By way of decoction, thou shalt do wort.
Damnit, I think I just about thanked everyone, too many good posts (I'm still searching), most of all thanks for the laughs GSUS!!!
It's going to take awhile til you get good responses Mishko, Brewtech happened to make a great post today, so it was an easy find, but there are many. For example some of Pat Colos (post# 5), such as A.Hitler, Stalin and others as being named man of the year in their respective time periods. Just goes to show you how MSM flip-flops to appeal to the sheep to gain the sheep's trust...and sadly still goes on today with great effect.
Off the top of my head I'd have to say that midnight rambler and mamboni have made some very profound posts this year.
From this thread:
From this thread:Originally Posted by midnight rambler
From this thread:Originally Posted by midnight rambler
And finally, this gem from mamboni:Originally Posted by mamboni
I nominate any of the above as post of the year.Originally Posted by mamboni
"Liberty is so creative, and the government is so stupid, that I’m very optimistic about the future"
- Lew Rockwell
Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
C'mon man, can't you follow directions? He said posts, not threads.![]()
I nominate this post.![]()
Mr. King don't jews take Sundays off?
Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize