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Thread: Jewish Ritual Murder

  1. #61
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Here's a link and an excerpt from and article about satanists wearing red shoes when they are doing human sacrifices.

    So why are red shoes a big deal?

    Because it is a Satanic symbol of child/human sacrifice. During the sacrificial rituals, the Satanists wear red shoes (claimed to be made of human leather) so when blood gets on the shoes, it does not show.
    We are all travelers through this world
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  3. #62
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

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  5. #63
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Quote Originally Posted by PatColo View Post
    aww, it's all just another anti-Shlomoic canard!

    wiki: "Doctors' Plot"
    Seems more legit post 2020 scamdemic.
    Microsoft web browser I'm using is refusing to access Daryl Bradford Smith's web-site in an unusual way, not sure if the site is still up or not. Stalin - The Doctor's Plot
    The 5 months between the Nineteenth Congress in October 1952 and Stalin's death in March 1953 witnessed the first phase of a new purge which would certainly have attained large proportions and destroyed thousands of suspected but innocent persons if Stalin had remained alive...

    Stalin's second Great Terror probably had motivations similar to the first. From 1936 to 1939, Stalin blotted out the memory of other Old Bolsheviks, laying a convenient foundation for his own "cult of personality." Stalin's purges left behind few key players from the October 1917 events and the unfolding history of Bolshevik rule thereafter. The slate was clean for a new history of Soviet communism. A second round of Terror would erase Stalin's collaborators in the Great Patriotic War, eliminating all who might recall a narrative other than the wise leadership of the Great Stalin.

    The main novelty of the new purge was the fact that it was coupled with an anti-Semitic drive of tremendous scope. In the fall of 1944 at a meeting in the Kremlin, there was talk about the "Jewish problem" and calls for "increased vigilance", after which the appointment of Jews to high positions became difficult...

    As a measure of repression, Jewish professors were quietly being dropped from their university posts. Many Jewish writers, including a number who long since had adopted Russian names, found that editors no longer desired their contributions, and critical articles appeared in the press, attacking persons who hid their true identity under pen names and giving lists of such Jewish writers...

    In mid-January 1953 the Soviet government announced the discovery of a plot of physicians against the leaders of the Communist party ; almost all of the physicians involved were Jews. The case of the "doctors' plot' was concocted on Stalin's orders in the winter of 1952-53 by the then Minister of State Security, S.D.Ignatiev, and his deputy, Ryumin. Several dozen of the leading doctors in Moscow were arrested [the number crucially mentioned was 16], headed by the top specialists of the Kremlin hospital who treated Stalin and all the Soviet chieftains. They were officially charged with using improper medical techniques in order to murder their patients. Specifically, they were accused of having poisoned Andrei A. Zhdanov and Alexander S. Shcherbakov and of attempting to poison Marshals Konev, Vasilevsky, Govorov and others.

    The first official announcement of the case appeared on 13 January 1953 in Pravda and Izvestia...

    The heaviest run of cases was in the Ukraine — that old seedbed of anti-Semitism. It was also Khrushchev's territory. First came the exposure and arrests of the Jews. Then the drumfire was laid down against the Party organizations which had permitted the "corruption." The target quickly broadened out. Khrushchev was involved because his Party chiefs were being attacked. Beria was involved because of the security angle. Mikoyan was involved deeper and deeper because of the alleged scandals in the trade organizations...

    At the height of the new purge Stalin fell ill. He died on March 5, 1953. His death was officially ascribed to a brain hemorrhage; the illness and death bulletins were signed by a number of doctors and ministers. Khrushchev Says Stalin Fabricated Anti-Jewish “Doctors Plot”
    JUNE 5, 1956
    The State Department released today the full text of the speech which Nikita Khrushchev delivered at the Communist Party congress in Moscow on February 24, denouncing Josef Stalin and revealing that it was Stalin himself who had fabricated the notorious "doctors plot" in which eleven doctors were arrested on charges of serving as "agents" of American Jewish organizations and plotting against the Soviet regime.

    Let us recall the ‘affair of the doctors-plotters,’ " Mr. Khrushchev is quoted as telling the Communist Party congress. "Actually there was no ‘affair’ outside of the declaration of the woman doctor Timashuk, who was probably influenced or ordered by someone to write to Stalin a letter in which she declared that doctors were applying supposedly improper methods of medical treatment...

    This ignominous ‘case’ was set up by Stalin; he did not, however, have time in which to bring it to an end. He died just in time for an honest examination to be made of the case. As a result, all the doctors are still alive and back at their former jobs."
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

  6. #64
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    A couple of links here to videos and links to view them. Don't know if this will work but here goes.

    A documentary that you can download that's pretty good.

    Jewish Ritual Murder.mp4
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    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  7. #65
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    Re: Jewish Ritual Murder

    Author Ariel Toaff was son of Chief rabbi in Rome and a professor of Jewish and Medieval history in Israel. (I have to give it to some of these Israeli history professors who actually tell the truth--same for Schlomo Sand, also an Israeli history professor, who no longer wants to be Israeli or maybe even a Jew b/c they are so racist, wrote a book saying their history is BS, they are an invented people).

    If you don't have time for the whole book, just check out page 5, lower right hand side "On the text"--he also says that Jews kidnapped and castrated Christian boys on large scale (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Blood Passover - The Jews Of Europe And Ritual Murder - Ariel Toaff

    Jews are still out there on twitter denying the latest allegations of them again stealing Palestinian organs (they also have a skin bank and steal their skin), and this Jew was saying it was "blood libel" just like in the middle ages when they were accused of ritual murder


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  9. #66
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    We are all travelers through this world
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    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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