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Thread: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

  1. #11
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Salty View Post
    Actually, it seems to me that it then makes it closer to money as Tier 1 assets are counted 100% as cash equivalents on balance sheets. Gold as a Tier 3 asset only counts as 50% as a capital reserve asset.

    So, it seems we are getting closer to Freegold!!
    Yes it's 'freegold' alright. They want to make gold like any other commodity asset, something you buy with money and sell for money, their money.
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  2. #12
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    The Tier 1 push is probably just further effort to artificially keep the price of gold down. As long as people speculate that gold will be just another commodity, people will be less likely to buy it.

    Especially the central banks of smaller governments. Those banks are buying lots of gold, and it will be harder for the governments to get justification from it's experts to continue doing that if the commodity type is changed.

    However, after the big crash I think such policies will be thrown at the window. So all these maneuvers are really just for show in the near term. I'll try to read that blog post though.

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  4. #13
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    The only reason GATA would suppress the "price" of gold is if gold holds the position of Primary Unit Of Account, by which all value is derived, including the value of all other currencies, which are only Mediums of Exchange.

    Gold, as the Primary Unit Of Account, has no price. A grain of gold is worth a grain of gold, no more, no less.

    While gold has been "demonetized" by government edict for us in the economies of the world, central banks still hold gold as their Primary Unit Of Account and all the currencies circulating around the globe are fractional derivatives of that gold held by the CBs.

    If you really want to take a trip into their messed up world of "money" then think about why the Fed "prices" gold at $42.22 an oz.

    They've tried to "demonetize" gold by simply denying its role as the Primary Unit of Account and selling off chunks of it (to each other) as a demonstration of its demonetized standing but it hasn't worked because they continue to hold gold as their Primary Unit of Account.

    Making gold a Tier 1 Capital Commodity Asset selling at market determined value or "price" effectively demonetizes gold and un-sticks them from all the limitations that holding gold as their Primary Unit of Account placed upon them.

    That FOFOA link I posted explains it better, with lots of positive spin.
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  5. #14
    Chatmaster Flash vacuum's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carl View Post
    That FOFOA link I posted explains it better, with lots of positive spin.
    That was a great link. No mention of silver it fundamentally different?

  6. #15
    Great Value Carrots joboo's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    If the banks can make up the rules as they go along, and exist primarily to help themselves instead of performing a service to the people, it's pretty much a wash.

    Not to mention when they screw up they get bailed out anyways...
    It was time to move on. Too many jello head moonbats with personality issues post on this forum.

  7. #16
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by vacuum View Post
    That was a great link. No mention of silver it fundamentally different?
    Yes, there is a big difference; banks have no vested interest in silver as anything other than a commodity, the same status they're attempting to bestow upon gold.
    The only ones who benefit from the conflation of money and credit are the issuers of credit with no money.


  8. #17
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    It is quite possible that the bankers might want to return to a gold standard. That is, issuing paper money that is backed by some conditional claim to real gold. I have this opinion based on information concerning something called the Yamashita gold stash that was found in the Philippines at the end of WW II.

    Recently I stumbled into a fascinating story about how after WW I, the bankers capitalized on everyone's desire not to have such a bloody war again, and the answer was that they should turn in all the gold to the bankers. The emperor of Japan cooperated with this scheme. There is apparently a huge gold deposit in China, and another on in Australia. The Japanese looted this gold and moved it to the Philippines in transit to Japan. The gold they stole from China and elsewhere was in the order of 2.5 million tons--a figure about 15 times greater than the commonly accepted total of all the gold that has ever been mined--around 150 thousand tons. Harry Truman hushed up the discovery of Yamashita's gold. However, the Fed had issued bonds in exchange for other people who turned in their gold to the Bank of International Settlements. There are trillions of dollars worth of bonds somewhere in chests that is a part of this mystery. I learned some of this in the video here:

    and at the web site here:

    This could all be a large phony conspiracy type of disinformation, but it has many elements of truth. You need to judge for yourself or do some research as to the validity of this.

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  10. #18
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatha Sunahara View Post
    It is quite possible that the bankers might want to return to a gold standard.

    A gold standard limits bankster activities, and I don't think they're out to place limits upon themselves.
    The only ones who benefit from the conflation of money and credit are the issuers of credit with no money.


  11. #19
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Carl--look at the Protocols of Zion, Protocol 20, para 22. They want power and control. If there are no more nation states, and all the power is in their hands, why would they care to withhold all the gold? Do a search in the protocols for gold. They know that after fiat loses all credibility, the only thing people will accept is gold. And they brag--even in 1906 that they own it all. You won't get physical gold. Just a paper promise, which to them is as good as fiat.

    Cosmic justice is getting what you deserve.

  12. #20
    Platinum Carl's Avatar
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    Re: Do the Bankers Want to Secretly Return to a Gold Standard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatha Sunahara View Post
    Carl--look at the Protocols of Zion, Protocol 20, para 22. They want power and control. If there are no more nation states, and all the power is in their hands, why would they care to withhold all the gold? Do a search in the protocols for gold. They know that after fiat loses all credibility, the only thing people will accept is gold. And they brag--even in 1906 that they own it all. You won't get physical gold. Just a paper promise, which to them is as good as fiat.

    Starving people will accept whatever they believe will get them food, like WIC debit cards.

    The banks will horde gold for the very same reasons a person would horde gold. Except, the banks will be able to fractionalize their gold as "Gold Backed Savings Certificates" and sell them to the public at large.
    The only ones who benefit from the conflation of money and credit are the issuers of credit with no money.


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