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  1. #1
    Great Value Carrots
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    List of demonyms for US states and territories

    This is a list of demonyms used to designate the citizens of specific states, federal district, and territories of the United States of America. Official English-language demonyms are established by the United States Government Publishing Office (USGPO);[1] however, many other terms are in common use.

    Alabama Alabamian Alabaman[2]
    Alaska Alaskan Russian: аляскинец, romanized: alyaskinets[3]
    American Samoa American Samoan Samoan: Amerika Samoa
    Arizona Arizonan Arizonian[4] Spanish: Arizonense
    Arkansas Arkansan Arkansasan, Arkansawyer,[5] Arkie[6]
    Californian Prune Picker,[7][8][9][10][11][12]

    Spanish: Californio, Californiano, californiana
    Colorado Coloradan Coloradoan[13][14]
    Connecticut Connecticuter Connecticotian,[15] Connecticutensian,[15] Connecticuteer,[15] Connectitensian,[16] Nutmegger [17]
    Delaware Delawarean Blue Hen's Chicken,[18] Muskrat[18]
    District of Columbia Washingtonian
    Florida Floridian Alligator,[19] Fly-Up-the-Creek[19] Spanish: Floridiano, floridiana
    Georgia (U.S. state) Georgia Georgian Buzzard, Cracker, Goober-grabber[20]
    Guam Guamanian Chamorro: Tåotåo Guåhån
    Hawaii Hawaii resident Islander,[21] Kamaʻāina. The Associated Press Stylebook restricts use of "Hawaiian" to people of Native Hawaiian descent.[22] Hawaiian: Kamaʻāina
    Idaho Idahoan
    Illinois Illinoisan Illinoisian, Illinoian, Flatlander,[23] Sucker, Sand-hiller, Egyptian[24]
    Indiana Hoosier Indianan (former GPO demonym replaced by Hoosier in 2016),[1] Indianian (archaic)[25]
    Iowa Iowan Hawkeye[26]
    Kansas Kansan Grasshopper, Jayhawker, Sunflower[27]
    Kentucky Kentuckian Corncracker,[28] Kentuckyan
    Louisiana Louisianian Louisianan French: Louisianais Spanish: Luisiano, luisiana
    Maine Mainer Down Easter or Downeaster,[29] Mainiac,[30] Yankee (rare)
    Maryland Marylander
    Massachusettsan Bay Stater (official term used by state government) and Citizen of the Commonwealth (identifier used in state law)[31] Massachusettsian,[32] Massachusite,[33][34] Masshole (derogatory[35] as an exonym; however, it can be affectionate when applied as an endonym[36])
    Michigan Michiganian Michigander,[37] Wolverine,[38][39] Michiganite, Yooper/Troll (for residents of the Upper Peninsula and Lower Peninsula, respectively),[40] Michigoose (used specifically for female residents, as a play on "Michigander")[40]
    Minnesota Minnesotan Minne
    Mississippi Mississippian
    Missouri Missourian Missouran French: Missourien Spanish: Misuriano
    Montana Montanan
    Nebraska Nebraskan Bugeaters (fake) or Cornhuskers[41]
    Nevada Nevadan
    New Hampshire New Hampshirite New Hampshireman or New Hampshirewoman, Granite Stater, Granite Boys[42]
    New Jersey New Jerseyan New Jerseyite
    New Mexico New Mexican Spanish: Neomexicano, neomexicana, Neomejicano, neomejicana[43]
    New York (state) New York New Yorker Knickerbocker[44][45] Spanish: Neoyorquino, neoyorquina
    North Carolina North Carolinian Tar Heel, Tar Boiler[46] Spanish: Norcarolino, norcarolina
    North Dakota North Dakotan Spanish: Nordakotense
    Northern Mariana Islands Mariana Islander Chamorro: Tåotåo Mariånas
    Ohio Ohioan Buckeye[47] Ohian[48]
    Oklahoma Oklahoman Okie,[49] Sooner[50]
    Oregon Oregonian
    Pennsylvania Pennsylvanian Penn, Quaker, Pennamite[51] Pennsylvania Dutch: Pennsylvanier[52]
    Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Boricua[53] Spanish: Puertorriqueño, puertorriqueña
    Rhode Island Rhode Islander Swamp Yankee[54]
    South Carolina South Carolinian Sandlapper[55] Spanish: Sudcarolino, sudcarolina
    South Dakota South Dakotan Spanish: Sudakotense
    Tennessee Tennessean Volunteer, Butternut[56] Big Bender
    Texas Texan Texian (Anglo-Texan - historical),[57] Tejano (Hispano-Texan), Texican (archaic) Spanish: Texano, texanaSpanish: Tejano, tejana
    Utah Utahn Utahian, Utahan
    Vermont Vermonter Woodchuck[58]
    United States Virgin Islands Virgin Islands Virgin Islander
    Virginia Virginian
    Washington (state) Washington Washingtonian
    West Virginia West Virginian Mountaineer
    Wisconsin Wisconsinite Badger,[59] Cheesehead,[60][61] Sconnie,[62] Wisconsonian, Wisconsese
    Wyoming Wyomingite

    *** This list also appears in the USGPO STYLE MANUAL and the latest version uses DEMONYM as synonym with NATIONALITY. I have several copies of this manual going back to the 1930s and this Greek idea of DEMONYM never made it to any of them.

    If you are lucky you won't be a Prune Picker or Masshole.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to ziero0 For This Useful Post:

    osoab (18th February 2025)

  3. #2
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    A few are missing..

    Iowa - Suckeyes Can also work for Ohio.

    Michigan - Meatchicken

    Indiana - Loosiers

    West Virginia - West By God Virginia

    Missouri - Mizzery and Missorah
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

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    ziero0 (19th February 2025)

  5. #3
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Kansas, Indiana, and Mizzery
    “Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses. It is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
    H.L. Mencken

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
    H. L. Mencken

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to osoab For This Useful Post:

    ziero0 (19th February 2025)

  7. #4
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    American is listed elsewhere as U.S. nationality/demonym

  8. #5
    Great Value Carrots JDRock's Avatar
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    how ironic that "west va" seceded from virginia in violation of the constitution, while a war was being fought over the lawful seceding of the south.

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to JDRock For This Useful Post:

    monty (26th February 2025),osoab (20th February 2025)

  10. #6
    Great Value Carrots
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDRock View Post
    how ironic that "west va" seceded from virginia in violation of the constitution, while a war was being fought over the lawful seceding of the south.
    1215 while you may have heard of Magna Carta . The Law of the Forest occurred at the same time and it provides

    A Forest might completely enclose a park warren or chase yet these are not subject to Forest law because they lack one of the elements of a Forest.

    I am suggesting that the Forest is established by a tacit agreement called a constitution while the several States are lacking at least one major element of being considered federal.

    A warren can be split in two or three and none of these will be subject to federal law. The "Forest" has no say.

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