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Thread: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

  1. #11
    Unobtanium EE_'s Avatar
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    Drew Brees is a pussy. I hope all American patriots are done with nigger ball, NFL NBA. Let their own people support their PC sport.

    Drew Brees Apologizes for ‘Insensitive’ Comments About Anthem Protests
    DYLAN GWINN4 Jun 202014,371

    Saints quarterback Drew Brees took to social media Thursday morning and issued an apology for saying that he would “never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag” by kneeling during the national anthem.

    Brees’ comments drew a severe and prolonged backlash from athletes on his own team, and even superstars in other sports such as LeBron James.

    Brees wrote that he “would like to apologize to my friends, teammates, the City of New Orleans, the black community, NFL community and anyone I hurt.”

    “In an attempt to talk about respect, unity, and solidarity centered around the American flag and the national anthem, I made comments that were insensitive and completely missed the mark on the issues we are facing right now as a country,” Brees wrote.

    “They lacked awareness and any type of compassion or empathy. Instead, those words have become divisive and hurtful and have misled people into believing that somehow I am an enemy. This could not be further from the truth, and is not an accurate reflection of my heart or my character.”

    In an interview with Yahoo Finance the day before, Brees said: “Let me just tell what I see or what I feel when the national anthem is played and when I look at the flag of the United States. I envision my two grandfathers, who fought for this country during World War II, one in the Army and one in the Marine Corp. Both risking their lives to protect our country and to try to make our country and this world a better place,” he said.

    “So every time I stand with my hand over my heart looking at that flag and singing the national anthem, that’s what I think about. And in many cases, that brings me to tears, thinking about all that has been sacrificed,” he explained.

    Among the many athletes and media who attacked Brees, was LeBron James, who expressed shock that the quarterback wouldn’t understand why players would kneel during the anthem.

    “WOW MAN!!” James tweeted, with a facepalm emoji. “Is it still surprising at this point. Sure isn’t! You literally still don’t understand why Kap was kneeling on one knee?? Has absolute nothing to do with the disrespect of [the flag] and our soldiers (men and women) who keep our land free. My father-in-law was one of those men who fought as well for this country. I asked him question about it and thank him all the time for his commitment. He never found Kap peaceful protest offensive because he and I both know what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong!”


  2. #12
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

  3. #13
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    From now on Americans are to be known as Kneeggers

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  5. #14
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by woodman View Post
    . Fight or flee; you don't have to live like a refugee.
    Neither fight nor flight works because the object of your fear is created in your mind. How do you fight something (or someone) you have created yourself? How do you flee from something (or someone) when the image is in your mind?

    When you are responsible (not discussing limited liability) you don't have the luxury of blaming someone else for your fears, political views or even tornados. You created it so why complain? Don't like it? Then fix it.

  6. #15
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by ziero0 View Post
    Neither fight nor flight works because the object of your fear is created in your mind. How do you fight something (or someone) you have created yourself? How do you flee from something (or someone) when the image is in your mind?

    When you are responsible (not discussing limited liability) you don't have the luxury of blaming someone else for your fears, political views or even tornados. You created it so why complain? Don't like it? Then fix it.
    It is very true that we create out own reality. However......and this is a big however; others create their own reality also and when realities collide, we must remedy the incongruities, the damage to the system created by alternate reality. So, we may come up with all sorts of definitions and clever twists of reasoning, but at the end of the day, we are subject to the external forces that make up so much of what we deal with during each day.

    Conclusion: Reality is a bitch; deal with it!
    Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty." – Socrates

    "Communism can be summed up in one sentence: The abolition of private property." ---Karl Marx

    "Either you have the right to own property, or you are property." Wayne Hage

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    Tumbleweed (6th June 2020)

  8. #16
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by woodman View Post
    we may come up with all sorts of definitions and clever twists of reasoning, but at the end of the day, we are subject to the external forces that make up so much of what we deal with during each day.

    Conclusion: Reality is a bitch; deal with it!
    I know that it is your conscious mind that struggles with the concept that others are responsible but here is the premise: You are either responsible for everything or you are responsible for nothing. In the realm of responsibility there are no shades of gray. Now how the mechanism actually works is a topic for the subconscious. You will never ever understand how this works although it can be fun to try. The carrot is that your conscious mind believes that if it knew how the universe works it could have all the ice cream it craves.

  9. #17
    Unobtanium Shami-Amourae's Avatar
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    White people now must wash the feet of the Holy Nigger (KFC Be Upon Them) to repent of our sins of being White.

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    woodman (8th June 2020)

  11. #18
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by Shami-Amourae View Post
    White people now must wash the feet of the Holy Nigger (KFC Be Upon Them)
    That there is some funny shit! If someone tried to wash my feet I would kick their ass! What kind of an asshole would sit still for that type of bootlicking. I mean really! Bootlicking!
    Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty." – Socrates

    "Communism can be summed up in one sentence: The abolition of private property." ---Karl Marx

    "Either you have the right to own property, or you are property." Wayne Hage

  12. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to woodman For This Useful Post:

    Hitch (9th June 2020),midnight rambler (8th June 2020)

  13. #19
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    Quote Originally Posted by EE_ View Post
    Drew Brees is a pussy. I hope all American patriots are done with nigger ball, NFL NBA. Let their own people support their PC sport.
    He's got a cunt of a wife too.

    ‘WE ARE THE PROBLEM’: Drew Brees’ Wife Claims ‘White America’ Is ‘Not Looking for Racial Prejudice’

    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

  14. #20
    .999 Unobtanium Horn's Avatar
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    Re: Viral Nigger Worship over George Floyd

    "Among the many athletes and media who attacked Brees, was LeBron James, who expressed shock that the quarterback wouldn’t understand why players would kneel during the anthem."
    key note: Understand does not mean agree.

    key fault: A lack of understanding

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