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Thread: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

  1. #11
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Since mamboni's was mentioned as a counterpoint, here's one from him that broke the bank.

    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni View Post
    In most mammals but not so much in humans, the spleen is an expansile/capacitive bag-like filter that can both store and release blood volume on demand and act as an ertswhile blood filter, removing senescent red cells. Also, the spleen has important humoral immunomodulatory functions. The treasuries metaphor has some merit. If treasures are in a bubble like an engorged spleen, the latter develops pathologic internal resistance to flow (capital), as blood (money/credit) pools inside the spleen (treasuries) in lieu of circulating in the peripheral to supply oxygen to the tissues (small businesses, consumers). FED purchases of treasuries and interest rate targeting (Operation Twist) essentially shunt arterial blood into the spleen, further starving the tissues. The Wall Street banks are blood sucking leeches attached to the spleen. They have adapted themselves as pure parasites and require continuous blood from the spleen to survive. Splenic blood pressure must continually rise (declining interest rates) to feed the parasites. When the interest rate zero bound is reached the spleen has reached maximum blood volume and will either explode/hemorrhage (deflation) or collapse/contract (rising interest rates) and release it's blood into the circulation and cause malignant hypertension (hyperinflation).

  2. #12
    Brew Guru
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Quote Originally Posted by Horn View Post
    Since mamboni's was mentioned as a counterpoint, here's one from him that broke the bank.
    See. That's what I'm TALKING ABOUT. Where the hell else are you going to hear analogies like that?? At work? Church? In line at the grocery store??

    GoD picked my post as a nominee (and I appreciate it), but how can I compete with that?

    This place is PRICELESS.
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  3. #13
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Damnit, I think I just about thanked everyone, too many good posts (I'm still searching), most of all thanks for the laughs GSUS!!!

  4. #14
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    It's going to take awhile til you get good responses Mishko, Brewtech happened to make a great post today, so it was an easy find, but there are many. For example some of Pat Colos (post# 5), such as A.Hitler, Stalin and others as being named man of the year in their respective time periods. Just goes to show you how MSM flip-flops to appeal to the sheep to gain the sheep's trust...and sadly still goes on today with great effect.

  5. #15
    Moderator madfranks's Avatar
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Off the top of my head I'd have to say that midnight rambler and mamboni have made some very profound posts this year.

    From this thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler
    The Death Cult has done a fine job of turning this country into a culture of death and destruction where many of the people are actually proud of the fact that they're the most wicked on the planet.
    From this thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by midnight rambler
    Way back when (and it wasn't that long ago, like 30 years) when folks respected peace officers, a SINGLE deputy could have handled the problem.

    So frankly, 'officers of the law' need to reflect upon why folks no longer respect them.
    From this thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni
    And this is how a society becomes balkanized. One group adopts an orthodoxy that demands slavish obediance and shuts down all debate. They say all the right buzz words in exhorting their cause: freedom, rights, caring etc. Yet they have discarded basic principles of individual rights and freedoms and have constructed a political platform built on lies and fantasy. When confronted with fair questions and attempts to debate their position they become angry, violent and oppressive. In the same breath, they claim to be oppressed victims of an unfair uncaring society. They then proceed to demand that property and rights be taken from their chosen scapegoat and transferred to them. Their basic premise is that inequality in outcome, in property, in personal wealth, is proof of an unfair society which favors some over the rest. They completely discount individual abilities, desires, ambitions, and constants like luck and misfortune. Theirs are the minds of children living in a virtual playground world of the mind, insisting that all have a toy and a spot in the sandbox; and like children, lacking restraint, long term thinking, and ability to empathize with those around them, they become violent and tempermental when their desires are not satisfied immediately.
    And finally, this gem from mamboni:
    Quote Originally Posted by mamboni
    Women rule the world - they always have. Remember "The hand that rocks the cradle..." A man needs his ego stroked. A woman needs to love and be loved. That is the key difference vis-a-vis power. Liberated women of today are not women of power; rather they are make-believe man-wannabes and doops of the NWO. Real women know that their true power is in the home, in child bearing, child rearing and in the bedroom. The earth mother is the nucleus of the family. The father and children orbit the mother. The family is the building block of great civilizations. Women exhort their men to be ambitious, for the security of their children and perpetuation of the family. Women allow men to prance on the public stage as it suits their purposes. Adulation does not feed a woman's heart; love does.
    I nominate any of the above as post of the year.
    "Liberty is so creative, and the government is so stupid, that I’m very optimistic about the future"
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  6. #16
    Banproof. General of Darkness's Avatar
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Quote Originally Posted by Veni, vidi...evigilavi! View Post
    It's going to take awhile til you get good responses Mishko, Brewtech happened to make a great post today, so it was an easy find, but there are many. For example some of Pat Colos (post# 5), such as A.Hitler, Stalin and others as being named man of the year in their respective time periods. Just goes to show you how MSM flip-flops to appeal to the sheep to gain the sheep's trust...and sadly still goes on today with great effect.
    Oh I know.

    We've got Patcolo, Nuero, Large Sarge, Magnes, Nocturna, etc etc etc. Other than me calling people a cunt, we've got some brilliant posts so let's see the best of 2011.
    Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

  7. #17
    Joe King

    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Quote Originally Posted by solid View Post
    I nominate one the many 'GoD' threads that have rules applied to's damn funny when folks break GoD's thread rules.
    C'mon man, can't you follow directions? He said posts, not threads.

    I nominate this post.

  8. #18
    Banproof. General of Darkness's Avatar
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Mr. King don't jews take Sundays off?
    Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

  9. #19
    Joe King

    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Quote Originally Posted by General of Darkness View Post
    Mr. King don't jews take Sundays off?
    I dunno, do you?

  10. #20
    Banproof. General of Darkness's Avatar
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    Re: OFFICIAL - Nominate your "Best posts of 2011"

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugginator View Post
    Anything by Magnes, GoD book or Ponce they the best of the best.

    You patronizing son of a bitch. Here's the best video of 2011.

    Voltaire: "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

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