View Full Version : Gardasil triggers the immune system to attack a woman's brain

16th May 2018, 08:44 PM

PROVEN: Gardasil triggers the immune system to attack a woman's brain.To be more specific, if you study this abstract, Gardasil in fact causes a woman's immune system to attack her brain the same way antidepressants do.My belief: Gardasil is in fact given to women for the sole purpose of destroying male/female relationships.Not my belief, COLD HARD FACT: Gardasil definitely, without question, attacks the brain, and the end result is depression. An abstract could not possibly make it more clear than this, and no, vaccine trolls won't refer to this "science" while they ridicule all people who question vaccines as "too stupid to understand basic science". When they do that, all I do is troll them hard with science that is over their heads. Not difficult to do against those who were only handed lines to throw out while not understanding a thing about what they are actually trolling. Here's a great one to throw against a troll:
If the state ever mandates I be vaccinated, at least one person other than me will suffer brain damage of a type you won't get from a vaccine in whatever attempt is made to jab me. I won't go down easy.
They know damn well what they are doing with vaccines, so when I go after trolls I hit them from the eugenics angle and explain the science behind why and how the vaccines do what they do. After they blat back a few textbook responses, they give up, I have yet to lose that debate.
Here is how vaccines are designed to destroy people, in one short little blurb:
No matter what you put in a vaccine along with a pathogen, the immune system will identify it as the pathogen, and will produce a custom antibody for whatever was injected along with the pathogen. If it happens to be peanut oil, a peanut allergy will result. If the pathogen happens to be injected with a squalene adjuvant, you might end up with a fish allergy. and today, many vaccines are grown in human tissue. They can't get all the human tissue separated from the pathogens, (nor do they even want to) and this is what is causing multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, autism, and a whole slew of other ailments at levels we have never seen before.
Squalene is a common vaccine adjuvant. Squalene is a basic building block of the human nervous system. What then happens when the immune system is tricked into removing this basic building block from the human body wherever it is? A whole slew of neurodegenerative auto immune disorders, and THEY KNOW IT. And it is worse than this now, nowadays a lot of the vaccines are cultured in genetically engineered yeast, that is designed to produce whatever human materials they actually want the resulting vaccine to attack. It can be whatever they want, whatever they tell the yeast to mimic. That makes modern vaccines a PERFECT weapon.
To sum it up, here is the science behind sabotaged vaccines: Materials are intentionally placed in the vaccine along with whatever pathogen the vaccine is for, and these materials are tailored to cause the immune system to identify key building blocks of the body (usually in the nervous system) as hostile, and the immune system subsequently rips the body and brain to shreds.That is the "science". And no vaccine troll has ever been able to respond to it.

16th May 2018, 09:08 PM
Fortunately many women were born without a brain and can rest easy!

17th May 2018, 02:21 AM
Yes included in all vaccines is an “adjuvant”, it is designed to activate or rather irritate the immune system to take action, and usually it is a very toxic substance like mercury/thimerosal, Aluminum or antifreeze. The way most vaccine trials are conducted, is they compare the outcome from the vaccine with the adjuvants or the controll group which is only injected with the adjuvant. If there is no big difference between the vaccine group and the only adjuvant group in reactions, the vaccine is declared safe.

Now rinse and repeat this “safe” vaccine with 70+ different vaccine in the ordinary childhood vaccine schedule for US children, a bit less in most European nations, and a top up with mercury containing flu vaccine every year after, and you have the explanation why autism and hyperactivity diagnoses has skyrocketed with the increased vaccine schedule. These brain damages were exceedingly rare 50 years ago, today it is very common.