Au:Ag ratio ~96; all time high AFAIK! hosed up today, scroll to the live candlestick chart, click GOLDSILVERRATIO in right pane
Au:Ag ratio ~96; all time high AFAIK! hosed up today, scroll to the live candlestick chart, click GOLDSILVERRATIO in right pane
FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"
"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz
Gold @ 7 yr high and Wilver is down.
“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
H.L. Mencken
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken
Neuro (8th March 2020)
Silver investors have been waiting 550 years to turn a profit...
Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation
How much lower will she go?
“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
H.L. Mencken
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken
A message from JM Bullion . . . .
A Message From JM Bullion. We wanted to provide our customers with important updates about our company, including a new temporary $299 minimum order, as well as the overall state of the industry.
Over the last few weeks, we have seen record order volume, with yesterday being our largest sales day of all time. We are on pace for another record day today. As a business, we are doing everything we can to keep up, but with a 2-3x increase in order volume, we are unable to answer our phones and ship orders as quickly as usual. Additionally, orders are taking longer to ship, and phone wait times are longer than normal. You can expect temporary shipping delays of 5-10+ business days while we scale up our operations to satisfy this unprecedented level of demand.
Please note this does not impact your orders in any other way. All orders are locked in upon placement, and as always, customers can place orders online 24/7 as well as see their latest status updates in the My Account area of our website. For order status updates, we ask that you first check the website to keep our phone queues as reasonable as possible.
The increase in demand is also beginning to strain supply chains, with the US Mint announcing yesterday that American Silver Eagles have temporarily sold out. We expect to see ripple effects at other suppliers and mints in the coming weeks. As always, everything listed as “in stock” on our website is inventory under our control and ready to ship. For items listed as “presale,” we have firm orders placed and shipments incoming.
What are we doing about it?
On Monday, we’re adding new hires to significantly expand our customer service and sales teams, as well as adding a 2nd shift at our distribution center. All company divisions have authorized overtime for the past two weeks and will continue to do so moving forward, including weekends as needed.
That being said, we simply cannot ship the orders as fast as we'd like, and have decided to make a temporary change to our order policies. Effective today, we are implementing a $299 minimum order threshold. All orders above the $299 threshold will continue to ship free.
Please understand we did not take this decision lightly, but felt this was a better alternative to more aggressive approaches such as significantly raising product premiums, or even to stop accepting orders altogether.
We understand the importance of customers being able to lock in pricing during highly volatile times, and will do everything we can to continue providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. We want to stress this is a temporary measure and will only last until our shipping times normalize.
Lastly, we’re closely monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus and taking steps to prepare our business and protect our employees, should the spread worsen. All critical business systems are cloud-based, allowing employees to work from home and avoid widespread service disruptions in a worst-case scenario.
As always, we thank you for your business, and greatly appreciate your patience during this time. | Gold | Silver | Platinum | Copper | On Sale Now | IRA Program | Charts | Storage | FAQ | Contact | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”
Amanda (15th March 2020)
Wilver heading to 13
“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
H.L. Mencken
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken
Into the 11 handle now.
Sell! Sell! Sell!
“Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
H.L. Mencken
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken
^ that was posted 3/9, how's a ~121 ratio strike ur fancy??
FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"
"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz
osoab (16th March 2020)
How low will she go?
The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”