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Thread: Fuck you bob dylan

  1. #21
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Look out kid, it's something you did
    some brown skinned coon gonna hit you in da head
    Civil rights for you and a chicken for your pot
    Ruth Ginsberg Bader
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heimdhal View Post
    Come Gather Round People,
    wherever you roam
    And suck on Obamas kosher black stones
    If your country to you is worth saving
    Then you better start praising
    the one that is god
    Bob Dylan, a usefull Jew

    Praise him, the saviour
    Who set us all free
    and be sure you say thank you
    when you're on your knees

    Ah fuck it, I cant even finish it, I want the worst for them all.

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  2. #22
    Platinum Uncle Salty's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Fuck you zimmerman! You dick.
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  3. #23
    Hatha Sunahara's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    You think Lady Gaga is any different? TPTB cultivate anybody who has talent to work for them in exchange for rewards. You can have a ton of talent, but you won't be a success unless you work for them--you won't even be heard from by anybody beyond your voice. Dylan channeled rebellious kids to where it wasn't dangerous.

    Cosmic justice is getting what you deserve.

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  5. #24
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    CBS, TPTB outlet, Luciferian hub of much evil, interviews Bob Dylan:

    End of the interview:


    His success, however, has lasted a long time. Dylan is still performing all of his songs on tour, and he says he doesn't take any of it for granted.

    So why is he still out there?

    "It goes back to that destiny thing. I mean, I made a bargain with it, you know, long time ago. And I'm holding up my end … to get where I am now," says Dylan.

    And with whom did he make the bargain? "With the chief commander," says Dylan, laughing. "In this earth and in the world we can't see."


  6. #25
    Great Value Carrots LuckyStrike's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by Sui Juris View Post
    Oh they are my words, i will confess to you your Majesty.

    I was describing what Dylan and the majority of people would have considered him back then. I also used some sarcasm to boot but maybe you didnt catch it?

    But not once did i use the words 'Pro Integration', and Im not even sure where you pulled that out from? I guess i used the term 'Civil Rights' and you went directly to a race issue. Are you one of those 'racist' i keep hearing about? LOL

    As a matter of fact, i cant even see where anything i said EVER even remotely mentions ANYTHING to do with 'Pro integration'. Holy fuck man.

    Civil Rights was about STEALING all of Americans true BirthRight from their Creator, and replacing it with 'Civil (Government) Privileges'. (Which fucked the white man) They used race to accomplish this, because they knew this was an easy issue to manipulate. Much like 'Abolishing Involuntary Servitude' (Which fucked the white man) in the 1860's.

    You act as though Government is good as long as your white and the Government is white. WELL YOUR WRONG. Government is here to kill you. No matter what color you are. (If you were a certain Tribe it might help though.)

    Hmmm.....Interesting......1860's = Slavery. 1960's = Civil Rights.

    Toodles LS
    In the OP you were trying to act like in the past he was something other than a marxist agitator, indeed a good guy. You act surprised that he is "selling out" now as if he was a crusader in the past. You act like he was "anti establishment" and that it was a good thing back then. The only "establishment" that he has ever been against is White Western Society, Christian Society and he has been this from day one.

    If you think the "civil rights movement" of the 60's was anything but a 100% jewish marxist subversion of Western Civilization you are delusional.

    So yeah, fuck the new bob zimmerman because he is the same as the old one.

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  7. #26
    Great Value Carrots LuckyStrike's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by k-os View Post
    So much for my dream forum. Hahaha. (But I do understand why you lash out.)
    I understand your idea of a dream forum, and I do like hearing other points of view, but some things are not a matter of opinion they are a matter of fact, this issue is one of the latter.

    If you had said you wanted people to be kinder in their approaches I wouldn't have used profanity, you have to be specific on this whole dream forum thing.

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  8. #27
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Quote Originally Posted by ShortJohnSilver View Post
    CBS, TPTB outlet, Luciferian hub of much evil, interviews Bob Dylan:

    End of the interview:


    His success, however, has lasted a long time. Dylan is still performing all of his songs on tour, and he says he doesn't take any of it for granted.

    So why is he still out there?

    "It goes back to that destiny thing. I mean, I made a bargain with it, you know, long time ago. And I'm holding up my end … to get where I am now," says Dylan.

    And with whom did he make the bargain? "With the chief commander," says Dylan, laughing. "In this earth and in the world we can't see."

    So from his own mouth, just like Madona and Gaga, who have also admitted/alluded that they too have made such deals.
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  9. #28
    Great Value Carrots willie pete's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    I never did like dylan and always failed to see the big draw in him....
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  10. #29
    Great Value Chinese Military Shovel TheNocturnalEgyptian's Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    My friend started a band called Blob Dylan. Do with that what you will.
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  11. #30
    Great Value Carrots Silver Rocket Bitches!'s Avatar
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    Re: Fuck you bob dylan

    Bob Dylan sold his soul. His own words.

    everything we learn changes that which we know to be true

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