhof Hotel was terrific. Without further ado
Hindenburg signed the decree making Hitler Chancellor.

That is how it all came about on January 30th, 1933. So is history made. Berlin was buzzing like a
beehive from morning till night, the nerves of four million people were quivering like harp strings.

Only the very ill, very poor, or the deeply enamoured were not moved on this day by lively hopes
or fears for the future.

I walked Unter den Linden to the Wilhelmstrasse, thinking back to Armistice Day 1918 and
forward to what might be coming. I felt that this was the final breakdown of the peace.

The Brown Shirts were hilariously jubilant. The last trench had been taken, the brown armies had
the freedom of the streets, even of the coveted Bannmeile - that square mile of streets in Central
Berlin where the Ministries and other Government buildings are situated, within which political
demonstrations had never been allowed.

I stood at a window of the Foreign Office that night and watched them tramping endlessly past, the
Brown Shirts, while their bands played Fridericus Rex and the Horst Wessel March. Hour after
hour they poured with their torchlights through the once forbidden Brandenburger Arch into the
promised land of Unter den Linden and the Wilhelmstrasse, marching with the triumphant ecstatic
air of soldiers taking possession of a long-beleaguered city.

Opposite me were two palaces - the old and the new Chancellors' Palaces, one a grey, ponderous
building in the Wilhelmian style of architecture, the other a clean-cut, four-square building, a
typical product of the Germany of 1918-1933.

Behind a lighted window of the old building stood a massive old man. The night air was chill and
they wouldn't let him have the window open. His dim old eyes saw the river of torchlights flowing
past, his ears heard the crash of the bands and the tramp of the Storm Troopers. What visions of
Königgrätz and Sedan and Paris and the proclamation of the German Empire at Versailles and long
years on the barrack square and Tannenberg and Verdun and the Somme did he see at this moment,

some seventy years after his first parade?

I saw him nod his head continually as the bands blared and the Brown Shirts goose-stepped past,
throwing their heads back and their eyes to the right to salute him. But they were not there to
honour him. His day was done. The salute to the old man, dimly seen behind the lighted window,
was perfunctory.

Fifty yards farther down the street in the new Palace was another window, on a higher level, open,
with the spotlights playing on it, a younger man leaning out. An American Jewish newspaper man,
an acquaintance of mine, soon afterwards to be expelled from Germany, found beauty in the scene -
the tumultuous brazen music, the tramp, tramp, tramp, the ceaseless cheering of the crowds, the
blazing torches, the bellowing of the loudspeakers, the old man behind the lighted window and the
younger man who leaned far out of the spotlit window, saluting.
'Hitler looks marvellous,' he said.

The old and the new. Field-Marshal and Bohemian Corporal. Hitler and Hindenburg. Tramp, tramp,
tramp, blare, blare, blare. Hour after hour they came tramping through the Brandenburger Tor down
the Wilhelmstrasse. 'Die Strasse frei, die Reihen fest geschlossen - Hoch, Hoch, Hoooooch!'

The lighted window went dark. Hindenburg had gone to bed. I went off to write. Hitler, the
spotlight still fastened on him, old General Litzmann dimly seen behind him, leaned far out into the
Wilhelmstrasse, surveying his Reich. The Vienna destitute, the man of all trades and none, the
battalion message-runner, the political hired man sent out by the Reichswehr after the war to spy on
his kind, the man who by his own account had never done a real day's work in his life, had got his
first job - Chancellor of the German Reich.

27th April 2019, 10:13 AM
I think the jews that browse this forum must love Bigjon and hoarder and they must hate me and Jewboo. :)
In the present day, it's in the interests of Jews to isolate those who tell their secrets. If they are isolated from the rest of the goyim, the latter will never learn those secrets. What better way to isolate tellers of secrets than to attach Swastikas and images of Hitler to them?

27th April 2019, 12:48 PM
If you read C of Z you will see how the Jews packed in to Roosevelt's govt to create what jooboo shows Jews in total control from WWI to today.

Oh. Hitler is to blame for what Roosevelt did.


27th April 2019, 01:41 PM
Oh. Hitler is to blame for what Roosevelt did.


That is an interesting take on it.

I guess what i'm trying to show is how the Jews like complete control of ALL of the principal participants in their little game of Jews as world commander.

Including Hitler or someone in a position to pull his string.

Roosevelt was one of Hitler's big dance partners.

27th April 2019, 02:09 PM
Chapter Sixteen

Oh, did you see? He has quite blue eyes.' A girl, who had been straining her tiptoes to peer between
the helmets of the Reichswehrmen, turned excitedly to her mother. Hitler had just gone by, to join
hands with Old Hindenburg over the tomb of Frederick the Great in the Garrison Church and
pledge Germany to 'the spirit of Potsdam'.

His eyes were about as blue as the Blue Danube, and anybody who ever sees the Danube blue
should take a colour photograph and frame it. The Danube has every virtue that a river should have
and I love it; it is for me a friend and a brother, and a peerless highway; it is magnificent, but it is
not blue.

If Johann Strauss only wanted a rhyme to Au he might just as well have taken Grau.
Donau so Grau, tum-tum, tum-tum,
Durch Tal und Au, tum-tum, tum-tum.
No, you can't do it. You can't waltz to a grey river. It hadderbe blue.

So with Hitler's blue eyes and the young lady of Potsdam. They had to be blue.

It was the beginning
of the cult of Hitler among German women. Nothing succeeds like excess, and the female
population already had a terrific Schwämerei for him. Afterwards I saw women crowding around
him in hundreds, trying to kiss his hand, touch his garment, weeping from a surfeit of bliss at being
in his presence.
Weeping women will accompany Hitler on his way through this vale of tears.

An hour later I sat in the gallery of the Kroll Opera House and watched Hitler take his place in the

Chancellor's chair. He first entered Parliament after every possibility of opposition or counterargument
had been ruthlessly suppressed. I marvelled as I looked down on him, who had changed
into the brown uniform and sat with Papen beside him.

According to his own story he drifted aimlessly about Vienna before the war, as do innumerable
pieces of human flotsam and jetsam to this day, and never found a job he could keep for very long,
never toiled hard with his head or his hands for meagre pay as other men do, to keep themselves
alive and decent. His Socialist fellow workmen threatened to throw him off a scaffolding unless he
went quietly; in private conversation Hitler must be infuriating.

In the war he was an obscure battalion orderly. After the war he was used by the Reichswehr as a
spy to keep the military authorities aware of what political movements were hatching in Munich.

Then, still afire with the Great-German, Anti-Jewish politics he had absorbed in Vienna, he joined
the little group of men that was later to become the National Socialist Party, came to be their leader,
and for the next dozen years spent his time addressing meetings of his own supporters,
accompanied to and from them by an Al Capone bodyguard and surrounded at them by Storm
Troopers. The only difference in them was the degree of applause, which became greater as his
supporters multiplied.

Open debate with an adversary he never knew, except on a small scale at the beginning. He avoided
it, for he cannot debate. It upsets him to be challenged and he gets angry and loses control. In a real
Parliament he could not have lasted, so that the timing of his first appearance in Parliament to
coincide with the suppression of all opposition commands admiration.

The Reichstag on that day felt just like a bomb must feel immediately before it explodes. Only one
thing -- short of the death of Hindenburg, which could not be long delayed -- now stood between
Hitler and absolute power: a Bill giving him authority to do what he liked, without Parliament and
without regard for President or Constitution. Such a bill needed a two-thirds majority in the

Hitler introduced his Bill, in his famous 'Give us four years' speech. His Parliament was in a
theatre, and all the theatrical trappings of National Socialism surrounded him.

Göring, massive and
glowering, towered over him in the Speaker's chair. High up, the heads of two stalwart SS men
poked through a hole in the wooden curtain over the stage; no doubt good shots, they kept a close
watch on the people in the public galleries. The brown-shirted phalanx of Hitler's deputies, among
them several men whom he was to have shot a year later, tumultuously cheered every sentence.

Centre, under Kaas and Brüning, sat prim and decorous, trying to look as if they really dared vote
against the Bill. The Socialists, who had to vote against it or become the laughing stock of history,
were a picture of dejection. Against the wall by them lounged a thick fringe of armed Nazi SS and
SA men. Outside the House masses of Storm Troopers, posted there by a thoughtful stage manager

who forgot no detail, shouted in chorus threats of the things they would do if the Bill were not

It was the last appearance of the great German Socialist Party, that had fought the Kaisers and
Bismarck, had in the war kept alive the idea of humanity and peace in Germany, and for its pains
had been saddled by the Allied Powers with the task of carrying out the Peace Treaty and kicked
hard in the pants for fourteen years while engaged in doing so.

When Hitler came to power he inaugurated in Germany a military despotism far more menacing for
the outer world than that of the Kaisers, and yet he was treated with infinitely more consideration
and respect than the German moderates by Germany's former enemies. How can Germany fail to
learn the lesson of this? How can the cause of peace and justice and humanity ever flourish in

Then the Prelate Kaas got up, a son of that Mother Church which can always yield and always wait,
which in history has so often been on the side of inhumanity and cruelty if only these were arrayed
in the robes of a Most Catholic Majesty or something of that sort. The Catholic Centre, modestly
announced the Prelate Kaas, would vote for the Bill.

The battle was won. The Centre votes just gave the Bill its two-thirds majority and the Nazi regime
the semblance of a constitutional foundation. Absolute power was Hitler's' cloaked for the nonce
only by the thin shroud of a non-committal deference due to a failing President.

I walked through the Tiergarten and Unter den Linden. Hitler, standing bare-headed in his car,
drove between thick hedges of Storm Troopers to the Wilhelmstrasse. The crowds surged to greet
him. The cheering crashed about him like salvoes of gunfire. Germany had 'given him four years'.

27th April 2019, 03:03 PM

I see sheeple.

27th April 2019, 03:17 PM
Chapter Seventeen

A burly brown Shirt, stupid and bespectacled, blocked the doorway of the shop as I entered. I tried
to push past. He leaned his weight against me. I pushed harder. He leaned more heavily - he was a
heavy man. I forced my way past, saying 'Ausländer'. He slightly relaxed his weight, and I found
myself inside the shop.

I was testing the Jewish boycott, on All Fools' Day 1933. The boycott was to be entirely one of
gentle moral suasion, and peaceful picketing they said. No force would be used. Shoppers would
just be politely reminded that the threshold was a Jewish one.

I don't know why I showed such zeal. It wasn't my quarrel. But I am glad I did, for while I was
buying an unwanted stick of shaving-soap from an entirely noncommittal Jewish proprietor, who
must have wondered why I should wrestle with a Storm Trooper on his behalf, one of the few
things happened that I remember with respect from this period in Germany.

A young servant girl came, one of those buxom, strapping Berlin servant girls who work like bees
for their Gnädige, keep the flat spotlessly clean, cook, look after the children, and still have neat
hair and a smiling face. I suppose she was a regular customer of this Jewish druggist. When the
Brown Shirt blocked her way she told him roundly to move and when he sought to prevent her
entering she said 'Quatsch' ('Rubbish') and pushed him aside, came in, made her purchase and went,
to continue scrubbing her floors. This was courageous and hazardous on All Fools' Day 1933.

I seldom found Berlin so unattractive as on that April day. In the early morning I watched the
Brown Shirts going from shop to shop with paint pots and daubing on the windowpanes the word
'Jew', in dripping red letters. In some places I saw them pasting up black placards with the yellow
spot of the Ghetto. The Kurfürstendamm was to me a revelation. I knew the Jews were predominant
in business life, but I did not know that they almost monopolized important branches of it.

Germany had one Jew to one hundred Gentiles, said the statistics; but the fashionable
Kurfürstendamm, according to the dripping red legends, had about one Gentile shop to ninety-nine
Jewish ones.

But statistics, even official German statistics, are untrustworthy about Jews. I do not know how it is
done, whether large numbers of baptized Jews or non-practising Jews or Jews with foreign
passports do not show in them, but nobody who trusted the evidence of his eyes could believe that
Germany had only one per cent of Jews, and the same thing holds good today about the statistics
for the Jewish populations of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia and other countries -
including England.

I watched a fat Storm Troop Commander directing operations on the shop front. He strode up and
down the Kurfürstendamm smacking his leathered calves with a dog whip - a trick begun by Hitler
himself, taken up by Julius Streicher, the Nüremberg Nazi leader and chief Jew-baiter, and imitated
by many other little Hitlers, just as they copied his gestures and his moustache. Here he placed a
picket before a shop, there he ordered the locking of a shop door and stood by while the Jewish
proprietress silently complied, there again he had the paint-pot squad come and daub some new
legend on the panes. Then he strode with Napoleonic mien to his waiting motor car and was driven
off to hearten his men at some other sector of the front.

At night the boycott ended. It was not meant to last longer. It was a sop to the Storm Troops. They
thought that by painting red letters on shop windows between dawn and dusk they could rid
Germany of the Jews, a race which had endured and survived infinitely more rigorous repression in
every part of Europe through the centuries and had always emerged stronger and more powerful.

The Storm Troops were the fools of this All Fools' Day.
In Kiel, however, they lynched a Jew. Single-handed, he had provoked and threatened to attack a
large crowd.

A month before Hitler a Jewish doctor had brought my son into the world. His nursing home was a
model of cleanliness and kindliness and efficiency and I can wish no son of mine a more
comfortable entry into this life. After Hitler came he was deprived of his practice among State insured
patients but his private practice continued, and even improved, and he continued to live
well, a little less prosperous than before, but suffering far less material loss under the anti-Semitic
regime than investors, for instance, had suffered from the inflation. Another Jewish doctor cured
me of an ear trouble acquired from swimming. He moved into a smaller flat and adapted himself to
a more modest income, but his private Gentile patients continued to come to him, for he was a good
doctor, and he earned an ample livelihood.

I rented a house from a Jew, a house built after the war, by a Jewish architect I imagine, in that new
district of Berlin near the Stadium where the Olympic Games were held, a lovely house with ivy
and a porch and a sun balcony and a marvellous bathroom and a garage and a garden that merged
itself in the trees of the Grunewald, where the deer sometimes came up to our fence, and yet it was
but fifteen minutes eastward by car from my office in Unter den Linden and five minutes westward
to the lakes - a perfect house. In a sane world, I would have liked to live there for ever. My Jewish
landlord had been in politics and had gone off to Palestine; he sold his lovely house for much less
than it was worth to a Berlin manufacturer who was growing rich on armaments.

My neighbour was another Jew, a prosperous lawyer, who had to reduce his scale of life because of
the restrictions placed on the Jews in the legal profession. He let half his house, withdrew into the
other half, divided his garden in two. In his half was a grove of trees, a little world screened off.
Here his children and other Jewish children, their friends, used on sunny afternoons to gather and
sit in a circle, talking quietly. I used to wonder what they talked about. Here they clearly felt
themselves geborgen, safe. But I noticed that his daughter, a beautiful girl, continued to go on
school excursions with the non-Jewish children and apparently enjoyed herself.

Sometimes on a warm morning I would take out the car and drive with Brenda Mary to the ice
cream shop off the Olivaerplatz, by the Kurfürstendamm, where a Jew sold the best ice cream in all
Berlin, a whacking great wafer for a penny. His ice cream was famous. Scores of people and a
dozen cars habitually waited outside his shop. Inside you had to wait your turn, and this Jew waxed
so rich under National Socialism that eventually the hours of opening for ice cream shops were

The Jews were cleared from the theatre and opera stage, from the newspapers, from the teaching
staffs of schools, colleges and universities. The worst hardships were suffered by Jews in these
professions. So far as I know, no Jew can play, sing, write or teach in Germany - though, a strange
anomaly, old Leo Blech was for some reason taken under Göring's protection and, for years after
Hitler and the Jewish boycott, remained in the conductor's chair at the Opera, the focal point of
Berlin social life. Doctors and dentists were deprived of their State patients but carried on their
private practices. Lawyers were placed under crippling restrictions but, as lawyers do, found
various ways of circumventing them.

But the Jews have been left almost unmolested in their most powerful stronghold - that of trade and
commerce. One or two big Jewish concerns have, by various devices resembling sleight of hand,
been filched from their owners and brought under non-Jewish control. The great mass of Jewish
traders, big and small, remains, and goes on trading, and you can see them to this day eating and
drinking in the Kurfürstendamm without let or hindrance.

The anti-Jewish racket in Germany is a pricked balloon, a hollow bluff, a shop-window exhibit like
one of those tempting bottles of Chartreuse or Benedictine that you can see in expensive grocers'
shops - they only contain coloured water.

The Jews know it in their heart. They may hate National Socialism as much as ever, but they no
longer fear it. They know they have but to bide their time. They know that the bombs and aircraft
and tanks of the new Germany were used for the first time against Gentiles, and will be used
against Gentiles again. They were used in the name of anti-Bolshevism, which for the Nazis is
synonymous with anti-Semitism, but what had the peasants of Guernica and the townspeople of
Almeria to do with Jews or Bolshevists?

The anti-Jewish laws of Nüremberg 1936 were thought by the outer world to mark the climax of
anti-Semitism in Germany; actually they meant the end of the bluff. Of what practical importance is
a law forbidding German maidservants under the age of forty-five to serve in Jewish households? It
is only the counterpart of the Jewish anti-Gentile laws. It will not drive one Jew from Germany or
lessen by one pfennig the turnover of a Jewish trader.

The exodus of the Jews from Germany was confined to Jews in the professions. But their lot is
infinitely better than that of non-Jewish emigrants. The German Socialist, Communist or pacifist
emigrant has no hope but to eke out a miserable existence in Prague, Antwerp, Paris or London. I
have watched him doing it - a depressing sight. He has no friends, no chance of a job, no Protektion

I was talking one day to Z, a Jewish journalist expelled from Germany who has settled in Vienna,
where he has a pleasant home and a motor car. He talked with bitter resentment of Germany. 'Ah',
he complained, 'the Poles murdered us, but the Germans have robbed us', and it was quite clear
from his tone which was the worse thing for him.

Then he told me how his son was still working
for a big German film company in Berlin and had thrice had his salary raised to induce him not to
leave and emigrate, as he desired, wishing to join his father.

The Jews. As I write, in Vienna, they are all about me, watching with non-committal, veiled,
appraising eyes the comedy that is going on in Insanity Fair. They know that when Hitlerism has
passed away they will still be trading in the Kärntnerstrasse.

27th April 2019, 04:40 PM
I see sheeple.


No. No. Bigjon says that SS Secret Nazi Police forced all these White People to attend those rallies for this nigger. For eight years!



27th April 2019, 06:43 PM
I'm glad that one thing remains constant around here.

The Jews and their lies are always a fact of life.

27th April 2019, 06:43 PM

No. No. Bigjon says that SS Secret Nazi Police forced all these White People to attend those rallies for this nigger. For eight years!



It is pretty sickening. I believe it will get a lot worse after they have eliminated Trump. The country will probably go Socialist/commie after the next election. It will happen quick, once it starts. Then, most likely civil war of some type.

27th April 2019, 06:47 PM
I was listening to the latest Tim Kelley podcast last night and I noted that they have now taken to saying 'Cosmopolitans' instead of the 'J' word (Amazing that the word Jew has become an epithet of sorts) most likely because it may help them from getting targeted for elimination from venues such as youtube.

27th April 2019, 09:55 PM
The country will probably go Socialist/commie after the next election. It will happen quick, once it starts. Then, most likely civil war of some type.

https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/43/43/464343d34d25ba55f336a562eb58317a.jpg https://cdn.dvidshub.net/media/thumbs/photos/1812/4955065/1000w_q95.jpg

Not by Whitey. Only 24% of California public school students are White now. I imagine less than half of the National Guard and Border Patrol are White men these days. We're already outnumbered and those mutts carry government M-16s.


28th April 2019, 01:14 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/43/43/464343d34d25ba55f336a562eb58317a.jpg https://cdn.dvidshub.net/media/thumbs/photos/1812/4955065/1000w_q95.jpg

Not by Whitey. Only 24% of California public school students are White now. I imagine less than half of the National Guard and Border Patrol are White men these days. We're already outnumbered and those mutts carry government M-16s.


Getting pushed into a corner will ignite even the most sedate. You have been pushed into a corner Book. You left Commiefornia because of it and went to your little corner of Idaho. Pretty soon everything will blow up. Give it a few years. You may be dead and I may be dead but I don't think Whitey is going out with a whimper. It is amazing how fast we lost our nation.

28th April 2019, 03:14 AM
Well when you have wealthy elites who think being communist is more important than the Republic they dangle in front of our eyes as our govt, what chance did we really have?



The first 14 minutes give his background.

28th April 2019, 06:10 AM
Well when you have wealthy elites who think being communist is more important than the Republic they dangle in front of our eyes as our govt, what chance did we really have?



The first 14 minutes give his background.

Good interview if it's the one by G. Edward Griffin.

28th April 2019, 06:25 AM
It is pretty sickening. I believe it will get a lot worse after they have eliminated Trump. The country will probably go Socialist/commie after the next election. It will happen quick, once it starts. Then, most likely civil war of some type.Such an event has to coincide with the final die-off of the baby-boomers. With us gone, the White population as a percentage will have plummeted. It can't be much farther away than 10 years.

28th April 2019, 07:07 AM
...Whitey is going out with a whimper. It is amazing how fast we lost our nation.

Only 24% of California public school students are White now. It's already gone.


SUNLAND PARK, N.M. (Reuters) - The leader of an armed militia that spent two months rounding up migrants
at the U.S.-Mexico border before he was arrested on federal weapons charges was hospitalized after
a jailhouse attack, his lawyer and authorities said on Wednesday. (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-militia/leader-of-self-styled-us-citizen-border-patrol-attacked-in-jail-idUSKCN1S01L3)


28th April 2019, 10:55 AM
Only 24% of California public school students are White now. It's already gone.
https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/51420228/militias-here-border-is-all-secure-sir.jpgSUNLAND PARK, N.M. (Reuters) - The leader of an armed militia that spent two months rounding up migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border before he was arrested on federal weapons charges was hospitalized after a jailhouse attack, his lawyer and authorities said on Wednesday. (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-militia/leader-of-self-styled-us-citizen-border-patrol-attacked-in-jail-idUSKCN1S01L3)


Polluting Tumbleweed’s thread.

They must have put him in jail with a bunch of wetbacks who proceeded to kick the shit out of him.

The American Civil Liberties Union last week denounced the UCP as group of “fascist” vigilantes impersonating law enforcement to essentially kidnap Central American families seeking asylum.

The ACLU must not have heard about citizen’s arrest laws most states have.

Looking for New Mexico’s citizen’s arrest statute I found they don’t have one,


By now you may have heard about the vigilante goon squad (https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/19/us/border-militia-migrants/index.html?utm_content=2019-04-19T15%3A01%3A08&utm_source=fbCNN&utm_term=link&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR3LWo-O6bCoHIqp_TsCrl2AJmizc4xxYb5B1ZpqozKtF88mIbD9rqoZe O4)in New Mexico that “detained” approximately 300 people.

As usual, I’m no attorney. I don’t even play one on the teevee. As it happens, I did just recently start working in the field and I’m learning as I go. Sadly, that’s still more than the average American disinformation consumer can claim. I first spotted the story last night. I was appalled, as I think any person of basically decent character should be. Commenters on that news appeared to agree. “This is abduction, plain and simple!” went the refrain.

I don’t believe them to be mistaken. That doesn’t keep it from being a rush to judgment. For the act to be abduction, first it has to not be some other kind of act, an act that the goon squad undoubtedly believes to be a legal one. They’re only “detaining,” after all. They did take the “detainees” to the Border Patrol. Border Patrol dutifully relieved the goons of their burden. End of story.
Or is it?

See, there’s a thing called citizen’s arrest. Are you familiar with the details of it? Me neither. A quick skim last night over a FindLaw article on the subject gave me a decent top-down view, but also indicated something obvious. The statutes governing citizen’s arrest are state laws, ergo, they vary from state-to-state. Typically the act is restricted to commissions of felonies. Sometimes, maybe, it can include misdemeanors, but only when there’s a breach of the peace.

So let’s take a little look at the law in New Mexico, since that’s the jurisdiction in question.

Oh, wait. There is no citizen’s arrest statute in New Mexico. Instead, it’s treated as a matter of Common Law (https://www.abqjournal.com/biz/24222721biz01-24-11.htm), as illustrated by a judge in 2011.

On that basis, let’s look at this phrasing from a different case, Hernandez v. Fitzgerald, 2019 U.S. Dist (https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-mexico/nmdce/1:2014cv00964/307758/203/).

Neither Plaintiff nor Defendant Fitzgerald addressed the definition or standard for a citizen’s arrest in New Mexico. In New Mexico, “[a]ny person . . . may arrest another upon good-faith, reasonable grounds that a felony [emphasis added by author] had been or was being committed, or a breach of the peace [emphasis added by author] was being committed in the person’s presence.” State v. Arroyos, 2005-NMCA-086, ¶ 5, 137 N.M. 769, 115 P.3d 232 (citing State v. Johnson, 1996-NMSC-075, ¶ 18, 122 N.M. 696, 930 P.2d 1148), overruled on other grounds by State v. Slayton, 2009-NMSC-054, 147 N.M. 340, 223 P.3d 337. A breach of the peace is considered “a disturbance of public order by an act of violence, or by any act likely to produce violence, or which, by causing consternation and alarm, disturbs the peace and quiet of the community.” [*17] State v. Florstedt, 1966-NMSC-208, ¶ 7, 77 N.M. 47, 419 P.2d 248.


The question then becomes whether Defendant Fitzgerald reasonably believed that Plaintiff breached the peace. The parties agree that Plaintiff did not engage in any act of violence prior to the scuffle with Defendant Fitzgerald. Therefore, for Plaintiff to have breached the peace, Defendant Fitzgerald would have to reasonably believe that Plaintiff’s actions were “likely to produce violence.” Florstedt, 1966-NMSC-208, ¶ 7. Defendant Fitzgerald does not assert that he believed Plaintiff’s actions were likely to produce violence prior to engaging Plaintiff in a physical altercation. Also, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, a reasonable jury could find that Plaintiff’s filming and speaking to Defendant Fitzgerald did not cause “consternation and alarm” so as to disturb the peace. Defendant Fitzgerald [*18] cited no authority or other evidence to suggest that a public employee, not a law enforcement officer, remains entitled to the benefit of the doubt after he initiates an altercation that was debatably unlawful. The above situation constitutes a genuine issue of material fact relevant to probable cause to arrest and to a good faith reasonable belief best reserved to the jury, and precludes summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity.

28th April 2019, 10:05 PM
Rossette did a long interview with William Finck on Adolf Hitlers birthday that's pretty good. They covered a lot of topics and it was pretty interesting I thought. At about the 40:00 minute mark Rossette questions him on what his thoughts are on why Hitler lost the war since he was fighting against the enemies of God. I thought his answer was interesting and not what you commonly hear.

The bit chute link is below. The Jews don't like this one either.


A link here to the interview on christogenea.


Comments have been disabled on youtube of the interview below


OK, enough of this derailing of this thread. Lets argue about Hitler in a thread somewhere else. :)

29th April 2019, 08:23 AM
What world famous men have said about the Jews. This video is long but speaks the truth from start to finish.


BUMP to the OP to return us to the actual thread Topic. Notice that (((Youtube))) removed this video long ago demonstrating how they constantly kosherize/censor our goy search for Truth.


OK, enough of this derailing of this thread. Lets argue about Hitler in a thread somewhere else. :)

13th May 2019, 06:27 PM
A video by Truthvids "What did Jesus Christ Really Look Like".


13th May 2019, 08:19 PM
5 Major Bible Mistranslations by Truthvids.


13th May 2019, 08:28 PM
5 Bible Verses Satan has Corrupted by Truthvids


13th May 2019, 08:41 PM
Another video "10 Amazing Facts About the Prophets" by Truthvids.


27th May 2019, 09:39 AM
Rossette and Mikko have done another video and this time it's on Jews and Muslims. Dancing Jews and Muslims at the end.;D

"Ten Reasons Why Judaism and Islam are the Same Seed"


I thought I'd edit to add that the dance the muslims are doing that were wearing white skirts and spinning in circles is called the "Whirling Dervish". I've heard that term all my life but didn't know what it was.

a link here to the same video on Bitchute if the Jews block this one on youtube


27th May 2019, 10:05 AM
Rossette and Mikko have done another video and this time it's on Jews and Muslims. Dancing Jews and Muslims at the end.;D

"Ten Reasons Why Judaism and Islam are the Same Seed"


a link here to the same video on Bitchute if the Jews block this one on youtube


But but, the Jews are just like Christians?
We are told we are a Judeo-Christian country due to perceived parallels, commonalities and shared values between the two religions...except Jews (which are really part schvartze), worship a different God, don't believe in Jesus, celebrate completely different holidays/traditions, they vote liberal Democrat, promote homosexuality/perversion, promote race mixing of whites/white genocide, globalism and are for infanticide. Other then that, they're just like Christians?

21st June 2019, 10:38 AM
William Finck and Don Fox did a four part series on the prophecies of revelation. Part four they connect the "End Times" to the present and to what is happening in the world today. Collectively the Jews are Satan. The "white nations" are "the Camp of the Saints" and jews are flooding them with the armies of Satan. The battle of Gog and MaGog is beginning and the camp of the Saints is being surrounded. The armies of Satan are gathering to fight against the true Israelites but they will be destroyed in the end.

It's hard to listen to this podcast part four at christogenea so I downloaded it to my computer and it's much better there. It's long but I think it's very good and gives a lot of insight into what is happening and what the end will be according to bible prophecy.


29th July 2019, 06:12 AM
Rossette Delacroix has added her photos to a podcast of William Finck and Sven Longshanks. The photos and text make the podcast more interesting and it's a very interesting podcast.

"In this segment of Bible Basics, William Finck and Sven Longshanks of Radio Aryan discuss what is commonly called "two-seedline" among Identity Christians, and the Biblical evidence behind the distinct nature of the races, especially the nature and origins of the White race in contrast to that of the Jews and other ancient mongrels.https://christogenea.org/podcasts/bib... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fchristogenea.org%2Fpodcas ts%2Fbible-basics-part-8&v=AGlW0bqMERE&event=video_description&redir_token=0Vfg8PHYLAlwXqPsstBgewhF04V8MTU2NDQ4Nz UzOUAxNTY0NDAxMTM5)"


The link to this video on bitchute

15th September 2019, 11:15 AM
This is an interesting podcast with Sven Longshanks and William Finck. It's long but interesting because they talk about what the jews have been doing through the centuries and in the end what will be done with them. A real holocaust is in store for the jews and not a fake one like they made up. Jesus Christ will bring on the real holocaust for the jews and it will be the end of them as revealed in Revelation.


Link at Bit chute


5th October 2019, 12:51 PM
I saw this story on Incogman's site in one of the comments and thought it was too good not to post here.


A tourist walked into a curio shop in San Francisco. Looking around at the exotica, he noticed a very lifelike, life-sized bronze statue of a rat. It had no price tag, but it was so striking he decided he must have it. He asked the owner, “How much for the bronze rat?”

“Twelve dollars for the rat. One hundred dollars for the story,” said the owner.

The tourist gave the man twelve dollars. “I’ll take the rat. You can keep the story.”

As he walked down the street carrying his bronze rat, he noticed that a few real rats had crawled out of the alleys and sewers and they were following him down the street. This was disconcerting. He began trotting. Within a couple of blocks, the herd of rats had grown to hundreds, and they were squealing. He ran toward the bay. He looked around and saw that the rats now numbered in the MILLIONS, they were squealing loudly, and they were coming toward him fast.

Scared, he ran to the edge of the bay and threw the bronze rat as far out into the bay as he could. Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the bay after it, and they all drowned.

The man walked back to the curio shop. “Aha,” said the owner, “you have come back for the story?”

“No,” said the man. “I came back to see if you have a Bronze Jew.”

10th October 2019, 12:20 AM
William Finck and Don Fox did a four part series on the prophecies of revelation. Part four they connect the "End Times" to the present and to what is happening in the world today. Collectively the Jews are Satan. The "white nations" are "the Camp of the Saints" and jews are flooding them with the armies of Satan. The battle of Gog and MaGog is beginning and the camp of the Saints is being surrounded. The armies of Satan are gathering to fight against the true Israelites but they will be destroyed in the end.

It's hard to listen to this podcast part four at christogenea so I downloaded it to my computer and it's much better there. It's long but I think it's very good and gives a lot of insight into what is happening and what the end will be according to bible prophecy.


The flood coming out of the mouth of the serpent spoken of in Revelation are the invaders coming into white nations. William Finck and Don Fox in the podcast above explain and connect what's happening now in the world as it pertains to the prophecy in Revelation. At the link on Bitchute below is a view of the prophecy spoken of in Revelation.


10th October 2019, 10:38 AM
The flood coming out of the mouth of the serpent spoken of in Revelation...



10th October 2019, 12:25 PM


Yes the Jews have infiltrated and taken over the Catholic Church. William Finck has spoken a lot about that in his podcasts and says christians must come out of the Catholic Church and also the other main stream churches. Collectively Jews are Satan/the Devil and they are the serpent spewing forth the flood of invaders in to white nations. These invaders are coming here to take everything we have and destroy us as the Jews/Satan have planned.

20th October 2019, 06:23 AM
There is a series of three podcasts with William Finck and Sword Brethren in the Main Kampf section at christogenea on Wilhelm Marrs pamphlet "The Victory of Judaism over Germanism" written in 1879. Kevin McDonald did a review of the pamphlet and his review and the pamphlet are discussed in these podcasts.

In the pamphlet in 1879 Marrs wrote how the jews would take control and they've done it. Also discussed by Finck and Sword Brethren is how they can be defeated but very few really want to do whats necessary to accomplish that.

William Finck is a smart guy and Sword Brethren entertains me with a lot of his comments and these podcasts are really interesting because of what was going on in Germany in the 1800's is exactly whats going on today in this country.

These three podcasts are each about one and a half hours long and I put them on and listen in the morning while I'm waiting for it to get light.

This is the link to the three podcasts in the Main Kampf project at christogenia. I downloaded them to my computer and and listen to them there because it works better for me that way.


This is a link to a pdf of Marrs 35 page pamphlet that you can read if you like. It gets a little confusing because he doesn't know that the jews are not the Hebrews or Israel of the Bible but are Canaanites/Edomites. They are living, breathing devils that walk the face of the earth. Finck and Sword Brethren sort that all out though in the podcasts for you. History repeats.


30th November 2019, 03:21 PM
This is a video done by Truthvids on youtube that explains that the true Israelites are the white European people. It's long but it's good to know who we really are. The "jews" are not Israelites. They are Edomites, Canaanites, the children of the Devil.

I think the jews will probably gas this video on youtube so here's the link to it on bit chute.



There is text and photos of this video on the christogenea forum with discussion with the fellow who made it at this link below.


4th December 2019, 06:11 AM
^ The video above with the text and photos can also be viewed at the link below. Lots of other good information at the link too.


15th January 2020, 04:54 AM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1cbb024e4e19d58596a89c58f907209faafa72357455d88a2d 424b06620688c2.png?w=800&h=900 (https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1cbb024e4e19d58596a89c58f907209faafa72357455d88a2d 424b06620688c2.png)

15th January 2020, 04:55 AM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/42935b7684caada244d1409197782dd1e5ce05b8a521e4a418 ba8a9d032ad903.jpg?w=800&h

2nd February 2020, 06:54 AM
Rossette Delacroix did a series on the works of Bertrand Comparet and part of that was of the travels of the white race, the so called "lost tribes of Israel", who were and still are the true Israelites of the Bible. Below is an excerpt from her work about their travels through the Caucasus Mountains.


http://rosettedelacroix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/armenia-300x213.jpg (http://rosettedelacroix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/armenia.jpg)

This powerful and increasingly numerous people thereafter spread farther north, both east and west of the Caspian Sea. To the west of it, they penetrated into the Volga and Don River valleys as the Sauromatians and the Royal Scyths, nomadic peoples. To reach these lands, they had come up through the Caucasus mountains by a great pass which is today occupied by the Georgian military road. Perhaps the communists have changed the name of this pass in recent years, but from ancient times, until within our own life times, this pass was known as the Pass of Israel. The white race of Europe is often called Caucasian because the ancestors of many of them did come out of the Caucasus mountains.

http://rosettedelacroix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/tusheti-road2-300x226.jpg (http://rosettedelacroix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/tusheti-road2.jpg)

When Alexander the Great began his great marauding expedition across western Asia and as far as India, he had to skirt the edge of the lands held by the Scythians. In his limitless vanity and ambition, he wanted to conquer them also. It is recorded that their ambassadors said that they would never surrender to him, that they were nomadic peoples who, if they could not resist, could retreat indefinitely before his armies. They had no wealthy cities for him to conquer and loot. Alexander invaded their lands long enough to fight one severe battle with them, defeating the Scythian forces he met. This was evidently just a lesson to them not to attack the flanks of his forces, for he led his forces out of their territory and never returned to the attack.

Loreena McKenitt is a Scottish singer and writer who would be a descendant of those Israelites who traveled through the Caucasus's. Below is a song of hers with what I believe are photos and videos taken in the Caucasus's. She wrote and sings the song but someone else has done the video. The Israelites were white but I don't think all of those in the video's are. Beautiful music and scenery about the travels of the ancestors of the white race.

Night ride across the Caucasus

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=144&amp;v=1MjdrQPu6cg&amp;feature=emb_ logo

Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on
There are visions, there are memories
There are echoes of thundering hooves
There are fires, there is laughter
There's the sound of a thousand doves
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on
In the velvet of the darkness
By the silhouette of silent trees
They are watching, they are waiting
They are witnessing life's mysteries
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Cascading stars on the slumbering hills
They are dancing as far as the sea
Riding o'er the land, you can feel its gentle hand
Leading on to its destiny
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Take me with you on this journey
Where the boundaries of time are now tossed
In cathedrals of the forest
In the words of the tongues now lost
Find the answers, ask the questions
Find the roots of an ancient tree
Take me dancing, take me singing
I'll ride on till the moon meets the sea
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on
Ride on Through the night Ride on

2nd February 2020, 07:13 AM
The white race of Europe is often called Caucasian because the ancestors of many of them did come out of the Caucasus mountains. What is the basis of this?

2nd February 2020, 10:52 AM
The Devil and the Jews

February 1, 2020

Rabbi's book reveals the scale and continuity
of the Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish Conspiracy.

Judaism is not defined by the Torah but rather by
the Talmud and Cabala. Cabala Judaism posits that
Cabalist leadership is God and defines reality.
Anything that seeks to supplant God is Satanism.
This is the essence of "secularism" and "humanism."
It is also the essence of the New World Order, where Satanism replaces Christianity and all other true religions.

Cabalist bankers and their Masonic flunkees (our leaders) promote war (https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/68131/new-york-times-a-propaganda-megaphone-for-war-says-former-nyt.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) to advance the NWO. Cabalist success hinges on Christian failure.

Ordinary Jews and Masons are oblivious to the jeopardy their megalomaniacal leaders are putting them in.

A poll of 270 people on my twitter feed shows that 90% of respondents think it likely that Cabalist Jews are planning a holocaust (https://www.henrymakow.com/2019/01/are-cabalists-planning-holocau.html) of Christians. Rabbi Trachtenberg writes that since the 1200's AD, Christians have feared: "A terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour out upon Christendom and annihilate it. The rumours of the birth of the Antichrist ...after the thirteenth century, kept Europe on edge awaiting the bloody outbreak of the 'red Jews'" .... (40)

https://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/dumptrump.jpgTrump is always making the Masonic downward prayer sign. Could his mission be to initiate WW3, the final Gentile holocaust?

Updated from Dec 14, 2016: We need constant reminders of the BIG picture.

Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason?

For if it prosper, none dare call it "treason." - John Harrington (1561-1612)

By Henry Makow PhD.

Until recently there was no Wikipedia entry for The Devil and the Jews (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.177965) (Yale University Press, 1943) or its author Rabbi Joshua Trachtenberg (1904-1959.) Still no online images of the good Rabbi.

Our Illuminati Jewish masters have consigned this knowledge to the memory hole. Why?

When Europe was a Christian theocracy, say from 1050 -1650, Judaism was regarded as a satanic cult, and Jews were considered agents of the devil.

We're familiar with the Jewish persecution complex. During this period, Christians had a parallel fear. They believed that Jews both hated them and conspired to destroy Christendom. They believed the long-awaited Jewish "Messiah" was, in fact, the Antichrist.

"Their association with this awful figure...assumed really frightening proportions toward the end of the Middle Ages when Antichrist's Jewish parentage became definitely established and the Jews were expected to form the spearhead of his legions. They were not quite so weak...judging from their numbers and social position. For a terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour out upon Christendom and annihilate it. The rumours of the birth of the Antichrist ...after the thirteenth century, kept Europe on edge awaiting the bloody outbreak of the "red Jews" .... (40)

Jews were accused of colluding with Mongol invaders on the Eastern frontiers. They were just as likely to desecrate a church, murder Christian infants in secret, spread poisons with the wind, or practise infamous sexual perversities.

https://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/hostdesecration.jpg(a 16th-century painting of Jews desecrating the Host)

"The catalogue of alleged Jewish crimes is long and varied indeed, and wholly unreasonable." writes Trachtenberg, "unless we accept the self-evident fact that, in medieval eyes, that as Satan's agents, nothing was beyond the depraved and evil nature of the Jews." (43)

For many, this Illuminati Jewish threat seems more urgent today, with the demoralization of mankind and the creation of the police state.


Illuminati (Cabala) Jews and their Masonic go-fers don't want Jews or others to understand the hidden subversive and occult character of the collective Jewish enterprise.

They don't want Jews to understand that anti-Semitism throughout the ages was not irrational. This realization would empower Gentiles, and allow "the lesser brethren" to escape their role as dupes, scapegoats, human shields and sacrifices for their demented leadership.

Cabala Jews believe that they define God's Will. In other words, God comes into the world through them. Otherwise, He is "formless and unknowable." (This is satanic because God is our GPS. Man is connected to God through our soul and spiritual ideals - love, peace, truth, beauty, and justice.)

The Cabalists believe they can redefine reality according to Satan: Evil is good, falsehood is truth and sick is healthy, (and vice versa.) They undermine every other collective identity: nation, religion, race, and family. They must destroy the Christian order (https://www.henrymakow.com/the_destuctive_principle_of_th.html) to build the NWO.

https://www.henrymakow.com/upload_images/samuel9.jpg"As long as thereremains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come," Illuminati Jewish leaders said in 1936 (https://www.henrymakow.com/jewish_peril.html). This goal is a partial explanation of war.

Cabala Jews have been outsiders by choice because they cannot accept a world they do not dominate. The alienated modern anti-hero is based on the Cabalist's Luciferian rebellion.

The essence of the NWO is that Cabala Jews and their Masonic lackeys will overturn the natural and spiritual order and enslave mankind, mentally if not physically.


Trachtenburg provides a litany of Jewish activities in the Middle Ages which suggests many age-old "stereotypes" have deep roots.

"The Jews sell at cut prices as many dreams as you wish," he quotes the Roman poet Juvenal.

Throughout the ages, Jews specialized in usury, magic, sorcery, fortune telling, astrology, potions and drugs, poisons, alchemy, amulets, incantations and curses, aphrodisiacs and cosmetics.

Pope Pius V explained his expulsion of the Jews from the Papal States in 1569 thus:

"They seduce a great many imprudent and weak persons with their satanic illusions, their fortune-telling, their charms and magic tricks and witcheries, and make them believe that the future can be foretold, that stolen goods and hidden treasures can be recovered, and much else can be revealed." (77)

And of course, they were always the "doctors of unbelief" inciting heresies. "Everywhere, the church and the people discerned the diabolical hand of the Jews turning simple Christians aside from the true faith." (176)


The Cabalist Conspiracy is on the cusp of success. God has been banished from public life. Illuminati Jews control the mass media and can deceive and degrade the masses. Entertainment is an orgy of pornography, apocalyptic chaos, obscenity, propaganda, social engineering, predictive programming, violence, and satanism.

https://henrymakow.com/upload_images/leon_trotsky_ii.jpgIlluminati Jews and Masons behind feminism are responsible for the debauchery of Western women. They are behind the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism designed to destroy marriage and family.

They were at the forefront of sexual liberation, pornography and abortion. The mass media is obsessed with sex. It has a fawning fetish for fertile females, and even children aren't safe. The stock market is a giant casino with millions day-trading.

Christianity has been Judaized, concerned with "social change" (the Satanist agenda) rather than spiritual development and salvation. Christian Zionists are pledged to the Zionist rogue state.

The Illuminati are destabilizing the Third World using charities to "empower" females to reject marriage. Donors are invited to become an "agent of change" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVvQDEYa5S0) which is code for NWO.

They want girls to be "educated" i.e. indoctrinated, as in the West. In general, they are feminizing the world, making women and their concerns central.

The people are lost and increasingly desperate. What's left? Depression? War? The Antichrist?


Illuminati Jews have waged a covert war against man and God for millennia. This conspiracy is the real history of the world, the real cause of war and depression. Society has been subverted and lies constantly.

Even Jews like Trachtenberg, writing in 1943, can't believe it.

"People will believe whatever they want," he says referring to "anti-Semites" but this also applies to him.

Ordinary Jews can't believe it because they are not Satanists. But many Cabalist Jews are (https://www.henrymakow.com/incest_survivor_lifted_veil_on.html). They have the money, comprise the secret leadership, and manipulate the rest.

Trachtenberg was a Reform Rabbi for 30 years. His portrait gazes down on his personal library (http://www.emeth.org/arts/library.php)housed at Temple Emeth in Teaneck NJ.

He is one of many decent Jews like myself who have been used as dupes and shills (https://www.henrymakow.com/liberals_are_shills_for_commun.html) for the Illuminati under the aegis of communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, Zionism, neoconservatism and "gay rights."

We are all Jews now, Godless, deceived, degraded and used. But at least we know where we stand and can act accordingly.

Note: A Description of Trachtenberg's First Book, "Jewish Magic & Superstition" (1939)

Jewish Magic and Superstition is a masterful and utterly fascinating exploration of religious forms that have all but disappeared yet persist in the imagination. The volume begins with legends of Jewish sorcery and proceeds to discuss beliefs about the evil eye, spirits of the dead, powers of good, the famous legend of the golem, procedures for casting spells, the use of gems and amulets, how to battle spirits, the ritual of circumcision, herbal folk remedies, fortune telling, astrology, and the interpretation of dreams. First published more than sixty years ago, Trachtenberg's study remains the foundational scholarship on magical practices in the Jewish world and offers an understanding of folk beliefs and practices that expressed most eloquently the everyday religion of the Jewish people.


Related --Chris G -Gog & Magog are the Khazars (https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/02/-gogmagog-10-tribes.html)

-------------Is Lucifer the God of Judaism? (https://www.henrymakow.com/lucifers_chosen_people.html)

Makow - Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists (https://www.henrymakow.com/incest_survivor_lifted_veil_on.html)

---------- Meditation on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (https://www.henrymakow.com/meditations_on_the_jewish_revo.html)

MacDonald - Jews and Jewish Organizations Lead Gun Control Campaign (http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/01/jews-and-jewish-organizations-lead-the-gun-control-campaign/) (Will Israel be disarming too?)

-------- a small example of satanists publicly spewing depravity (https://www.henrymakow.com/eight_reasons_to_have_one-night.html)

First Comment from AZ

https://henrymakow.com/upload_images/mason22.jpgFor the Zionists, this is obviously the preparing of the stage for their long-awaited satanic Messiah. What their ultimate goal is one can see by looking at a picture of the Free Mason monument outside Eilat, Israel. This monument clearly shows by it's positioning of the two globes on the pillars of Solomon, of which one represents the earth and the other the universe, that the cabalist is not satisfied with only conquering life on earth.


So they have to be stopped, right here and now!"

https://www.henrymakow.com/ads/scruples-ad-728x90.png (https://scruplesgame.com/)

You can find this article permanently at https://www.henrymakow.com/the-devil-and-the-jews.html

2nd February 2020, 01:03 PM
What is the basis of this?

This is Richard Kelly Hoskins answer to your question. I believe it agrees with what I've read from the research of Bertrand Comparate, Cliffton Emahiser and William Finck.


This is a short history in a nutshell, so to speak, of Israel’s deportation and subsequent captivity. However, the important thing that we need to remember is that, when almost the entire population of all Twelve tribes of Israel were taken captive by the armies of Assyria, they were placed in the area of the Caucasus Mountains to the North of their Homeland. There they remained for approximately one hundred years, and became known as Caucasians. The name Caucasian has remained as part of their identity ever since that time. Most people have no idea whatsoever of the connection between the Caucasians and the Israelites of Bible history and prophecy.

In fact, the great majority of the peoples of Anglo-Saxondom today have little, if any, idea as to why they happen to be called “Caucasians”. When a person seeks employment it is not unusual to find the question asked as to whether they are of Caucasian descent. Most people answer “yes” without thinking of the historic reason for this designation.

https://ensignmessage.com/wp-content/uploads/2004/02/Tribal-Migrations-300x185.png (https://ensignmessage.com/wp-content/uploads/2004/02/Tribal-Migrations.png)

Secular history records that the Twelve Tribes were never really lost, but had just taken on a different name. The map above shows the different routes taken by the Israelites when they left the area of the Caucasus mountains and migrated over into Europe during the subsequent years. They were not known as “Israelites” during this trek Westward, but by the various names as shown on the map. Later, as they settled in various parts of Europe, they took on the names by which we know the countries today. Collectively, we call them the “Western Christian nations”. As the movement West continued, we find that a representative number of the Twelve tribes gathered here on this great North American Continent.

2nd February 2020, 03:08 PM
I don't agree with that Caucasus hypothesis. Khazars came from the Caucasus region. Whites came from Northern Europe. Of course Whites have been all over the place and so have Khazars, but that doesn't make us Caucasians nor does it make Khazars White Europeans. Most likely it was the Khazars who started referring to White people as Caucasians, just to confuse.

It's about origin. Africans came from Africa, Asians came from Asia, and so on.

2nd February 2020, 06:08 PM
I don't agree with that Caucasus hypothesis. Khazars came from the Caucasus region. Whites came from Northern Europe. Of course Whites have been all over the place and so have Khazars, but that doesn't make us Caucasians nor does it make Khazars White Europeans. Most likely it was the Khazars who started referring to White people as Caucasians, just to confuse.

It's about origin. Africans came from Africa, Asians came from Asia, and so on.

There"s a lot of information out there from Bertrand Comparet, Cliffton Emahiser and William Finck on who the real Hebrews and Israelites of that bible are and who the Khazars/ jews/canaanites/Edomites/children of the devil are. Anyone interested can search the work of those I've mentioned and make up their own mind.

3rd February 2020, 04:07 AM
I don't agree with that Caucasus hypothesis. Khazars came from the Caucasus region. Whites came from Northern Europe. Of course Whites have been all over the place and so have Khazars, but that doesn't make us Caucasians nor does it make Khazars White Europeans. Most likely it was the Khazars who started referring to White people as Caucasians, just to confuse.

It's about origin. Africans came from Africa, Asians came from Asia, and so on.
Many mummies have been found in China and around Asia that are undeniably Caucasian. Long, straight, blond and red hair. Some even have tartan cloth remnants that they were buried in. The Hmong tribe has ancestral stories claiming that their ancestors were yellow haired white people that lived in China and were set upon by Chinese that pretended friendship but attacked in stealth and took the women as slaves. White people were settled all around the Americas. Read about the oral histories of the Western Indians, a book by Lucy Thompson (Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman); it seems that whites were heavily settled in America when the ancestors of the Indians arrived here. Wherever they have lived, whites have set up civilized societies and time and time again, they have been set upon by those they helped and trusted.

3rd February 2020, 08:04 AM
Many mummies have been found in China and around Asia that are undeniably Caucasian. Long, straight, blond and red hair. Some even have tartan cloth remnants that they were buried in. The Hmong tribe has ancestral stories claiming that their ancestors were yellow haired white people that lived in China and were set upon by Chinese that pretended friendship but attacked in stealth and took the women as slaves. White people were settled all around the Americas. Read about the oral histories of the Western Indians, a book by Lucy Thompson (Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman); it seems that whites were heavily settled in America when the ancestors of the Indians arrived here. Wherever they have lived, whites have set up civilized societies and time and time again, they have been set upon by those they helped and trusted.I agree, but my issue is that races are named by where they originated from rather than where they have been.

3rd February 2020, 01:46 PM
PatColo, read that article by Makow years ago. I have a few problems with the article but much of it is very true.

Just want to mention that the evil started before the Illuminati. It is called the arcanum arcanorum

Freemasonry and Caballa drew from that.

If you read the earliest books about Freemasonry and the Illuminati, it was "the Catholic Church" that was their target, not "Christianity." The target was hit and badly wounded but it will be with us until the consummation of time.

"rather than spiritual development and salvation" Protestantism is all about a new way of salvation and has a completely different take on "spiritual development" as provided to the 30,000 plus Protestant sects that came out of Martin Luther's and Calvin's ideas, and the outfit operating out of the Vatican in Rome may be one of the 30,000.

The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum.
--Lectures on Ancient Philosophy1
1. Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment, Books in Focus, 1981, p. 3

Is related to ancient Egyptian times and why we have a pyramid on one dollar bill.

Makow is a Jew and is either agnostic or atheist.

Makow's last wife was a young girl from the Philipines because he heard they are obedient little slaves who worship and service their husband. That did not last.


Makow uses the word Christianity for the Middle Ages times in his article /book. During the Middle Ages there was only one Christian religion and it was the Catholic religion, not the "Roman Catholic" rite of the about 23 Catholic rites in existence that are all in communion with the Vatican in Rome.

1517 is when Catholic Priest Martin Luther came on the scene. There are whole books about Luther as being a demonically possessed person. Texe Marrs really liked Luther because Luther wrote a whole book against the Jews and Marrs republished the book. Luther turned against the Jews only after they refused his brand of becoming "Christian" and getting "saved."

Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
Isaiah 5:20

"For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way."
[2 Thessalonians 2:7]

There is a bit of debate among theologians as to who it is that holdeth but to me whoever he is, he is being taken out of the way right now.

4th February 2020, 07:51 AM
If you're not saved, you ARE a "child of Satan"
If you're not saved what are you waiting for? Christmas?

4th February 2020, 10:07 PM
went through the first five pages of weed's excellent thread

every video he posted has been gassed - minus a music vid at bottom of page five

we are living in satan's kingdom

9th February 2020, 03:25 PM
new Adam Green today, 2h 4m... long as usual from Adam but opening few mins summarizes why it's important

if jootube gasses it, should be @ his bitchute soon: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/know-more-news/

Esau & Jacob: The Ancient Conflict (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI32dIhSKYU&feature=emb_title)


10th February 2020, 06:24 AM
new Adam Green today, 2h 4m... long as usual from Adam but opening few mins summarizes why it's important

if jootube gasses it, should be @ his bitchute soon: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/know-more-news/

Esau & Jacob: The Ancient Conflict (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI32dIhSKYU&feature=emb_title)


I don't think the jews will gas it because it presents all their twisted lies and bullshit. Adam Green doesn't know who the seed of the woman is or who the seed of the serpent is either.

The pure blooded descendants of Adam and Eve are the seed of the woman. The seed of the serpent are all of the other seed-lines. Jacob and Esau were both pure blooded Adamites but where Esau went wrong was he took Hittite wives and adulterated the bloodline of his descendants with the seed of the serpent blood line. Because Esau was a pure blooded Adamite he will be saved/have eternal life but none of his descendants will.

The jews are descended from Cain who was the offspring of Satan/the serpent and Eve who was seduced by him in the garden. Esau, when he took Hittite wives adulterated his descendants blood line with the seed of Satan.

Jews are not the Hebrews or the Israelites of the Bible. They are the children of the devil/Esau Edom who trace their blood line to Abraham and Isaac through Esau who adulterated his bloodline with the children of the devil.

The white christian race are the true Israelites descended from Jacob but it seems only a handful know who they really are.

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Romans 9:13. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

These jews are the tares who the enemy sowed in the field and they are the ones who will be gathered and bundled to burn in the parable of the wheat and tares.

19th February 2020, 05:56 PM
The Eternal jew in America


21st February 2020, 05:08 PM
The Eternal jew in America


That link doesn't seem to be working so I'll try this one.


23rd February 2020, 05:19 AM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79176643e81eaf7a251c73bbaf45e9896136be426d785c4b12 19cf83d55de2f8.png?w=800&h=702 (https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/79176643e81eaf7a251c73bbaf45e9896136be426d785c4b12 19cf83d55de2f8.png)

3rd March 2020, 02:42 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/42935b7684caada244d1409197782dd1e5ce05b8a521e4a418 ba8a9d032ad903.jpg?w=800&h


29th March 2020, 09:54 PM
a lot of stuff at link, including links to other works

this quote is piercing: The question is not whether I am antisemitic. The question is only whether I am right. —JBR Yant


The Case Against the Jews:-
A Documented Critique of Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior

By John "Birdman" Bryant

30th March 2020, 04:38 AM
a lot of stuff at link, including links to other works

this quote is piercing: The question is not whether I am antisemitic. The question is only whether I am right. —JBR Yant


The Case Against the Jews:-
A Documented Critique of Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior

By John "Birdman" Bryant
Very good stuff.

4th April 2020, 01:37 PM
"the algemeiner" = rabid pro ziojoo organ

APRIL 1, 2020 4:06 PM
17 (https://www.algemeiner.com/2020/04/01/blood-libel-never-a-church-teaching-says-prominent-us-catholic-academic-as-defenders-of-antisemitic-italian-painting-come-forward/#disqus_thread)

‘Blood Libel Never a Church Teaching,’ Says Prominent US Catholic Academic, as Defenders of Antisemitic Italian Painting Come Forward
by Ben Cohen (https://www.algemeiner.com/author/ben-cohen-alg)

19th April 2020, 11:43 AM
German Victims – Deutsche Opfe (https://www.germanvictims.com/)

I dunno if brother Tumbleweed posted this link previously?


20th April 2020, 08:28 PM
German Victims – Deutsche Opfe (https://www.germanvictims.com/)

I dunno if brother Tumbleweed posted this link previously?


Nope don't believe I have but that's a really good link. Thanks for posting it!

5th May 2020, 11:48 AM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/923bfda5a0b7e3dc75a68d0b955130d0a5268703af15654a76 3a7ca373b3d076.jpg?w=800&h (https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/923bfda5a0b7e3dc75a68d0b955130d0a5268703af15654a76 3a7ca373b3d076.jpg)

5th May 2020, 01:21 PM
I have been trying to find a page detailing a letter from the Jews of Spain to their prince in Constantinople asking for support during the inquisition. I thought I ran across it in this thread. Any pointers would be appreciated.

5th May 2020, 03:27 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/923bfda5a0b7e3dc75a68d0b955130d0a5268703af15654a76 3a7ca373b3d076.jpg?w=800&h (https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/923bfda5a0b7e3dc75a68d0b955130d0a5268703af15654a76 3a7ca373b3d076.jpg)

Maybe Putin will be able to do it this time....

5th May 2020, 07:08 PM
Maybe Putin will be able to do it this time....

Putin is a jew.


5th May 2020, 07:16 PM
I have been trying to find a page detailing a letter from the Jews of Spain to their prince in Constantinople asking for support during the inquisition. I thought I ran across it in this thread. Any pointers would be appreciated.

I don't recall reading a letter like that although there could be one. Here's a link to some manuscripts from the inquisition and you may be Able to find something there. jewish letter inquisition (https://www.google.com/search?q=jewish+letter+inquisition&client=safari&rls=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02MPMqK2YoJk1q9Ot5hWi5Qshm_lA:158872748 7463&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=HSzT6CJL0dE8XM%253A%252CPYAM0ofMfp3JAM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSb6UeQInE_MjDIGv9wTDbwasGgzA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjowqOMh57pAhUTqp4KHWECDEsQ9QEwAnoECAoQC Q#imgrc=HSzT6CJL0dE8XM)